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The world needs more Zak McKracken.
@BenBrocka Yeah, I'm quite impressed with this.
Q: How does a Hive heal?

SimonLWhen injured, Kharaa lifeforms can move to a Hive and be healed. Damaged Kharaa structures in the vicinity of a Hive will also be healed. During game play, it appears that the Hive heals differently than the Crag. How much and at what rate does the Hive heal? Is there a limit to how many player...

Q: Can we no longer improve suggested edits?

FluttershyI used to be able to Improve suggested edits if they were better, but I noticed some typo or somesuch. It even had a check box for "This edit was helpful" or something to that effect, thus giving credit to the original editor as a helpful edit. However, I just noticed I can't do that anymore. Al...

Q: Does weapon proficiency carry over after reclassing?

DaemonI want to reclass Lucina to an archer. Doing so would remove her class C sword proficiency and replace it with class E in bows. But if I were to upgrade her to a bow knight later on, giving her the ability to use swords again, would she regain her C proficiency, or would she have to start over wi...

@Fluttershy This change that was made today would have nothing to do with whether that changes. If however, his statement was made before Disney purchased the Lucas companies a few months ago... well, it's possible, but todays news really has nothing to do with that.
@BenBrocka Oh. My Goodness. I didn't before, but you guys talking about it are making me want Skullgirls.
Stop it.
@Coronus Why? It's a good game. You should get it.
I'll be stopping because I'm gonna play BL2 now!
I don't even play it and I'm telling you to get it, even.
@Coronus Get iiiiit
@GraceNote I'll get in trouble because I have Gaming ADD.
@Coronus Yeah, I blame @BenBrocka for my wanting it too
@Coronus That sounds like every reason to get it then.
Aside from every other reason that exists, which is to say every reason.
Okay, I am obviously getting nothing done in my current grump, so I am going to go have a nap and hopefully be less grump.
Good luck and rest well~
@AshleyNunn Nap well!
@kalina good, morning?
don't ask
@GraceNote Thanks :)
Hi kalina
@AshleyNunn You should grump at your grump so you stop grumping
@GraceNote Why you no play it?
@BenBrocka Because I don't own it, obviously.
@GraceNote ...why you no own it?
@BenBrocka Because I haven't had an opportunity or full inclination to buy it.
@GraceNote I strongly recommend you check it out on PS3 (and fight me)
@BenBrocka This is a thing that is possible to happen.
But first I'd need to find a means so that all black frame elements of my side of the HUD would display instead in a slight off-green color.
@GraceNote I thought your eyes were just tinted slightly green
@LessPop_MoreFizz I have no idea what the hell the red/green chart is about
@BenBrocka In a short review, there are extremely few of my avatars on the sites who distinguishably even share an eye color with me.
@GraceNote I meant on the seeing side
@BenBrocka As much as that was what you meant it still didn't stop me from doing a short review.
@BenBrocka Rate of change in price I think, but I'm not really sure.
There are apparently a large amount of green eyes in the collection and that is the highest color frequency. Fancy that.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Wow. did they really jump up to $147?
@Coronus last night, briefly, I guess
@RonanForman hate
Thinking on it, I'm not actually sure why having green-tinted eyesight would compel me to explicitly use green-colored formatting. If anything, wouldn't it make me do the opposite since I obviously already have the green covered?
a general bewilderment about how ethics work
@LessPop_MoreFizz What caused this?
someone important die, cheat, or steal?
@tiddy No idea, I was just told Bitcoin is crashing, and lo and behold, it seems to be and that is exciting.
Well exciting if you don't have any money tied up in bitcoins
If I had to guess, probably some Euro thing, since I know recent price spikes were driven by people terrified over the whole Cyprus shenanigans.
@tiddy If you have money tied up in bitcoins in any quantity that matters, you are dumb and deserve to be laughed at for it.
Bitcoins are dumb.
@GraceNote You just seem to be overflowing with greenness
so much that it overflows and stains our poor Moderator newsletters
What the... I tried to requisition a mouse, keyboard, monitor, and dock through my companies order service, and I was told that the catalog doesn't show any keyboards that are compatible with my laptop
If I were a vegetable of my favorite colors, I'd be a pumpkin.
What the hell does that mean?
How do you manage to make a keyboard that doesn't plug into a USB port?
@LessPop_MoreFizz You agree with krugman then?
Kinda explains the whole witch thing in a sort of backwards way. Alternatively a carrot, so yes that makes my Seasoned Advice choice all the more appropriate.
@tiddy I'm not aware of Krugmans specific criticisms of bitcoin, but I agree with him much more often than not.
Krugman seems super smart and tends to explain things pretty well
that, and a Nobel Prize tend to make me think you know what you're talking about unless I have reasonably strong reasons to believe otherwise
Reiterating the fact that the point of bitcoins as a currency shouldn't be to have many in the effort to become wealthy, but to facilitate transactions
@tiddy That is one of the many very important reasons that Bitcoins are Dumb.
@GraceNote What about a delicious orange? Or is that too overt?
Well so is derivative trading, but im not an economist
@OrigamiRobot It's not a vegetable.
Oh, I missed that word.
A very important word indeed.
They're orange and green in color, like pumpkins.
@ShotgunNinja See the second line.
Oh right.
I actually used carrot the first time around I made this point, but given my reputation here I figured I'd go with pumpkin.
@ShotgunNinja What's your MC username?
@RonanForman It's either shotgunninja, shotgun_ninja, or shotgunninja0, I can't remember.
I believe it's the one with the underscore.
@fredley Are these your big pants?
@jeffreylin_ Fredy != fredley
That's a nice font.
Do you get banned if you're having fun on the Bridge?
implies that, yes.
Hello, is @AshleyNunn around?
@Aarthi I'm not sure if @AshleyNunn is still around
She was overgrumped so she took a nap.
We should probably ping @AshleyNunn to find out
Go on, ping @AshleyNunn a bit more, guys.
Just so @AshleyNunn has a bunch of pings when she wakes up
@FEichinger Well, maybe we shouldn't ping @AshleyNunn too much
I see. Well, no biggie. I'll come back later. I just wanted to see if she received my email. :)
We should be nice to @AshleyNunn
@SaintWacko No, I think @AshleyNunn is hiding from the world right now.
I'm imagining @AshleyNunn's computer sitting there going "plunk. plunk. plunk. plunk."
Wait, why are we pinging @AshleyNunn?
@SaintWacko I'm never nice to @AshleyNunn ... She's never nice to me either! D:
@ShotgunNinja We are pinging @AshleyNunn because reasons.
@ShotgunNinja We're just trying to get @AshleyNunn's attention
I'm nice to @AshleyNunn
needs to die.
I'm certain @AshleyNunn appreciates all of my pings.
@ShotgunNinja Why wouldn't @AshleyNunn?
Maybe @AshleyNunn can tell us how high the notification number gets
Pinging @AshleyNunn is !
@Coronus Because @AshleyNunn is @AshleyNunn, and generally doesn't appreciate such things.
@ShotgunNinja Double-pinging @AshleyNunn doesn't work, I'm afraid.
@FEichinger Flagged. We don't allow fun here.
This is a professional help website, not a toy.
@ShotgunNinja I didn't endorse pinging @AshleyNunn, I just stated that it is, in fact, . :P
@FEichinger Yes, and I'm saying that is the only kind of fun allowed.
@ShotgunNinja Also: C-c-c-ombo breaker!
Also, @AshleyNunn.
@Sconibulus It's essentially unbounded, folks have hit 4 digits in the past.
@GraceNote That's slightly terrifying...
Can we get mod deleted? Every question with the tag has another valid tag.
@ShotgunNinja Flagging the statement is inappropriate then, though. :P
I feel that maybe it should switch to "Many" at 10, and "Lots" at 20, so we can feel trollish
@Sconibulus No. It's awesome.
insert coin
@FEichinger I wonder what @AshleyNunn has to say about all of this.
@ShotgunNinja Well, we'll have to wait for @AshleyNunn to come back and respond then.
haha who made this insert coin thing? :D
insert coin
blowing my goddamn mind
@OrigamiRobot Only devs can delete tags. Should probably just slowly prune what's left
@BenBrocka Ugh, I thought mods could do it. I hate bumping 16 old questions.
Q: In Dead Island, what changes occur in new game+?

NiteCyperAcceptable: In particular, I want to know how prices are affected. Someone asserted that diamonds sell for more ($1.65K) rather than $1.5K because of how many times that they've beaten the game. I am otherwise familiar with the end-game.

Q: What are the benefits of having the Nissan Leaf DLC?

teeoneWhat are the benefits and drawbacks of the free Nissan Leaf DLC running in your city? Are they pure park n rides? Or are they more like a park? Do citizens commute there only from their homes? Do they decrease land value like a bus terminal does? Who drives there: workers, shoppers, students, etc...

@Lazers None for you. Advertisement revenue for EA.
@FEichinger It's their creative vision
13 new reopen reviewers today and I was too busy creating a database T_T
@BenBrocka If they have as much integrity with this "vision" as with the ME3 one, we'll see a "Single-Player Expansion for SimCity" soon, probably with either an added fee or a name like "McDonald's Special Edition" ...
Choose what color your disasters are
@FEichinger There are quite a few benefits to the player - the main downside of course, being the complete loss of any sort of integrity or agency.
@LessPop_MoreFizz You assume anyone who still buys EA games has any of those.
@FEichinger This DLC could have been the last straw.
I ... I think we're on to something here.
@Lazers Oh, wow, they sold out that badly?
EA maintains itself through absorbing the integrity of its customers.
@SaintWacko Yep. They went full retard. You never go full retard.
Do we really need to edit the name out of the title on closed questions?
@OrigamiRobot Do we really need to edit anything on closed questions that are already on the train to the glue factory, even if they haven't quite arrived there?
(And yet, people do. All the time.)
@LessPop_MoreFizz How long do they have to live?
Well, this was a dupe, so it's not going to be deleted. Still
@Coronus 3 votes
@badp Not always.
@OrigamiRobot Some voters are more equal than others, if that's what you mean.
I am aware. Just saying sometimes it takes more than 3.
@OrigamiRobot Not really, don't polish a turd that's going to be deleted soon. (Though as I see this is about a duplicate, it makes more sense there)
@GraceNote seriously though, if you have a PS3 I can help you learn Skullgirls. It's definitely worth a try
@LessPop_MoreFizz awww I was late for the fireworks.
If something's closed for unclear, couldn't editing it to be more clear be helpful?
And maybe a candidate for reopening?
thanks for the replay, LessPop.
aw it was just on my monitor.
or was it
meh, shit's confusing.
@BenBrocka Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe...
@GraceNote ?
@BenBrocka She was the timer the whole time. It was her.
@GraceNote was the turkey all along?!
@badp Whoa, 120 now
@SaintWacko It's really jumping all over the place
and again
@badp Geez
@badp Why does it jump around so much? Doesn't seem right for a currency
I wonder why it's crashing
Simply, it seems that somebody is dumping a ton of bitcoins for cheap.
The scale of that graph is 10 minutes.
@BenBrocka No further comment lest I paint myself even more pompous than I already appear.
@GraceNote I hate to be the one to tell you, but pompous isn't actually a synonym of crazy
That said it's, like, kind of a bleep on the radar
@BenBrocka It's more synonymous to braggart, full-of-one's-self, and other terms I usually avoid getting labelled with.
@badp It's just like back in March. Probably gonna go down a bit and continue to head straaaaaight up right after.
@FEichinger It was never above 100 in March, if that chart is trustworthy.
@badp I don't mean the value being just like in March, the "crash".
honestly I don't know how anybody can take a currency that grows like that seriously anyway
Once upon a time, a guy bragged about buying a pizza for 11,000 bitcoins. That forum post was resurfaced lately.
Because a few people got cheap Bitcoin at the start, hyped it, and caused what we see now.
@badp lol
@FEichinger That is the sign of a bullshit economy you should not buy into.
If he had only held onto those bitcoins...
He could have sold them for over a million dollars today.
@badp Back then, you should. By now, you should be ready to get rid of them, though.
In other words - if this is what "controlled, predictable inflation" looks like... fuck that.
@badp Once again the sandwich heavy portfolio pays off for the hungry investor!
What a coincidence, my coworker just tried to talk to me about bitcoins.
I still don't understand bitcoins.
@badp It used to be controlled and predictable. I still don't know just what happened to cause that spike.
The first casualty of Disney buying LucasFilm happened today. They've gone and shut down LucasArts.
@StrixVaria They're like hats that drop from an item server, but you can slice them up very thin and they drop less and less often until they stop dropping at all forever.
...and by dropping I mean you have to craft them yourself with super complicated cryptography magicks that still are too expensive for that bitcoin to repay for. (argh English)
LucasArts hasn't been very solid for years
@StrixVaria Pretend you made up a thing and said that thing was worth money. That is bitcoins
Bitcoin, at the beginning, literally was currency out of thin air.
@OrigamiRobot Oh, I do that with my kids all the time, we just never had a site with fancy charts.
In the beginning, The Programmer said, "Let there be value!" And there was.
These sure do sound useful!
@FEichinger Speculative bubble from idiots terrified about the impending doom of the Euro mostly.
What the hell do all of you think our money is
@tiddy Our currency originated as physical value. Inflation turned it into scrap metal with 100s on them.
At least if my money loses all value, it's still a tangible object that can be used for something.
Bitcoin literally was thin-air, start to finish.
currency originated from trading goods
I keep reading bitcoin as bacon. I'm hungry now. brb.
@LessPop_MoreFizz wordpress now too
We should get off central currency anyway
Which was the first thing I heard of which you could actually buy with bitcoins; it actually sounded kinda cool for them since it allows purchases from countries they can't accept credit cards from
@tiddy Our money is a value system where people can fix shit when shit goes wrong. Bitcoin is a value system where the gas pedal is stuck to the metal, nobody is in the car and we can only sit pretty and watch the thing crash spectacularly.
Hmm, I do enjoy a good explosion.
I don't know what that means
It means that a currency that looks like this:
...is absolutely, completely, positively useless.
The US was close to literally printing a trillion dollar coin
@OrigamiRobot So it's like TrappBucks
It's only good for owning.
@tiddy Unrelated.
oh heyyyy, look what I found in the couch
Absolutely. Entirely. Unrelated.
I know deep down
Why spend your bitcoin today when it'll be worth 10 times as much in a year?
@StrixVaria Yes, except I'd rather have Trappbucks than Bitcoins.
But it's a lightning rod
@tiddy Awww 20 dollars? I wanted a peanut!
10 times as much
@badp 10? Closer to 100.
@tiddy The key distinguishing factor of government backed fiat currencies is it's usefulness for the payment of debts to the government - which is to say, taxes.
All other legitimacy follows from that.
@FEichinger Well, okay, 10 times as much in 4 months
December 2012-April 2013 looks 10fold to me
@tiddy No, it isn't. That has nothing to do with the topic at hand.
@badp You pretty much have to consider Feb 1 '13 the new zero.
At any rate, nobody in their right mind would be foolish enough to spend bitcoins.
@FEichinger I didn't know we had an 18 year german economist in here
and if I'm not recalling wrong, that's called deflation.
Hey everyone, I have just invented Bytecoins. They are worth 8 times as much as a Bitcoin. Get em while they're hot!
Teach me
@badp So that guy who tipped his waitress in bitcoins was actually a hero!
@tiddy Cut the passive-aggressive bullshit, will ya?
@OrigamiRobot Mmm, BBQCoins.
Even more delicious while hot.
Hmm, so if Disney is now just licensing out former LucasArts properties, does this mean someone else can get the rights to Monkey Island or Day of the Tentacle and do stuff with it?
@Powerlord Monkey Island and DotT are your priorities? Grim Fandango remake!
@Powerlord Only if Disney wants to sell or lease those rights. Which, to date, they've shown no more inclination of doing than LucasArts.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yes, but prior to today, LucasArts still existed and Disney didn't outright say "we've decided to shift LucasArts from an internal development to a licensing model"
Unfortunately, the full quote is this
> After evaluating our position in the games market, we've decided to shift LucasArts from an internal development to a licensing model, minimizing the company's risk while achieving a broader portfolio of quality Star Wars games.
@Powerlord "Starfield Wars XIII-3"
Calling it now.
@FEichinger You do realize that the in-development project that was just canned was very nearly titled just that?
The same stuff the new Star Trek game does.
@LessPop_MoreFizz That was the intention.
aaaand down to 110 we go
...out of curiosity, with all the milling in here about Bitcoin, does anyone partaking in this even have a stock in this?
@Powerlord (We want everyone else to do the work for us. Our games might not sell! You all make better games anyway.)
@GraceNote Had a few fractions of a bitcoin once. Lost the wallet. Stopped bothering.
@badp Same here.
@badp You can have fractions of a coin? Huh.
@GraceNote Yes. Bitcoins can be split into tiny amounts.
@GraceNote The real unit IIRC is the hundredth of a microbitcoin
@Powerlord I mentioned this earlier! =P
@badp Is that a millionth of a bitcoin or just a really tiny bitcoin?
The former
@GraceNote Since bitcoins aren't physical, it's both, but only due to the inability to invalidate the latter.
@FEichinger I more meant the latter as not being potential to equal the former, or more accurately distinct from it, so if it's the former than it is the former regardless of its capability to satisfy the latter.
So yeah, it doesn't get any smaller than 10 nanobitcoins.
@GraceNote :P
@FEichinger You can only craft bitcoins whole, can't you?
@badp I'm really not sure. I think it was .01 at some point.
Someone made a 37,000 bitcoin(~$4.2 million) transaction today, and two e-wallets were hacked too.
@FEichinger I wonder how much those orphaned bitcoins sum up to.
Yea right, Bitcoins are 100% secure and anonymous and are the future.
@badp You can only mine them in chunks of 25.
@Ullallulloo Corrected is where I stand.
@badp Probably an awful lot by now.
It used to be 50, but they thought the inflation was too high.
@Ullallulloo well, I hope they're happy with the current trends.
(Well. Of course they are, since they mined all the earliest, easiest bitcoins. Yay corruption!)
(Whoever "they" are.)
@OrigamiRobot Huh, I had forgotten about that.
Obviously we are awesome and the Internet as a whole is better because of us.
That it is.
"Mtgox trading engine lag: 641.31s" yeeeep. Nothing troubling about this.
@OrigamiRobot How did that site even get anywhere?
@FEichinger Because Bitcoins are confusing?
Q: Where can I Buy any Single Pizza Using Bitcoins?

ShowMeTheMoneyI would like to purchace this notorious Pizza that is talked about , I would like that the bitcoin not be a come-on for a coupon for a pizza, but an actual pizza that I can eat? Can I buy a Pizza directly and wholey without any additional cash or credit added with a Bitcoin? or only a virtual e...

I asked two questions and thought "This is dumb" and left.
@FEichinger It's actually doing extremely well, especially since the start of this year. Traffic increased by an order of magnitude.
Q: How does Bitcoin "inventor" makes money?

PandastewOther than by having a non existent digital code become currency and riding on seeing the previously no-value cash become more valuable, how does the Inventors of Bitcoin profit from developing Bitcoin in the first place?

@FEichinger I was about to link to that, too.
Is Bitcoins.SE the next SFF? :P
@badp Did you hear that? It was the sound of my skull hitting the wall.
@FEichinger Are you my cat? She meowed as I readjusted my legs around her claws.
If you are please tell me what the hell do you want already.
@badp ... Maybe?
@badp I have been making fun of Bitcoin.se since it was a proposal.
Q: Any Stock Trading using Bitcoin?

PandastewI would imagine Bitcoin is the perfect tool for students to learn about economic and learn about investing. Any out there available yet?

Humans are a fascinating species.
@FEichinger This question actually sounds reasonable. What little I know about currencies makes me really concerned about bitcoins.
the part where they ask if there's any website that would be the perfect tool for students to make bitcoins an awesome case study in how not to run an economy
@badp 'xactly.
A: How does Bitcoin "inventor" makes money?

LohorisIf they were wise, they would have mined a lot of them in the early times, and could easily sell now some for hard currencies. Currently there is the Bitcoin Foundation who pays Gavin, who is the head developer.

He says, non-sarcastically, as if that was a good thing in the greater scheme.
@FEichinger ...for the devs it certainly is.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Accurate.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Funny. :) Daenerys has some serious ... lapses of judgement, even later on in the books, and can be slightly single-minded. There's hope Selmy can help her to grow up, but with those books, you never know. :D
BTW, I love that Ciarán Hinds plays Mance. I'm a big fan of him since I saw him as Caesar in Rome.
Guess so
@GraceNote "Bad pun corner" of the Internet.
I see.
> I want to see a Dany cosplayer stomping around a con like this.
I agree
Oh, that's from that.
Kinda more remember the latter point of that scene. Since that's what gets repeated the most around here.
@OrigamiRobot and @BenBrocka Wanna help me kill Terramorphus tonight?
Q: How can I play League of Legends on EUNE using German client?

BehriI want to use LoL client that is in German, but Nordic-East server does not have the language option of German. Only West server does. How can I change clients language to German for Nordic-East server?

Q: Calling neighbours issue?

TheAceWhenever I try to call a neighbour I almost always get yelled at and they hang up immediately.I'm not calling them late in the night. What am I doing wrong?

@LessPop_MoreFizz Boink!
@Fluttershy sure
@BenBrocka Can we do it with just three people?
Oh wait.. It's Wednesday. @OrigamiRobot has comic book night or something. =(
@Fluttershy If we do playthrough 1 I can probably solo it even with 2 player difficulty
@BenBrocka Oh. Well... Alright then. I'd imagine the loot wouldn't be as good though, right?

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