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True dat
@Fluttershy I don't recall saying you couldn't not talk until then. I only said you couldn't not talk.
Anyways, lunch time!
@OrigamiRobot You didn't specify a time one way or the other, so... I still win.
@Fluttershy I definitely never opposed that you wouldn't be the 1m message.
So you win against yourself. Grats.
Yayy! =D
So, question: Why is there no cartoons.stackexchange.com?
@ShotgunNinja I think there was something in Area51, but never went anywhere.
Do you mean drawing or watching/reading cartoons anyhow?
I mean, similar to the Anime/Manga SE site, but not localized to Japanese content.
Watching and enjoying cartoons.
inb4 "Because of Tumblr and Reddit, lol"
@ShotgunNinja TV and Movies
Oh nice. My question is still the second-to-highest voted question on that site.
@ShotgunNinja Is enjoying mandatory?
@RonanForman I got where I am on here by hating games.
Wait. Is enjoying games a thing that can happen? I just play them because I thought self-inflicted torture was required by law.
@StrixVaria It is.
@StrixVaria I thought it was for mental exercise.
@StrixVaria Has your world expanded?
Speaking of enjoying games, though, I'm going to go to the MH3U room now. (@OrigamiRob)
@StrixVaria ಠ_ಠ
@StrixVaria You're a monster.
I'm pretty goddamn pissed that browsing ruined a major plot point for me. Just putting that out there.
@OrigamiRobot So, go hunt!
@Brant This is why you don't check questions for new releases you haven't finished yet.
@Brant If you're worried about spoilers, ignore the tag.
I said browsing the tag, not clicking on questions about the game's ending. I'm not stupid.
@Brant Studies show that you enjoy things more when you know the ending before you start. So there's that.
@RonanForman Mandatory? What are you talking about?
@StrixVaria Agree. I become much more invested when I know how it ends because I want to know what events lead to it.
@OrigamiRobot One big exception was Ender's Game, where the twist at the end literally punched me in the face.
@StrixVaria I'm not saying I don't appreciate an unexpected twist.
There was a twist at the end of Ender's Game?
One thing that's really useful about being spoiled is that you can see all the foreshadowing on your first read/watch without having to waste the time reading/watching a second time.
Foreshadowing is badass.
Starred for truth.
@OrigamiRobot Did @spugsley tell you what I did yesterday in D3?
room topic changed to The Bridge: General Chat Room for Arqade.com. The main quarters of Arqade's SEI AskQuestion Mothership, wherein we celebrate one million messages (chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/8706905#8706905). [+meab] [arq] [-fun] [jin-fanclub] [lazers] [mod-abuse]*
@StrixVaria I'm glad Bioshock revisited the relevant foreshadowing for WYK.
@StrixVaria Nope.
Every few elite groups I would drop my BoA Plan for something or other on the ground to trick her into thinking a legendary dropped.
Hahahahahaha that is the best.
room topic changed to The Bridge: General Chat Room for Arqade.com. The main quarters of Arqade's SEI AskQuestion Mothership, wherein we celebrate one million messages (chat.stackexchange.com/messages/8706905/history). [+meab] [arq] [-fun] [jin-fanclub] [lazers] [mod-abuse]*
She got so pissed.
I'd marry you if you weren't already engaged.
@StrixVaria That is so mean.
@OrigamiRobot Right.
Living in NC would also be an issue with that plan :(
@AshleyNunn Hilarious*
@OrigamiRobot POLYGAMY!!!!!1111one
Let's all move to Utah.
I'm not aware of any states that allow two robots to wed.
@StrixVaria Why are we ALL moving? We starting up an Arqade commune?
@StrixVaria I think they outlawed it there a few years back.
Also, my ramen has radishes in it and that is weird
Radishes are weird.
They're like crunchy nothing.
@StrixVaria Are you joking? Radishes have all kinds of flavor.
@OrigamiRobot This, and they are yummy with butter and salt, all cut up
Sometimes they can be too spicy for me though.
Are we not talking about the same thing?
2 mins ago, by StrixVaria
They're like crunchy nothing.
@StrixVaria Are you thinking of turnips? I remember eating turnips but nothing about the taste.
Turnips are terrible.
I had mashed turnips once and it tasted like someone put butter on dirt.
Radishes can range from slightly spicy to super spicy.
Also @OrigamiRob my fiancee knows you as "Rob". I did not do this.
@StrixVaria ಠ_ಠ
@OrigamiRobot I should figure out radishes.
@StrixVaria I hate you regardless.
@StrixVaria Yeah turnips are ick
Step 1: Pull a radish out of the ground.
Step 2: Wash it off.
Step 3: Eat it.
11 mins ago, by OrigamiRobot
I'd marry you if you weren't already engaged.
@StrixVaria Quantum love/hate.
Q: How does difficulty inscrease in the arcade mode?

AntoI'm still playing the arcade mode in "medium hard" difficulty, a rather easy one. Why ? Because the last opponent and the special "rival" opponent ("Now, fight you rirval") seem super hard to beat, while all the previous fighters are simply ridiculeous... Does anyone know how the difficulty ...

@OrigamiRobot Those silly quantum mechanics, explaining away all oxymorons.
@Wipqozn downvotes
I've noticed that the darker a radish is, the spicier it is.
I like the new room description.
@fredley only Drake stands between us
@Ullallulloo If there weren't the spam limiter, it would be a 100% chance, because every time it posted, it would advance the count, and promptly have to post again
No one seems to have caught that, though :(
@SaintWacko Oh yeah. :P
2 hours ago, by OrigamiRobot
@kalina It will just count itself down.
@Ullallulloo That was the whole point in me proposing that :P
@OrigamiRobot Oh, okay, you did
No respect.
I so need to take the last panel of this and make it a separate image:
Or maybe just the right side of the right panel
Wait, shit, which post was 1000000?
I missed it
WAs it that youtube link which occurred 60 minutes ago? (not 1 hour, for some reason)
The pinned one with all the stars.
The related scores are now out network-wide.
related scores?
@Sconibulus The related questions list will now show the score for each question
@Powerlord Like this?
Q: How should i use janna's ultmate

Peter JessenIt's not that big of a heal and used poorly it can be a really bad thing. How should it be used in teamfights?

Q: Why won't my trade port accept deliveries?

SimFailI can import or export. But my refineries and oil wells simply won't deliver to the trade port, only trade depots.

@Ullallulloo Remember the whole thing about banning triangle flapjacks? They're allowed again :P
@AshleyNunn wtf
@AshleyNunn sigh
@Ullallulloo Yeah the whole thing was rather ridiculous
@AshleyNunn What? How dare they?! Triangle flapjacks are clearly dangerous! Those corners are deadly!
@AshleyNunn Did they realize they should actually be banning stupid people throwing objects instead?
@AshleyNunn Context?
@Lazers If you know what I'm saying
@AshleyNunn I don't understand. Flapjacks are pancakes.
Flapjacks are a type of cookie in some countries.
No, that's treason.
Actually, flapjacks are also a type of oat and nut bar.
@OrigamiRobot You can have a sharp pancake.
@AshleyNunn some of the comments on that article are funny
@kalina @RonanForman @fredley You guys are weird.
@OrigamiRobot why am I weird?
@OrigamiRobot In some countries its kinda like a granola bar thing
A flapjack, cereal bar, or granola bar is a sweet tray-baked oat bar made from rolled oats, butter, brown sugar and golden syrup. The item is known as a "flapjack" in the United Kingdom and Ireland and as a "cereal bar" in Australia and New Zealand. In other countries, including Canada, the United States, and South Africa, such products are referred to as "granola bars". In these countries, "flapjack" refers to pancakes, the original meaning of the term. Overview In the UK, Ireland, and Newfoundland a flapjack is a baked bar, cooked in a flat oven tin and cut into rectangles, made ...
> Critics have pointed out that a square flapjack has more sharp corners than a triangle shaped one.
@GraceNote I'm not debating that. I'm just saying that article is not talking about pancakes.
^ I was just about to point this out.
@kalina There are some good ones.
1 min ago, by OrigamiRobot
No, that's treason.
@kalina Flapjacks are pancakes.
@OrigamiRobot no they're not
Yes, they are.
Paul Bunyan did not eat cereal bars.
He ate fucking pancakes.
@kalina What is a man?
true, I suppose you're not noble enough to be a man
throws glass
I even called them chips, to save you the confusion
@kalina Please define chips.
@Coronus dortitos
I love Doritos.
sour cream is icky in all things...
But only Nacho Cheese.
I miss Cheeseburger Doritos.
@OrigamiRobot Taco Doritos are good, though
My brother and I spent over an hour laughing at the transcript of fredley, OrigamiRobot, and SaintWacko arguing about word choice.
Anyway, there's a Psycho TV series named Bates Motel?
@GraceNote That was a good day.
Then at PAX East, where we stayed at a hotel that had the 2nd floor on the 3rd floor, the topic came back again and we had a wild time just re-enacting it.
Now Netflix needs to get The Walking Dead season 3. That'd be awesome.
@Fluttershy I told you to watch Tokyo Gore Police.
I want Netflix to get Game of Thrones
I want to watch it, but I dislike being forced into HBO, and am too lazy to bother pirating stuff for the most part
@GraceNote link
@kalina You were in the late stages of this. All the same, it starts sometime around hereish. I never did look at the actual start.
Ah, that's how it starts.
@OrigamiRobot omg Tokyo Gore Police
@ShotgunNinja I know, he should watch it right?
@GraceNote Word choice of what?
That's one of the longest Meta answers I've ever written.
Jaffa Cakes are delicious.
@FAE Pants vs. Trousers, etc.
I ordered the largest available pack of them from a UK retailer once.
Ate them all in one day, and proceeded to get completely sick.
@GraceNote Ah, I wasn't quite here for that.
@fbueckert Aww, you name-dropped me! :D
@ShotgunNinja Theoretically, they sound amazing.
@AshleyNunn You said it better than I could've.
@fbueckert This impresses me mostly because, IIRC, I wrote it on my phone from bed at stupid o'clock when I couldn't sleep. Then again, that has become my normal, so hey, yay me :D
@ShotgunNinja Okay, that part sounds slightly less fun
Q: How do I make more skilled workers?

LerpMy industries are complaining about not enough skilled workers but my grade schools, high schools and community colleges aren't maxed out on students?

@Lazers CLONING!
@Ullallulloo You read the part where he says "It's not DRM, it's a service!"? ...
@OrigamiRobot why is it always you that starts these discussions
@GraceNote ta
Mar 11 at 13:43, by OrigamiRobot
Man, I am so glad I started this.
@kalina It was a big learning experience.
@FEichinger No, I couldn't get past the first couple paragraphs. :P
@OrigamiRobot but you learned nothing
@kalina But I did. I had no idea "vest" meant something different in the UK.
@Ullallulloo Alternately titled "Empty suit lies"
@OrigamiRobot ...
@Ullallulloo Oh, he never literally says it. It's just about everything he says.
@Ullallulloo That's got so much PR spin, it's stupid.
I love how EA just doesn't learn.
@Powerlord I wish Youtube would let you subscribe to single shows
@OrigamiRobot What's it mean there?
@Ullallulloo Undershirt.
@OrigamiRobot O_o
"Our vision" didn't fly with Mass Effect 3. Why should it fly with SimCity totally-not-5?
@badp Are you saying you don't like Geek and Sundry's other shows?
@Ullallulloo I know right!?
@OrigamiRobot Oh, dear. I shouldn't read this at work. I'm getting too much attention trying to not laugh.
@Powerlord I've never seen them and I'm not subscribing to a channel that publishes a ton of stuff just for... I don't know, one video every five?
@kalina What? I don't keep track of every single cultural difference.
@badp You've never seen The Guild, for instance?
<late>There was a flavor of Doritos they had in college that I don't even remember what it was called that was amazing and they don't make it any more and now I'm sad.</late>
@Powerlord Stopped at season three I think
The one where they have the showdown with the other guild thing.
@badp Well, Geek and Sundry has all 6 seasons on their channel, although it sounds like it's over... for now anyway.
there are 6 seasons?
@StrixVaria Yea, I liked those too.
I think I only saw 5
@Sconibulus Yep.
@OrigamiRobot The bag was brownish/yellowish/orange.
@Powerlord That doesn't really change much honestly given that you subscribe to future videos.
I can't even describe the color.
I enjoy TableTop on Geek and Sundry.
@badp True. However, Space Janitors Season 2 starts on Tuesday
@StrixVaria I'm totally lying.
Have you seen Space Janitors yet?
@AshleyNunn We have enough of those already..
I don't subscribe, though. I don't subscribe to anything on YouTube.
@AshleyNunn Gamifying the dating scene!
It's part of the problem.
@fbueckert eeeeeergh
Hit level 99, unlock the best achievement: Getting married!
Dating is already weird enough. Having had a string of terribad dates lately, I do not need a game to help me!
@FEichinger But this one helps you find twu wuv
@AshleyNunn Didn't you already find a boyfriend? :P
@fbueckert And then you get married: GAME OVER.
@AshleyNunn sounds like you need the Good Date microtransaction!
@OrigamiRobot What. What else could a flapjack possibly be but a pancake?
Also, the DRM is herpes
@Coronus No, no, you have to live through that for half a year until you can file for divorce.
@badp Well, yes, but I have to share.
29 mins ago, by Shotgun Ninja
A flapjack, cereal bar, or granola bar is a sweet tray-baked oat bar made from rolled oats, butter, brown sugar and golden syrup. The item is known as a "flapjack" in the United Kingdom and Ireland and as a "cereal bar" in Australia and New Zealand. In other countries, including Canada, the United States, and South Africa, such products are referred to as "granola bars". In these countries, "flapjack" refers to pancakes, the original meaning of the term. Overview In the UK, Ireland, and Newfoundland a flapjack is a baked bar, cooked in a flat oven tin and cut into rectangles, made ...
@FEichinger Ah, but that's not part of the dating game.
@StrixVaria a granola bar, apparently
@AshleyNunn ...oh.
Lets see if chat pulls the playlist out of that link.
@Coronus It'd be its first expansion.
@badp >.>
@OrigamiRobot GTFO with this crap.
Yay, still there.
I don't think I've ever wanted to not go to England as much as today.
@BenBrocka I see how it is, only after my money. :P
@AshleyNunn Yeh, right. No.
@Ullallulloo :(
@FEichinger BUT IT SAYS SO
You can't argue with that
England just uses ambiguous names for all their foods for no good reason.
@AshleyNunn I can: The premise is wrong.
@StrixVaria Americans are the ones misusing them! It's not our fault they screw with our language.
@StrixVaria America just mutates everything.
@StrixVaria To confuse everyone and keep all the tasty foods for themselves
@Fluttershy Holy crap.
That's a list of (I think) every Doritos released to date.
@Fluttershy bang That was the sound of my brain exploding
@Fluttershy They still call Cool Ranch "Cooler Ranch" which makes me want to say they need to check it.
@FEichinger Actually we kept the word biscuit pure, while you let it get messed up by the Dutch.

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