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The speed you could gain rep at is unbounded
(Not really)
@badp Nope. You are limited by how many bounties other people offer.
Well even without bounties you have an expects limit of 200 plus 2 × questions asked daily
Er 15 not 2
@badp + 15 x questions asked by others
accepts are not subject to cap
@fredley Just so you know, powersuits are amazing.
@OrigamiRobot I love my quantum suit, but I'm tempted to give them a go
@fredley I can run a million miles
@OrigamiRobot So can I, as long as I have cans of food.
Q: "I hate swarms"

fredleySome people like hats. Some people don't like hats. Some people hate hats. For this reason, hats could be hidden by the hat haters. Can a similar facility be provided for those that hate swarms?

@fredley My helmet autofeeds with no cans
@OrigamiRobot That is handy, I must say. The good thing about cans though is it's very easy to auto-restock
And I sprint at 600% speed
i r lazy
Hoppers of food in base, and only two slots required in my tool pouch for full and empty cans
@OrigamiRobot So do I
@fredley have the FTB server issues been resolved? Getting disconnected every 5 minutes kinda sucks.
@MBraedley No idea
@origami but are you carbon neutral???
@fredley And I still have room to upgrade.
You are going to kill us all with your emissions!
@fredley tbh, it would have been feasible for me to get 60k rep in 280 days by rep capping every day + the occasional overcap from accepted questions + association bonus in the amount of time I've been here
just sayin'
@OrigamiRobot I might build one this evening, I'll see
@kalina You've overthought this
in comparison, I'm getting rep at under 33% of the maximum capacity to gain rep
and therefore, I am not "gaining rep too fast"
@kalina Too fast for a mortal
wow, my secret is out
how did you find out I'm a vampire?
@kalina I knew it!
I will warn you all that I am more than 50% of my way to the epic badge
Anyways, as much as I don't want to go to work, I kinda have to.
I felt like that this morning
I just turned up 30 minutes late so I can cheer myself up in the knowledge that I haven't worked a full work day
small victories and all that...
@kalina You're not lame enough to be a vampire.
@OrigamiRobot in the middle of this backhanded pseudo compliment, I read "you're still pretty lame though"
I didn't say anything of the sort.
you were thinking it pretty loudly
@OrigamiRobot can too
tinfoil hat time!
seriously though, I keep thinking I'm looking at meta when I'm looking at the main site
@kalina That'd be silly, my head is already made of aluminum!
@kalina Unfair
when you can't rely on simple colour coordination, life is broken
@fredley it's not my fault that I rep cap multiple days in a row every time I'm properly active on the site
@kalina Is this why everyday life resembles nursery more and more every day?
@kalina :-(
I will go inactive again for a week or six now
@kalina Just over design?
@fredley no, if I actively stick around and watch for questions to be asked, I will end up spending all day every day on here like I was when I first started using the site
Notifies you of new questions in your tags
No constant checking required
which will have the effects of people questioning why I'm generating 200+ rep daily, me spending far too much time on the site, and me getting too personally involved in the way the site is run
@kalina You are the Jon Skeet of Arqade
@fredley I wouldn't go that far...
@YiJiang'sEvilClone If she carries on at this rate she will be
I am trying to determine if that is a compliment
@kalina Jon Skeet is highly regarded
@kalina It most certainly is
if Arqade was the size of SO
my rep graph would look like his too
as it stands, answering any more SimCity questions will require research
and I'm already reasonably bored of the game from the amount of time I've spent playing it over the last few months
Whoa. Legendary badge get.
@RavenDreamer gz
And with any luck, I'll break 100k tonight too
(It's weird being rep capped at 7:30 AM)
it is
shame I know nothing about starcraft
@kalina You can fix that.
I don't think you'd like it. The plot and voice acting is... subpar. You might enjoy the multiplayer, dunno.
@OrigamiRobot I don't want to
@RavenDreamer nah I stayed away from it because it wouldn't be my thing
I am actually really enjoying EVE
but there aren't really any questions about EVE
@kalina Ask them.
@fredley no that's what I meant, there aren't really any questions that need asking
if I ask questions about EVE, I will be asking for the sake of asking
@RavenDreamer Fantastic!
I wonder how many SE2.0 sites have someone with that badge
@kalina s/asking/rep/
@fredley either way you want to look at it, there is no point in asking them
Okay, guys. Time to go to work. See you around.
A: Do the post level 50 specalizations provide anything apart from armor?

user43773Venator armor can only be acquired after level 50 if you have it before hand your are a modder and i would like your gamer profile info to report you

Read the comment
@RavenDreamer hf
@fredley I am fine asking <dumb question> about <game that just got released> because it has a target audience
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Anything wrong with it?
there is no point in asking <dumb question> about <11 year old game> because there is no audience
@tombull89 No, except it's hilarious
@tombull89 not sure your gamertag needed to be in the comment, that's the only thing that jumped out at me
@kalina The answerer asked for it :P
I didn't read that part
you only said read the comment
@kalina Hell, he can report me for all I care.
@kalina Hey, SimCity 4 is 10 years old, and I still regularly answer questions for it. They definitely don't get as many views as newer games, but at least some of them do seem still generate traffic
@YiJiang'sEvilClone meh, I cba being accused of seeding questions
Q: Raptor or Swarmling Zerglings in HOTS?

JonathanJOne of the first choices in the HOTS campaign is between Raptor and Swarmling Zerglings. Raptors just look cool and attack faster, but Swarmlings could save a base as they mutate faster and in groups of 3 instead of 2. What are the advantages of each?

@kalina Or game that is popular
Asking easy but popular questions makes a lot more sense for newly released games where there are no established sources of information, and most Google hits are some forum entries. Old games tend to have whole sites about them, and the easy questions are all answered.
@MadScientist If the answer to a question isn't obvious from the first Google hit, it's worth asking here.
@fredley when I use this method of determining when to ask, people complain
@kalina Oh. They've never complained about my MC questions, a lot of which are relatively trivial.
in fact, my least favourite thing about stackexchange is that many people use the 'google has the answers' argument against me while raising their own easily-googleable questions
which I guess is just more inconsistency
Sim City 4 is 10 years old? Christ.
I'm about to enter rant mode, back later
This site is question-limited, I see no reason to require extensive research before asking here. This is very different from sites like SO
@tombull89 Released in 2003, yes
@MadScientist I ask questions that I could probably find the answer to myself reasonably easy because that way everyone benefits.
@fredley I do the same here, but I would not do that on SO unless finding the solution was really hard and I would expect many users to search for it as well
@MadScientist No, the questions I ask on SO are the ones where I'm banging my head on my keyboard because I can't work it out.
I haven't been able to accept a single answer on SO
@kalina I am having this problem more and more
There was a meta discussion about seeding and self-answering with regards to the Witcher 2 promotion, where I was pretty much the target
they currently have a 100% fail rate with fixing my problems
@kalina Get better problems
SO is a very different place from most SE sites. They are very very much a fan of the quick and dirty solution and not at all a fan of actually investing much at all into any given question, due to the insane deluge of questions daily
Considering the spew of questions they still have relatively high quality, but it still makes the site thoroughly unenjoyable for me in pretty much every regard
@fredley Why are my barrels only holding 64 stacks?
Stupid... bloody... allergies
@OrigamiRobot That's how much they hold
You can craft an extradimensional upgrade
that upgrades capacity to 1024 stacks
You didn't tell me that!
@BenBrocka Yes. I actively participated in SO 3-4 years ago, when it was still small enough that a single user could make a difference. Now it's just too big for its own good.
@OrigamiRobot Should I have?!
@OrigamiRobot The upgrade is applied to an existing barrel, so it's quite convienient.
@fredley Yes, I'd have done that to begin with. Now I have to redo my sorage.
@OrigamiRobot No you don't just upgrade existing barrels
That counts as redoing.
@OrigamiRobot No it doesn't, just craft upgrade, shift-right-click on barrel
53 secs ago, by OrigamiRobot
That counts as redoing.
Even so, you'll end up with more cobble than you can deal with. For now you can just filter out and discard.
I have to go back and mess with things i already did.
@OrigamiRobot Welcome to Minecraft.
I know! I was trying to avoid it as much as possible!
You withholding information has RUINED MY PLANS
I hate you now. It's the only logical course of action.
@OrigamiRobot Your logic is fried, robot
silent protagonist meeting
@BenBrocka Whose the guy to the left of Kirby?
GTA3's main character
Ah, okay.
Also, I don't think the minecraft fellow counts.
They're just avatars.
Yeah. Also not sure where Gordon's face model is from
@BenBrocka He talks, surely?
@BenBrocka Who is the guy in the giant scuba suit?
@StrixVaria Bioshock 2's main character
@StrixVaria Bioshock 2
@StrixVaria Bioshock 2.
@StrixVaria Bioshock 2
HL2 didn't have a face model for him and I don't think they ever added one
@StrixVaria Bioshock 2
I was going to say "Quick, @Wipqozn, tell Strix it's Bioshock 2"
then he already did
then I was going to say it to fredley
@OrigamiRobot I knew what you were thinking, don't worry.
What about the guy in the suit all the way to the right?
@StrixVaria Doom.
At least I think it's from Doom...
Is it? His helmet looks like it's on sideways or something. And again I don't think there was a proper model for him
Q: Where are all the metrics?

Williham TotlandHow do I find all the basic information about buildings, such as, for instance and among other things: Workers needed Residents housed Power/water consumed etc. It's occasionally tricky to make managerial decisions without at least a sense of these things…

I think my nose is leaking a liter of snot every hour
So I put a bounty on my question now :(
sadly even the guru's on ##networking seem to have no idea why my routing is ignoring specific routes over the default.
@djsmiley2k I gave the packets better directions.
@OrigamiRobot very kind of you.
@djsmiley2k No problem, I'm a helpful robot. Ask anyone. Except @kalina. Such a slanderer.
@djsmiley2k Which routing subsystem? Under Linux, I'd say "check your routing policy tables".
@MartinSojka they are correct as reported by route and ip route
with that i'm off out to play some ingress
Good morning folks
@djsmiley2k Routing policy, no just "routing". In other words, /sbin/ip rule ls
Q: No username password text box in Internet explorer 6.0.2

Rais AlamI used to access StackOverflow with Google Chrome but unfortunately today I am trying to login from IE 6.0.2 but when Click on "Login" link I am redirected to "Login page" but there is no "username" or "password" textbox to enter, and IE hangs out for endless time. I just want to know if support ...

Got it, support is dropped from IE6. I was not aware if it. I think an alert message on click of login link is enough. No site should be supporting IE6 anymore in my opinion anyway are you confident about this statement? — Rais Alam 1 min ago
If you actually think sites should be supporting IE6 you're a monster.
A. Monster.
@djsmiley2k Also, /sbin/ip neigh ls - but that's unlikely.
What about Netscape 4?
@Sconibulus if you can keep it running long enough to test, you deserve a medal
guize SE doesn't run on my commodre 64
Sites should just stick to standards. That way, I can use them with my HTTP clients of choice (Firefox, wget and curl) and get reasonable results.
I think I saw a disc somewhere last time I cleaned out my desk
@MartinSojka If you stick to standards then wget and curl are the only browsers that will work :-(
Notice I wrote "clients", not "browsers".
There are quite a few sites which break down at protocol level already for no good reason, that's why. :)
"no, I'm not going to send the page you asked for, but I am going to send you a javascript that knows how to get the page you asked for"
Ugh, spent 3 hours working on an idea that is completely and utterly undo-able. I should go back to programming stuff. I'm really not good at drawing stuff.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone What are you trying to draw?
And Illustrator's hanging on me again
The idea is to find a drawing or something, and replace the fill/outline with type
There are a lot of examples, let me see if I can find one
I think I know what you mean
Morning, Bridge
@DanHulme Huh, I hadn't ever thought of wget as a browser dev eth0 lladdr 00:0d:b9:27:f1:39 REACHABLE dev eth0 lladdr 48:5b:39:d9:82:1b REACHABLE dev eth0 FAILED
Good morning, Bridge
Q: If I choose a particular planet to fly towards, can I still get to the other one?

RobotnikIn between two of the campaign missions, I had a choice between two planets, on one of them, I can unlock Roaches and Hydralisks, on the other, two other units. I chose the Ice world (Roach/Hydra) without really thinking, but I then thought perhaps I'd like to change. I remember in Wings of Libe...

Q: How do you cancel interaction bar?

ChrisHateZWhen you try to activate/use/open hubs, consoles, boxes and other similiar objects in the game an interaction bar pops up and it takes up to few turns for it to fill up which results in you finishing your interaction with that object. How can you cancel the interaction with an object while in th...

I'm going to try again using a simpler image
so many Starcraft questions : () )
these people are making me all jealous
@FAE epic
I don't play Starcraft, and none of this stuff is on the internet yet, so I can't answer questions :(
@FAE Highly relevant:
@fredley Indeed.
@FAE Those old games are surprisingly easy to play with. I love seeing what people do to/find in old NES games and stuff
I want to play it... but I can't yet.
@FAE A good watch if you've got the time
@fredley Aye, have seen, I backed the Kickstarter. :)
I have to wait until Thursday night...
@fredley Every time I see that I can't help but realize how horrific Peach's head looks on that body
Ugh, I woke up feeling really dizzy and lightheaded and I was hoping it'd go away after I ate but it has not, blegh.
@FAE :(
Q: Where is the content of a deleted SO answer?

eternalmattI had this question a while back: How to access the SMS storage on Android? And someone answered the question. I forget what the answer was, but I'm positive it was answered. So after a little searching, I realized I can see the history of a question timeline http://stackoverflow.com/posts/480...

"I wants to see ALL deleted answers! 10K rep? Screw that noise! Gimme the data!"
Hmmmm, let's try again
@FAE That sucks.
I hate it when that happens.
anyone play conclave with me
as all the parties suck?
Oh my god I can't honestly tell if this guy is joking or not saveie6.com/index.php
@FAE I hate that feeling where you're not 100% sure if you feel weird because you're hungry or sick
@fbueckert I agree!
@fredley I can fly forever now.
@Unionhawk It's got to be...
@SaintWacko If it's deleted, it's because it's junk.
@fbueckert I know, I'm joking :P
@SaintWacko Go play more KSP. :P
@BenBrocka Then you eat, and find out "Oh, yeah. It was sick."
@fbueckert CRAWL
@SaintWacko Yup, found it:
> SaveIE6.com was put together as an April Fool’s joke by the uptime monitoring service Pingdom. Due to the tremendous interest it has received we have decided to keep this site up and running. Thanks everyone for the great feedback and for enjoying the irony!
@Unionhawk Ah, whew
Reminds me of DHMO.org
@Wipqozn Can't star this hard enough.
@OrigamiRobot Neat.
@fbueckert That is cool
@fbueckert Holy shit they actually implemented reentry heat?
@BenBrocka Yeah, unsure what to do from here. :/
@Sterno Yeah, IE6 is terrible, as are the monsters who use it.
@SaintWacko That's in .19
@fbueckert Not out yet?
That game was hard...
@Wipqozn Banks and South Koreans
@SaintWacko Not quite yet, no.
My job is primarily developing web apps for various corporations. It's so frustrating when you have to support IE6, IE7, IE8, IE9, and oh, by the way, could you make sure it's okay in Firefox and Chrome too? P.S. - Really we'll only be using IE7 though, because our corporation only updates web browser software once a decade
@fredley mostly china, apparently.
@Unionhawk Well by sheer volume I imagine.
I wonder if heat shields will make an appearance in the new version, too.
Bankers and South Koreans are still mostly required to use it though
They've already implemented heat tolerances, so all you need now is a heat shield.
@fbueckert One would hope
@fredley ie6countdown.com 25% of china
@Unionhawk due to bootleg copies of win XP I think
@Unionhawk Oh wow
@Sterno 6 is the worst. 7 is pretty bad, but 8 mostly only breaks in cosmetic ways
@fredley If not, people will come up with creative ways to achieve it.
Such as surrounding the cockpit with super high heat resistance parts.
@BenBrocka Yeah. It just gets really annoying to finish a feature and then have to test it in 6 browsers. Then tweak the layout until it looks right in all of them
Yeah, testing in 3 is bad enough. Though it's pretty rare I find something that works in FF/Chrome but not the other
@BenBrocka Sharepoint.
For the most part I dev in chrome and just poke at it in IE, or FF if it's something particularly goofy
Sharepoint absolutely hates Chrome.
I meant like, with real HTML and stuff
I wonder how many companies that were going to do Ouya development dropped out after Ouya announced they were going to change the hardware every year.
@Powerlord Wait, what? They're following the Apple hardware model?
@fbueckert Yup. For a game console.
@Powerlord Interest in Ouya has dropped further.
@Powerlord yuck
The whole point of what they were doing was allowing devs to program for a single set of hardware.
So over 5 years the Ouya will cost more than a real console
Speaking of which, I just saw someone coin a new term in the Ars Technica comments on an Ouya article: crapps
> Full of clones and crapps making it hard to find anything...
(about the Apple and Google Play stores)
@Powerlord Ew
Oh, hey. Anyone read about the Prenda smackdown yesterday?
Q: How do I retrieve my saves from the cloud?

KexloxIt's been a while since I've played SC2, but with HotS out, I've reinstalled. My old save games were lost to a hard drive crash, but it's my understanding that save games are stored in the cloud. I have successfully logged into my character, it shows the campaign achievements I'm expecting, and...

Q: Is there a new mini-game in HOTS?

Jean-Philippe RoyAfter quickly glancing at the achievements before heading to work this morning, I'm wondering if there is a new mini-game in the new expansion. In WoL there was "The Lost Viking", that little top down shooter which was quite enjoyable. Please answer with the least spoilers possible ;)

@fbueckert I missed it. What happened?
@Powerlord Want the article, or just a quick rundown?
or ars
@tiddy Best site for politics in technology.
@fbueckert Rundown
@Powerlord found some articles, shocked at people defending the idea (while at the same time saying consoles are too expensive)

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