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I wonder if Thaumcraft still has those silly "infected lands" spreading around.
Minecraft: Step 1: Mine EVERYTHING Step 2: Store everything in boxes Step 3: Load new chunks
@BenBrocka Step 4: GOTO 1
When the entire map is only bedrock, you win
We should create a "Gamer girl's day" ...
@MartinSojka I haven't noticed any of them
Has anyone here bought the new simcity? Curious if they fixed most of the issues during the beta testing...
@BenBrocka Sadly I'm at work, but I've actually done this to a very large area of the world
@Michel Why separate them out from other gamers?
@ZeroStack Ask @kalina
ask me what?
Though I'm not sure if launch day server issues are resolved yet
@SaintWacko Same reason that we have a women's day and not a men's day
what issues did you experience in beta
@SaintWacko also, we motivate more women in gaming. (I guess)
@Kalina I didn't try the beta as I presumed there would be server issues... Is this game a DRM ? or is it online as well?
@SaintWacko Good. It pretty much sucked royally in the previous version: "That's a nice little place for a base you found there. Mind if I turn everything into purple goo spawning aggressive mobs all the time and spreading like crazy right there?"
That doesn't sound like a beta issue
@Michel There is a Men's Day; 19th November.
The game has an online component, you must be online to play the game, if you lose your connection you will get kicked from the server after a few minutes
I ask if they fixed most the issues in the beta as a few of my friends were complaining about it. My response: "That's why they call it a beta."
@MartinSojka Yeah, and it's incredibly difficult to stop
The game plays fine, but the authentication with the server is causing some issues getting to the point where you're "playing"
@kalina In other words, they fixed some issues, but added even more
I didn't say those words
@MartinSojka O.o That's new o.O
@kalina Nope, I did
@SaintWacko Hardly added, it kicked you in beta if you lost connection to the server as well
Using my amazing translation abilities
@kalina Oh, well then they fixed some issues, but left the worst ones
I can't be bothered having an EA bashing conversation
If you don't like the fact you've got to be online to play it, don't play it
and if you're not going to play it, don't have an opinion on it either
@SaintWacko hahahha
@MartinSojka there is a gamer's day too? (can't find this one) tehre is a games day
@ZeroStack once EA sort out their lack of capacity issues, and re-enable cheetah speed, the game will be fine
@kalina I'm not allowed to have an opinion of something I haven't played?
@fbueckert how can you have a valid and unbiased opinion on something you've got no experience with?
@kalina What if my opinion is based on public information?
Such as, "Online DRM is absolutely stupid."
@fbueckert I will note the irony here and nothing more.
is upload broke?
@fbueckert that's not your opinion. That is your extrapolated opinion based off other people's biased opinions
@fbueckert "Diablo III", stop being a hypocrite
@kalina Depends on the information provided.
@kalina That doesn't invalidate my opinion.
@fbueckert no, it doesn't. Your personal opinion is based off information that others have provided that you cannot validate because you've got no experience with the subject at hand
I can play a game and still think it's Always online DRM is stupid.
It's not mutually exclusive.
@kalina So you're saying marketing isn't a thing?
@fbueckert and @kalina My 2 cents is that: the concept of a DRM is good, but in practice it has been done so poorly.
Therefore, any opinion you have on SimCity will be based off the opinion of a thousand whiny little crybabies who're currently throwing their toys out of their pram because they can't log in
@ZeroStack That's slander against Blizzard, EA, and Ubisoft!
@Powerlord And Blizzard, let's not forget them!
and if you want to have that opinion, fine, but don't dribble it in public because its based on something you've not experienced
It is stupid for a game to release two or three days before the official release day
@kalina What is the scope of your argument
@tiddy just in general tbh, it applies to everything
@kalina You're arguing that marketing in general shouldn't be used to form an opinion.
I expect that companies that expect to use such strategies in the future actually launch their game five days before the "official launch day"
@kalina Yes, because I should clearly shell out $60 so I can experience the same issues people are already having. I'm pretty sure that's called "lack of planning"
When that's it's exact purpose.
@fbueckert Marketing is as biased as it comes
@Powerlord hahahaha Oh i know. My question is that is the only purpose for a DRM to prevent people from distributing (torrenting, etc) that specific game illegally? If so, they shouldn't be focusing on DRMs but a stronger key encryption, no?
or "being an idiot"
Morning Bridge.
@kalina Everything except objectively factual objects and theories
@ZeroStack wat
This is a horribly inflammatory time to post this, and it isn't my intent, I just found this funny
user image
@kalina You're tilting at windmills, here.
@BenBrocka I officially love you.
@ZeroStack There are other reasons for DRM, but anti-piracy is a big one.
The entire point of marketing is to make people form an opinion.
@BenBrocka = my hero for that post.
Railing against that is saying the entire concept should never have happened.
@Powerlord People still torrent stuff don't they?
@Retrosaur Get a room, you two.
@kalina what's the situation actually like?
and if people choose to form an opinion off marketing, or third party reviews, or something your mum said, then go for it, but as far as I'm concerned they're not trustworthy or valid opinions drawing on reliable sources and personal experience
@Retrosaur Yes, because people are constantly cracking DRM.
Can people log in? Can they play? Do the save files stick?
@badp it's pretty bad tbh
the saves stick
that bit works
@Powerlord And it mainly serves to strengthen piracy.
I played on Oceania and Europe East lastnight
@badp According to about 70,000 or so different sources: No, no, and no.
Oh, okay, I saw people complaining about corrupted save files
the game plays fine once you've actually got into the game
@Powerlord don't the companies pushing out a DRMs hurt from the market of users that dont have internet?
but the act of 'getting into the game' is painful
@kalina So it's all the chokepoint of getting past the launcher/login screen, like it was for Diablo 3
@badp sorry was my wording poorly? lol multitasking here
@badp no, it's more than that
the launcher won't launch the game until it has a connection
but that connection isn't guarenteed
Okay, and it only checks once every 30 minutes
so you can wait upto 20 minutes for the launcher to launch the game, and the immediately lose the connection
or so
actually the time it waits seems to vary
...so the counter is actually an estimated queue length thing
You realize, most expert hackers can crack through DRms
within 2 hours of it being released.
SimCity's "always on DRM" isn't strictly a DRM
When I think EA first released Assassins Creed 2 with the brand new DRM back then
@Retrosaur Honestly the client-server system really can't be cracked
there is a lot of background processing going on
You can build compatible servers
hackers cracked it and got rid of it within 2 hours
it was all over thepiratebay.org
but you can't crack code you don't have to begin with
@badp You CAN, however, reverse engineer it.
@BenBrocka You pulled that off of 4chan
Funny enough, I believe AC 1 took weeks to crack properly
@fbueckert ...and to do that you need to see how the game actually does work once it does work.
@Retrosaur It was on reddit yesterday
@badp Yeah.
Now wrap the game networking session into SSH and somesuch and things get pretty complicated.
Everything orginates on 4chan. Everyone knows this.
@Retrosaur Many things. But not everything
Nothing useful anyway
@Retrosaur It better not. I stay out of there.
@Retrosaur I browse reddit and 4chan, and I often see OC from reddit reposted on 4chan
@Kalina sorry I didn't mean to spark this big of a debate, just was curious if EA figured out the major bugs & drm issue I have been hearing so much about as I used to be a big sim city fan.
>put words in youre mouth
>implying your wrong
i'm so smart
@Retrosaur I certainly didn't make it :P someone else posted it in another chat
@ZeroStack you didn't spark the debate, the debate has been brewing for weeks
I tried to find a source but apparently EA solitare is actually a thing so I couldn't find it
@ZeroStack the game runs, it's just a bit hard to get into the game at the moment
@kalina I meant in this thread mainly
It will likely be OK within the month
@murgatroid99 Interesting, I find it's the other way around.
they've said they're bringing more servers online
@murgatroid99 Everything is a repost of a repost.
@fbueckert This is where 4chan comes up and is all "@fbueckert I AM YOUR FATHER"
@Retrosaur That's way more than 140 chars
@badp lol
@BenBrocka I sincerely hope not.
I rather enjoy my brain cells; I'd hate to lose them due to the extreme stupidity that goes on there.
@ZeroStack once I was in the game, I played it for hours without issue, then I tried to change region and killed it all
I could have probably stayed in that game indefinitely
@fbueckert You're on the internet and you want to avoid extreme stupidity. These things seem kinda mutually exclusive.
@fbueckert Then this probably isn't the best place for you either.
We're all mad here.
@Retrosaur I see it go both ways
@OrigamiRobot BANANA [duplicate] BANANA
@FAE I can tolerate it to a degree. But I stay away from 4chan and reddit for the most part.
reddit has a lot of brilliant people posting every day on science, math, history
@fbueckert Like anywhere, there can be decent individuals and even decent conversation in both those places, it's just weeding it all out from the rest of the drek that's the hard part.
@tiddy But you have to actually look for the subreddits they post to. Which is fine by me, personally.
@fbueckert That is the most ridiculously stereotypical comment I've heard about 4chan.
Yeah askscience, askhistory, math, etc
@Retrosaur hahah yes over 140 chars, but what is that referencing?
whatever. Just go find it
@fbueckert It's not all bad
@ZeroStack The fact that everyone who bought Simcity is getting shafted
@FAE Granted. I'm not willing to put in the effort to weed it out. So I stay away entirely.
they have a subreddit for lazy people too
@Retrosaur Ahahahahahahaha
Here's my list of subreddits. I think it gives a relatively good mix of content.
@fbueckert Yeah, that's fair. It's harder to do in some places than in others and if it takes more than a certain amount of energy for what you get out of it, than it's a turnoff to do in the first place.
@badp r/mildlyinteresting got too interesting for me :(
It basically turned into r/pics, but with less effort
In the meantime, Polygon dropped the SimCity score from 9.5 to 8.0 to 4.0
@Retrosaur Sales cheapen things, yes. That's the entire point. ;)
And brings attention to people who may not have been willing to buy the game
who are now willing to.
@badp Bandwagon review?
I feel like these launch day server issues happens a lot across multiple devs.... is it just me with that feel?
"People hate it, so we'll get more views if we keep lowering the score!"
What do you think?
@ZeroStack The only game with comparable problems at launch is Diablo 3
@badp Can;t believe they didn't get shit for the initial 9.5
Labelling TF2 as not a real F2P
@ZeroStack It's due to not planning for maximum players, but what the average concurrent players will be.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Yeah that wasn't fun. lol good point.
@StrixVaria You got any Boros Reckoner you want to trade me yet?
@BenBrocka That's because it was before the game was released, so no one could predic that the servers would be shit
@OrigamiRobot Haven't bought cards in a while.
@Retrosaur He's probably talking about the original item sets, like the saharan spy
I just used it to spycap the final stretch of upward through silent dead ringer decloaks
@Retrosaur I'm pretty sure everyone predicted it'd be a mess at launch. 3 days later still a mess is more than I expected though
That said, while the full set was rather expensive to unlock... I didn't spend an eurocent for it.
If the average number of players is 1000, it doesn't make sense to provide enough servers to handle 2000. Or, it does make sense from a consumer standpoint, but from a capitalist view, it doesn't.
Now, consider DOTA 2.
In DOTA 2 you get a drop on every level up
@fbueckert +1
That's a far cry from 11 hours of items per week
Now I don't know what kind of drops does DOTA 2 get
If they're all cosmetic items, that's more drops than TF2 gives you
@ZeroStack Hence why servers are shit on launch days.
Otherwise I have no idea
@fbueckert Not quite. It's very common in good IT to provide an excessive amount of support, because if you don't scale up properly, you lose money in the long run
@BenBrocka You're assuming publishers have good IT.
There's nothing "capitalist" about making decisions that will negatively impact revenue short or long term
Publishers assumed that when going client-server
They took the gamble, like Blizzard did
Customers forgave Blizzard for the first week trouble, kinda
EA is banking on more of the same.
@BenBrocka Scalability is key, yes. You can code for scalability, and not provide enough hardware to handle the launch day loads, though.
@fbueckert Considering they're EA they really should. They do have good programmers and studios. They just did'nt buy enough servers
agent86 on March 08, 2013

I recently built a new PC to replace the aging laptop I was using for my day-to-day PC gaming needs. Included with my new video card was a coupon for a free copy of Crysis 3 and a free copy of Bioshock: Infinite. While I’m interested in the new Bioshock game, I can’t say I really had much interest in Crysis as a series before now. Getting it free was awfully motivating, though, so I thought I’d check it out.

Stop me if you’ve heard this one:

He’s Master Chief! This is pretty much the plot to the first Halo game. …

@fbueckert They did make it so some features could be turned on and off
There are comments in the HN thread that predict this and the Blizzard D3 launch to completely sink this model as a business proposition
@badp did they, or did they just do that last second? It took them a couple days to do it after all
ie. other companies would be so horrified at how badly things turned out that they'd not make the same mistake
@badp Which is a good idea, but most people view it as proof it shouldn't be online at all.
@fbueckert Of course it shouldn't be online only in the first place.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Very few companies would even think to do this in the first place
@badp This wouldn't even be an issue without that requirement.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Why wasn't the Diablo 3 launch deterrent enough, then?
Any slowdown and whatnot could be attributed to, "Get a better computer"
@badp I think SimCity was built way before then
@badp Exactly, because you can trade or craft for them.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone ...it's like one year ago now?
Heck, I think the price of most of the set hats has been slowly going down.
@Powerlord I had to spend ~3 refined or so for the hat
...which is not exactly super expensive, after all.
@badp The game is built from the ground up with this model in mind. I think the decision was made waaay back
The YER is kind of a rare drop though.
@badp You can buy it off of anyone for a scrap
...nevermind it's also an achievement item right?
But if you're f2p, it's easily craftable
@Retrosaur Looks awesome, but I cant tell you how many C&C disks i have laying around.
@badp It is? I have 3 of them right now
well over 15
@Powerlord I'm checking my trade history
I almost got rid of my entier inventory
@badp Nope, there are no achievement knife drops.
scrap banking
@Retrosaur I'm aware scrap.tf is a thing that exists
@YiJiang'sEvilClone -1, text post itself fills the subreddit with even more non-content
Every subreddit should have its meta, dammit. Don't mix meta and main content
Don't post crap to complain about shit
@badp Yeah, meta posts are almost always bad (unless its something really important like mod announcements)
@Retrosaur This is another moment when I'd like to be voting like a normal user
@Retrosaur This is a little inappropriate.
I'd recommend removing it.
awee I missed it. That's what I get for looking away for a few mins
There is no penalty for dying. Wrench them to death! — OrigamiRobot Mar 12 '12 at 15:10
@OrigamiRobot Is this true? Do the damage remain when you respawn?
@Powerlord eh, I got it off TF2WH for... credits. I'm afraid the details have gone lost in the mists of time
Oh, nope. 12,735c
Today it's sold for 12,810c
Oh look, TF2WH removed refined metal from the item list entirely
Mmmmhmm, Vessel
Q: What happens to resources stored in a building that I demolish?

mafutrctWhen demolishing a building, what happens to the resources (input/output storage) inside? Are they lost? If not, are they transported to the docks? Further, do they somehow count towards export tasks?

Q: What are the resources that can be bought and sold on the global market, and how are the resources produced/consumed?

Aaron KurtzhalsWhat are the resources that can be bought and sold on the global market, and how are the resources produced/consumed? In other words, for each resource, how does it enter the "sim world", and what are the uses for the resource?

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Q: How to get the "Gene-ius" achievement in Pixel People?

jcoThere is an achievement (that can be seen from the police station achievements wall on page 3) that says "Get a quick surprise at the gene pool". I've been playing for weeks and still have yet to encounter this. Any ideas on what triggers this? I'm also already at 118/150 for types of jobs fou...

Q: windhelm hjerim chest glitch

user43520a while back i bought the hjerim house in windhelm for the quest about the butcher guy. after i finished the quest i bought the armoury decorartion from jarleif and filled the racks and manikens with my stuff. the left over armour i put in one of the chests in the rooms upstairs(i cant remember w...

Hmmm, I might have an extra Vessel key from the Humble bundle
oh wow, this is a first for me
@YiJiang'sEvilClone IIRC
@OrigamiRobot Hmmm, I need to check this out
@badp Buying a game that costs more than $15?
@badp Are you still going without a pagefile?
81% memory occupied, TF2 is taking a mere 323 MB
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I've yet to begin
I've just tried to teach one of our installation consultants how to clear cookies and temporary internet files
I have failed
although I did follow a suggestion to specify a fixed pagefile size
my guess is that she's sat there going "yep I did it" while not even doing anything
@badp running W7 or W 8 ? just wondering
Memory committed: 7.2/7.5 GB
okay, that's kind of concerning
Oh, no. The Steam key bundled the games together. Ah well.
@badp Got a leak?
@BenBrocka I closed a bunch of tabs and dropped to 6.6 GB
if I restarted my pinned tabs I'd grab more ram back as well
chkdsk managed to fill up most of the free memory of my 16GB RAM
Oooh, a new Wool book!
I think that's a chkdsk bug with large drives though
If you haven't read Wool, read it. Excellent stuff.
...how do you run out of RAM on a system that has 8 7.5GB?
@Powerlord that's ram + swap
Oh, I have some extra keys from Humble Bundle for Android 4
8's not all THAT mcuh these days, butstill a bit odd unless you're running graphics/processing intensive stuff
@BenBrocka after restarting my pinned tabs I'm down to 4.8 GB
although I only recovered 1 GB of ram
funny how that works
@badp do you have 4gb of ram and 4gb of swap?
@fredley Nice. I would get it, but I'm re-reading the entire Wheel of Time series
@kalina basically
Machinarium, Cogs, Swords & Soldiers HD, Zen Bound 2, Avadon: The Black Fortress
@badp Idle stuff should get shuffled to swap so that's not super surprising
well then, it's quite easy to fill up 4gb of ram
@murgatroid99 They are short stories, not a huge commitment (especially given how fast you'll read them)
None of which are terribly exciting on the desktop except for Machinarium if you ask me
@murgatroid99 Yay!
I find it much harder to fill up 8
I'm re-reading, too.
But, you know, if you want it just ping me
and I've never filled 16
@kalina I managed to almost fill 8 by doing video editing
@kalina In retrospect I don't know how I've lived for two years on 3 GB of RAM (32 bits Windows)
I think I've gone over 8 while either recording/video editing while playing a game
Also have an extra key for Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP
Only time I've gotten worse was a memory leak
@fredley Yeah, I read the 5 Wool books and the first two Shift books
Which is a pretty nice game
If not I'll probably send them to a friend
@badp in retrospect, I don't know how I lived without an SSD
Sounds like next week is going to have a large Patch Tuesday.
Hmmm, why?
@kalina SSDs are delicious

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