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@badp That's not a boss, that's a random guard. And you can kill him and almost anything with almost any weapon
@BenBrocka Okay, he was just being silly then.
You don't even have to fight any of the bosses if you go the non-lethal route
I id a non-lethal playthrough.
I enjoy stealth, and it's much harder to stealth without killing people.
It didn't count my non-lethal playthrough for the achievements. That was some BS
PLus I like trying to get through levels without knocking anyone out or alerting anyone.
I double checked every mission's stats, I killed no one. Still no cheevos
@Wipqozn Honestly it's easier to get non-lethal if you just avoid rather than knock out everyone. It is so hard to not kill people on accident
Drop 3 feet? Dead. Not far enough off the ground from rats? Dead. Water? You better believe they're dead
You do have a point.
Do bodies found count against non-lethal or something? I thought it didn't, but that's the only thing I can think of
What do you do in a game where you're trying to go full stealth, you're in a room full of people who you're avoiding, and then one of them sees you?
Do you just restart from a previous save and try again?
@BenBrocka It counts again ghost.
I'm not sure if I have the patience for that.
@Wipqozn That's one thing then
I killed every single person in the police station in DE:HR because one saw me.
@StrixVaria I do, yes. It's so much funner that way.
@StrixVaria full-stealth is all about patience. If you dont' have the patience there's other ways to play
@StrixVaria Quickload, yep.
I'm an obsessive quicksaver, myself.
It's not quite like Mark of the Ninja where detected = ded
It's partially why I can't play RPGs on console.
except in Mark of the Ninja being undetected is rather easier
@FAE I quicksave every time I make even the most minor progress while I'm playing Skyrim. I almost never actually load those saves, though.
I should play through DE:HR again sometime, and do full stealth. The first time I played I did non-lethal, but not full stealth until the later missions. You just don't get nearly as much experience by avoiding enemies.
I'm sure I can find a mod to fix that.
The nice thing about being undetected is that corpses don't detect you.
@FAE Many games have a much more forgiving save system than the "one save point every two hours, often not even before bosses" of RPGs past
@Wipqozn You get a bonus for ghosting, though.
Also unskippable cutscenes between save points
There is no faster way to make me stop playing your game forever
@StrixVaria Before every fight, before conversations, before and after quest acquisitions, like... a lot. I think I have a problem. And I can't quicksave as easily on a console.
@StrixVaria IT's very small though. Only about 300xp I think? You get a lot more from taking out enemies non-lethally.
@BenBrocka Yeah, but part of it is that I like being able to control my progress.
@Wipqozn eh, I didn't quite unlock all the skills but you can very easily get all the ones that matter by going lethal every once in a while.
@FAE I quicksave sometimes just as I'm walking periodically, just in case something happens so I don't have to waste my time walking again.
@StrixVaria Yep, I do the same.
Though I haven't really played any TES games.
@FAE I rather like Borderlands method of saving. All progress is linear, there's only one save file and no manual saving
If nothing else, Deus Ex Human Revolution probably relies too much on the hacking mechanic
Can't quite do that for stealth though
@BenBrocka That's exactly what Mark of the Ninja does
@BenBrocka Yeah but that's a different kind of game. There's no real like, pivotal story choice moments or anything.
@FAE How many games do have pivotal story choice moments?
@badp Only within a level, you can replay levels
@badp Western RPGs tend to have those.
Bioware stuff, especially.
Q: How do I move stuff?

CoronusI want to place a piece of furniture but there is another piece of furniture in the way. I can't seem to find an option to move or remove. Is there something there that I am missing, or did I nail this thing to the floor forever?

Plenty of RPGs do stupid shit like if you're rude to the maid in Chapter 1 the final boss has 23435365 more HP
Didn't talk to the dog in the intro? No ultimate weapon for you
Oh, yeah, Bioshock. I don't count that as "pivotal story choice moment."
And I keep manual save files as well.
@BenBrocka It's not just RPGs. Didn't see the off-screen leash thing? No best ending for you!
There's a reason I asked these two questions.
@FAE heh, I hit the 100 save files limit on Deus Ex Human Revolution
@FAE I'm not quite that crazy
I cannot imagine why a modern game would give limited save slots.
@StrixVaria I was livid. Especially as the PC version for ME1 didn't have a limit.
@StrixVaria IIRC it's because they were idiots and ported over the limit from the console version
@BenBrocka Why does that version need a limit either?
I blame C arrays for being fixed size at compile time :P
Consoles have hard drives now.
At some point, somewhere, some guy wrote
I've seen PS1 games with no limit; just however many you could fit on the memory card.
@Shinrai I had over 130+ saves at the end of my ME1 playthrough. I'm one of those people who saves before every major decisions/purchases/dialogue choices, at the beginning of worlds, after mission wrapups, before leveling a companion, etc. Sometimes, I do it just before cinematics that I'd like to go back and watch again or before bits of dialogue so I can see what the options in the other tree are. Also, if I decide to go back and change a decision, I don't necessarily have to do the entire game again. — FAE Feb 28 '12 at 0:23
@StrixVaria Not sure honestly. I don't know if there's an actual limit on any modern console
That's how I play a lot of stuff.
Wipeout HD sure makes a shitton of ghost save records, more than 50
/* lol I dunno, have to make a number up */
#define MAX_SAVE_FILES 50

t_save_file save_files[MAX_SAVE_FILES];
I don't think many modern games are written in C any more.
They could have at least made it a random datatype cutoff
@StrixVaria I stopped playing Assassin's Creed 1 when I found out I missed something for an achievement and that you couldn't have more than 1 save file, so I couldn't just do it on another save without starting my entire game over on 360. I was so pissed that a game I bought in 2009 only allowed you a single save file when, like you said, PS1 games let you have as many as memory allowed.
@FAE Games with one save file shouldn't have missable shit
@BenBrocka Cave Story+: 3 save slots, can't "save as" IIRC, missable shit
@BenBrocka I just... couldn't get over that fact and I ragequit. I'm thinking about going back to the series now, as I do hear it's quite good, but god, I was so pissed about that.
Cave story's also a lot shorter though, when you know what you're doing
well yes, by "missable shit" it's only just one item really
Plus 3 slots is a huge difference from 1
oh wait no
You don't have to erase everything you've ever done to get one item
A: How do I not screw up the best ending in Cave Story?

Grace NoteI will say up front that I don't think that Easy difficulty affects this, but I've only played the original. However, unless they felt like being callous, it shouldn't have an impact (considering you can access the Best Ending in other alternate game modes as well). The Best Ending isn't incredi...

You also have to do stuff like do not talk to this NPC
There's also the possibility of trading the polar star for the wrong item if you want the....whatever it's called
@badp Yeah I didn't like the part where you have to do stuff before you do what's totally obvious or not talk to someone who looks like they're dying (to make them not die)
@BenBrocka AFAICT, Gravity Rush only has one save slot, I think? I was at a friend's house and he wanted me to check out the game. I started a new game to do so, then it autosaved over his game. x_x It didn't even mention anything about a save slot or confirm that I wanted to save over an existing save.
@BenBrocka I like the part where the easiest way to make that one person not die is to rain down minigun bullets in his general direction to make you fly up.
@FAE Gravity Rush totally has multiple saves, but only one auto-save
(insert here the VIDEOGAME LOGIC macro)
@FAE Pokemon games only have 1 save slot, but they do make it impossible to start a new game without going through a painful menu confirming over and over that yes, you really do want to delete your old data.
@StrixVaria even the most recent ones?
@StrixVaria I think one or more of them only tells you you'll have to overwrite after starting the game and trying to save actually
@badp I haven't played Black/White 2, but Black/White only allow 1 saved game.
I recall someone being pissed about that
@BenBrocka I think that might have been Gen 3 and previous.
Anything other than unlimited saves is ridiculous on the PC. I think I hit the number of saves limit in every game that has one, I tend to save rather often
Gen4+ requires you do input a non-obvious button combination on the main menu to erase your game.
@MadScientist Now, now, if the Playstation 1 could handle arbitrary amounts of save files...
(Remember when consoles and the such used to report file and disk sizes in "blocks?")
@BenBrocka Ah I see.
like kilobytes are too hard and obscure to comprehend, let's instead talk about "blocks"
@badp The Wii and the 3DS still do that. Dunno about Wii-U.
Seriously. Blocks are stupid. No one knows how big a block is. At least some people know how big a byte is.
@badp ugh hate nintendo for that
Even if you don't understand bytes, how is it different from any other arbitrary numbered system?
@BenBrocka It might have been to get the numbers to a scale that is more reasonable for people to deal with
@murgatroid99 just use megabytes then
@murgatroid99 So then use "megabytes" your arbitrary unit.
It might be easier to remember that a game needs 1 block than to remember that it needs .35 MB
Just make a pointless cutoff then
Nintendo's design decisions too often seem to be "Kids are reallly dumb. Let's make the UI oriented for really stupid people"
There's a big difference between making your UI clear and talking down to your audience. Also, friend codes
@FAE I think the PS1 and the original XBox did that too
@BenBrocka Well, yeah, but even then I find it hard to believe that they sat down one day and said "let's use our own arbitrary unit instead of the arbitrary unit we already have for absolutely no good reason"
@murgatroid99 It's nintendo. I'd be amazed if they didn't do exactly that
I have faint memories of the XBox reporting a hard drive capacity as "30,000+ blocks"
like, "wow, so many blocks!"
I mean someone from their studios said "Hey guzie know what Melee needs? Random tripping"
@BenBrocka and yes, friend codes are awful, but it kind of doesn't matter because there's about one game on the Wii that's kind of worth playing online
@murgatroid99 True, but I think friend codes might be a part of that. The harder you make it to enjoy online play the less developers are going to give a shit about it
@murgatroid99 Hard drives actually do have 4 kB (typically, IIRC) large physical "blocks." I sincerely doubt that's what the consoles are talking about.
Well, the spinning ones.
@BenBrocka At least you can still play Melee on the Wii
@badp That's what I was thinking. Because even if it uses 2.5Mb, it'll still take on 4Mb block.
@badp it probably is, considering the block is the smallest unit you can save to the disk
@badp Unsure, I never owned either of those, just played at friends' houses.
@badp I was just making up numbers to make a point about how different scales can make numbers easier or harder for humans to deal with
@badp 16KB blocks to be exact
@BenBrocka It might just be a filesystem abstraction, but I think that's because the "filesystem" blocks map to the actual disk geometry for obvious ease of implementation reasons.
I think
@murgatroid99 We already have different scales however :)
We also have the kiloliter, the megagram, the gigameter and the terasecond but no one seems to use them ever.
@murgatroid99 But nintendo is introducing the different scale at this point
@BenBrocka I'm still really sad that the Wii-U is sticking to the whole "eshop games are tied to a single console" thing rather than an account. -_-
@FAE sounds like the rumoured XBox plan actually
@FAE Yeah, that sucks. I so hope my wii/wiiu never die. At least when my PS3 died I could immediately download all my digital games again
(a terasecond is a little over 31 years and a half. I suppose "31 years and a half" isn't, after all, a useful unit of measure. There's no excuse for megagrams though.)
(or more accurately restore most of them from a backup)
@BenBrocka I don't know what to do about using the 3DS eShop! I want to buy things but I just am so loath to because of that. :/
@badp A terasecond is 31,709.79 years.
@FAE Fortunately most of the non-retail games are garbage or VC games. And the retail ones are often more expensive than purchasing a physical copy, so that seals the deal for me
@StrixVaria 31,7 years, isn't that what I just... oh
@badp is bad at video games math
Whoever decided that the USA would switch commas and periods when printing numbers should have his knees broken.
although it's not quite a USA only thing afaik
I think it's pretty common actually
Well it's stupid that there are two completely opposite standards.
It's pretty common for anglosaxons to do things backwards
"Hah! You eurpoans drive on the right? We British will drive on the left!"
If you have a standard anything some country will be annoying and do something differently, usually worse
"Hah! You british drive on the left? We Americans will drive on the right!"
Lookin' at you, PAL
@BenBrocka Yeah, I don't really bother with VC because of, well, uh, emulators. There are a couple non-retail games I'd like though. I don't really want to buy the retail ones, even though it would be easier for me because I can't buy physical retail stuff here because of region-locking.
PAL doesn't use dicked up versions of 720/1080 do they?
@BenBrocka No
I don't think there's a "PAL" standard for HD
@FAE Region locking? Goddamnit nintendo
One thing you have to give Sony is Blu Ray isn't region locked. Because screw reigion locking forever
@BenBrocka I'm really pissed they decided to go back to that on the 3DS when they didn't do it on the DS.
@FAE Seriously? That's horrible then
I honestly think Japanese game companies want to screw over US gamers sometimes
@BenBrocka I bought my 3DS in the US, so currently, if I want a new game, I send money to @Fluttershy so he can pick it up and send it to me. Can't use any of the EU games here on the shelf.
@FAE Shipping costs must be horrendous
That's crazy annoying. So does your console get the US eShop?
@badp That's why I go through my boyfriend rather than Amazon or Gamestop. Gamestop's standard shipping to the Netherlands is a flat rate of $20. Screw that. :P
@BenBrocka Yes, as does my Wii.
@FAE It still can't be cheap
Which is also NA.
@FAE If shipping was $20 per game I'd just buy a second 3DS
So basically buying your consoles "overseas" only is a good idea so long as you don't buy too many games. That's certainly an interesting incentive economy
@badp It's not the cheapest, nay. I still have a bunch of stuff at his house that he has to send me at some point anyway, so he can just throw new things in with that if I'm not in a hurry.
@badp Pretty much.
@BenBrocka The US prices are 25% cheaper right now with the exchange rate and gaming in general here is more expensive. When I eventually get a PSVita, I'll have to get a NA one because my PSN account is NA.
@badp Yeah, this is why I have a modded PS2 from when I lived in Hong Kong, heh.
Brand new games for console are €70.
And stuff stays at that price for a longer time here.
I'm just glad I live in the US, being a non-US or non-Japanese gamer sounds horrifying
@BenBrocka The main problem I run into is the lower production runs of stuff.
@BenBrocka Life isn't too bad in Eur 2
also: Australia
My Xbox 360 is EU (we had a really long discussion over whether we wanted to get a NA or EU one) and finding stuff like old RB peripherals is so much harder here.
Doesn't australia still get crazy censorship?
@BenBrocka They've recently allowed M ratings and stuff is only just starting to trickle in.
@BenBrocka Germany has a lot of censorship on stuff, though not as bad as Australia's.
Germany actually forces games to be altered. Doesn't/didn't austrialia just straight-up ban anything over a Teen rating?
> But now, local game industry insiders are pointing to another reason why Australian consumers regularly pay between $80-$110 dollars for new-release titles that average around the US$50-$60 mark in North America. According to industry sources, Australian game publishers and retailers would face certain extinction in the local market should new-release titles drop below a recommended retail price of $80.
(cue the gamers of Australia worrying about the future of brick and mortar shops)
Really? Seems like, unless only super hardcore gamers buy games, a $80 price point would kill a great deal of sales
A lot of people already balk at the $10 increase from the PS2 era to "next gen"
> "It's true that publishers in Australia have begun to lower their RRPs to somewhere below $99, but anything lower than $80 is not possible," one source told GameSpot. "If publishers were to go below this RRP price, it would mean an automatic lowering of cost prices to retailers, which in turn would force publishers to start cutting costs by letting staff go, closing down branches, and so on. This would eventually lead to the closure of smaller Australian-based publishers."
(remain cued onto the gamers of Australia worrying about the future of brick and mortar shops as they download Skyrim on Steam)
They still have brick and mortar shops? Australia truly is a strange and primal place
@BenBrocka Yeah, €70 is like, $90+, so my reaction to buying games brand new since moving here has been "Okay, let's uh, wait a bit", often.
@BenBrocka Turns out GameStop is a thing in the US too :P
@FAE Shit, that's a lot
@FAE That's my reaction to pretty much all the games, regardless of the starting price
@BenBrocka I hate going to Gamestops and seeing all these older 360 games at like, $10-$20 and knowing I can't use them. :(
Also, Amazon is buying itself a lot of "goodwill" from EU gamers for selling games at US prices, tax-free, so long as you provide any bogus US address
Well - it is buying "goodwill" from me, anyway.
@badp Is this digital stuff?
@FAE Yes, got Just Cause 2 and Spec Ops the line both at whatever my bank thinks $2.5 is
oh, also Mark of the Ninja, same price point.
@badp How do you get it tax-free when you provide an address? Doesn't it calculate tax based on the address then?
@FAE Yes, only some US states have VAT apparently.
This may or may not be illegal, honestly >___>
@FAE Everyone just pretends to live at my house, since Delaware has no sales tax.
Most states have VAT but it's your responsibility to put it on your tax forms (which we totally do)
@badp Ah yeah, I forgot about that, as the state I'm from does tax digitally (NY).
Jochem hates having to calculate prices when we visit the US.
@BenBrocka aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so adorable
Baby bunnies are like my kryptonite. They're so damn cute.
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8.4k tweets, 97.4k followers, following 4.2k users
@BenBrocka Eeeeeeeeeee!
@BenBrocka I prefer brick and mortar stores, when I can buy what I want from them.
But then, I like physical copies of stuff.
@BenBrocka What batteries do they need?
As a sidenote, I had a really strange dream last night. SO surreal.
@BenBrocka Thank you for this link. I'm feeling super duper depressed today for some reason, and this made me smile.
They kinda lose validity when the footer says "No copyright intended," but if what they say is accurate...
@FAE Depression is lamesauce! :O I'll see your depression and raise you this.
Q: Change new Game Plus tier TL2

user42222Currently i am in new gamemode+. But i want to change back to normal gamemode. Is there a way to do this? Could also be a mod. I just want a functionallity, like in diablo 2 where you can change your gamemode. Does anybody know if there is a way to achieve this? thx

Q: Does Connections affect your ability to use a jump clone?

Kort PlecoDoes the standings boost from connections influence your ability to get a jump clone? For example, if you have 7.9 standings, and >8 standings with connections, are you able to place a jump clone in a station with that corp?

Q: Diagram in the hidden room in "Laying the Foundation"

PhilippI entered the hidden room from "Laying the Foundation" and found this diagram: It seems to be some logic flow-chart which depicts something from the games programming. Do you have any idea what it could be?

@TimStone That's so cute!
@TimStone OMG tiny Thane :3
@TimStone "I saved the galaxy and all I got was this lousy ending" lmao
@TimStone Oh, whoops. I actually linked to the Saren one here, minor details. >_>
@TimStone I like the subtlety of this
The genophage one is subtly inappropriate. :P
It's a little depressing that this pretty much sums it all up.
Good morning, Bridge (it isn't morning, but I just woke up so I am pretending it is morning.)
@FAE Aww. Have a cookie to compensate.
@AshleyNunn I only got out of bed an hour or two ago, so I approve of this.
@AshleyNunn A friend of mine says that morning is whenever you first get on the internet for the day.
@AshleyNunn Good Morning (It is morning for me, and I just woke up as well)
@TimStone Teehee
@FAE then morning it is!
@ktash okay, well, if it is morning for you I shall borrow some of your morning and pretend it is the same here.
@TimStone Thanks for upping the RAM, what exactly did you do though?
Hmm? I just resized the box.
So you didn't restart the server or anything?
Well, the instance rebooted, so I restarted MySQL (is that even being used anymore?) and ran FTB's runserver.sh in a screen window.
@TimStone Okay, then the server is still limited to 1Gb ram, so it must not have been getting that previously.
@AshleyNunn That's the spirit ;)
@ktash in the spirit of morning, I think I am going to have fancy breakfast. Because it is Sunday and why not.
I love fancy breakfasts. Breakfast is my favorite meal when done fancy
@RonanForman Yeah, I know nothing about the configuration of the actual Minecraft stuff, but the OS should have 2 GB RAM available to it now (versus the 1 GB prior). I can give it even more, but for cost reasons I didn't want to do so unless it was necessary. Let me know if you need anything else.
@TimStone No problem, is this your server or are you renting it?
@ktash I am thinking maybe french Toast and bacon and apple juice.
@RonanForman Renting, it's just one of my Rackspace cloud instances
@badp lots of weasely talk on that one
@BenBrocka I did bring up the "No copyright intended" thing as a warning
Making it sound like SOPA was crushed exclusively by the interests of big companies is a giant load of shit. Initially Google was the only company speaking against it, and Wikipedia of all "companies" was probably the company with the biggest impact on it
@AshleyNunn Ohh, that sounds good
SOPA was backed by giant companies. If they're going to be anti-corporate, whatever, but being misleading douchebags doesn't endear them to me
Q: How to use a demo save in the full game

Sergio CarneiroI played the Football Manager 2013 Demo and now went to "games" folder and copied the save to the Full Game's "games" folder. But when I try to load it it says "The saved game could not be resumed". There's anything else I can do so I can play this save?

Q: Is there anyway in dragonvale to transfer your facebook save to local?

user42223Is there any possible way AT ALL to transfer your dragonvale park to a local save data? (on the android tablet)

@badp I don't actually get the point of the "no copyright intended" thing
@BenBrocka The only thing that sentence tells me is "I don't understand how copyright works"
Pretty much. But I don't get how it's relevant to the cause either
They shoudl have just CC licensed it or something
@BenBrocka They aren't greedy copyrighters!!1oneone
@TimStone Except that their work's still implicitly under copyright. I believe you have to explicitly state "this is released to the public domain". You don't intend copyright, it just happens
Reality is irrelevant when you're trying to make a point, of course.
@BenBrocka that might not even work
@BenBrocka You're right "Until 1989, a published work had to contain a valid copyright notice to receive protection under the copyright laws. But this requirement is no longer in force -- works first published after March 1, 1989 need not include a copyright notice to gain protection under the law."
With the exception of anything deemed fair use.
The only sad thing about copyright is that I only know how it works in the US
Copyright in Italy is literally a clusterfuck
@badp work can be granted to the public domain, though it's also a bit of a thorny subject: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/…
I'm not sure there's a formal way to mark "this is public domain 4 evah"
Congress can put works back into copyright anyway
Annoyingly enough, licensing is much easier than anti-licensing, so Creative Commons is generally a safer bet
@badp This bit is interesting: "Italian copyright law mandates that unpublished personal correspondence and memoirs may not be communicated to the public without the consent of the author and addressee (where appropriate). This right does not expire and applies even when the work itself has fallen into the public domain. Likewise, a person's portrait may not be displayed, reproduced, or commercially distributed without the consent of the subject or of his family if he has died"
@badp I think that's generally just for extending copyright terms, I don't know if that affects manually granting work to the public domain
@AshleyNunn I don't think anyone gives a damn about those things
@badp I doubt they do, I just think it is interesting that tehy have a rule about it.
But yeah, you're right, that is a confusing clusterfuck.
I don't really understand what the hell SIAE is and what does it mean when it says it's got "monopoly" on copyright
and their official site is web 0.2
they're much more interested in explaining tariffs and services and penalties than how copyright actually does work
(jeez, I wonder why!)
oh man, borderlands 2 is 50% off on steam right now
Oh the irony of someone complaining about bad behavior on SO when their SO account is suspended for voting irregularities
@BenBrocka That's special.
> Myself tried and reached to the answer,hope now it is more clearer to all who was in Smokey situation with my queries
Yeah I think I might see why people might downvote those posts
@badp Just like every other company who bases their entire business model on getting money from copyright.
> Online Game Codes are only available to US customers. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. Please continue shopping on the Amazon.com home page.
I'm trying to buy Playstation Plus. :[
Could someone explain Binding of Isaac to me
@Ender It's Zelda except more creepy.
Also I took way too many levels before I could finish one with 9 honors
infinite dungeon roguelike zelda?
@Ender except not infinite, not exactly a dungeon, not exactly a roguelike and not exactly zelda
How much have you played?/Where have you gotten?
approx 15 minutes
Defeated a boss yet?
so you saw the intermission with the list of levels
also died in a last hit either way with another. very fustrating
everthing goes by so fast in this game
There are 6 levels
Each level has a boss at the end
Levels are randomly generated
Items are randomly chosen
Bosses are randomly chosen
This is the general structure of the game
Q: Xbox 360 - changing display settings from PAL-50 to PAL-60 (can't see that option)

ZiarnoI'm trying to change my Xbox's 360 Slim display settings from PAL-50 to PAL-60, but I can't see those options in the settings menu. I've tried connecting my xbox to the TV via the original composite cable (it doesn't have a switch on it) but I still can't see that option!

@Lazers really guy?
Who woulda thunk?
For the bronies in the crowd.
@badp thanks
@Ender I tried to keep it spoiler free; if you want to be spoiled you just have to say withe word ♫
@RedRiderX Not enough turtles.
Oh wow, the mark of serenity is completely arbitrary
...if you don't lctrl
Argh. I have the money for Fire Emblem now and of course now I can't get it anywhere.
@AshleyNunn I'm waiting to pick that up in the summer.
yesterday, by murgatroid99
Hey guys, for anyone here who cares (@YiJiang'sEvilClone, @Fluttershy, @AshleyNunn, @Wipqozn, anyone I forgot) the Fighting is Magic team got a cease and desist letter from Hasbro
I just don't have time for it, what with all the Ni No Kuni I'm playing.
@murgatroid99 Foiled again!
Q: Where are Deus Ex saves stored?

calccryptoIm trying to play Deus Ex (NOT Human Revolution), but it recently developed a major bug that refuses to let me see anything on the screen. Im thinking about just uninstalling the game but I want to keep the saves. Where does the game store its save files? Im pretty sure they are not on the steam ...

@spugsley What about wearing them?
@BenBrocka Is FF III not available on PSN? I see the 50% FF sale and I+II, IV complete, V, VI, VII, VIII and IX are there, but I don't see III...
@FAE FFIII is really good, so that would suck.
@StrixVaria I'm thinking I'm going to pick up all the ones I just mentioned, plus Tactics and Dissidia Duodecim. I mean... 50% off...
I have discs for VII, VIII, and IX, but because of region-locking, I can't play them on the PS3.
Is Duodecim the fighting game?
FFII was bad.
@RavenDreamer The sequel to the first one, Dissidia, yeah.
FFI is kind of...dated. It was obviously good for its time but it's painful to play now.
@StrixVaria Yeah, I have a copy on emulator that I started way back. I've never actually completed it though.
Q: What can I do if I run out of ammo?

JohnoBoyDuring the second chapter of Alan Wake I ran into a situation where I was running low an ammo. Luckily, I managed to kill the last enemy with my last bullet and the episode ended shortly afterwards, but I was wondering what would've been my options if I did, in fact, run out of ammo and still had...

@FAE I don't know if the original FF3 was ever actually released on PSX
@BenBrocka Asked another friend of mine, it's apparently never been released on a Sony system.
So not on PSN. :( Just NES, DS, iOS and Android. I'll have to pick it up somewhere else.
Q: Does Arqade frown upon Youtube videos as answers?

RetrosaurTaken from this question. Is @BlaXpirit's answer too vague? I understand that he didn't explain what was going on in the videos, but merely linking them and saying "Watch them, you'll get your answer that way." Are we supposed to our support videos with text? Or are we supposed to simply place...

@FAE peace
@FAE I...what? I don't even what?
Time to boil some water.
@Wipqozn It's hard for me to tell the scale here. How big are those family members?
I think @MBraedley is making a "Your momma so fat" joke. Are you going to take that, @Wipqozn?
@TimStone I'm offended you'd think that I would imply someones mother was fat
I just want to know if I'd be able to ride one.
@MBraedley Yes.
To be truthful, I was just trying to cause trouble so we'd get to see a giant turtle throw down.
oh god please MotN, give me my damn sword.
> It's my weapon, and I need it now!
Q: How do I feed items into a multifarm?

fredleyI have a multifarm set up, and it has a pipe connector on the bottom. Immediately upon connecting a pipe, items were ejected. How can I connect a pipe to use as input only?

Q: What is the discount granted by the merit award Cheapjack?

PrestonWhat is the exact discount granted by the merit award Cheapjack?

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