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I told you that toaster is full of lies
@BenBrocka My Pop Tarts are not a lie!
Q: Humble Bundle Closure Game: controls problem

Leonardo NicolasWhen I start the Closure game the character keeps moving to the left as if I was pressing the left key on the keyboard. When I try to change the controls configurations the game closes. Any advice?

@wipqozn my mom's washer makes a song that suspiciously sounds like the Zelda you found a treasure noise when the cycle is done.
My dishwasher plays a song when it's done. Then a light comes on to tell you that the dishes are clean.
Four minutes later, the light goes off, since, you know, that makes sense.
@AshleyNunn Your mother has an awesome washer.
@wipqozn I know, right? I love doing the laundry at her house for that reason.
@origamirobot that song is awesome and I like it.
Oh man this game looks awesome.
@fbueckert you there?
@SaintWacko Somewhat. Working, but can spare a bit of attention.
@fbueckert I just discovered something amazing in Path of Exile
I found a Conversion Trap gem that, when triggered, temporarily converts an enemy to fight for my side
It works on Totems
@SaintWacko Sounds right.
Too bad totems can't move.
I just used it on a Vaal Totem and became invincible for 5 seconds :D
You don't understand, when it's converted, I get all the bonuses from it
@SaintWacko Oh, it works on enemy totems.
@fbueckert Right
There's a Totem skill gem, that allows you to imbue it with whatever the attached skill is.
That's what I figured you were talking about.
So I can toss it on a Vaal totem and for the next 5 seconds, instead of the enemy being invincible, I am
@SaintWacko I would like to point out, I'm only level 22.
I can just charge in, and as long as I keep an eye on the time, I don't have to worry about health
You're probably far ahead of me.
@fbueckert Ah, okay, you wouldn't have run into the best/worst totems yet, then
I just hit 30
@LessPop_MoreFizz HowToBasic is making a surgery game?
@BenBrocka Are those...sniper bullets?
.50 BMG apparently. Though all the info I've found on it is the image, the caliber and the "lol look at this funny looking thing"
@BenBrocka I'd imagine that would have enough kick to fire the top part straight into your face.
I'm sure it's meant to be held two handed. I'd still let someone else shoot it first though
I'm also not entirely sure how it's meant to be held
come to think of it, it's probably meant to be used with a stock. I'd hope anyway. Even so
That can't be real
Can't find good evidence of it. Here's someone firing what's supposed to be a .50 cal DE but the grip doesn't look quite so fat
Can't get a good look at it either though
There's only like that one picture of it, too
Q: Power Output on Damage Buffs and DoT Effects

Jonny BOn damage modifier, such as the Kog'Maw's Bio-Arcane Barrage or Kayle's Righteous Fury can the damage given by AP/AD be changed mid-effect? For example: Say I'm playing Kayle and I have 100 AP. I trigger Righteous Fury which does 60 plus an additional 40 damage from my AP. I had Guinsoo's Ragebl...

Yup. Man-colters. *shudder*
Mare-men. Definitely Mare-men
@OrigamiRobot That's my thought
Looks like a simple shoop
A 50 BMG round is 5.5" long. That's insanely impractical. Not to mention there's no way you'd be able to hold on to that.
Now a Desert Eagle does shoot a .50 caliber round, but that's .50 AE
@BenBrocka Yea, that's 50 AE.
@SaintWacko It looks plausible to me. If it is a shoop they did the scan lines well
@OrigamiRobot I've got a 50 BMG sitting on the shelf in my room, they really are huge
@SaintWacko How fancy you are.
@OrigamiRobot What can I say, I like ammo
I don't have any guns, just the ammo :P
I have no desire to shoot a 50 caliber anything.
Yay, overtime complete!
Time for Path of Exile.
@fbueckert Mmmm delicious time and a half.
@fbueckert Catch up to me so we can party!
@OrigamiRobot Especially as mine is virtually unlimited; bossman just said, "Get it done."
I don't get time and a half :(
I can work overtime, but it's at my normal rate.
@OrigamiRobot I do!
anyone knows anything about LOL going to recreate the Mac version??
Pretty sure I get billed out at time and a half to clients, too.
@fbueckert Oof, sucks for them.
@OrigamiRobot Indeed.
@OrigamiRobot borderlands would do it
user image
@BenBrocka Truth.
@BenBrocka uauhauhu
@OrigamiRobot You fancy types and your located shoulders
@BenBrocka I have a Mosin-Nagant for shoulder dislocation thank you very much. The 2nd shot relocates it.
New search does not find "Teemo's" when I search "Teemo". I am dissapoint.
Q: How can I change my name in TF2 without having to change it in the Steam overlay?

jmfsgApparently, they removed the command setinfo name "your name" and it doesn't do anything anymore. Is there another way to change your TF2 while in-game?

Q: Is resource trading in Endless Space a flat fee or a per-turn thing?

rsegalIn Endless Space, Dust can be traded on a per turn and one time basis. It's never explicitly stated which of those resource trading is. On a related note, what is your strategic reserve of a resource? Is it a supply that fills up? Is it a throughput rate?

But vampires have always been lame.
That has to be the most awesome thing I've seen all day. Thank you for drastically improving my Monday.
@Coronus Don't thank me! Thank @FAE. She's the one who sent it to me.
@OrigamiRobot Also, you totally are.
@Fluttershy Says you.
@Fluttershy Oh, I'll be sure to. I love sardonic Twilight jokes.
@OrigamiRobot If liking you makes me wrong, I don't wanna be right.
(cc @FAE)
You are only interested in my chassis.
@Fluttershy Teehee.
@OrigamiRobot ಠ_ಠ
Anyone here frequent RPG.stackexchange?
Well, would you look at the time! It's Stop-pretending-to-work-and-start-playing-Path-of-Exile o'clock.
@murgatroid99 He's talking about the gun, I presume. I did reverse Google Image search the I Want to be a Millionaire image, and it seemed authentic. Surprisingly there's no online database of I Want to be a Millionaire questions
Copyright, perhaps?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone ah, confusing context
@murgatroid99 I know you've only had it for less than 24 hours, but... How are you enjoying The Cave? >_>
@Fluttershy It's pretty good so far. I had to look at guides a couple of times for things I didn't think of, and I kind of feel guilty about the end of the knight thing
@Coronus I'm assuming it's you that I just received a Raptr friend request from.
@murgatroid99 No spoilers in here!
@FAE ha, yes, that's me. I was just sending you a message over there.
@Fluttershy Well, I was trying to be vague.
@murgatroid99 Oh, I know. I was just... making sure.
2998 rep
Hey, who knows anything about making chat rooms?
I'm eagerly awaiting @badp's downvotes
@RavenDreamer Word.
@Fluttershy Can you invite 1-rep users in, somehow?
@RavenDreamer I think you can give them explicit read/write access. I think.
@RavenDreamer you can give them explicit write access, it's generally unpleasant
@BenBrocka These are people I know, though.
They only need write access, anyone can read unless it's a sekrit room
Am hoping to comandeer RPG.stackexchange chat room to facillitate pbp game.
@RavenDreamer I meant unpleasant for the one doing it
...why is @fbueckert the only one with explicit read access to The Bridge?
@RavenDreamer ask @badp :P
because explicit read access is useless
@FAE Eye no more!
@RavenDreamer I totally didn't even notice that. Now I feel bad. x_x
@RavenDreamer I figured I'd change it up. This is just the same as my Steam avatar. May change it again, dunno.
@FAE Yes, I did in fact recognize it.
@Fluttershy Ha. Step aside, Fluttershy. Raven is stepping up!
(Aside: I have no idea what that means or entails)
@Fluttershy It's one of those creepy .gifs that masquerade as PNGs!
@RavenDreamer Of course not, it fell
Random awesome game music time
Off is a kick ass, short-ish indie RPG with plenty more awesome/creepy music
@FAE So I hear your Prince evolved into a King.
Yes, I am now conflating you to all Dutch people, everywhere.
@RavenDreamer lol
@RavenDreamer Its like a weird Katamari/Pokemon mashup.
@FAE Didn't you use that previously? Or am I thinking of another one of your old avatars?
@AshleyNunn speaking of pokemon mashups...
Bubblegum Misty is a wee bit creepy, I find.
@RavenDreamer Venasaur and Pikachu are worse.
Dem Jowels.
@RavenDreamer What pokemon is Lady Rainicorn?
@AshleyNunn Dragonaire
@RavenDreamer Ah, one I don't really know.
It's one of the original 151!
Also, I found a copy of KH Re:Coded today at EB and it was only $15, so I am a very happy owner of it now :D
@RavenDreamer Needs moar Marcelline
Hmmm, where can I find a copy of Sagan's Demon Haunted World
@AshleyNunn We are not friends anymore.
@OrigamiRobot Everything needs more Marcelline because she is awesome.
@OrigamiRobot I'm sorry :(
@RavenDreamer Oh, wow that makes me look terrible
@AshleyNunn Hence OrigamiRob's comment.
Finished Haldeman's Old Twentieth. It was... disappointing
@RavenDreamer I know. I am a sad bean.
@OrigamiRobot You're OrigamiR to me ♥
That's fine.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Aww, how sweet XD
It would be so easy just to edit out "NOT" from @OrigamiRobot's quote. :P
@RavenDreamer Don't you dare
Q: Does Dolphin Emulator do proper 3D as supported by a 3D TV?

MarkI can't figure out if the Dolphin emulator just does that red/blue 3D or actual 3D. I'm thinking about purchasing a 3D TV soon and I'm wondering if it'll be compatible. (I can't create new tags... no one's talking about Dolphin?)

Q: What's the reward for killing Alira, Oak, and Kraityn?

fbueckertSo now that I've made it into Act 2, I've been given a quest to kill three bandit leaders, Alira, Oak, and Kraityn. I've just managed to make it to Alira, who has presented me with a conundrum: if I help her, she'll give me +40 Mana. Whereas I have absolutely no idea what the old man will give ...

Was having fun in Path of Exile until I found Cursed Mariners.
Then the game got stupid.
@OrigamiRobot You will always be my @OrigamiRob
I don't even do this on purpose.
@MBraedley I haven't used this one here, only on steam.
@Fluttershy No! I hate you!
Q: Has Chivalry left anyone else craving better combat in other games?

Cygnus XAfter playing Chivalry for countless hours and getting used to actually having a great amount of control over my combat movement, I've found that other games aren't as fun. Like Skyrim just feels like a mouse clicking fest now, rather than using any real strategy to win a fight. Does anyone else...

@StrixVaria Complete this sentence: The above question is ______.
@Fluttershy Not @StrixVaria, but I will take a stab. I SAY IT IS ABSOLUTE SHIT.
@Fluttershy Uninformed.
@StrixVaria I am disappointed. =(
@AshleyNunn o_o Dayum.
@Fluttershy The caps were accidental
My cat stepped on the button when he jumped on my tray
@AshleyNunn Well they worked.
I was really just looking for "stupid," but... That works too!
@Fluttershy Yay, look, I am so helpful! :P
Oh cool I finally got a support gem. Too bad I don't have any way to use it whatsoever.
dick in heaven...
hey guys.
what's up?
@AshleyNunn yay for being welcoming to newcomers. :P
Q: Utility of level 3 sensors?

ShaderachAmong all the discussion surrounding FTL, one thing I have not seen is a verdict on the wisdom/idiocy of upgrading to level 3 sensors. For those of you who never have, doing so allows you to see the power distribution and damage status of the enemy systems in the same format by which you see you...

Finished Act 1 with about 2 minutes to spare before server restart.
@StrixVaria Nice
I'm trying to get to where I can survive in Act 3
Stupid queue
@SaintWacko I just killed Oak.
Jumpy little bastard, he is.
@fbueckert Yeah, he's tougher than the other two
What're your character names, btw, @StrixVaria and @fbueckert
Q: What's the reward for killing Alira, Oak, and Kraityn?

fbueckertSo now that I've made it into Act 2, I've been given a quest to kill three bandit leaders, Alira, Oak, and Kraityn. I've just managed to make it to Alira, who has presented me with a conundrum: if I help her, she'll give me +40 Mana. Oak gives +40 Life. Whereas I have absolutely no idea what t...

@SaintWacko Singshir for me.
@fbueckert There's your answer
whoa Hawken is out?
@fbueckert Heh, quite an account name :P
@SaintWacko It's my screen name.
Unique. Very much so.
Yeah, mine is the same way
My character name is Rudbek
I've found a Minion Life and Damage, and a Raise Spectre.
Now I just need a four blue linked item, and both can gain from the supports.
@fbueckert Raise Spectre is awesome
@SaintWacko Oak was puffing them in a single hit.
My favorite is Whirling Blades, though
I ran out of bodies.
@fbueckert He's strong
I didn't bother with summons on him
@Mana I am....very...Welcoming. Sorta. Sometimes.
@SaintWacko There's a reason I didn't start as a summon build this time.
@fbueckert Heh
@SaintWacko I'll build into it, yeah, but not to the exclusion of anything else, because once you run out, that's it.
Now, apparently, I've picked up everything in the passive tree that increases my minion stats.
Now, to go for auras, or personal damage...?
@fbueckert Personal survivability, maybe
Act 3 is hard
@SaintWacko Hmm. If I get enough skills to buff up my minions, though...
There's a skill that applies my Energy Shield to my Minions instead. Hmm.
Wait, no, that's just bonuses from my shield.
@SaintWacko DanteHarshaw is the new one.
I didn't like where I was going with my Witch, so I made a Duelist.
What is even going on in that URL.
That is an impressive URL.
If I play KH re:coded before finishing KH1 and 2 am I going to totally spoil myself?
Q: Can Skulk parasites destroy mines?

BrantI've noticed that shooting a deployed mine with a parasite will deal 10 damage to it, but after firing two or three I've always been shooed away by pesky gunfire (if there are Marines around) or opted to leave it alone in favor of a more valuable target (if there aren't). Can parasites actually...

@AshleyNunn You'll spoil 1, probably CoM, and some of 2 maybe.
It's really good though.
@AshleyNunn ಠ_ಠ
@fluttershy that's why I asked! I didn't want to do it if it spoiled me! I just don't have the right hooked up and I had a kh craving.
The TV, hooked up, I mean
@AshleyNunn ಠ_ಠ
This download needs to hurry and finish so I can go to sleep. x_x
@fluttershy you can't leave it overnight?
Q: HDMI Xbox output to HD monitor. How to have sound?

Duncan PalmerSo I have an xbox, and I am using my computer monitor to play it. I am using my xbox's HDMI output to my monitors HDMI input. I want to know if there is a way to do this but at the same time, play the xbox sound through my computer speak (Green Aux). Thanks.

@Blem Just combine with equal parts Octodad.
Q: Why is permadeath essential to a roguelike design?

Gregory WeirRoguelikes and roguelike-likes (Spelunky, The Binding of Isaac) tend to share a number of game design elements: Procedurally generated worlds Character growth by way of new abilities and powers Permanent death I can understand why starting with permadeath as a premise would lead you to the ot...

@winterswift Turns out Octodad is a surgen
@Blem ;___;
Q: Did You Know These Auction House WoW Gold Making Mistakes?

pasiakentWhen people talking about wow gold making place, the frist answer should be Auction House in game. Yeah, Auction Houses in World of Warcraft can be a very lucrative place to make gold. Maybe few people really optimize their auction house strategy but not everyone can use the Auction house well. H...

@Lazers Hoooooo boy.
@Lazers Another one, man. Do these people ever give up?
Free flags, at least
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Hey man, 15 bucks a month pays their subscription fees!
@YiJiang'sEvilClone OM NOM NOM NOM
I eat spammers for breakfast
Rich in fibres.
Q: Black Ops 2: When you prestige do you always start at level 1?

trojanfoeA friend of mine didn't realise you had to do something in Barracks in order to Prestige in Black Op 2 and has been playing the recent double XP weekend at Level 55. If he Prestige's now, will the game: Take his XP into account and start him at, say, Prestige 1, Level 25? Ignore his XP and sta...

@YiJiang'sEvilClone What exactly...
@YiJiang'sEvilClone nope
I don't even.
shhhh, I bet 0 he won't notice.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone yeah, there was much discussion about it yesterday but nobody posted on meta
So because of Pidgin I now have some contacts repeated three times - on MSN, Google Talk and Facebook chat
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I gather it still can't merge.
@winterswift Nope
Though I do wonder if it could merge what would happen if I initiate chat with one of them
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Well that's disappointing. I guess that's why I only use one platform anymore though.
Windows Phone allows conversation streams from different sources to be merged
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I figure you could set a default, or it could just come up with a brief menu of "How would you like to contact them?"
@winterswift Yeah, Windows Phone has that option
The effect can be a little weird can still be a little weird. I think one of my friend started receiving messages through SMS when the wi-fi connection dropped out while we were conversing in Facebook chat
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Was that the phone's fault, or did Facebook go offline for him and start sending along SMS?
so here you go
Q: How do we handle Simcity (1989) and Simcity (2013)?

badpSo we've already discussed how to handle this scenario in the general case. Now for what concerns this specific situation, what should we do? simcity-classic vs simcity It seems that the owners of the game franchise themselves now refer to the original game as Simcity Classic. The original game...

@winterswift The phone's, I think. It should've asked if I wanted to continue the conversation using SMS, and I just absentmindedly choose yes
Someone give me a random pseudo-name for my design sketch.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Ah, wonderful.
> China needs to upgrade their GPU. I haven't seen draw distance this bad since Nintendo 64.
Q: Do I receive bonuses for the building a leader's unique building replaces?

theoriseFor example, if I am playing as the Mayan's, I one city with the following building: Pyramid: + 2 Faith + 2 Science (replaces Shrine) and I have founded a pantheon and chosen the following belief: Ancestor Worship: +1 Culture for every Shrine in your civilization Does my Pyramid rec...

Q: Do some of the icicles contain loot?

galacticninjaDo some of the icicles like the one in the screenshot below, contain any loot? I'm asking because there are quite a lot of them in the area where I'm currently at. And I'm wondering if I'm wasting EVE trying to melt every icicle I see with Incinerate, when they might not contain loot anyway. ...

Anyone in the house?
I need some suggestions for a proper tag name for a game with a pretty long name.
Tiny and Big: Grandpa's Leftovers
The game's end implies a sequel, but I suspect that will never happen
So I guess I could go for tiny-and-big...
@Aubergine Looks good to me
Very well then
Works for now
Q: How can I reliably pick up boring stones that sit atop beams I cut down?

AubergineIn Tiny & Big: Grandpa's Leftovers, getting across a ravine is often accomplished by cutting down an overhead beam. At times, these beams will have boring stones sitting on them that you can pick up. Pictured below is such a case: The problem is, that more often than not cutting the beam wo...

"Destroy at least 20 lights"
destroys 19
I agree that this hugely undermines the atheist argument somewhat... http://t.co/2OcnJ7q4
@badp Hmmm, the head looks like Indonesia, Timor and Borneo, and the middle of the breast looks like Greenland, but what are the islands that make up the feet?
Japan, New Zealand?
Great Britain and Ireland too
Sicily is not with the rest of Europe so it'll be in there somewhere
Same for Sardinia
Corsica, Andorre, etc.
Those are probably too small to see distinctly. Just tiny dots amongst all the other small islands
@YiJiang'sEvilClone They're small but not that small.
At least Sicily and Sardinia aren't
Corsica... maybe
I shall introduce myself as a Son of Rainbow Glitter Land from now on
so close
well okay the silver counter is quite a few ways off 33
but with one less gold and three more bronze, it would've been glorious
You could try making the silver + bronze counter read 13 37
Tough without gaining reputation
Adobe Photoshop is a graphics editing program developed and published by Adobe Systems. Adobe's 2003 "Creative Suite" rebranding led to Adobe Photoshop 8's renaming to Adobe Photoshop CS. Thus, Adobe Photoshop CS6 is the 13th major release of Adobe Photoshop. The CS rebranding also resulted in Adobe offering numerous software packages containing multiple Adobe programs for a reduced price. Adobe Photoshop is released in two editions: Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe Photoshop Extended, with the Extended having extra 3D image creation, motion graphics editing, and advanced image analysis feat...
Open the SU flag queue
Review first post

This was only a test, designed to make sure you were paying attention. You passed. This post has already been removed, but if it hadn't, your flag would have helped to ensure that it was. Thanks!
Cmon, do you really have to test me on my very first try? :P
@Wipqozn wat
@badp Fake it. No one will know.
BEsides, you're a ninja, Ninjas don't have honour.
@Wipqozn Are you seriously suggesting I need Adobe Photoshop to fake numbers on a webpage?
@badp No, but linking to the wikipedia page of microsoft paint would be silly.
@badp Far too much work. Obviously the easiest way is to hack into SE's database and alter the tables
for the record I'm referring to editing the picture, not the actual numbers
That's what they all say.
picks up the phone and calls the secret police
also welcome @EduardoCopat
Just have to find yourself a nice SQL injection vulnerability somewhere

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