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Q: What's the Most Efficient Way to Farm Crafting Supplies?

Levi HackwithI'm trying to work on my weapon and armor crafting in GW2, but I find myself running short on crafting supplies like totems and venom sacks. I know that supply bags (e.g., "small supply bags", "light bag of booty") contain a random assortment of supplies but it seems like the anti-farming logic l...

pancaks for brakfst, woo
and wif lt m slp in doubl woo
I'm voting to close your question as Not a Real Question, because I believe it is too broad. The ideal method for farming crafting supplied is going to change depending on the supply in question. With this in mind, I think you should make a "most efficient method" for each crafting material you're having trouble finding. — Wipqozn 9 secs ago
Are they pancakes with vodka in them?
@agent86 uh huh...
@Lazers In other words, this question should be closed as NARQ due to being too broad. There should be a separate question for each crafting supply he is having trouble finding.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone slp. lik on a pillow. zzzz, you crazy dirty ppl
@agent86 uh huh...
So someone else duped my question word for word? Amusing.
Also, G'day everyone!
@Ender IT doesn't actually turn up in search... it's really odd.
No results at all.
That must be a bug in the search feature. I know our search is complete shit and everything, but it's not matching "United Federation" to "United Federation"?
@Wipqozn I entered the new question's title into the Ask Question box, and the second result (the first being the new question) was @Ender's closed question
@YiJiang'sEvilClone It was the first result for me.
that search is incorrect.
I really can't see how the OP could've missed that
@its Kestral, not Krestal, and its not unlocked, its acheived
I just wanting to bitch about how Stack Exchange's search is fucing terrible.
@Ender United Federation should still match though.
it does,
In fact, it matched it with fewer key words, but doesn't display it unless you remove them.
it even says it does on the bottom, with the cross outs and such.
Hmmm, the question seems to be deleted now
@Ender Not for me.
@Wip thats odd
It just says "try you search with this instead"
Normally you would actually display those results.
•Use fewer words:
1 result for how to unlock the united federation achievement for the krestel
1 result for how to unlock the united federation achievement for the krestel
1 result for how to unlock the united federation achievement for the krestel
The crossouts didn't keep, but you get the point.
@Ender oh, you meant that.
That is there.
@Wip then it worked.
What I was saying is it should have displayed those results to me.
Not just display nothing
@Wip ahh, I see your point. Can't disagree much either. Meh. Nature of the Beast I guess.
It's like the search only returns results if you match every single word in your query.
That's just stupid.
Yea I can't really argue that, but at least it points you in the right direction.
I blame @agent86.
Hear Hear!
They should just change the search to use google search restricted to this domain. That would probably work better.
Q: How can I avoid drop hack and crash hack on Battle.net

Xitcod13From time to time I play StarCraft: Brood War on Battle.net since it's still a pretty good game even after all the years. The only problem I have is all the 12 year old kids on it that come and mass drop hack everyone, or even worse, mass crash hack (causing Starcraft to crash) everyone playing g...

Should I add to this question?
I would.
Hm. It's the old battle.net, though, innit?
Mind enlightening me?
battle.net has two different instances in time. There is the older version, that runs broodwar, and diablo 2 and a newer version, that runs wow, diablo3 and starcraft 2
although their names are the same, everything else about them is different.
But we only have one tag
We Fail.
Gonna get in a game or more of league. Find me there as BARDOV. Have a good one guys, I'll be back laterz.
@RavenDreamer Oh, good, another GW2 player
Q: What's the Most Efficient Way to Farm Crafting Supplies?

Levi HackwithI'm trying to work on my weapon and armor crafting in GW2, but I find myself running short on crafting supplies like totems and venom sacks. I know that supply bags (e.g., "small supply bags", "light bag of booty") contain a random assortment of supplies but it seems like the anti-farming logic l...

THoughts? I think this is too broad, and have thus voted to close as NARQ.
@RavenDreamer: Agreee or disagree?
@Wipqozn I think if you encourage him to make his suggested edits, it will be fine.
@badp Wow. You're really bored aren't you?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I felt that urge to write about something
Could do better as a blog post
Yeah, I was thinking about adding a few lines on diagnose stuff like pinging your router or doing a traceroute and whatnot to turn it into a blog post
although it'd be more of a Super User blog post then :P
Yeah, gamers aren't exactly the right people to talk about this, since this is more under the hood than anything to do with actual gaming
@Wipqozn NO
I blam you
blam blam blam
now you dad.
dad from blam.
Nice try nemesis, but I'm not going to fall for your reindeer games!
@Wipqozn contxt is for losrs. winnrs go home and blam the prom qun.
well, that was fun while it lasted. I knew I should have popped the key off my keyboard.
You didn't write a script to strip out all the es from your messages
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I considered it. too much work.
I have defeated you once again, nemesis.
@Wipqozn you win, this time
but next time, BLAM
@agent86 And every other time too. tortoise shades
@Wipqozn psh. it's wipqozn like... 2, and agent86 like... 2,000,000
@agent86 You're right. You have lost to me 2,000,000 times.
$('#input').on('input', function(){
    $(this).val($(this).val().rplac(//g, ''));
This script should do th trick
Uh, it's working a littl too wll
It vn rplacd th s from th script
lol fuck, that's great. Nicely done.
Hang on, lt m rload
$('#input').on('input', function(){
    $(this).val($(this).val().replace(/e/g, ''));
There, much better
Out of curisoity, how do you run that scirpt?
In your browser's console. Ctrl + Shift + I in Chrome
So it's kind of snowing again
Ctrl + Shift + K in Firefox
@YiJiang'sEvilClone or, remove the newlines, put javascript: in front and paste in the address bar
@badp That won't work in Firefox anymore
javascript:$('#input').on('input', function(){$(this).val($(this).val().replace(/e/g, ''));});
@YiJiang'sEvilClone oh. And how do bookmarklets work then?
I think? Let me try
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Is this jusing jquery?
Yeah, it's not working.
@StrixVaria yep, $ is kind of the giveaway
@badp Bookmarklets are exempted, I think
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Well then, put that in a bookmarklet then.
@badp At work we use mootools instead of jQuery, which uses the same syntax.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone wait what.
@StrixVaria Yes, chat uses jQuery
@StrixVaria If you're not using jQuery, you're doing it wrong.
@StrixVaria oh, okay.
Why they chose mootools I have no idea.
I don't do the javascript side stuff anyway.
@StrixVaria because it's got more... cowbell?
@badp That must be it.
@badp You can't, because bookmarklets are just links that begin with javascript:, and you can't create links like that in chat
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Make a new bookmark. Yknow, the old fashioned way
Meh. Too much work.
@badp Kids these days shakes head
@TimStone Browsers these days shakes head
Twilight's staring again
I'll check the javascript: thing on IE10 while I'm at it
IE10 is moving with the grace and agility of a godzilla
yep, also doesn't work in IE10
the page changes to [object Object]
I said I tried it and it didn't work
You tried wrong!
oh god
Your bookmarklet is wrong - it shouldn't be returning anything, that's why
neighbours' children just noticed it's snowing by wailing "IT'S SNOWING" at 90 decibel
Wrap it in a self executing function or something
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I didn't make a bookmarklet, I just pasted the thing in the address line
(which Chrome tolerates)
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Now you have reached my "meh" point :P
jQuery is chainable, and [object Object] is IE trying to print out the jQuery object returned by that script
dat "show"
It's not noticable at small sizes. IE and Chrome appears to be rendering their fonts differently
@YiJiang'sEvilClone uh... "not noticeable"? Everything is different between the two pages
@badp I mean, the jaggies on the font I was testing just now
The hinting is different because they use different draw methods
IE beats Chrome on the timestamps
You can adjust the hinting using the ClearType adjustment thingy in Control Panel
but then loses 20 times as many points on that "show 26 more rooms"
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I assume they both use the same settings.
Though I think that would only affect IE
@badp What did IE do to that poor w?
IE10 has a more sophisticated font rendering system that tries to draw fonts at 9.8 points as fonts at 9.8 points rather than fonts at 10 points
and both pages are zoomed out one "notch"
I guess it's the zoom?
I'm just glad they got most of the kinks worked out of Skia
There were some pretty ugly font issues in Chrome after they made the switch
Even without zooming thuogh that "w" looks... very much fat
Also, IE does the button shadow but not the gradients on the notification counter
@YiJiang'sEvilClone That's IE9 surely? or IE10 preview?
IE9, yeah
IE10 isn't doesn't even have a public preview on Windows 7 yet
Also it's much harder to pick "the best one" based on that three way comparison
I guess Firefox slightly edges above the competition
Firefox and IE looks fairly similar. IE seem to have rendered the text slightly wider?
The word "Quick" appears on a second line in IE
Actually I need to see how this looks in Nightly too
Firefox looks "boldest"
It's Moby Dick, if you're wondering
Nightly Firefox looks basically the same as Chrome
The thing I'm most annoyed by is still Chrome's font rendering defects you see in the heading in that test post
I guess Nightly's a little bit wider than Chrome tooo
I'm not sure how they managed to make the text look that bad
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Hmm...yeah.
This must be lots of fun
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Simple: 0 antialiasing
@badp It does look like it
The other thing I learnt from making this is that Firefox has poor SVG performance
But I fixed that by removing the masks from the SVG file.
0 antialiasing but still subpixel coloring
It's... weird.
Actually, even weirder is the fact that if I push the font size up to 49px suddenly the anti-aliasing switches on again
Q: Will I take friendly fire from hacked or friendly security bots or turrets?

galacticninjaWill I take friendly fire from hacked or friendly security bots or turrets? If I will take friendly fire, what are the security bots or turrets' behavior when they are firing and the player character is in their line of sight? Do they stop firing when the player character is in their line of si...

The top one is 48px, the bottom is 49px
Actually, now that I compare and contrast
The 48 px has subpixel hinting, 49px doesn't
Hmm, I vaguely remember looking into this before in the source code.
@TimStone The webkit source code? :O
The 48px has no apparent antialiasing, 49px only has antialiasing
Well, the Skia source code, but yeah
or viceversa. I get confused
I'm sure there's a vendor specific setting to optimize for shapes or legibility or something
Do look into it
Q: webkit-font-smoothing: suddenly different results in chrome and safari

mattI used to have the same output in both webkit browsers (Chrome & Safari) but suddenly (and I don't know what I could have changed the rendering in Chrome looks crappy. this is my html <li class="cat-item term term-workshops"><a href="/workshops">Workshops</a></li> ...

They removed it, apparently
Also when text on Powerpoint looks ugly what I do is apply a 0.1° rotation on the Y axis. This apparently forces Powerpoint to use a more expensive but much better font rendering engine and the text improves noticeably
Worked this way since 2007
oh buffledlop
Um, looked much different before exporting; still does look different though. Look at the 4.
It feels better aligned vertically.
Oh hell, it's 24 degrees Celsius here in Singapore
I'm practically freezing
@YiJiang'sEvilClone It currently feels like -24 here.
Last year, the fact that one night the temperature dropped to 21 degrees celsius made newspaper headlines
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Wind sucks.
It can be freezing at 18 °C.
WolframAlpha tells me that after accounting for wind chill, the temperature should feel like 27 degrees
I have no idea how that works
I wonder if the Wolfram Alpha app is worth the €2.29
It's the website without the nag screen and with a symbols keyboard
Like, if it gets me some sort of "premium" access on the desktop as well.
@badp No, for that you'd have to pay a monthly subscription fee
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Does the app still say "Computation timed out, try with more time" followed by nags to sign in and whatnot?
@badp No, the one where if you try to use the site with a mobile browser you'll first have to click through an ad for the app
The subscription isn't very expensive, and if you're a student you get a discount
On the other hand I don't use W|A enough to justify paying for it
Yeah, "extended computation time" is a Pro thing
a pro much thing, actually
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Yeah, even just €4/mo sounds like too much for the 1 time I use it per month
The historical trendline for Singapore's average yearly temperature looks interesting
I wonder if it's because of Global Warming or just bad data
I mean, €5/mo is what I pay for the internet on my Nexus
@YiJiang'sEvilClone You'd hope it'd be the latter eh?
+.044 degrees per year means a +1 degree increase in average temperature over 23 years
That's pretty significant
Wolfram Alpha: come for the science, leave for the shitty advertisements
@badp How the fuck does W|A show that sort of ad?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone There was something that the deniers said about temperature readings being wrong in the past, making it look worse than it is in the US, but then scientists corrected for the error, and it was still bad.
If you look at the graph there are large periods of time without any data
Also, 23 years isn't a very long time, geologically speaking
Still, the fit is good
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I think it's more like a moving average than a real fit?
oh god no. It's a linear fit.
That is disturbing :P
> Our comprehensive approach leads to key insights about the difficulty of replacing passwords. Not only does no known scheme come close to providing all desired benefits: none even retains the full set of benefits that legacy passwords already provide
@YiJiang'sEvilClone How about gulp passphrases?
Q: Where is it more likely to find the Weapon pre-igniter augmentation?

Samyam AI have found this augment a couple of times while playing FTL. Each time it has been a breeze when it came down to fights with this augment. Anybody has any idea as to which sectors is more likely to carry this augment in stores or as reward?

@YiJiang'sEvilClone Not reading the article, but just a statement: New computers should come with NFC/RFID readers so that we can do easy token based authentication.
@badp Power companies would LOVE this.
@GnomeSlice Power companies hate it because they a) don't work and b) put a huge inductive load on the grid which massively screws with local power distribution
Hmm, the snow's coming down pretty hard here. Should I bother making the trek across the harbour to buy my new earphones? Store isn't open tomorrow AFAIK
@MBraedley I meant power companies would use it if there were such a thing as free energy.
100% profit margin.
Possibly the most awesome booth ever.
I just bought and played Super Hexagon on Android. The game is sadistically hard
@YiJiang'sEvilClone what's the control scheme?
Q: Can one take damage from getting shot in the hat?

Mark RogersIn TF2, I usually wear smaller hats, especially as Sniper, to reduce my visual profile, so that I'm less likely to be seen. But that leads me to another question, what if one is wearing a tall hat like Dr.'s Dapper Topper: Obviously, a soldier's head only physically occupies the bottom half o...

Very simple - press left and right side of screen to rotate/move
Aww, I was hoping for some crazy rotation-based method
Nah, I'm on a tablet, so using the accelerometer would be a pain
It'd be a pain on phones too (and probably too imprecise), but fun to watch :D
@YiJiang'sEvilClone It's supposed to be a lot easier on PC, but it is of course supposed to be very hard
@badp power companies hate people that break the laws of thermodynamics
Physics is a racket
@YiJiang'sEvilClone wat?
@BenBrocka Oh yay, it's out
A: Can Pocket Minecraft play with a desktop Minecraft on LAN?


Well, at least he's honest.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Been out for at least a month. It's nice but the problem is at this point IE is basically only useful for shitty sites that are IE only, and for those you may as well just keep an old version
IE is it's own worst enemy in that way. The more useful you make IE for the future the less useful it is for all the sites stuck in old IE hell
@fbueckert TEchnically, it doesn't meat the flag reason for spam.
Although, as @badp has said, fuck that shit, flag it as spam.
@Wipqozn Simplest spam flag ever.
He used different words, but I made sure to swear. I'm certain he was swearing when he said it.
@BenBrocka IE 10 has support for transitions. Need to test that. And also some ECMAScript 5 features
Also, I will take pictures of our snow from yesterday. @StrixVaria @OrigamiRobot will be horrified.
Flagged: It is spam.
lol YA THINK!?
@Wipqozn Yeah the whole "don't use spam flag for gibberish" stuff is pretty much bullshit. It needs to be deleted and there's no reason to wait for normal not an answer flags. The spam penalty seems just as fitting for people who post absolute gibberish intentionally
@BenBrocka mhm. I was just referring to the reason described in the flag.
hm, I wonder..
Do spam and offensive flags work together?
If 3 people flag as spam, and 3 flag as offensive, will it delete it?
or do you need 6 of each, not 6 in total?
@Wipqozn There have been arguments/official statements about the flag's use too. Screw 'em
@Wipqozn 6 of each
@BenBrocka Well, we're Arqade. Community driven. We can do what we want.
@Wipqozn no idea, I'm not sure they even show up differently to mods. I think we just see a red number and they're at the top of the queue to delete/dismiss
Damn. It's too hard to see details through frosted glass.
Guess I'm going outside to take pictures.
Hmm, I think my space plane may be a little too heavy, given it's current speed and angle of attack
caniuse.com tells me that IE10 has support for the File API as well as XmlHttpRequest 2, so there's that
Oh, and Web workers, which is pretty important, but of no use to me right now
@fbueckert I don't know if horrified is the right word.
@MBraedley More power.
@GnomeSlice Or cut the fat.
@MBraedley Or more power!
Guys, guys, steam roulette is back up
20 hours ago, by GnomeSlice
Own to many games on Steam? Can't decide which ones to play? Steam Roulette!
@OrigamiRobot Hmm. The before and after pics aren't that different.
Snow doesn't make good definition.
@GnomeSlice Internal Server Error
@CruelCow Aureihbhekvrhejvihevreur
I'm starting to think it never works and you just pretend it does as a weird elaborate troll
@CruelCow Yeah, it's dead.
@CruelCow It's working for me again
Application Error
An error occurred in the application and your page could not be served. Please try again in a few moments.

If you are the application owner, check your logs for details.
@CruelCow ... ahahahaha
Ooo dustforce!
I should play that some more.
Dammit, came in a little too hard and lost an engine. But only an engine. I guess that's a successful failure.
@CruelCow It got to the front page of r/games, which is basically a small scale DDoS attack
I don't think words can describe how disgusted I am that I'm living in a country with idiots sprouting this sort of trash facebook.com/lawrence.khong.fcbc/posts/506201919423927
Q: Is there a way to release captured prisoners?

Lemmings19Is there any way to manually release captured prisoners at your own will? (let them go free) My specific situation is this: I have captured lords of a given faction, and that faction has since been defeated. I suspect that I will not receive a ransom for these captured lords anymore, and wish t...

okay, off to buy new earphones. Don't destroy the place when I'm gone.
@agent86 At least you lasted longer than @GnomeSlice.
@Fluttershy I failed intentionally.
@GnomeSlice Sure you did.
@fluttershy I read they are making replicas of varioius GoT weapons, and Oathkeeper is one of the next ones they are making....I really, really, really want it XD
@MBraedley Have they fixed spaceplanes?
Also, morning Bridge
@YiJiang'sEvilClone What an idiot
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I want to smack this guy with a very large rock.
Q: Will the XBOX 720 and Playstation 4 have equivalently powered processors to the current generation of consoles?

JMKI have just read that the Playstation 4 'boasts a 1.84 teraflops run capability, compared to the Xbox (720)'s paltry 1.23'. I remember reading a few years back that the PS3 could do 2 teraflops, and the XBOX 360 can do 1 Does this mean that the next generation of consoles will have equivalent p...

@Lazers Industry speculation, no?]
@AshleyNunn Yep, closed and deleted.
I've decided that since speculation questions 1. can't be salvaged 2. remain closed even after the game is out and 3. this confuses the hell out of me every time, it follows that 4. we should delete all questions about future releases on sight
@badp I like this plan
@AshleyNunn (terrible song reference warning) ♫ If you like it then you shoulda put a star on eet ♫
@badp New close reason? "Confuses badp"
@CruelCow I like it, I want it!
@CruelCow That would be amazing. Also, it would confuse the hell out of new users :D
I could close all the Skyrim questions.
See a flag about Starcraft and I can't make heads or tails about it? CLOSE!
That would be amazing indeed.
@badp I disagree with immediately deleting, it's not very friendly to just remove stuff without warning

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