Right, my work here is done, I've gotten my stars out of the list and reduced the chat to a group of ill tempered table throwing star abusing emote spammers
@kalina With enough organization, you could hammer someone's rep straight into privileged territory, and they have enough access to wreak some massive damage before the votes are reversed.
I am in a 5v5 ranked team and I discovered that you can't see the elo of it, after playing 3 games.
But just like in solo queue, there must an estimated elo ranking.
Does anybody know where i can find this?
When I try and place a quarry with a large area I get the following:
Quarry size is outside the chunk loading bounds or too small 251 (25)
[BUILDCRAFT]the quarry at 28 68 284 will keep 2 chunks loaded
And instead of following the markers, it places with the default size. The limit seems to be ...
I started with Eve. I got the ankh, lost a bit later, and resurrected as blue baby. After that, I got the wafer and other awesome items, and got to the chest. I beat the boss on the chest, and got the popup that i unlocked eve's bird foot. Then the achievement popped up, and it was Samson's lock....
@Fluttershy dunno yet. I mean, there's a SR4 coming out (supposedly, if THQ doesn't bite it...) bioshock infinite, GTA5, more splinter cell... plus about 100 things I'm not thinking about right now.