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Q: Restarting first time setup for games on Steam

Alpha RaptorSo by accident for XCOM: Enemy Unknown, I cancelled the VC-Redist setup before it went all the way through, and I think that's the result for me getting green bars when I start the game, and later, a BSOD. The intro screen looks like this: http://i.imgur.com/Kc8F3.png Is there any way to fix...

My attention span is getting worse. I can't even read articles I'm interested in any more.
Hej @Mana
@GnomeSlice god, parsing the title of this from the url is impossible
@Mana What Games Are: The Fun Boson Does Not Exist
@GnomeSlice yes, I know that now
That just makes it harder to figure out what it's about. If I could actually focus on it enough to read and comprehend it I might be able to figure it out.
Fuck my stupid brain.
erilvebrivhbweliy rbvhlerdfc
Can someone explain to me what this article is about so I can make sense of it.
Need to finish reading it first.
Holy cow my back is sore today.
Wholly Chao
@GnomeSlice It's an argument calling for developers to stop trying to quantify fun via numbers and formulae, because it's locking developers into certain types of games they believe have been "proven" to be fun.
Q: How can I optimize research?

iberI will use an example. I'm going to to research X-Tech. This tech needs: Artillery Skill 3 Artillery Skill 3 Org Skill 3 Org Skill 3 Electronics 3 I have two research groups to choose from: XYZ; Skill 4; Artillery Skill and Org Skill ZYX; Skill 3; Artillery Skill, Org Skill and Electronic ...

@Mana I'm starting to get that now, didn't really get what they were trying to say at the beginning
But thanks.
> Obsessed with measuring everything and therefore defining all of their problems in numerical terms, social game makers have come to believe that those numbers are all there is, and this is why they cannot permit themselves to invent. Like TV people, they are effectively in search of that one number that will explain fun to them. There must, they reason, be some combination of LTV and ARPU and DAU and so on that captures fun, like hunting for the Higgs boson. It must be out there somewhere.
@OrigamiRobot Cupcake > Cuposaur > Holy Crap
@GnomeSlice My favorite is Cat > Catfork > Justfork
Lmfao Arsonsaur
@Mana Hats
@OrigamiRobot They're all great. I like twentyone and twentytwo
Also the Lawsuit
    | $$$$$$$$ |

 Level 70 Headwear
@Mana Caucasian.
@OrigamiRobot Tell you what: you come here and do it. I'll provide free room and board while you do so.
@fbueckert I'd be staying in the igloo, duh.
@OrigamiRobot I think you underestimate the amount of work it would require to build that.
@OrigamiRobot Lol at the comments.
@fbueckert Not at all.
Now to choose if I want to tank, or do damage. Choices, choices!
@GnomeSlice This is what I was trying to say about Hollywood the other day. They're not trying new things, just doing whatever makes the most numbers.
@Wipqozn They will occasionally try something new. It just rarely works. And that makes me sad.
@Fluttershy The problem is that even when they try something new, the try and shove in things that will increase numbers.
One example would be shoving in a romance subplot or a love interest, when one really wasn't needed at all. In situations like that it usually just doesn't work at all, and just feels forced.
Neal Stephenson goes to a cooking demo.
Q: How to I use an "arrow storm"?

EBongoI have boatload of assassins now, which gives me 3 "assassin bars". I now see an option that says "assassinate/arrow storm", but every time I call the assassins only one shows up and they don't seem to be using arrows or any more powerful. For reference I'm playing on the PC and "T" is the butt...

Q: Pickpocket ability and turn order

KolinkI've just been looking at some Hidden Abilities to see what might be good to aim for. One such Ability is Pickpocket. According to the information I've found, it will steal the opponent's held item if the opponent makes contact. I've noticed that simultaneous abilities generally work in an orde...

This is still one of the best things I've ever heard, holy shit.
@Lazers That's what I get for seeking more information. =(
Q: Main menu hangs at checking downloadable content

IsziI just found there's a handful of free DLCs for Mass Effect 3, including an Extended Cut that supposedly fixes some issues with the ending. So, of course I downloaded and installed them as soon as I could. However, after the DLCs were installed, the game would not load. It would get past the o...

Shit, I can't decide which of these fonts to use.
One of them more accurately relates to the time period, but the other one looks better...
Current IndieGameStand game: Love+, a minimalistic platformer with an extremely interesting custom level creation tool.
@OrigamiRobot Okay, that is awesome
Guys, guys, there's a bundle of free indie games.
Nitronic Rush and Celestial Mechanica are in it.
Q: What happens to surplus science on Endless Space?

Jader DiasI often find that my research points per turn are higher than it takes to discover a new technology. What happens to the excess point? Are they stored for later? Are they used for the next tech in the queue? What happens if there's no other tech in the queue? What should I do in this case?

Q: How to enqueue techs on Endless Space?

Jader DiasIf I choose some future advancement which has its prerequisites not yet researched I will enqueue more than one tech. Can I enqueue unrelated techs? How do I do it?

Q: What should I do with my hidden power?

EnderI have a Hidden Power TM that I got from... some... person. It doesn't matter where I got it. I was thinking about using it on my Abra. I looked up on the bulbapedia how hidden power works, and got a butt-load of math that I don't wish to perform. Is there some simple lamens terms way to determin...

@LessPop_MoreFizz What the hell.
This guy thinks Yoshimitsu is a joke character? If you know how to use him he's nearly unbeatable.
@GnomeSlice Capcom decided to be assholes and after teasing about adding Mega Man to Street Fighter X Tekken, they went and added fat megaman from the original US NES Box Art.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Ahahahahahahaha
@LessPop_MoreFizz I don't remember Megaman being particularly fat on the box art.
@GnomeSlice He wasn't really fat, but he was definitely pretty schlubby.
^ that's the megaman in question.
@LessPop_MoreFizz That looks like fan art.
But yeah.
@RavenDreamer I understand now. But at the same time...I don't.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Wtf, it's coloured pencils.
I'm unable to find one without music.
I'm surprised only one person has uploaded anything of the Megaman skin in LP
Only available on PC, of course, so I could never unlock it.
Does anybody know how to calculate what the height or width should be given one of those things to get an 8.5x11 ratio
All of my math knowledge is gone.
Since you can now sell TF2 stuff for real monies, would a Q about finding standard prices for that be a dupe of this question, or a new question?
Q: Where can I find an item value guide for TF2?

soulBitI have been ripped off a couple of times recently trading for hats and weapons in Team Fortress 2 - is there a price guide available anywhere that I can reference to stop this from happening? Obviously I don't expect it to be perfect, the prices I get will differ from person to person, but even ...

@GnomeSlice Divide by whichever dimension you have, and then multiply by the other.
@fbueckert Divide what by whichever dimension I have?
@GnomeSlice Do you have height or width?
None of the stuff in here maps to cash, and the steam interface doesn't appear to show you average price or anything like that, it just lets you put in a number
Sorry, I used to be really good at math, but now I'm not.
@fbueckert Yeah. Basically, I set a photoshop document to 8.5 x 11 inches and it keeps reverting to slightly different values
And I'm trying to figure out if it's still the right aspect.
Width is 838
8.5 / 11 = .7727 repeating.
If you take your width, 838, and divide it by the height, the value should be close to that.
Okay, so the height is supposed to be 647.5 and it's 648, that makes sense I guess.
Must be my document resolution. Photoshop isn't great for measuring in anything other than pixels.
Thanks @fbueckert.
@GnomeSlice Math is what I excel at. No problem.
I used to excel at math. In highschool anyway.
Didn't have to study to get A's
Say, is the site borked for anyone else?
@badp Are you...familiar with Katamari at all? They're clearly using Balos' head as a katamari
@Mana I am listening to Roxy Music again. So great.
@BenBrocka Is it the best ending boss?
I never got to the best ending
@Mana Sounds about right.
@badp I think so. I got stuck on the last dungeon you get to before the best ending. That thing is hard
@LessPop_MoreFizz I seem to recall there being a megaman game where "Bad Box Art Megman" was one of several available playable characters.
KSP people, do any of you have a good single stage to orbit space plane?
@OrigamiRobot so you would say it is a game worth getting?
@OrigamiRobot Which ship?
it is 50% off this weekend
Am I reading this wrong, or is this actually 200 Euros.
@CruelCow Kestrel B
@GnomeSlice +vat
@Blem Okay, I dunno what that means.
depends on where you are in the world what is added
Afternoon, Bridge
So it's 200 EUR plus tax. Well, fuck that.
@SaintWacko Ello, Saint.
200 EUR is about $260 CAD
Damnit, it would be so useful too.
@SaintWacko Incidentally, we're waiting on you in Conlacve.
@RavenDreamer I see
> Special conditions (prices for students, distributor, etc.) on request
Hmm, I wonder how much of a special price he gives to students.
@RavenDreamer Is there one that would be better for me to hit?
Don't think so
I don't think we can kill either this turn
Alright, didn't know if @OrigamiRobot could hit both of them or not
@SaintWacko I will be able to
@OrigamiRobot Okay, I'll hit the one with low health, then. If I crit, I can kill it
@SaintWacko I will be able to
Ha! Got it
One eye left
I could have hit them each one time
@OrigamiRobot Well, I took a positive answer to mean you could hit both of them -.-
Anyways, the other only has 7hp left, we got this
Oh, I can hit two enemies once or one enemy twice with Twin Strike
Nevermind then
@OrigamiRobot Oh, I see, you could hit both in one turn
I was asking if both of them were in range for you
@SaintWacko Yea
I didn't realize you had a move that allowed you to hit twice
@LessPop_MoreFizz Hop to it, puppet!
So minecraft has animated textures now.
@OrigamiRobot Conclave awaits you.
Q: What's the maximum height mobs can fall from without dying?

Steven RooseThe question stands for itself. I'm especially interested in skeletons, but I like to keep the topic general. I something to get skeletons from a monster spawner go up and fall, but they still need a few hits to die, so I would like to know how high I need to let them fall so that they would onl...

> The question stands for itself.
@SaintWacko Your go again.
@RavenDreamer Back to you
Aight, time to pay a visit to the car dealership.
FUUUUUU new Stair Dismount updates require iOS 5
Oh hey, Sniper Rifles are more common drops today in BL2 apparently gearboxsoftware.com/community/articles/985/…
I wonder if legendary snipers drop more commonly too
@BenBrocka Rocket Launchers tomorrow?
@Ullallulloo I assumed the hint meant either that or the DLC was releasing
@BenBrocka Well, it said that's the 15th, so that'd be overmorrow, not tomorrow.
Oh, probably just rocketlaunchers then
@MBraedley That's what I replied to...
@GnomeSlice Oops, didn't check that
Q: Terraria - Will the corruption/hallow be able to jump across my shaft?

JesusPlusPlusI understand that this question has been asked loads of time, but all the forums, wikis and answers I am seeing give different answers, so I am confused in regard to what and what not the corruption/hallow is able to jump across. Terraria - Will the corruption/hallow be able to jump across my s...

None of these legendary snipers really stand out to me. Except the Volcano which I already have
Holy shit this Football game.
This Football weekend.
Has just been insane.
how do you delete your profile for one site without affecting the other sites?
@sarge_smith remove the profile info or delete the account on that site?
@BenBrocka delete the account
fill that out on the site you want to delete from, of course
@BenBrocka Thanks
@sarge_smith goodbye!
Wow, what an ending to that Atlanta-Seattle game. And the fat lady hasn't sung yet (although she's taken the stage)
@sarge_smith :( ?
@MBraedley Oh, she sang.
there's still a kickoff left
That moment when you realize you aren't watching exactly "live"
@OrigamiRobot Better erase your writing then.
6 seconds left. You can still throw a hail mary
@MBraedley You're right, holy fuck.
@GnomeSlice I will after it gets closed.
@LessPop_MoreFizz so, hail mary, or scramble?
@MBraedley Looks like a hail
and that's that
counts 6 seconds
@MBraedley So, what are the odds that Pete Carroll has learned his lesson re: Icing?
I'm going to guess they're incredibly high that he has not.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Bryant wasn't set up well for that kick. He hesitated before taking a half hearted kick
Waiting on a certain @Gnome to get all sneaky in Conclave...
> You settle in for the night. Just after sunrise, your sleep is cut short: flaring lights, moving outside the ruined walls! You reach for your gear as the lights reveal themselves to be the blackened bones of skeletal figures. They claw at the rock piles and soon pull one down, but by then you are ready for them.
How the fuck can blackened bones look like flashing lights.
Oh, they're on fire. Well it didn't SAY that.
@MBraedley Exactly.
@MBraedley But because Carroll was an idiot and tried to ice him, he got a second chance.
@OrigamiRobot Done.
THe dumb NFL superstition of giving kickers free practice shots in tense situations is dumb and should go away.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Anyways, the game I'm really waiting for is coming up, and I need something for supper
@LessPop_MoreFizz That's a thing?
@OrigamiRobot Oh yeah. It's more common in the post season (or the end of the regular season when the post season is on the line), but it happens all the time
@MBraedley Isn't the point of being a professional athlete being able to play well under pressure?
If you still have 2 or 3 timeouts, and no chance to use them on offence, might as well try screwing with the kicker.
I have moved! I am in my new apartment eating pizza. It is lively.
What are the chances that I'll be able to get out to some fast food joint and make it back for kickoff?
> In our tests from multiple accounts, it appeared to be the case that users only get this message if they're not one of Zuck's 16 million followers. That, however, could still be coincidental.
@GnomeSlice it's not just Zuckerberg. Apparently you can skip anybody's Other folder for $100.
or, well, a lot of people.
@AshleyNunn That is the best after-moving party.
@badp Probably public profiles.
The kind you can 'follow'.
@badp I am mostly just proud I unearthed my plates!
@AshleyNunn Now, now, it can't be much worse than handling your loot in Borderlands 2 :P
(also plates? for pizza?)
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm not leaving leaving... just not reading/lurking gaming anymore. It's turned into a rather large time sink.
I'm just not sure I see how deleting your account helps with that
all it really does is removing your name from your post and reset your reputation
@badp plus no pings from gaming...
which is how I normally get sucked back into it
@Mbraedley should've ordered delivery.
if there's another way to shut it down I'm open @badp
Holy shit that kick return.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh no! My local station isn't carrying the game!
Stupid Golden Globes!
80 yd kick return for texans.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Shut up, you lie!
eh, you got 16 comment replies and three post edits in the last 6 months
@Mbraedley I'm sorry the return was 94 yds, not 80.
but hey, I'm not here to tell you how to spend your time
@badp I kind of sort of moved you in front of an enemy in our Conclave game.
@LessPop_MoreFizz well it's not optimal, but I am watching the game
@Ullallulloo you around?
@GnomeSlice yes
@Ullallulloo Can you make a move in Conclave?
@GnomeSlice kk
@Ullallulloo In 'The Wreck of the Seamaid' one.
@GnomeSlice Yeah, I'm just trying to figure out what to do.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I think only one of those statues look like they were actually related to world of warcraft.
I know for a fact WoW does not have centaur testicles.
@Ullallulloo How far can you ignite?
@GnomeSlice 2
Because if you can, ignite the space infront of me or Nymos
so, where 1 is is the closest
Or can you not ignite when there's someone standing on it.
where 1 and two are are the only useful places
@Ullallulloo If you can, ignite the space in front of nymos. Where #1 is.
Q: assaian creed 3 mutiplayer abstergo score

user39896I have won some and lost only a couple how do go from 2350 to 1350 in two days also I sometimes quit too but this doesn't. Make sense??? How. Do you lose this many points in 3 days

@Lazers This hurt the brain to fix.
omg what a shitty ending
I thought I saw shitty endings
Oh no, Gronkowski just got Gronked :(
Q: Purity of revenge won't start. Skyrim: 360

user39297Ok, so I completed the helm of winterhold quest and it won't let me start purity of revenge. I waited 30 in game days and nothing. And since finding the problem, I have already defeated alduin and accomplished so much so reloading a save isn't an option. Any ideas?

@Wipqozn If that's real, he deserves every bit of it.
@LessPop_MoreFizz You just got... Welkered?
@Lazers oh god why my brain am hurt
Apparently Windows supports at *least* 255 multitouch points. I'm kinda terrified of that use case
Good to see Microsoft is taking accessibility seriously for it's betentacled users
@badp are you dropping out or what
I'm already on the fourth chapter of Awakening
@badp I still see you in our group...
Nevermind, refreshed.
@GnomeSlice Done. Can I get an invite back plz?
@Wipqozn That's a little harsh, the kid is 13. Slap him on the wrist and let him go.
@badp What the hell did you do, how do you have 26 max hp...
@GnomeSlice The kid deserved it. Hopefully he won't try phishing others later in life
Q: What is the max score possible in Beat The Boot?

SiddharthaI know Beat The Boot (by Google) is hardly a game. But I was wondering: What is the highest possible score in the game?

Thoughts, people?
It's a valuable lesson
@MBraedley You don't need to take his account though. :/
@GnomeSlice What else can you do to drive the lesson home?
@GnomeSlice The kid can retrieve it, if he's smart enough and fast enough.
@MBraedley He's 13, you think he's up to it?
I dunno, it's a good lesson, but it's a bit harsh.
@GnomeSlice Nope. He chose to try to scam people's account information.
He got what he deserved.
@GnomeSlice no, but someone who is foolish enough to try and prank someone like that deserves whatever he gets
@MBraedley He's a kid, of course he's foolish.
@GnomeSlice You can't teach common sense. The only thing you can hope for is that he learns from his mistake.
Actions have consequences. That's a lesson everyone needs to learn.
I just don't see why you guys think it's so funny.
The kid lost his Steam account. Yeah, real hilarious...
@GnomeSlice He lost his Steam account while trying to steal someone else's Steam account.
That's the very definition of irony.
I said 'funny' not 'ironic'.
@GnomeSlice It's funny because the kid was an idiot who gave away his account info while trying to steal anothers
Thought it was clear, sorry.
@MBraedley Yeah, I might have fallen for that too.
@GnomeSlice Irony is funny.
@fbueckert Not just because it's irony.
@GnomeSlice For a reverse spear phish? Yes, it's rare, but hopefully you'd be smart enough to see through it.
@fbueckert hmm, hah, It's hard to say
@Mbraedley I have no rooting interest in this game, other than my obligatory distaste for the Pats. Thing is, I don't like Houston either, sooooooo...
My interest in this postseason is 75% dead with the Seahawks out.
Well I'm just glad the Pats are winning.
Okay, @LessPop_MoreFizz @RavenDreamer @OrigamiRobot I'm back
@AshleyNunn I want pizza! That sounds really good tonight
@SaintWacko Now you make me want pizza
Also, good lord it's Sunday.
@RavenDreamer Work tomorrow :(
@GnomeSlice 13 is old enough to know that stealing is wrong.
@SaintWacko :(
@RavenDreamer I mean, I like my job, but stillll...
@SaintWacko But playing video games is more fun.
@fbueckert Right
Although I play games at work :P
@SaintWacko Boo. I wish I had enough free time to do that.
I've picked up what we're learning fast enough that I have far too much free time, even alongside helping others in the training program
Recently I dropped a DS emulator on my flash drive, so I've been playing Pokemon White
@SaintWacko My training is, "Hey, we need to learn how this works so we can use it to sell to our clients. Figure it out."
I found one of those on my external hard drive on Friday.
@fbueckert I'm partway through a four month training program
Of course, I did find out I'm getting a 2% raise after only working at the company for 7 months, so I guess that's good?
Though, granted, percentiles are generally meaningless for those.
15% raise at $2.00 an hour vs. .1% raise at $300.00 an hour.
Q: What is the max score possible in Beat The Boot?

SiddharthaI know Beat The Boot (by Google) is hardly a game. But I was wondering: What is the highest possible score in the game?

@SaintWacko Go for it. Pizza is amazing
@RavenDreamer Those are probably not good for Canada :(
@BenBrocka Probably from back in the days of the old Surface tablets, which were meant to be used by more than one person at the same time
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