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@Meraj99 You know nothing of slow internet.
@GnomeSlice You are elitist about having crappy Internet?
@StrixVaria He said "I thought I had slow internet." and he is wrong.
So yeah, I guess.
@kalina Stop taking all the reviews >.<
Until I got to college, I was on dialup. NetZero dialup.
Also, Morning, Bridge
@origamirobot for the longest time (until 2 years ago) my parents were using AOL dialup.
@AshleyNunn Bzzzzzz whirrrrrr hissssss beep click whee fssssssss hrrrrrrr k k k k eeeeeee shhhhhhh
@saintwacko yeah! Like that!
I only managed to get off dial up in 2008
@YiJiang'sEvilClone o.O
My fondest memory were gawping at the fact that the computers in my schools computer lab could download the trial for Adobe CS2 in less than 4 day's time
Was it CS2 back then? Right after Adobe purchased Macromedia
I remember back in the day on dialup downloading the music video for Fatboy Slim's Weapon of Choice because it was so amazing. I think it took the better part of a week.
For reference.
My dad used to go to work, where they had high speed, and then download whatever we needed so we didn't have to wait for days.
@yijiang for my parents, it was early 2011, I think.
I just didn't download things.
@origamirobot that too
Good morning, Bridge
@fbueckert Good afternoon!
@fbueckert Good morning!
Good evening!
@StrixVaria "The uploader has not made this video available in your country."
@fbueckert good morning!
A blizzard is starting this morning. It's supposed to really hit us this afternoon.
Roughly 20cm of snow. And with the windchill, it's supposed to hit -32.
@MichelAyres Not sure if I should click that...
@fbueckert Yikes
@SaintWacko lol? why?
@SaintWacko Par for the course, really; I expect my winter to hit at least -20 and STAY there for a couple months. We've gotten off easy the last few years.
@fbueckert It was 66 degrees here the other day
@OrigamiRobot Your state would come to screeching halt if you got as much snow as we do.
@fbueckert Oh absolutely.
Schools get delayed at <1"
@fbueckert please keep the snow until after I move tomorrow. Then I will happily take your storm leftovers.
@AshleyNunn Tomorrow, I start practice for a tango performance.
So, I'm going to hit up the studio, come what may.
@fbueckert is it walkable at least?
We didn't even get any snow last winter.
@AshleyNunn A half hour walk, in good weather.
Shouldn't be a problem getting there, regardless; it would take a ton of snow to shut us down.
what version is the minecraft server running?
damn x. x steam downloads kill your download speed >.>
Noob question... There is a "trial" version of Skyrim ?
@fbueckert We would probably have looting at that point.
steam download + minecraft update = 0kb >.>
@Meraj99 watch out, the server is set to hard without any help for newcomers and it's night. I'm at the third day and I'm still figuring out how many more days it'll take to get a farm of any kind going while fredley and Thomas fuck around with buildcraft and engines and whatnot
im not new to minecraft O_O
ive been playing it for like 2/3 years XD
I've played enough Minecraft to get extremely bored by the early moments of the game
@badp do i need the ftb launcher to play?
@Meraj99 yeah
damn you launchers :(
do i download the jar or the exe O_O
I stopped playing Minecraft when jeb and pals (which I like btw) started putting all kinds of junk in the base game instead of leaving them to mods
@Meraj99 I downloaded the exe and it worked.
@MichelAyres It's Friday
@SaintWacko \o/
@SaintWacko whispering SHUT UP!
wait.... the server is cracked right?
damn im not premium -_-
@saintwacko indeed. Otherwise known as the day I try frantically to pack everything that isn't packed because oh lord I move tomorrow.
@Meraj99 What does that even mean?
@OrigamiRobot It means he's a dirty pirate
@Meraj99 Not cool. Serves you right that you can't play
Mojang is awesome, don't steal from them
@SaintWacko I mean the server isn't cracked.
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, I know
@fbueckert don't know if you have played it but is there any way to play Pocket Academy without hemorrhaging money all over the place?
@AshleyNunn Yay, moving!
@AshleyNunn Tests.
The more tests you pass, the more you get per student.
@saintwacko I am excited, but holy crap so much to do todaaaaaay
@fbueckert but those cost money :(
@AshleyNunn And then *un*packing for the next few months!
@SaintWacko So it doesn't make sense to say "The server is cracked right? Bummer."
Hm, that didn't work
@AshleyNunn Short term expense for long term gain.
@OrigamiRobot Wait, what?
And don't hire lots of teachers; your first few years are going to be tight.
@saintwacko yeah, but I like the idea of organizing my stuff just so and decorating with my awesome posters and the like. :D
@fbueckert I have two.
@SaintWacko That's what he said.
brb a min xD
@OrigamiRobot Right, he was unhappy the server wasn't cracked, because he pirated the game instead of buying it
@AshleyNunn That's decent. You'll lose money at first, due to your admission fees being so low. Just train your best class to be even better, and use them to pass the tests.
And I am looking down on him for that
@SaintWacko Yes, I know what is happening. It doesn't make sense to say it the way he said it.
@AshleyNunn Fun story: When I was moving into my house, the brakes in my car failed.
@fbueckert okay. That's what I am doing, so hopefully it all works out.
@fbueckert O.o
@AshleyNunn Yeah. They failed just as I was braking to stop at a red light.
Never been that terrified in my life.
What could have been
@fbueckert Lay on the horn and pray.
@OrigamiRobot I think he asked, then tried to connect and discovered it wasn't cracked
@OrigamiRobot Luckily, this was during regular business hours, so traffic wasn't too bad. I just kinda migrated into the right lane and made a right turn. I still had SOME braking power, so I stopped shortly after turning. And then I just sat there for a couple minutes and let the shakes happen.
So yeah. 'twas fun to move.
I've moved like 6 times in the past 7 years
@OrigamiRobot Yuck. I hate moving. Last time was almost five years ago.
> Advanced Tactics Stop staring at boobs and play the game right.
Advanced tactics indeed
I'll probably be moving into my own place in the next few months
@fbueckert I only graduated in 2011. Last year was the first year I stayed in the same place for more than 1 year.
I'm looking at buying a condo
@BenBrocka What's this?
The actual wiki is very useful I guess that's just a smartass placeholder
None of the characters seem to actually have "advanced tactics" listed, just one liners
@Fluttershy I hope you're not saying you don't like 999.
ok back xD
planetside 2 is finished
@fbueckert yeah, having no brakes is not awesome. Glad you were okay though. :)
@fbueckert Holy crap, where do you live?
@origamirobot in 6 years I have moved 5 times.
I mean, it was 44 Fahrenheit (6 Celcius) outside this morning here.
@Powerlord It's supposed to get up to nearly 70 here today
(whoops, rounded wrong direction)
xD it sometimes goes to 50 here
@BenBrocka Heh
@SaintWacko I live in the Northern US. This weather is much warmer than normal.
Hell, we had rain. During Winter. In 33 years, this is the first time I remember that happening.
omg dont tell me i downloaded planetside 2 a second time for nothing x. x
@Meraj99 ?
@Powerlord i think i downloaded planetside 2 a second time when i didnt need to
@BenBrocka only hipsters use border-radius
@Meraj99 The ? was more of a "how did that happen?" since Planetside 2 is on Steam.
@badp I'm not sure what that has to do with boobs
@Powerlord well.... i downloaded ps2 from their site.... but i wanted it to be on steam.... so i think i unnecessarily downloaded it again >.>
@Powerlord anyways.... imma go play it xD
@BenBrocka It... controls how big the boobs are drawn? :P
@Powerlord Canada.
stupid overlay glitch x. x
@fbueckert That explains it. ;)
@Powerlord I thought it would. :P
But no , seriously, which province?
@Powerlord Manitoba
@OrigamiRobot Even when I was going to school, I only moved once.
And when I move now, it's going to be interesting, due to the amount of stuff I've acquired over the years.
@fbueckert I had roommates and they changed yearly.
@OrigamiRobot I AM planning on moving again this year; I want to buy another house and rent out my current one.
@fbueckert we moved a lot - am hoping single me moves less. Am hoping my new place will be home for a few years at least.
@Powerlord really it'd just be how rounded
@AshleyNunn I'm attempting to move every five years or so; that's when mortgage terms have to be renegotiated anyways, so it's a logical point to see what else can be done.
@fbueckert Mr Moneybags :P
@OrigamiRobot Not really; just good with my money.
@fbueckert makes sense to me, really. :)
My first job out of college was tech support for financial planning software, so I have a crazy good grounding in it.
And it's not like I do much else with it; video games here and there, and I don't go out to see movies all that often. So sinking it into a house is a good investment.
@fbueckert I will be too, after I pay off my student loans. But that's more because I am a spendthrift.
I didn't even have silverware until about a month ago
@OrigamiRobot That feeling, I know all too well; I didn't own plates, silverware, or even a microwave, until I bought my house.
@fbueckert I still don't own a microwave.
My fridge currently has two things in it. Milk and butter because I wanted Kraft Dinner the other day.
@OrigamiRobot Several pieces of furniture and appliances I own sorta defaulted to my ownership.
I had a roommate who went broke and stopped paying rent. He moved out still owing me a decent chunk of change. He left behind some things, and never came back to claim them.
So I now own a microwave, a table, some chairs, that sort of thing.
Most of my furniture came either out of the break up, or from family. I myself paid for very little of what I own.
@fbueckert make sure you make a solid rental agreement, I don't know about Canada but it's a bitch to get someone properly evicted here
@BenBrocka its not easy here without a solid agreement. At least in Ontario.
@BenBrocka It's worse in Canada, I think.
@fbueckert I don't have a table. I have no need for one.
I just eat at my desk.
@origamirobot you don't cook, do you.
Even if you do everything right they can basically screw you out of a full month's rent, so we make damage deposits enough to cover that, though if we have to evict people we usually need the damage deposit too
I plan on getting one; it protects both of us.
@OrigamiRobot But where do your guests eat
@BenBrocka Fun fact: landlords are not allowed to evict tenants during winter. Or if they have kids, during the school year.
@fbueckert Seriously? Jesus
And there are LOTS of people who will take full advantage of that fact.
My brother rented out his house trailer to a guy on welfare.
Good reason not to accept tenants with kids
By the time he left, he got the health inspector involved, and the place got condemned, he had abused it that badly.
Our houses usually aren't multi-bedroom, if a house is big enough we duplex it anyway, I think at most we have 2 bedroom places
@BenBrocka I'm going to insist on references from previous landlords I can call.
@BenBrocka I live in a primarily student town, so you will get 4 and 5 bedroom places with a shared kitchen/living room
Morning Bridge!
@tiddy What guests?
@fbueckert that is good. Also maybe personal references? I have had to do that for a couple places I lived.
@fbueckert Yeah, unless you're really hurting for tenents be as picky as possible
@AshleyNunn I make peanut butter sandwiches
@jasonberkan morning!
@origamirobot those are tasty. :)
@AshleyNunn Ah, we rent to singles/couples, non-college town though we get some college kids
We absolutely do not get multiple non-spouse people in the same unit, that's asking for trouble
@BenBrocka If I get the raise I want, I could probably afford to have the place empty.
@BenBrocka yeah, the city I live in has two universities and a college and a few scattered career college deals
It wouldn't be fun, and things would be tight, but I could probably do it.
@fbueckert Is this the 50% raise you mentioned?
@tiddy Yup.
@BenBrocka yeah here that works a little less well - you need to rent to students for the most part. There are areas that don't (those are more for the professionals working in technology, which we also have a lot of) but that's less common
@fbueckert If you get good tenants and the place is in good shape you could barely notice they're there. My parents are renting to maybe 15? people and we usually have at most one or two problem tenants at a time. Short leases are nice BTW, just don't renew the lease if you suspect problems
@BenBrocka When you only have a single rental property, though, you can't really afford a problem tenant.
@AshleyNunn Yeah, in a college town that'd be hard, but here most people are cool paying for a normal place. Our rent's fairly low considering you get a nice, old home (or half of one)
@tiddy My apartment is small and crappy. I dont want people to come over. It would be super boring anyway. I don't have a TV or anything.
@fbueckert Yeah, that's why you have to be picky as hell
@BenBrocka Happily, there's a housing shortage in Winnipeg, so I CAN be picky.
I'm hoping I can find a bachelor or small family that will take good care of the place.
@BenBrocka This is definitely good advice, though; my family's rented properties out before, but it almost always turns out badly for them.
@fbueckert A lot goes into picking good tenants, my parents have gotten good at it over the years
Make sure the place is fixed up before you rent though, lots of tenants A) refuse to do minor repairs B) you dont' WANT them to do minor repairs C) insist on professional repairs (if they do C we often charge them for it if it's something my dad/his workers could do but they want a plumber/electrician/etc anyway)
@BenBrocka How do you even pick good tenants?
@OrigamiRobot You learn to watch for warning signs, get history from past landlords (though you can't trust that absolutely, a current landlord might tell you they're awesome so they can get rid of them)
@BenBrocka I can see contacting landlords, but I wonder what kinds of warning signs I probably give off.
I can't even imagine the headache of renting a place out to someone else.
It's something I never want to have to deal with.
ugh, man, my wife has been saying she'd want to maybe rent our house if we ever decided to move, and I have no interest in being a landlord
I can't imagine having to evict someone, or go back to someplace I owned and find it trashed by some asshats
Q: How can I make the selling phases less laborious?

AntoSelling stuff is an easy way to make money in Far Cry 3. But the store doesn't seem really convenient: I spend precious minutes to double click (or double tap Enter) to sell everything as fast as I can. It's even more painfull when I want to quick-sell craft items (leaves or animal skins), beca...

@OrigamiRobot Asking about the wrong stuff, being too picky, not liking the neighborhood (gasp there are black people here) needing to move in early, probably more I'm not aware of
@BenBrocka What are wrong things to ask about?
Oh and we require people to go via the website now, we got more sketchy tenets per capita before that, and we're suspicious of i-wireless (prepaid) callers
@OrigamiRobot We recently refused to renew someone's lease because they wanted to spray for bugs (and for us to pay for it). It's Iowa, it's summer, there are bugs. Their house was not infested, they just weren't used to Iowa actually having bugs
@BenBrocka I assume this was after you explained that and they were still adamant about spraying?
heh. We introduced the euro 11 years ago and we're already redesigning the banknotes
@OrigamiRobot Yes, and after we checked. The houses are well sealed, they had no more bugs than you'd get by opening the door a few times in summer
BenBrocka rents to folk?
They gave up on spraying but it was a bad sign and they didn't continue the lease (if they're that adamant about one thing they're usually that way about lots of other things)
@GraceNote My parents do, I'm not super involved with it any more, though I do rent from them
@GraceNote And he's giving me advice for my (eventual) career as a landlord.
"Landlord" always felt like a weird title. I mean, you do have ultra-authority... but it's only over a relatively small piece of land. So it's both empowering and underwhelming. It's like being the Duke of the Kitchen, of sorts.
@GraceNote I have to choose between that, and "slum lord". :P
@GraceNote We're slowly edging towards owning 20 properties...or do we own that many already...lots of old (~70-100 years) homes in the neighborhood that have fallen into disrepair. Lots of work to put them back together, but they're cheap to buy and damn beautiful when they're fixed up
@GraceNote But being Czar of the Bathroom is practically like being a god.
Or property manager.
Well, landlord is the appropriate term and it's got good usage. But it totally sounds like the kind of thing people will snigger about behind your back.
@BenBrocka Wow, that's quite a lot.
We even now own a full street (which we got to name! It's a two block dead-end, but still...) and a commercial property (which was a liquor store we bought expressly to get it the hell out of the neighborhood and ensure nothing could take it's place)
@BenBrocka I'm sure there were rules for naming the street.
Yeah, years back we wanted to sorta clean up the neighborhood a bit, we managed to get the liqorstore gone and the major drug dealer evicted and the neighborhood's been a much nicer and after place since
Like, you couldn't name it Butt Street.
So, how about those games?
@OrigamiRobot Yes, there was some process I'm unfamiliar with
@OrigamiRobot The mayor of Nanaimo, BC allowed his daughter to name the streets. They are interesting, to say the least.
@BenBrocka Wow, way to hero it up over there.
We named it @OrigamiRob street
@AshleyNunn FlutterShy was playing 999. How about you?
@BenBrocka I hate you.
@powerlord I am going to play some once I get more of my stuff packed. I will likely get a bunch of play time later when it is one of my few belongings not in a box.
@GraceNote Yeah, it's been a pretty dramatic improvement. I'm not sure how the drug dealer thing went down but his house got condemned (horror stories from the cops who investigated it) and then an arsonist burnt it down after it was condemned before it was knocked down. We own the lot now
@BenBrocka A manner of celebratory music playing on my machine as I listen to this tale is only fitting.
user image
grand theft: mario kart
@AshleyNunn, do you really want to hurt me :(
@agent86 yes. XD
Oh, hell
@SaintWacko Indeed, getting things done when at an impasse is indeed difficult.
@agent86 Can't see that, but wasn't Grand Theft: Mario Kart a Dorkly Bits video?
imgur is blocked or all images are blocked?
@GraceNote imgur is blocked.
Looks like they're going to keep that block in place this time. It was being unblocked every other week or so.
@AshleyNunn FINE. then you're not invited to my castle
@agent86 Wow, I actually saw that image earlier today in another community. I'm being assaulted on all sides by grumpycat. Gah.
@GraceNote it's a grumspriacy.
@agent86 You are obsessed with Grumpy Cat :P
@SaintWacko NO
@GnomeSlice One word: retreat
@GraceNote I'm surprised by how little overlap there apparently is between these two worlds.
@badp Eh, only in so much as "There happens to be a grumpycat follower in each community". There's very, very, very little else other than interest in gaming that is shared here and there.
Gotta love where I work... i can has cheezburger's image service isn't blocked, but the one used by a large programming Q&A site is!
@agent86 well maybe I didn't want to come to your castle anyhow.
@GraceNote That's my point.
@badp Oh, I may have misread "little" as "much". May have. Possibly.
@AshleyNunn Well, our princess is in another castle anyway.
Why is this surprising, then?
Well, this place isn't exactly a cultural niche by any stretch
@powerlord this is very true!
@AshleyNunn it's a fun castle. we have cupcakes.
@agent86 I want a cupcake
It's just, sometimes it feels like the internet has some unity about it and what's exploding in popularity in all corners of the internet I can see probably is exploding in popularity in all corners of the internet; I just have difficulty in accepting the fact there's a "different Internet" out there that's still, well, the "same Internet" but "weakly connected"... which is not how the internet works... eh, if I had a clear mind about this I wouldn't have been surprised to begin with.
...possibly hiding behind the English-Japanese language barrier.
@SaintWacko psh, first I'm obsessed, and now that there are cupcakes you want in? let me ask grumpycat. HE SAYS NO.
@agent86 What if I pet grumpycat while I eat the cupcake?
@badp Well, we're all the same internet. Just different folks within it. We get exposed to much the same material (hence the potential for grumpy cat followers), so there's where we match up, but otherwise, it's like how the east side of a neighborhood can be so different than the west side.
Q: How do I pickpocket an enemy?

Jonah BishopIn one later level of Mark of the Ninja, I have the option of pickpocketing a key off of an enemy. How exactly do I do this? I am able to get right up to the enemy, but my only option seems to be to kill him. FWIW, I'm playing on the PC. Is pickpocketing a skill I have to unlock?

I don't believe I've lived in a city large enough for long enough to let me grok the concept.
Even within the same lands you'll have divides on matters of culture and taste, which in turn affect who shows up and who sticks around and how news travels. Internet removes the aspect of "distance" but there's still a world of separation.
@GraceNote This community is a good example, actually; it's a community of literate, intelligent people. We have our differences, but games are what bind us together, and the intelligence is what KEEPS us here.
I mean, yeah, rivalry between neighbouring cities or provinces or regions - sure, I can grok that. I've always chalked them up to something of no importance that happened past ago with both sides at fault and that still echoes today somehow rather than actual cultural differences.
@agent86 Yes, but the castle the princess is in has cake!
@fbueckert Not even the same games, either, which is a weird point all on its own.
OTOH it's not even all the games. We're very weak on, say, all kinds of sports games.
@badp Shmups we're also weak on. Which happens to be one of the more usual ties I have elsewheres.
@GraceNote Intelligent, human communities are incredibly rare on the internet; most of them degrade into help vampires, trolling, and other undesirable behavior. This is one of the VERY few I've found where such things are not only burned with fire, but I can actively participate in the burning.
@badp There is nothing wrong with that
@SaintWacko Well actually for the mission of the site - yes there is.
@GraceNote shmups and fighting games
This community seems no different than other gaming ones imo
@BenBrocka Well, for the mission, yeah
@BenBrocka Yeah, fighting too. Much to casperOne's general dismay.
Now, the fighting community culture is... uh.. happy to identify itself as something else.
To wit, I've tried no less than 3 fighting game folk to be more active in here but they've all really preferred to stay elsewhere.
@GraceNote Hmm. I wonder why.
@fbueckert Part loyalty and familiarity, and I think some people are concerned about the whole "starting over and building Rome in a day" aspect they'd need to do to move their realms here.
@GraceNote fighting and shmup are usually smaller tighter knit communities, compared to people who play more popular titles everyone's familiar with
Also, fighting game meta is totes wak.
@GraceNote There is that, yeah.
While I'm not implying that all people who are passionate about fighting games are also massive jerks, I've seen no article on my news sources about how FIFA players scream terrible things at women or people in general
@badp I'm not sure what you're talking about. The fighting game community is no worse than the COD community.
Any online competitive game is going to have rage and trash talk.
High level fighting game tournaments are usually actually pretty classy.

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