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Let me try using the Anglo Saxon approach to troubleshooting
Your face is the bottleneck!
@LessPop_MoreFizz YOu been keeping up with CD Projekt Red?
But if you want a good workout for your CPU I heard mining bitcoins works okay.
Just make sure you disable GPU acceleration if any.
@RavenDreamer Ya, I r psyched.
Lame it copies with the frame
@LessPop_MoreFizz No pun intended? :p
@RavenDreamer None.
@BenBrocka I like this because cat.
@RavenDreamer I am fond of Coming: When it's ready as an ethos as well.
@fbueckert Thanks for the link.
The trailer's nice, but it doesn't show anything except that in their universe, the police in 2077 still uses projectile weapons
@Wipqozn Thought you'd enjoy it.
Ah ha! Actual information about the game. That's more like it
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Yeah, my excitement doesn't have too much to do with the trailer and lots to do with the developers track record and the source material.
Also, Witcher 3 almost certainly being announced in 3 weeks! Whooooo!
Q: Can I trade a Steam game that I don't want?

Jeffrey LinThe title pretty much says it all. If someone gave me a game, and I opened it for a few minutes to take a gander, can I still trade it to someone else? Or is it forever mine? For example, if someone were to gift me a copy of DotA 2 (not that I don't like DotA, it's just an example), and I opened ...


Proposed Q&A site for developers, users and enthusiasts of OpenOffice.org

Currently in definition.

Hey @Origami Bob, you are holding up the Conclave group now.
Man... It's January 2013... How can you not give a release date other than "January 2013" Steam? =( There's like... 21 days left in January.
@Fluttershy Which game?
@fbueckert The Cave. It's a new platformer from Ron Gilbert and Double Fine. But all Steam (and anywhere, really) says is "January 2013".
@Fluttershy Next game I'm waiting for is either Star Command (yeah, right), or Fire Emblem.
I don't mind vague release dates when a game is months away. But when it's a vague release date and it's expected this month. Boo to that, I say.
> Explore a ginormous completely seamless cave-world presented in astounding cross-section that will blow... your... mind.
> From the Hillbilly to the Time Traveller; all 7 characters have their own unique personalities, special talents and a dark and secret reason for descending The Cave.
Q: Can I cancel out of a pallette choice?

Ben BrockaIn two player/etc I'll often accidentally press X to select my character, when to pick an explicit palette from a list you need to press Start (otherwise a palette is mapped to whatever button you press and you get that one). Is there any way to cancel out of this palette choice so I can choose a...

Q: What does "P" mean in command listings?

Ben BrockaIn the command list menu several attacks, particularly supers, use "P" as a command. But there's no P button. There's HP, MP and LP for high/medium/low punches, but P doesn't seem to mean "any punch" either. What's do I need to input to match "P" in attack commands?

Next title I'm excited about is probably South Park: Stick of Truth.
Oh hey, newest conclave update added Utility items like healing poultices and throwing knives.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm not entirely sure how I feel about that one yet. Like... It strikes me as an old SNES style RPG. But it's South Park, so my interest automatically lessens. =(
@Fluttershy It's also Obsidian.
@LessPop_MoreFizz There's that, too. x_x
@Fluttershy That's a Good Thing!
@LessPop_MoreFizz I feel like this is a discussion we've had before involving KOTOR 2 and Fallout: NV.
> Weeping, you fall to your knees and try to collect the pieces of broken glass—and your broken heart.
@Fluttershy Yes, it is.
You do know the story about how KOTOR 2 basically shipped a year early, right?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yes.
@Fluttershy Yeah, so I find that game really hard to blame them for. If you still think other titles were unacceptable, that's your prerogative, but KOTOR 2 was basically bug free, it was just totally unfinished, and totally not on them as devs.
@LessPop_MoreFizz A valid point. As for New Vegas, I loved the game. But repeated issues with bugs that had been known for months after release, and no indication of attempts to fix said bugs, was annoying. It put a bit of a damper on Obsidian for me.
On the plus side, they aren't SK. So they have that going for them.
@Fluttershy They fixed a lot of bugs, but a lot of them were the unfixable result of trying to do too much with a pretty terrible engine in Gamebryo. I just find it kind of odd that NV gets as much hate as it does for bugs when FO 3, Skyrim, and Oblivion were all pretty equally buggy in my experience.
Now, if that amount of buggy is unacceptable to you, that's cool. But I find singing out NV on that front to be odd.
I ran into more issues with Skyrim in particular than I ever did in New Vegas.
Oops, my Mun rover can't deal with sudden course corrections at "high" speed.
@LessPop_MoreFizz The only issue I remember running into with Skyrim was the occasional dragon not giving me a soul. But, it's probably fair to say I just had poor luck with my New Vegas experience. I really enjoyed the game. I just hated having to restart my Xbox every time I loaded a new zone.
The nature of a bug that makes it to production is often going to be that it's inconsistently experienced. :P
Dammit, playing KOTOR 2 makes me want to play another Star Wars RPG after I finish.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I know! I'm willing to concede that I just had poor luck. =P Also, Alpha Protocol had so much promise, but I hated it, and Dungeon Seige 3 was crap. I did back Project Eternity, though. I know Obsidian can make good games. I just haven't liked much of their more recent offerings.
@fbueckert You could always play KOTOR 3 (AKA, that MMO that isn't a very good MMO, but does have a pretty good campaign up to max level at least twice.)
@Fluttershy DS3 was pretty bad, but I didn't expect much - after all, I didn't like the first 2 either. Alpha Protocol I've been meaning to play forever, but just haven't gotten around to picking up.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I could. I don't want to, but if there's no other good SW RPGs...
@fbueckert There's not.
Also, the storyline of TOR is basically KOTOR 3, and is in fact pretty good.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'd be interested to hear your opinion of Alpha Protocol, if you ever get around to playing it.
(If you go that route, play an Imperial Agent, light side or Jedi Knight dark side for maximum interesting plotlines.)
Also... Playing 999 tonight made me feel like I was playing Xenosaga Ep. 1 again....
(cc @Powerlord)
@LessPop_MoreFizz ...dammit.
Fine. I should start installing it now, then.
@fbueckert Also, it's free, which counts for something, y'know?
Star Wars: Republic Commando
@LessPop_MoreFizz Except for them treating free players as barely legitimate players.
Why did I hit F5? Why?
Only worse F2P game I've seen is STO
Well, now I have to send another rover...
@fbueckert While this is true, this goes back to my point about ignoring the fact that it is an MMO. If you basically play it as a single player game, finish the main plot and then uninstall, you really don't feel the ill effects of the terrible terrible f2p system and it is basically just KOTOR 3 with a pretty poorly suited UI and an annoying chat window full of spam.
@LessPop_MoreFizz General chat is the first thing I turn off when I start a new online game.
> In one job he learned how to work the office copier.
> From another unpaid gig he got a stapler—albeit one that he had had to buy himself.
I don't even know what to say to that...
@LessPop_MoreFizz Pretty much...
Also, damn you xSplit! Why do you only offer monthly licenses? Why can't I just purchase?
@Fluttershy In what way?
@BenBrocka I got to watch/read an hour's worth of story before I actually got to play anything. =P
Also, @BenBrocka were you wanting to play Conclave? I know you said you had an account, but you'd not played?
> Monoprice Announces 27-Inch 2560x1440 Monitor for $390
Damn you Harvest Moon! I don't know which town to piiiiiick. D=
@Fluttershy ah >< I really liked xenosaga but the start of the first game gave the worst impression
@Fluttershy sorta but I can't really play at work
@BenBrocka It's a go-at-your-own pace deal! =P
@BenBrocka It's asynchronous multiplayer.
Someone! Livestock or crops!?
@Fluttershy Crops
@Fluttershy Flip a coin
@Fluttershy Livecrops
@Fluttershy Even if I don't act for like 8 hours?
Wait, you're @Fluttershy. Livestocks.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I have a better idea!
Also, I miss your old gravatar. =(
@BenBrocka There's a 24 hour timer from your last action, at which point the game will skip you for a turn.
@Fluttershy Feed the livestock to the crops.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Question! If I wasn't aware of Conclave during it's Kickstarter, and didn't back it, do I have to pay to play when it's out of beta?
@Fluttershy I like subtlety and minimalism.
@LessPop_MoreFizz It's Harvest Moon! Not Little Shop of Horrors!
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I like Pinkie Pie.
I like cereal
I like trains.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Hey, no fair. You can't take a second turn.
Q: How important is my choice of town?

FluttershyIn Harvest Moon: A Tale of Two Towns, you have to decide between, well, two towns. The town of Bluebell believes livestock is the heart of farming. Konohana, on the other hand, thinks growing crops is the most important. Clearly they are both right, and should put aside their differences to work...

@LessPop_MoreFizz Ah. Gotcha. Looks like it'll have to wait til I get my new debit card! =D
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm actually not sure Conclave belongs on Gaming...
Just landed that rover. Oh yeah, I'm that good
Uh... why does the tag seem to be applied for two different games?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone autocomplete?
Also, please, someone write the tag wiki except with the full name of the game at least
Yes. I'm going to go with auto-complete + similarly named games.
@RavenDreamer Any particular reason? We have questions about Words With Friends...
Tree of Tranquility and A Tale of Two Towns, apparently
@RavenDreamer In the interest of disambigutation, is there any objection to and ?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Same reason we don't have questions about online chess games; it feels mostly like a tabletop game with an online lobby.
@LessPop_MoreFizz If it fits, I say let's do it.
@LessPop_MoreFizz The Two Towns one definitely isn't a problem.
because having and is an awful awful idea.
@RavenDreamer Will they accept it at RPG? If not, then it belongs here
The set of tags for Harvest Moon is very messy
@RavenDreamer Except that there isn't an analogous tabletop game.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh. I was assuming you had already seen my edit to
@MBraedley This logic doesn't work.
@Fluttershy Crops.
What's anb and btn?
Always crops.
We don't take stuff because other people don't. We take stuff that we deem on topic.
a new begining
and back to nature
That being said, I don't know enough about Conclave to have an opinion on that specific game.
Harvest Moon. Why your names so long!
@StrixVaria Where else would it go? Also, it's a game that's played on a computer that isn't derived from a physical game. I think that fits well with us.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone A new beginning, and back to nature.
@MBraedley "Where else would it go?" Who cares? If it's on topic for here, that's fine. If it's off topic for here, then it's not our job to find a place for it.
@RavenDreamer Because they all start with Harvest Moon (or Rune Factory, if you count that)
@BenBrocka Rhetorical question, but thanks.
Unrelated: I'm pretty sure I'm twit-stalking you now.
I'm legally obligated to humorlylessly answer random rhetorical questions
The abbreviations all suck. Time to write the excepts
I'd like to buy an 'R', Yi Jiang!
@StrixVaria You're oversimplifying my point. It's clearly on topic here, and it's probably on topic at RPG. I don't know the second for sure, though. That said, when a question is on topic at two sites, it is up to the communities to determine which is the better fit.
Damn, 25 GBs for SWTOR? That'll take all night!
@MBraedley I have literally no opinion on Conclave. I am only arguing about policy-setting procedure. It can be on topic at both, or off topic at both. Setting on-topic-ness at either one should be something done independent of the decision made at the other.
@StrixVaria Exactly.
That's fair.
@StrixVaria I'm not disagreeing with that.
We should be deciding this based on ourselves, not if it might be more acceptable somewhere else.
@RavenDreamer You and 300 other people. I'm reasonably sure most of those aren't following me in a creepy way
@MBraedley So bringing up the RPG site when we're discussing whether or not it's ok for us is a waste of time.
20% at most
Okay. Time to write a .csv serializer.
@RavenDreamer Why do you need to...serialize...csv? Isn't it already a string?
Yo dawg
@StrixVaria As in, take two arrays, extract the values into a string, delimit them with commas, and write that to a file.
You should serialize multiple csv files into JSON arrays
Turning data into a .csv
@RavenDreamer Oh ok. Have fun escaping :)
CSV escapes are the most fun.
My way is far more amusing, do that instead
@BenBrocka I looked at JSON, and then I realized. I have 5 ints. I have no need for anything fancy.
When the strings you're putting into a CSV have commas and quotes, you wind up wanting to punch a kitten.
Which is, of course, the use case we have at work.
@StrixVaria I have a Java project at work. I forget the reason, but we definitely have some regexes with \\\\ in them.
@RavenDreamer Yeah ` \\\\ ` is Java's way to find a single ` \ ` character.
Ugh wtf is going on.
you're escaping the 2nd `
you're escaping something
Screw it I'm not codifying it.
I'm not in the mood for thinking about escaping right now.
just throw spaces in there
` space \\\\ space `
I give up and now it's staying like that.
reads stars Maaan I missed boobs, bouncing and getting stoned today?
Anyway regexes suck.
@BenBrocka Boobs, bouncing, and boulders!
I have more luck reading Chinese than trying to understand a regex I wrote 5 minutes ago.
I've written exactly one regex for professional use (I totally forget why and what it did)
Oh come on, regexs aren't that hard
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Says the one who speaks Chinese.
@StrixVaria :D
Well, your expression is coming from someone who doesn't
I use regexes quite a bit for searching
Writing regexes isn't that hard.
Understanding your regex when you come back to it later is much, much more difficult.
Just don't use regex to parse xml.
@RavenDreamer :P
Some flavors give you the option to use comments
A: RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags

bobinceYou can't parse [X]HTML with regex. Because HTML can't be parsed by regex. Regex is not a tool that can be used to correctly parse HTML. As I have answered in HTML-and-regex questions here so many times before, the use of regex will not allow you to consume HTML. Regular expressions are a tool th...

@YiJiang'sEvilClone I found out that you can use a regex in the Inspector Console search the other day when trying to find something in the minified PageDown code to set a breakpoint on, heh.
@RavenDreamer Ah, "The <center> cannot hold", a true classic.
@TimStone Firebug's search has that option too.
@RedRiderX I think there might be SO T-Shirts with that line
@YiJiang'sEvilClone It was rather amusing for the first few seconds where I didn't realize why it wasn't finding the literal regex I had intended to find.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I certainly hope so.
A: Can't edit (a specific) post without script freezing

Tim StoneAs mentioned, the issue here is catastrophic backtracking on that huge data string. I think addressing this in the general case may be a bit difficult (with the obvious solution being not to shove that much code into a single block), since unfortunately we're playing with fire here. That said, i...

Yay, catastrophic backtracking.
How did the OP manage to post 80kb of stuff anyway? I thought the character limit for posts was around 10k characters, which shouldn't reach 80kb
It's a bit of an exaggeration.
The post text is 21.5 KB, it seems.
But that one line is some 20,000 characters long.
If the editor can't open it without crashing, how did the OP manage to post it in the first place?
It doesn't crash, really, it just takes a while.
On my machine it's a few seconds or so.
Ah, right. Slower machine / older browser causes the script to take so long the long script warning kicks in
I should run the MarkdownSharp test cases against my modified regexes to make sure there's not anything wrong with them. If not, they do seem to perform significantly better.
1 hour later…
Oh, it's that time of the day again isn't it?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I just wanted to bring some life back into the Bridge.
It is Friday here, you know
Building a new mockup for a website, and decided to pick out the colors for the navigation bar using the 6 mane colors
Worked surprisingly well
Q: What am I missing out on by not clearing outposts in Far Cry 3?

Steve V.The problem with open world sandbox games is that the more you win, the more boring the world gets. (I think I'm the only person in the world that really enjoyed Far Cry 2's respawning outposts). The first time I played InFamous, I did every side mission. By the end of it, I had all these total...

The stripes could be SVG, so that they can be generated by the server, then I can use whatever color I want without having to create new images
@YiJiang'sEvilClone You mean body colors?
It's you, @Fluttershy!
@murgatroid99 Coat, not mane, yes
Probably just a placeholder palette anyway. I'm not sure if the page needs to be that colorful
Q: How to stop the deity AI from expanding towards you in Civ5?

GoofBallAnybody who has tried defeating the deity AI in a domination game is aware of the challenge they are undertaking. Personally, I have found it to be extremely frustrating, and there are times when I screamed at my monitor because of how insane the AI is. For example: a) On turn 11, I meet the ...

Q: Farming Varkid morph pods

Meraj99Since a varkid adult morph pod gives you 1000ish XP, is it a recommended way to level up quickly? I am a level 38 gunzerker on TVHM. If so, which area is better: Arid Nexus - Badlands OR Caustic Caverns?

(You need to watch his awful video.)
@LessPop_MoreFizz Did you see the Kickstarter for Lesbian Zombies from Outer Space or something like that? That might have been the worst Kickstarter.
@Fluttershy Nope. This one is worse.
Check the production values on this dudes video.
Yeah... The video's pretty terrible...
Also, I'm very glad The Goon got funded.
And now, I sleep.
@Fluttershy ... that sounds even worse than the parody KS project from Critical Miss
2 hours later…
Q: How do I defeat the "Death Star"?

galacticninjaMy fleet, which has destroyed all other enemy fleets it has encountered (including their capital and Titan ships) and has colonized the capital home world of two different players (random normal AIs), was on its way to one of the enemy Vasari player's planets. Upon appearing from phase space into...

Q: What is the genera of music in Katamari called?

MikhailI think everybody knows the opening song from Katamari. What is this genera called? I need to find more of it, preferably with a public domain license.

Q: where did my white mage called meremirmu go in the Heir to the throne

Xitcod13I recently started playing battle or wesnoth and i completed the mission with meremirmu within the time limit (last turn) so that the white mage will join me. Miremirmu even tells me that he will join my team and I was exited to see him in the next mission. Yet when the mission starts he is nowhe...

@Lazers Hmmm, I've always thought that titan > starbase, but I've never played Rebellion...
Gah. Co-worker sends me email saying site is down, I jump out of bed, grab laptop and check. It's not.
why does lazers share everyone's questions O_O
@Meraj99 It's a secret obsession
@Lazers never sleeps. It keeps going all day, all night.
It watches over the Bridge when everyone has gone to bed.
Oh, hell, it's just a bot plugged into the site's question RSS feed
Q: Is it possible in practice to reduce someone's magic resist / armor below 0?

Adam AroldI've seen a lot of penetration items but not too much items with reduction. Since you can't penetrate below 0 how often it occurs (and how) that you reduce someone's magic resist / armor below 0? With which champions?

im bored >.>
@Meraj99 My advice: play a video game
know any good games? xD
@Meraj99 Minecraft?
Many, but you'll need to narrow things down a little
know it.... got bored >.>
action/shooter? xD
@Meraj99 Mass Effect series?
That should keep you going for a while
Retro City Rampage is today's Daily Deal on Steam, and Ravaged is having it's free weekend
and how basically do i download a 8gb game o_O
is one game free every weekend? xD
Not always I think
Try Planetside 2, it's free: planetside2.com
out of curiosity..... whats your download speed o_O
Maxes out at around 700-800 kilobytes per second
xD and i thought i had slow internet XD
mine download at 1mbish >.>
do you need to pay for ANYTHING on planetside 2? xD
According to the FAQ, only cosmetic and "convenience" upgrades
anyways, ill still try it xD
I heard it requires pretty good hardware to run
>.> ok....
its like battlefield 3? xD
reminds me....
i gotta play be3 sometime
I have no idea - I've never played either
or bf3*
is a post with no punctuation and capitalization and terribly hard to understand flagable?
@fredley is a post with no punctuation and capitalization and terribly hard to understand flagable?
@Meraj99 You can edit it yourself
@Meraj99 Only if you can't edit it into something better
i cant understand it so i cant edit it XD
@Meraj99 Remember that it may be written using a lot of game-specific jargon
Link it?
grrrr..... why do all games have to be 8gb big x. x
@Meraj99 Click 'share' to grab the link to any question/answer
@Meraj99 Graphics
Q: How do I capture a base in Planetside 2?

Chris SWhat are the various ways you capture the small and large bases in Planetside 2?

why isnt my new profile pic loading up in chat xD
Q: What game mechanics do you have to take into consideration when playing multiplayer (team) games of Civilisation V?

theoriseI have started playing Civ 5 with a group of friends. We play LAN and in teams of two. There are some obvious things to avoid, like both players on a team focusing on religion or both aiming for a diplomatic victory, but what else do you need to keep in mind?

1 hour later…
knock Knock
Nobody is here
oh dear
I mean, it should've been no surprise but...
oh wait 300 xD
I completed yesterday the beta of ConClave. anyone know when it'll come up?
nope xD
100mb left :D
michael... out of curiosity.... whats your download speed? xD
reviewing an answer right now.... some people post so stupid answers >.>
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Can't really explain any further without spoilers - but Homestuck is now in Act 6 Act 5 Act 2.
@MichelAyres February
The message here is that Act 6 Act 5 Act 2 is a thing that exists.
O_O i gotta download planetside 2 again? :( NO!!!!!!!!
@badp I liked the Rogue and the Valiant. really interesting both =)
@MichelAyres You can keep playing right now though playconclave.com/products/purchase
I don't know if it's enough for one person to pony up $10 or if all four need to pay
Good question
@badp I soloed with rogue all quests. Hope I can do the same with Valiant. I couldn't with the others
@MichelAyres ...you can have parties of one?
That sounds kind of like missing the point
@badp =X Yes you can (felling like Uncle Sam =P)
Q: Is there any way to prevent Battle.net from locking an account while traveling

Xitcod13I have a big problem with Battle.net. I play Starcraft 2 (Heart of the swarm) and I travel a lot (from San Jose all the way up to San Diego), sometimes even within days. I would still like to continue playing starcraft but everytime I come down I get my account locked for suspicious activity. And...

Q: Do split grenades inherit their properties?

AerusIn Borderlands II, some grenades split after being thrown into multiple smaller grenades. Say if the initial grenade had a Homing property, would the smaller grenades also home to nearby enemies after they spawned or is it only the first grenade that homes to enemies?

Q: Dragonvale for iPod

user39788In my account on dragonvale it won't let me breed my sun dragon with my blue moon dragon. Does anybody know if I need the epic breeding cave because I have been waiting for over 156 hours for both of these dragons to hatch and it SUCKS that I can't breed them. Can anyone else help me answer my qu...

I can't ping Ronan because he's not in the room.
@StrixVaria I am op, think I can do that
@StrixVaria Name?
I can, ping me your MC name
Q: What are the power requirements for a Carpenter?

fredleyThe forestry wiki does not specify. Is a redstone engine sufficient?

I was about to install the FTB package, then you reminded me of the shitton of mods that there'll be there
@fredley StrixVaria
@StrixVaria Done
@fredley Thanks!
I only have a few minutes right now before work, but I'll hop in and check out what you have so far.
Fail. Still not white-listed.
@StrixVaria You have any experience with Carpenters? Still can't get mine to work
@fredley I have never used any MC mods ever.
@StrixVaria Reloaded, try again
@fredley Do I need extra modpacks?
@badp Just grab the linked FTB launcher
I have it.
This is taking eleventy minutes to launch
and then, 57 mods later, obviously Java.Lang.NullPointerException
@badp Yeah it took forever to launch the first time.
It got faster, though.
@badp Stop being difficult
@fredley I'm not being difficult, it's a Java.Lang.NullPointerException
It's not me who raise it :P
@badp You could have just handled it

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