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Okay this might not actually make it into orbit
@OrigamiRobot Done, got into a stable orbit with the ship in that image.
...I don't have much fuel left... but still.
@MBraedley How do I rename stuff?
Q: Far Cry 3 Items on map don;t exist

Nahum LitvinI keep getting to map locations where map incdicates there are items but 60% of items are simply GONE! i go to relic location and no relic go box location and no box

Q: Should I save any of my hunting spoils?

agent86I've been slaughtering cute fuzzy wild animals for quite some time now, and my bag is chock full of bits of animal and wild herbs. So far I've not found any crafting recipes or missions that require me to have any particular bits of stuff. Further, all the challenges seem to want me to just k...

Q: How do I activate Sora's Final Smash?

RetrosaurI'm having trouble pulling off Sora's Final Smash. Everytime I get to the prompt button, I'm at a loss as to what to press. Sometimes I mash random buttons, and it seems to work, until I get to the next prompt. I've been trying a long time trying to pull this off. How do I pull of his Final Sm...

Oh wait
Next challenge: Docking
@fredley Screw that.
That is never going to happen.
@GnomeSlice Is it hard?
This station is supposed to be modular, but there's no way I'm getting another piece of up here with enough juice to dock it.
@fredley Yes.
@GnomeSlice Oh, I meant for mine
@AshleyNunn ^
Scumbag @GnomeSlice and @fredley. Messing up my ping.
@Wipqozn Whoa, why is his left eye so much larger?
Eh. I might try landing on the Mun first
Got a lander in orbit at the moment, just need to bring it down
@GnomeSlice Magic.
@fredley Do that.
@fredley Retroburn.
Until you are falling straight down
Then retroburn (point up)
to slow down
Gonna go watch muppets
@GnomeSlice I'm scared
evening/morning/afternoon all
@JohnoBoy Ahem, night time here
same, but everytime I say good night someone corrects me :P
@JohnoBoy No, tonight is a pretty good night
Quick etiquette question (say that 5 times quickly)
I know "general edits" (minor grammar edits, spelling) are sometimes frowned upon
is it OK to remove formal stuff from questions e.g. "Hi", "Thank you", "please help quickly" to keep questions content to, well, questions?
@JohnoBoy I'd suggest trying to improve the post in some other way when you do this, but honestly if you do it once a week or something, I doubt anyone is ever going to notice.
It's a start
@agent86 OK, thanks for clearing that up, didn't want to start another "is it OK" meta post. I've seen too many of those the past few days
@fredley What's that from? Is that Lunar Lander 2013?
Also. Looks like a Portal reference
@JohnoBoy KSP
@JohnoBoy as always, everyone has a different opinion on the subject. I think there's a MSO question which says that stuff like "thanks" should always be removed from questions, and then an answer on it says "well, let them have it their way if they demand it" or whatever. On the scale of "site quality improvements" it's not that high on the list, tbh.
@BenBrocka Haha. All Kerbals are doomed.
@BenBrocka I've murdered hundreds of Kerbals in order to let this one die alone on the Mun
At least that guy could right his module and fly home. This guy however...
@fredley Just imagine that clip with a Kerbal
@JohnoBoy Can't watch now :-(
Is the game worth $17? Seems like a short distraction from the site
@JohnoBoy Yes.
Wouldn't mind an iOS version for when I'm on the, erm, bus
Short distraction? It seems like half the chat has been playing it for the last month
@BenBrocka At least half.
@BenBrocka I fire it up when I need to be reminded of how bad I am at it.
IT's taken over the entire site.
Next, the world.
Hi Bridge.
Hi ThErE~
HI LESS POP--oh, you're using your inside voice
@GraceNote I hate shares. I just spent like 10 minutes searching for the ONE SINGLE QUEST that let me raise the right company without dropping one of the others below the Good Ending threshold
@LessPop_MoreFizz What weapons are you using?
@BenBrocka This seems like this only happened because you botched earlier on share distribution this run.
@OrigamiRobot On my Warrior?
Sword MH Axe OH, and Longbow atm.
@GraceNote Apparently doing one of every quest/colluseum is "botching". Almost nothing raises Lowee shares
@OrigamiRobot Why?
I'm looking at starting a new character.
@OrigamiRobot Basically, Sword MH gives you the awesome jump and a bleed on your primary attack. Axe OH gives you the ability to get Fury on demand and your 5 is an awesome pboae whirl that does a ton of damage.
The main downside to sword MH is that your 'burst' ability with swords kind of sucks, insofar as you can't move while channelling it, and it's directional. So if I didn't love the jump so much, I'd probably switch to Axe MH.
Longbow and Rifle are basically interchangable - the point is just having a ranged weapon. I've heard rifle does more damage - but I like the longbow because it has a few abilities that are amazing for tagging lots of mobs during events from a position of relative safety.
I'm looking at Axe/Axe
@OrigamiRobot Axe/axe is super popular and probably strictly better than sword/axe, I just love the stupid jump too much.
My theif does bleeds. Looking for something else.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I just like the idea of A/A
@OrigamiRobot Axe/Warhorn with healing shouts is also super popular from my reading up on it, but doesn't really come into it's own until you can get some level 60 traits
What heal do you use?
I am not good at using a lot of skills
@BenBrocka Yes, it would.
But I came with expectations of this kind of game without needing to look stuff up, so I kinda worked on share management from the get-go as far as being choosy about quest performance. Some directions of share management are not easily reversed, and some I don't think even can be.
@OrigamiRobot There is a grandmaster trait that makes all of your shouts into ae heals
Warriors don't have any non-self heals normally.
But you can spec into making your shouts heal, and shouts are kind of awesome anyway.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I meant what do you use in the heal slot?
@OrigamiRobot Personally? I just use the Signet that grants regeneration.
That's what I was hoping for
The more passives I can use, the better.
The heal slot skills all kind of suck. The other 1 point heal spell is 'better', but not by much, and even better, there's a trait that gives me +40 Precision for every signet I haven't Activated. Which means all 5 of my skills are passives atm.
just 5 signets in a line.
I only ever really tap one of them.
This is preferable to me
You might also want to look at Greatsword.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Your weapon skills have a cooldown? What is adrenaline for then?
The Bursts you mean?
Yeah, they have a cool down as well as requiring adrenaline. More adrenaline = skill is more powerful
No, skills 2-5
Oh, yeah those do too.
Adrenaline is for a separate skill, on F1 - it's tied to MH weapon
I see that now
It's called a 'burst' and they vary by weapon.
No CD's is unique to thief. Just about every other class has a CD on most abilities.
Guess I'm not making any other class then...
Q: Consequences of poor performance early in the campaign

FadewayIn vanilla DoW2's campaign, does wasting time before the Tyranids show up have any consequences? A friend and I have been playing vanilla DoW 2's coop campaign mode. However, we screwed up in pretty much the biggest way possible - not only did we fail to snag any bonus deployments, we also faile...

@OrigamiRobot There's always at least one ability without any CD.
@OrigamiRobot And thieves do have a CD to deal with, it's just a shared CD on all abilities in the form of a resource - no other class has to deal with resource management the way the thief does.
@OrigamiRobot i.e. other classes can always do something. Thieves can get stuck with 0 initiative and literally not have a button to push.
@GraceNote Yeah I didn't expect one-way share transactions (except against the bad guys). That seems like poor design
@BenBrocka I wouldn't call it poor design. Just a deliberately specific design decision. One-way makes it so that you actually have to plan things out from the get-go. Two-way is simply more dynamic for the player. They lend themselves to different experiences.
It's only strategic if you tell people straight-up you can permanently screw it up. Plus marketing them as "quests" not "OH GOD HALF OF THESE FUCK YOU OVER FOR LIFE" suggests you should just do all of them as they come in
That would be the poor design part.
It's like "hey go kill this dragon" "k" "Oh by the way that dragon was actually an orphanage"
But hey, could be worse. Want to hear the horror stories of the share system in the first game?
Nah, the reviews of 2 convinced me I don't want the first one ever
Oh, come on, how can you say no to a system where your only means to heal HP is only usable in battle and only has a chance to activate even when you satisfy the trigger requirements? ♪
Found an orange!
@Ullallulloo ur an orange
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm a purple.
@Ullallulloo I ated the purple berries. They taste like burning.
@GraceNote oh wow
And I was slightly annoyed I couldn't heal SP outside of battle (but it makes the combat system kinda neat now that I know how it works)
In the first game, for starters you can't even see shares at all until you get Nisa, which requires visiting nations and seeing events in a specific order. There are only global shares, thankfully, and between each of the nations it is bidirectional. Except if any CPU dies, shares are permanently lost to the ether. And if you quit a quest, every nation loses shares and shares are lost to the ether. None of this is ever explained ever.
Q: Far Cry 3 Service Is Unavailable?

loosebruceI just bought Far Cry 3 on Steam and I have been trying to connect online to UBI. However it times out and gives this message. This means I cannot go and play Multiplayer or Coop and whenever I play single player and go to the pause screen I get this annoying 30 second time interval with it tr...

@GraceNote How that's horrible
Most heinous of all in the first game, you can name your attack combos, but you can't put spaces in the names.
Did it still maliciously forget your carefully planned out combos in a new game plus?
Thankfully no.
do facebook games count as games
@LessPop_MoreFizz The auto attack doesn't use initiative.
Hi @NaceGrote
I'm hoping V fixes some of those weird issues to make the game (especially new game +) smoother
@Retrosaur To me? No. To the site? Maybe
actually, no it could @BrenBocka
No, previously me and @SaintWacko were switching first few letters of everyone's name
so @GraceNote became @NaceGrote
@GnomeSlice became @SlomeGnice
@Retrosaur Hey there.
@BenBrocka I hope so too.
From now on, I shall call myself @SEtroRaur
Better paced chapters would be nice too just for a sense of progression; chapter 2 could have easily been split into one chapter per capitol and they'd be about the same sizes as the other chapters. As-is chapter two is like half the game
Oh wow I apparently have 15 (well now 16) hats on arqade
Also shares don't actually affect your character's performance, right? Just who you get/story stuff?
@BenBrocka Battle effect is minimal.
@Retrosaur You could always go with @BrenBocka
Whatever you say @PoreMop_FessLizz
@GraceNote So yes? Something to do with HDD I assume? I rarely even use that. Skills seem to be a much better use of SP in most cases
Or @MessLop_ForeMizz
PoreMop sounds disgusting.
MessLop is better, no?
Why is Gnome so angry?
@BenBrocka When you fight battles where you can't even spend as much SP as you make every turn, you might see it differently, but basically each CPU and candidate is more powerful when they have more shares. I don't believe it's HDD specific though.
@Retrosaur I prefer @MessPop_ForeLizz. It sounds dirty, but not disgusting.
Which is a delicate line to walk.
Alright, settled it is
@MessLizz_Forepop is your new name
@Retrosaur See, now we're back into disgusting territory again.
@LessPop_MoreFizz My plan to play Barkley 1 is failing...
Uh........ @Foremess_Lizzpop
@OrigamiRobot Why is that?
@GraceNote Yeah I can regain SP faster than I burn it in HDD mode, but generally that requires doing normal attacks. Non-HDD skills are usually significantly stronger than normal attacks in HDD. And by the time I've built up enough SP to do both in HDD mode the target's usually dead anyway
@LessPop_MoreFizz It wont run on my mom's computer.
Plus half of my battles involve getting Cave's SP up and using either black label or one of the slightly cheaper ones and me winning shortly after
@BenBrocka Try casting Attack Up.
@GraceNote I tried that whole thing when Nepgear was my only CPU-ish character. It's too frustrating, at least it was at the time
@OrigamiRobot ... what? How? It is like... the least computer intensive game of the decade.
waste turn buffing, oops, character's dead, waste turn healing, get my AP back, attack once, crap my buff expired...
@LessPop_MoreFizz That's what I said.
His mom's computer still uses punchcards
@BenBrocka Close, it's Vista.
How many punchcards does a Vista install require?
@BenBrocka 32.
I was thinking more like a few million
I was wrong, this is Win7
I don't know when she got it upgraded.
She should use Windows 95
The nice thing about this TV is that it doubles as a space heater
It's almost like having a CRT
Firefly marathon on the Science Channel.
Firstly, WTF
but second, I just realized that show was cancelled 10 years ago
I feel old.
Science channel showing science fiction, SyFy showing neither
@Wipqozn We need to do some dungeons ASAP
So much money to be made

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