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Q: Anyone got a order of ecclesia save game from the Castlevania: judgment (wii game) connectivity option?

i30817I read on a faq that this allows to start a new game with some options unlocked without having most objects, levels and glyphs transfer, which is what i want (not the normal newgame+ saves that are all over the net).

@Raven I could ask you where you've been.
@RonanForman Work.
40 hours or more per week!
Woo! XCOM as Christmas present!
I'd suggest taping a pillow to your desk, so when you inevitably beat your head against your desk in frustration, you will not hurt yourself!
@RavenDreamer Hey, I'm the inventor of facedesking.
My skull is hard enough to survive impacts that would concuss lesser men.
@fbueckert Mine too, but that's because I stood beside the bass guitar player in jazz band
Out of that, I got a hard skull, and very good at ducking
@RavenDreamer so when are we doing lunch?
@SaintWacko I forget. Ekrin or Elrin or something.
@Jin You free tomorrow?
@GnomeSlice Really? Not Roy?
@fbueckert It's not Christmas yet.
@RavenDreamer i think so.
@SaintWacko Who?
I'm about to pull the trigger on Hitman... it was a hard choice between it and Dishonored..

Due to an error in our system the price for this bundle was incorrect and lower than it should have been. The bundle offer has therefore been taken down and it is no longer avaialbe for purchase.

Because of the high demand on this bundle we have ran out of serials for most of the titles. Unfortunately, we will not get new serials until middle of January next year.

If you want a refund for this bundle, please contact the support.
From that Bethesda Collection on GamersGate. >_>
@Fluttershy Yeah...like you'd want a refund.
@fbueckert Guilty Concious
@fbueckert Probably if you paid for it after they ran out of serials.
@GnomeSlice As long as they honor it, I'd say it's alright.
Who says serials?
@OrigamiRobot People who work with dozens of different types of DRM on a daily basis.
Like Gamersgate does.
What does that have to do with anything?
@OrigamiRobot Lots of DRM uses 'serial keys'.
or 'activation' keys.
@GnomeSlice Yes, but who shortens that to "serials" instead of "keys"
@OrigamiRobot I've seen it before, I guess it's just the term people use.
It's stupid.
People who aren't consumers.
@OrigamiRobot The fact that you have to complain about it is stupid.
I don't have to. I want to.
@OrigamiRobot serial numbers
@OrigamiRobot I don't want to argue about it, I'll get banned.
Arguing without getting banned is a skill? I can add that to my resume.
@OrigamiRobot I just don't want to get flagged again or I get a 6 month chat ban.
So I'm trying to avoid arguments.
@RavenDreamer I'd still call them keys before I called them serials.
@GnomeSlice You wouldn't be flagged if you kept things civil.
@OrigamiRobot Other people don't get flagged for being genitals, so I dunno how it's relevant.
Serials are what they call a season of a TV show in the UK.
@OrigamiRobot Uh
Series 2, Series 3, etc.
Not 'serials', wtf.
Serials are series of television programs and radio programs that rely on a continuing plot that unfolds in a sequential episode-by-episode fashion. Serials typically follow main story arcs that span entire television seasons or even the full run of the series, which distinguishes them from traditional episodic television that relies on more stand-alone episodes. Worldwide, the soap opera is the most prominent form of serial dramatic programming. Serials rely on keeping the full nature of the story hidden and revealing elements episode by episode to keep viewers tuning in to learn more. O...
@OrigamiRobot Oh, it's a type of show, not a season.
Doctor Who is a British science fiction television programme produced by the BBC. As of 29 September 2012, 789 individual episodes, including one television movie of Doctor Who, have been aired, encompassing 229 stories. Additionally, four charity specials and two animated serials have been aired, and two short sequences—"A Fix with Sontarans" and "Attack of the Graske"—were produced and involved the interaction of a viewer; the former was a segment of Jim'll Fix It and the latter was a fully interactive adventure. The show's high episode count resulted in Doctor Who holding the world re...
It must refer to seasons of a serial program then.
Because every british show I've ever seen refers to them as 'series'.
Q: How do I use email wishlist notifications?

agent86Debuting with the Winter 2012 Steam Sale is something called "wishlist notifications" which appears to be: We'll let you know by email or through our mobile app when the games on your Wishlist are on sale as a Daily Deal, Midweek Madness or Weekend Deal. Whether you're riding the bus, walking...

Q: Why does Cave's Black Label sometimes add extra attacks?

Ben BrockaCave's Black Label seems to have 3(?) separate parts: A main attack which showers bullet-hell style bullets on targets, and two second parts which involve "Option" style bee-things which shoot more bullets, then lasers. I've seen her perform the first part alone, and I think I've seen her only pe...

Same reason they're called "Serial" Killers.
@RavenDreamer Yes
So after an epic mouse click fail, I landed my new Mun Base Alpha, freshly upgraded with more batteries. It's still not enough to keep the lights on all night.
@MBraedley Put some generators on it.
@GnomeSlice RTGs are a cop out when you have solar panels and batteries.
@MBraedley That can't make it through the night, I agree.
Can you assemble things in space / on the moon yet? Or are you still having to launch full pieces?
@RavenDreamer With docking, yes
That's how I did my Duna mission, buy sending up the lander on a second rocket
And my space station for that matter
Dec 12 at 2:24, by MBraedley
user image
Curiousity... piquing...
That was I think 11 different launches, plus crew transfers
How many Kerbins have died for your program?
Either the improved how you control things after 0.13 or I must not be playing right
A few. I managed to resurrect Jeb though
Getting into orbit around the planet is the hardest thing ever.
@OrigamiRobot I didn't start until at least a version later, but yes, they have improved some things
@RavenDreamer I have a space station that currently has six engines.
@OrigamiRobot Well for that, you're just doing it wrong
@MBraedley I don't even know how to tell what way I need to go other than up.
@OrigamiRobot Pick a direction, that will be your orbit.
It's easiest to pick either due west or due east.
@GnomeSlice That's not how it works
@GnomeSlice Preferably due east (90°)
@OrigamiRobot It's how it works if you have enough power.
No, it's not
Go straight up for about 10km, then start banking over
@OrigamiRobot But that's why due West or East works the best.
@MBraedley "start banking over" means nothing
@OrigamiRobot Start going not straight up.
That means nothing
@OrigamiRobot press w a s or d for a second or two
I know how to move
I dont know how much to move
@OrigamiRobot About 45 degrees.
Starting means nothing if you dont know when to stop
@GnomeSlice And how do I tell that?
@OrigamiRobot No more than 45° until about 35-40km
@OrigamiRobot thingy at the bottom
Yes, that's descriptive
@OrigamiRobot There's a ring on the nav ball for 45°
@OrigamiRobot Just a sec I'll take a screenshot
Eff it I'm just gonna go up until I run out of fuel
We'll see where I end up
@OrigamiRobot And that's why you always escape Kerbin gravity.
@OrigamiRobot You may not actually come back down
@MBraedley I know I wont
@fbueckert I dont know how not to
@OrigamiRobot ^
Look at my guage. That's 45 degrees.
Note the circular line I'm intersecting with that says '45'
@OrigamiRobot The trick is to start turning towards a specific heading once you've gained a high enough altitude.
I don't really know how to read this thing, but I know that's 45 degrees between the horizon and vertical
Which heading that is, is up to you. Simplest ones are 90 and 270.
@fbueckert You might as well say the trick is to do the right thing
@GnomeSlice I dont see 45 anywhere on there
@OrigamiRobot See the little digital display at the bottom that says, "HDG"?
That's heading.
2 mins ago, by MBraedley
@OrigamiRobot There's a ring on the nav ball for 45°
That says 91 in his screenshot
@OrigamiRobot That's my direction (due east)
@GnomeSlice Well actually, that's a heading of 45°
3 mins ago, by OrigamiRobot
Eff it I'm just gonna go up until I run out of fuel
@OrigamiRobot Fine, whatever.
@MBraedley No, that's 91.
It's an angle of 45.
There's a reason I haven't paid money for this game
@fbueckert I'm talking about what's circled, not the direction the ship is actually facing
@OrigamiRobot get MechJeb
@MBraedley Missed that one. Yeah, that's 45.
@MBraedley Oh, you're right, I'm retarded.
@OrigamiRobot Heading is the direction you're pointing. Angle is relative to the planet. Blue is pointing away, and brown is pointing towards.
I almost never use the HDG indicator.
@OrigamiRobot They fixed that in newer versions.
The demo ship building is horrible.
Anyways, I've got to go pack and eat and do stuff. Later all
Do you guys like me?
Yes, my space station has engines.
And are connected to other engines through six docking ports.
@Gnome We tolerate you. Is that joke too harsh?
@RonanForman Sounds about right I guess...
@Gnome It was a joke, why are you asking?
@RonanForman I'm going to get banned next time I'm flagged. For being a jerk, apparently.
How often have you been banned so far?
@CruelCow Suspended or banned
I've only had a long suspension once.
For a week.
I'm going to get a 6 month one next time I'm flagged.
@GnomeSlice I'd say it's a great incentive for you to learn how to act like a socially acceptable human being.
@fbueckert I get along just fine with people.
@GnomeSlice Until someone teases you, or otherwise makes fun of you, or anything else that sets you off.
@Gnome If you say so…
@RonanForman ಠ_ಠ
Here comes the crash....
Q: How do I get Rise of the Triad to work on 12.04?

DrewI installed it from the software center, but it won't start up. Am I missing something?

@fbueckert You know, telling me to buy KSP was timely
It's 25% off now
I could not resist :(
@OrigamiRobot Sounds like you're having fun
Tho when I checked my email, I realized that they'd sent me some emails about "hay the price is rising from $7 to $10 in a couple weeks"
I was trying to do what people sad
@OrigamiRobot If you want to simplify your orbital maneuvers, burn straight up until your apoapsis gets to ~100km, and them point right at the horizon on your chosen heading, and burn along that.
@Tacroy Do you know how long the sale is for?
Once you get about 2300 m/s of velocity, you've successfully achieved orbit.
"10000m, turn to 45 degrees...ok...turning off SAS...OH GOD EVERYTHING IS MOVING EVERYWHERE"
@RonanForman the 25% off sale is until EOD on the 24th
@OrigamiRobot Did you build it with symmetry?
At least that's what their website says
Otherwise it will spin.
@GnomeSlice Yes
@OrigamiRobot Like you used the built in symmetry thing? Okay
You spin me right round baby right round like a rocket baby right round right round
Now my stage thingy disappeared
Oooh a career mode
@Tacroy Still just sandbox for now
But there was a radio butan
Though I guess any menu at all is an improvement from when I started playin
Oh look little scientist kerbals
@Tacroy There's orbital docking now too. =]
None of which I can do
I bought this almost entirely because I saw a youtube video
Where a guy went to the Mun
@Tacroy I've done that!
And didn't quite have enough fuel to come back
It's so satisfying the first time you do it.
So he sent his kerbals out
And they pushed
It was pretty awesome
@fbueckert You say that as though I can do any of that except "burn straight up"
@OrigamiRobot Wings. And RCS. They let a ship turn much more nimbly.
@fbueckert OK, if I knew how to turn with any kind of control....
@OrigamiRobot Is your ship shaking going up? That usually means there are parts that are attached somewhat badly.
Oh, 0.13 doesn't have the map interface, does it?
@fbueckert Not really.
Hee hee hee ion engines are powered by witchcraft
That makes it stupid hard to tell what your orbit will be.
0.13 has only build a rocket, add stages and make it go
@OrigamiRobot Then what's the problem with turning? Is it just really slow to turn?
@fbueckert He doesn't know how much
@GnomeSlice Yes, Gnome, thank you. I'm sure he can explain it for himself, though.
Where's the parachutes?
@fbueckert Has has
@Tacroy utilities
@fbueckert I dont know how to do it
I know what controls make it turn.
@OrigamiRobot Okie dokie. I'll see if I can try to explain it slightly better for you.
Hooray they might live!
Successful Kerbin landing! No explosions!
What's the difference between rcs and sas again?
Maybe I should have asked that on the ground...
@Tacroy SAS keeps your ship straight.
RCS is the little air jets you can use to orient your ship.
Sorry for the Paint crap job.
I hope this parachute is enough
@fbueckert Again, you are assuming I know more than I do.
So, the idea is when you launch, that you're basically headed straight up.
Here is what I know about turning: WASD do things.
@OrigamiRobot I is 'splainen!
@OrigamiRobot if I can do it, you can surely do it.
Don't stress man.
Q: How to find promotable units in Civ 5

lacquiWhen I'm cycling through my units, I'll sometimes notice that a unit is promotable; often, this happens after I've already moved them away from friendly territory on another task. Is there a way to list all my promotable units, especially after I've finished with the appropriate research?

Yus no casualties
@OrigamiRobot That's what your Navball looks like when you start, yes?
For the purposes of this tutorial, I'm going to use 270 as my heading.
Because that's what I always use.
As you get above 10km, you want to start angling along your chosen heading.
The transition between those two images is not possible for me.
@OrigamiRobot Bwuh?
You can control it with wasd
And qe for rotation
4 mins ago, by OrigamiRobot
@fbueckert Again, you are assuming I know more than I do.
Wait this is bs
4 mins ago, by OrigamiRobot
Here is what I know about turning: WASD do things.
@OrigamiRobot I'm assuming you can press a single key to change how the navball displays.
If there's only one kerbal in the ship it should be Jebediah
@fbueckert It changes too fast
@OrigamiRobot Your ship turns too fast?
So if you're looking at the sphere
23 mins ago, by OrigamiRobot
"10000m, turn to 45 degrees...ok...turning off SAS...OH GOD EVERYTHING IS MOVING EVERYWHERE"
Ah nvm, it takes some getting used to
@OrigamiRobot I'd say I'd use your ship to see what's going on, but older versions don't work in the latest.
Maybe build a different ship?
Oh that's awesome, they model light on the cockpit now
@oak can you suggest any good civ V mods?
I'm totally making a rocket glider
I crashed on the opposite side this time
Fuck I just launched my core into orbit without a probe capsule on it.
That ended poorly
Do you need a probe?
@Tacroy If I want to be able to control it, yes. The capsule with the kerbals in it is long gone, I decoupled it and landed back on Kerbin
Now I can't control the station core.
Ohhh neat
So this calls for a recovery mission!
I'm going to have to add a core to it and relaunch it.
But not tonight.
So do things just stay up in space?
@Tacroy If they're in a stable orbit, yeah.
You can go to the tracking station to switch to them.
Rocket glider is a go!
I give up, again.
@Tacroy Those used to be a lot easier because rockets would work on Jet Fuel. They don't any more.
Okay maybe trying to control a plane with only SAS modules was a bad idea
@Tacroy It needs... fins. and control surfaces on the wings.
I reject your reality and substitute SAS modules
@fbueckert You realize I only have like 3 types of engines?
I wish you could set the SAS target
@Tacroy You can. You have to point where you want, and then press 't'
It toggles the SaS on and off.
Yeah but I wish I could do it without having to point
@Tacroy That would be hard.
Just click on the ball
@OrigamiRobot It's not the engines, but how you build it.
@Tacroy You can program maneuvers though.
@Tacroy Don't ask me how. And it might only be for orbital stuff.
@fbueckert I have a very limited number of parts to work with
@OrigamiRobot We've all played the demo too man
I'm afraid that's it for me.
I'm signing off for the holidays.
@GnomeSlice I am not saying the demo is impossible. I am saying you guys have been playing with your fancy parts for a while. Keep in mind that I do not have those.
@OrigamiRobot @fbueckert doesn't even like fancy parts. After I bought it he was all 'just use the shitty ones!' and I was like 'no'
@GnomeSlice by fancy I mean "not in the demo"
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, exactly
I suspect he uses some of them now, but his rockets are mostly built out of parts you have in the demo
Mine... aren't. And mine usually blow up.
sigh nevermind, I gave up anyway
Time for Fondue and muppets, peace Bridge.
Q: What are Pivots for?

DavidYellSo I've completed the game now and am at 99% Animus DB complete. I did the two Epilogue missions and then got a mission icon in Boston. I zoned into Boston and the game loaded, then immediately went back to the loading screen. After it had loaded I was in what appeared to be the middle of a conve...

Q: What enchantments can books have?

SilveriSince books can now be enchanted in Minecraft 1.4.6, I haven't been able to find much information on how their enchantments work. I know you can enchant a book and then later apply that enchantment to another item using an Anvil, but I'm still unclear as to the actual enchantments that books can ...

Q: Distributing Different Items

YawusCurrently, my set-up uses a chest with several advanced wooden transport pipes, each keyed to a single item. Is there anyway to have one pipe pull from the chest and then somehow distribute several different items to different chests/automatic crafting tables?

Quiet night again tonight! <_<
Q: How do I play mame games on 12.10 without being interrupted by the screensaver?

user54360"gnome-screensaver-command -p" is gone in 12.10 so mame can't poke to keep the screen alive. Is there a command I can add before "mame" to deactivate the screensaver and one to reactivate it after I exit "mame"? Thank you.

@Fluttershy shall I yodel? I do a mean Blue Yodel #4
@agent86 vocaroo.com
@Jin Hello.
@Fluttershy hi
Hitman Absolution just got done downloading
@Jin Bye! >_>

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