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Baldurs Gate for iPad is live on App Store.
more importantly
is it hometime yet?
@fbueckert The solution is to use NC instead of TL wherever applicable.
@pixel I wish.
At least you're probably closer to hometime than I am, being five hours ahead.
I'm still here for another 7.5ish hours
@Powerlord indeed, I have 82 minutes left
@OrigamiRobot If it can only help a single person, that's the epitome of TL.
@Powerlord Hometime for me is 10 days away.
@fbueckert But it's also NC.
Specifically, it is 248 hours away.
If you can apply any other close reason besides TL, use it.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Where are you this time?
@OrigamiRobot There's a close reason hierarchy now?
@Powerlord Right this instant? Roanoke, VA.
I need to be in Atlanta by Sunday, and have nothing to do between now and then. Debating when I want to leave.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Whoops, guess I should have asked why, not where.
@Powerlord Do you have better internet there or at your destination?
@fbueckert Why waste time arguing over localization when the question is NC anyway? All that does is get the question reopened because it was closed for the wrong reason.
@pixel Internet here is awful. I have no idea what it will be like at destination.
@LessPop_MoreFizz well if its awful, I can only imagine it will be better there
@OrigamiRobot Eh. When both apply, it doesn't get closed for the wrong reason.
sorry for jinxing it for you
@fbueckert you use too localised too much
@pixel Your opinion is too localised.
@fbueckert When more than one close reason applies, choose the path of least resistance. Typically TL has the most resistance.
@pixel Eh, it's far from the worst I've used. It's just not very good.
@OrigamiRobot That, I can agree with.
@fbueckert the way you and I each approach a question is completely different, I approach it while asking "how can I help this person?" and you approach it asking "how can I close this question?"
it may not be completely true, it certainly feels like it most of the time
Mostly because TL has so much negative baggage with it, so we're all compelled to argue and rant and rave whenever we use it.
@fbueckert "the wrong reason" being the justification for reopening.
@pixel I still don't know how you are expecting anything remotely approaching an authoritative answer
@fbueckert Right, and all the while a more applicable close reason is there to save everyone a load of hassle.
@Sterno who said anything about expecting?
@pixel I like my playground nice and neat. I'm not sorry my definition of acceptable is more narrow than yours.
@fbueckert your definition of acceptable is so narrow that even the smallest person in the world couldn't fit through it
sure, my definition is too carefree, which is why I very rarely cast the initiating close vote
Are you saying his definition of acceptable is Too Localized?
@OrigamiRobot yes
@pixel If it's that narrow, then I might as well be the gatekeeper of all new questions. :P
brb VTCing @fbueckert's opinions as Too Localized
@fbueckert god, no, please, we need SOME questions.
And have overriding authority of what can and can't be asked.
@pixel Then it can't be that narrow.
Because we're still getting questions.
@fbueckert That position is filled. @InvaderSkoodge is the authority on what is and is not stupid.
@fbueckert only because they're not getting 5 close votes
@OrigamiRobot He's the authority on what is and isn't stupid.
I'm the marshal, so I lay down the law on what you can and can't ask. :P
@fbueckert what=who*
@AshleyNunn I checked and found out that I can't get cheaper shipping on items shipped to Canada from Amazon.com with Amazon Prime. :/
@pixel I stand by my downvote even more if you agree you asked a question that probably can't be authoritatively answered. The entire point of this site is authoritative answers.
And rep whoring
@Sterno the question can be answered sufficiently to satisfy my curiosity
@pixel And speaking of authoritatively sourced answers, I guess I get the close votes started on your question.
@Sterno are you calling me a rep whore?
@pixel I'm calling everyone in chat a rep whore
@fbueckert can you wait a few days, so I can block it with a bounty? thanks
@pixel Too late. Not acceptable.
The marshal has spoken.
@Sterno Star whore*
@fbueckert I hate you.
@Sterno Even me? :(
@fbueckert follow process and comment as to why you're voting
before I VTC you.
@OrigamiRobot If it makes you feel worse, then especially you
@pixel Nope. You know exactly why.
It's snowing haaaard
@fbueckert no I don't, I think it's a perfectly good question
I comment on questions asked by new users.
The more we talk about this question the more I want to VTC it
@pixel I agree with @Sterno. It can't be authoritatively answered.
@Sterno This is prejudice
What's the question?
Because everyone's definition of DLC and expansion pack are different.
hi there =)
Q: Is there a difference between "Expansion Pack" and "Downloadable Content"?

pixelMany years back, before the term "downloadable content" was born, when game developers released new content and functionality for their existing games they called it an "expansion pack". This was generally sold in a box from a store, just like the original game, and required the original game to ...

@MichelAyres Mikey!
Longtime no see!
brb boss mode
@pixel maybe it's more for game dev
Expansions tends to be larger than DLC
@fbueckert <3 =) Miss you all (Personal (LOTS) problems...)
@pixel It's the opposite of prejudice. I had an initial quick judgment (downvote) and as I study it more it's evolving to a VTC opinion!
But really I'm just going to get back to work and ignore it entirely
StarCraft 2 is about to have a new expansion that is the size of the entire original game, for example.
I'm not sure about one review... in this question gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/94816/… @legacy suggest a new tag Not sure if I should accept this edit or not
Q: Shotgun and Launcher undiscovered challenges

Orc JMRI want to get "Did It All" achievement, but Shotgun and Launcher categories show an (undiscovered) challenge each.

Expansions also tend to cost almost as much as the original game. :/
There is plenty of leeway to get worse than that.
@LessPop_MoreFizz and the quest for the shittiest hotel internet continues
although maybe not today
one full megabit down? LUXURY.
@badp That sounds like the making for a great book.
@badp Yeah, I've used worse than this.
@MichelAyres The tag got removed yesterday.
I'd say reject the edit for that reason.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I was going to reject, but I didn't found no link to support it. (and I forgot to check the edit log =X)
@LessPop_MoreFizz thanks =)
@MichelAyres Huh?
Oh, man. I'm sad. That possibly-but-not-actually-at-all-too-localized question about Fallout 3 settings was about Fallout 3, not Far Cry 3 like I initially read it. I was all excited to go tweak my config tonight
@fbueckert Plus the question is useless. This question does not show any research effort; it is unclear or not useful (click again to undo)
@Wipqozn Until Arqade becomes the authoritative source for all things gaming.
Then WE tell everyone what the words mean.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I was talking about the review =) I was going to put Reject the review, but I didn't because I couldn't find any source to support this. And as I'm a little away from Arqade I came here to make sure.
@MichelAyres I think you meant to address that to me. :P
Damn, every time I say "I came" in a sentence, I remember the new meme ¬.¬
@fbueckert hahaha =X
@LessPop_MoreFizz yeah, you could have @GnomeSlice's internet
@pixel @GnomeSlice doesn't have internet.
@Wipqozn that's a bit unfair, 28.8k is still internet access
@MichelAyres Yeah, I still have no idea what you're talking about
Sep 26 at 20:01, by GnomeSlice
I don't have internet.
@Wipqozn the fact he said that on chat, means he didn't mean literally.
@GnomeSlice is never sarcastic, figurative, or joking. He is always serious.
@LessPop_MoreFizz the text was for @fbueckert I'm distracted today =X
@OrigamiRobot And is reasoned, calm, and expressive.
@OrigamiRobot anyway, since <tantrum>*everybody here hates me* and votes to close my questions</tantrum>, what time are you back tonight so we can GW2 it up?
I miss MarkTrapp.
@pixel If I hated you, I'd downvote and VTC all your questions on general principles.
@Wipqozn User2334 will live on forever in our hearts.
@fbueckert so ITS YOU who has been serial downvoting me!!!
@pixel Actually no, it's not.
@Wipqozn 10 people should say this, and star it, so we can send him a screenshot of the whole star list full of "I miss MarkTrapp"
@Mana Yo, ahve you heard this new WOven hand shit?
@fbueckert punishment shall be swift
@pixel in about 4 hours.
@LessPop_MoreFizz ...I DON'T HAVE AUDIO
@OrigamiRobot that may give me enough time to finish that zone we were in
@Mana What a horrible way to live.
@pixel Messing with the Marshal has dire consequences.
@OrigamiRobot are you now in the zone to the west?
@LessPop_MoreFizz :(
@fbueckert not if I downvote you enough for you to lose your VTC privs
@Mana Seriously, this new Woven Hand joint is amaaaaaazing.
@pixel I haven't gone anywhere new. I wanted to do a dungeon.
@LessPop_MoreFizz What kinda stuff?
@OrigamiRobot I want to do a dungeon
@Wipqozn your hope has now become despair
@pixel That's gonna take a serious amount of dedicated downvoting.
@Mana Do you know 16 horsepower?
@LessPop_MoreFizz no
@fbueckert spaced out, so they don't get reversed
@Mana Some GY;BE will cheer you up! Oh, wait... no audio...
@Mana Okay then. How to describe Woven Hand...
@pixel Yup.
@LessPop_MoreFizz are they loud
So I'm in no fear of you being able to do that.
are they Local Natives
@fbueckert are you saying that I don't have the attention sp... ooh a squirrel
are they post-rock
it started out as pretty straightforward, dark edged neofolk, and he has gotten progressively more and more into incorporating native american rhythms and seriously metal guitar shit over the years.
@Mana This new album is pretty loud.
@pixel No, I'm saying it's much easier to GAIN rep than it is to lose it.
Also, all of his songs are about jesus.
@pixel That settles it. Dungeons will be done.
@LessPop_MoreFizz JESUS
@OrigamiRobot YAY DUNGEONS!
@Mana He is really into jesus.
@OrigamiRobot Oh my. I just might join you for that. Which level are you Mr Robot?
Like, he is more into Jesus than sufjan is into jesus. And sufjan is pretty into jesus.
@Wipqozn ~30
but level scaling says hi
@pixel There's no level scaling up though. Which is why only Mister Robots level matters.
if we could get some combination of @RavenDreamer @FAE @Fluttershy that would be helpful
and then we have five without looking for randoms
@Wipqozn I miss CoX's sidekicking system.
@Wipqozn He is 30 or higher
It made it so much easier to play with anyone you wanted, regardless of level.
You people are going to make me redownload this massive client aren't you
@LessPop_MoreFizz yes
@LessPop_MoreFizz shame on you for uninstalling it
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yes.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I bet you still have TSW installed as well, dont you
@pixel Well the mac client came out, so I uninstalled GW2 from Windows to make space, because I figured if I ever wanted to play again, I'd prefer to play under OS X
I Really should study, but FFTA2 is just so goooood.
@LessPop_MoreFizz BUT you still have TSW installed, don't you?
@LessPop_MoreFizz oi
If everybody would star Wipqozn's message right now, this fundraiser would be over today...please donate now...
^ vandalism
@Wipqozn Tactics Ogre.
@fbueckert Never played, but I've heard good things.
@Mana Yes. We should all star messages by Wipqozn.
I am going to start a campaign to have user2334 renamed to user1337
@Wipqozn If you have a PSP, get the remake. It's BETTER than the original.
Which is saying something.
'nyways, g2g. pce
@Mana Okay, but listen to King O King when you have audio dammit
And I'm not talking about the GBA Knights of Lodis. They dumbed it down.
I need more @Mana!
I'm out of @Mana
Everyone here clearly needs to play Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors.
@fbueckert I'm sorry, I thought there was a discussion in here the other day where I was told that one-user questions aren't off-topic here.
YES paypal
@GnomeSlice there was, with some joel spolsky quote
@GnomeSlice @fbueckert chose to ignore that conversation because it was "too localised"
@Wipqozn 32
@pixel Actually, I didn't ignore it. I disagreed with it.
@fbueckert your disagreement is too localised
If I wanted to ship 999 to Canada, it'd be $20 USD for the game and $9 USD for shipping. >:/
@Powerlord Don't just buy 999 then. BUY ALL THE THINGS.
(also, I can't do math)
$5 per package and $4 per item is crazy... it literally costs me more to ship something 70 miles (140ish km) than it does 3000 miles (6000ish km)
more importantly, I finally asked a question that has more than 2 answers on it
Also, I'm piss poor at converting from miles to km
@fbueckert How does it feel, to disagree with the community? =]
It sucks, doesn't it.
@GnomeSlice Joel isn't the community.
@GnomeSlice I'm not disagreeing with the community.
@Powerlord miles = (km/8)*5
5 mins ago, by GnomeSlice
@fbueckert I'm sorry, I thought there was a discussion in here the other day where I was told that one-user questions aren't off-topic here.
I'm disagreeing with the argument that, "Oh, the SE bossman said it's OK, so we should follow that."
@Powerlord km = (miles/5)*8
@fbueckert sounds like a perfectly solid and unbreakable argument to me
That's an appeal to authority argument, not actually arguing it yourself.
If they're not off-topic here, it's because the community allows them.
@fbueckert This.
Isn't there a meta post about it somewhere?
@GnomeSlice yeah somewhere on mso afaik
Because we have tons of questions that are localised to small groups which are perfectly fine.
@Sterno Halp meh
@GnomeSlice From his meta post: and even if it were answered, nobody else would care.
@GnomeSlice A small group != one person
@fbueckert The asker would care, would he not?
@GnomeSlice "else"
If that doesn't argue for ensuring a question has to be applicable to more than one person, I don't know what does.
direct implication the asker would care, but nobody ELSE would.
Whether or not anyone else cares should be irrelevant.
@GnomeSlice No, it shouldn't.
If you can help them, why not?
@GnomeSlice: The problem is you're completely misunderstanding what too localized is. You always have. In fact, I think we have this discussion with you every month. If you think Too Localized needs some revision, clarification, et cetera, make a meta post.
The entire premise of SE is to gather authoritative answers and information that benefits the internet as a whole.
Helping a single person counters that entirely.
@fbueckert Individual people are not part of the whole?
Okay then.
@GnomeSlice It's noise.
@fbueckert It's not like it crowds out the site. If you're not searching for it you probably won't find it. In any case, that question we were all talking about probably doesn't even need his specs in it, it's about how to improve performance.
@GnomeSlice It's the same reason we don't allow shopping advice; it's too specific to that point in time.
Questions and answers that may not be encountered by anyone else again are fine. Questions and answers that definitely will not be encountered by anyone else again are too localized.
@GnomeSlice That question is not too localized. @fbueckert was incorrect when he stated that, no doubt focusing too much on the users specs.
@Wipqozn Eating breakfast, was lazy.
He's lucky he GOT a comment.

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