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@agent86 And yeah, that's what it is. Holy shit this game is strange.
Anyone good at finding compatible hardware? Cause Ill be damned if I can find a heatsink that will work with the RAM I am getting
@James Ponds make excellent heat sinks
@SaintWacko Ya know I have had someone else tell me that same thing.. and I do not think computers work the way you think they work
@James Well, darn, I thought I was being original :P
@SaintWacko Sorry man :)
Soooo.... rather than showing me videos that are new subscriptions in date descending order on my main Youtube page, it now shows me random videos in a totally random order.
Great improvement there, Youtube!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Powerlord Well it is. You'll end up viewing more videos trying to get to the ones you want, increasing ad impressions! Duh.
@LessPop_MoreFizz No, I simply updated my Youtube bookmark to go to my subscriptions, then complained about it using the Feedback button, and responded to a tweet by @feliciaday explaining how much it sucks
Docking successful!
That was some good Thai food.
Plus a night time walk by the waterfront is always an enjoyable experience.
Q: Any good place for pigs hide?

WarfaceI really need to upgrade my wallet but I can't find pigs, I can see boars but no pigs on the map. Where are they ?

@fbueckert Gratz man
@James What type of ram are you getting?
@fbueckert Congrats!
@Krazer I have Corsair Dominator Platinum but I am pretty much at the point of having to go with Water cooling or different ram
@James are you having an issue with volting? are you trying to get a higher fsbs beyond 1600?
@Krazer Nope this is literally just physically fitting the RAM and a CPU cooler into the system.. I might have to swap to some Corsair Vengeance low profile RAM so I can use a Noctua cooler.
@James I probably missed the beginning of this conversation, but what is your current setup right now?
@Krazer I am building a new computer, the components in question are an EVGA X79 Classified mobo, and the Dominator Platinum RAM fitting with a heatsink.
@James Yeah they're tall. It probably won't fit with an air heatsink
@Krazer That is the conclusion I have come to unfortunately.. I hate compromising RAM quality. Been burnt on it so many times
@James are you using a NH-D14 cooler by any chance
@Krazer That is the cooler I would be going to with the low profile ram
@Krazer It lists both my Mobo and that ram as Compatible and TOm'sHardware (shudder) has a Q/A where they confirm the cooler fits in the HAF X case.
I remember reading that you can get the DDR3 Corsair Dominator to fit if you remove the removable top heatsink
@Krazer Just read that on their FAQ but I think its talking about the Dominator, not Dominator Vengence
@James I thought they just had either the dominator or the vengence
and wouldn't you know it, it's 2am
@GnomeSlice I'm about to go rescue Jeb now. Wish me luck
@MBraedley G'luck
@AshleyNunn Impromptu pancake modification: bananaberry pancakes, with bananas on top.
@James What do you mean? The HAF X fits almost anything
@BenBrocka Almost, they suggest a 133mm heatsink at most, the notuca is 140mm but they say it still fits :)
@James I agree lower profile ram would be better... but are ram heat sinks really needed nowadays?
@fbueckert Okay, so what makes a station core a core, again?
@Krazer No idea really, I think with how targeted air flow is as of late it could be they need that extra help
@James For the HAF X? I thought even the Megahalems fit and it's like 150mm
@BenBrocka I wish my mobo supported that cooler still :(
It doesn't? Different socket type? I thought the latest revision had brackets for just about anything
I have a HAF XM
Love it.
@RavenDreamer This will be my 3rd HAF X case :D
@BenBrocka Not LGA 2011 it seems
@BenBrocka Unless I am missing something I even scanned their webbie for a kit to support it
ohhh I think there's a weird special bracket for that one
@GnomeSlice Habitation module, and at least one docking port.
@BenBrocka Fuck Yeah!
.. and I bet FCPU remember how much cash I sent them when water cooling my system :D
Now i have to wonder if the DP ram will work with that setup :)
Oh shit what new youtube layout
@BenBrocka gone live for you too?
Yes...uses about half of my screen
left aligned for some reason
Q: Effective range of Captain Enchantment on Tier 2 Boots

Sadly NotWith the new Captain Enchantment on your tier 2 boots, allies move towards you faster. What is the effective range of this bonus for allied champions? What is the range of the bonus for minions? Is there a visual cue that indicates someone is getting the bonus?

@BenBrocka Ordered
Q: How can I take advantage of the afflictions?

Michel AyresIn Pandemic 2 sometimes it shows that a country have some problems What could I do to take advantage of the situation?

Q: Where can I find lots of emus?

SeanAre any specific locations in Steelport specifically suited for the 50 "Emus Destroyed" challenge? Otherwise, where can I find these vehicles in abundance?

@Lazers New Zealand
@fbueckert Okay, that sounds freaking delicious.
@LessPop_MoreFizz What was entertaining.
Also, the internet is quiet tonight.
@AshleyNunn It really is
I am entertaining myself by learning more about this crazy japanese jesus game from the 80's
@LessPop_MoreFizz you know, that strikes me as an amazing plan. I am finishing my CanLit paper, and then there will be wine :D
@LessPop_MoreFizz This is beautiful.
"USAmericans"? as opposed to.... (academic papers are weird)
@AshleyNunn United Statesians!
@YiJiang I would not be surprised if that was in an academic paper someplace
@AshleyNunn As opposed to residents of other American countries, such as Brazil, Mexico, or America's Hat.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Hey now.
Although I am writing a paper on how Canadians have very little idea of what makes a Canadian Canadian in terms of national identity, so, you know. A lot of the research seems to be focused on "Well, we aren't Americans."
@AshleyNunn something something comedians from toronto that moved to LA and had movie careers something something precious indie bands from montreal something something hockey something something
@LessPop_MoreFizz yeaaaah, that's really all I have so far in that arena. We are Canadian but other than the stereotypes, no one knows what that means. We are patriotic towards a country we dont understand, because we feel the need to be patriiotic to something.
Also, the Quebec referendum was 17 years ago? Really? Wow.
Sorry. I will stop muttering over here about Canadian things.
@AshleyNunn Oh yeah! Also French people. And people who talk funny to the east of the french people. Also "EH"
@LessPop_MoreFizz I love how most of this is just Eastern Canada
its like no one knows what to do with the West
@AshleyNunn Drug addicted homeless teenagers in vancouver. Also rain.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Ah, now we are getting somewhere!
And snow to the north, and polar bears (I think.)
Also, Vancouver is basically New York in disguise. Except for when it's Chicago in disguise. Or Seattle in disguise. Or Washington DC in disguise. Basically, it is cheap knockoff america for television production.
@LessPop_MoreFizz yeah cheap pretend america
These are the things I know about Canada.
@LessPop_MoreFizz You have taught me many things tonight, and my paper will be all the stronger for it. Now I have to write a page and a half more, make a bibliography, and then OMG YAY WINE
@AshleyNunn How will you cite me in your bibliography? I DEMAND CITATION AND CREDIT.
@LessPop_MoreFizz You do know I know how to cite a chat room, right? (the same as any webpage, but then the chatter is the author). So.....
06 2012. LessPop_MoreFizz, Online Posting to The Bridge. Web. 6 Dec. 2012. <http://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/7169887
@AshleyNunn Yesssssssssss
It's LessPop_MoreFizz.
Gotta do these things properly.
Q: PlanetSide 2 ping

PhaDaPhunkIs there any way I can find my Ping in PlanetSide 2 ? I've been looking for a while and can't seem to find it anywhere.

@LessPop_MoreFizz Apparently Son of Citation Machine does not like underscores.
Also, I am so tempted to actually cite you at some point, but I think I would lose marks. XD
Speaking of Candians, where is @mana when i want to gush about a new album to him goddamnit.
soup guyz
@AshleyNunn Wine time is like... the third most awesome time.
I haz delicious wine
@LessPop_MoreFizz Beer, then....?
@AshleyNunn whisky time.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Ah. I have never actually had whisky.
@AshleyNunn You ought to fix that. It is tasty.
@LessPop_MoreFizz My knowing nothing about it intimidates me
And very effective at inebriation.
@LessPop_MoreFizz It is very throat burning.
@fbueckert Pfft. Only if you drink cheap moonshine.
Although it's very smooth once you get used to it.
@LessPop_MoreFizz It's ALL moonshine, except for the expensive stuff.
@AshleyNunn The trick is to find a snobby local bar that does tastings.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I am not sure if anyone local does, but I shall put my feelers out
@LessPop_MoreFizz Not sure if that is tonight's intended goal - I am just enjoying the bubbles and the pink-ness and watching Chuck and feeling classy.
@AshleyNunn You are in Waterloo, right?
@LessPop_MoreFizz yep!
If so, these people seem to do pretty similar things.
@LessPop_MoreFizz cool beans, I shall keep an eye on it
@AshleyNunn You can also just ask questions at your local Fancy Liquor Store of Choice.
@LessPop_MoreFizz All we has are LCBOs. So they're kinda all the same. XD But I shall ask
Oh yeah. I forgot you have soviet booze control
@LessPop_MoreFizz yeaaaaah.
Q: Starcraft 2 on Macbook Pro Retina on external 27" - No valid resolution

Jonathan Ong My primary monitor is set to the 27" at 2560 x 1440. I can't window and unwindow (command + m) either. what to do!?

God dammit internet, stop being boring.
“[Mario] maybe needs a little holiday in 2013. And maybe he will have the chance now as Luigi is finally ready to step out of Mario’s shadow in 2013. 2013 is going to be the year of Luigi. It’s going to start with Luigi’s Mansion 2.”
This intrigues me
@AshleyNunn Wasn't Luigi's Mansion terrible?
@LessPop_MoreFizz I really liked it!@
@AshleyNunn I don't remember it.
Something involving ghosts and a flashlight?
@LessPop_MoreFizz you had a ghost vaccuum!
@LessPop_MoreFizz I just pulled off one of the most difficult maneuvers in near-Kerbin orbit.
With Kerbals, THAT'S entertainment, because you never know when stuff will explode.
Q: Is there a Patrician-like trading game available for Mac OSX?

Jorge ArandaI really enjoyed playing Patrician II and III, and I am trying to find a game along the same lines that I can run on Mac OSX. Ideally, I'm looking for a game that has: A fairly complex economic engine Auto-trade route capabilities Career progression / politics City building Is there anything ...

Q: Log files lead me to nowhere

MegaNairdaIt is a common job to accept that requires you to find the person responsible in hacking their system at a specified time by traversing through each log files in every computer the hacker connected. My problem now is the log file leads me to nowhere. The last one I checked does not contain any e...

2 hours later…
Q: What happens to tree stumps in Don't Starve?

BugsterWhen cutting trees in Don't Starve I don't want to reach a point in the game where my world is terrible and flat, without any trees in it. I usually leave the stumps and use the pine cones to build a forest around my own camp (to protect it, and the pigmen in it) What happens to the stumps left ...

Q: 2 guns not showing even though twin hostler crafted

Abhishek ShaI've crafted a twin hostler and the 2 guns are not shown. I've also patched the game although I don't recall the version number. The second hostler is shown but the gun isn't displayed and even the Gun icon on the HUD shows 2 fragments (as I've equipped the gun which has 2 barrels)

Q: What happens if you fail the final mission when playing Ironman mode?

ninesidedI'm playing through on Classic Ironman and it's been seriously tough so far. I've got my third best squad (please don't ask about the other two, it's still a sensitive matter) to the start of the temple assault, but haven't yet started it as I'm not sure what will happen if I fail. Is it totally ...

Q: Buying familiars via PayPal

WestHow does buying familiars through PayPal work in Blood Brothers RPG? Like, how does the purchased familiar get transferred to the buyer's account?

@OrigamiRobot I did set an alarm to wake up around the time you were getting back, but it gave up going off around the time it decided I was dead to the world
Q: Halo 4 Spartan Ops Series/Episodes release schedule?

tombull89What is the release schedule for Series 1 of Spartan Ops? I've heard there might be a break over christmas, is this true amd why?

@pixel I don't even get why somebody would post such an "answer" as milo did.
@MartinSojka that is the behaviour that particular subset of the human race aspires to
there was a similar one posted by another user that I flagged earlier as well
Can't wait until I can protect questions
I never saw the point until I got access to the flag queue
@pixel Wasting their time showing off everyone how stupid they are, for no further gain since everyone else will just shrug and ignore them (deleting their "contribution" in case of this site)?
@MartinSojka they must get a momentary buzz off it
else they wouldn't do it
thanks @fredley
"Look at me, I'm special!" style? Still don't get it.
@pixel uh?
@fredley for protecting
@pixel I'm always here to protect you/mankind
@fredley "To Punish and Enslave..."
@pixel Whatever floats your boat
you just missed the obvious transformers reference
although it's more @badp's thing I think :p
just woke up
miss all the things
I wish I could wake up at 10am
@badp Same. Video call at 10am, alarm set for 9.50
I slept for 12 hours lastnight
@pixel It's the patron day in Milan. This is my excuse for today
also it's 11am
fair enough
I brushed my hair after arriving at work
I'm just grateful that nobody else was here when I got here
and time is flying today
it will be hometime soon
what's that service that would email you when a site goes back up?
Aw yeah. That day again.
ah, ding it's up
@badp So useful
The real question that we need to establish an answer to
@pixel Nope. Different video. :)
All these MLP haters: would you prefer Rebecca Black spam or MLP spam?
Enough of this Friday nonsense, have some Deadmau5:
@fredley not his best track imo
@pixel I'd prefer Goatse spam to either.
@pixel Haha
thank you.
(I'm sorry, I'm still slow)
Q: How do I 'specialize' in EVE Online?

UserEleventyOneI've just started playing EVE Online and I've been checking out the forums and I keep on seeing advice for new players that suggest they should 'specialize'. However I really have no idea how to do this. What does it mean?

There are more entries in my browser history on a Friday than on any other day
it must be the amount of time I spend looking for unofficial videos of Friday
So, first company to offer private flights to the moon sprung up.
@MartinSojka Now we just need to wait for "low cost" moon travel airlines to popup.
I wonder if you can opt out of the return trip. Could make a nice gift to some people ...
Ryanspace: to Mars with just 50 million!
(if you don't check in online that'll be a $1 billion fine)
Until I have the required pocket change, I guess I'll keep gifting those people Windows 8 tablets and similar.
@MartinSojka I am your best friend, gift me a windows 8 tablet <3
@pixel That thing is for those family members (which means I don't have a choice whether to associate with them or not) whom I would be happy to fund the funeral for.
@MartinSojka :P
I am nearly half way to the marshall badge
This is more of a grind than 1-80 in GW2 or 1-90 in WoW...
So well, unless you're secretly that one aunt who cheated on my uncle (and wasn't found out until her own daughters noticed something strange and spied on her, including tracing her phone bills, calling her lover pretending to be her and shadowing her in disguise), no Windows 8 tablet for you! :)
@agent86 That's just not going to happen. Our questions float on Google pretty quickly, even when unanswered. Either we create an empty page that is just noise on the internet - going against what our network core goals - or somebody will just answer "install Ponyrim!"
@MartinSojka lol
@badp the amount of Google power this site has is incredible, sometimes it takes as little as 10 minutes to appear on Google, and normally it's the top result
you know the site is good when you're using google to research the question and the top 2-3 links are all arqade
If we're going to want to permanently stare at a question, we might as well make it official and close it.
We don't just "give the silence treatment" to game-recs or game-devs or whatever
oh, I don't want to discuss game-recs
we all know my views on those kinds of questions are fundamentally different to everybody elses
This is, like, the prisoner's dilemma. Roughly.

(ignore, ignore) (answer, facepalm)
(facepalm, answer) (answer but share the reps, answer but share the reps)
For both players ignore < answer (ignoring doesn't give you REPS), so (ignore, ignore) never happens
The answer is not pictured: (close, close)
(yeah I didn't know what to put on the bottom right corner)
(close > ignore, you put your name on the question in big fat bold letters and stretch your man e-muscles hard earned with REPS)
It's, like, maths, man.
It's like... talking to yourself, man
@pixel I'm just slow-arguing, Agent will come back in a few hours
@pixel So you don't like them then, I assume? Because I'd rather see them back. They work pretty well over at RPG.SE.
you should prefix each line with @agent86 to ping flood
@MartinSojka I think they're good, along with ITG questions, and would put a near infinite amount of time and research into answering them concisely as I have demonstrated in the past
but I just said I am not discussing it
mind you, the only way in my mind to allow mod-rec is to allow game-rec
@pixel Ah, ok. I was just wondering why you think everyone here has a different opinion than you. :)
and I for one am not at all closed towards this idea (but we do need to tread carefully)
@MartinSojka the epic shit storm that occurred last time I defended my position on the matter would be a good indication
btw, @pixel, for now you could get your fix on /r/gamingsuggestions
I will never ever use reddit
Your loss. shrug
in all honesty, the reason I've stuck around stackexchange this long is you have a chat
by the time I've been here a year, it will be one of my longest used websites ever
The boilerplate comment for RPG.SE's is "As this is a system-recommendation question, please adhere to both the FAQ and the rules for subjective questions as outlined in Good Subjective, Bad Subjective and on our Meta. In particular, all responses should be based on actual experience and contain references and examples whenever possible." - and it seems to work.
Q: I got an extra key in Key Cavern

MegaNairdaI'm already in the Nightmare's Lair and I have an extra key in my inventory. I checked the map and every square in it and I couldn't find anything that I may use the key for. Is there a secret place or did I miss something along the way?

@MartinSojka it doesn't matter what you try with *recommendation questions on this site, gamers are not as disciplined as is required to make it work without inviting a load of crap along with it
@pixel You know that RPG.SE is also a gamer site, right?
plus most gamers don't bother with reading stuff until there is a problem
RPG is not a computer gamer website
you're talking about people who own 1000 page books on DND rules
of course they read
^ massive generalisation
There's a big overlap nowadays. :) Oh well, maybe there's time for Gamers.SE (similar to Programmers.SE)? :D
I didn't play GW2 lastnight
no wonder I had so much time to sleep
I will make up for it tonight
I need 4 more exotic items to be fully geared in exotic gear
@MartinSojka no. just no.
this site needs to get out of the habit of actively looking for reasons to delete large numbers of questions
as demonstrated by there being 95k+ questions on this site, but only 26k of them haven't been deleted
me last week: "I have a mission for you, if you choose to accept it, I require 4oz of marijuana before Christmas"
me today: "Did you succeed in your super secret mission?"
him today: "Not really, I could only get you 2"
I still call that a success tbh
oh, I thought for some reason that protect was 20k rep and trusted user was 25k
I'm even closer than I thought
Q: How can I play effectively with the Guardian?

EBongoBlacks Ops 2 has a new scorestreak - "Guardian" which is some kind of microwave turret looking thing. I seem to get them fairly often from care packages, and encounter plenty of enemy deployed ones as well. They seem to be a very different kind of equipment compared to previous offerings, and I...

Q: Borderlands 2 Location Challenge Guide

RetrosaurCan someone help me out with all location based challenges? I'd like to turn this into a community wiki where can we all collaborate. I see no reason to post individual questions concerning every challenge. Instead of doing that, why not have a community wiki? For example, finding the Cult of...

@agent86 the 'stack impact' link on the 'apps' page points to agent86ix.github.com/impact which gives a 404, I think it should point to agent86ix.github.com/stackapps/impact ?
Q: Is there any reason to actually hurry?

AubergineI just picked up Max Payne 3 on the autumn sale, and while the game's story does an excellent job of conveying urgency, I always find it hard to resist the allure of collectibles. As always, finding collectibles is a matter of methodically sniffing around all the rooms, which is hardly something...

Is there any way to make WMP play .flac?
@LessPop_MoreFizz ta + good morning
@pixel Nothin good about this morning. :/
@LessPop_MoreFizz why wasup?
@pixel I couldn't log on because of maintenance anyway.
@OrigamiRobot oh ok
well I'll be playing for <many many hours> today
although the quality of my aim will be detrimentally affected as it gets later and later
@pixel Somehow I feel hungover without having had anything to drink yesterday.
@LessPop_MoreFizz dehydration
hotel room with air con?
@pixel Well yes, probably, but given the absurd quantities of water I drink, that feels unlikely.
@pixel Yes, but it's off.
perhaps you're coming down with a cold
@pixel if by 'coming down with' you mean 'have had for 3 weeks', then yes. Yes I am.
Debating whether to bounce out of this shithole today or tomorrow.
@pixel I only work for 6 hours today, so me too.
@OrigamiRobot cool
@LessPop_MoreFizz aww
my coffee went cold
@pixel Meh, I spend the months of October-March every year with basically perpetual sniffles. Kinda used to it.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I only get actually ill during nov-jan
@pixel I don't really consider this state to be 'ill'. I mean, I have a runny nose, but other than that feel fine.
I don't have a spleen so I get sick all the time (to varying degrees)
Well, except for this morning, where I really wish that whoever was teaching a 4 year old to play drums in my head would stop it.
@LessPop_MoreFizz when are you coming to GW2?
the inverse of log(x)/log(a) is not x^a
what were I thinking?
@badp obviously you weren't thinking at all
up in smoke... that's where my money goes...
also the apparent magnitude scale makes no sense at all
in my lungs, and sometimes up my nose
when trouble times, begin to bother me
@pixel I own it... I just wasn't too enthusiastic about it when it first came out.
I take a toke... and all my cares... go up in smoke
@LessPop_MoreFizz gogo crystal desert
so it's a logarithmic scale... base 100^1/5... inverted... argh
@LessPop_MoreFizz I watched that recently
literally the oldest movie I've ever seen
@pixel I'm... sorry.
@LessPop_MoreFizz for?
@pixel That that has to be the oldest movie you've ever seen.
@LessPop_MoreFizz lol, I only ever watch it while stoned
@pixel You ... didn't watch the original Star Wars yet?
@MartinSojka no
why would I watch that, it made a bunch of terrible games
the movie must be bad
...my attempt to provoke a response with broken logic failed.
@pixel I'd suggest watching Annie Hall, but I suspect it might be too New York and too Jewish for someone without much exposure to both for the jokes to resonate 40 years later.
@LessPop_MoreFizz a likely story
So instead I will aks if you've ever seen the show I've recently been rewatching: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
I am a very sheltered individual when it comes to anything older than me
@pixel No seriously, Annie Hall is really New York, and really, really Jewish.
and no I haven't
@pixel You should watch Always Sunny.
Best description I've heard would be "Friends if all of the characters were absolutely despicable human beings".
tries Titan Quest
sees logo, Powered by Game Spy
instant turn-off :(
@badp +1
Let's get on with the killing

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