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@Yawus Rivaled by? They put the fanfic community to shame.
@LessPop_MoreFizz What about reddit?
There's only one response to that.
^ Fail
@AshleyNunn Yes that would be me!
@InvaderSkoodge Redditors are scumbags of an entirely different, and much more reprehensible and vile sort.
@ZeroStack Awesome yay!
@Yawus Did that community not bring forth the Specsavers National Book Award winner?
@Ullallulloo Bob's Burgers yo.
@Ullallulloo Adventure Time needs more votes!
@AshleyNunn It doesn't really matter. Bronies have already swarmed it, rendering any other votes meaningless.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I think it's a problematic distinction to judge based on whether or not it's an extension of the game or not. That presumes that the asker (and close voters) know what is or isn't possible in the base game. a lot of things that question askers ask for is actually in the base game and they've just XY'ed themselves into a mod. Or, it could be perfectly reasonable to expect something is in the base game and shouldn't need a mod, but it does.
Nov 16 at 20:35, by user2334
Yeah well Adventure Time isn't very good
@agent86 I never said it was a clean line, which is why I'm not advocating for a blanket ban. I was really more pointing out the distinction because I do think that it's the principal difference between the question that prompted the meta post, and the various other open questions he links.
I will be in and out over the next couple of hours, my apologies.
@Ullallulloo @user2334 never forget.
Let us always remember User2334.
To take this to it's crazy extreme - I don't, though, quite see why there's a strong reason to close-vote dumb questions. Downvote? maybe, although that's supposedly for lack of research effort. If someone asks "How do I get MLP in Skyrim?" how is letting that get answered inherently bad?
I've yet to come up with what close voting is supposed to do that is good in those situations.
@agent86 Well, for one thing, it's bad because it gives the sort of people who are obsessed with shoehorning MLP into every other IP even more reason to come here, and do we really want those people?
@LessPop_MoreFizz :P
@agent86 I largely agree with this at the end of the day. Downvotes are much more punitive and powerful anyway.
I've given up on trying to argue about closure for the most part.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'd say ignoring them is even more powerful. When we close or anonymously downvote, all we're doing is creating friction that oftentimes erupts into a firey drama. And the end result is typically that the person is net-positive in terms of rep, and we all got to play in a shitstorm for a couple of days.
I mean, downvoting is a lot less friction than closing, for sure. and I don't begrudge anyone their downvotes.
@agent86 But playing in a shitstorm is fun.
@LessPop_MoreFizz lol
It's so much more enjoyable to tell someone that I downvoted their question because it was stupid after they're already in a frothing rage about it.
I'd rather troll anonymous losers on the internet in a FPS, thankyouverymuch. Nothing quite like getting a good kill and then "victory crouching" your way to classy.
Hmmm. Is titan quest worth 5 bucks?
@LessPop_MoreFizz not really. SR3 is
I paid a dollar for the rest of the THQ bundle because I already have SR3.
then you're good.
@agent86 Yeah, but I already have SR3.
I have it, it's kind of a lame 2-D diablo 2 clone.
I got bored about 4 hours in.
it's also quite long in the tooth.
@LessPop_MoreFizz If you bought it for anything, you get the added bonuses anyway
that is true. early adopters bypass the restrictions on later added goodies
@Ullallulloo I was too dumb to do so before they added it.
I was debating upping my buy.
@LessPop_MoreFizz ah
I already have Titan Quest if you want my key to try it.
not worth the download, imho
go buy torchlight 2 when it gets to $10 on the winter steam sale and be happier
@agent86 Yeah, this is probably good advice.
@agent86 Or I could do neither.
My next 20 bucks of game dollars are being spent on BGEE when it gets through Apple approvals probably.
@LessPop_MoreFizz indeed. I was just assuming you gave some kind of crap about titan's quest. if you don't, then this is an easy decision to make :)
@agent86 Well, if someone were to tell me it's an underrated gem that I absolutely have to play, and if that person were someone with taste I trusted, then maybe I would give a crap.
Q: Does placing Civic buildings further away increase traffic?

RobotnikI know that placing utilities (water, power plants etc) further away from the general city is not only a valid tactic - it's generally encouraged, because who wants to live next to a coal power plant? - or get their drinking water from the creek running right next to heavy industry? Obviously ut...

@BenBrocka Problem.. I have no heatsink that will fit the system :O
@LessPop_MoreFizz but... most of us don't have any taste. I mean, of course I do, but all the rest of these cretins? Pah.
@agent86 Well if you have taste, then you must agree with my previous statement, in which case HOW AWESOME IS THIS NEWS
I tried playing whatever that warhammer game was that was a 3rd person shooter on PS3... I think I got it for "free" with PS+
I was not particularly impressed.
let's hope they've found a better home now
@agent86 Space Marine?
THQ still owns the 40k license and has no intention of giving it up afaik.
This is just WH Fantasy
ah, gotcha.
well, THQ is on the ropes from what I understand.
@agent86 Clearly.
also, did you hear that they're working on a "spiritual sequel" to planescape: torment?
@agent86 Does this link work for you? (Assuming you don't have an SA account)
I don't think they're going to use Planescape due to WotC crap, but they want to make a game very similar to Torment.
@agent86 It is my understanding that this is the intent of Project Eternity, among other things
Avellone has been talking about it for a long time.
@LessPop_MoreFizz this isn't Project Eternity, this is different, I believe. I need to dig out the article or whatever
@LessPop_MoreFizz I can read that... a LP about a funky Jesus game of some description?
@agent86 I know he's said that he's not done telling the 'story' such as it is of Ravel/Kreia, whom he considers to be basically the same character.
Beginning final rondezvous prep.
@agent86 Aaaaaah. So, 5 years out then.
@LessPop_MoreFizz yeah, I hope it survives intact. Although, with the way kickstarter's been, I'm sure funding shouldn't be a problem.
@agent86 We'll see how strong that bubble is once this wave of games finally comes out or are ultimately deemed 'abandoned failures' by funders. I figure, 12-18 months from now, we'll know.

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