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Big bullymong in the Eridium Blight
He's a boss,ish. Pretty easy if you use a vehicle
@RonanForman Go crazy.
He doesn't really have any special features beyond being huge, lots of health, and he pretty much kills in one hit
Oh man, that's awesome.
26 mins ago, by Ronan Forman
user image
But his loot : effort ratio is nice
unlike Saturn
@AshleyNunn lmao yes. Thats actually my twitter profile quote - KTF
There. picture changed.
@BenBrocka Heavy Weapons Guy?!
@fbueckert How else do you get it into space?
Just need to wait for the update.
Oh wait, Heavy doesn't have one-hit kills.
SOMETHING has to carry it up...
Thanks @RonanForman. You're the best <3
@GnomeSlice Don't use docking clamps as decouplers.
@fbueckert Oh. No, yeah, I get that. Although, my last rocket made it to the mun with a bunch of extra fuel (at least when @Mbraedly tried it) which hehad to dump to separate the capsule. It would be nice to be able to take off and re-dock with the large fuel tank again.
@AshleyNunn I don't think so. My windows partition is wonked right now (until I find time to restort or rebuild the partition.)
@Krazer Hrm. You're right.
@SaintWacko I still prefer Banjo-Kazooie: Nut's 'n' Bolts.
@GnomeSlice My idea is to put an interim refuelling station around Kerbin, and work from there.
@fbueckert AH, Blake Robinson did Banjo-Kazooie arrangements? Nice!
The music in Nuts 'n Bolts is actually extremely good, too.
@GnomeSlice He's done two I think.
Once I get a fully functional space station around Kerbin, it'll be child's play to set one up around moons or other planets.
But that one was part of his advent calendar.
@RonanForman I see at least three.
@GnomeSlice Treasure trove, freeze-eezy and what?
@RonanForman Mad Monster Mansion.
@GnomeSlice Oh yeah.
Q: Do you get a bill of sale when you buy a horse in Skyrim?

CristDo you get a bill of sale when you buy a horse in Skyrim? Because I don't, and I read it is necessary to make your follower ride his or her horse. (with a mod of course)

@AshleyNunn I can add you if you like, or viceversa.
@RonanForman If you haven't heard the actual game's music, it's quite good.
Loot midgets are annoying as hell
Most of the tracks are fully orchestrated mashups of previous banjo tunes.
@GnomeSlice I've got the game, but it's not a real B&K game.
Banjo-Kazooie: Good Music, Terribad game (if you don't like Legos)
@Powerlord Ah, you haven't played it, have you.
@GnomeSlice Yes I have, it's sitting next to my other Xbox 360 games right now.
On its own merits, it's quite a good game (although a lot of the challenges come down to dumb luck, which is really annoying).
@Powerlord I hope you're only taking about N&B and not the other games.
@RonanForman I am, yes.
It's strange though... the areas are all so small, and any fast vehicles will just smash into absolutely everything and flip over.
I was going to make that clearer in another message, but then I replied to GnomeSlice instead.
Once you have all of the parts, driving around in your creations can be a lot of fun.
@BenBrocka this is the part where I'm glad I've squandered all the Money at Moxii's
But the game worlds could have been much better.
I wish I had a way to record video from my Xbox, I've built some really cool vehicles.
@GnomeSlice Yes, except I disliked the "making your own car" bit.
@badp wink wink nudge nudge?
Which is probably why I disliked the game
@Powerlord wat. That's the best part of the game, the actual 'challenges' were, for the most part, terrible. Too difficult because it's impossible to do anything with any precision in any vehicle.
You end up doing them over and over and over until you get lucky.
I can't work out if Grant Kirkhope actually did the music for N&B or if he's credited because his music was remixed for it.
@GnomeSlice Exactly... except I bought it based on the previous games in the series, which were 3D collect-a-thon games similar to Super Mario 64 and Spyro the Dragon (when Insomniac was making them)
dispatch the loot engineer
find a loot loader
Which is very annoying. And out of the five different worlds, only one of them has a place you can drive fast cars without crashing, and only two more are good for flying
@badp Need a Dispenser here!
@Krazer please do!
In some ways it's a really disappointing game.
@RonanForman Mmm, that kinda sucks. I haven't the foggiest.
I used to be a part of the game music "scene" as it were, but those days are behind me now.
@Powerlord Did you not look at the box before you bought it?
@Powerlord What do you mean by 'part of'?
@GnomeSlice Would it surprise you if I mentioned I bought it online?
And I didn't mean 'it's disappointing because it's not an adventure platformer like the previous games'.
Because it's still a lot of fun in its own right.
@Powerlord So you did no research at all, then.
Seems legit.
I also bought it because one of my friends (Shannon Mason) said she and her husband liked it.
Argh, I really wish I could record some footage of some of my favourite vehicles.
Well, her last name's not Mason any more, but it sounds weird calling her Pongball.
I made this really cool water skiing set.
@RonanForman You know I used to run vgmusic.com, right?
@Powerlord Oh yeah, I remember you mentioning it now.
@Powerlord You should get the gamemusicbundles as they release.
I hate academic literature sites that paste copied text one word per line. Haaaaaate,.
@Powerlord Also, if you haven't listened to this album yet, then I hate you.
Bridge, I need opinions!
@GnomeSlice: "used to" is past tense... I'm not really part of that scene any more.
That would explain why it's so good.
@Powerlord Ah. =[
@Fluttershy Give the money to me.
@Fluttershy it sucks and I hate it
@Fluttershy We have loads of opinions, but if you want context with them we're all out.
If you had the choice between A) a new Xbox 360, 2) a Playstation 3, C) a PS Vita, 4) or a 3DS... Which would you pick?
@BenBrocka This too.
@Fluttershy A and 2 are both no goes. Wait a year and you'll see why.
By the way, have all of you heard the new music tracks that came with the 'red' DLC for Frozen Synapse?
They're fucking amazing.
@Fluttershy "a new" as in you already have a 360?
@BenBrocka I have a first gen Arcade edition...
And yeah, I'd wait on the main consoles
@Fluttershy I would likely pick the 3Ds myself because I don't play a lot of consoles.
@Fluttershy I'd with either the PS3 or the 3DS.
@Fluttershy 3DS or Vita, it's good to have a portable one.
Probably the 3DS
Hardware-wise I vastly prefer the PS Vita, and with PS+ it's got great potential for a good price. But I find it hard to recomend one portable over the other yet
The PS3 just doesn't have enough interesting games, for me, although I would LOVE to play Journey... and SARPBC
The 3DS has more games coming out that I'm personally interested in.
@BenBrocka 3DS has a lot more... interesting games.
@GnomeSlice SARPBC?
Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars is a vehicle sports game released through the PlayStation Network in North America on October 9, 2008 and in Europe on February 12, 2009. The single player campaign of the game is made up of a series of varied mini-games which can be played in single player mode. Gameplay The game is played by one or more players, local or online, using their controller to hit a football, which is much larger than the cars themselves, into the opposing goal. Each goal gets one point, and whoever has the most points when the timer runs out wins. If both te...
That is, if Level 5 brings Layton vs. Wright over. It's already out in Japan. :/
@Powerlord Such as? (Curious to see how it compares to my own list)
@Powerlord I hope they do. I reaaaaally hope they do. And Fantasy Life.
@Powerlord There are a lot of 3DS games I'm excited for, but the vita has some too... Plus the vast majority of PSOne titles available through the store makes the vita very nice.
@GnomeSlice few have actually appealed to me
@Fluttershy Doesn't the 3DS do that with N64 games or something?
@Fluttershy for digital stuff the Vita wins hands-down
@AshleyNunn Well judging from what I just said, you can assume Ace Attorney 5 is on there as well, hopefully along with Ace Attorney Investigations 2.
@BenBrocka Get an iPhone. :P
I think the 3DS only does old portable games
@BenBrocka indeed...
@GnomeSlice it has a VC - no N64 stuff though yet, just old...yeah, what @BenBrocka said.
If you get the PS3, you have to get Motorstorm: Pacific Rift.
@Powerlord Aye, I assumed those would be on your list, from wanting that. :)
Luigi's Mansion 2, which comes out in... February? March?
Oh, and the last Professor Layton game of course.
@AshleyNunn xD I can't find your name on Steam xD
@Krazer haha, I think I am araleith there.
@Powerlord I am stupidly excited for this game. I loved the first one.
I bought the DLC just for the music, I haven't played any of it yet.
And I might not ever, I keep having to start over in FS.
Is Titan Quest any good? I just got it for free for having already purchased the THQ bundle.
@GnomeSlice I Have an Android and all the emulators that enables :P
Well, your opinions were mostly to gauge what level of buyers remorse I should be feeling, as I already got the PS Vita... <_<
Nintendo's crappy terms for the VC made me stop buying VC games
4/5 according to IGN
Oh my God this is like my favourite song ever
@Fluttershy lol. Get PS+ (if you have an internet connection of any half-ass speed anyway)
@BenBrocka I think I've only purchased 4 VC games: Paper Mario, Super Mario RPG, and both N64 Zelda games.
@AshleyNunn I sented it.
Oh, and add me on PSN, I think my name is Barakku (and I hate it adn I can't change it forever :c)
@Krazer Accepted!
@BenBrocka I get 3 free months of PS+. I took advantage of Amazon's Black Friday bundle deal.
@BenBrocka Make a new one?
2 of those 4 are all games that are poorly emulated by N64 and SNES emulators... coincidence?
@Fluttershy Ah, I still think that is an awesome deal. I kinda want one, but I cant really swing two handhelds.
@Powerlord I think not. ;)
@AshleyNunn Exactly! ;)
@Powerlord I freaking love SMRPG. Like unnaturally so.
@GnomeSlice I lose all my trophies, the ability to earn trohpies with my old save data, and my purchases would no longer be under the same account...also I'd lose access to all my current Vita content. It's all tied to the PSN account
@AshleyNunn You could totally swing two. One in each hand. You just wouldn't pack as much power as you would if you were swinging with a 2-handed grip.
@BenBrocka I guess...
Wish it was more like Steam, as annoying as Steam's "change your name to whatever" policy can be
Yeah, I don't like PSN from what I've heard about it from my Dad.
Also, I don't like how once an Xbox live name is taken, it can NEVER EVER BE USED AGAIN BY ANYONE.
PSN is actually pretty sweet. But you can't expect to drop the account that owns all your digital content and still use all that digital content
@Fluttershy That was the incorrect choice.
@Fluttershy .....yes. Okay. That would...work. XD
@BenBrocka I'm still stuck with an email address for my Steam login. Because when they started, they used your email address as a login.
@Wipqozn So's your face.
My friend made the gamertag 'GnomeSlice' before I had an Xbox so we could play together on his.
And then he forgot the password.
and I missed the very short window they had to change that.
So... that name is gone.
I apologize. I am writing papers all day and I am silly.
@AshleyNunn Oh buuurrrrnnn.
@Powerlord I'm stuck with a name I hate, but it doesn't matter because I can at least change my display name
@AshleyNunn I own ti for the SNES.
@Wipqozn I hate to break it to you, but you can't see the hat.
@Wipqozn I think my parents still have it with their SNES.
@Powerlord Can't you use both? I'm pretty sure I login with an email address too.
Why does that turtle have a red pixel on it's head?
@Wipqozn Your face is the incorrect choice.
The dude in the next cubicle keeps saying dongle.
@BenBrocka It's a hat.
@GnomeSlice You can't do "Forgot Password"?
@GnomeSlice I have to login with said email address, even though my display name is totally different.
@Fluttershy You just stole @AshleyNunn's joke. Stop stealing jokes.
Also, said email address isn't even the one associated with my Steam account.
@OrigamiRobot I cannot take that word seriously.
@Ullallulloo I don't know, I bugged him about it for a long time. He didn't know the email account either or something.
@Wipqozn yeah@Flutterhy no stealing from meeeeeeeee
Who wants to see my new dongle?
Oh, hey... Nice job, @AshleyNunn! I wasn't paying attention. =P
I think the hotmail account he used got hacked and he abandoned it.
@AshleyNunn Can anyone?
Unless you reward me handsomely for your theft.
@AshleyNunn Are you drunk?
He's really dumb
Or something.
@BenBrocka I actually just got a new dongle yesterday
I'm using it now
@Wipqozn punchdrunk from reading too much academia.
I'd rather not see your... "dongle"
That sounds really dirty.
@SaintWacko Meeeeeep
@AshleyNunn That would do it. The way I pronounced Flutterhy in my head (since you missed the s) sounds like how someone would pronounce the name when drunk.
@AshleyNunn Are you going to be my Dongle Buddy too?
I'll show you my pens if you show me your dongle.
@OrigamiRobot Oh, baby.
starts flagging
@AshleyNunn I've got a few, you can use one of mine XD
@GnomeSlice Your face.
@SaintWacko oooh, you'll share? :)
@Wipqozn flags your face
@BenBrocka Oh buurrrnn
I really need to try Octodad.
@AshleyNunn Well, I do have a pretty big dongle
Also, I'm having to work very hard not to start laughing in class
@SaintWacko Oh, baby, don't tempt me like that
23 hours ago, by pixel
you perverts
@AshleyNunn We all know you only like me for my chassis.
@AshleyNunn You're right, I shouldn't, I know you can't resist temptation from me!
See, if I had been engaged in this conversation I'd be suspended by now.
@SaintWacko Good to know. I'll keep that in mind.
@OrigamiRobot no..I...like your....personality...too. I swear. I do. But your chassis is just so lovely!
@SaintWacko You know I can't resist you. XD
@Wipqozn Please do
@Wipqozn I'm lactose intolerant.
@Wipqozn That's... really cheesy.
@GnomeSlice What do you eat with your wine?!
@Wipqozn I don't drink. :P
@GnomeSlice What do you drink with your che- oh, right.
@AshleyNunn Just can't stay away from me :)
Does anyone actually eat cheese with wine?
It's a common phrase, but I've never actually see someone do it.
Q: How do I roller-skate?

KatieKHow do I get my roller-skater to skate? I've tried forward, back, forward, back, but she just won't move! I am playing this through the Wii's Virtual Console, which (oddly enough) uses the Commodore 64 version of California Games, rather than the NES version.

@Wipqozn I do, when I eat dinner with Jochem's grandparents.
@Wipqozn I have a friend who has a wine and cheese party every year.
@SaintWacko I try, but something just pulls me back in....
@FAE @Fluttershy So I'm just a super lame guy is what you're saying?
@Wipqozn Yes.
@Wipqozn She'd never say that. After all... you're a turtle, not a guy.
@FAE Dang. Well, if I ever drink wine I'll make sure to have some cheese.
@Powerlord Racist.
Speaking of food... I'm getting Thai Food tonight <3
> iTunes users in Russia got an eyeful on Wednesday (hat tip to Wired) when a newly released version of the app displayed graphic images of porn instead of the foreign films they were expecting.
It makes me sad how many more views 'Meet the Scout' has than this...
I lolled
@Wipqozn I have a jealous.
@Powerlord O.o
@AshleyNunn Excellent.
@AshleyNunn Oh, you didn't see that?
@GnomeSlice Um, wasn't Meet the Scout posted like 5 years earlier?
@Wipqozn I had Indian food last night, and Thai on Monday
@Powerlord Yeah, I guess. But I bet more people play TF2 than FS anyway.
I am singing in the hotel room. I feel like a dork, but I don't care.
@SaintWacko That reminds me, I need to try Indian food sometime. I really liek curries and spicy food, both of which are popular India dishes.
@GnomeSlice Well, yeah. TF2 was shipped as part of a pretty popular game bundle, and then was made into a free to play game a few years after that.
@FAE Are you singing to a cat?
(I'm referring to the Orange Box game bundle)
@Powerlord That version of TF2 is so limited.
@Wipqozn I am not, I am singing this.
@GnomeSlice I was referring to the PC version of The Orange Box.
@Powerlord Presumably they're the same...
@GnomeSlice it's only different from the other versions in that Valve continued to update the games in it.
@Wipqozn I'm making pancakes again!
@fbueckert Pancakes are awesome.
Heck, even Half-Life 2 runs on a different version of the game engine now!
@fbueckert What kind of pancakes?
@Powerlord ...What. Well, I played it on the Xbox 360, and it seemed okay to me.
Of course, that was just to make it easier to port to the Mac.
@AshleyNunn I still have a little bit of blueberries left, so blueberry pancakes it is!
@GnomeSlice It runs on the Portal version of the game engine now... maybe they'd already done that in the console versions, I dunno.
I still occasionally get updates to HL2 deathmatch even
@FAE Aw, I wish I could hear. XD (OH GOD I SOUND LIKE A CREEPER I AM SORRY) and also, it is silly, but hey, I sing in my apartment all the time, and most of my songs are made up gfibnberish
@BenBrocka That's because HL2:DM uses the same game engine version as TF2.
@fbueckert This is a brilliant plan
and TF2 gets a lot of updates.
AI. Why are you casting Rend magick on a soldier? A job which has no magic?
@Powerlord Holy crap, Pongball? And she did music?
@AshleyNunn That's the last of them, so I have to figure out what sort of pancakes to make next.
@GnomeSlice Oh, you finally looked up who she is? :D
@Powerlord No, I didn't!
@fbueckert pls post pix so we be jealous of the deliciousness
@fbueckert Chocolate chip! Cinnamon Roll Pancakes!
@GnomeSlice Work is blocking that. :/
@Powerlord Look at track #17
@Krazer Yes. I must see the delicious and be jealous forever!
I was just listening to this album just now...
Pongball collaborated on one of the tracks!
@AshleyNunn Haha, I like singing that song.
@GnomeSlice But yeah, I used to talk with her all the time. She used to be a member of the vgmusic.com staff too.
@FAE Its fun! I like singing a lot of AT songs.
@Wipqozn Why did you ping me when you replied to @FAE? O_o
@AshleyNunn Try some non-gibberish. =]
@Powerlord Just a weird coincidence.
@Fluttershy I have no idea what you're talking about. Context?
@GnomeSlice Pretty, but out of my vocal range.
Oh right, her name is Shannon Clark now. Dunno why I couldn't remember her last name
@AshleyNunn Ah, yeah, her voice is... amazing.
@Wipqozn I can't link from the mobile site. When you were talking about cheese with wine.
@GnomeSlice It is. but something I cannot sing.
My bad :P
@Fluttershy Oh, I see. Clearly I meant to ping @AshleyNunn and pinged you instead for some reason.
I guess I just have @Fluttershy on the brain.
@Wipqozn You like him better! I KNEW IT I AM CRUSHED FOREVER. sobs
@AshleyNunn Well, come on, he can fly!
I wonder if I can get discounts on shipping things to other countries with my Amazon Prime account.
@Wipqozn You only love me for my wings! D=
@Wipqozn But...but...okay, yeah, I got nothing.
@Powerlord I have no idea. Would be nifty, though.
@Fluttershy What's not to love? They are so very pretty.
@AshleyNunn Mm. Those look good.
Maybe chocolate chip cinnamon swirl pancakes?
@fbueckert drools
@AshleyNunn Now, what is good fruit to throw on top of pancakes like that?
What the crap, Writers
@fbueckert Strawberries!
@AshleyNunn wat
@fbueckert Why would you corrupt pancakes like this?
@OrigamiRobot Because fruit is good?

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