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@OrigamiRobot but then there is evidence I didn't check for an existing question first :P
@pixel I have a questions that was dupe closed. It's ok.
The reason we don't delete dupes if for searchability
I was actually going to just apply my title to the other question, since its more likely to result in search hits
Hello chat, how's the evening going?
@MBraedley swell.
@MBraedley morning
@OrigamiRobot fine have it your way
You don't have to yell at me T_T
@pixel I don't acknowledge people living east of GMT -3.5 :P
@MBraedley blah
@OrigamiRobot yelling = lots of caps :P
I have had too productive of a day to be angry
well, not really productive
I have got 17 levels though
my head is starting to hurt
@pixel It's too late to apologize. The damage is done.
Ranger is definitely getting more fun as I get higher level
nearly level 49
I want to start a new character to try another class but I also really want to hit 80.
yeah I'm not going to make a second class until I get to 80 on this
and then I'll make a mesmer
I'll probably do what I did on D3.
Get to level cap, immediately make a new character and then the 2nd character will be my main.
This question is a duplicate of Guild Wars 2 - change crafting profession, sorry I should have checked first | reason why the question is still herepixel 3 mins ago
Gotta save face, eh?
@OrigamiRobot I was going to delete it
@pixel @InvaderSkoodge what game? GW2?
I choose you, Origami Robot
@MBraedley Yep.
@InvaderSkoodge I hope I don't do what I did on D3...
If it was on steam, I'd have bought it already
level up to cap twice, complete the game, quit the game, never log back in again
@pixel For what?
@OrigamiRobot to blame
No, that should be @Wipqozn
not this time
Just out of curiosity, does anyone else use the YouTube TV interface?
not I
you have just reminded me to put on a new episode of something though
I've been watching the same episode on loop for about 90 minutes
I am no longer an initiate \o/
Hot cider is like... the second best thing.
If I had rum, I could make it the best thing. But I don't know where a liquor store is in this podunk town. :(
level 49
@LessPop_MoreFizz are you living out of hotels again?
@pixel I have been for like... 3 months now.
@LessPop_MoreFizz :(
And will be for another 2 weeks. Then it's home (mostly) until June probably.
I think I would go stir crazy from being on the move that much
@pixel Isn't the connotation for stir crazy usually the opposite?
@InvaderSkoodge well, maybe I just meant normal crazy
but since its usually crazy from being in a tiny space
and I'm talking about UK hotels
I'd say its valid
UK hotels definitely fall under 'incarceration', and 3 months is definitely prolonged
I think I need to replace my monitor. Does anyone know if there are IPS monitors that support NVidia 3D?
(also, I'm spoiled by the monitors I use at work)
Q: What do the colors mean for crafting?

OrigamiRobotUnder the production tab, all my options are now different colors. They seem to be changing as I use them more. What does this mean?

Q: Are pre-installed 3DS games tied to my account or the console itself?

CyberSkullNintendo is selling 3DS XLs with a game pre-installed. I am curious what the situation with that is. Is the game tied to the console ID, my Nintendo account or is it just a file on the 3DS that is gone forever when deleted?

that escalated quickly
from initiate to lightbrighter ("this highest class of operative") in the space of 3 quests
I'm bored, what should I do??
play gw2
while watching old mythbusters episodes
@MBraedley Live in the best country ever. Oh, wait, you already do! Canadian high five
@pixel Hmm, those seem to be enticing options
@Wipqozn high fives
@pixel Although I don't know if I can afford to pay $60 for a game that isn't brand spanking new. Also, I've got close to $800 in per-authorized payments coming out of my chequing account on Monday.
Oh god, I spelled that like an American. I feel so dirty now. Editing...
I've stopped being pedantic about american spelling
although somebody submitted a suggested update the other day that was just changing english to american
@pixel Most of the time I don't worry about it, but spelling cheque as check just goes beyond the line.
A check is either verification of something or using your body to move an opposing player into the boards
Ooh, I know what I'm going to do: 5th Element is available on Netflix!
this is why I avoid all kinds of credit
I have no cheque book
no credit cards
no overdraft
no loans
Might be late on this, but just found out the news on the Halo 4 code. What a botched promotion.
You'll find it hard to buy a car (let alone a house) without established credit.
My credit card is always paid off before the due date, and usually before I even get the statement. The $800 from my chequing account (really a savings account that I can write cheques from) is rent and a car payment. Cash flow (in general) is not a problem for me. Having a credit card actually aids in that cash flow.
I don't carry a balance on my credit card, and I never overdraft my chequing account. It's just smart financials, which unfortunately the vast majority of Americans never learned.
@MBraedley Or even sign for an apartment.
@RavenDreamer touche
@MBraedley the two instances I've owned a car, I bought it cash
sure that won't work for a house, not in the short term anyway
Ah, frackinn' gorram it.
I forgot where I logged out, took two steps forward, and fell to my death.
level 50 \o/
@RavenDreamer lol
I did that exact thing this morning
logged out on the edge of a mountain at a vista
You'll have to ask FAE how fast she got to 80. She was there aboutj a month before me
@RavenDreamer I've only been playing since Wednesday
@pixel In my case, with the amount I had saved at the time, it made a heck of a lot more sense to get a relatively long car loan (>= 5 years), even at a somewhat high 3.5% APR, than to buy some beater outright.
@pixel Geez, woman! Lol. What's your /played?
doing /played says 'unknown command'
about 5 hours a day though except today
I know there is one.
/deaths works!
26 times
that's it
43 hours
in 3 days
I need a life
I have a full time job as well
just for some context
@RavenDreamer and I just finished asking that as a question as well
Sympathy upvotes!
So I've seen the ending of 5th Element several times, but this is the first time I've seen the first 15 minutes of it. Kinda important backstory.
Q: Is there an equivalent to /played?

pixelI want to know how long I've spent playing Guild Wars 2 so far, in other games you can type /played and it will give you a break down of how long you've been playing so far on that character - some other games show this on a summary screen for each character so you can keep track. Is there an eq...

@Lazers @Cyberskull I assume console.
That's so wrong on so many levels.
woo 51
Hello. I just would like to ask about this meta post of mine: http://meta.gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/5556/what-platforms-of-the-death-rally-remake-does-death-rally-2012-cover-it-shoul/5558

I didn't really get much responses (just 3 upvotes on the question, and one answer with no current upvotes) - Does this mean the status quo remains?
Q: Battle of Claw Island - "You cannot fire weapon in that direction" error

pixelI am on the quest "Battle of Claw Island" as part of the storyline for my character, and I am on the stage of the quest that requires you to use trebuchets against the enemy ship "The Warmonger". When I "use" the trebuchet it changers my action bar, giving me an option to turn left, turn right,...

@galacticninja I think that means that we haven't decided yet.
I'll post another answer though with what I think about it...
@Ullallulloo I see.
Only mods can effect a tag rename, right? So in the end, a mod will have to decide (based on the community votes)? (I'm not that familiar with how those things work.)
@galacticninja Only mods can do a silent automated one, but since there are only four questions, it would probably be best to just do it manually.
Although getting a mod to merge them would be good.
Although I don't really think that 2011 is the best practically.
@Ullallulloo Yeah. I'm also looking for other tag name suggestions aside from .
@Ullallulloo By merging, do you mean making it a tag synonym?
@galacticninja Yeah, my bad. That.
I was going to nominate this to get a bounty but then I realized I had already bountied it.
I appear to have run into a game-breaking bug
in that it breaks my game
and I can't continue with this quest
What happened?
I'm meant to run between all these different spawn points marked on the map
and when I get to the last one nothing happens
There were a few dynamic event quests I've seen that were bugged.
Is it one of those?
this is a main story line quest
I don't know how similar the story is between races and other things.
I imagine they converge a bit, but I don't know how much.
its not just races
first part of the story is race based
then theres some shared stuff
then there's which order you choose
duno what happens after that
The three order representatives were all Charr for me. I imagine they're race-specific representatives.
because these mobs wont spawn
Which order did you pick?
no, from what I gather charr are a bit xenophobic
order of whispers
I'm in the Vigil, so I don't know your quests atm then.
The Linux Steam beta version is NOT cooperative.
great... just raised a bug using the in game bug reporter
clicked send, game crashed
Q: As a thief, what should my main source of income be

Teh BackstabberI have tried stealing, but the cut the fences take is overtly greedy, and I dont really understand alchemy. Smithing is just frustratingly slow to level, and enchantment seem ok, but i dont want to use magic in my thief/assassin

hmm...I guess it's a problem with AMD's drivers...
because it works fine with the Xorg ones
@Ullallulloo One of my friends tried TF2 Linux Beta. Said that his framerate was all over the place.
@Powerlord Yeah, that's why I tried the AMD
because I can't play TF2 on the lowest settings with the open source ones
One borderlands map complete… two to go.
Although I think the other ones will have to wait for a week when we actually control more than a couple of supply camps.
There, now I'm all caught up with Once Upon a Time
Gee thanks Amazon!
Does anyone know how big Oil Rush is supposed to be?
I thought it was 3 GB before, but I tried downloading it on Linux and it's 93 MB...
But then it says "Missing Executable if I try to start it, so it's probably a bug of some type
The system requirements lists 3GB of disk space
oh god
exploding chickens
I'm in some vision
and I just killed a chicken
and it exploded
Q: Is there any fix for blocks above z-128 not being visible with a >16x texture pack?

SaintWackoI recently discovered that, from below z-level 128, I couldn't see any blocks above z-128. After some experimenting, I found that the cause was the 64x texture pack I was using. With any texture pack larger than 16x, I cannot see blocks above z-128. Is there any fix for this? I am using Optifine ...

@pixel Aren't all introductions to the Orders race specific? My human had all human liasons, and my friend's Asura had all Asuran reps.
@Gwen pretty sure some of mine were human
but I'm sylvari
Q: How to create Assault Cube LAN server?

Dominic Jordan HasfordI would like to play Assault Cube with my brother at home an LAN. I can't seem to figure out how. I would like a simple way. Does any one know how to create an Assault Cube Lan Server?

@pixel You should have gotten Branthyn, Cai and Iowerth - all Sylvaran. The GW2 wiki doesn't seem to have a page on the beginner OoT quest chain for Sylvari (or Norn/Charr) unlike the Human/Asura, but the NPCs have pages with their introduction/background
Q: How does the 'Keen Edge' ability work?

pixelOn my Ranger I have an ability called 'Sharpening Stone', as follows; I also have a trait called 'Keen Edge', which is supposed to trigger Sharpening Stone automatically whenever I reach 75% health - according to the text; However, I have never seen Sharpening Stone go on cooldown unless I ...

2 hours later…
Q: Is there a way to pinpoint the locations of the special enchanters?

oscilatingcretinIn my first playthrough of the game, I started a notebook where I wrote down all the act numbers and dungeon names of all the special enchanter locations (Boris the Stout, etc) as I came upon them. Now I am on my second playthrough and I am finding entirely differently enchanters or sometimes no...

1 hour later…
Q: Does weapon rank affect stats in Max Payne 3 multiplayer?

DuckMaestroDoes weapon rank affect weapon stats in Max Payne 3 multiplayer? I see there is dual wielding unlocks tied to weapon rank, but I can't tell if there are stats changes as well, e.g. damage, accuracy, etc.

Q: What are the progressions for the intagibles in Madden 2013?

superdemongobQuestions is pretty much self-explanatory. An example of what I mean is that the next level of the "Sense Pressure" trait is 'Ideal', is there anything after that? Does anyone have the full list of what the steps of the progression are?

2 hours later…
Q: How to make a unit move and not stop to attack in company of heroes

quinestorThis is driving me crazy, If I order any unit to move, specially to retreat from danger I find seconds after that they stop to shoot and attack anything hey see on their way. Just imagine I order a cromwell command tank to retreat and he stops to use his MG on double bazooka granadiers.. Of co...

1 hour later…
Q: Does a bar have to be filled up before the item is considered upgraded? Or do partially filled bars also count as an upgrade?

galacticninjaDoes a bar have to be filled up before the item is considered upgraded? Or do partially filled bars also count as an upgrade?

and that's another brick wall, Rabid Stalkers
Q: Minecraft - Permissions for BuyCraft

EthanI was wondering what's the command to give a permission. A PERMISSION, not a group, through the console?

this tresher can one-hit me from any range
that's "fun"
even from behind fucking cover
and recover shields instantly
Q: What is the solution to the puzzle called "Power Grid"?

wokIn Puzzle Agent 2, what is the solution to the puzzle called "Power Grid"? This is what I have tried and I cannot see my mistake:

Q: Is a full pacifist run possible?

Pvt. GrichmannI've beaten the game today with no enemies killed and not detected bonuses on each level except the last two. It looks like no matter what I do, I indirectly kill a few stalkers in two sections: In one section pulling a lever to open a door you need to progress also activates dart traps behind t...

Bright Light, Flying City may just be the worst mission
every new section is a new "oh god not this one again" part
"oh god not the stalkers again"
"oh god not the constructor again"
"oh god not the tresher again"
"oh god not the beacon fight again"
Is this in vanilla BL2 or the DLC?
@InvaderSkoodge Vanilla. It's the mission where you get Sanctuary back on the fast travel network
I haven't played BL2 yet, but just wondering if I get to look forward to this mission when I do get it.
Since I don't plan on getting the DLC.
@InvaderSkoodge Yes, you do.
Everything except the beacon fight is not too bad in playthrough 1
In playthrough 2 you have to be anal about elemental attacks though
why do you get stuck EVERYWHERE in borderlands 2. It's NOT funny
I just died because I got stuck between a statue and a bench
Good morning, Bridge
oh god there's no good sniping place to get the constructor down
and no hiding place from its missiles
one shot. From across the fucking map.
woo level 60
@fbueckert afternoon
@badp is sucking at videogames. it must be EVERY DAY SINCE THE DAWN OF THE INTERNET.
dear @badp,
sincerely, video games.
@agent86 You mean he only started sucking at video games when the internet was created? :P
I will not honor that with a reply
I mean, at least I'm honest about it!
Woo! KSP .18 is out!
Time to start abuilding!
Now I want to fail the Claptrap Birthday mission. SO I CAN HAVE A BASH OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN
aww, the timer stops on the intermediate objectives.
@fbueckert prior to the dawn of the internet, we didn't have to hear about it :P
@badp eh, I'm just giving you a hard time. you can suck all you want!
I would like to point out that the internet is older than I am
@badp You're not helping yourself. :P
but that means @agent86 didn't save himself one ounce of whining due to the internet's non existance
@badp That's true.
@badp :(
@agent86 Sadness starred!
2 mins ago, by agent86
@badp :(
Star baiting, aren't we
@agent86 Starring the sadness....that we already starred?
Gah! Starception!
Q: Metal Gear Solid 2

empecI have the following error when trying to boot Metal Gear Solid 2, through Wine. On google I have searched for some fixes. One of them was the "nVidia" patch, obviously it did not work. I have saved the error message in the following txt file; www.logic-poker.com/backtrace.txt Anyone have any i...

@GamingTopicsFromOutside ...Why is someone saving a text file about MGS2 to logic-poker.com?
Stealth spam, maybe?
@GnomeSlicE KSP .18 is out! Massive changes! Will have to start from scratch!
@fbueckert It's actually there, though
@badp Huh
@badp I believed you. That wasn't a "Huh, what are you talking about", but a "Huh, how about that?"
I guess he just needed someplace to host it fast and just, uh, put it there rather than on pastebin?
Evening everyone
Does any of you know, how long it will take SO to recover completelly?
Is anyone around that could help me identify an old game?
@Eugene I wasn't even aware SO was having trouble to begin with
It looks indeed fine to me.
@Rachel What are you looking for?
@Rachel Just ask :)
lol ok
@fbueckert Turns out I have 2k rep on Ask Ubuntu. Who woulda thunk!
I edited the link to go to pastebin
it's an tactics game I think for ps1 callled something like cartia or magna carta or something
if I'm rembering correctly....
last I looked for it on amazon it was one of those expensive hard-to-find games
think it was released around the same time suikoden 2
(I could be wrong about any of this too :)
@Rachel There's a Magna Carta for PS2.
@fbueckert it was older than that I think
@Rachel Hrm. I recall something along those lines for SNES. The PS2 one is an RPG.
yeah, it might be snes instead of ps1. Was around that timeframe
Or...not. Hrm.
SNES and PS1 overlap in time?
Good morning, Bridge!
@badp I don't know, my memory is horrible :)
@AshleyNunn Morning!
@Rachel Do you remember what the game was about?
@fbueckert I want to say it was a tactics or RPG, but I don't know for certain. Was going to try to track it down for my bf for christmas, since I know its one of the old games he'd love to get again
Didn't want to ask him the name outright because its a surprise, but if I can't remember it then I'll have to
@Rachel I think I know what game you're talking about.
But I can't remember it's name for the life of me.
@fbueckert know what system it was for?
@Rachel Pretty sure it's SNES.
@fbueckert well that's a place to start :)
@Rachel I think it is called Magna Carta.
But Google searches just bring up the PS2 and 360 versions.
@fbueckert I thought it was something other than "carta", like cartia or cartea or something like that
According to Wikipedia list of SNES games, there's not one with a Magna Carta name.
@AshleyNunn Yeah, which is why it's confusing the crap out of me.
Internet says no, brain says "Hell, yes!"
@fbueckert That's how I'm feeling right now too >.<
I'm positive we looked up the game a year or two ago on amazon, but it was one of the extremely high priced old games so at the time we didn't get it
@fbueckert that's always the worst, when you are sure something exists and you just can't find it.
Alright, I'm off to go do some christmas shopping, and hope I remember later
Thanks for trying to help, and ping me if you think of it :)
Q: Do I need to keep more than one of each dragon type?

Ashley NunnMy plan right now is to keep one of each type of dragon I get. So far it seems to work out, and gives me a good base of dragons to draw from for breeding purposes. If I end up with a dragon I already have, I usually sell it, as I don't particularly see a reason to keep more than one of each kin...

I do not understand the GW2 trading post.
@fbueckert And thanks for assuring me I'm not crazy and my memory isn't that faulty yet ;)
I can sell this item for 147 at a merchant, or for 133 on the trading post.
And over 800 people opted for making less money.
@Rachel Now you've got me cudgelling my brain to figure out which game it is.
When all I want to do is build rockets!
@fbueckert lol I'll let you know if I figure it out
@Rachel It started out on a map, right? That's about all I remember about it.
@fbueckert I've never played it, only seen screenshots of it
@Rachel Hrm.
Well, I'm gonna let my subconcious chew it over.
See if it can kick it back.
@fbueckert Ok, thanks :) I'm off so ping me if you think of anything
@Rachel Okie dokie
I achieved Kerbin escape velocity.
And I wasn't even trying.
Who is @jmfsg?
@fredley Juan
@fbueckert Aaah
@fredley @James had fun trying to figure it out.
@fbueckert Yeah I'm crap at that game
@InvaderSkoodge That's impossible
It won't let you sell an item for less than you can vendor it.
@OrigamiRobot They list it for 1 copper more than merchant price, but with the fees and stuff they wind up making less.
Q: Why is my world anchor resetting?

Daniel BallWe just started up a new tekkit server after the last one got corrupted in a power outage and the backup was too old. But it's exhibiting some odd behavior, particularly in regards to world anchors. They are working fine ... most of the time. But if the server shuts down, they stop working until...

Q: How do I move my family to my new house?(Hearthfire)

jatmdmI'm playing Skyrim with Hearthfire and I'm wondering how do I move my family(Wife and Daughter) to my new Manor near Morthal?

Now to see how well my bastardization of a rocket will work.
Aaaaand....the game crashed.
@InvaderSkoodge Notwithstanding what @OrigamiRobot said, it still makes sense. It's a way to empty your inventory without finding a vendor
@fbueckert Your rocket was so bad, Windows closed the game out of pity.
@OrigamiRobot Actually, it was doing pretty good.
I don't think it liked my 20+ rockets in one stage, though.
Obviously not.
@badp Interesting.
That's what I used it for anyway
"Inventory full? Time to sell crap!"
It does mean making a trip to the black market dude in town though. If you can find him. I only bothered to do this once.
@OrigamiRobot Somebody sold an Echoing Fury for 40 billion.
How do you even get 40 billion gold to spend?
@InvaderSkoodge Buy it
What do you guys think, should we make a seperate tag for Baldurs Gate Enhanced Edition, or use normal baldurs gate tag for questions from people playing enhanced one?
@ChrisHateZ How is the Enhanced Edition different?
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