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@JavadocMD scroll up
:169606 I saw.
2 hours later…
Man there are too many videos in ff13
I'd skip them but I already don't know what's going on
new meta house ads
Very cool
this replaces the generic stats / "help us grow this site!" which is still visible on the home page
Only seems to work on /+ pages and not index
Ah I see that's what you mean by still visible
StackOverflow.Helpers.HtmlUtilities+FetchUrlException: Unable to fetch from api.meta.gaming.stackexchange.com/1.0/… ---> System.Net.WebException: The operation has timed out at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() at StackOverflow.Helpers.HtmlUtilities.FetchUrl(String url, Int32 timeoutMs) in c:\builds\ServerFault\prod\source\StackOverflow\Helpers\HtmlUtilities.cs:line 948 --- End of inner excep
@Jeff looks like something broke
it just timed out, it refreshes every 10 minutes
I've gotta say, this new Streaming shit Blizzard is doing w/ cataclysm is really fucking cool.
@less link?
let me see if I can find a concise explanation
the tl;dr is that you can start playing once only ~5 of 15 gigs is downloaded
and it just loads whatever other content is needed on demand as you run around
oh yeah, they do that with the demo client too
on those code they're always giving away
as long as they're caching client side, its a brilliant way to do digital download
this is actually a bit more advanced than that.
trying to find an in-depth about it
youtube.com/watch?v=2U0EDGAEm-g&feature=related decent example of it in action
Starts playing with a fresh install 15% downloaded, and everything just pops in as it downloads
WTF We are state of the art! RT @jzy saw this link again today, still same depressing. North Korean Arcade. http://bit.ly/2hye8v
3 hours later…
in other news
Q: Will the "Third Place" be available for use in discussion during the beta phase?

Grace NotePart of me wanted to tag this as a feature-request, because it would be nice, but I feel that if plans aren't already in place for this, then it isn't too wise to try and scramble it in. We're only as far as the commitment phase, but I've been reading about the plans for when sites hit the close...

(point finger to status-completed)
does your list of metacritic goes further back?
btw chat.serverfault.com has launched, which explains the [status-complete]
:170236 yes
I see they're testing per-site chats now, then?
oh he said past 5 years, didn't see that one
I actually tried creating a similar question as one of the first
since there are simply games that are miles better than anything else
well it seems so
guess SU will get it soon
:170237 SF isn't a beta site
it's the second oldest
SU is likely to be next
I know, but it doesn't say anything about our site
well then it's most likely web apps (when it's live)
and when we launch we will get it
I think per-site splits will only harm the feeling of greater community I was getting from this unified chat.
but oh well.
I just mentioned that on SF chat
you can't ping someone on another site
so I have to go to a dozen sites to be able to chat with them
It's in the gaming topbar, might as well be in there :P
:170275 What did balpha and Marc (or well, those who get to have a say) reply?
that they are indeed separate
they didn't give their personal opinion about it
I see.
they don't want us to be a social platform
I might even agree that for the Q&A part it would just be noise
it keeps people from doing what we want them to do
but if people want to chat, they will find a way, whether they want it or not
meh, the feed informs us of what we want ourselves to do.
Something's wrong with the tags here
Q: Is Torchlight a Multiplayer game?

George StockerI loved Diablo II when I was younger, and now I (just) noticed Torchlight. Is Torchlight a multiplayer game? Does it support co-operative mode?

I think someone just added both co-op and cooperative-mode
then the latter got changed with the synonyms
> I've added a moderator function which deduplicates all current question tags, and all post history tag entries. The next time there's a duplicate tag problem, just flag one of them for moderator attention and we'll run the tag deduplicator page.
this is the only one though
Well, it just happens that if a question is tagged x and y and a xy synonym is created, that question will be tagged x and x
That's what the deduplicator is for -- I believe.
2 hours later…
woehoe my first SO question
Q: Peak detection in a 2D array

Ivo FlipseI'm helping a veterinary clinic measuring pressure under a dogs paw. I use Python for my data analysis and now I'm stuck trying to divide the paws into (anatomical) subregions. I made a 2D array of each paw, that consists of the maximal values for each sensor that has been loaded by the paw over...

So how's gaming doing?
the site or my gaming?
I was asking about the site, but I'd be happy to hear about your gaming
SC2 in a nut-shell: you win some, you lose some
the site is doing fine, we have less registered users than web apps, but draw a lot more page views
I've noticed that pattern on a couple of sites ... less questions, but lots of views ...
also the amount of questions keeps increasing steadily
DF in a nut-shell: you lose some
and are you liking your RPG site?
fairly well
it's not growing as fast as gaming did, and we're still training some users on asking answerable questions
but I already get really good answers
Q: What's the maximum number of minions for an encounter?

C. RossWhat is the maximum number of minions that can be pitted against a party 0f 5 characters of equal level without being overwhelming (as defined by the DMG)? ie: How many Kobold minions can I pit against my first level party and expect them to survive?

it might be a little harder there, since a lot of die-hard RPG-ers (board game version at least) also like to live in fantasy worlds. Objectivity doesn't exist in that reality
but board games are all like SC2, which this site is proving to be an excellent for
lol, indeed
there are a few people like that in the community, but mostly people want to discuss or gather ideas
crap, how do I safe an array to a file with python :S
stupid file I/O I only bothered with the reading part
for element in array:
write to file and format nicely so I don't have trouble reading it out again, please
thank you python
well apparently array has a .tofile() method, but I have no idea how to open it myself :P
@IvoFlipse make a new file f, Array.tofile(f) and then to open it, Array.fromfile(f)?
hmmm that last part would work :P
nope, doesn't have a fromfile. But I could always just save my entire workspace and dump it online :P
@IvoFlipse I tend to only read documentation when someone ELSE has a problem :D
that claims it does
yeah, but when I tried it on an array, it doesn't get listed :S
ah well
is there read()?
oh fromfile should take two argument
well it starts nagging that my object is a list
while I even said it should be an array
no idea how to create an empty array, other than changing an empty list into an array
so should I buy Dragon Age origin for 30 bucks or should I get the original starcraft for 20 for my mac?
Do you have SCII?
don't get SC1 if you've played SC2, you'll hate the controls
I don't have sc2 but I think I will end up getting it in a few months
if it gets cheaper
I'm an obsessive gamer
I play one game at a time for anywhere between 2 weeks and a year
sounds familiar
I guess I'll just get DA:o
Save up for SCII instead. :D
That was badly phrased. What I'm saying is I think it's worth it.
well it's not the money per se... it's just that SCII is more likely to be a 'every spare moment' thing than DAO
yup, that's for sure
though I managed to play mission per mission the first week (don't go online!)
so then you can play for like 30 mins and go on with your life
Grace Note is Epic.
@GraceNote makes it sound like we're playing a game on the site
1 hour later…
:170696 Well, at the end of the day, most games boil down to systems of organization, boundaries, and tools for rating success or failure within that system.
Which, incidentally is exactly what we're trying to define here.
So... yeah,.
jblaske might be one of my favorite people
he had this amazing quote
in Dwarf Fortress Succession on Meta Stack Overflow Chat, Sep 10 at 17:11, by alexanderpas
Save file: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1124205/region51-3.zip Blog post (on my own blog): http://dropdev.org/node/8
> i think we need to make an exception to the rule, that when things are tagged as game-rec they are "popularity contest" instead of standard Q & A.
@alexanderpas would you be willing to put that on the gamingse blog?
the post I mean
sweet, do you have a wordpress account?
@tzenes: check this
Q: Peak detection in a 2D array

Ivo FlipseI'm helping a veterinary clinic measuring pressure under a dogs paw. I use Python for my data analysis and now I'm stuck trying to divide the paws into (anatomical) subregions. I made a 2D array of each paw, that consists of the maximal values for each sensor that has been loaded by the paw over...

first off, super cool
secondly you got some decent answers, but I was hoping they'd mention more algorithms
as essentially he's doing mipmapping
I just wish he'd say that
I used his method, the results are decent
I did exactly what you suggested, but I didn't know how to iterate through the list and drop any overlapping ones
so when I got fed up, I decided to give SO a shot for a change
its ok
his answer has code and that's always superior
Hi @dave
:171223 dropdev
sweet I found a $5 off code for direct2drive
@alex I need the email address
:171271 mail at my domain
no one is interested in a $5 discount on D2D? :(
:171307 You didn't imply that you had one to give out
ah well I do. I think anyone can use it, at most once per account. The code is PAX and it gives you $5 off any purchase on D2D before taxes.
I'll keep it in mind if I buy anything off D2D anytime soon
Hey I'm looking for some feedback on this answer: meta.gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/997/…
I think you're fundamentally right in that the engine just doesn't work for it.
I already upvoted you :P
plus like I answered myself: I would only allow it if the community showed they could make something decent out of it
:171219 could you review the blog post?
:170670 Grace is far more awesome than I am. Her analysis and writing humbles me.
I feel bad that my response to her post would be like 10 words :(
very cool @alex save it and I'll push it out
depends on the community, the system with ups and downs will lead to so called "fanboy-ism". Put a question like "what should i buy Modern Warfare 2 for the Xbox360 or the PS3" and you just started the spark.
:171335 --- @tzenes = SC2 --- @GraceNote = Meta ---
Welcome @Cristina, and yes, that's the crux of it
I don't know, is tzenes in the high end tourneys?
@Cristina I completely agree with you, but I think even strategy questions lead to a (lesser) degree of fanboyism
@Cross sadly I'm not that good
that is, if they are not carefully phrased
I've played with a couple of the people who do play in those and I can tell the difference
once you start playing top 5 in diamond they're just in a league of their own
diamond 20 = That guy you know who is really good at baseball and maybe was third string in college
Diamond 1 = Derek Jeter
its like night and day
no offense intended btw
none taken
@Mechko could be, people use different strategies for games, but i think we should be respectful to others and their opinions
:171338 you can push it.
Is there a game recommendations SO or a more broadly metagameSO (not in the sense of meta.gaming but more like Q&A peripheral to the actual playing of specific games)
asking for strategies should automatically be transformed in community wiki since there is never a winning strategy that will work 100%
@Cristina A broad sweep for strategies might be susceptible to that, but asking for explanation of a strategy, or established strategies that have characteristic X should result in 1 or 2 answer plus an explanation
@tzenes true... hmmm it would be nice to have an obligatory comment for your vote.
be it up or down.
:171375 you can't do that
We could request that for game-rec etc questions. Not an obligatory comment but just an etiquette thing. I'm sure most people would subscribe to that
it's impossible to implement
gamers and etiquette is an oxymoron sometimes
Well with enough reminders posted on every game rec question that comes up I'm sure most of the regulars would start doing it relatively often.
@JuanManuel programming wise?
:171386 yep
my comment can always be "dsfsdfdsfsdfsdf"
I mean, I know it's not possible to implement with 100% certainty, and programming it is out of the question, but I see no harm in goading people to do it.
:170510 Nothing whatsoever
we tell people on the forums not to flame yet they still do it, even if you ban them for a couple of days they still keep doing that
well I'm hoping for 25% more of upvotes being commented. Even 1 in 4 makes the votes more valuable, since, as Grace said, they are subjective
:171400 Drama is part of the game.
The smaller the community, the more drama is integral to the full experience :D
@badp i'm kinda bored, going on sites and all i see is contradiction on subjective themes, it makes you lol at the end of the day, but that's about it nothing useful gained.
OR... we could just delete all game-rec and put this discussion behind us
SE should be different, it's not RPGCodex or your local gaming forum
:171415 I'm slowly leaning towards that philosophy
that seems the only possible and viable solutions. Put it in the FAQ that we don't allow game recommendations or if you really really want one use the chat feature
@Juan I think on a long enough timeline: everyone does
we all started out thinking: ooo, game recommendations, super cool
eventually we learned that the way in which people use them is purely subjective and detrimental to the site as a whole.
:171412 The very idea behind democracy is that discussion about subjective matters with no clear best option isn't completely pointless. Just sayin' :D
Luckily SO ain't no democracy.
Not Gaming Relatedâ„¢
@badp isn't completely pointless? meaning?
Where's the downvote button? I don't see no downvote button!
imho I think a lot of people came and asked game rec questions to begin with and then it tapered off and died a lot because just in visiting the site they got their dose of game-recs. Look at the most recent questions, or hottest questions etc. I think the only game-rec-like question was badp's question about aggregate best games from the last 5 years
:171457 that there is some point to them and still can reach a wide agreement.
well frankly, the whole structure of American Democracy is to extend subjective discussion as far as possible.
No, that is called politics, not American Democracy.
Well politics in general, but I direct you to the Federalist Papers, specifically Madison 10 and 72(?)
I'm not American
Nor am I
fair enough.
:171465 there are a bunch of ones from yesterday
I still recommend them as light reading. About 2 pages each. The philosophies of the Founding Fathers is very different to the general perception of America that exists today.
The morale is that either game-rec is taken out or it will stay there and create havok from time to time.
@tzenes well I didn't see them, and I went through several pages. I'm sure they are very annoying to you, though.
anyways I have to go clean myself before my girlfriend gets home.
be back in like 15 - 20 minutes
I don't see really what's the problem with game rec.
Almost every week day we get a game-rec
There are good game recs and horrible game recs.
I have yet to see a good one
There are good how to questions and terrible how to questions.
shock horror... almost one game rec a day?? that's flooding the site and making it un-navigable...
There are 132 of them, which makes one every 12 hours or something.
and I'm looking at gaming and realizing that most people wont see them unless they search for them
A: Top PC Games by Collective Ratings of the past 5 years?

badpBased on the review aggregator Metacritic: Best games of 2006 Top rated: Out of the Park Baseball 2007 (sports simulation) Best games of 2007 Top rated: The Orange Box (first person shooters) Best games of 2008 Top rated: Galactic Civilizations II: Twilight of the Arnor (turn based strateg...

I actually believe I should have gotten reputation for this game rec answer.
thats not really a recommendation
he asked for a list of collective reviews and you provided them
you could have never mentioned a single game and it still would have been a good answer
Thus making it a game-rec...
how is it a game-rec if you don't make a recommendation?
He's asking recommendations for the best games he may have missed out in the last 5 years, any genre, for the pc.
I recommended Metacritic's top rated titles, since he didn't just want one and mentioned "collective ratings".
It looks like he just wants to know what the top ratings where
Ah but that's something that we would find interesting. Not one of those BAD game rec questions
not necessary a recommendation for something to play
:171547 hence, there are good game-rec questions. :P
his question: "Top PC Games by Collective Ratings of the past 5 years"
is that a recommendation?
I actually find it silly that it limits itself to 5 years
hehe case and point. So what defines game rec questions is that 1) you ask for games and 2) they are not games/genres that the mods are interested in and 3) they are not phrased in a way that bypasses tzenes game-rec-o-meter
:171556 It's silly if you refuse to read it as a game rec, yeah :)
He's asking for good games he may have missed on. That's the very definition of game-rec.
is he asking for games to play?
> I'm interested in recommendations regarding time-tested classics from the past half-decade.
actually it doesn't matter what he is asking
it matters what the answers are
I'm sorry @tzenes, even if it doesn't compute I gave an objective answer to a game-rec question. :P
is the question any different if he doesn't plan to play any of those games?
I don't think its a game rec
:171567 is a game-rec any different?
@tzenes not in the least.
I think you're being pedantic
yes a game-rec is different
Am I? I don't know, I wrote the only answer.
if it depends on the answer, then I definitely recommended games.
ok. tzenes is talking semantics and pragmatics. Time to go.
a game-rec desires a game to play. This is why its susceptible to popularity.
if it depends on the question, then it asked for games to play.
like I said I think it matters on the answers not the questions
people write poorly worded questions all the time
I wrote the answer and gave him recommendations based on his criterion.
should they be removed because they're poorly worded?
but you didn't have to include a recommendation for that to be a good answer
thus a good answer to a game rec is one that doesn't need to include a recommendation
The answer would have felt cheap had I not done that.
this is counter purposes to the desire to play a game
it would have still been correct
I want to know the top game for the last 5 years -> here is a list of aggregated scores for the last 5 years ordered by highest score
@badp it's even ridiculous to limit yourself to the last 5 years. I bought diablo 2 and sc1 last year (wanted sc2 beta invites) and had great fun with them. So why limit yourself? If they rock, they rock, regardless when they were made
:171592 Simple -- because he has already played them!
@tzenes I think pragmatics is a terrible way to justify the semantic difference between questions.
He's asking for games he couldn't play!
some, but not all
Please don't abuse the site itself just to make a point...
He wants to squeeze the gigahertzs out of his new hot rig and get playing some Crysis at PHOTOREALISTIC+ precision, I don't see what's ridicolous about it.
I understand he put it in his question, but I've missed countless games even though I played a lot of games, simply because I didn't have enough time/money
@Mechko I think discussing the topic without realworld information is largely theoretical and useless
:171603 Have some real world information, read the first revision for that question.
Like I said: questions are frequently poorly worded
He added 'by Collective Ratings' only to have his question not closed.
their validity should not depend on the user's command of the english language
@ArdaXi This is a question that I would very dearly wanted to know the answer to
and I am going to remove the terms "recommendation" and "5 Years" for the same reason
Yeah, let's edit the question so it reads what you want it to read
and not what the asker needs.
:171616 The way it's asked is still just to make a point, otherwise you wouldn't have put "research purposes" that strangely
or so that its better phrased
if he wants a recommendation it should go elsewhere
but the knowledge of where to find aggregated scores is useful HERE
:171625 better phrased to convey what you think the question asks, which I disagree on.
No, better phrased so that it is useful to the site
@badp, I actually found your answer useful, just that it could be more useful
Sure, mark other questions as duplicate of this one in the future then. It's the dupe policy on the site right? :P
now you're just being a jerk
:171636 I know, I was in a rush. Had to give an exam today, y'know. (Also it's CW.)
:171641 I'm just trying to bring home two points with one question.
you don't have to be a jerk to do it
I'm sorry if my disagreeing with you comes off as being a jerk
I'm just trying to be honest here
I think you going off topic to make an unrelated point is a bit of a dick move
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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