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@Ullallulloo Yeah, I know. It makes zero sense whatsoever.
Valve added The Tuxxy to TF2
I wonder what that's a promo for!
> Cosmetic items purchased in the store moving forward can be used in crafting
Waaaaait a second. Did @MarkTrapp quit?!
@John Quit what?
@LessPop_MoreFizz The site.
Huh. He no longer shows up in the users list.
A search of /users doesn't find him
It appears he did nuke his account.
Also here
I hope it wasn't because of me.
His name has no link in that rev history
@John In other words, yes.
Mark deleted his accounts on most SE sites (maybe all now) some days ago
@Powerlord That's what I was afraid of.
@MadScientist Any word on why?
Shoot. I'm gonna lose tons of FFXIII rep now...
@John No details, really.
Took 2 weeks to kill them all, but looks like the last of my Stack Exchange accounts has finally been deleted & its contributions anonymized
Well that's a bummer.
@LessPop_MoreFizz RIP @MarkTrapp
What's he got against SE?
Does anyone know?
I was actually thinking recently that it's been a while since I've seen him.
Whoa browsing his tweets reveals he's super mad
@InvaderSkoodge I guess you could ask?
Eff @StackExchange. Silently requested account delete; they decided to disclose my previously anon votes to everyone: http://meta.stackoverflow.com/q/156507
I'm not going to post it, but he did just make another tweet
@murgatroid99 I bet Gnome will love that. ._.
@murgatroid99 ...
@GnomeSlice ...
Took 2 weeks to kill them all, but looks like the last of my Stack Exchange accounts has finally been deleted & its contributions anonymized
Oh goody
Has anyone seen the #1reasonwhy hashtag on twitter. It is gaming related. I have mentioned this in other chats in the SE network. I think there should be a place that it can be dicussed.
It's not my problem if he can't deal with people who get on his nerves.
25GB to get Metro 2033, Darksiders, and Red Faction: Armageddon.
@GnomeSlice Bad @GnomeSlice.
Plz to not name call.
@GnomeSlice I'll just have to troll you twice as hard now.
@InvaderSkoodge Yep, and I have like 10 free right now. =/
He really should've seen that coming.
@John I'd hope he did and just didn't care.
Otherwise, he's dumber than I thought he was.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I can totally picture him raging at this right now.
@John I got the stare of disapproval tweet within moments of the ban, so yeah.
Cue angry Steam messages in 3.....2....
at a guess, his arqade account got deleted on the 23rd
> Stack Exchange, a service I devoted literally years of my life to improving, has been going in a different direction than I would like for the past several months.
I hope I did nothing to provoke him leaving
That does show some... problems.
@Powerlord Yeah, I'd say that's probably the most info we're gonna get
@pixel Me too.
it certainly looks like they really pissed him off on the way out though
@pixel I got the sense over time that his dissatisfaction was mainly about moderation and policies related thereto. As a result, he sought to cut himself away from MSO and many other sites. After the fiasco with his MSO account deletion, he flipped and cut off all of the rest. (And justifiably so.)
I think there's only one thing left to say here.
@John There's one other thing to say, which is that this is at least 7 or 8 literal hitlers worth of sad. :(
@LessPop_MoreFizz He said he requested MSO deletion last, actually
Q: Does enlightenment stack?

RakelDoes the monk buff enlightenment stack with other experience buffs? For example say you've got the rested bonus and an heirloom that gives 10% more experience gained, would this add up to 260% experience gained? Or if you have the rested bonus would the 50% be calculated as 50% of 200, making the...

@LessPop_MoreFizz I'll try to stick around long enough to fulfill a few of those.
@LessPop_MoreFizz yeah I got a feeling he was unhappy but we weren't really on long-discussion-terms
although I agree completely with stack exchange's lack of care for privacy
@pixel They usually do care about privacy, and it looked like the information was revealed by a technical bug and they didn't intend to do it.
@murgatroid99 I'm not going to discuss why I know they don't care, but I'm going to say that's not the only "technical bug" in the system.
@murgatroid99 They deal with that kind of scenario all the time, though, and they did this differently.
@John Because losing thousands of votes is a big deal.
@BenBrocka Red Faction Armageddon also appears to have a lot of breaking of things.
Including my soul with the 10 fps I'm getting out of it
@Ullallulloo Yeah, they still could've, yaknow, tested it or something.
@badp how crappy is your PC?
@BenBrocka Two words: GeForce 9200M
A: Where are my Minecraft saves located?

poophgfd hqehk ebuvhbq3euvhbgru3hbvgy31bvgyh31b gvh 13hgv 31hgbfyg34bf

That's an ... interesting take on the problem.
@badp ~~That's better than the recomended...~~
@pixel well, I guess I'm not sure what you mean, since I've never noticed any privacy leakages that weren't fixed
@MartinSojka Wise words by this "poop".
@badp I don't recognize any mobile graphics card names. Let alone nvidia
@BenBrocka okay - twice as slow as an Intel 3000 HD
@BenBrocka nvidia went back to 100 after the 9000 series... and is back up to 600 now.
How does your rig run BL2?
Oh, I have no idea about mobile cards.
@BenBrocka 15 fps, except in the "assassinate the assassins" area where I get an eye watering 30
GnomeSlice says that poop is funny.
Speaking of this question, isn't there a way to force-accept some answer when the original question asker got MIA?
(roughly; I don't actually have FPS counting software installed)
@MartinSojka no.
This is obviously with all settings to the minimum
@MartinSojka It's been suggested about a hundred times on MSO, and downvoted and rejected every time.
Antialiasing? Motion blur? SHADOWS? Please, none of that
@badp ouch. No wonder you don't do so well :P. Is it actually smooth?
@murgatroid99 I assumed as much (... but MSO gave me some error about upgrading ATM, so couldn't check). Meh.
have you done the super performance tweaks to get every frame out of it you can?
@BenBrocka As smooth as 15fps can be.
@BenBrocka Nope
Like, I still have shadows in BL2. Or textures. You can turn textures off right? Like in Quake 3?
You could turn off textures?
how would that even work?
@BenBrocka Of course you could. That's how all the top players played the game.
@BenBrocka You just have lightmaps
I turned basically turned shaders off in Oblivion on my old computer.
@badp Don't think you can in BL2
should be able to turn off shadows though?
@pixel It was mostly a joke
↑ quake 3 no textures
yeah that's what my quake 3 looked like when I played
@badp wouldn't the lightmap be more intensive than texture rendering?
@BenBrocka It's static...
As you can see it's much less detailed and mostly gets the job done anyway
(I still had textures on my guns though)
strangely, that's actually water
It looks trippy. Like something you'd see as a stylized game nowadays
@pixel heh.
(the flat mass at the bottom of the stairs)
you can see the plants
If I remember correctly, the lightmap in Quake 1-3 was what we would call "vertex colouring" today. One colour per vertex of geometry, and the static one didn't have many of them.
I might confuse it with something else, though. It's rather late here. :)
@MartinSojka what time is it there?
@pixel 19 hours after I woke up.
I haven't had more than 4 hours of sleep per day since tuesday
I'm debating if I stay up to play with the Americans or go to bed
have a feeling tonight that if I don't get to bed voluntarily that it will probably happen without my choice
@pixel Keyboardface is an attractive feature to cultivate.
@LessPop_MoreFizz apparently I looked "tired" today
What happens in BL2 when you die without any money:
free rez afaik
@Ullallulloo It's like it's really Morrowind!
@badp permadeath.
TBQH, I'd be more interested in a Borderlands hardcore mode w/ Permadeath.
> 3DS crossover Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney is out today in Japan
So... where's the English release?

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