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@fbueckert Why isn't Bayonetta a power fantasy for women then? What I don't get is that a lot of people agree that male characters are part of a power fantasy, often over women. But there's LOADS of female characters that have exagerrated power, particularly over men.
@fredley Haha, saw this a couple of days ago.. Its pretty good until I found out its a PSA :D
blargh, I'm gonna get myself banned.
@GnomeSlice Because she's completely unrealistic.
@James Don't care if it is, it's still awesome
@fbueckert The dude from God of War isn't?
@GnomeSlice Because Bayonetta's "strength" is in her sexualization, not her actual inherent agency as a character.
@fredley Have you seen the Curiosity version of this?
@GnomeSlice You're missing the point entirely.
@FAE Can't she fly or something?
@fbueckert Apparently so.
@GnomeSlice Do they actually have power over men or are they just exerting sexual tension/control over men? Are you really stating that men are no better than mindless boob watchers?
Re: that PAR article. I'm still rather surprised by the outcome, given that those underdog titles must include the likes of, yknow
@James No...
Mass Effect
Lara Croft
@GnomeSlice Did you play Bayonetta?
@James No, actually, but I know enough about it to know what's up.
@AshleyNunn No...
@GnomeSlice Naked chic wrapped up in her own hair?
@James Yeah, pretty much.
That sound like a typical female role model?
With a motorcycle.
@GnomeSlice that's not what I'm referring to. I'm referring to the study that says that games with female playable characters, including games with gender selection, in them are 1. few and far between 2. poorly publicized and 3. poorly selling
@James Are you saying women don't want to be badasses, just men?
oh, and most likely Diablo or World of Warcraft too I imagine?
Main Difference @GnomeSlice is men dont have to be naked or mostly naked to be badasses
But women almost always have to be
@GnomeSlice I'm thinking the massive amount of testosterone we have running through our systems tends to skew our thinking quite a bit.
Male Knight? Solid suit of armor maybe you see his eyes
Female Knight? She wears an shiny bikini
@GnomeSlice Kratos is unrealistic, but power fantasy is very different from sexual fantasy. In power fantasies, strength is shown through the character's will and ambition, domination over enemies through violence/physical prowess, and such, whereas in sexual fantasy, the depth of the character usually doesn't go beyond skin deep.
@badp I think the fact that games with female leads don't do well in sales more because a lot of the really good games have male leads, and a lot of the ones females are in are just not very good.
@GnomeSlice again: Borderlands; Mass Effect; Lara Croft; World of Warcaft and clones thereof
@fbueckert That was my original point, everywhere I look the discussion turns into 'boys vs girls', because of... that.
@GnomeSlice Well, the main character in Skyrim for me is Female.. I hear that one did pretty well in sales.
@GnomeSlice Guys want to play badasses.
@badp Also Mirror's Edge, Bayonetta, Metroid, Heavenly Sword, etc.
@James Skyrim lets you be female too? Well then.
Because that's fun.
@GnomeSlice Except for Metroid (and I'd say that one doesn't count) those aren't AAA++ games
There are tons of good games with female leads. But when someone looks at numbers of all games, it doesn't add up because most of those titles are shitty/boring games from a company nobody cares about.
Most of the really popular titles get male leads.
Which is why those stats are meaningless.
@GnomeSlice Because that's what guys want.
@fbueckert Probably, yes.
They want badasses who kick ass and take names.
and honestly, Bayonetta, the game where your most powerful move is called Climax and involves the entirety of your clothing unraveling into ginormous beasts... that's not an example I'd make
@badp Wait...what? Seriously?
@AshleyNunn Awesome
that said, Mass Effect 1's armor is also very much skin tight on women too <_<
@AshleyNunn Bayonetta is over-the-top ridiculous.
But it's supposedly an extremely fun game.
@AshleyNunn Yeah Bayonetta is not a female empowering game. I have no idea Why @GnomeSlice keeps saying it is.
@James I didn't say it was.
I'm asking questions.
@AshleyNunn She's still pretty much a badass... but in a slutty way.
Mirror's Edge? Pretty damn good I would have to say
A very slutty way.
What do women fantasize about? I don't even know, to be honest.
Guys want to be a badass.
@AshleyNunn It's a pretty ridonkulous game. I did play it, that said, but mostly because the actual gameplay was something I liked. The character was deliberately created to be over the top weird.
@badp That was the point I made earlier that @GnomeSlice did not understand or gain any sort of comprehension from as to answer his question then.
@GnomeSlice Depends on who you ask.
@James I did not.
@GnomeSlice :)
Also, how is Lara Croft the worst example ever?
@GnomeSlice Even this is a sweeping generalization.
Sure she has huge boobs, but she's a rich, smart, badass.
@AshleyNunn These Metro people really get the internet
They made gifs!
@OrigamiRobot Yes, it is, but it was based on current games.
@FAE She was too freakishly tall.
@AshleyNunn Here, have a boss fight
@fbueckert Crazy giraffe legs.
@GnomeSlice She is actually a good example. Aside from her first renderings she was always based on an actual person's physical appearance. Her clothing was definitely a bit male chosen oriented but she has never really been depicted in a state of sexual excitement.
@FAE Yeah...that weirded me out. Didn't play it because of exactly all that.
@GnomeSlice It's excellently rendered in the song. Piano tinkle and all.
@James She's the worst example because she was like the first objectified female hero ever.
19 mins ago, by OrigamiRobot
@GnomeSlice That was the worst example you could've chosen
@GnomeSlice Which is actually why so many people, men and women alike, are so pissed off at the new tomb raider story line
@GnomeSlice I don't think current games define what is a fantasy. They only reflect what is perceived to be fantasy.
@fbueckert She was objectified because she had large breasts?
@fbueckert Not really man
@GnomeSlice And was entirely two dimensional.
@fbueckert To quote FAE, Source? :)
@James No, that's entirely different. They're enraged because of the rape scene, which I don't want to discuss.
Big breasts, short pants.
Which, when you think about it, isn't the most practical stuff to wear when running around in overgrown ruins.
@GnomeSlice Exactly, she is no longer a brilliant active archologist.. a male version of Indiana Jones
@fbueckert So? She's running around the jungle man. It's hot, and lots of movement, so the clothes, while revealing, are entirely apt...
@GnomeSlice This, this, this. Can we please not do that disucssion?
@GnomeSlice She is now a victim of a traumatic event pushed to be something she did not choose to be.. It removed all of her self-motivation and decision to be the kick ass person she was.
@James Why is that a problem? They're trying to develop her character from before she was a badass.
@GnomeSlice And jungles have thorns. And branches and bushes.
@James Dude, the new one comes BEFORE the other games...
@GnomeSlice Just answered that man :)
@fbueckert vkuvybejvkuhejkfliowc this argument isn't going anywhere lol
Which would turn those legs into giant masses of blood and scratches.
@GnomeSlice ... When was the last time a guy needed to be raped to become a Black Ops guy?
Or Master Chief.. Or any other male hero in a game.
@James Can we leave off of this discussion, please?
@James I thought we weren't going down this road.
My point was that just because she was the first real 3D game heroin (and was subsequently subjected to rule 34) doesn't make her a bad example of a role model players can look up to beyond having tits as big as hers.
@badp Man, I should really try this out, this looks awesome.
@James Please, please, please, can we not do this discussion?
ANyone else want to ask me?
Maybe 3 isnt enough...
Go ahead, now is the time to prove more of you can disappoint me.
@James There are people in this room who can't handle this area of discussion.
Sorry, this is just a giant as fuck trigger for me.
@James We've HAD this discussion already.
And it didn't turn out well.
So, yeah. Let's leave it alone.
I still appreciate the idea of at least trying to have her be more than a walking pair of boobs
that's all
@James We've had this discussion before, it did not turn out well, and frankly, if it's going to happen again, I'd rather have a heads up so I can leave chat.
@FAE Same here.
And people wonder why the world is the way it is.
@James Whatever point you're trying to make, it's not getting across, so just fucking stop rubbing rape in our faces.
@AshleyNunn personally I wish you were rather watching the video I linked you to :P
although it might've annoyed you or something, in which case apologies
@badp I am! And...wow, this girl's legs...and the weird tentacle-stone-arms?hands? fingers? of that thing
@FAE Any examples, then?
@badp I am mostly in awe of the sheer weirdness
@AshleyNunn Bayonetta is insane. But awesome.
@AshleyNunn From what I've seen the game bosses are all kinds of over the top big deal
@GnomeSlice If you're asking about mine, that's not a safe-for-Bridge area of discussion. :P
although what I've seen is this one boss fight and the final
@badp Yeah, they're crazy weird wtf.
@FAE In general then. Based on the current games, it's safe to say one of the main targets for males is badassery.
at any rate, I'll admit, a surprisingly low amount of butt shots in those ten minutes :P
@badp Yeah, that's mostly my impression.
@FAE Right there with you. :P
Does Zer0 ALWAYS have to comment on his action skills?
@GnomeSlice That is hilarious coming from you.
@badp Why are you even using his action skill? Are you doing a melee build?
@OrigamiRobot I'm, like, trying him out
doing the first few levels to see how the character plays or something
Zero doesn't really click until you've built his tree up significantly
I don't really have the time for that :P
Then he probably isn't the character for you
as in, I'm trying to do more of a taste than a full playthrough with him
I've already done playthrough 1 as Salvador
@GnomeSlice For women who game, one "fantasy" that I share with many other women gamers I know is simply to have a strong, admirable, complex character who is well-written and doesn't have to resort to tropes of "sex sells"/"I was abused"/"I need to be saved".
@FAE This. More of that, please.
@FAE A large number of male heroes were subjected to trauma in their pasts, it just usually wasn't sexual.
Strong, admirable, complex character. Hey look, this isn't gender specific. Who'd have thought!
That is an awesome set of rules for a class :)
@James I like the last rule. Mine would likely end up being "Can I go to the bathroom?" or something.
Beyond Good and Evil was a fun game with a female lead. Not really complex though
@AshleyNunn LOL I wonder if that would work!!
@James They didnt specify what sort of question!
@GnomeSlice And that's one of the problems with many attempts at writing female leads and strong female characters, is that often, that particular sort of trauma tends to be written in because it's thought of as something that "happens to women" and that's just not cool.
@FAE Yeah. I mean it does happen to women, trust me, but at the same time, it isn;'t like "oh you are a woman this is your lot deal with it"
Thats the attitude that makes me want to throw rocks
@AshleyNunn I feel the need to track down that teacher and propose that situation to him/her :)
@James Don't ruin my plans for an easy A!
@James I'm the kind of person that would tick off 5. within 30 minutes of the first lesson without trying
@AshleyNunn Exactly.
(and suffer severely from 1.)
Also, @FAE, @gnomeslice is on a 60 min suspend, so he can't respond
@badp Live close to the school? Heheh
@AshleyNunn Ah, missed that with the spotty connection.
@James Actually the contrary. Having to commute means being 1 minute late for the bus is being 60 minutes late for the lesson
@FAE No worries, tis why I pointed it out :)
@badp Ahh, We did a little survey in high school and found out that the closer to the school you were, the more often you were late :D
And given the state of my connection, I'm going to discontinue my participation in the current discussion, as I don't like missing stuff and not being able to respond properly.
@FAE Fair enough. :)
So I'm going to pop off here for now, later all!
@James snorts SO CONFUSING
@AshleyNunn I am just a few words away from turning this into a labyrinth reference :D
@James DO IT
I do love me some Labyrinth
The one thing I like about the assassin's action skill is that a missed melee doesn't kick you out of it
@AshleyNunn We can't be friends anymore
@OrigamiRobot Why noooot
4 mins ago, by Ashley Nunn
I do love me some Labyrinth
@OrigamiRobot what is wrong with labyrinth?
I mean I do like the Dark Crystal more, but Labyrinth is still good.
Ok, you're doing a good job of winning me over again.
@OrigamiRobot offers you robot-appropriate cupcakes
@fbueckert I know you got farther in Kairobotica than I did - any idea what this question is talking about?
Q: Kairos dragon froze in one location on screen

darciI finished the Kairos dragon and he was great for a week. Then, he froze in one location on the screen and I have been unable to move him for weeks. Any ideas on how to get him going?

Anyone try Miner Wars yet?
@Lazers I'm guessing this is actually about dragonvale.
and the person typed "kairo" into the tag blank and just accepted whatever tag popped out
@Sterno @GnomeSlice maybe
@agent86 Yewah, that was what i was thinking, but I wasn't sure
@Sterno Gnomeslice says he has
@AshleyNunn yeah, I left a comment. we'll see.
@GnomeSlice Miner Wars: So good or no good?
He says: Good, but there's not really any instructions yet. Really interesting locations, because you can basically cut your way through anything
Augh, the Kairo question is getting upvotes, and I am pretty sure it is a Dragonvale question, because, well, there is a Kairos dragon, and I can't see there being anything in Kairobotica that relates
@Sterno He also says you can download a demo here: minerwars.com/Downloads.aspx
@AshleyNunn That looks more like Dragonvale than Kairobotica.
actually @OrigamiRobot I don't see why Zer0's skill is useless if you don't melee
@fbueckert That's what I thought.
as somebody who's been doing solo Gunzerker for most of BL2, losing aggro is my main problem
Man, what'd Gnome get banned for this time?
@Sterno A message in which he said, in no uncertain terms, that he knows when he crosses the line
@badp If you're far away, it only gives you a damage boost.
Most ironic
Q: Getting my game back!

Michael StearnsA month or so ago I purchased Bastion on the Ubuntu software center. I noticed it was running really slowly, so I tried to get the driver for my Graphics Card. In doing so I completely messed up the resolution on my screen, and couldn't get it back. I backed up my files using the stock Ubuntu sof...

@OrigamiRobot Yeah, I noticed it didn't do much for my shotty
Still it let my shield recharge and stuff
@badp ANd most of the time the hologram just blocks your shot.
Was just about to buy Miner Wars and then saw it has always-online DRM, Ubisoft style
@Sterno There is a demo thing.
Usually I ask about a game not because I'm afraid of wasting money on it (otherwise, I wouldn't have the ridiculous unplayed Steam catalog I do), but because I don't want to waste time on it unless it's good. So a demo doesn't help in that respect.
Like, say, Hotline Miami
@Sterno A little @gnome in my ear says he liked it, but it made me a little space-sick.
@Sterno Really?
Bleh. I figured an indie studio would know better.
@Sterno I think you can get it on steam, but that's just more DRM, I think.
@Sterno I am currently the mouthpiece of @GnomeSlice, so I can't say for sure till he's checked it out.
@fbueckert I guess it's closer to Diablo III
but the end effect is the same
@Sterno And that kills any interest I had in checking it out.
@fbueckert I've now agreed with you twice in one week!
@Sterno What's going on?
You didn't hit your head, did you?
@fbueckert To compensate, I'll disagree with everyone.
@OrigamiRobot You're an awesome robot.
@fbueckert Why thank you.
@OrigamiRobot So much for that plan.
@fbueckert I hadn't even started yet. Jeez.
@OrigamiRobot 2+2=4
Nov 15 at 18:30, by OrigamiRobot
@fbueckert Not in base 4. then it equals 10
turtle shades
@OrigamiRobot That would be wrong, because in base 3 it is 11 which is not 10.
@badp You agreeing with me is not required for me to disagree with everyone.
@OrigamiRobot Luckily I'm not agreeing with you.
Yes you are.
Q: Lets merge [tag:street-fighter-4] and [tag:super-street-fighter-4] to [tag:street-fighter-4-series]

ayckosterLets merge street-fighter-4 and super-street-fighter-4 to street-fighter-4-series. They have each about 25 questions of which most overlap anyways. Some have both tags, others only one. After looking through most of them I think that at least 60% of the questions can be asked for all Street Figh...

Also, if you agree with me then I agree with you, and that means you aren't disagreeing with everyone
2 mins ago, by badp
@OrigamiRobot Luckily I'm not agreeing with you.
@OrigamiRobot So am I or am I not agreeing with you?
@fbueckert Jade
@badp Past states have no bearing on current state.
@GnomeSlice I'm not continuing this conversation.
@fbueckert I figured, I just completely forgot about her.
Now I want to play BG&E again.
Amazing game.
@OrigamiRobot The current state is one where you are wrong.
@badp No, I am right.
@OrigamiRobot You may be right about the current state, but you were certainly wrong about the previous state.
@badp No, I was always right.
@OrigamiRobot You were always right in all of the past states that have any bearing on the current state, which is none of them.
@badp No, it was all of them.
@Sterno Where were you reading about Miner Wars' DRM?
@GnomeSlice Steam forums
@OrigamiRobot The sentence I wrote didn't imply that you were wrong in all of the past states that have no bearing on the current state. This implies your current state is wrong.
Now self-destruct
@badp Why?
@Sterno Ah... that's annoying, I guess it does need you to be signed in... They're releasing an MMO version of the game as well, with no subscription fees. I got it from my commision money on Minerwars.com
So I'll get it when it releases.
sudo Now self-destruct
I don't think you understand the disagreement runtime.
@OrigamiRobot I agree.
@badp I disagree.
@OrigamiRobot You are right. I totally understand your disagreement routines.
@badp I don't think you do.
@OrigamiRobot Personally, I wanted you to hit an unresolvable statement and blow up.
I'm somewhat bemused that hasn't happened yet.
Fuck that makes me mad
@fbueckert Because the disagreement runtime ignores all input and returns disagreement. There is no unresolvable statement.
@OrigamiRobot Hard to return disagreement when all input is ignored.
@fbueckert You'd think that, but you'd be wrong.
Otherwise, all you should be saying is DISAGREE DISAGREE DISAGREE
1 min ago, by OrigamiRobot
@fbueckert You'd think that, but you'd be wrong.
@OrigamiRobot You can't formulate logical disagreement without input.
Otherwise, you're a human in disguise.
@fbueckert Who said anything about logical?
@OrigamiRobot Disputing statements requires logic.
@fbueckert Maybe for you
@OrigamiRobot And I'm done with this. Pulls out speakers from robot.
Another victory for the citizens of robot.
@AshleyNunn @ArdaXi @InvaderSkoodge Rejoice!
@OrigamiRobot What?
5 mins ago, by OrigamiRobot
Another victory for the citizens of robot.
Oh yeah I'm the chief inspector of stupid or something.
@InvaderSkoodge Is not knowing your own title stupid?
@InvaderSkoodge let me star you dammit!
@OrigamiRobot No.
@InvaderSkoodge Is the fact that I spelled your title wrong stupid?
@OrigamiRobot No, it was just an honest mistake.
No one is perfect, even robots.
You are doing a stellar job. A promotion is in order!
wow, for $10k, you can have lunch with photos of the developers (but you have to pay for lunch, and no mouth kissing :( )
Oh yes, this is a very important area of discussion.
Seeing this trending, I knew that, finally, the full potential of social media has been realized: #replaceawordinabooktitlewithbutt
Once, I tried to bury the butt, but the butt will not be buried.
(which is an actual line on the Lunar 2 outtakes)
@agent86 ...what
@AshleyNunn it's a really, really random game kickstarter. and it's made like $10,000 already. clearly I'm in the wrong business.
@agent86 Yeah no kidding. I need to get into this.
@AshleyNunn cupcake kickstarter FTW
Risks: Running out of cake batter.
@agent86 tempting, tempting.
$10 tier: a cupcake. $100 tier: a lot of cupcakes. $1000 tier: OMG ALL THE CUPCAKES
@agent86 That sounds like a viable plan to me, but what would I raise the money for?
@AshleyNunn ... more cupcakes?
@AshleyNunn highfive
@agent86 Let me guess, you are going to support the "OMG ALL THE CUPCAKES" tier??
@AshleyNunn no, no, I'm the shady business partner. I take the cupcake money and blow it on "business expenses" like really expensive frosting.
@agent86 Ah, I see how it works now
sage nod
And really it will be canned frosting that you pasted fake diamonds on the package
you get to fire me once our cupcake delivery date slips by 6 months, but it's OK cause I was skimming the whole time
Gah! Wall o Blue!
everybody wins! (except I kind of win more)
@agent86 .. All of them? So if I give $1000 no one else gets cup cakes?
@James well, not literally all of them. more like "more cupcakes than you could possibly eat"
@agent86 Hmm, Ill pass then, cause cornering the market seemed like a good idea for $1000
I guess unless you were having a cupcake eating contest
has idea for $2000 tier
@James I think it would be cheaper to patent rounded corners (for small cakes)
> Mr BubbLez 0000‘s avatar has irrevocably altered the tone for Jimmy Lightning‘s in-game encouragement.
@agent86 ಠ_ಠ
@James >:D
I should write that down in my "plans for world domination" journal.
@agent86 Sue Microsoft cause they stole the same GUI you did? :)
user image
@James have you been looking at my plans for world domination journal? I knew I should have invested in a more secure lock :/
@James Hey, that's a brilliant idea!
@agent86 Yeah 'On top of the desk' is just not as secure as it used to be.. Even with the 'Under the reading lamp' watch light :)
Q: Civil War game, looks like Assassin's Creed 3's Naval Battles?

Lucas FamelliIs there a (History Channel?) Civil War game that focuses on Naval Battles? I heard that the game was very much alike the naval missions on AC3 (Which are freaking awesome btw). Does anyone know what game it is (if it exists)?

Q: If You Press No For Getting New Mii's, How do you get it back?

AwesomeWhen I first got SpotPass on the Mii Plaza, it asked if you wanted to get new Miis using the Internet. I accidently pressed no, and now my plaza isn;t filling up good. Can you please tell me how to get more miis again?

@fredley Can I marry Ben Heck?
I just heard a commercial for Robitussin say "Don't suffer the coughsequences" and it makes me want to punch someone.
@fredley Mouse > Joystick for aiming. Joystick > Keyboard for movement. This is an enhancement, I guess, but the joystick is still superior for this.
No. I said it's an enhancement.
But it's still not the best way to move in a FPS.
@InvaderSkoodge It doesn't matter. It is beautiful.
Q: Is there any benefit to Listen Carefully in the Dream World minigame Pokémon Seek?

Jonathan DrainIn Pokémon Seek, the mini-game in the Pokémon Dream World, you can Listen Carefully to see if the Pokémon is present, but the timer ticks down while you listen. However, if you click on the bush right away and it's the wrong Pokémon, you don't lose any time. Is there any advantage to using Liste...

Q: How do I run a game with a .x86 extension

AndyCan anyone help me run the game cs portable, I used to play this all the time on windows?? it's free and the download link is here http://www.kongregate.com/accounts/CSPortable_Vile the download link is in the bottom of his profile description.. Please help me!! the file extension is .x86 and th...

Yay, repcapped on travel.se for the first time.

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