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Don't those emails have to have a unsubscribe button by law?
@Lazers Thoughts on this, people? We have reporters writing about this hardware, apparently, but I still think the question will garner speculation until official release.
I am in Virginia. It is boring here.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Dishonored is still fun. In case you were wondering.
@LessPop_MoreFizz [virgin joke omitted]
@OrigamiRobot It is!
The Heart is so creepy.
I can't stop using it in hopes it will say something even creepier.
@fbueckert The same as my meta answer for pre-release games. More people seem to agree with @agent86 on that though.
@MBraedley I'm alright with that, actually.
This question still smacks of NARQ, though; I don't think he's got a set of the hardware to use.
In fact, I'm sure it's NARQ; the way he phrased it tells me he doesn't actually have a problem.
Well I think I heard/read that there will be some adjustability as far as focus is concerned (probably +/- 2 or 3 diopters), although I don't know what the focus plane will be.
That might be adjustable as well
@RonanForman Nice new mod! Looking forward to maybe play it on a GameOn!
Q: Does some portable external hard drive work when powered by the Wii U?

動靜能量It is said in this article that for the Wii U, an external hard drive is probably going to be needed. It is said in this article that the Wii U will work best with an external hard drive that uses its own power adapter. But I wonder for some small, portable hard drive, does somebody have any su...

@fbueckert I'm willing to through it in the Ask the Devs bin in order to close it, if necessary. Unless there is good info on their website.
@MBraedley These questions tend to fall into a grey area, as we have conflicting rules.
On one hand, we're only supposed to ask real, practical questions that we are facing.
@fbueckert Yeah, on here that seems to be a really grey area
Well, I think this is one of the most interesting uses of a Raspberry Pi I've seen: Mini RPi MAME Cabinet.
On the other, we allow questions about lore and other "Not really a real problem, but somehting I'm curious about" type questions.
And you have people on both sides of the fence in terms of whether or not they should be allowed.
@fbueckert But they are mostly terrible questions.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I completely concur.
"With the Oculus Rift, your eyes are actually focused and converged in the distance at all times. It’s a pretty neat optical feature." That's all they have on the site AFAICS. Seems to me that Greentin won't have a problem in that regard.
pixel.3590 says hi
@fbueckert the real and practical rule is a guideline. It is a poor choice of text importation from stackoverflow. It's helpful for evaluating questions, but it should never be your only criteria for closure.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh, NOW you tell me. Why is it in our FAQ if it's just a guideline?
@fbueckert because it was copied and pasted from StackOverflow, where a rule like that makes a lot of sense.
It breaks down pretty hard when you apply it to a subject area like ours though, as should be obvious.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Problems in, or with, games, makes perfect sense to me.
@fbueckert Changing our FAQ to be more accurate is apparently out of the question.
@OrigamiRobot Great.
Even SciFi has it in their FAQ. I presume it's part of the uneditable portion.
@MBraedley Yeah, it is.
just double checked on Libraries
somebody who has GW2, how big is it?
I like that I can poke at these things.
Well maybe someone should post a meta.SO question about it...
are we talking 'watch a tv show', 'watch a movie', or 'go to bed' ?
You should only ask practical, answerable questions based on actual problems that you face. Unless it's a grey area, like lore, which we allow, or unreleased publicly, but reporters have it and have talked about it.
@pixel Somewhere between 'Watch a movie' and 'go to bed'.
Or one of hundreds of other exceptions we allow.
@MBraedley The fact that there is an uneditable portion is ridiculous.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I am getting a 2.7MB/sec download rate, although it's fluctuating wildly
I'm at 3% already though
@fbueckert That's where it gets tricky. it's like trying to explain the rules of the English langauge.
@fbueckert Right. The point is that it it's boilerplate that we can't change.
I reckon I'm getting around 1% per minute
@OrigamiRobot Would you want to edit all of it, though, or have to write your own?
I need a larger sample size
back in 5 minutes
I can see some desire for consistency
@LessPop_MoreFizz So, from using it as a guideline perspective, what's your take on the question in question?
@AshleyNunn Not when it makes the rules misleading and confusing.
@OrigamiRobot I'm not saying it is perfect, I am just saying that I can see why they might want to have some consistent stuff over the network
@AshleyNunn I can see why someone thought it was a good idea in theory, but in practice it creates problems.
@fbueckert With @OrigamiRobot's edit it incredibly easy to answer now. I just quoted the answer from their FAQ a few minutes ago.
@MBraedley The edit barely changed anything.
Except took out the "upcoming head mounted display" part.
@fbueckert How dare you!
@fbueckert yeah, you're right
all the text moved, I thought more had changed
The question still sounds like a non-problem trying to sound like it might be a problem.
@fbueckert I'd call it shopping advice.
@pixel Ranger or Elementalist
I'll post the FAQ link as a comment instead of an answer then
@RavenDreamer ta raven
Elementalist to focus more on the healing, Ranger for the mobility (though Ele's not bad)
@OrigamiRobot If there's anything it's not, it's shopping advice.
are you also on the same server as everybody else?
Rangers have one of the best support heals, since it's a Water AoE, so everything you combo in there is another heal
@fbueckert Says you.
@OrigamiRobot Indeed, says me.
And when have I ever listened to you?
Can we at least all agree that it should be closed then?
@pixel We maintain an Arqade guild which is proving useful exclusively for "I wonder if any people from Arqade are on right now, because we're all in separate guilds, but at least I can see all Arqade folks in one list"
@OrigamiRobot When you feel like it?
I just bought a Nexus 4.
Raven's first smartphone.
@fbueckert Exactly. And I don't feel like it right now!
mk, I haven't got a guild lined up to join already
@RavenDreamer I'm hoping to win one (although I probably won't)
@pixel Join my guild.
and nice, I was looking at one of those but they're sold out atm over here
@OrigamiRobot Then fine!
Don't agree with me!
@OrigamiRobot do you even play?
@pixel You can join multiple ones.
@pixel Europe?
@RavenDreamer yeah but I was going to play on the same server as you guys
@pixel No, I just wanted to be included in the conversation. :(
@RavenDreamer cool
@OrigamiRobot awww
@pixel Oh, I meant for Nexus 4.
@RavenDreamer oh, yeah
@RavenDreamer gz. I hadn't realized it was back in stock :)
@Alok Yeah, just today.
preferably sim-free
since that's how I roll
Google Play store had another freakout over the load
9 hours ago, by OrigamiRobot
@TylerShads That's how @pixel rolls
@RavenDreamer I really want one of those.
aww the digital deluxe offer was only for black friday
I have an Amaze (4.0 ICS), hard to justify getting N4 ... but its so tempting to get quick OS upgrades :(
ok it will take me about 2 hours to download the client, since my download speed is fluctuating between 0KB/s and 6MB/s
game is about 20gb in total?
I have no idea, honestly.
@Alok Yeah, now that my Galaxy Nexus likely won't get the upgrades quickly (or at all) past 4.1.1 (which is has currently), I am like....must....resist....
I have 2 TB of space, so I stopped worrying.
well I'm at 11% with 2gb of downloaded data
> Estimated Ship:
> 6-7 weeks	1	Nexus 4 (8GB)	$299.00
yeah same, it's more of a <time> than a <space>
I am, though, more tempted to upgrade my ereader. I wants me a backlit one something terrible.
@RavenDreamer pff you get it cheaper than we do as well
@RavenDreamer $300? That's a damn good price for a smartphone
@pixel 300 euroes?
Or however the Kobo GLo light works.
@MBraedley Unlocked contract free, too!
@pixel Yea well we can't get smart phones without data plans.
@RavenDreamer £279.99
@RavenDreamer Seriously? That's full phone price?
oh is that with a plan?
No clue.
I know you can buy them with a plan
so you bought sim-free?
@RavenDreamer If my GS2 was broken, I'd definitely get it at that price. Alas, it's still working fine, so I can't justify buying a new phone.
Or is it like WINDTab, where you don't have a contract, but some of your bill goes towards paying off the leftover phone price?
so curious
@AshleyNunn Fun Fact: An analyst predicted lower sales of Nexus 7 tablets for google, which raised their expected revenue.
Google sells nexus (nexi?) at a loss.
oh and that's the 8gb model
@pixel I think so. I don't currently have a contract phone, though.
8gb is 239.99
Yup. 350 for 16gb
so might work out at a similar price
@RavenDreamer Yeah, I am just surpirsed because my galaxy nexus was 200 bucks plus like a 400 "tab"
Or something to that effect
£40 ~= $50 ?
XE says 299.99 USD = 187.262 GBP
@RavenDreamer Last I checked, that's pretty close
no, wait, that's backwards
are races largely irrelevant in GW2?
You get 6 bonus skills based on race, but they're designed to be less powerful than class skills
so... aesthetics then
For example - I can't stand the Norn female voice. So I decided not to roll a valkyrie-based character.
Ergo, I play no Norn.
well since you said ranger, I will probably go Sylvari
So the US is getting a sweet deal!
Alternatively: the Brits are getting screwed by America, wie immer.
@RavenDreamer c'est la vie, happens all the time
@pixel Speaking of voices, Jennifer Hale does female Sylvari.
@RavenDreamer sold
Femme Shep crossed with Leah Cain
You have to throw in a faux-english accent, though.
Because fantasy, and such.
Covering up a Newfie accent. Which she does pretty well to begin with though
@MBraedley I had no idea what a Newfie was until I played Cards against Humanity
Q: Where can I see the Achievements?

atticaeIn Assassins Creed III, I sometimes see "Brawler" or hunting achievements pop up, like Kill a captain (4/10) Where can I view the open achievements I still have to do? I couldn't find it anywhere in the menu.

@RavenDreamer Silly America.
@AshleyNunn GNex should be fine, unless you have Verizon version that iirc needs some carrier support for the upgrades. Pity the fools like me, with HTC phones :( - even Samsung has been faster to upgrade S2 to 4.1
@Alok I am in Canada, so I don't know if it varies or not
@AshleyNunn One of the reasons N4 has been in great demand, is the price point for unlocked no-contract smartphone. And yea no idea about Canada, guess if its cdma you could have same problems as Verizon (need carrier support). Should be fine if its gsm version afaik
@Alok I think Bell and Telus still run their CDMA networks, but you might not be able to get on the HSPA network if you get the CDMA phone
@RavenDreamer I've always heard the dog breed called a Newfie.
@OrigamiRobot So named because of Newfoundland
oh lol
I am aware.
I'm looking at Jennifer Hale here on Wikipedia
she's always voiced one of my favourite characters in each game she's done that I've played
and I didn't realise she was the voice of most of them
like juni from freelancer
or naomi hunter from metal gear solid

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