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at least for ext2 they just are duplicate inode numbers or something
I should probably point out that I actually meant directory junctions when talking about junctions earlier, which are just a directory symlink like things.
@Powerlord A junction is just two locations referring to the same physical location.
Ie. a junction is no different from a regular directory. Technically, all folders are junctions.
@ArdaXi True, but as I recall, it's a different command to create directory junctions than other types of junctions.
@badp Time hasn't really shown pagefiles to actually be harmful on SSDs
For most consumers it probably means your SSD will last 50 years instead of 51 years
I never even use enough RAM to require a pagefile tbh
in fact, if my pagefile actually got used, it wouldn't have a modified time of when my PC was last rebooted would it?
@pixel I almost did the other day since windows explorer took 10.5GB of ram to check a disk
@BenBrocka you have 16gb of RAM?
@BenBrocka You're writing crap on a limited writing drive. It's just harmful.
@pixel yeah
@BenBrocka From what I read on Coding Horror the average life of an SSD is more in terms of months rather than decades
@badp A limited writing drive with vastly more lifespan than you're going to use
@BenBrocka At what capacity?
and well, that's roughly how well USB drives fare
@badp I think too many people got focussed on the "limited writing" bit, and overlooked that by "limited writing" it means "will die within the next few decades"
@BenBrocka Sure, it'll last 50 years, but you won't have more than 1% of your space left by that time.
under normal use of course
Most of what you read on the internet about SSDs is about pre 2009 SSDs which were significantly inferior and really did have drastically low lifespans
@badp It's more like you can completely fill your drive several thousand times before you get to the rated lifetime
@pixel It's not limited writing. It's limited deleting.
@badp Have I mentioned yet how that blog is listed in my Humor bookmarks at home?
Yes, but it's still extremely unlikely you'll hit the limit
@ArdaXi okay - limited rewrites
@ArdaXi yeah true
@BenBrocka Not really. It is extremely unlikely you'll notice it, because drives route around it.
With a 3 year old SSD I've been writing lossless video files to for 2 years I've had zero capacity loss
A sector still needs to reach it's lifetime write limit before it dies
most SSDs are over-provisioned anyway, to make the capacity loss less of an issue in the short term
You'd have to write hundreds of gigabytes across the whole disk daily for it to be noticable within the drive's functional lifetime
@Powerlord How about Ars Technica?
> A solid-state drive purchased today should yield at least as much life as a spinning disk; because of the inevitable march of disk capacity, the majority of hard disk drives in consumer computers don't see much of a useful service life past five years, and numerous synthetic benchmarks give current-generation consumer SSDs at least 5 years of flawless service before any type of degradation sets in.
(also keep in mind that "average consumer" explicitly means "not us")
Q: Can I abandon an escort mission after evacuating the vip somehow?

DethecorI just played a vip escort mission in my impossible ironman and after the vip escaped I was left with the task of killing all remaining aliens, which I abandoned because I had only one sniper at 1 hp left :/ Now I did not get any reward for this mission, is that supposed to be this way? I think ...

5 years is a long time. It's actually past the service life of many HDDs
and it's certainly not "months"
@BenBrocka I can totally respect first hand experience, mind you. That's why I bought the lifetimes Jeff reported
@BenBrocka Easily enough done. Most of the customers of my current work place are TV stations ... guess how much data they write daily? :)
@BenBrocka 60 months :P
Jeff was using old shit, years ago
Also they've done real, absurd stress tests against them which support the very long lifespans
@MartinSojka ...0, they still use cassettes! :P
It's physically impossible for you to be harder on your SSD than those tests
Unless you throw it in the dishwasher or something
@badp If they did, I wouldn't have a job (we supply streaming control software for them).
@BenBrocka What else is new.
Though SSDs probably pass the dishwasher benchmark better than mechanical disks
@MartinSojka Well, the software doesn't need to know what it's reading from
Super User should have a diskwasher test blog post
right? :P
@badp Ha, I wish ...
@MartinSojka Like, seriously. They have done tests writing at the maximum physically possible rate
Hmm, Samsung is being sued by Ericcson because Samsung is refusing to renew a license for Ericcson's FRAND patents.
As long as your hardcore user is bound by the laws of physics...
@badp how much data are you writing per day?
I do hope Samsung realizes that judges in one case are going to notice what's going on in other cases.
@BenBrocka That's still to the tune of almost one GB/s, more than 50TB/day.
@Powerlord Wait, what? Samsung is getting sued because they won't give Ericcson money?
@fbueckert Yup
@Powerlord That sounds...backwards.
@fbueckert Not really backwards... Ericcson owns patents Samsung uses in their products.
@MartinSojka to one drive? Most have write speeds more like 250MBps. Besides, unless you're using it for a backup drive the speed far outweighs the lifespan
I've got an SSD I use exclusively to write massive video files to so I'm not limited by I/O
Incidentally, Samsung is claiming that their own FRAND patents are worth a bunch in the Apple v. Samsung case.
We'll see how long it lasts, but I doubt it'll be an issue
@BenBrocka That write speed is limited by the interface more than the drive.
I wish patents and everyone involved would die in a fire
I expect my SSD to outlive the rest of my PC
@Powerlord Yeah, I remember that one.
Also I patented method for dying in a fire (US46364) so don't steal my idea
Oh, so the part of the story I'm missing is that Samsung is going, "We're not going to pay for your patents any more, but we're going to keep using the technology."
@fbueckert Yup.
@Powerlord Explain it better, dude! Or at least link an article. :P
But the reason they're doing it (and I left this part out) is that they claim Ericcson is requiring them to pay too much.
@Powerlord The shoe's on the other foot, there.
Anyways, the Apple vs. Samsung case got thrown out because Apple refused to be bound by the court's decision, if it didn't favor them.
So if Samsung goes to court over this, and agrees to be bound by the decision, then they might be shooting themselves in the foot.
So, guaranteed, this won't actually hit the courts in this fashion; Samsung will settle far before it gets to that point.
@pixel these last few days I've written about 30 GB just in Steam Installs plus copious amounts of swapping and whatnot
@badp that's not much
I've written more than twice that from just torrents
Yeah, well, torrents don't cost money :P
@fbueckert So Apple threw a hissy fit?
@badp I could change it say 'my steam library' if you wanted something more legit
but I don't make a habit of downloading RAGE over and over again
@OrigamiRobot They went whining to the courts that Samsung was charging too much for their patents.
downloading things that make you RAGE is the whole point of the internet :P
And when the judge asked them if they'd abide by the decision, they said, "Only if we deem it reasonable."
So the judge said, "Screw it, we're not wasting time on this."
Right, a hissy fit.
@OrigamiRobot Indeed.
They threw a bigger one in the UK, when the judge ordered them to post a public apology to Samsung on their website.
@badp I actually actively try to avoid such things
@fbueckert And were then ordered to apologise properly.
@pixel You're downloading each and every one of these messages.
@RonanForman And then they still whined about it.
@badp with the ability to flag anything I find truly offensive, nice safety net that is you know
Sometimes, I wonder what goes on in Apple's brain, to make it act like a spoiled twelve year old when things don't go it's way.
I hate Apple so much.
@pixel there's a difference between "truly offensive" and RAGE, now.
@OrigamiRobot fruit is good for you
@badp I don't RAGE unless it's worth it
I don't know what I hate more: Apple, football, or Andy Samberg.
Andy Samberg playing football with an apple
@ArdaXi What's your sound system btw?
@pixel I love apples. Granny Smith is the best.
Fun Fact: I used to think "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" meant that doctors were scared of apples.
Fun fact: when going from normal playing to fight for your life you must depress M1 before you can resume firing
> Your search - OAFIJWEFLK - did not match any documents.
@badp I hate that, I always end up spamming the trigger until I hear firing again
well not always but occasionally, and it annoys me
though they h ave fixed some of the usability issues like the golden key thing
@OrigamiRobot That's kind of impressive, actually.
Only 10 characters and even Google can't find it.
I am an inventor.
@InvaderSkoodge Eventually it will find this transcript.
also, I dunno if I just got unlucky with the Zed quest
but this e-Tech gun is pretty terrible
the only positive thing about it is the huge magazine
@OrigamiRobot And it will be attributed to me.
You will be worshiped as a god.
if e-tech guns are what passes as legendary (I really hope they don't) and if they're like this then I don't want any
also I face enemies with e-tech guns all the time but they never seem to drop one, I have no idea what's up with that
@badp Zed gives you a crap gun. E-tech isn't great, but some are good. WAtch for the SMGs and ARs
I only got one e-tech gun in playthrough 1
The snipers can be okay too. The pistols are crap, the shotguns are weird and the rocketlaunchers are insanely rare (and weird)
@badp They are like the alien weapons from the previous BL, they look neat but shoot like crap.
Grrr arg! It looks like someone was in to do maintenance to the common area and (accidentally, hopefully) cut power to my unit. Just one more thing to add to the list of annoyances today.
For purple and better drops you generally need to farm bosses for them
@James They're a minor step up from eridian guns. A rare few are actually good, if ammo-hungry and not better enough to justify the ammo use
@Ben what is the best sniper you've found
@BenBrocka yeeeeeeey
@OrigamiRobot A 30k Jakobs for single hits, 20k~ Maliwans for elementals or a 15k Vladof with 20 rounds and 5.3 fire rate
I've seen some e-tech railguns for more like 25k but they burn ammo like hell
Had a Dahl railgun that fires in a 3 burst, too quick to cancel reliably, burned 6 ammo per squeeze
@badp Many bosses aren't that bad. King Mong drops a purple or two each time and takes no time to kill
Also Donkey Mong is a filthy lie. I tried literally at least 50 times to spawn him and never got him
get in a 1v1 fight with a nomad incendiary
drop to 30 health points
he drops the shittiest pistol
I really hope that's not what he was using
They do seem to drop the gun they were using (but just because they're using an awesome gun doesn't mean they drop it)
I've noticed guys using elemental guns droping the same element of gun...more so in the first game though
at any rate my main difficulty right now is surviving damage rather than dealing it
as soon as I get in battle a second later my health is already flashing red
My shield's white but it's the best I've found so far.
16% elemental resistance, increased maximum health, 6k capacity
and a +24% to max health rune
What class?
+6.4% to both max health and max damage from badass ranks
@OrigamiRobot Gunzerker
6k? That sounds low for ~40
@BenBrocka I might be able to get a 8k but it's probably one of those shitty ones that reduce your max health
I always ditch health for shield
Turtle shields are awesome
You spend like 10% of your time in combat with full health and 40% with full shields
10% is probably generous
Unless you have skills that heal you significantly of course
like, uh, Gunzerker's.
All the good shields have -Health
But Mechro and Siren have much better skills for shield than health
MEchro has my fav, instant shield recharge upon killing someone at a cost of a % of health
@badp right, tanky-stuff
@BenBrocka except I can't tank for shit
Well an underleveled tank isn't the best one
eh, the only level 36 item I have is my class mod
Q: How do the various Borderlands 2 characters complement certain playstyles?

Steve V.Background: I've just started Borderlands 2 and I know essentially nothing about the various characters. What I don't want to happen is I pick Zero at the beginning because the flavor text looks neat, level him up to 40 and then realize I hate him and love Salvador (which is what happened to me...

everything else is level 35-
but... it's not like I don't look at items or pick 'em up
@Lazers ...
@Lazers that's a very large question
Not knowing what a Siren does is understandable, but Assassin and Gunzerker are pretty self explanatory...
Is it kill people?
This is Borderlands. That's what everyone does.
Come to think of it I think they're all the kill people class
@OrigamiRobot The only thing I clearly know about the Assassin from playing with @Tim is their visor shows "<3" as they revive people
which is cute and stuff but...
He speaks in haiku
@badp I'll give you a hint. They probably use far shooting or stabby things
And he stole phasewalk. But he can't even do it right
@OrigamiRobot What's that to do with leaving clones of himself around?
Did you play BL1? It's phasewalk, except they shoot at the clone instead of thinking you're gone
@badp I didn't say you should know everything about them.
@RonanForman Oh, you used that one. Okay I guess.
@BenBrocka Like BL1, I never use my active ability
That's because your action ability is bad and you should feel bad
I phase lock/walk all the damn time. I was immortal with phasewalk
"Gonna die? LOL nope I'm 100 feet away with full health and shields. Also you are on fire."
I know there were some cool Bloodwing builds, but if you didn't build specifically for it, it was kinda useless.
But people are just sort of on fire when I'm around. It's odd to see not-on-fire people
@BenBrocka I played siren to level 7 or something.
I was siren all the way, both games
Fiddled a bit with the other 3 but meh
Phasewalk and elemental guns were way more fun
I don't think gun drop distribution depends on class played?
No, but Sirens kick 100% more ass with elemental guns compared to other classes
OH SNAP, Sonic Picnic was involved with Awesomenauts? They did a fantastic job on the Toki Tori soundtrack.
In BL1 you got a larger tech pool with was really significant, and BL2 you get a crazy % boost to elemental effects
@BenBrocka Trespass, man. Trespass.
@OrigamiRobot Eh. Was a pretty cheap ability but nothing beats burning people. With lots and lots of bullets fired really fast
@GnomeSlice Too bad Awesomenauts is mediocre.
Or an Anarchy, the only non-elemental gun I ever kept
is there a practical way to kill myself?
I took a wrong turn and now my save point is on the wrong side of a cliff
the area is devoid of enemies and further ahead is a fast travel section in the wrongest of places
I'm trying to sit on a flaming barrel but it's consuming health 5 points per second
maybe if I lost a duel?
Jump off the map, grenades, tediore reloads
...why not quit and resume though?
@BenBrocka that takes me to the map transition point
Duels don't respawn you
Tediore reloads don't do self damage
lol, hard to kill means I regenerate health stupid fast
I guess this is a good moment to ragequit
@badp Yes they do, but they move through you
Throw them directly at the ground
Every game needs an explode command
in about 3 hours, I can buy GW2
@BenBrocka which is what I was doing, facing a corner
I need reminding which servers you guys play on
(hint hint)
They definitely deal self damage, limited range though
@pixel the US desert thingy one
oh, are servers separated by region?
@pixel I just assumed he meant Mojave Desert.
@pixel Crystal Desert
@pixel Technically yes, but @FAE plays on a US server.
are the clients region locked?
I was allowed to pick european servers if I wanted.
I didn't.
I assume they are not.
sounds like a question to be asked
There are also free server transfers every 7 days for the time being.
Once things "stabilize" (whatever that means), you'll have to pay to transfer.
but there are servers based in different regions, right?
@pixel They aren't, but region transfers must be purchased
That said, I didn't have a lot of lag related trouble and you're much closer to the US than I am
I'm not so fussed about having to pay to transfer, more interested in being able to buy the game and create characters in both regions
@pixel no, I don't think that's possible
From what I can tell, your account is tied to a single server, and all your characters are on that server.
my brain hurts
If you transfer servers, all your characters move.
so, I can buy any copy of GW2, choose any server anywhere in the world and create a character on that server, but once doing so I am locked to that server?
You're not "locked" to the server.
You can move servers.
@pixel there's a n:1 relationship between GW accounts and servers
You're more "tied" to the server.
Q: TF2 segfaults under Linux

pbfy0I run steam on Linux. I installed TF2, and when I try to start it, I get the normal "Preparing to launch Team Fortress 2" dialog. Then the screen goes black for about 15 seconds. Then it crashes. Log: Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1353457964_client) Installing br...

Q: Is the game client region locked?

pixelI am going to be buying Guild Wars 2 soon, and I was wondering if the game client is region locked in a similar manner to how it is in World of Warcraft? For example; if I was to purchase the game in Europe, would I only be able to create characters on European servers or would I be able to crea...

^ somebody gets some free rep
I don't see a 'how many character slots' question
so @badp you play on a different server to @InvaderSkoodge?
@pixel I don't play, I just did the free weekend
@badp was on Crystal Desert, but he didn't get the game.
for the free weekend we were on the same server
oh right, well you don't count then :P
@pixel I still get to answer!
@badp answer away!
tonight I am going it skip that 'sleep' thing in exchange for experience points
My favourite part about the game was just running around aimlessly
Discovering map regions and getting measly XP for it.
Everything else... meh.
Questing is always the fastest XP
What level are you now @InvaderSkoodge?
but it's heavily dependant on knowing the quests
@badp I think 55 or 56
@pixel It's actually kind of impossible not to quest, at least as far as heart quests go
Kill things in the general neighbourhood, that's quest progress.
Talk to things in the area, that's quest progress.
@badp Your answer to my one question has broken my second question
Harvest shit, that's quest progress.
I hope history demonstrates I asked the second question before you answered the first
@badp do you mean, "run into an area, kill all the things, move onto the next area" ?
@pixel Well 5 is the number of squares on the main screen, if memory doesn't betray me
@pixel except also non-kill things also count
Say, reviving bots.
reviving bots?
I've gotten a level 38 heart quest done just by reviving non-human-controlled fishermen in a city
as a level 15 player
also occasionally collecting shiny shit slightly underwater
@pixel Sometimes NPCs are lying unconscious on the ground. If you revive them, you get XP and quest credit.
ok so
my more serious question
I like ranged, preferably casters but I don't mind bows, with higher healing output and lots of mobility
what do I play in GW2?
@pixel Sounds like the engineer? Roughly?
That's probably a question for @Raven or @FAE.
I only know Guardian, which is the exact opposite of what you described.
My guess, though, is thief.
I kind of used long-range rifle/pistol things with explosion AOE, had access to quite a few healing skills, dunno about mobility
I would never be able to word that in a way that didn't provoke multiple answers with the possibility of disagreement
otherwise I'd ask it as a question
Well you can eliminate Warrior and Guardian right away.
If you want a caster, you're going to be Mesmer or Elementalist.
In all honesty, just based on the names of the classes I know I wouldn't want to play them
Engie being the fifth and final class
I think probably Mesmer.
Now that I'm thinking about it (and only knowing the flavor of the class, not the specific skills).
nevermind me, there's actually 8 classes
@badp There was a free GW2 weekend recently? :(
@Alok a week ago or so
Oh well, wish I'd known of it ... serves me right for not lurking here for a while!
Why is Skyrim the default tag for everyone too lazy to put the proper game tag?
Every class can heal right?
and no class is capable of 'being a healer'
@fbueckert That is a very good question.
@AshleyNunn I mean, I've seen several questions with Skyrim, when Skyrim is obviously not the correct game. It's like the asker can't be bothered to try to classify his question correctly.
And in which case, if the user's that lazy, there should be some repercussions.
I can see mistagging if the tag doesn't exist.
I can't see, "Eh. It's not this game, but close enough."
@pixel This sounds like a question
@fbueckert It's made even worse when we have a tag for the game that tehy ask about
@AshleyNunn That's what I'm talking about.
I'm referencing this question, by the way.
Yeah then that just smacks of complete and utter laziness
@AshleyNunn Which tells me no effort was made or shits given when the question was formulated.
It's for questions like this we need a, "You didn't even try" close reason.
@fbueckert Looking at the question formatting, I can kinda agree with that assessment, even without the tag debacle
@badp the question I've wrote feels badly written and all over the place...
Do Rangers have a multi-shot style ability?
@pixel Dunno; Engineers do.
@badp wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/World says there are free transfers between servers?
It's like the very second thing you unlock
meh they have a rain of arrows type ability
@Alok The message box when you choose a server says transfers between regions aren't free
Well I have no idea about GW2, other than 'no subs mmo' ... just went searching because I was surprised at the stuck-to-a-server design, even Blizzard allows people to create chars per server in D3.
Q: Can I get to Sheol through a challenge run?

mudmanSo, I need to beat Sheol with Isaac in The Binding of Isaac, can I select the "Doctors Revenge" challenge (which requires you to beat Mom's Heart) and maybe get lucky with a demon room on the Mom's Heart boss to go to Sheol with the Fetus?

Q: Healing and the "Holy Trinity" in MMO class design not relevant?

pixelI have read somewhere while going through various Guild Wars 2 resources that all classes in Guild Wars 2 have healing abilities sufficient for keeping themselves alive when played properly (ie: dodging big attacks instead of trying to stand there and tank them), but that no class in Guild Wars 2...

ArenaNet shouldn't be such an upstart that they outdo Bliz in moneygrubbing
@Alok nobody outdoes blizzard in money grabbing
@pixel Yes, I trust in them for being #1 ... hence why I was surprised hearing of GW2 server restrictions ;)
41 mins ago, by Invader Skoodge
There are also free server transfers every 7 days for the time being.
41 mins ago, by Invader Skoodge
Once things "stabilize" (whatever that means), you'll have to pay to transfer.
@pixel Apple
@OrigamiRobot Still not convinced. Have you not seen the prices Blizzard charge for database update statements?
@InvaderSkoodge Didn't see this, you should post as an answer for gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/94332/…
@OrigamiRobot ... ok, we were talking of game companies ... though honestly Bliz is probably behind Nexon too
Sorry for not providing an actual answer @pixel but the link should give you a decent amount of info, I think they also have a video of a dev explaining why they veered away from holy trinity as well
@Brian yeah ty I'm already reading it :P
My laziness is the biggest obstacle to getting rep *sigh
@Alok Meh, I have experienced no extra fees on the Blizzard games I play. That said, I have no idea what any WoW cost is like.
@Brian do you play GW2?
I tried it for a few weeks when it was first released but gave up when i got bored of everything not pvp
was doing a bit of research pre-release tho thats why i knew they answered the holy trinity question
@OrigamiRobot 8.99 per month, 20 for faction change, 15 for server change, 10 for race change, etc
@Brian do you know the answer to this?
34 mins ago, by pixel
I like ranged, preferably casters but I don't mind bows, with higher healing output and lots of mobility
What should I play ^ :p
@pixel Yea that sounds pretty ridiculous.
@James The other one has a lady that moves to the already empty spot.
@pixel well do you want bows or just ranged? I played a mesmer and they have some decent damage and are probably one of the hardest to kill cause their illusions/disappearing/sprinting
I'm not fussed, with or without bows
I played a disc priest in WoW due to being unkillable but still being able to do damage
then you'll prolly like the mesmer :) i only died to groups of 3 or more cause they just couldnt find the right one of me to hit
@OrigamiRobot Haha, never saw that one but damn that guy moves fast :D
the damage isn't as good as elementalist or rogue but still decent
and if you want you can use a pistol hah
@Brian what puts me off mesmer is they appear to have melee weapons
yea i used a staff on one slot and a sword torch on the other
they're not a melee class though right?
casters in wow still had melee weapons too ;)
you can build into it for melee i suppose, i never did tho
should make one and log in n read their abilities
mesmer looks like a mage
Are the Steam friends servers offline?
the one night I decide I don't need to be held at gunpoint to go to sleep I get awaken by a phone call to please stay awake for the next twenty minutes. wargarbl
@MBraedley Yes
Q: Where is the focus plane for the eye in the upcoming gaming head mounted display Oculus Rift?

GreentinThe upcoming gaming headset Oculus Rift has two tiny monitors in front of your eyes to allow 3D immersion and free head movement. Those monitors however are really close, will my eyes have to focus on them just as one would focus on a book held close to the eye? Or are there more optics included...

Q: Stuck at login screen

AndalurWhen I login in World of Warcraft, I just get the "Success!" message, when I click on "cancel" the realm selection screen comes up, but when I try to login on any realm I just get the message "Logging in to game server" and this don't changes even after a few minutes (most of the time sometimes I...

It's funny, Steam was supposed to go down almost an hour ago, but it went down later and has been down longer than they expected.
Mine is up
@OrigamiRobot Apparently it's just coming back up now.
I brought Steam back online. Worship me peons.
@OrigamiRobot I will not, because I'm back as well
@MBraedley I know. Because of me.
yeah, misread that the first time
but still, I doubt your claim
@OrigamiRobot You're mistaken. I took it down, I controlled when it came back up.
Incidentally, I decided a few minutes ago it was about time it came back up
@pixel I don't need your worship. You have already professed your love for me.
Please, control yourself.
@OrigamiRobot I'm not sure I used the word love
I could hear it in the sound of your ping.
every since I cancelled my WoW accounts, Blizzard sends me 3 emails every couple of days
they're so close to being classified as spammers

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