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@RedRiderX Yeah, I wouldn't worry too much. I really don't think anybody's going to get upset by our usage...
@GrayStoat Yeah, that's what I figured...
@RedRiderX @GrayStoat cc-by-nc-sa seems fine. Lemme read the fine print and get back to you
@Lazers I honestly don't understand why it was closed
@Krazer you're one of the closers. May I ask why did you decide it was too vague?
@Oak just wanted to learn more about the share-alike portion
@Krazer I don't understand... I'm referring to gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/93054/…
@Oak oh sorry, wasn't sure if he as asking for the build orders of a replay or the dissecting Jaedong replays (i.e. which build order for which replay?) Jaedong follows a strategy but it's not always exact, I believe that he has multiple adapated versions
Okay, that was one hour spent dicking around the city
there is no reason to copy the exact build order after you get a bit of economy going. the game varies too much to be able to rely on exact supply build orders. Ppl should try focusing on an outline of a build and adapt accordingly.
@Krazer okay... doesn't sound like a reason to vote-to-close, if you ask me, but hey - your close vote is your own.
@RedRiderX Looks fine. Go for it.
@Krazer Great! Thanks.
See this, think this
@Oak I answered the question; I can't speak to why others voted to close it, but that's why I did.
@Oak I felt that the initial question was too general, as looking for a overall generalized strategy for ZvP, instead of tactics Jaedong took vs specific opponents.
@Krazer ah, this is clearer. Thanks!
@fbueckert thanks!
@OrigamiRobot Yes. That's ObamaCare for ya
@Oak There's a good question in there, I think, and I like that the user is going through proper channels to get it resolved.
It's just that I, personally, am not fond of our current automatically-inserted close reasons. I think it's important to use comments in these cases, to make it clear for new users why we are closing their questions
Q: How can I reuse my Nether Reactor?

Jon WSo, I built my nether reactor out of a bunch of gold and diamonds I had been storing to see what it does. It was pretty crazy; after I activated it I warped to the netherworld version of my land and was attacked by the zombie pigmen and promptly died (serves me right for activating it unprepared!...

@Oak That's true. I dropped the ball on that one; I really should have left a comment.
Oh god I got a crate
in GW2
just what I needed, more crates
@fbueckert of course, your current meta-post would not have fitted inside a comment :)
@fbueckert thanks, though, appreciate it!
@Oak If someone makes the effort to try to understand why their question was closed, the least I can do is articulate why I voted the way I did.
I love this game.
@Oak Did I VTC this one? I don't remember.
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, you were the first.
@RedRiderX You might like that video
@fbueckert First!
@OrigamiRobot Haven't we outgrown that phase?
@GnomeSlice Ah very nice. So you favor the pickaxe?
@fbueckert I am a collection of all internet personae. One of the perks of being a robot.
@RedRiderX Yeah, I love it. I have two main setups I use.
This is the other one.
Meszyac + a double edged sword.
@GnomeSlice I really should remember to pick up what people throw at me.
@RedRiderX Particularly when they have gems in them.
I don't remember what my close reason was, but I remember thinking this
@RedRiderX None of the enemies use the pickaxe though, I bought it.
@RedRiderX You can earn them in tribal wars too.
@GnomeSlice I did pick a huge mallet once that sets stuff on fire
@GnomeSlice Yes, it's pretty nice, a little short though.
@OrigamiRobot Incidentally, that's what I recommended he amend his question to.
@RedRiderX Yeah, bring it back to your hall, then. I dropped my gun in the hall to free up a new slot the other day and it didn't get saved to my weapons... I'm going to have to start that game over now, because it's the powder weapon that I like to use with the pickaxe...
@RedRiderX Multiple paths though.
Did you finish it?
Oh, I thought you meant the game itself.
Yeah, the pickaxe is close range.
But it's so powerful.
Look at some of my hits in the arena clip.
@GnomeSlice You can really dig in with it.
@fbueckert He can mention as a side note: "[Pro X] is very successful. How can I incorporate some of his strategies?"
Or sommat.
@RedRiderX Yeah. It gets stuck in the training block in the hall. :P
@GnomeSlice Not yet.
@OrigamiRobot A good answer would mention his build orders regardless, due to his success. No need to mention him, really.
@RedRiderX If you want a really good sword you can't get any other way, choose to join the guy at the end who offers you a 'job' working with him.
But, yeah, that's still a valid thing to add, regardless.
Oh man, the Meszyac is so amazing.
@RedRiderX Do you have the Meszyac yet?
@fbueckert I don't know the specifics of the player or how wide his strategies can be applied.
Or whatever it's called.
@OrigamiRobot Neither do I.
The blade on a chain.
Which Arqade GW2 player wants to run through low-level Charr content with me tonight?
@GnomeSlice Yes, it's very nice.
@GnomeSlice As is Strife.
@RedRiderX Use them together. =]
@fbueckert What I do know is asking about general strategies is better than asking about one specific player's.
But don't 'connect' them.
But I really don't like that all he's asking for is a link to [Player X's] replays. That's the definition of asking for link-only answers.
@GnomeSlice No, that never works out well. :P
@RedRiderX Not with flails.
The only things I ever actually connect are power weapons.
Man I should play this again.
@MarkTrapp disagrees with me, however.
Have to start over to get my powder gun back....
@RedRiderX Have you tried this?
Well, did he get an acceptable version of his question?
@GnomeSlice No, never considered just whacking him, but it seems to work out well.
@RedRiderX Not really, if you miss and whack into his hammer you lose.
Jaedong is the exemplar of good zerg play. Asking how Jaedong plays is of use to every other zerg player. — Invader Skoodge 55 secs ago
I haven't managed to kill him yet...
That's the only reason this question is even close to ok, though.
If he asked about any other zerg player it probably wouldn't be a valid question.
I'm not voting to reopen, but I wouldn't be terribly upset if it got reopened.
6 mins ago, by OrigamiRobot
@fbueckert What I do know is asking about general strategies is better than asking about one specific player's.
8 mins ago, by OrigamiRobot
@fbueckert He can mention as a side note: "[Pro X] is very successful. How can I incorporate some of his strategies?"
@OrigamiRobot I agree with this.
The difficulty with really deep strategy games, however, is that if you don't discuss specific things that specific people did, you're not really fully realizing the depth.
You could write books just on Jaedong's influence to the SC meta/strategy.
I don't know exactly where I stand, so I'm not voting to reopen or to close.
I totally agree, but asking about things that specific shouldn't be the entire focus.
I think our site could use more content that dives really deep into very specific strategies.
I think that's one of the main things it's missing to get some really hardcore audiences for fighting games or RTS games.
If you want good ZvP strategies, just ask that. Mention Jaedong as a sidenote. That way, you're not walling yourself in with details.
I think asking what strategies Jaedong uses in a certain situation is a bad question.
Asking, "I saw Jaedong did this in this situation; why was that a good play/how did it lose him the game?" is a good question.
I agree.
Jaedong is just coincidental to that situation.
@OrigamiRobot Yes, in the latter question it wouldn't have mattered who the player was. "This situation occurred. How did it affect the result of the game?"
@OrigamiRobot "What are some good ZvP strategies?" suuuuuuuuucks as a question. We should rightfully close that question. Here, he's asking about a specific strategy and wanting to know more about it. It's exactly the type of expert-level question SE works best for
@MarkTrapp I didn't mean he should ask exactly "What are good ZvP strategies?"
I saw that question as "How do I be like Jaedong in ZvP, gimmie his build orders!"
Question intent aside, all he's asking for is Jaedong's build orders against Protoss from the last couple of years. SC players do have preferred build orders.
A stellar answer would explain that Jaedong switches it up in situation X or Y
@MarkTrapp That, I agree with.
Heck, even "Jaedong doesn't have a preferred build order against Protoss. He randomly picks one from a deck of cards" is an answer
What concerns me is your complete dismissal of my opinions as essentially, "You don't know the game, so your opinion means nothing."
The entire base question was, "I want links to <Player X's> replays for Y years!"
Did I ever show you guys this?
If that's not NARQ, I don't know what is.
@fbueckert It's just the reverse: your position on this, and the explanation you provided, demonstrates a lack of knowledge about the game, particularly the metagame. This is very much a practical problem he's actually facing and it has implications for pretty much any SC zerg player
And/Or get opinions on it?
@MarkTrapp The revised question, yes, could have value.
Q: What can cause the left analog stick to drift on relatively new controller

Pvt. GrichmannMy gamepad started malfunctioning after just three months of use. First, the left analog stick would slowly return to zero after being tilted to the topmost position, but only if it's tilted far enough forward to touch the edge of its socket. Later it deteriorated to just drifting down from centr...

@fbueckert If that's how you want to perceive it, but there really was no difference between the two. All I did was remove his suggestions to find the answer and unprompted offer to create the answer himself if someone can give him some links. The core question is, and was, "What are Jaedong's build orders in ZvP?"
@MarkTrapp No, the core question was, "Where can I find replays of Jaedong's build orders?"
@GnomeSlice Interesting idea. It's like the video version of coloring in old black and white photos using Photoshop
Which is a big difference.
@MarkTrapp I think that is a bad core question.
@YiJiang Yeah, sort of. The video was provided for me, and completely silent.
@fbueckert You misread it. Even the title asked for build orders
@OrigamiRobot Fair enough: that's what downvotes are for
@MarkTrapp "Im looking for most recent build orders (maybe last 2 years although this year is best) but i cant find anything"
Tell me how that's not asking for replays.
@fbueckert where in that sentence do you parse "I'm asking for replays?" It doesn't even state the word "replays" in it
@fbueckert My english is a little shaky, but it looks like he's asking for build orders
Ok, missed some context. My bad.
The entire first paragraph:
@MarkTrapp I think it is TL. Now that may come from my lack of knowledge about the metagame and how this player is apparently defining of it.
Jaedong is considered the best zerg in the world but his replays are difficult to get a hold on. I wonder what are his most common build orders when he plays against protoss. Im looking for most recent build orders (maybe last 2 years although this year is best) but i cant find anything. cant even come across replays.
That first sentence, by itself, is fine.
By including everything else, though, turns it into "I can't find replays! Where are they?"
And THAT, is NARQ.
Or Too Localized, take your pick.
Oh my God, some of my old video projects were terrible.
@OrigamiRobot It may not have universal appeal, but yeah, SC metagame involves figuring out how the people who play well do it. Jaedong is a famous zerg player, and understanding his build orders is an oft-asked question. TL is not "only limited appeal", it is "only applicable to the question asker"
Disagreeing that a new SC player should care about a pro's build orders is fine, but it's not a reason to close a question
Heck, the single answer we got on that question is barely more than links.
@RedRiderX I am home, let me know when and how you'd like me to log into the server
Lmfao I should take these down from Youtube.
@MarkTrapp "Only limited appeal" is pretty much exactly what TL says, but I don't want to debate how to apply specific close reason. I think "How does [Pro Player] play the game?" is a close worthy question most of the time. If there are situations where that is wrong, so be it. I have no qualms about questions being reopened.
@GnomeSlice Why do you use porn music?
@GrayStoat Yeah, I don't know, but it makes that one so much funnier.
@fbueckert That's not what the question, even in it's original form, asks. He's asking for build orders, but he can't find information about it, not even replays so he could answer the question for himself. It's no different than saying "How do I move the turtle in Logo? I can't even find a manual for Logo!" It's explaining the situation behind the question (I can't find info myself), it's not the question itself
@GrayStoat Oh, I think it's the Gameon server actually, I need to discuss that futher with @Marco I suppose.
@GrayStoat God that one is terrible.
@MarkTrapp We read the question differently, then.
No porn music in that one, fortunately.
I saw it as asking for links, and obviously Decency did, too, because he barely added anything beyond, "Here are some replays".
I was actually pretty proud of my editing on that one, given the shittiness of the footage I was working with.
The question NOW, though, is something I feel is useful.
@OrigamiRobot I'm sorry, I can't let that slide: the TL reason does not say "it only has limited appeal". It specifically says, in the first clause, "This question is unlikely to help any future visitors;" Not "unlikely to help more than a few visitors". Any.
It is only to be applied when the question is completely useless to anyone other than the question asker
"Why is there a car parked outside my house? Is it Jaedong?" <--- TL
The world would be a better place if people would stop abusing VTCs. It's not a super downvote. GEORGE IS GETTING UPSET
@MarkTrapp "a narrow audience" is what I remember. Most of the time, one specific pro player only applies to a specific fanbase.
"an extraordinarily narrow situation that is not generally applicable to the worldwide audience of the internet" This is not an extraordinarily narrow situation. Understanding build orders of pros, any pro, is a perfectly ordinary situation, if narrow.
@MarkTrapp The world would be a better place if the close reasons accurately described how votes should be applied. I SAID I DIDNT WANT TO GET INTO THIS
@MarkTrapp This assumption that it got closed because we didn't like the question annoys me.
@InvaderSkoodge bwarner made a good point about this question, which you also VTC'd. I'm a little confused as to why you feel the Jaedong question is acceptable while the other is not. Not trying to be hostile in calling you out or anything, I'm just genuinely unsure here and you're the only one here in chat atm who VTCd the other and has an opinion about the current one.
You're making the same assumption the poster did.
@FAE I didn't vote either way on the Jaedong question, as I'm still trying to figure out my stance.
@InvaderSkoodge Ah, I thought that with your comment you were supporting it.
@FAE I'm just saying that one point is invalid. I don't know my stance on the overall issue at hand, though.
@InvaderSkoodge Gotcha, apologies.
I feel like the Jaedong one is at least better than the LoL one because of just how insanely influential Jaedong is compared to that random LoL guy I've never heard of.
If he was asking about HotshotGG in LoL I'd have the same dilemma I do now for Jaedong.
@InvaderSkoodge I was wondering if it was a difference in that kind of scope, yeah.
I'm leaning towards off topic, though, even for this.


33 mins ago, 6 minutes total – 15 messages, 2 users, 2 stars

Bookmarked 7 secs ago by Invader Skoodge

I think that part of the conversation is particularly relevant.
@InvaderSkoodge I'm famous!
Blargh, why can't I find a good image of that.
Asking about Jaedong in a general way (what does he do?) is bad, but asking about how to handle specific situations is good.
@fbueckert Then stop voting to close questions for tenuous reasons. I feel like this is a daily occurrence now: given the countless conversations about how to apply close reasons you've been a party to, and the reasons you've repeatedly put forth for really bad closures, "I don't like this question, so let me think of a set reasons why I don't like it so I can justify a closure" is the most rational thing one can come up with.
@InvaderSkoodge I can agree with that. Dips into the Good Subjective aspect of expertise.
@MarkTrapp You read the question one way. I read it another. At least five others read it the same way I did.
Well, someone used my music anyway:
One interpretation of the question makes it completely NARQ.
Don't be telling me it's tenuous when a question can be that misinterpreted.
That's the very definition of vague.
@GnomeSlice just coughed up another Mana! IS THIS HOW BABIES GET BORNED?
Sigh, apparently "level 8" quests really are "quests meant to be made by a bunch of level 8 people"
and on this one I'm alone :/
@fbueckert No, it doesn't. Let's take your interpretation: "What are some good replays for Jaedong?" That's a real question: it ostensibly solves a real problem. It's not constructive, and should be asked in a different manner (namely, the way it was actually asked), but it's definitely a question about a problem someone actually faces. A problem that someone doesn't actually face would be, "What are some good replays of Jaedong in LoL (assuming Jaedong doesn't play LoL)?"
@MarkTrapp That's not my interpretation.
23 mins ago, by fbueckert
By including everything else, though, turns it into "I can't find replays! Where are they?"
THAT is my interpretation.
@badp Yeah I was doing a series of world events by myself. I did 2 in a row and made a lot of progress, then got completely overwhelmed because no one was there to help me and it all reset to where it was before I started. It made it all feel like a giant waste of time.
And that's the way Decency read it, too, because he provided links to replays.
@InvaderSkoodge At least world events give you rewards even if they're failed
@fbueckert Okay, still a real question about a problem someone actually faces. Heck, it's even constructive. Even that question should not be closed, much less for NARQ
@badp Yeah that's true.
It's a bad question, sure, but that's what downvotes are for. We don't close questions merely because they're stupid. There is no "too stupid" or "not worth my time" close reason
Orange events seemed like a really neat idea until I saw the same one repeat 3 times in 15 minutes.
Then it seemed not quite so dynamic.
@InvaderSkoodge World events are different from Dynamic Events.
@MarkTrapp The fact that we have such radically different interpretations of what the question is asking for exactly what NARQ is for, no?
@FAE Hm?
Orange ones!
I'll call them by color then. That's unambiguous.
@InvaderSkoodge World Events will have a permanent piece of text on your screen with a brown background showing you the status of the world.
@fbueckert No, that's what counter-votes are for. Reasonable people can disagree: it doesn't mean the question is closeable
@InvaderSkoodge These are just dynamic events, not world ones. The lower level ones repeat more often.
@FAE Like the Lost Coast thingy going on right now?
@MarkTrapp From NARQ:
> This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical
@InvaderSkoodge I've not yet logged in today, so I'm not sure what that looks like.
You're going to tell me using a close reason for the exact text in the close reason is tenuous?
@fbueckert Yes, I understand you think that about the question. You're mistaken.
@MarkTrapp Two drastically different interpretations of the same words isn't ambiguous or vague? Really?
@fbueckert No, I'm saying your reasons for believing the question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical are tenuous.
Like, there's a world event where I am... well, was right now. "Level 7." Two bosses with not a lot of health each but they regenerate and team up on you
Q: Renvari is determined. What do I do?

badpIn the mission Deeply Tangled Root, one of the objectives is "Defeat the Nightmare courtiers." Problem is, Renvari has the Determined buff and appears to be completely invulnerable. What am I missing?

Q: Can a dwarf have a coffin AND a memorial?

WadsworthAlright - so I've got a dwarf that I thought was awesome who has died. I want to build a nice memorial to him, but he liked coffins (he really did. he even engraved one in the floor =P) and I'd like to stick him in one of those as well. Is that possible? Or will a dwarf who's been memorialized be...

Q: Get Woodland Grace in Skyrim

Cody BrownIn the Knights of the Nine expansion for The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion you have to collect several of the crusaders relics. One of them is The Boots of the Crusader. These are enchanted with Woodland Grace, which turns most animals in the game into friendlies. This is awesome and I loved having ...

Q: Will Villagers occupy houses with half-slab roofs?

Gray StoatI built some houses for a village with elegant pitched roofs made out of half-slabs. The villagers I put there (with eggs) refused to stay, and moved elsewhere pretty quickly. Is this due to the roofs, or is there some other factor?

@MarkTrapp I don't get it. The question had at least two different meanings as to what it's asking.
Yeah, no chance in hell you're doing that by yourself, yet there's no random stranger around here and clearly it seems that those of us who are playing are all playing on our respective own :P
The point of closure is to allow improvement, which this question got.
@fbueckert When one of those interpretations is incorrect, yes. Otherwise, we'd live in a mad house where someone could troll every question and claim they had a radically different interpretation of the question and demand a closure
@MarkTrapp How do you know which interpretation was meant?
I guess the game is punishing us for that? Shove us into groups and guilds whether we like it or not?
I'm not sure I like that. I prefer going through stuff at my own leisure :/
That's what I don't understand. The question was crap and bad and wrong pre-editing.
We closed it, it got fixed.
OH LOL. Somebody actually completed the objective I failed badly to complete a hour or so ago and I got "gold contribution" for it while on the other end of the map
Now you're saying we closed it wrong, so my entire opinion is moot.
2 days ago, by Mark Trapp
Consensus occurs when a position is raised and any reasonable objection to that position is addressed satisfactorily; it's not a vote tally or a score. For example, if you think ITG should be banned because poop, your opinion doesn't count.
A consolation prize that's as good as the prize the actual doers got
@badp Yep that'll happen
One thing that bothers me about this is who determines if an objection is addressed "satisfactorily".
@fbueckert Through explanation and discussion, like what occurred. The guy disputed the closure: the appropriate thing to do is re-evaluate your interpretation, not double-down on it.
Consensus itself is subjective.
@InvaderSkoodge Yes, so generally consensus is determined by impartial or disinterested parties coming in after the fact
@InvaderSkoodge The paradox of the heap
@badp With the fact that you don't have to tag mobs for XP or anything, it means that you don't have to worry about competing with other people for stuff. That's why all crafting nodes are instanced, everyone gets XP for tagging mobs whether you're partied or not, etc.
@FAE My point is that it's kind of sad to find yourself alone in "world events" even during a friggin' FREE WEEKEND
@MarkTrapp I honestly did not see your interpretation of the question. If someone's disputing it, I read it again. I STILL did not see your interpretation.
especially when even beyond the nominal level of the task you have no chance in hell to do it on your own
This sounds like a textbook closure, fixing, and editing.
That's the exact POINT of closure.
(8 > 7 <_<)
@badp The majority of people are likely in the Lost Shores zones atm I imagine, because it auto-bumps you to 80 there for the duration of the weekend for new players.
sure, the penalties for death are kind of laughable, you have to pay 10 bronze coins and walk back to where you were (or somewhere else entirely)
@fbueckert That is what I find unreasonable. The title asks for build orders, and he made three requests: 1) "Im looking for most recent build orders" 2) "I would like to have a very detailed build order" 3) "Although i'd like a build order ill appreciate any other help in form of links to replay packs etc. I will then extract the build order and post it here". He's pretty clearly, unambiguously looking for build orders
@badp I think it also damages your equipment.
I've had to repair a few times after death.
@FAE I've been there but there's actually nothing to do there (except exploring).
@InvaderSkoodge hence "pay 10 bronze"
@badp Oh I thought that was the fee to teleport to the waypoint.
@InvaderSkoodge Okay, that's 7 more bronze.
I'm sitting on 11 silver.
Is anyone familiar with the Alien Breed games? I downloaded Starship Trooper a while ago and it doesn't work right (download might have been interrupted), and I'm wondering if it's worth downloading it again.
That took a while. :P
and I have two more silver waiting for me from the O action house
@badp Actually, the event hasn't started yet, my bad, starts in 2.5 hours.
@FAE There's still a lot of people staring at the yellow star guy while talking on M chat
What happens if you die and don't have enough bronze to revive at the nearest waypoint?
ugh, third "cold-like upper respiratory crapfest" in like 3 weeks.
@agent86 Dammit Obama!
btw can people read what you say when you type in the default S chat? I've said "thank you" multiple times at people showing me how to get vistas or reviving me but they never appeared to notice
@RedRiderX Wow, I haven't coded on this machine for ages, github not even installed :-S
Ruining life for all Texans any way he can.
@InvaderSkoodge it's probably his fault. if we secede, I'll totally get better.
@MarkTrapp Yeah, this seems to be becoming more and more an issue here
@InvaderSkoodge You can travel for free to the nearest waypoint in that case, unless it's contested.
@FAE Ah ok.
One other question about travel. Are Waypoints the only means of fast long-distance travel?
Like right now I'm in the Charr starting area and I don't even know what other areas are useful to go to, but I heard that I should be able to do the other races' starting areas as well, which are similarly leveled.
I don't have any waypoints for those areas AFAIK, though, so how do I go there?
Okay, I think this is the point where I give up on GW2. I'm overwhelmed by the amount of stuff I could do if I could actually do anything to begin with and I need to grind a level and a half to be on par for the next story mission
@InvaderSkoodge Waypoints and Asura Gates.
Not that it does you much good given that I died five times on the previous one after being on par.
Q: When do all races get into a common town?

Fredy31I've been playing with friends and we all want to do different races. How much of the game shall we play before we can meet (without skipping personnal quest)

@InvaderSkoodge There's an asura gate in whatever it happens to be the "city" with all the shops. It leads you to the "hub"
It seems I need to explore the Black Citadel a bit more.
You just walk through it
@InvaderSkoodge Just use the map
@badp The story missions are spaced out in levels, aye. If you're not high enough, just go and explore the world, complete hearts, do dynamic events and stuff.
I wouldn't mind just finishing up the questing and getting there "naturally", though.
@InvaderSkoodge What level are you? The game "naturally" get you there at level 30
(according to the answer to that question)
I'm currently level 8, but I'm not in a huge rush.
uh? did you end up buying the game?
I really enjoyed the game so far last night, and I'm looking forward to playing again tonight.
@InvaderSkoodge Getting access to LA and stuff isn't really "out of order" at all.
If this keeps up, I will end up buying the game.
I haven't yet.
I played five or so hours today just to get from level 5 to "almost" 9 :/
some sort of GW2 trial thing going on?
@agent86 yes
Also @InvaderSkoodge:
Wipqz has invites
@FAE Wrong name
@GnomeSlice Keep forgetting
@agent86 If you want an invite, I have 2 more. Free weekend.
I don't think I've seen any "World Events" then.
Lunch time for me. Later all!
@FAE ah, no thanks. I appreciate the offer, but I'm not a mmorpg'er in the general case, and I've got a backlog a mile long...
@InvaderSkoodge Can't remember where the one in Plains of Ashford is.
@agent86 Okies!
if I was going to play, it would likely be a game like guild wars though. @EB and I have agreed that at some point when the kids don't need us quite so heavily, we're going to really bite into an MMO and go crazy in-depth on one.
I bought GW2 and never played it.
@agent86 No monthly fee is nice
@FAE indeed. I feel like they're taking the genre in the right direction, from what I've read in reviews and so forth.
@agent86 It's one of the main reasons some my boyfriends keep playing, as their work schedules would otherwise prevent them from wanting to subscribe.
Just that whole "I don't want to have to feel obligated to spend my free time a certain way" thing.
@FAE yeah. I'd also like to find one that is easy to solo (at least occasionally) since I don't always want to play in a big group.
I just don't understand at any rate why I can grok RPGs like Torchlight just fine but MMORPGs just confuse and frustrate me
I mean, even the interfaces are completely different for some reason.
I don't mean to say that since I don't grok it it means it's broken
I just find it odd is all.
@badp WHAT? If you don't get it, it's broken?? you selfish nutjob!
That said I wonder if it wouldn't be easier for me at this point to just go and do the low level hearts from other races' starting towns. I mean, I don't think there's anything actually going to get in the way right?
The game overall seems to be cool with you going anywhere at any time
So I'm not sure if I'm too late for the Jaedong discussion, but I still have a few concerns.
@agent86 I rarely played with other people in GW1
1. Is there a "notability" threshold? Can I ask what tzenes build order is for ZvP?
@agent86 Having a lot of trouble in the solo department, but keep in mind I suck
Hell, want to know my build order for ZvP? :D
@badp speaking of which, what was your opinion of TL2?
2. What happens if Jaedong invents a new build next week? Should the question be updated? How would we know?
@Sterno Way better than TL1, which in retrospect isn't saying much
@OrigamiRobot sweet.
It's bigger and better in pretty much every way.
@badp I always keep in mind that you suck. btw, I was thinking this and wanted to remind you: you suck.
@bwarner Just about every answer on the site runs the risk of going stale.
@agent86 More often than not, if there were other players in my group, it was to ferry people to another zone. Either me doing it for money or me paying to have it done.
@MarkTrapp And I interpreted the whole thing as, "I want replays, but if you have build orders, add them."
@agent86 Dude, tell me something new.
@badp you... double suck?
@Sterno Sure, I just feel like it is less obvious when a question like this should be considered stale.
Either way, we all got what we wanted, so it's really a moot point; we're not going to see eye to eye on this.
@agent86 yawn. You're boring, that's something new.
Even stale or incomplete answers can be pretty darn useful, though
@badp bapd pls
@Sterno Fair enough
Time to try out an XCOM mod!
@RedRiderX You there?
@RedRiderX I'm developing this as a WP theme, which will substantially change the structure of the repo
@fbueckert I didn't get what I want. Namely: nachos

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