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32 days left, 899 rep to go.
btw @LessPopMoreFizz, spaces are legal in the username
Isn't this one really off-topic?
Q: How do I create a microphone stand?

runarosI want to be able to play the guitar and sing at the same times in games like Rock Band and Guitar Hero, so I'm wondering how I can create a microphone stand out of common household objects. The mic stand... doesn't have to be rock solid, once the microphone is put in place the mic stand will n...

I dunno...
His goal is very gaming-oriented
And maybe that's something that will be of interest to other gamers while being considered off-topic in many other places
It sounds like a question for a DIY SE
which is probably proposed somewhere
I know, it is a bit strange
But it does seem game-y to me
... if only slightly
search his question title on Google
we're not the first result
The first result indeed is his solution =)
Woo! I made it! I beat the effin challenge!
Now I get to have the cement mixer pursuit challenge. =D
Right after a nearly impossible time attack sprint.
...still with the same car and the same starting point. fml.
Stupid positive feedback. The more you try to get the darn thing straight the more it zig zags.
1 hour later…
Too. Much. Dwarven. Children. twitch
Stepping on your toes? Stabbing you in the back with their toy pick axes?
Judging by the way the game goes now, I think they're stabbing my CPU
150 dorfs all working together to Store Item in Bag
No migrants, thank god. I have enough coming out of my previous migrants.
:155911 Is the bag actually a Klein Bottle?
no idea what that is...
I can imagine them trying to do that, but how would they make one :)
My dorfs can't even figure out how to create any kind of glass
1 hour later…
Woo! I made it to the top of the sun temple
It was damn painful though.
Note to self: speed doesn't increase jump height for some reason.
@badp it does!
@badp the soup that increases your speed has helped me reach many a high places :)
:155963 um, I've tried it a few times
maybe it's that I'm trying to jump in beast form
it's the one that has the supposedly most power
it's the one I use to
to get to the bubble at the top when you go out the top of the sun temple
I have done the currents thing near that kind-of-stuck-turtle-thing.
heh, by "I made it to the top of the sun temple" I actually mean "I entered the top two chambers"
however, I'm still to make a jump into the second chamber that doesn't land on the ground to proceed further
ah :)
It's really hard...
its all clever gear hopping :)
I mean, it's all good when it serves to postpone the abyss
lol, the abyss isn't so much a problem
it's the body that's the problem :P
I... don't like the place.
that gets hard
Besides I'm going to fumble a lot between sun/energy/main/fish(/energy?) forms
I just wish there was an easier way :P
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
number keys for the win
I know, I know.
Weird, I thought there were more than 7 :P
there is
i couldn't be arsed to finish the line
yeah, right
You just didn't want to spoil it for me :D
yay, my tea is still warm
forgot I had it :P
Would've it cost the dev too much to add a third water-raising gear? :(
yes :P
instead of forcing me to all this jumping madness sort of thing
lol, it's annoying but once you've done it, you'll repeat it easy enough :P
afternoon :
:156031 It's monsters like you that are the cause of all the ultra-hard mods out there :P
@badp games have gotten too easy :P
:156037 truth
I don't know, after I fail at something for the sixth or seventh time I just stop playing the game itself :P
There, tried the same jump now with speed +3 and I still failed it
How many hot soups should I make, 24?
/me quits and returns to the savepoint.
@badp I tried to record doing it for you, but fraps murders my frame rate
Brings it down to 18 for me :/
think I got it
now I'll just upload it to the tubes
though by the time it's done you'll probably be gone
30 minutes
the video assumes you've jumped into the second chamber on the right :)
er, I jump in through the long vertical pipe
then struggle to get on the first gear, then struggle to get on the second, then jump on the third, skip the fourth (not by choice) and end in the horizontal section.
yup, then keep going right
:P doesn't matter if you miss the gear
From the horizontal section I jump and land on the ground.
you can get back onto them from the floor in there
All the gears are out of reach.
they ain't
as my video will show
17% uploaded
Wait, since you're going through so much trouble
let's do it properly
"How do you get to the very top of the Sun Temple?"
«The question you're asking appears subjective and is likely to be closed.»
meh, 26% and apparently still 27 minutes to go
It's okay, I'm not leaving :)
Q: How do you get to the very top of the Sun Temple?

badpAfter painstakingly finding out that yes, the main character can climb through the vertical pipe in the leftmost area of the Sun Temple through a tight sequence of jumps, I've managed to jump my way to the horizontal pipe between the two topmost chambers. Yay. However, when I jump from the pipe ...

← left right →
:D I'll post the video here, then I'll answer the question :)
and I'll have to create a gaming SE account :P
In other news, we're reaching 6k views/day
gaming.SE or the chat? :P
And now for something completely unrelated, mormon porn. (~SFW)
question is, is uploading this file going to make playing MW2 impossible :P
Not if you're doing your QoS properly
I can even torrent and play Quake Live at the same time while keeping it playable (somewhat)
Not like I play Quake Live anymore.
one thing I never understood. The windows 7 snap thing, that snaps windows to the edge of your desktop is great, except when you have two monitors
the connecting join between the two monitors doesn't snap on either side
Yeah, well, theoretically you just have one large virtual monitor. So there's nothing you're snapping to.
Practically, Win-Left and Win-Right work in the way you ask.
Evening all
well, almost evening-ish
one game of TDM on MW2 later and still 7 minutes left
looking at the previews youtube is generating, it's pretty much at the end of video
If you have to look at the clock to decide what greetings you have to use, you're doing it wrong I say!
just say moo
that works anytime of day
I'll go with "Ave"
Aftermorning works too
@badp why Ave?
It's Latin.
+25% cooler!!
Anyway, I define "afternoon" what's between lunch and dinner.
...and have dinner at 9pm typically.
I guess I did the same. Growing up dinner was always 6pm, so evening for me is after then
dinner for me growing up was 9pm-10pm yeah
I eat earlier nowadays, around 8pm
@badp there you go
Prevening works though! (yay Big Bang Theory)
If you customized the video title, it didn't stick
I had this problem too when I put the race video up
nope, forgot to change it
not that it matters too much
:156088 I prefer pornsfw.com (not entirely truly SFW, but no nudity anyway.)
videogames.yahoo.com/events/plugged-in/… I was surprirsed to read this, didn't know MW2 was that heavily played
@FallenAngelEyes I'm not suprised it's that heavily played. I am suprised it's that heavily played on the XBOX.
lmao @Lesspop, reminds me of that flash vid or whatever that made the rounds a couple years ago
@Sekhat: I don't play CoD at all, but what FPS's I do play, I prefer to play on PC, personally. I'm just not that good anymore with FPS on console.
I feel like I lack a lot of precision when not using keyboard+mouse
@FallenAngelEyes likewise
And I started out as a console gamer too. I didn't really start PC gaming til post-2000.
Oh God please make it so there is a save point there
please please please
haha, what are you playing?
@badp and heres my answer
A: How do you get to the very top of the Sun Temple?

SekhatThe gears aren't quite out of reach. The lowest one in the middle you can just touch. If you can jump onto it from the right angle, The right angle is easier to get if you jump onto it wrong a couple of times and let it drop you, you can then jump from that to the gear on the right and back ...

Ah, Aquaria. I should finish that game, still only in the beginning.
I still have that from the Humble Indie Bundle
I've done some stuff, got access to the cave and dark form, but haven't gotten much further
Not the best games I've donated to the EFF for, but great against boredom :)
I already owned World of Goo on wii but I had no qualms paying for that again
Samerost 2 is an incredibly funky little game
Lugaru didn't pull me in that much
Penumbra Overture I've enjoyed so far, but I just haven't taken the time to sit down and play.
seems I bought 3 of the games in the Humble Indie Bundle seperately before they were bundled :P
Also I think it's kind of silly that you can only have night vision when you're crouching >_>
@badp hope that's helped :)
I really should play more Aquaria, felt like it had a lot of depth.
@FallenAngelEyes maybe, but it keeps the atmosphere of the game going. If you could see everything all the time, the atmosphere would be ruined.
:156190 It has -- now I have to go back there and leave the bubble on the other side, just to make sure I'm not missing on anything :D
Yeah, I agree, I just think it's hard to justify mechanically, when everything else feels fairly realistic
and I found the problem in my method -- moving with the keyboard.
You're just going to go back and forth with WASD jumping
@badp yes, that makes it harder to control :P
I read that they're making a new series, Amnesia: The Dark Descent
@FallenAngelEyes Aye, not sure what I think about it yet
I don't know much about it, have you played it?
but I'll certainly try any demos they spit out
nope, just read the info on their website
right, I'll see you all later guys
Later and thanks!
lol... Dumbo Octopus.
Hmm, I'm thinking about getting Black Ops
To get away from the really deep games, that is
Black Ops does look good :)
the single player at least
And finally I've hit the Frozen Veil =)
:156386 I think €50 is a bit much though (not sure what the exact price is)
@ArdaXi same price as most console games non? makes sense that the price is the same across the board, despite PC games usually being £20 or so cheaper
:156498 I don't play games on consoles, so I wouldn't know
I really only play PC games
most of my game playing is on the pc, but it is good to have a console too. Nothing quite like sitting round the tv with a couple of mates having a laugh and a few beers :)
I don't play enough games to make an investment in a console viable :)
I do have a Wii though.
1 hour later…
I'm so happy I spent 10 minutes going back and forth to a save point before taking on King Jellyfish
(and failing)
Which game?
@badp always a good idea. But the closest save point shouldn't of been 10 minutes away
*5 mins
I hadn't found the red crystal on that "sector" yet
and by the radar it was quite far away
so I had to backtrace
:156593 Aquaria.
ah, of course
@badp kk
bbl, dinner.
Yup, I'm a game nerd. I just remarked after seeing the new Linkin Park video how like Ezio the singer looked.
Oh, and flash is crashing every time I Ctrl-R a youtube video...
what would ctrl-r do?
Refresh the page
How do you get the tag formatting?
it's just for [status-]
Arch are usually pretty up to date, so that's rather odd.
Well, Chrome 5 is the latest on the stable channel
The beta channel has Chrome 6
The dev channel has Chrome 7
Isn't Chrome 6 released now?
I thought it was
On my Ubuntu partition I use the nightlies
they're quite stable.
Yeah, there's the risk of a bad day, in which case I grind my teeth and use Firefox instead
but I would never use nightlies on Windows, they don't autoupdate on their own.
aww, I got distracted and I missed the glitching moment in this TAS
Hardly The Abridged Series :P
Their 0-star SM64 video is amazing
This one is amazing.
What the? "Original" quality?
I guess they got tired of TASers uploading 1080p quality recordings of a 320×240 screen
Well, the problem is that if they don't the audio is still encoded
Actually I have no idea
:156912 You should try listening to a song or whatever that is uploaded in HD, then listen to the difference between 240p and HD
We're talking about sound made by MIDI synthetizers or similar, right?
Depends on the game.
The game you linked also has recorded soundbytes
What is amazing about that run is that he races so fast the game can't keep tabs on his lap and race times.
and the speed reached is not a glitch.
and he spends half the run braking so that his speed does not become high enough that he starts moving backwards
Does that happen when your speed reaches the limit of numbers the CPU can handle, and it turns into a negative number?
the limit is 16384
so I guess the answer is no.
Cool, using google voice to call my parents
this'll save me having to make an international call every week
Google Voice is pretty nifty.
I like @CRoss's suggestion here:
A: How do we widen our range of games?

Ivo FlipsePersonally I'd say this is a very natural thing given the moment this site launched. Just two months after E3, normally no AAA titles are released until the end of September, so they can get attention before the holiday season. Starcraft 2 however, is an exception and actually quite predictably...

> See'ing how many of those are sequels, maybe we should get some questions about the previous games up ahead of time. It wouldn't hurt my feelings to pull out Civ 4 and see what questions I have.
I'm not sure how true that prediction is though. Other M is out now, as is DR 2 (I think), which points to there possibly being some other factor in our narrow range of inquiries.
(i.e. the userbase isn't large or broad enough to have a truly broad base of questions just yet.)
Now it may be that in 3 weeks we get flooded with Civ 5 questions, but that would point to us still being too narrow in our userbase, just a different kind of narrow (i.e. we have too many strategy game enthusiasts, and not enough people playing console platformers/shooters)
it's too bad I'm not buying any new games until after my vacation at the end of the month
but I could ask some more casual game questions
but I'm convinced that the holiday season will lead to more questions, even if I have to ask them myself
plus you shouldn't underestimate how well we get indexed by Google
if a new game comes out
we instantly start asking loads of questions
they will be indexed immediately and very highly ranked
:157008 It's not a google issue per se. I think it's more that core gamers already have established expectations of where to go for this sort of information, and breaking into that expectation for information about more linear games is difficult.
you'll be amazed, I can assure you
the same happens on Super User
I think the SE model is at it's strongest for a game like Starcraft, which has a significant multiplayer meta-game and has a substantial base of knowledge availiable that isn't easy to collect in a gamefaqs style text file.
as soon as there isn't an answer and you're stuck, you're going to google
I think it's also perfect for any gamefaq question
I don't want to read the whole walkthrough (think of spoilers!)
I just want to know how to get past this darn boss ASAP!!!
I'm not saying that it isn't. I'm saying that I don't search GOOGLE for how to get past this boss. I go to Gamefaqs for the game, find the largest walkthrough in terms of file size, and Ctrl-F my way through it.
which is why you gain rep here, for answering questions
but I can assure you that we're outliers here
not your typical gamer
> Welcome to App Inventor!
> The Google account that you are receiving this email on has been given access to App Inventor.
lol I'm going to have some fun :P
Heh, I got an invite to that, but I much prefer working with Java than with blocks
well it's just to experiment a little
Yeah, it is a fun way of programming :)
I need to make a mockup app that shows how you I could write amnesics for patients/clients using a webapp, app inventor suits that purpose :P
the fun thing is, for newcomers it's much easier than programming, and for programmers it's harder :P
any way, see you tomorrow :P
So I was playing Altitude as part of the free weekend a few months after my demo account expired
I joined a friend ingame straight away
...before refreshing on the controls
it was a "football" match
after some unsuccessful WASD'ing I figure out the mouse thrusts and F fires and proceeded to get top kills for four games running while accurately avoiding to touch the ball
my teammates ragequit when, after a while, I asked what the pass button was :D
I even scored a few goals by uncerimoniously ramming my plane into the net :°D
I've always found the controls for that game extremely confusing
I bought it as part of some indie pack which included 2 or so games I wanted for less than the price of one
A/S/D for attacks is the typical control layout of a football simulation game, I think
surely not handy when you try to move via WASDing
why edit a troll?
To fully appreciate his work.
Oh wow. Kudos
I actually hope this is a worker in mid age crisis who's struggling to find a job and has formed his own awesome conspiracy theory
looking at his name?
Maybe, such pervasive editing from a non native who takes the train to commute can get him thinking!
:157118 Looking at his name, it sounds like a long rant.
It actually was a stream of consciousness.
That's what I'm saying, he screams troll
That means trolls help me with my English.
Actually -- trolls usually write in perfect English and come back after people reply to them.
that's one tactic
I don't think this particularly one will. If he does there will be lulz.
btw, did I get the attribution right here ? :-}
it was such an awesome work of art I just had to save it in its original, unadulterated glory.
:157131 you know you can link directly to an answer too: stackoverflow.com/questions/652587/…
I know I know..
However, I flagged the question for hate speech and it may very well disappear at any given time.

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