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Is it possible to increase your order amount later with the Humble Bundle? I bought it on the assumption that it was...
Q: how to log into existing user name which has active games

nessaI was playing draw something on my HTC but I wanted to start playing on my iPod touch. When I logged out of my HTC and logged in the my iPod all my games that I was playing were gone. How to I retrieve my existing games or log into my existing user name?

Q: How do I access the Straits of Devastation from Lornar's Pass?

WipqoznAccording to the official Guild Wars 2 wiki it's possible to reach the Straits of Devastation from Lornar's Pass. I've achieved 100% completion on Lornar's Pass but I can't seem to find any path to the Straits of Devastation. Since they're not adjacent regions I assume there must be an Asura Gate...

@GnomeSlice Like get more copies, or spend more?
@AshleyNunn I'd assume increase his price to get bonus items.
@AshleyNunn Spend a little more. I want to get the Steam keys, but I didn't have enough when I bought it.
@GnomeSlice Hm. Not sure.
It SAYS there's a way on this humblebundle page but I can't find it.
I want those Steam keys...
@GnomeSlice Go to your account page
pull up your previous order
there should be a link
Also, are you really one of those people that bought in for a penny or something? You monster.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah, you know what I saw that before, but since they've changed to the 'humble library' thing... where the hell is it.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I think I paid like $66 cents because it's all I had in my paypal.
Huh... the link to the 'key page' in my email has the increase amount thing, it's the old downloads page... the hell, why can't you get to it from your humble library?
@GnomeSlice If you go to the bottom of your library page, where the list of all the bundles you have is, you caan click the particular bundle, and boom, add more money link is there.
@AshleyNunn oh, there's links to the key pages? Good.
And yeah, current payment is $0.01. Oh well
@GnomeSlice Because it's per bundle.
@GnomeSlice You monster.
@OrigamiRobot Oh that is weird.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm broke. I want to increase it. But only to $1 for the Steam keys.
And I'll then have a bunch to give away.
That reminds me, I have the Steam keys for the current Humble Bundle, if anyone wants them.
@GnomeSlice That doesn't make you a whole lot less of a monster, tbqh.
@OrigamiRobot Sorry man i was asleeps
@James MWO is weird now
What the fuck is going on with this php
@OrigamiRobot If you mean the fucked up the player UI even more than it was before, yeah.
@James I mean I dont even know how to play anymore. Also, they apparently change how to do weapon groups.
@OrigamiRobot The in-game stuff did not change much unless there was a recent patch that did it :/
Maybe I'm just dumb.
@AshleyNunn Success! I now own a 3DS and Harvest Moon.
@fbueckert Awesome. You are my hero. Now you will be able to answer all my questions :D :D :D :D
I hope.
They also gave me this, for some reason
Can someone just tell me what happens further along in NEO Scavenger.
@AshleyNunn That's a yak? Oh, good to know.
I'm never going to get very far in it.
@fbueckert I have yak jealousy.
They said they had extras.
It's very soft.
@fbueckert I bet it is. :(
is sad now. So sad. So very sad without a yak
@AshleyNunn's yak jealousy makes me want to go get one too.
@OrigamiRobot What, the game, or a yak?
Just the yak
@OrigamiRobot Playing Harvest Moon would benefit you greatly.
I don't need a 3DS. I'd never play it
@OrigamiRobot you are really missing out, man.
I started a playthrough of Chrono Trigger a month ago and I'm only just to fighting the Black Tyrano
Oh, and all of you who take delight in my suffering:
I just finished shovelling before I took off to get my 3DS.
My back is already in pain from yesterday's shovelling.
@fbueckert O.o
And by the time I got home, it's snowing heavily again.
Hot bath, heat wraps, painkillers? Move to a warmer climate (hell, come to Ontario, we have no snow yet)
We had no snow last winter
@OrigamiRobot A winter without snow would be very, very weird.
It might have snowed one day last winter, but it never stuck.
I am so sad that the gameloft MLP game keeps crashing on my phone.
I'm tempted to go out and buy harvest moon as well by the small chance they have an extra yak.
Just so I can piss off @AshleyNunn.
@Wipqozn >.>
@Wipqozn You suck.
@AshleyNunn I try.
@Wipqozn I haaaaaate you.
@Wipqozn Yes. I can barely see NC or NARQ because he's asking for a list, but whoever voted to close it as "off topic" is an idiot
@Wipqozn Oh my
@MarkTrapp No need to sugar coat your opinion there.
@Wipqozn He's right. It's clearly not off topic in any way.
It's about in-game stuff, he's not asking for hacks, piracy, or ToS-breaking stuff, it's not ITG, and it's not a game rec
@AshleyNunn Nope, just painkillers. And much relaxing.
@fbueckert I approve of the relaxing. Play Harvest Moon!
Except insofar as "Bad Questions" are off topic.
@AshleyNunn Aww, but that means I have to get up, and unpack it. That's wooooooork.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yes, I was a making a joke. I think we can all agree the person who voted to close that as off-topic is a horrible person.
@fbueckert But....turnips! And a cow! And farming fun!
@MarkTrapp We can cast two more votes to identify the culprits! Burn them!
@AshleyNunn What is the best non-3DS HM?
@OrigamiRobot Must....resist... urge...
@OrigamiRobot HM64.
Or the SNES one.
@AshleyNunn or one of it's many clones.
:( No N64
Aka friends of mineral town, that PS1 one.
@Wipqozn ??
@AshleyNunn HM64 has a few clones.
@Wipqozn I was not aware.
Friend of Mineral Town and the playstation one being the ones I can think of.
I could b mistaken though.
Either way, just get a GBA rom and download Friends of Mineral Town @OrigamiRobot.
That's my back yard.
wait, wtf. That was three off-topic votes?
@fbueckert Holy crap.
@fbueckert NC would completely shut down.
@AshleyNunn That's mostly yesterday's snow.
@OrigamiRobot We're Canadians. We just go, "Eh." and keep on trucking.
@Canadians Do you guys do snow cream?
@fbueckert Yeah, it looks like how I keep thinking my area should start looking any time now.
@OrigamiRobot Snow cream? What's that?
@OrigamiRobot Sounds tasty.
But, no, we don't.
This confirms my theory that in the South, people were like "WHAT IS THIS WHITE STUFF FALLING FROM THE SKY OH GOD CAN WE EAT IT YES WE CAN"
Dammit! Another different sized end! Quit adding to my cables, Nintendo!
Shit, forgot to save it.
@fbueckert My elementary school classes used to all the time.
Also, that picture is out my window. Snow free.
@AshleyNunn And sunny!
I can send some snow your way, no problem.
@fbueckert Yep. Nice, sunny. +16.
Its weird.
@fbueckert Deal.
I'd take a picture of my outside so I can be part of the cool crowd but I'm lazy.
I would but it's dark here.
The charger for the 3DS is more of a brick now than the DS days.
@Wipqozn I just finished shovelling snow.
Get off your duff.
@fbueckert I'd need to track down the family camera and everything
33 secs ago, by fbueckert
@Wipqozn I just finished shovelling snow.
well, here's something from my mothers bookFace
@fbueckert IN NC, there is no such thing as shoveling snow. If there is too much snow to drive, we just don't drive.
Also, snow usually leads to power outages.
@OrigamiRobot NC's weakpoint found! Must ruin economy by providing as much snow as Manitoba gets!
@fbueckert It would be anarchy
@OrigamiRobot Anarchy is running out of coffee.
Snow is just Mother Nature killing off the weak.
Also, here's a picture of my cats:
They look stupid.
@OrigamiRobot Your face is stupid.
All cats look stupid.
@OrigamiRobot So do all robots.
Mostly because they are stupid.
@Wipqozn Your cats are SUPER CUTE.
@AshleyNunn Yes.
@AshleyNunn This is also true.
@Wipqozn Yeah, the problem is systemic! Reflecting, I bet someone did some mental gymnastics to say "well he's asking for a list of quests, so it's like a sub-game recommendation!" And the other two votes are the Flotsam and Jetsam to the initial close-voter's Ursula
@MarkTrapp Those kind of mental gymnastics hurt my brain.
I'm sure there reasoning was just "It'a a list! They're off-topic!"!
Is it just me, or did Phoebus get prettier?
@Wipqozn Oh. That.
@ArdaXi I'm not sure who that is, but I assume it's just you.
The Phoebus pack for Dwarf Fortress. ಠ_ಠ
Hm. The Reclusive Sea of Sweltering. The Ignited Dunes. The Just Desert.
Phoebus is the quirky free spirit character in Ancient Rome's adaptation of Friends, "Amici"
That... is interesting.
@MarkTrapp Are your our Fact Sphere now?
Only insofar as it relates to made-up factoids about Ancient Roman primetime programming
@ArdaXi whoa, whoa, whoa. You don't play DF with ASCII?
I do not. I have played it in ASCII, it's my preferred way to play Nethack, but ASCII DF gives me headaches.
Too much to keep track of, basically.
@MarkTrapp Aaand, I only just understood that reference. Too much DF makes for less think.
thank you, I'll be here all week!
@OrigamiRobot The red 3DS XL looks just like the DS lite one.
@OrigamiRobot Why? Peer pressure!
Now to play Harvest Moon!
@OrigamiRobot Come on, you want to be a cool kid, don't you?
@AshleyNunn What, that's what you have to do to be a cool kid?
Q: What happens when you start New Game+?

Invader SkoodgeI have finished both branches at the end of the main game, and am considering starting a New Game+. What carries over from the current game to the second playthrough?

Q: Turrets won't appear on map

ERJI can't get the Gun Turrets to show up in Blood Gulch CTF. I've set both Red and Blue teams to 4 turrets but none will spawn. I even reinstalled the game.

@ArdaXi Yes.
I see.
was never and never will be a cool kid
@AshleyNunn But I wont! I'm bad at handhelds
@OrigamiRobot How so?
@OrigamiRobot Then why'd you get it in the first place?
@fbueckert I didn't used to be bad at them.
@OrigamiRobot You could get a horse-sheep yak!
7 mins ago, by OrigamiRobot
@OrigamiRobot You are going to miss out, then.
I will just be awesome without you.
Plus then I have to buy the games ugh
The last DS game I bought was Soul Silver
@AshleyNunn Aren't you awesome, all by yourself, there.
@OrigamiRobot Don't forget the collectibles!
Gotta get the yak!
I ordered pizza for my roommate and I. Figured he deserved something for the help with shovelling.
@ArdaXi Whatever, awesome is awesome is awesome is me.
@fbueckert As a resident of the place that needs shoveling, shouldn't it be expected of him?
Or did he do it all?
@InvaderSkoodge He helped out
@InvaderSkoodge Taking it for granted sounds like an awesome idea.
@InvaderSkoodge Quiet you, I needs mah free pizza!
Why does Steam need to install DirectX over and over again for each new game?
@InvaderSkoodge Most games need a specific version.
It could just be checking though.
Not all games just use "DirectX 9" though. Some need 9.24, some need 9.27, etc.
I would hope it's backwards-compatible.
(ie. I understand DirectX 10 is not backwards-compatible with DirectX 9, but sub-versions definitely should be)
@InvaderSkoodge There's an RPS article for that
Well, okay, the RPS article is just a lame paraphrase of the actual source, which is Valve itself
@MarkTrapp thinks about strangling Microsoft devs
How difficult can it be to write a tiny utility that checks for the relevant binaries?
Like a ./configure
As I understand it, the Direct X installer is that utility
> Furthermore, Microsoft's licensing terms prevent anyone from distributing the files directly, the only way to distribute them is to run the installer, that's also the only supported method from Microsoft to check that the correct version installed. Trying to manually check for the correct versions is extremely complicated because there are numerous files that must all be present and individual system configuration options like dll search paths complicate the situation.
So, basically, Microsoft wrote some shit code, and refuses to allow people to work around it, or fix it.
@fbueckert so.... Business as usual?
@TrentHawkins Indeed
@MarkTrapp Well, that's the exact problem ./configure fixes.
Writing a tiny utility that checks for all the 'numerous files that must all be present' doesn't sound all that complicated if there's one team working on supporting it for all versions.
Steam could easily maintain a list of checksums for every file that every version needs.
@fbueckert It's fairly sane handling of updates vs. backwards compatibility. You want to be able to release updates that fix problems in a mainline version of Direct X, but game developers being who they are generally will exploit the hell out of libraries for performance and other reasons, even if what they're doing is not part of the public API.
You could keep updating Direct X ignoring that game devs use the private API and expect them to update their game every time you release a minor update (causing consternation for both game devs and users who have to rapidly update their games and Direct X libraries), you could just hold off all development entirely (not going to happen), or you could acknowledge the realities of the industry and let games link to a very specific version so that newer updates don't break existing games.
@ArdaXi And it's the exact problem the Direct X installer fixes, too. The installer checks for the correct version.
@MarkTrapp Is that not what deprecated methods and whatnot are for? To keep the backwards compatibility going?
@MarkTrapp Yeah, no.
Running an installer that requires minutes to even start up just to check whether the right version of DirectX is installed?
Q: In Regicide, how do you become the king?

EBongoI've played several rounds of Regicide, and I can't for the life of me figure out how to become the king. Occasionally I get it, but it doesn't seem tied to me killing the king, which happens constantly. What's the deal - how do I become king?

Q: How do I get a "Distraction" medal?

EBongoThe text says: Distract an opponent who is then killed. What counts as "distraction"? It seems like if I merely damage them and someone else kills them that would be interpreted as an "assist". On a related note, can I get a "Distract" medal when I do the killing, or only when I assist al...

Q: What's the difference between MediEvil and MediEvil Resurrection?

JohnoBoyI own both a PS3 and a PS Vita. The PSN store offers both MediEvil, the original PS1 game, and MediEvil Resurrection, the PSP remake. What are the differences between the two games? Is the remake better than the first game to justify playing it over the original?

@ArdaXi If you don't want to believe it, take it up with Valve, what can I say?
Rather than a utility that can maintain a list of installed versions so that it doesn't even need to be ran if unnecessary?
Not a solution.
@MarkTrapp The issue is the licensing.
@ArdaXi Valve says it's licensing and a very complicated problem to solve I'M NOT THE ONE TO CONVINCE PLEASE STOP YELLING AT ME SOBS
If that utility were allowed to be written, Steam could run it as part of the install process, tick off that DirectX 9.001 is in fact installed, and no longer require it for games relying on DirectX 9.001.
@MarkTrapp You're defending them. I'm attacking them. That's how this works.
@fbueckert Libraries generally consist of two sets of APIs: the public API, which is documented and has things like deprecation and such. The library author generally encourages you to use that API. However, there's also a private API, which is what the library author writes to do all the magic behind the public API. The goal with an API is that you can rely solely on the public API and things work, even if the magic behind the scenes changes (so-called "encapsulation").
New minor versions shouldn't break the public API, but will almost always break the private API. But public APIs are sometimes incomplete, because they rely on the library author to decide what they're going to support ahead of time. If you're a performance-conscious developer or you need to do something the public API doesn't support, you can be tempted to use the private, undocumented API to do what you need to do.
So when the library author releases a new minor version to fix a problem and you're relying on something in the private API that changed, your game is now broken. So Microsoft allows developers to link to a specific minor version so that nothing whatsoever changes for that game when Microsoft updates Direct X and the user installs the new version
@MarkTrapp That sounds like a risk that you shouldn't be taking. "Hey, let's use an undocumented feature! And yell and scream when it stops working!"
If you want to use the private APIs, fine. But don't get mad when it breaks.
... and if you're lucky, the language in question allows you to access the private API in some controlled manner (say, Java with Reflection), so in the worst case you can still give meaningful error codes.
You're not so lucky with anything Microsoft. :)
@MartinSojka Reflection came in so handy for trolling through the KSP game objects.
@fbueckert When a game just breaks immediately after installing a new version of Direct X, players aren't going to blame the game developer: they're going to blame Direct X. OMG WHY MICROSOFT RELEASE A CRAPPY VERSION OF DIRECT X BROKE MY GAME WTF M$
It's how I found out that Kerbals have an isBadass bool.
@MarkTrapp Backwards compatibility will still handle it, if the devs had used the proper public APIs.
@ArdaXi I'm reporting, you decide. Fair and Balanced
Wheelbarrows? What magic is this?
@fbueckert Yes, and war would not exist and we would all be wealthy if we lived in a perfect world.
@fbueckert But they don't, because the private APIs do stuff the public APIs don't. Game developers take none of the heat, so it's a problem Microsoft has to solve. Now, if you look at other platforms, using the public API is enforced. iOS, for example: one of the main reasons for App Store rejection is relying on private APIs.
@MarkTrapp Well, it's second to a dice roll, of course.
Pizza's here!
It's Microsoft's own fault, anyway. They expose ("export") parts of the private API so that their own application developers (for things like Office) have an edge over the competition, who are supposed to use only the documented, public parts of it. They have been doing it for a long time - at least since Windows 3 if not earlier. People got fed up with this bullshit, reverse-engineered most of it and started using those parts as well.
To be fair, they all do it. Apple does it with its first party apps; Google assuredly does it with its crazy moon OS
Even their web apps. For the longest time, and it still may be the case, the only API for Google Reader is undocumented
Had Microsoft not resorted to these underhanded tactics and made the "private" parts truly private (or alternatively documented and opened up the "secret" parts), they wouldn't be in this position now.
@MarkTrapp Linux doesn't, as far as I know.
It's an underhanded, shitty tactic and anyone who does it deserves all the grief they get for it, and then some.
Q: Why is a solution working on windows and on a mac (different cycle speeds?)?

zacoIs there a differences is the speed at which the cycles are performed on a mac vs. windows. I have been using the steam sync across both platforms and have yet to notice any issues, but I was playing around with other peoples solutions from spacechem.net and they aren't working for me on my mac. ...

@AshleyNunn Out of the tutorials yet?? Ive not gotten back to playing it yet :D
A: What References Do Users Want to Accept on SFF Should General Reference Be Eliminated?

DVK If you mean "which references are acceptable to be references in an answer", the answer is "eye of the beerholder". We can give some general FYIs (e.g. Wikias are frequently unreliable), BUT, ultimately, it's what every questioner and up/down voter feels THEY PERSONALLY accept. No universal rul...

So... we should only close the question as General REference is the asker thinks a source provided is credible?
@James Yeah, although they tend to spread them out. I am done the first one, and learned about cows (day 5 ish) and cooking (day 10, but I taught myself erarlier)
@AshleyNunn Niice, I need to get back to it I was just too tired last night (read harry potter too long, hehe)
And now, I need to go rebandage my hand.. stupid cat..

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