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@OrigamiRobot How else could @Mana and I be so chill? Someone I know is actually a big fan of Pendleton Ward, so they convinced me to watch it when it first came out.
Q: Does jetpack joyride have a plot?

RenanIt seems that the main character, who may or may not be named Barry, is trying to steal a jetpack. However, if that's true why are the scientists cool with that?

Q: How do I get "No Easy Way Out" on "Core?"

agent86The achievement "No Easy Way Out" specifies: In Ch 1, Ep 5 of Spartan Ops, survive the enemy assault during the defense on Normal or harder. I've played "Core" a half dozen times, in co-op, solo, on Normal, Heroic, Legendary, etc... I've also tried avoiding death in the final section where...

Oh lol, I screwed up the "sacrifice" thing I read about multiple times on the topic of "one time triggers you don't want to screw up"
@Lazers ugh, so much wasted time. Hopefully my failure helps someone else.
oh god so many side quests
Q: Can you use Ion weapons to get the second Rock Cruiser achievement?

TrispedI am trying to get the second achievement for the rock cruiser "Destroy an enemy ship with a defense drone using only missiles." Can I get this achievement if I also use an Ion weapon?

@TimStone Now you used chill as an adjective. Respect lost.
because its so flat around here
I get to watch everybody's fireworks
Q: Which strands in Splice are potential Angelics?

Raven DreamerIn Splice, some strands are considered "Potential Angelics", and can be solved in fewer than the alloted moves. Not all strands can be Angelic, however, and as far as I can see, the only way to tell if a strand is angelic or not is after completing it, where the post-level menu has a "Potential ...

@OrigamiRobot don't have a cow, man. Ride the righteous wave \m/,
So stoked to the max
Sadly, looking that up made me find this :(
Q: After 10-20 minutes of gaming, my screen has black stripes on it, and has moved a bit to the left

DoubleDwarsThe problem began when I re-installed Windows 7 64-bit. The reason why I re-installed it, was because my computer was too slow on start-up, and had many viruses, so I wanted my computer to be clean. Now, when I am trying to play games such as Assassins Creed and Portal 2, my screen is going to be...

@OrigamiRobot grody
I already forgot about that. Now I'm looking at otters
If I was an otter, I'd secretly plot a bolshevik-style revolution to retake the means of production colored cups
Did you know there are some people who don't think otters are cute?
Those people are monsters.
Yes, @spugsley is a monster.
Q: Is the set of monsters in the Veldt preset?

Ben BrockaIt seems every time I hop on the Veldt I fight two behemoth kings and the holy dragon, then a set of extremely low level monsters. Are the enemy formations in the Veldt preset? I know they're selected based on monsters I've encountered, but is there a set list of what I'll encounter?

@OrigamiRobot I can only assume you wish to be an Agent86 imposter.
Because that's what you look like.
yesterday, by OrigamiRobot
I'm a shark. I'm also pretty good at eating.
Not as good as Sinistar
something something eat each other first something something out of context ALL TEH STARS
@RavenDreamer oh you snapped :O
@Mana Hai!
I've missed you, buddy.
I am good with tenses.
@RavenDreamer Hey, missed you too.
So I think I am giving in and getting Harvest Moon...
Q: Organizing games launchers

kroizOn my kids account on the computer I kept installing a game and I locking them to the launcher on the left. After a while, the launcher got pretty swamped. My kids are not proficient enough to search for their games on the "Dash" and also they don't always are looking for a specific game, some t...

@AshleyNunn "giving in"? More like GETTING AWESOME.
@AshleyNunn I read "So I think I am giving" and my mind auto-completed "birth".
Also, which harvest moon?
Harvest Moon 3D: A New Beginning is a Harvest Moon game out for the Nintendo 3DS in Japan. Natsume previously announced the release date for November 6th 2012, however on October 19th 2012 they announced that the game would have a "soft release date" and that the company would begin shipping North American copies of the game that day. A release date for the European version has not been announced. Gameplay and New Features New Gameplay features in A New Beginning include: *The ability to customize the farm and the surrounding towns (deciding where certain buildings go/look like) *A custo...
@AshleyNunn @Wipqozn and I are such good influences.
> Two new crop species are available: cacti and cotton.
Hot damn. I can grow Cacti?
@Ullallulloo I know!
> A new animal, Yaks, can be kept on the farm.
Nothing personal. Don't need the image repeated
I'll probably pick up the game myself next year.
@RavenDreamer He's lying. @RavenDreamer just hates paper clips.
He's a clipist.
> Instead of buying furniture and buildings, players buy instructions and then build them themself if they have the material required.
Havest Moon: IKEA edition
I owned Harvest Moon a Wonderful Life
Q: Prevent or Counter Running Grapples?

YuckIt seems that the way most people "play" online matches is to spam running grapples. Is there any defense against this? If so, is there any super star or move that makes it easier to block / counter running grapples? This is just about ruining the WWE 13 online experience for me.

but I found it arduous to play. I can't remember why.
Loadtimes, mayhaps.
Oh, and the locked shed that you couldn't do anything with pissed me off :(
@RavenDreamer The worst Harvest Moon IMO.
@RavenDreamer That's the one where you get old?
I appreciate what they were trying to do, but it contained so little content in comparison to the other ones.
@Ullallulloo Maybe? I didn't make it past year 1.
Also, there was a GBA / GCN connectivity tie-in thing that was inaccessible also
Man. My harvest moon experience must really be stunted, then.
@Mana Anyway, I've been making a voxel renderer!
So it appears I've sold my awesome explosive pistol :(
@badp All the more reason to find an even awesomer one.
I sold it because I thought I found something awesomer
turns out this explosive assault rifle is... not that awesome
I'm so not clicking any YouTube links posted here ...
@badp Ah yeah, happened to me recently with a sniper rifle (although luckily I hung on to my previous one)
@LessPop_MoreFizz It's too bad it only comes once a year.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Is this the new Friday?
@InvaderSkoodge All the better to let people be lulled into a sense of security for 11 months.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Rebecca Black is worse. Better? Bworse
Some holidays should not be looked forward to so fervently.
@MarkTrapp To be fair, Murray Saul is better than both of them.
Also, I had to turn it off. An 8 year old girl singing about Thanksgiving on a bed with a lot of "oooh yeah, oooh yeah" is just incredibly disturbing
Wait a minute.
Her idea of thanksgiving is 8 twelve-year-olds and a black guy dressed as a turkey?
@RavenDreamer Yup.
23 hours ago, by OrigamiRobot
@BenBrocka The best part is how confused all the other kids look while she is rapping.
They must all be orphans.
What a tragedy.
@RavenDreamer Do the non-turkey people get nice white robes with coned hats too?
@OrigamiRobot I must not have watched far enough to see her rapping.
It was so horrible I couldn't not watch.
I'm currently listening to real music, however, so I won't be "remedying" that right now.
I want those 3 minutes back. :|
@LessPop_MoreFizz First Friday, now Thanksgiving. What sort of sadistic bastard is out to slowly ruin every day of the year?
You'll note, however, that you can't have friday on Thanksgiving.
@RavenDreamer You can fix that, 450 reputation per day!
@LessPop_MoreFizz That's not even singing. I had to chase that song down with some Wesley Willis
@RavenDreamer I like how it's a logarithmic scale and you're still way out there by yourself.
I've got my eye on 6 digits.
@InvaderSkoodge Logarithmic, both ways
What's the red line?
Average, I assume
or something like it
@badp I realized this when @agent86 wasn't far enough down the graph.
5 hours ago, by badp
Each dot is an Arqade user. The yellow line is a moving average with the largest sample Excel supports, 255; when there's more than 255 users per reputation score, it'll take the 255 youngest users
5 hours ago, by badp
Could you say the yellow line understimates the average age of an account by reputation gained? I have no idea
then somebody whined the yellow line looked like jarate and I made it fury red.
@MarkTrapp Speaking of Wesley Willis, have you heard of Willis Earl Beale?
I have not
In other news somebody made it to 10k in less than 180 days
He's like Wesley's soulful successor.
I didn't get enough data from SEDE to know who that'd be
yeah, that looks right
@LessPop_MoreFizz Nice. Is he also a paranoid schizophrenic?
I like that he gets winded halfway through
This song is amazing I don't know wtf is up witht he video it's embedded on
(the song is actually called Masquerade)
> This video is a response to Jesus kills puppies to save your soul, or something like that
@AshleyNunn So I have about an hour into Harvest Moon A New Beginning and honestly its so far the same slow tutorials you go through in all the other games.
@AshleyNunn: Re:Steam: Harvest Moon? Is it Harvest Moon?
btw is it me or the inventory screen in BL2 is extremely buggy?
@badp It is. If you scroll too fast it breaks
@badp I frequently want to kick it in the shins.
BL2 is weird. The technical port is good, but the UI is awful
it's really just the inventory screen for me
Granted, in a game that's all about loot...
Comparing stuff is awkward
So is the skill tree
Well, yeah, comparing stuff is part of the inventory screen
The skill tree... eh. Press Q and you have it the way BL1 did it.
IIRC you can't level in that view
Q: How do items go missing?

ParalyticSo in my current embark I havent found any Iron yet, and im guessing I wont find any. So I traded all of my gems for some Pig Iron bars (since I have Flux Stone) and Steel/Iron Armor. I had the items equipped to my military after trading and not long after noticed that the items were missing alon...

@Wipqozn Eh? Is there a Steam Harvest Moon-esque game?
@InvaderSkoodge That's not Harvest Moon.
That's a sad, sad rip off.
It's the same.
Having never played either, I feel qualified to say it's the same.
Well, I thought Eridium was supposed to be hard to find
Opened four small containers in the Sanctuary, two of them had Eridium
@InvaderSkoodge I was just gonna say...
grabs next backpack SDU upgrate
aww. It's the last too :(
so 27 items is all you get?
@InvaderSkoodge I support this conclusion.
I made a debug menu.
@RavenDreamer You failure.
If you made Quality Software, it wouldn't need debugging.
And therefore, no debug menu.
@wipqozn yeah. Yeah it is. I am weak.
It's true, you'd just wave your hands and dismiss all bugs as hidden features.
@TimStone user error or WORKSFORME
"That error message you're seeing is just the program telling you that you're exceptional. Good for you! Shut down that software and take the rest of the day off, you've earned it."
Uncaught exceptions? Amateur hour! try { /* */ } catch (Exception e) { /* no op */ }
Omg this tutorial is so slow and long! I just wanna faaaaaaarm.
@MarkTrapp e? Plz. You have to call it ignore so your IDE won't pretend it knows better than you, the master of codes.
@AshleyNunn I feel like that description also applies to actual farming.
Q: Can terror attacks be prevented in early game?

Jonathan DrainIn X-Com: UFO Defense / UFO: Enemy Unknown (the 1994 original), I've already encountered two alien terror attacks by February 2000, when I'm only on one base and at the tech level of laser weapons. They usually involve heavy casualties and result in a poor score. Is it feasible in early game to ...

Q: What will happen if I do not attack Sephiroth on the final battle?

MegaNairdaAfter you defeat all his angel forms and you get to battle him on one-on-one situation where you can use your Omnislash regardless whether you learned it or not. What will happen if I didn't press any button and simply held back? Is it a game over?

@timstone Yeaaaah, probably. I just want a cow. Maybe some chickens.
And a yak. nods
@AshleyNunn Hey! No cows! Or chickens!
@fbueckert fiiiiiiine. I will stick with stupid vegetables.

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