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So, if you want to know "how to identify items without getting myself killed", then knowing "how to tell the B/U/C status of an item" is absolutely essential. We have two choices on the SE site.
1. Two questions, keep the BUC stuff only in the specific question. Now someone who wants answers to the general question needs to visit both questions and refer between them to get a solution.
2. One question, close specific as duplicate. Someone looking for BUC may stumble across either, but after one click now has the one-stop-shop for all the needs of BUC testing, and then some.
yeah, I definately like option 2 here
they should make gunbound for the ipad
Why do I keep getting bombarded with "Does expert gamer mean 20 hours a week of gaming?" questions?
and tell them its 10,000 hours on a single game
and then you're an expert at just that game
On my big question, latest new answer
@Grace which big question?
Gimme a moment, tackling sunpech's question
@tzenes Feel free to take a stab, since you represent one of our good pro-expertise siders
A: Re-evaluating our site - what is the scope of an "acceptable" list, if it exists?

Corv1nusThe answer to the question of what is acceptable for these depends on other things being defined first. The first, and most obvious, is what is this site meant to be? The answer I've received to this question is that it is meant to be a place for hard core, or expert, gamers to come and ask/an...

expert answers to expert questions
that is our mandate
voiced for what its worth
wow, you're really active in this thread
:152254 I can't imagine being anything else if I'm going to bring up such an important topic
Can somebody edit the title of this question:
Q: How do I beat the false god in Ginormo Sword?

livingtechFor those who haven't seen it: Ginormo Sword. I've beaten all the bosses but the last one, and he just seems ridiculously difficult. What gems should I be equipping? Do I just need to grind for a long time? For extra clarification (just in case this isn't the last boss), this is the boss that ap...

Change "last Boss" to "the false god" - it's not the last boss.
:152306 Would that be putting a spoiler in the title, or do you know ahead of time it's "the false god"?
There's no plot to spoil. It's just the name of a thing that shows up on your screen.
you learn it's name by mousing over it.
Seems acceptable then.
Whoa, it's jinguy (sic)!
just thought I'd stop in and see what the gamers were talking about
Now? False gods. Earlier we discussed things ranging from what defines a duplicate to the meaning of love
Sounds deep
But, I'm no gamer, so....carry on...
I'm back
1 hour later…
:152593 no.
2 hours later…
through the magic of vnc i have connected my ipad to my computer
@tzenes Thanks for the tip. I didn't have to sit here for weeks mute after all.
@lee glad to help
there is also: chat.meta.stackoverflow.com/rooms/226/game-recommendations if you want to check it out
it quiet now, but I'm sure it'll be buzzing tomorrow
anyway, I'm off to bed
night night
3 hours later…
specially for @badp:
3 hours later…
Can we get two close votes on
Q: Should I install graphics card drivers from Windows Update?

JonasToday I see that there's an update to my graphics card driver (NVidia GT 220) available on Windows Update. Should I install that, or stick to the drivers provided by the manufacturer?

It's definitely not a gaming question. It doesn't even mention a game, or games.
Give me a SU question this one is a dupe of and I'm sold.
Shouldn't be too hard...
If I ask it right now does that count? :-)
Hey, it might run you into the contest for the best question
It would suffice @CRoss, actually a decent question
Systempuntoout won last weeks' with "Do I really have to 'Eject safely'?"
I like it that hardware vendors use a standardized channel for updates
oh, I like the new chat notification
I was just about to mention that it would get my vote probably :)
Q: Automatic driver search & update on Windows?

BenHi there, I have a Dell laptop issued by my employer, and I always find it a real pain to search for, download and maintain their drivers. It baffles me that there does not seem to be a nice way (product, website, ...) to just download the stuff you need, without hassle. The same goes for the ot...

I'm not going to cross post it. He has a superuser account, and that'd be alittle too much like stealing
:153196 I've just read it and it's not related
comment that he should ask it there then :)
he'll get my upvote
He could ask it on SU, but that doesn't mean he can't ask it on Gaming
it has nothing to do with gaming, it's not even mentioned
I mean, do we allow gaming troubleshooting?
Drivers management is part of gaming troubleshooting.
If your question is about …

* Networking, servers, or maintaining other people's PCs and contains no source code, ask on Server Fault.
* General computer software or hardware troubleshooting, ask on Super User.
* Web design and HTML/CSS layout, and your job title is "designer", ask on Doctype.
I've read the faq.
but drivers management is part of gaming troubleshooting.
I agree it's a better fit on SU, I just don't see why we should close it
yeah, but like I said: he doesn't even mention gaming
but it doesn't mention gaming ... lets close it and leave it linked to his (hopefully soon) question on SU
Can I edit gaming into the question? Does that count? :P
it would count, but wouldn't matter
yeah, I love being a jackass sometimes
Okay, can you abuse your mod powers to migrate it to SU cleanly?
that's a good question ....
The answer is likely negative but there's no harm in asking
nope, there's currently no migration path between Trilogy and beta sites
Not even towards the trilogy?
and even then, I'm just a regular user on Gaming (unfortunately), so I wouldn't be able to
I thought the problem was migrating into beta sites that might someday vanish into a puff of failed beta.
well the basic idea is that beta sites don't officially exist until they properly launch
@CRoss The comment I left on the question is meant as a joke
no kidding :P
Okay, so leave it open until the site goes live! :ninja:
no, he should simply ask it on SU
there's no harm in duplicating
I agree, but the others don't
I only want it for my regular cleaning up and editing, not for abusing it against the community :\
but I guess Juan doesn't want the competition
in Gaming on Meta Stack Overflow Chat, Sep 2 at 18:26, by Ivo Flipse
I love abusing my mod powers 8-)
that's on chat, Diago can sometimes be a prick, so I have to slap him
and I added the gaming blog feed, it's just abusive, because I didn't own the channel
I was kidding, btw.
I know, but you have a point
Now back to trying to break past 2k (sigh)
oh look, free altitude weekend on Steam
I'll have to wait until a new game launches that I actually play
I feel stupid for asking casual ipad gaming questions
:153246 What are you looking forward to?
Bah, it looks like the Alien Swarm public source code doesn't mention brutal mode
that or windows search in unindexed folders fails.
Yeah, the only mention of "brutal" are
> // A complete, brutal hack, necessitated by our next-week ship date.
> // NOTE NOTE: This is here for brutal reasons.
Kinect, but more for the technology (not in their version actually :P)
And the close police wins another battle
I analyze human movement, so it's a very interesting cheap 3D measuring system
and Rock Band 3 (with the real guitar thing)
Please keep on removing questions so that I can be further starved for stuff to answer :P
but I'm going on a 24 day road trip in the US at the end of the month, so won't buy anything new until I get back
is that 9 *.2?
or 1 + (8*0.2)
Can't we go off the record please? I'm embarassed :D
wolframalpha to the rescue :P
or i'll just type it in python
My brain needs some servicing
the second is like 2.600000000001
my brain is getting fried too
I need to come up with an algorithm to divide dog paws into front/back & left/right without knowing their location and order beforehand
You could ask the dog to perform calibration :P
it won't work :P
Wait for it to have all four paws on the surface, then have the dog give the front right paw to his owner!
"Shake hands with your dog!"
this is just a random measurement, which is actually totally awesome, because everything is nicely divided in time and space
Looks like Gaming's "Site Stats" are broken :/
and at the most you get three paws on the ground (though that could be a nice benchmark)
oh, three paws on the ground, that kind of explains the graph.
no, no, hang on Ill upload yet another image :P
there's a moment of overlap at a certain point
the image you see above is just the maximum of a certain matrix (because it gives a nice overview)
but it might be a good idea to check when multiple paws hit the ground and then calculate backwards and forwards to see where they move towards
In other news, we're about to hit the 2,000th question
or, more realistically, 1,900 -- given current closing rates :P
are those substracted?
I would've thought yes
but they aren't
We closed 217 questions out of 1,996
lol, impressive
more than 10%
SuperUser has 4,523 closed out of 50,910 (8.88%)
more or less the same then
you do see less and less questions that are closed because we don't want them on the site
vs 10.9%
it's more questions where users simply don't understand SE or ask dupes now, which is 'normal'\
Now I just need to undo two downvotes
So what does "bs", "bc", "fv" mean in gaming.stackexchange.com/tools/votes-hot ?
Okay, asking on meta.
can't load the page, don't have 2k tools
Don't you have the SU 10k tools?
Can you link the meta question?
I haven't finished writing it yet.
well, when you do :-)
apparently the page got beefed up, but I never go there
The new user post tool is also really useful
I normally just check moderator and comment flags
then check the vote to close list
and I have a feed set up, so I see all question activity (more or less)
if I spot something fishy, I react
the rest... well I should strain myself :P
In other news
This dupe question was deleted by the owner but should be undeleted
As usual (sigh) "How to get Yippee-ki-yay Achievement?" was voted as exact duplicate of "How to get Yippee-ki-yay Achievement without walkyrie?"
This community has a meaning of "exact duplicate" I previously wasn't aware of.
see the top starred post on the side
but yes, I voted to undelete
:153415 Yeah, I upvoted that answer.
Wait, maybe I understood that
"bs" is for bounty start
"bc" is for bounty close
So the main novelty would be in getting to see "standardized" flags, eh?
Like, the full 0 of them. :)
Yeah, we don't get many flags...
that question shouldn't have been deleted, but if it's a dupe, I don't really care
Here's the problem, it's not a dupe for me
A: When is a duplicate question not a duplicate?

TheTXIRule of thumb: If you ask a question similar to another question and it is likely to get the exact same answer, you have yourself a duplicate question. In your case, take the opposite of that. If the question is similar and it is likely to NOT get the exact same answer, you likely do not have a ...

Q: Editing and retagging to make a duplicate fit?

Doug HarrisThere's a question currently open, but with one vote to close as duplicate. The open question is about fast user switching in Mac OS 10.6.4 (aka Snow Leopard). The original question has an answer that does correctly answer the new question, but has "leopard" in the title and is explicitly tagg...

The whole point for asking "How to get Yippee-ki-yay Achievement without walkyrie?" is because the answer to "How to get Yippee-ki-yay Achievement?" is not enough.
Those are not dupes either
then he should add a distinction to his version, indicating why the answers in the other post didn't help him and he actually has a different (or bigger) problem
First question: "You want to enable fast user switching."
Second question: "Click here, then click here, then click here."
so he should be changing his question to add distinction, if it's not clear enough, it stays a dupe
leave a mod note, that you want to edit it, to make sure it's no longer a dupe, so they should undelete it
Here comes @JuanManuel to serve you @badp :P
I live to serve
Who do you want me to ban?
he wants "How to get Yippee-ki-yay Achievement without walkyrie? undeleted, so he can edit it into something that's not a dupe, you have the powers to do so :)
hmm, but it was deleted by the owner
it just needs one more normal vote to undelete
from a 2k user
I wouldn't want to go against his wishes on his question
he deleted it, because it was closed
if @badp edit's it properly, than it's not a dupe and he get's to keep his question
The point is
I do not believe it needs any editing at all
It is a different question already.
"How to do A" is different from "How to do A without B"
because one could answer "Do B, or see the answers to this other question" to the former
(I don't know the game so I can't answer anything anyway.)
I can't reread the answers on both
:153458 This is a good point however. If this particular asker agreed that the other questions were good enough, it can be left alone.
but I'm fairly sure @tzenes will say that the answer in the original leaves out the unit he doesn't want to use
At times tzenes makes it sound like questions you can't write an essay in reply to are not worth answering at all. Ever.
Often, he is right. Often
he is rather single minded
he writes good essays though
I'm not questioning the quality of his answers.
I just believe that, often, brevity is a value.
me too
and that is killing me on rpg where everyone writes bloody essays and votes them up
off course, sometimes it's better to just post an image if it explains the answer, or a short list that sums things up
Like so:
A: How to find the largest 10 files on Windows 7?

Ivo FlipseTry WinDirStat WinDirStat reads the whole directory tree once and then presents it in three useful views: The directory list, which resembles the tree view of the Windows Explorer but is sorted by file/subtree size, The treemap, which shows the whole contents of the directory ...

these kind of answers tend to do well :)
hmmm, I'll have to try that program ...
TreeFileSize (I think) works well too
it just lists them top to bottom with the largest folders op top
@badp Grace Note has said before that an exact duplicate does not have to be an exact duplicate (despite the name) but merely a question with the same answers
if following a link to it answers the question it is a duplicate
:153493 If an answer doesn't explain enough that you can't take the principals explained and re-derive the answer, then you're just giving a man a fish. I prefer to teach people how to fish.
My point is that, while the points you make aren't terrible, they do have some serious flaws.
Reiterating your points does not address those flaws.
I'm not sure how that is related to providing long answers...
but if my answers have such glaring flaws, then merely provide an answer without flaws
Me neither. The essay comment was a side remark that I didn't include in the question.
I was talking about the points you make for closing the questions, not the points you make in your excellent answers.
ah, perhaps I was confused since that wasn't what I was linking to
I never meant that and I'm sorry if you read anything like that.
my mistake entirely
The question ended in the only possible way it could possibly end.
Closed as exact duplicate.
Fair enough!
perhaps you could enlighten me as to these flaws? What is the ideal world you would construct for the banlist/harassment questions?
I'm not an unreasonable person I'm willing to reverse on this issue, I have on others before
"I'm being harassed, what can I do?" sounds like a question looking for an answer about inter-gamers relationship
so what answer would you see to that?
I guess the best answer would detail pros and conses of the various options (ask for a ban that will never come? put on your ignore list, except he can still join the games you are in? whine on the forums to be subjected on public derision?) without necessarily going into how to do each
"How to block a player" sounds instead like a question on how to operate the game's interface
"Is there a button I've missed somewhere? A webpage? Is it even possible?"
with a possible answer being "Yes, right click on him when you see him ingame and pick 'Block user'"
without discussing how this affects interpersonal relationships and whatnot
At least -- that's what I think.
so what is the difference between the answer to the "block" question and the part of the answer to the "harassment" question which evaluates the pros and cons of selecting 'Block User'?
I don't see why each would have to address the other.
They could for completeness, but that's not what the asker's asking.
you don't see why they should link? or you don't see why 'Block User' is useful for the 'harassment' question?
Hell, if the explaination is long enough, a technical explaination may break the flow on the "human" question.
I don't see why they shouldn't link.
I see that they are useful to each other, but each is not an answer to the other's question.
Just because you ask me how to boil rice, I don't want to know about the incredibly high nutritional value of rice
perhaps I misunderstand, how is evaluating the pros and cons of selecting 'Block User' not useful to the 'block' question?
It's just not what it's being asked!
That is not the wikipedia article on blocking
That is the question page on "How do I block"
Are you sure? What are the pros and cons to selecting 'block user'? Well you still get matched with him, but he can't communicate in game our outside of game via chat.
if we look at his question knowing these pros and cons are very useful, since he specifically doesn't want to get matched
okay, I can't find that MSO question, nevermind
"Is there a banlist or way to block certain players from being in the games you play?"
Basically your answer would be "you could do it like this and that, but you don't want to because [that's not going to do what you think it's going to do](link to other question)"
yes, I'm inferring what he's trying to ask from what he is asking
yes, and everyone knows I hate to answer questions with no, you can't
:153654 It might suck, but at times it's just the right answer.
since there is no way (without breaking ToU) the only solution to keeping someone out of his game is getting them banned
"How do I get 200k reputation in one day?"
:153659 write essay replies
no problem, I deserved that one
I actually mean, I don't like question where I have to answer that, I'd rather close them then :P
:153658 Then "I'm sorry, there is no blocking mechanism in this game." is the correct answer.
(if blocking breaks the ToU like I think you said)
and you don't think that answer would be useful to the harassment question?
The harassment question then should have the "block the player" answer drowned, quartered then flamed and finally downvoted to hell
if you can't block the player
because it's an incorrect answer
(I think however I don't quite understand the logic chain that brought us here. I am assuming there is just no way to do anything one could call "blocking" the player)
no I mean an answer, "You cannot prevent the game from matching you with a player in the game, but you can get them banned by..."
as an answer to "How do I block somebody?"
no, to the harassment
Oh. Well, if blocking the player won't stop him from teamkilling you then blocking is not a correct answer.
The question body says the problem is specifically with teamkillers.
yes, but knowing that is useful information if you're being teamkilled, if the answer doesn't contain that information, you might think blocking is a viable technique (as its name implies it is)
an answer which doesn't include that discussion is incomplete
"How do I block a player?" "To block a player click here, here and here. This will block any communication between you and him, but doesn't block him from playing with or against you."
but he's not asking about "where is the block button" he's asking "Is there a banlist or way to block certain players from being in the games you play?"
if he asked "Where is the block button" then I would agree with you
Let me reread
Okay, the answer then is "No, there isn't. Report them for misbehaviour instead. [This answer](blah) has the full details."
Rad Scorpions. chuckle
So the information: "there isn't anyway to prevent certain players from being in the games you play without getting them banned." is that useful or not to the question on harassment?
Useful as a comment to the answer suggesting blocking? Definitely.
but not as part of an answer explaining how to get them banned?
If the question was "How to get them banned" yes
One question is "How to handle teamkillers?", one is "How can I choose people I don't want to play with?"
(It's amazing how many different wordings we're (I am?) finding for those questions)
sorry, so you think this answer: gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/4958/… contains extraneous information?
I'd say accessory.
would you think it should be removed?
If I thought it should be removed, I'd have said extraneous :)
It's a justification of why reporting is the only way to go.
is there anything the 'blocking' question would require that is not included here?
Did somebody feel the question was not complete enough and there was some use to ask about more information on blocking?
its possible they don't believe the answer, in which case they would
or is possible they are ok with violating ToU
in which case they're asking for a ToU violating method, which we can't give
"What tool should I use to disassemble my bicycle" and "What tool should I use to righten the pipes under my sink" are different questions, but the answer to both is "a Wrench". They aren't duplicates though, because each question benefits from different accessory information.
Then you could cite faq's/terms/forum posts/anectodal evidence/unicorn tears that support your point
@less what accessory information benefits the "block" question that doesn't benefit the "harassment" question?
Information that wouldn't deserve more than a link in your answer about teamkillers
:153771 technically closing as duplicate provides a link but I think we'd both agree that's beside the point
I cannot think of any information that I'd add to the 'block' question (that isn't extraneous) that I wouldn't also want to have on the 'harassment' question
:153783 Sure, but the person apparently didn't find your answer clear/reliable enough
bbl, the cat requires my undiluted attention
:153783 I think the main point is that the idea of whether blocking a user (specifically as to how) is actually possible was never conclusively answered in the harassment question, primarily because reporting an abusive user is so much better as a course of action.
People may not enjoy the answers they receive, but asking again isn't going to garner new information. Its just as likely he'll be unhappy with the answers to this new question and ask a third time or four and fifth and onward. I know we can't satisfy everyone, but what we can hope to do is collect information, and splitting this information between questions seems inherently wrong
Which in turn left the Block path hanging, and that meant the question of "is this actually possible? How?" was left hanging, because really, it's an ancillary passive-aggressive solution to the first choice.
:153789 Then I'd say it was an incomplete answer, which is unfortunate
you'll notice it has since been updated to include that information
His question was never directly asked the first time though. It was kind of implied as possible by an answer in another question. That doesn't make it the answer to the other question.
something that probably could have been solved with a series of comments
The answer to question A is : Report them. The answer to question B is: No, but you can stop them from chatting with you.
:153795 That's quite possible
yes, there was misleading information in another answer, there can be no question about that
I'll go downvote that answer now
«If they're blocked you won't be matched with them in future games,» he says
yeah, that's not true
I think that's why he asked the second question
Why didn't you add a comment to that question then, calling BS on him?
he believed there was more, when in reality there wasn't
we just hit 2000
It's quite apropos to have "Bounty started" abbreviated to "BS" after all
You're calling bullshit on everything that has been posted so far, in a way!
oh man, look at this answer: gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/6252/…
this is what I'm talking about
expert answers
That sounds game-breakingly overpowered
if I didn't have to go to work, I'd load up MW2 right now and test it
anyway, bbl
MW2 is broken by definition... hacked servers anyone?
So I have 33 days to gain 1k rep and keep at least edit/close privs once we go live
I only need 300 more, but their aren't the DF questions like there once were
my rep pool has dried up
Anyone think Gaming won't be made a full fledged site?
:154029 I'm soon up for the Succession... so... we'll see what comes from that.
@cross I think it'll go live, I'm not sure it'll be a success
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