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@GrayStoat I just assumed it was another crazy British spelling.
why do people on the internet in general not understand the difference between there/they're/their/your/you're/etc?
@pixel The worst is when people say "use/suppose to"
@pixel Because the internet caters to lowest common denominator, which tends to be morons.
@fbueckert Pretty much this.
@fbueckert Really need an IQ test as part of signing up for an ISP account imo
@pixel Then the internet would be a very quiet place
@AshleyNunn I'd be OK with that.
@AshleyNunn Blissfully so
@AshleyNunn Fine by me
@fbueckert and people who like cats!
@AshleyNunn You're a librarian right?
@GrayStoat I never said it would be bad :P
@GrayStoat Not technically, but sorta?
@AshleyNunn Imagine all the internet in a library.
Although, an IQ test isn't enough! We also have to make sure they're not of a deviant or creepy nature, or we'll end up with people like violentacrez.
It would be boring
@GrayStoat It would be a large library
@AshleyNunn Full of people looking up naughty things and tittering
@GrayStoat That's nothing new.
@AshleyNunn Ha. Imagine if it were 90% though
And the pings. My god the pings
I kinda picture the library from Doctor Who but less creepy
@pixel I don't think this is just the internet so much as just a general fact. Internet just makes it more noticeable due to its prominence and accessibility.
@GraceNote This. We notice it more because it is all written
@GraceNote mmh
Apparently we also think everyone on the internet is a native english speaker
I imagine high school teachers and college professors would tell you about how often they still see us losing the war against the giants of Mispelheim.
@AshleyNunn We notice it more because you can't hear a difference in spelling. :P
My trolling of the WoW forums has been a success
So many more unhappy gamers in the world
@tiddy The globalization of the internet amuses me, because it is still seen as a very Anglocentric thing
@tiddy I will openly say it, I find that the particular mistake I was mentioning is made more by English and American people than people who can't even speak English
@AshleyNunn I think the internet in 10 years will be unrecognizable from the one of today. Assuming of course that the middle east still has electricity
@AshleyNunn It still is an Anglocentric thing.
@tiddy They have all the oil. Much more likely we won't have electricity
@GrayStoat What percentage of the electricity used in the western parts of the world is generated using oil do you think?
@GrayStoat Speak for yourself. We generate electricity through more environmentally friendly means.
@GrayStoat I agree. But it amuses me more in the sense that we hold everyone to this idea that they be as educated and as eloquent as the average American, for example.
@tiddy Yes, not knowing English first will lead to a propagation of the misspelling, should they do it, but even within the US and from native English speakers, this is still a terribly common error (perhaps even more common, as pixel notes). Definitely not as standout, too.
@pixel Or coal; coal's huge in certain areas of the states.
@tiddy I think that is a safe assumption, everything changes over time
@AshleyNunn As educated as the average American seems a very low bar to me.
@GraceNote I'm aware
@AshleyNunn as the average American? I wasn't looking at reducing the standard of communication, I was hoping for an improvement!
I just want to overuse idiomatic speech, is that so wrong?
@pixel I am not really speaking to improving or not improving, simply at what is
@GrayStoat Look at most of online communication - its not that low of a bar, in the sense that it makes a lot of sense as the general state of communication
@MarkTrapp We all have wants. :P
@GrayStoat It really is.
Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra
Temba, his arms wide
As a British person, this is roughly what I picture when I think 'average American':
Average American education gives us such gems as Yahoo Answers.
@fbueckert That it does
@AshleyNunn In the future all will be piped through Google Translate, and all language will be poorly realized
The areas of the internet "free from" that sort of communication are relatively small, comparative to the size of the internet
@fbueckert I didn't know you were an American
@GrayStoat I wonder if that will lead to a creation of a "global' language?
@AshleyNunn And is the primary reason why I don't frequent areas of the net where the height of class and humor is, "herpderp, I made a funny!"
@AshleyNunn It's a possibility. I'm sure there's some SF out there
Funny, this is what I picture every British person as!
Aren't the Pogues an irish band?
@MarkTrapp We are a bunch of racists in here aren't we?
I'm not sure
ah Celtic
@tiddy Ireland, that's like the New Jersey of Great Britain, right?
@MarkTrapp Pretty accurate.
@fbueckert Aye, I tend to avoid places where I can't have full sentences and actual words
He actually had his teeth fixed finally
@MarkTrapp It's like the Alaska
Though his face is still the same...
@MarkTrapp Dare I even ask who that is?
@fbueckert I have no idea. I just GISed "ugly british people"
Shane MacGowan
And HE is actually Irish. Band is from London though
He is also constantly drunk.
No that's just how his face looks
@OrigamiRobot Irish, what do you expect?
@tiddy Ireland is part of Britain.
@AshleyNunn I'm very fond of my brain cells. Places that use leet speak and murder the English language make them commit suicide. Hence, I save them from that fate by not frequenting those areas.
@tiddy Aside from that.
@tiddy The name helps me nothing! Nothing, I say. Goes Googling
@RonanForman depends which part of Ireland you mean
@fbueckert Aye, that strikes me as a fair way to go about it
@RonanForman can't tell if you're serious or also playing along
@RonanForman Britain = UK Scotland Wales and N Ireland
@Ronan Did I say something that needed that claification?
Ireland is in Great Britain, but only Northen Ireland is in the UK.
Britain != UK
Just watch it
hence I said Britain, with no 'Great'
Great Britain is the biggest island in the British Isles. Ireland is not part of GB
@MarkTrapp Neither is NI
But NI is part of Team GB
I wish there was a way to make this more confusing
Great Britain = the island, Lesser Britain = Brittany
@MarkTrapp Little Britain = comedy show.
Also a town in New York.
So are you British if you're from the British Isles?
London is the capital of Ontario?
@MarkTrapp yes but New York is just York with the word 'new' stuck on the front of it
@pixel New York is best York
@RonanForman Just like you're American if you come from the Americas
@RonanForman What did I say that needed that clarification? You directed it at me. Was I just the lucky recipient of a random Ronan trivia nugget?
@MarkTrapp Disagree, York is wonderful
@GrayStoat Yes, but only South Americans believe that. 'MERICA
Even old New York was once New Amsterdam
@MarkTrapp only because York in the UK is a collection of fields and people with funny accents
@OrigamiRobot Wasn't Bombay/Mumbai also New Amsterdam?
@tiddy you seemed to specify Irish over British, when both are true.
@GrayStoat That was not covered in the song.
I'm going to proper York in a couple of weeks.
I live too close to York to call it a visit
@RonanForman 'tis a fine place
@GrayStoat Might be going to Uni there.
@OrigamiRobot been a long time gone
@RonanForman 'tis a fine Uni
My sister went there
@GrayStoat Thank 'ya fine sir
@MarkTrapp Now it's Turkish delight, on a moonlit night.
the sounds people make up in this part of the country when they open their mouths to talk confuse me
I wish I lived down south again
@OrigamiRobot that's nobody's business but the Turks
@pixel 'ey up
@RonanForman I didn't. I specified Ireland over London.
@GrayStoat noooo
@pixel luv
calling me luv or duck
What term of endearment do they use where you are?
probably my two biggest hates in the world
petal is good, think that's around Durham
@MarkTrapp It's ok, I can only imagine the Tiny Toons version when I hear it
@GrayStoat I think I'm in the duck region.
I am not a duck and I do not love you.
@pixel Now I am sad
@AshleyNunn I have all the love in the world of Canada
Oh, what about poppet?
if only it weren't so cold
@RonanForman My parents were still recovering from North when I was growing up, got that one a lot
@pixel You'd hate it here, darlin.
@OrigamiRobot Don't you live in N Carolina or something
@pixel The North: Cold, wet, and full of people who can't speak trying to love you as a duck
@pixel This is the truth.
@pixel It's not so bad - we have hot chocolate and blankies.
I have hot chocolate and blackies
its varying degrees of cold that I can't stand
@pixel Don't get out of bed: problem solved
I can't get cold and then warm up
I have a cold coming on so I'm planning on not leaving the house for a few days
@GrayStoat that is the problem
Q: Why does my minecraft keep crashing on my linux ubuntu?

Philip Squire Minecraft has crashed! ---------------------- Minecraft has stopped running because it encountered a problem; Failed to start game This error has been saved to /home/waffleman1230/.minecraft/crash-reports/crash-2012-11-06_09.58.46-client.txt for your convenience. Please includ...

Q: What are the strengths of each grenade type?

EBongoThere are 3 grenade types in Halo 4 (frag, plasma, and pulse). Frag and plasma return from previous games, but they have not behaved exactly the same in all previous installments. Pulse is completely new for Halo 4. As I cart around my duffle bag full of grenades, in what circumstances does ea...

Q: Borderlands Co-Op Lan Play - Guns and Ammo

Rob P.I have the PS3 version of this game, but I've never played online. My friend and I are considering buying the PC version so we could play co-op on our PCs. Can someone tell me how ammo and gun drops are handled in co-op? Are they all 'free-for-all' or do we each get our own. Does the distribu...

Q: How to increase the coin income per tap, in Curiosity?

GnoupiIn his presentation of the Curiosity app, Peter Molyneux said that there are ways (based of rhythm, maybe?) to increase the amount of coins you earn, per tap. Also, in the "info screen" from the Curiosity app, it is said that there are skill mechanics that you will need to master Tappin...

When the ambient air in my room is freezing as I wake up, I can't get out of bed
@pixel Problem?
Find a job you can do from your bed, no problem
@GrayStoat Bow-chicha-bow-wow?
@Lazers Didn't Peter Molyneux also say that inside the cube is something mind blowing? Guess he conned you twice with one game then...
@GrayStoat It is a problem, when I am in bed I fall asleep
@RonanForman I believe it's more commonly referred to as 'bow-chicka-wow-wow'
@pixel The cube game is hilarious
I'm really enjoying the joke
@GrayStoat Only if you're a heathen
It's a parody of the whole minimal input/pay to win genre
It's beautiful
I don't get the point of it, to be honest.
@GrayStoat sure, useful to keep all the gullible people in the same place though, just in case we ever need to convince them all of the second coming of Christ or something.
It strikes me as a publicity stunt in the worst way
I hope the centre of the cube shows how many man-hours of time were wasted tapping a stupid cube
What's this?
@AshleyNunn But they're aware of what they're created, it's a hilarious joke
@SaintWacko A game where you break blocks on a cube. You can pay $50k (yes k) for a pick that lets you break blocks faster.
@GrayStoat o.0
@GrayStoat It is beautiful and terrible all at once.
What's the point of it?
@AshleyNunn It's great fun to watch
@SaintWacko To find out what's inside the cube
@GrayStoat I think I'll just wait til it's reported on the internet :P
@GrayStoat It entertains me as people try to figure out what it is
It's like zynga, but art
@GrayStoat I hesitate to call it art
@AshleyNunn Me too. The whole thing is wonderfully conceived.
@AshleyNunn I've seen much more tenuous art
@GrayStoat This is true, I suppose
@AshleyNunn This is complex in its simplicity. A beautiful machine of PR, marketing and game design
@GrayStoat And it gets at the desire for a life change and a glorious surprise and being the chosen
@AshleyNunn Despite not knowing what that even is, which somehow makes it more desirable.
Also, I want to go home and play Halo 4
I missed last week's big bang theory
@GrayStoat The lure of the unknown
@pixel there's nothing inside the cube right?
@badp That would be hilarious
@badp I read a quote last week where Peter used a string of words that made me publicly cry bullshit
I can't find the quote
it was along the lines of the contents of the cube being [life or world] changing
@pixel Peter is a clever man. He knows full well what he's doing
@GrayStoat Which is basically BSing the crap out of the world.
@fbueckert Yup. Pull up a chair, grab some popcorn.
I really shouldn't read Heinlein at work
I keep having to quickly turn a laugh into a cough
@GrayStoat Kinda like that dev for Dark Souls; where he told people to take the pendant gift or nothing at all.
@fbueckert ?
@SaintWacko What book are you reading?
Last game I ever played that he had anything to do with was Black and White
@AshleyNunn The Number of the Beast
@SaintWacko I haven't gotten to that one yet. :)
@AshleyNunn It's one of my favorites
I am not even convinced it is openable, the cube I mean
@GrayStoat My understanding is that everyone took the pendant, hoping for something cool to happen later on, but he admits there's nothing there, he was playing a joke on the entire community.
man, where were you TMBG quoters the other day. I totally quoted Ana Ng and nobody knew wtf I was talking about.
@agent86 I still don't know
@agent86 That's because you are old.
@Wipqozn :(
What? Nedroid is blocked? I NEED MY BEARTATO!
I love this class. The prof is quoting the Guild, and discussing Second Life and cannibalism and Stack Exchange
@OrigamiRobot The last update was October 26th, so you're not missing a new comic.
@Wipqozn I haven't looked at it in a while and I want to see all the old ones.
Ah, okay.
Well, in that case...
I sure would hate to not be able to read these comics right now.
That would suck
Knife one!
@Wipqozn You are a terrible person and you should feel bad
@AshleyNunn Thank you. I try.
@Wipqozn You do it so well.
@Wipqozn You try to feel bad? Wow, you suck at even normal human responses.
@fbueckert Try to be a terrible person.
@Wipqozn Hey, I can't help it, I tell people when they do things that fascinate me
Come on @fbueckert, I'm a tortoise, if you can't keep up with me you're wy too slow.
@Wipqozn No, I think you've got that down pat. You don't need to try at that.
1 min ago, by Wipqozn
user image
@Wipqozn I'm deliberately slowing myself down so you think I can't keep up.
It's the only way you can feel superior every now and then.
@fbueckert That is very evil tricksy of you
Now, I have actual work that needs to get done. So you may continue to feel superior for a bit longer.
@Fluttershy I'd like one.
@Ullallulloo HEATHEN
@OrigamiRobot D:
I don't actually have an opinion, I just want to be popular.
@OrigamiRobot We know.
@OrigamiRobot I understand, but you are fine just the way you are!
@AshleyNunn And if he isn't, he's a robot! We can fix him so he conforms!
@fbueckert Shhh, don't tell him that!
I'm just happy to be included.
@OrigamiRobot Then play devil's advocate
It's like trolling but it sounds better
Trolling is an art.
Aug 22 '11 at 1:33, by GnomeSlice ツ
Q: How do I Mash Potatoes?

GnomeSliceWhenever I try to make mashed potatoes, I end up with an excruciatingly sore forehead and a huge mess. And that stuff takes FOREVER to get out of your hair. What am I doing wrong?

@Wipqozn That's nowhere near as good as the 'how to unbake a cake' one.
I wish I thought of that.
From joystiq - "As for what's actually inside the cube, that is now public knowledge. And it is - drumroll please - a video link, which actually explains what's really inside the cube. So what's actually in the video? It could be instructions for how to find the secret treasures of Xanadu, or maybe all of Molyneux's hopes and dreams somehow condensed into five seconds of footage"
Q: How to unbake a cake?

A. RomneyI baked a cake and realized I added 1 less egg than I suppose to. I like to unbake the cake and add the egg. Then I like to bake it again. Please help. Thanks in advance. Problem?

@Wipqozn Heeheehee, that's awesome.
@OrigamiRobot Trolling is a art
@GrayStoat The best part is, either way is trolling now.
@OrigamiRobot Troll
Oh are we starring everything now? Guess not.
@OrigamiRobot Looks like your star's flickering there, might need to get it replaced
This is excellent fun
bored now
Which company is the biggest douchebag, though...
@GnomeSlice Probably Facebook. It's so shameless
@GrayStoat I dunno, Apple is a pretty big douchebag.
I would say Microsoft, on account of all the corpses of other companies they left in their wake during their existence
@GnomeSlice Less of a douchebag more a straight-up bully.
@pixel s/Microsoft/Apple/, or Google, etc. etc.
@GrayStoat Chronologically, Microsoft did it first, the rest followed by example :p
@pixel s/Microsoft/IBM/
@GrayStoat IBM isn't on the list
@pixel Arguably they started it all
sure but they're not on the list!
@GrayStoat you are one of those people who draws checkboxes on questionnaires to add your own specific answer to each question, aren't you?
Religion: [X] Jedi
@pixel I do that sometimes.
@GnomeSlice Eh. I understand enough economics to know that that's not a bad thing.
@pixel Nooooo.....
@GrayStoat Man, I keep reading you name as StrayGoat. I think you should change it to that.
@OrigamiRobot its ok, it took me a week to work out who it was
@GnomeSlice 6 billion spent within the US on printing, marketing, production, events etc. etc. is a good thing when there's a poor economy
Oh, I know who it is. I just can't read the name correctly.
@OrigamiRobot I'm actually a Snote, but people around here don't think that's a real thing :'(
@GrayStoat Economy and massive debt are the problems. Yes, spending money to get out of recession is a good thing. Spending far beyond your means and continuing to rack up debt is not, however.
And the US debt just continues to grow.
@fbueckert Spending too much externally (say, on Chinese stuff) is bad. Spending it internally is good.
@GrayStoat Meth coated donuts?
@fbueckert wasn't it you who was watching continuum?
@pixel Donut coated meth
@pixel Indeed
@GrayStoat either way... meth is bad
@pixel mmmmkay?
 Free tune!!!! This is a piss take bootleg of Push It To The Limit from the movie Scar Face. This track is a piece of shit. I played it in Adelaide a few years ago and they asked for the reload but they were all on meth. We even saw this guy sniffing glue in the middle of town and a bit of glue was hanging off his nose and the glue looked at me. Take it, play it, laugh at it, rofl at it possibly while mayoing.

Release/catalogue number: 8==0
@fbueckert isn't the US national debt getting bought out by companies the back story to how that happened?
@GrayStoat mmkay!
@fbueckert and do you know if/when season 2 happens?
@pixel Companies basically take over the US, and abolish the government entirely.
@pixel I have no idea, but I sincerely hope so.
@fbueckert oh good, so my memory isn't that bad
brb hometime
@fbueckert 'MURICA
@GrayStoat That's essentially what's happening now.
It's an interesting show. The fact that it happens in Canada amuses me.
@fbueckert Well quite.
The only season 2 I care about is Legend of Korra
IndieGameStand's daily deal today is Gimbal, the multiplayer space shooter.
@Ullallulloo I'll send you one when I get off work!
@Fluttershy Awesome! :)
@OrigamiRobot That amulet I linked is worth ~10 mil or so.
@fbueckert I don't even understand the current economy
@OrigamiRobot Neither do I.
That Skorn of mine was pretty damn awesome.
But I got all of 1.5 mil for it.
Oh God it snowed yesterday
Fuck you, Picard.
Writer's Chat in The Overlook is starting now. Today we provide support and encouragement to National Novel Writing Month participants. All are welcome, especially the curious.
Yeah, it got cold again this morning -.-
@KitFox uururgrggagagrgrhagrgahrgrgrgrrgruuuroogogoh
@pixel Where the crap is your furnace?
@GnomeSlice Hi Gnomy.
@KitFox Hello. =]
@fbueckert Furnace?
@pixel It's -2. That means you need something to keep your house warm, no?
@KitFox Is that considered a traditional greeting from him?
Unless you use a boiler or other heating method.
@SaintWacko Yes. Yes, it is.
@fbueckert Or a lava pool
@SaintWacko It's our secret handshake.
@KitFox Ah, I see
@fbueckert when you said furnace I saw like a large blasting furnace for pottery or something
was like, I want to get warm, not leave a fiery mess of rubble
@pixel A kiln?
@pixel I live in a country where it hits -40 for weeks on end. Furnaces are sort of required for survival.
> In British English, a furnace is an industrial furnace used for many things, such as the extraction of metal from ore (smelting) or in oil refineries and other chemical plants, for example...
but yes, it would be a kiln for pottery
@pixel In Canada, it means the contained firebox that makes sure your house is warm.
Pretty sure I call my home heating unit 'the furnace'.

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