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:147824 best game over screen
I'm really impressed at how well it's selling on Steam
Although MTG just bumped them down from #3 to #4 on the top sellers list
What's the policy on cleaning up grammar in other peoples' questions?
grammer and spelling are fair game
I think we've been holding back on: what the user really meant
Eve, all
Ooh, grammar note. Does anyone mind so much if I have an inkling urge to edit spelling in comments? Just tidy-tidying, probably only a comment that has already been edited anyway?
I am in favor of all legitimate spelling and grammar edits.
Readability is king.
Evening Grace
Lo, @Fall
(Also delayed) Osu, @Less
@Grace you have carte blanche as far as I am concerned
White cake?
Carte blanche may refer to: * Blank cheque, a cheque that has no numerical value entered, but is already signed * Full Powers, term in international law referring to the authority of a person to sign a treaty or convention on behalf of a sovereign state. Carte Blanche may also refer to: ; Music * Carte Blanche (album), a 1997 album by Rachid Taha * Carte Blanche (Phat Kat album), a 2007 album by Phat Kat * "Carte Blanche", a 1999 trance song by Veracocha * "Carte Blanche", a song from the 1981 film Shock Treatment, the follow up to The Rocky Horror Picture Show * "Carte Blanche", a co...
...I liked my conclusion more. Is more delicious. Even though I can't possibly imagine eating right now
Haha, that'd be gâteau blanc :P
I only ever knew French in one dream.
"Qu'est Que C'est" is all the french I know.
Thanks David Byrne!
"mais non" is my favorite french phrase
forgot the -ce, @Lesspop, "qu'est-ce que c'est"
Want Recettear to be released now dangit
I need a good image to represent DF
something CC
maybe just a dwarf
Or a pick.
Or fiery hot death.
oh wow, ok don't just search for dwarf stuff as apparently there is an entire wow sub culture that caters to the erotic
And you act surprised.
I act it because I am
Welcome to the internet?
:147946 No I didn't. David Byrne did.
I realize there are various erotic subcultures that I am not a part of, but sometimes they are surprising
God bless the internet
I think I'm too jaded to be surprised by the detritus that the internet barfs forth from its shadowy innards. Baffled, sure, but not surprised.
I think it was more of the volume
like I assume this kind of stuff goes on
but not to this magnitude
Ah :)
Go and click through rule34's site sometime...
like, I know rule 34 and 35
I am not some uncouth virgin
:147962 baffled is perhaps the right word.
the sheer amount of Mythbusters porn is kind of mindblowing
wow, this is the most ridiculous page: apple.com/itunes/affiliates/download
it says itunes 10
I think the moment when I truly came to realize that someone has made everything, was the day I discovered Dragons F***ing Cars.
but if you click it you get 9.2
Dragons and cars?
I'm adjusted to tanks and battleships by this point
@less my watershed moment was s******** d*** n******
:147977 Oh, I'm adjusted to all kinds of things now. I'm just pointing out that dragons screwing cars was the moment that I kind of gave up hope that there was unexplored territory.
I knew if things had gone that far, they had gone further.
:147974 lol "Shoo! That's my Geo! Shoo!"
lmao @JavadocMD
Man, I would not want to get in between a dragon and whatever it wants to bone. That can not end up well.
that link is NOT SAFE
:147984 or very well -.-)
:147984 it can get worse... when you are the target.
though it is the tamest in the category.
It looks like it's just kinda hugging it
Hum... that makes me a bit concerned... but I can get confirmation...
And yet if dragons were real, we all know that would happen all the time. We'd buy dragon insurance and have devices to bolt our cars to our driveways at night.
what was the stackexchange policy on...
wow, some of these dwarves are hot...
Like I've never been into that kind of thing bug I can see why someone would
...you're STILL looking?
I'm trying to find a good image
Train Wreck Syndrome!
I need something that represents DF
DF does need more sex appeal.
I'm not sure gamingse.wordpress.com is the venue for it
StarCraft 2 doesn't have an image yet you don't see me hunting down sexy siege tank pictures!
no, for the blog
also, sexy siege tank?
Of course.
:148010 For the truly discriminating Dragon in search of high firepower mechanical romance.
Oh yeah, hot Mutalisk on Zealot action, baby
@alexanderpas those are largely lame
:148016 slowdown.vg/images/Dwarf-Fortress.gif Pixeldorf could work well.
If you crop him down
oh nice less
that'll work
:148012 There's a lot of good results in that search.
that's a cropped version in the same search.
very nice
I think we need to supplement our wealth of Dwarf Fortress questions with some LIberal Crime Squad inquiries
"WARNING: The scope of this game is narrower than that of real life. We have attempted to include foul language, graphic violence, politics, religion, sexual references, adult situations, narcotics, prostitution, bodily functions and bad pickup lines, but Bay 12 Games recognizes that there might be omissions which will make some players uncomfortable"
We have attempted to include _ but recognize we might have ommitted them and it might leave people uncomfortable.
Thank god they remembered the narcotics and bodily functions. I'd've been uncomfortable if they weren't in there.
I just learned something about myself
above $3 I have to try an ipad game before buying
below $3 I'll just spend the money
not sure why $3 is the magic number, but it is
Oy, @Pop Star
Popular Demand
Salut, @Grace ... Period?
Hm... there aren't all that many things that can follow after grace, are there? Besides dinner, of course
Popular Demand
Popular Demand
Nope, still not oneboxed.
Hail Marry full of @Grace
But for the @Grace of God...
Let me ask a question to all the apple fanboys out there, why the hell does itunes suck so badly?
:148047 I won't even try to field that, because the reasons I hate iTunes are so /wildly different/ from the reasons most PC users/switchers hate iTunes.
I hate that when I resize iTunes it doesn't resize its scrollable boxes
(functionally I love it, I just can't stand the way that Apple uses it as a playground to flagrantly break their own UI guidelines in new and exciting ways every few years.)
Popular Demand
:148046 ... yeah, I'm not going to call him @GraceOfGod. Good thought, though.
how do you know? maybe she is the @Grace of God!
Popular Demand
@Grace, please forgive my rudeness, but what pronoun do you prefer?
I was waiting for that
Either works, @Popular. Use what is most comfortable for you.
Popular Demand
:148059 Seems like an invitation to go with "it."
it is grammatically incorrect
Popular Demand
To english.stackexchange we go!
If that's what is most comfortable for you, then that's perfectly fine
Q: Gender neutral pronoun.

NulldeviceWhich pronoun should I use as a gender neutral: Each student should save his questions until the end. or Each student should save her questions until the end.

Popular Demand
Okay, question for Not Gaming Related: what was the deal with SC1 players on battle.net back in the day (and perhaps SC2, I dunno, I haven't played it) always typing "gogogogogo" into the pre-game chat screen thing?
could fallback on zie and zir too
Popular Demand
I know, the marines, but why do it at all?
there is no real reason other than being anxious
the advice is "you are advised to reword to avoid having to use a gender neutral singular third-person pronoun."
Popular Demand
Ugh. Part of my brain is bothered by the English SE site because so many things don't have a real, correct answer. But that discussion is off-topic for this room.
Criticism of the 'Singular they' is entirely a product of uptight english teachers.
I actually get very edgey if I dare to use a singular they
Singular They in fact has a longer and more august tradition than the use of 'he' as gender neutral, which was basically introduced by one such uptight english teacher.
Popular Demand
:148083 Them's fightin' words.
That's... not actually going to make me feel less edgey
:148082 Note that examples of Generic they precede generic He by several hundred years
That doesn't work?
I was agreeing with you...
Popular Demand
Hm, how many Fallout 3 questions can I ask before people realize that that's the only game I've ever played?
:148091 Lots. It's a pretty deep game.
:148091 Also, New Vegas in a month! Lots to ask then!
Popular Demand
:148093 Hear, hear!
Popular Demand
First thing I've pre-ordered in a long time.
I'd say go nuts
people still haven't figured out I only play WoW and I ask Jon Skeet for my Starcraft 2 answers
Popular Demand
... although that's partially because my girlfriend is more proactive about pre-ordering tham I am.
Popular Demand
Hm, is there a style recommendation on including the game name in the question title?
Popular Demand
(Going to search meta but I figured this was quicker)
Only if necessary
Popular Demand
What's "necessary"?
Q: Question with Vague title

DavRob60I know those question are ok when you look at the tag, but I think this and this questions should have "in nethack" at the end of the title. Do you agree or it's just me that is picky? Update: OK, you want some vague title, we will look at this question then... Update: OK, I deleted my Quest...

Oh, speaking of, @tzenes, did you understand my comment in the rec-room-thread or were you as confused as Juan?
Popular Demand
Yeah, I found that question now.
Popular Demand
Not sure I agree with you.
which comment?
>@tzenes Over the years I've had no shortage of recommendations fall into my lap (and eventually drain my purse) without me ever saying a word. You might not get to voice your specific needs, but consider that a room dedicated to recommendations is going to already be bristling with numerous options by the time you open the door.
Make sure you read Aubergine's answer, too, @Popular
Popular Demand
Is it expected that you check a question's title and tags before choosing to read it?
no I get that
Popular Demand
That's different than any other SE site I've used to any noticeable extent.
I actually consider that a feature
not a bug
@Popular A lot of people do judge on both, at least as far as I've seen
It's entirely why ignored and interesting are used, isn't it? Because people do use tags to filter what they want to even look at
I have [wii] as interesting because i own a boatload of wii games (and a wii).
I don't know, it seems unnecessary
Popular Demand
I'm not personally a big user of that feature. Maybe I'm not as big on tags as the average person.
but I don't really care enough to voice a real opinion
I have nothing flagged as interesting because the volume isn't high enough for me to want a filter.
Popular Demand
That said, I think tags work better as a first-pass filtering mechanism than something to look at on the individual-question level.
I use interesting tags on SO only, out of laziness more than anything. Don't use 'em elsewhere, and no ignored tags anywhere
Popular Demand
They're not even guaranteed to be accurate.
:148059 I am uncomfortable with your unwillingness to answer ;-) (many minutes late)
Hey, sweet this works on mobile.
Ooh, a textbook on the <Art of Literacy>. I can use this to learn how to read!
Popular Demand
Argh, my Gaming Meta name is still Popular Demand!
:148135 xkcd.com/754
:148156 how long did you wait?
At least a week, by now
Excluding the initial wait time of when the private beta was first started
Popular Demand
:148167 What @Grace said.
Popular Demand
I don't understand why there's no "edit" button.
Popular Demand
The system obviously has no problem having two separate names because my "parent" Gaming name is Lord Torgamus, as I want.
This chair is an eyesore.
did you file a bug?
Popular Demand
:148201 I wanted to say yes, but I actually only filed two other account association bugs.
:148213 well, there's your problem
@Popular Did you read my full answer? I have a whole passage dedicated to what to do when either you worry about negative attention from your own vague title, or worry about negative attention on someone else's vague title.
Popular Demand
:148441 To be perfectly honest, I couldn't follow your answer after the beginning.
I suppose that's worth a downvote, then.
Popular Demand
Which is unusual, since I usually find that you think along the same lines as me, but are better at finding relevant existing posts and more efficient at presenting the relevant ideas/concepts/what-have-you.
Despite being a machine, efficiency is apparently one of my weaker traits.
Popular Demand
:148447 That is exactly the opposite of what I just said. What gives?
I write too much. I don't consider it efficient at all.
Popular Demand
:148449 Oh, different efficiencies. I meant that you, more than other users, FGIW me. Yeah, it's a verb now.
Popular Demand
'sides, you're no @devinb.
Popular Demand
But yeah, I kinda feel the same way; things start out short, then I add a few words here or there to clarify some minor or perceived ambiguity, and suddenly I have a five-paragraph essay on my hands.
Popular Demand
... and so does the community, 'cause I'm not going to hit "cancel" after all that work.
I've withdrawn a few mammoth posts
This is an example of really bad, list of lists:
Q: StarCraft 2 Glossary of Terms

Mag RoaderI see a lot of words flying about when talking about StarCraft 2 strategies. Things like Rush, Timing, Contain, Push, 6Pool, Cheese... It would be quite helpful to have a list of the accepted vocabulary in one place. What are the common terms used when talking about StarCraft 2 strategies and p...

1 hour later…
hi @jeff
just stopping by to check some chat dev stuff
G'night all
Night @fallen
1 hour later…
For every door that you can open in Aquaria, Aquaria closes two
1 hour later…
1:34 and then 1:32
what a tease
I believe you need the spirit form. Which is found in a secret area in Mithalas :)
oo, you did it?
I'm, sigh, answering myself
get anything good?
Not telling! :P
It's not game changing.
no, I imagine it wouldn't be.
If you want to know click there. (Limited time offer, the room will be pruned.)
Interesting, Aquaria actively resists being screencapped.
I'm sure theres a "take screen shot" button
if print screen doesn't do it, try some of the F keys
presses all Fn keys, except for F1
bah, I got it
fires up fraps
lol, even Fraps fails
you on windows?
heehee, thanks.
Let's see if my fraps of my 1:25 run is something more than a black screen
800 megs for 100 secs, sigh
stores it all raw then I guess.
Actually it doesn't
start project transcoding.
They claim they do perform some kind of lightweight encoding
which dropped my fps to 18 during the taking
What does VLC need a font cache for anyway?
:148868 Tsk, 800 megs is less than Youtube's limit, so I'm uploading it as-is :P
let's hope your connection doesn't timeout...
I'll use the Java uploader for large files
The video beats the screenshot because the screenshot with the full map would've spoiled where the race is...
I guess I won my own first Make Me A Sammich Video contest!
Go me!
"About 250 min remaining"
"Video codec: FRAPS"
:148874 Last time I tried to upload a large video, I closed the tab when I reached 70%
time to go for my dentist appointment...
:148885 Have fun
:148886 You're welcome
Gotta low how works of art get ridiculed by youtube comments on the maker's sexuality
1 hour later…
"About 136 min. remaining..."
The joys of a 50 kB/s uplink
At least it's five hours of waiting instead of three hours of figuring out how to compress the darn, one hour of compression and one hour of upload
What happens if there is only one answer on a question that I've put a bounty?
does that guy get the bounty?
I don't think anybody gets the bounty unless the person who asked the question accepts that as the answer
but I may be wrong
or just awards the bounty to someone
Yeah, there's no more auto awarding of bounty I think
Is that the "omg ultra long names DO WANT" question?
yea it is. The answer is just guesswork and I don't think it's worth the bounty, but no one seems to know.
Slow day, today.
annoying day for me today
What's annoying is evading a heat 4 chase with a "heat 1" cop car, but only after you evade six spikelines
when said cop car takes ages to go from gear 1 to gear 2 and starts up going in circles
challenge 44 in NFS:MW
:148071 1a2a3a4a5a6a7a8a9a0a is warmup for attacking, and there is typically a click after each "a"
I am a banana.
A vampire mermaid banana?
A: What is the criteria for getting gold stars in Rock Band 2?

ManaTwo points have to be met in order for you to obtain gold stars: You must be playing on Expert difficulty (all instruments if there are multiple players; if guitar, bass and vocals are on Expert, but drums are on Hard, you won't get gold stars no matter how well you perform). You must achieve a...

Please tell me I don't have to block-quote the content in those links
Block-quote? No.
You may want to integrate them, or just move along to other answers.
there are a lot of scores there
...a lot of scores
and we can't do tables
oh well
I was thinking about asking that question the other day
I thought it possibly would've been a good candidate to have a CW answer then I started thinking about it and figured it'd be too unwieldy, even if it was only limited to the RB2 disc songs.
:149409 Especially because every update bumps the question
Yeah... It could've been potentially a decent collaborative effort, but I think most of it would've just been pulling from pre-existing databases of people who've already done the work.
And many of the people who've taken the time and effort to put those databases together likely ask for some sort of attribution
To be honest -- if I did such a huge work, I'd make sure it sat on as many computers as possible so that there was no single point of failure that would make it all go lost
Haha, yeah
Especially web forums look like a poor choice...
quiet day today
:o) HoNk HoNk
I should go get some housecleaning done
gonna pop on the Katamari soundtrack I think
always good to keep you moving
oh god
that song's now going to be stuck in my head all day
27 rep to go.
Btw, that wasn't a request for upvotes.
3 upvotes and 0 youtube views is quite suspicious :P
YT view counter fails
I def watched the video
Weird, that counter didn't use to be aggressively cached
Maybe it's changed now.
Q: how to identify BUC of item in nethack

Nippysaurus Possible Duplicate: Identifying items without killing myself How can I identify the BUC (blesses, uncursed, cursed) status of items in nethack? I have dropped something on an altar, which will apparently provide different outcomes (such as smoke) depending on its status, but I did this...

Please reopen, definitely not an exact duplicate
especially given that "BUC" is a technical common term the top answer does not use
We had the exact same argument over the block list/harassment questions in SC II
question 1 was fairly general. Question 2 asked something, the answer to which was somewhat covered in question 1, and people screamed dupe.
Here Question 1 didn't even ask about the specifics. It was simply mentioned by the answer.
yeah, same.
the SC pair was "How do I deal with someone who is harassing me" and "Can I block people in SC II"
the answer to the second is one possible solution to the first. But it isn't the only one and they aren't the same thing.
Well, those are more similar.
This is "How do I know this item won't kill me" vs "How do I know this item isn't cursed"
not in my opinion. There are a host of legitimate reasons to block someone that are not harassment.
Although I can see the same mechanism
"How to deal with idiots?" "Block them." "How to block them?"
"How do I know this item won't kill me?" "Check if it's cursed." "How do I know this item isn't cursed?"
Right. but that doesn't make the question that is a natural follow up from 1 a dupe of it.
Yeah, that's the point.
Grace won't budge however

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