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ugh, what's the deal with this apple tv thing?
are there people out there who want this and don't have an xbox/ps3/wii?
Yeah, some guys at work are oogling it.
:147200 Where are you reading about it?
its a summery from todays live webcast
gizmodo for me.
@McKay really?
I hate gizmodo
Why hatest thou the gizmodo?
Okay, I checked ars technica and it's there also
they were at CES just turning off people's tvs
and being asses
they're like the 4chan of internet news
I don't love them to death, I just think they're a decent source of news.
MacRumors is too much mac, and too much rumors. I want all tech news.
And I'm not such a mac fan that I want to know about all of the things that steve might be saying at his next stevenote.
or slashdot.com
Although today Ars is mainly about Apple
The problem with slashdot is that it's like newspapers
You're reading tomorrow yesterday's "news"
and the articles are actually poorly written
and the links are suboptimal
Slashdot actually only is about the commentary.
yeah, I'm not a fan of slashdot, it's all old, and it frequently feels biased
Slashdot sucks as a news source because, well, Slashdot is not a news source.
Slashdot is a news commenting platform. A good one, too.
lol @tzenes, you're repeating me ;-)
I still get more news from slashdot than any other source
it may not have the professional journalism feel of a site like ars, but its still the best source if I want to know what's going on
@Ivo where?
in Gaming on Meta Stack Overflow Chat, Sep 1 at 18:18, by Ivo Flipse
why would I want an Apple TV without a hard drive?
crap I have to go to bed already, have to cycle to work tomorrow, so have to get up early for a change :P
Oh it's only 17 miles, not that bad
yeah, I just think that if you're a technophile you already have an Xbox/ps3/wii so you have this problem solved
unless you're a die hard Mac guy, you're not going to buy an Apple TV that you don't really need.
So, some of these guys at work have a Wii, but want HD streaming.
he's filling a need that's already met
Doesn't the Wii have HD components?
Not really
The Wii can do 480p?
:147325 Lots of people aren't technophiles but have netflix. Most consumer facing netflix streaming devices that aren't game consoles suck. TV has a pretty huge potential market at 99bux.
guess not
:147336 Are these the same people who are going to buy an apple tv?
:147339 THey're the market.
If you're someone like my father (who has netflix and we bought him a wii he doesn't use), I don't think you're going to buy an apple tv
Whether they buy it? Ask me again in 3 months.
I think the target market for new technology is the early adoptors
But based on my own experience slinging Apple stuff?
So, I think it has a good chance at non-gaming technophiles.
I'd say they are going to sell like ****ing HOTCAKES at 99 bucks.
well maybe it does
I don't know that market very well
people are going to walk into an apple store to buy an ipod or iphone or macbook as a gift
maybe I'm way off base here
and they are going to get shown this magical tiny box that for 99 bucks puts unlimited movie streaming on your tv
Good news everybody -- copyright is no more! "Piracy is flat, unadulterated theft", so there's no need for copyright laws. Theft laws do just fine.
and it is firmly in 'impulse holiday buy territory' at 99 bucks.
yeah 99 is the impulse margin
It is going to sell like CRAZY at Apple Retail.
if they do even a halfway decent job of training
(n.b. they did a HORRID job training people to sell the original TV which IMO is a big part of why it was such a flop.)
well I know here at Amazon we are very familiar with the $99 line
I spent 5 years in Apple Retail. I know the sort of customers and the sort of impulse puchases they'll make. tv will sell like crazy if retail does it's job with it.
it's priced perfectly. The physical size of the unit is a huge sell too.
like I said, maybe you're right. I'm a technophile so I'm not as intouch with that market
it's this little 2" square magic box you plug into your TV.
:147373 No, I think they're targetting non-gaming technophiles too. (which also isn't you Tzenes, but should be closer to you)
@McKay I'm looking around my office and I'm not seeing a single person who wants this
they all have solutions to that problem, why would they buy another?
And listening in my office, "everyone" seems to want this.
Because they don't have such solutions
maybe they're mac users?
I work in a linux heavy environment
mac is kind of the butt of a lot of jokes
No? We're a win development shop, heavy windows development stuff. One of them in particular is a mac fan too,
this is very strange
but has a lot of PCs and Macs at home.
I don't have a perfect solution either @McKay, but I know when someone is robbing me when all they're offering is a nicer looking version of XBMC or Boxee
jesus I did 305 rep today
Does Boxee support netflix? non-xbox Media Center Extenders?
and lost another 60
not sure, they're box is currently at the FCC I think (or their remote is)
The guys who seem interested in AppleTV like the 1) Netflix Streaming, 2) Streaming from a computer 2) Streaming from the internet.
XBox 360 and PS3 do 1 and 2 well, but more expensive
Roku is the same price but doesn't do #2 as well.
The Boxee Box is more expensive
the Boxee application requires a separate computer? I'm not sure I understand Boxee well enough.
360 streams from the internet...
Also, isn't Boxee $100?
:147407 You can run Boxee on a standard computer, yes.
I left off #3 for the 360 and PS3, because it's probably about the same.
the same?
the PS3 watches random internet videos through it's crappy browser.
the 360, the PS3, and the Apple TV all have a rental online streaming system.
Point is, for many people this is still an 'unsolved problem'. For those that have a solution, whether it's a game console, or a PC, or whatever, it probably doesn't replace it. For those that don't, in many cases, the primary barrier against the existing solutions was either price, or time investment, both of which TV requires substantially less of.
In any case, the PS3 and the 360 do the same job as the Apple TV, but they're a lot more expensive, and may not be compelling to them.
Interestingly, those two barriers are probably the least threatening to early adopters and technophiles like us.
:147420 Well said.
I think the big barrier is that most normal people don't think they want it
they have their OnDemand and that's good enough
they don't want Streaming from Youtube
Which means that for a lot of the people that care enough about the announcement itself to know about this today, they don't want it, and the reaction is negative.
But once the people that don't think they want it see it in an Apple Store for 99 bucks... they're gonna start wanting it.
the price is low enough that you can convince people.
well the joke goes you can probably sell cow crud for $99
This reminds me a great deal of the "I have a netbook why would I want an iPad" conversations of 6 months ago. That's nice and all, but the people the iPad was being marketed at were the people that didn't buy the Netbook.
:147432 What kind of cow are we talking about here? *fishes for wallet*
:147432 Will it make my lawn greener?
@lesspop is that true? I had thought that they were the people who did buy a netbook
:147439 Not from my experience of iPad owners, and what I hear from the folks I still know at Retail.
Word from them is that the vast majority of iPad sales at retail are folks who are impressed by the device when demoed in store.
I realized how nice an ipad was when I realized that a netbook really does more than I want it to, and the things I want it to do the iPad does better
:147444 Which is a realization that the people I'm talking about hadn't come to 6 months ago, 2 months before release.
which is my point. :P
ah, so you think that I'm going to have both an Xbox and an Apple TV?
I'm not saying you're wrong, maybe I will
its hard to tell right now
See, I want a reason to buy an iPad, but I don't really see it filling a need for me, especially without a keyboard.
Does it play StarCraft?
Oh, it doesn't?
It lets me surf the internet?
My phone does that.
Is it smaller than my phone?
your phone doesn't surf the internet
its a strange thing to say
but once you've used an ipad you understand
your phone is nice for looking something up on wikipedia
:147463 Help me understand without having one?
but for using this chat room? painful
for browsing through stuff on slashdot? annoying
for answering question on gaming.se? prohibitive
But if I'm doing those things, why am I not sitting at a computer?
(and why am I not working playing StarCraft II?)
why use your phone instead of a computer?
Because I'm out.
I'm away from home, or I'm at dinner and a question came up.
actually for me its usually because i'm in bed
:147471 Because the couch is so much more comfortable.
or on the couch watching tv
yeah, that a big one for me
like if my computer pings because one of you messaged me in here
I've got to get up, go in the other room, sit down, and look
with the ipad I just tap twice
The selling point of the iPad isn't it's portability to take around with you all day, although it has that to an extent. It's the portability to be comfortably used all over your home.
before I owned an ipad I would have never realized this
My phone is the reverse.
but getting up to go to the computer is annoying as hell
:147486 Yeah, I see this. I do have a laptop floating around the house for similar purposes.
Like I said, a laptop does more than you need, and what you want it to do, it doesn't do as well
:147490 Yeah, but laptops are bulky, and awkward, and kind of annoying on the couch.
an iPad is more convenient, sure, but is it worth the cost? And the "crap, I can't play StarCraft II on this thing" factor?
well if cost is an issue wait for the droid pads
:147493 You can't play Starcraft II, but you can play Warpgate HD.
they're on their way
Fair trade IMO.
warpgate isn't nearly as fun
:147493 Which is why I'm waiting until the iPad hits the $200-250 price range.
/s/ Warpgate/ Words With Friends.
ok, you win with that one
And I'm sorry but if you argue Scrabble is not as fun as anything, you are a philistine and a heretic.
also, :%s/Warpgate/Words With Friends/g
there is only one text editor
I just play those dumb social games on the ipad
but I second @tzenes, browsing on the ipad is very much unlike browsing your phone
I guess 7 inch would be good enough, since most pages aren't wide enough
but surely it beats 3.7 inch or smaller
The other iOS games that have consumed me are The Incident (though that feels better on phone) and Carcassone.
I like Castlecraft
and those crappy things like Farm Story :P but it goes against my nature to plant anything other than the most profitable stuff :P
Carcassonne is better in real life (same with scrabble)
that's the game Epic demoed at the stevenote today
I might have to add some of these to my list
I love Carcassonne
:147527 The beauty of an iPad with carcassone is you can do an awesome pass and play game. Who needs board?
Castlecraft is quite decent @tzenes
Though I've never really played it electronically
and off course playing plants vs zombies is totally awesome, especially if you've never done it before
Dungeon Hunter HD is fun
Conquist was just a cheap risk version, but you can play it with multiple players
I got paid today so I bought 8 DS games
pass and play discourages the discussion, which is half the point of carcassonne. Social interaction.
(offline at least)
so a new surge of questions by you? :P
:147545 How does that discourage discussion?
yeah, and I'll add in these ipad games
the iPad screen is absolutely large enough to be a 'board' on the table, IMO.
the best thing is: if my GF has the ipad, I get to play SC2
I need mobile stuff for pax this weekend
Even with expansions?
nuff said
Typical board size? several feet in diameter.
:147557 Now that is a reason to get an iPad :D
this is a very weird conversation
because not 5 minutes ago I was on the opposite side
saying: why would anyone buy apple tv
but here I am evangelizing the ipad
it truly is, she get's to watch crappy replays of reality programs
yup, but the ipad and apple tv are not the same
:147564 This is the thing about a lot of Apple products. Is that people tend to be very skeptical when they launch new stuff in my experience.
my tv is not a touchscreen
But you can watch a movie on your iPad, then send it to your apple TV!
"Less storage than a nomad. No wireless. Lame."
ipad is only good, if you aren't the primary user of it ;)
and they're going to upsell me on accessories
for me, there's no reason to buy an apple tv
because if I wanted it to do what the ipad does
I'd buy a mac mini
not a frigging apple tv
:147580 But it's not for what the iPad does. And it costs 1/6th the price.
you get what you pay for
1/6th of the ipad
For me, there's no reason to buy a blender. Because if I want it to do what a toaster does, I'd buy an oven. Not a blender.
it's not wireless, it doesn't have a touch screen, I still have to share the tv with my gf
I'm buying an Android version as soon as one comes to market that's affordable and doesn't suck
It is wireless. Unless you mean the input from the device to your TV in which case... pretty sure that's some pie in the sky tech.
(Incidentally, something similar was always my favorite complaint from idiots at apple - "WHAT DO YOU MEAN THIS IS WIRELESS! I HAVE TO CHARGE IT/PLUG IT IN TO THE WALL")
:147597 Which is basically a device connected to your TV with a wire.
:147602 But it might be built into TVs soon.
Then we'd just need wireless power built in.
yup, but the device connected to that device connected to your tv isn't
and last I checked, it sends over at higher bitrates than what apples streams to you ;)
There are some areas where I don't understand the need to go wireless. Input devices hooked up to a TV are generally one of them. They're usually as stationary as the TV itself, so is it really that hard to learn to cable manage?
what the hell, it doesn't even have apps (the apple tv)
I mean, I'm all for wire /reduction/. But HDMI mostly solves that tbqh.
:147611 My point is that the device you want and the device apple is selling that happens to have the same name as what you want are just not the same thing at all.
just wait until Intel's medfield comes out, I'm sure they'll built in such chips. If I can stream from my phone to my tv, that would be nice
you are very correct :P
and I can't believe other's are falling for it
an xbox will set you back 150$, go buy that
:147618 And an annual fee for XBL
you think Apple doesn't tax you? wait until you need to pay for a remote control :P
you can actually get a 360 on sale for $100, and XBL for $40 a year
TV is cheaper, has no commitments or subscriptions required, is smaller, and is simpler. For someone that doesn't want to play video games, it's undeniably cheaper.
additionally you have to purchase $10 for netflix per month
and another $10 for hulu plus
ping was a dumb name though
no commitments doesn't get you anything either :P
so was Bing, but heck, doesn't seem to bother Microsoft
what's the monthly on appletv? did they announce it yet?
There are definite reasons to want a device that does more than TV, and an Xbox is a very appealing alternative, but to claim there's no market for a device that's cheaper and doesn't have any required fees is crazy.
There is no monthly on AppleTV
on the device itself.
netflix isn't free
If you have a Netflix subscription you can use it.
ok, so what is the monthly for everything you need to use AppleTV?
If you dont', you can't use netflix. You can still do all the other stuff the device does.
what about Hulu?
If you want to use netflix, it's 10/mo
tv doesn't do hulu
oh, then why would I want it?
TV shows through appletv are all alacarte through ITMS. 99 cents/episode.
or you can stream over your network from content on your computer.
or stream anything your netflix subscription has access to.
hmmm, Hulu plus on my ipad is $10 a month, thats 10 episodes a month on apple tv
if I watch 11 episodes hulu is a better deal
I dont' get why they don't have hulu on appletv
that seems like a mistake
(personally, I'd expect an update or jailbreak app to allow streaming of the video output from any app on an iphone/ipad to an tv to happen within 6 months or so.)
streaming content from my computer doesn't cost anything extra on an xbox
:147656 I'm guessing it was a studio objection and the deal just didn't get finished in time.
:147658 And it doesn't cost anything extra on apple tv either
also, $.99 buys you an episode on xbox
not rent
yeah, but your apple tv stays an apple tv, whilst xbox also plays dvd's, games
and actually let's itself be upgraded for additional services
but no worries @LessPopMoreFizz, I just like to rant, I know there's a market for this
how much does a dvd player go for these days?
:147663 Personally, that distinction annoys me, since most of the time, I'd rather delete the content after watching it anyway. There's very few shows I have any intention of 'collecting' and those few, I want on DVD for the extras anyway.
and I would almost consider watching tv shows legally for 1$ if I didn't want to watch 5 different shows
than either you don't have siblings or friends or they all buy it themselves, because everyone made me share it with them
if I ever have to buy a tv show twice on apple tv I'll know that distinction right away
interestingly enough, Amazon will also sell you tvshows at $.99
hint hint
:147666 Nowhere does Apple rule out the possibility of software updates adding additional functionality to AppleTV. In fact, I'm hearing that it /is/ running iOS under the hood, so it shouldn't be hard to get hulu etc. running.
I bet they'll have hulu with in a year
:147677 yeah, they're playing defense pretty hard. And I understand that, given the choice, sell > rent. But personally, as a consumer? A purchase is a rental 9 times out of 10.
in practice, if not technically.
well here is how I take it: if a purchase is a rental 9 times out of 10, then the price is $1.10 instead of $.99
say I purchase a show a day, that's $36.50 a year
that's strangely close to $40...
which is the big cost difference between an appletv and an xbox360
and the xbox is also a dvd player...
not that any of that matters
people will still buy the thing regardless
you could invent an awesome player that was identical to the appletv but for $50 and appletv would probably still sell
heck, I'll make my parents buy it, if that eeepc doesn't get a blu-ray player soon
just so I can have this discussion EVERY FRIGGING BIRTHDAY
anyway, see you tomorrow
night @Ivo
How far can you go in the Recettear demo?
I think it's just Week One.
I have to say, I'm digging the Witcher.
It's really impressive considering the tech they're working with
I have that but haven't played it yet
got the extended edition collector's box or something for cheap in a store, but haven't taken the time to sit down with it
I never thought I'd call combat using the NWN engine 'visceral' but it kinda is
it has combo chains!
wow really?
they're really simplistic and mainly just mouse click timing
but the fact that they exist makes the combat much more engaging.
combined with the three 'sword styles' (x2 sword types, so 6 styles really)
have you guys checked out playon?
Huh, neat
Not heard of it, what is it?
so it streams things from your pc to your: xbox, ps3, wii, etc
which means things like Hulu and Netflix don't require XBL
MS can't be happy about the existence of that.
Huh, interesting
Though I can't use Netflix/Hulu anyway :(
I dont' know, I think a lot of the price of XBL has to do with the cost to them to run it
Playon has 0 cost to microsoft
and might move xbox's
:147773 Except that Netflix/Hulu are services MS offers as value added on XBL at no additional cost to themselves.
those are pure subscription drivers.
actually hulu is an additional cost
I don't know about Netflix
:147781 to the user. Not to MS.
no, I mean to MS
Unless I'm missing something?
it has to go through their servers
Major Nealson mentioned it on his podcast
maybe I should go back and relisten, I could be wrong
I think regardless removing the additional cost to the user is something MS would appreciate
I need to stop looking at this reputation tab
my reputation has 0 actual value to me, it is only valuable to other people
but for some reason I am not satisfied with the 320 rep I gained today
no, I have to look at the 270 rep I didn't get
what is wrong with me?
stop changing it @tzenes
who cares if its 260 or 270, what is wrong with you?
Step away from the reputation tab sloooowly, @tzenes... take a deep breath... it's okay...
How do you know what rep you didn't get?
:147804 It's the amount by which he's below the cap I'd presume.
over, but yes
Hm, interesting
this is my today:
2 6624 (10)
2 6573 (10)
1 6601 (15)
1 6625 (15)
1 6175 (15)
2 6624 (10)
2 6573 (10)
2 6334 (10)
2 6313 (10)
2 6624 (10)
2 6624 (10)
2 6705 (10)
2 6705 (10)
2 6175 (10)
2 6705 (10)
2 6712 (10)
2 6712 (10)
2 6712 (10)
1 6603 (15)
2 6712 (10)
2 6705 (10)
2 6712 (10)
2 6175 (10)
1 6705 (15)
2 6705 (10)
2 6705 [0]
1 6712 [15]
2 6705 [0]
2 6214 [0]
2 6705 [0]
huh, I wondered what would happen if I did that
Nicely handled.
yeah I thought so too
This chat is slick.
I think it should have truncated sooner though
that scroll bar is too long
like anything over 7 lines is excessive
Haha, Recettear's game over screen is so guilt inducing
Definitely gonna buy it

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