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The Unhandled Exception
If I hear of any new developments I'll let you guys know :-)
C&D was also because Sqeenix wanted to re-release them.
The Unhandled Exception
:143860 Which I understand, but by the same token, this was fan art and shouldn't have had an effect on that.
The Unhandled Exception
imho anyway
:143864 it went beyond fan-art, it was an accurate depiction of the complete content.
I'm simultaneously excited and horrified that Obsidians big Ambition atm, now that they are working w/ squeenix, is to get the rights to make a new Crono game.
The Unhandled Exception
I didn't play it, but I saw YouTube vids, and you're right @alexanderpas, it looked like it could be a sequel
The Unhandled Exception
but it was a ROm hack, so it used the same engine and everything
The Unhandled Exception
:143871 I had no idea! Link? :-)
On the one hand, I'd /love/ to see what their writers could do with it, and if any JRPG property could work in a more western style game, it's the Crono stuff... BUT, Obsidian have the most absurd trackrecord of flawed masterpieces, outright failures, buggy messes that could have been great, and shovelware sequels...
:143877 but that was without squeenix quality control.
:143883 Ahahahahahahahahahahahaha Squeenix. Quality Control. I laughed.
(I actually /really/ like Obsidian, but it's hard to disagree with the fact that for every flash of brilliance they've produced, there has been a steaming pile to go with it.)
And in several cases cough*KOTORII*cough they've been the same game.
The Unhandled Exception
:143881 Thanks for the link! I had no idea about this
:143888 It's just Feargus engaging in wishful thinking, but it makes a lot of sense given their heritage.
:143888 Chris Avellone has cited Chrono Trigger as the game that taught him that Video Games could tell compelling stories, for example.
The Unhandled Exception
The Unhandled Exception
I found the link, in case anyone cares, for the CE fan-sequel which was shut down. crimsonechoes.com
The Unhandled Exception
The Unhandled Exception
:143896 enjoy it!
:143894 If you haven't broken a Final Fantasy game over your knee by abusing glitches and programming oversights, you haven't played a Final Fantasy game IMO.
oh god Recettear just made Steams Top Sellers list.
that's... impressive.
like, it's right on the front page as the #10 selling title in the whole store
It certainly sounds interesting. Do you think it would appeal to people who aren't necessarily a fan of (all) JRPGs?
Yeah I'll probably hit that up tomorrow or so as well. I read about it on rockpapershotgun and the concept sounded too great to pass up
Just the whole satire aspect is hilarious
:143903 I'm not crazy about JRPGs in general, and I find the cliches annoying. I like the way Reccetear subverts them, and I love the idea of 'pay the mafia fairy before she breaks your kneecaps'
falloutnow.de/forum/… GHOULS IN SPAAAAACE.
@LessPopMoreFizz lol... on both points.
I think the thing I like the most about JRPGs is how they often times push the boundaries of what you expect. The World Ends with You is a good example of this
TWEWY is a great great game
:143909 And yet, it is easily the single most predictable and cliche bound genre in existence.
And yes, TWEWY is fantastic.
Another great example that breaks the mold in wonderful ways was Breath of Fire V.
I'm so disappointed that that game sold so poorly as to kill the series.
Though it was pretty easy to manipulate the clothing brand influence
Because it is one of the most creative and enjoyable games I have ever played
@Less it pushed what I expected for gameplay if not ambiance
often times JRPG try to innovate in this realm
:143920 Yeah, the environment/plot wasn't anything special. The gameplay was just stunningly creative though.
Odin Sphere does this too
it changes my idea of what an RPG is
Stop giving me more reason to get Recettear!
does the Download Demo link for Recettear work?
Oh good heavens, yet another demo to absorb my time and dwindle it down to nothingness
My only saving grace is that I accidentally closed the tab that housed Steam, and am far too lazy to scroll up in the chat window after a filling meal
The Unhandled Exception
:143929 LOL
:143929 Must be a good meal!
Nyaha! Victory! "You must own a Steam account in order to download the demo"!
Another reason to get a steam account.
1 reason does not overwhelm 26 strikes
Though it does stop a perfect game.
I shall exercise my mooching skills to the maximum come Thursday.
Hm, what's the term for that? Regiphobia?
Fear of kings?
:143938 list please!
I don't think I could live with my brother if I had a fear of kings.
Is your brother a king?
Not... yet?
@Grace 26 strikes? or 26 outs?
or 78 strikes
@alex First comes a lack of interest. 2-23 are all "Continued failure to attain interest and I am stubborn". 24 is "Got compared to iTunes". 25 is "Doesn't have TWilight INSanity, blasphoneme!", 26 is "Not enough games of any interest"
Hm, latin translators are having a hard time with "register".
@JavadocMD gee i wonder why
@tzenes In this world, apparently 3 strikes means the inning swaps.
@JavadocMD try registrum
@Javadoc It's not a matter of registration.
The difference is Apple doesn't make music, while valve makes games.
I think a batter analogy would be, 1 reason doesn't overwhelm 3 strikes
Batter analogy. Nice.
np, its what I'm here for
I avoid Steam mostly out of stubborn laziness. I didn't jump on the initial train, and as the majority of strikes attest to I am far from convinced to get an account
I prefer steam over CD checks.
"I won't get a free account at X"/"Yes you should" arguments bore me.
I don't care
not to mention horrible UBI DRM from hell
:143965 Steam DRM does seem a lot more palatable at least in the short term. Hopefully that will continue for a goodly long time.
> Stuff happens to hardware all the time. [...] Hard drives fail, [...] Motherboards fail. [...] I do not mind paying for software. I do not mind that, as the developer, you feel you need to secure your code to prove I only installed it once. What I do mind is wasting several days of my life trying to make it all work again after what I consider routine repairs. [...]
The Unhandled Exception
Well I am headed off for the night. I'll catch you guys later!
night josh
G'nite, @Josh
Q: How do I do a Barrel Roll?

FernandoOk, so I'm playing Starfox 64, and this so-called "Peppy" hare keeps yelling at me: Do a barrel roll! What's his problem? And what is this barrel roll he's talking about?

c'mon... I want high quality answers with sources!
Q: Differences between the Gamecube and the Wii version of Twilight Princess

alexanderpasWhat are the differences between the Gamecube and the Wii version of Twilight Princess? Are they just the same game, only with another control scheme (Controller for Gamecube, Wiimote for Wii), or are there any significant differences?

@alex I wanted the same with my Cave Story question
@LessPop You are almost as evil as this demo will probably be delicious
I'm assuming carpefulgur is the group who did the translation?
carpefulgur.com/recettear official site for the US release
Aww, naming convention isn't the same
It's more awesome, naturally, but nevertheless there was a certain amusing charm to how the Chantelise naming convention was
Girls: Chante, Elise, Elma, Aira.
Guys: Priest, Fisherman.
Bosses: Kane Lu Honua, Peleka Mapuaa, [...]
Oh hay it's 9 on a Tuesday. Guess I should go get some vodka so I can play WoW for the week.
...gack, why did I click the Gameplay link? I knew it would be a bad idea...
hmm, list of x with official sanction
best practices for WordPress Plugin Development http://wordpress.stackexchange.com/q/715/152
@Juan Jeff has approved of a couple recs on Gaming as well
Also, popular opinion seems to be that if we're to do a test run of the "one list answer" solution, that the procedural games question is the one we do it on
Best game over screen.
I was a fan of Rosenkreuzstilette's game over screens, actually
Though admittedly, that is an excellent screen nonetheless.
I'd also just like to point out that Boof Bonser is a wonderful name for a human being.
:143995 Best practices for an uncommonly used api is something that requires expertise. I think what most people dislike about "list of x" is that they often require none at all. I once posited the question: "What a good webserver similar to Tomcat but for Javascript," as a good question because it requires knowledge of webserver architecture, java, and javascript to formulate a good answer. By comparison: "what is a Multiplayer game without dirty words" does not
I am actually falling asleep. This is odd. Ah well. G'nite, all
good night
Recettear is actually pretty fun, just played the demo.
Yeah, I'm excited for it.
Recettear is now #5 on Steams Top Sellers list.
and climbing.
I'm glad my guild can clear all the raid content in wow in 4 hours. Because that's about the extent of my patience for the game these days. :/
Maybe it's just me but Recettear seems buggy as hell... I can't seem to make a menu selection or do much moving of the selected menu item.
Well once you make it past the menu it seems to work okay.
3 hours later…
Q: "Windows could not connect to the System Event Notification Service service"

badpYesterday, everything was fine. I didn't install anything, add any device or changed any setting that I can recall. I shut the system off cleanly and went to sleep. Obviously, that means my fully updated copy of Windows 7 Professional fails to log me in today. After successfully entering my cred...

1 hour later…
does anyone what's wrong with an iOS game if the screen is totally white and nothing happens?
:144558 It hates you
well I 'fixed' it by just installing another version of the game
it's World War by Storm8 anyway, so there's like a dozen versions of the same game
1 hour later…
104 rep to go :/
I never noticed that
Not a valid link for me
same here
it misses a user number
Click on your own envelope then
yes? I know what it does :P
didn't you notice something weirdish? :P
after you clicked on Today
> all times are in UTC; the current time is 2010-09-01 10:32:04Z
ah the this month also lights up
izza bug!
not really, today's the 1st of september :D
Yes, it's a feature actually :)
Today == this month on the 1st
good point
so if I checked 'today' on a Monday, "this week" would also light up right?
On a Sunday actually
darn how do I make a subplot with three images, where 2 are in landscape and 1 is portrait? :S
oh right, the world never agreed on the day that starts a week
Check out the ranges that appear when you click "this week" or "last week" and you'll see Sunday is considered the first day
Weeks start on Mondays here :\
I'm not talking about what it's considered elsewhere
I'm just saying that when clicking "week", it starts listing things from Sunday
actually, according to UTC, weeks start on Mondays
ISO 8601 Data elements and interchange formats — Information interchange — Representation of dates and times is an international standard covering the exchange of date and time-related data. It was issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and was first published in 1988. The purpose of this standard is to provide an unambiguous and well-defined method of representing dates and times, so as to avoid misinterpretation of numeric representations of dates and times, particularly when data is transferred between countries with different conventions for writing numeric ...
> [D] is the weekday number, from 1 through 7, beginning with Monday and ending with Sunday. This form is popular in the manufacturing industries.
Reporting a bug!!
(Yes, I know, ISO 8601 ain't no UTC)
Uh, why aren't game rec's worth reputation?
because there's often no 'wrong' answers, so it's correct to upvote any answer which includes games you like
this means a: the best answer won't float to the top like it should, since the others can be relatively close, b: answers less than the 'best' will garner disproportionately more rep than they should, c: they're too popular, so they naturally attract more users due to their nature, d: are very often, very poorly maintained relative to the amount of views and rep they generate
That's a very good answer
if only the community behaved normally on those questions, our whole discussion would be moot
best example:
Q: Terminal Tips and Tricks For Mac OS X

Josh KOne tip or trick per answer. My favorite is open . Opens the folder you're currently browsing in Finder. You can also pass URLs, images, documents or else to open. If you specify a program name with -a you can pass the URL, image, document or folder to that program instead, e.g. open -a Pre...

great question, it generate no less that 113.000!!!! page views
however, if only 1% of those users would have enough rep and start voting
do you have any idea how much rep that would be after 1 year
:144710 That's a good answer for "Why should they be CW and not generate rep at all"
:144729 Actually, that's the sign of a bad question
Indeed, that's not question at all.
Well I see why they are popular, but really we should be careful with going down that road, since you see what happens in a year time
and new users will start referring to those questions as 'but but but those questions aren't closed, so why did you close mine!!!:@ #%^*&'
I always fall back to the argument that it's not what the site was designed for
yeah, but apparently it doesn't convince everyone :-)
I actually think there should be a rule, 2.5k views and the question goes CW
or maybe even less views
I think the problem is really simple, gaming's user base consist of new users and users who came from SO whilst ignoring sites like SU, they are unfamiliar with the 'problems' we've had with these topics and thus don't realize what they're getting us into
well the stupid thing is, at the point you get to SO's scale, rep really starts to lose it's value
it's like the number of views on Youtube, who cares
You mean when you start having 200k+ rep?
the votes serve one main purpose: make sure the best is at the top and reward people from putting in effort
well I guess that can be fun :P
but after a while gaining rep loses it's value
That doesn't mean I've got free upvotes from people on SO just because there's a lot of users
so I happily edit other peoples posts to make them better rather than posting my own answer
loses, man, loses
not looses
easy on the non-natives here @Oak :P
I'm not native either :)
Actually it's the natives who do the spelling competitions :P
there's just a bunch of words I can never get right
typos man, it's all typos
like when to use life and live
Sorry for my pedantic interruption Ivo it's just that you did that typo in both your last paragraphs :) carry on now!
'misspelling' is one I can never get right (mispelling)
no, it's good to be corrected, at least now I know I made a mistake
(phew I was worried I was too rude for a moment there)
Misspelling "misspelling" is especially a problem when you discuss misspellings
Yay for non-natives correcting each other!
I'm sure it's a mix up of the brain @badp, you come from E-->F and than should go to I but instead go back to E
for values of E equal to unicorns?
F is for 'freehand circle' I'm sure
no, I just never learned to type, just from playing games
oh, cool :)
probably goes for a lot of people of my/our generation
Heh, here in Italy we get taught English since we're 7
Yea, I learned English from playing a MUD
and now you have all these bad habits cooked in to your brain
except nobody actually uses it, thanks to our awesome dubbers, and thus it's wasted time
thank god the Netherlands is one of the rare countries in Europe that doesn't translate English programs
Oh man the dubbing habit in Europe is horrible, don't know how can you people stand it
my worst experience with dubbing: Shit happens in Forrest Gump being translated to Scheisse passiert...
They're so good I can't notice the lack of lip sync.
we don't, we use subtitles
I really have to focus on their mouth to see the mismatch
Hollywood spends frigging millions on getting the right type of actors for several roles and then people spend even more money to mess it up?
Just their voices.
Besides, we've been reading translated books forever
@Ivo good to hear Netherlands is sane(r) :)
yeah, but you don't go through all the trouble of getting Marlon Brando to play the Godfather and then having some local prick dub him
I quit that as well @badp ;-)
lol, professional dubbers are just specialized actors :P
well off course the internet is the main source of really learning English
:144804 If you translate it back it comes out as "shit has happened"? (I'm asking, that's just a wild guess)
In other news, I've seen a few movies in their original voice. The English really whisper a lot in their movies, very often going deep into incomprehensionability land.
well that's more or less correct, but it broke my heart
German people don't even know 'Shit happens' exists
thank god for subtitles @badp ;-)
Subtitles distract :/
I understand you want to do it for kids programs or cartoons
well in Avatar perhaps
but normally? I'd take subs over dubs any day
No, generally speaking.
You're used to subs, we're used to dubs.
I'd rather have everything without both :P
@badp subtitles do distract, I'll give you that. Once I got good enough in English I preferred to watch English shows without subtitles, because if they are there I just read them
Important enough actors even have "personal dubbers" who only dub them
If I download episodes of House or Lost, I prefer it vanilla
which opens to an interesting advertisement opportunity on the radio -- you can hire that actor's dubber and make it sound like it's that actor talking :P
have to admit, that's a fun way of making a living @badp ;-)
I've tried listening e.g. to the Simpson in their original voice, but I lose a lot of the humor :/
whereas other movies, like Hot Fuzz, were easier.
that's even worse, jokes that simply don't project to the local language
Translating jokes is why translators get paid what they get paid :P
You might miss on the puns a bit, but I don't think that's too tragic.
I find it funny when people can't understand the English and read the incorrect subs and then don't understand the joke or why everyone is laughing :P
:144830 I'm a fan of subtitles, I actually like watching US TV with foreign subtitles, so I can learn little bits of the language (badly)
I liked watching the movies after Stieg Larssons books in Swedish
it makes me feel like I understand what they say
I'm unpacking my "box of cool shit" right now, after moving an apartment, and I remember all the cool shit I have. Juggling balls, mock skull, grenade fragments, seseme street cards...
haha, you can ebay them
But it's my cool shit!
just put up an ad: "box of cool shit" $100
when I moved in with my GF I had to 'ditch' some of my 'cool stuff' :(
ah well, c'est la vie
Oo found knife, binoculars, boomerang and a remote control for... something
in return I got to overtake her desk and put three screens on it :P
I found a fake P90, best I hide that :P
So at least you do have some cool shit left
yeah, but I guess it's not staying either
so I can buy myself Kinect or RB3 ;-)
Is that P90 full-size?
:144855 Wow, they let you have fake firearms in the Netherlands?
Cause if it is, it sounds too cool to just throw away
no, I bought it in Spain ;P
it just shoots those plastic balls

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