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How do I repair this stuff?
I need to use the panel and HVAC in the recipe, but my inventory disappears when they pop up.
@Ullallulloo I just tried this too.
What do you mean when they pop up?
@Ullallulloo Go to 'camps' and click the campsite.
Then put the stuff in the recipe.
@GnomeSlice I thought I might have to use the examine HVAC thing in teh recipe
What does the recipe say lol
Also, so this is what Cryo lighting is.
I found that one somewhere outside earlier, lol.
@Ullallulloo Also, I didn't figure this out until yesterday, but you can use those plastic shopping bags as backpacks.
@GnomeSlice I remembered you saying that.
The disintegrate after a while though.
Yeah, I noticed mine was gone after a bit
With all of my shit...
You can carry bags in your hands too.
It's weird, I got burdened for the first time today, and that was carrying two bags and a medikit.
Two BIG bags
Evening, Bridge!
Full of shit
@Fluttershy Evening! :)
What game are we talking about? >_>
@Fluttershy Full of Shit Simulator 2013
@Ullallulloo Lemme try, I just went out and found some pieces I need.
Shit fuck I replaced mechainc with electrician because I wanted to fix the panel
but I need mechanic for the vent lol
@MarkTrapp Good game.
@Ullallulloo Oh, you have to examine one of them before you can access the camp screen
That was unintuitive
@Ullallulloo Ah, thank you, sir.
I think I got my stuff stuck in the room or something.
@Ullallulloo Erm, hold up
Okay, crafting this shit doesn't show any results...
@Ullallulloo Oh, you have to include your skill in the recipe
They're on the bottom
@GnomeSlice yeah, but the panel too right?
@Ullallulloo Which one are you fixing? The electrician one?
@GnomeSlice ah, figured ti out
Yeah, go to the campsite and add the panel the pieces, the tool, and your electrician skill
you have to click consume on the room to open it
@Ullallulloo Oh, yeah.
@GnomeSlice k, both fixed now
Yeah, I'm gonna start over and see if I can do both
I thought they both needed electrician.
@Ullallulloo You know how to rotate stuff in your inventory?
@GnomeSlice A/D
@Ullallulloo Yeah, okay good.
Yeah that's right bitch.
Run away from my stick.
@Ullallulloo Seems there's some strange behaviour when you get an item from a skill action, like the medkit at the beginning
So uh that was an earthquake just now I think
you have to click the inv and then put it somewhere
@LessPop_MoreFizz That happened here last year.
@GnomeSlice yeah, I noticed that
AHA a use for tarp!
@Ullallulloo Is there any place you can see what the time of day is?
@GnomeSlice Doesn't look like it.
FIRST scavenge this game. Yeah, this is gonna be a good one.
@GnomeSlice Binoculars?
What's that black thing?
@Ullallulloo It also doesn't seem to matter which foot you wear shoes on now.
@Ullallulloo The scope?
It's a gun part.
@GnomeSlice huh
Rifle Scope.
You can build a gun.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Found out today that my state has a dormant supervolcano that some mining company is blasting. First earthquakes I've ever had.
The closest I've ever gotten was the scope and the sling.
@GnomeSlice How is Oil Rush?
@Fluttershy Great. Voice acting is terrible.
@GnomeSlice I got a gun and bullets once, but never used it. =/
It's a good simple RTS game.
@Ullallulloo What, where did you get it
@GnomeSlice scavenge I think
maybe I killed someone for it.
Yeah I've had binoculars before.
I think if you hold them in your hand you can see further on the map.
I don't get why your dude wears jeans under this stupid hospital gown, it looks really dumb
@GnomeSlice You could take off the gown
@Ullallulloo You can't, I don't think.
That must be a new thing in the last update
You couldn't before.
Override software rendering list is a wonderful setting.
@Ullallulloo Oh man, my first scavenge hex had two shacks in it, both gave me a ton of shit.
uh oh
I hate the dark.
You might be eaten by a grue.
and I'm dead
@Ullallulloo Ah what happened.
Lasted 3 days there.
No idea. I was killed by traumatic brain injury by an unknown assaliant.
Argh... that can happen in the dark?
I guess I'm lucky I've never been killed like that lol
I should start using camps at night
@Ullallulloo This game is pretty good, no?
@GnomeSlice Yeah.
@GnomeSlice I had one, but it was just turning dawn, and I was getting hungry+thirsty.
@Ullallulloo If it was just turning dawn... why didn't you wait a bit
Also how can you even tell
I just suddenly can't see when it gets dark I think
@GnomeSlice I could see out of the forest again.
@Ullallulloo So what was the problem?
@GnomeSlice I apparently couldn't see people yet even when they were beating my face in.
@Ullallulloo Did you not get the fight screen?
@GnomeSlice yeah, but he was a question mark
@Ullallulloo wtf
I tried blindly fleeing, but that didn't help.
And yeah when I hover over that bottle I get nothing
@GnomeSlice That's what happens at night.
I think it must be a bug
@Ullallulloo You said it was dawn...
@GnomeSlice That looks like a bug.
@GnomeSlice Yeah.
@Ullallulloo It only happens with bottles though.
And it stays with the bag
@Ullallulloo So why couldn't you see??
@GnomeSlice idk
I could see the map for a square.
Just not the combatant.
I guess I still haven't figured out how vision works yet
it seems to come and go arbitrarily
Guh the new auto-arrange feature for the inventory doesn't work that well
It doesn't optimize your space.
Being a packrat is an essential skill, lol.
I can't figure out if I should keep these glass bottles or stick with the plastic ones.
The glass ones are heavier.
@GnomeSlice Glass is worth more
Is the only discernable difference.
but I can't find a place to sell them.
@Ullallulloo Can you even sell stuff?
That's what I mean.
Wow we must really suck at this.
It's weird, the more rare corn-a-cola bottle is worth a lot less than the common plastic water bottles
Q: Is there any "unlock all" cheat for Burnout 3: Takedown?

Denilson SáI have Burnout 3: Takedown for Playstation 2. I want to play it casually whenever I have another friend with me. I want to put the game and play one or two races together, and stop playing right afterwards. I don't want to grind for unlockables, I don't want to play single-player. All I want is c...

@Ullallulloo I guess I should start storing things at campsites.
And then getting stuff.
And then moving on.
Rather than just haphazardly running around the world.
Like a real nomad would do. The first thing, not the running around.
@Ullallulloo Have you tried reading the newspaper clippings yet? Like the recipes, they're different if you unstack them.
@GnomeSlice oh
I read some
@Ullallulloo Lol have you found an iSlab yet?
but not with the stacking trick
@Ullallulloo It's not a trick, they're supposed to be different.
@GnomeSlice lots
Generating infinite recipes with the papers is a bug, but stacked ones are supposed to be different
@Ullallulloo I wonder what you can do with them.
@GnomeSlice I know one thing
but it's not exclusive to them
@Ullallulloo What is it?
@GnomeSlice It's a thing at the arena.
I haven't seen any arena.
Which I'm pretty sure is always in a town shortly north of spawn.
and it lets you know when you're close.
Oh, really?
@Ullallulloo I just had the same bottle bug happen with a recipe sheet I think
It went to my bag and vanished
Lol, now the rest of the recipes just went up to my 'main menu' button and vanished...
Dammit, I can't identify any of these mushrooms or berries
@GnomeSlice btw, I was wrong about berries.
I ate some blue ones and got sick.
@Ullallulloo Lol. Did you just die.
@Ullallulloo Immediately?
@GnomeSlice No, a while later.
Poison 2 and diarrhea.
@Ullallulloo What did it say?
But I had tons of antibiotics.
@GnomeSlice "You have diarrhea."
I don't think I've ever been poisoned then
@GnomeSlice I don't think it's that big of a threat.
@Ullallulloo Lol. Antibiotics are for infections aren't they?
Pills are relatively common.
Shat, I shoulda brought some bottles with me
@GnomeSlice Yeah, but it just strengthens your immune system in this.

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