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Seriously, what is with the review queue requiring other people to review it too.
@badp Orthorobot is free, you might like it. You switch between 2 dimensions and 3 to navigate various puzzles.
@fbueckert Ah, we have just cheap thrift store plates, and like Walmart plates but I really want nice stoneware stuff someday.
When did that change?
@badp You'll like the ability you get which lets you take half damage then
@InvaderSkoodge Probably because some individuals approve bad things.
Alternately, learn to parry spikes
Or deny good things.
@BenBrocka WANT.
@BenBrocka Yeah, I still have no idea what's that about. Jumping?
@AshleyNunn I got mine when I bought my own place. Interesting step, that.
@fbueckert I can imagine.
@badp I get it at the end of video 3. No more bosses until then, but a few tricky areas
@InvaderSkoodge I'd like to know that, too.
Helena the Third is 80% off on Desura!
@BenBrocka Oh. That reminds me, I tried also wall-climbing and failed terribly.
I am still rocking the single student thing, so if I manage three meals on plates in one day it is a bloody miracle.
@badp Just press a direction button right before you get hit (not as) I think. It might be any button, I'll have to test
Wait, do suggested edits require two votes now?! I just voted on one, and there was a 1 next to a reject reason...similar to close voting...
The power never seems to kick in and when it does it just throws me way off the wall.
I like food, I like cooking, but since I am cooking just for me, I tend to forget to do it, even though I want to rock a "Lucullus dines with Lucullus" sort of alone-meal awesome.
@badp face the wall and keep tapping the button towards the wall as you jump off
@John Yeah, they changed it on us.
er wait, maybe you hold it and mash the jump button
Without notification, either.
Explaining the controls without them in my hands is weird
@GnomeSlice That's a first from you
Also, why have I never heard of this before ^
@badp The controls will make you rage.
@GnomeSlice Oh, man, I swore you were the one that told me about that.
@badp you also get double attack power with it. The consequence is you can't jump as well...but you can just crash through stuff. I'm sure you'll like it
Isn't the tag that made Jeff hate tagging questions by game name?
@AshleyNunn indiebundle.org?
I might have been, but I don't remember it.
@BenBrocka Uh? I already have enough problem as it is with juggling attack, jump and turn
Also, if anyone cares, the Humble Bundle got more awesome. 2 SMBC collections, 2 Penny Arcade collections, and XKCD volume 0.
@badp you jump shorter is all. You'll see
@BenBrocka argh
@GnomeSlice I thought you were, because you are usually the one that introduces me to gaming awesome like that.
@Sterno Not that I'm aware of, we don't seem to have any questions on the game
@AshleyNunn Might have been.
@BenBrocka We had one.
@badp learn to wall jump and it's less of a pain
Tag must have been pruned.
At least, I thought we did.
@GnomeSlice couldn't find it in a text search either
Okay, Recall get.
I really think you guys should try Helena the Third
Think Metroidvania in a flying tank that has both sidescrolling and full 3D segments.
@AshleyNunn Whoa. Okay, I need to get that when I get someplace it isn't blocked
Although my grandparents from Michigan will be there when I get home tonight!
@SaintWacko Yeah. I can't wait to get home so I can download the stuff. :D
@SaintWacko That sounds like a yay thing.
@AshleyNunn Yep, I usually get to see them once a year. That's why I'll be in Michigan in July
@badp with a few more sands of time you'll be able to slow time to do tricky jumps better too. It drains time very slowly too
@SaintWacko Oh, super cool :D
it's not necessary, I never use it, but it might help if you're having trouble
Enjoy the time with them! :)
@AshleyNunn Oh, I will. But don't worry, I'll still be around so you all don't get lonely :P
Looks like I won't be able to make either of these potential meetups so far. :(
@SaintWacko Oh good, I was worried about that :P
@badp if you have any questions about BMD just ask 'em on the site too, I probably know the answers
@FAE :( :( :( :(
@BenBrocka I'll ask about parrying.
@FAE Aww
@FAE :( At least I got to see you... ten months ago now? Roughly?
The Toronto one is pretty flexible - me saying March/April is just for giving people time to figure out getting here, and to avoid things like exams and such (which is me being selfish, I shall admit)
@badp It was in November.
@BenBrocka Turns out it was space-bunnies-must-die
2 of the proposed dates for the London meetup are when I'm going to be in the US. Well, one's when I'm on the US, the other is the day I fly back to the NL. The 26th would theoretically be doable, but I'll just be coming back from a 2~ month vacation and I'm not gonna be able to afford another flight somewhere, likely. x_x
@AshleyNunn Middle of summer will do that too nudge nudge
@SaintWacko This is also a very true thing, except I am taking summer classes which run in July XD but exams are early August, so I could squish some time out someplace.
Ah well. :(
Hopefully we could maybe still meet up for lunch or something while I'm in Guelph in January, @Ashley.
@AshleyNunn I hope that would work out for others. I don't think I've ever met up with people I know online
@SaintWacko Oh heck yes Batman, that is a thing that will happen. I am looking forward to it already! :P
@SaintWacko Me neither. This is such a new adventure for me, in a plethora of ways. :D
@AshleyNunn Man, meeting up with Arqade people and I'm Batman! Win!
@SaintWacko Where do you live?
@FAE grins Lady, this will happen. I will make it happen. grins
@SaintWacko Haha best day ever :P
@FAE Down in Oklahoma, USA, but I'll be in Michigan, about 6 hours from Toronto, for a week in July
@SaintWacko Ah, I will be sorta close to you when I come to the US in Nov/Dec for a bit!
@FAE Oh, where will you be?
"sorta" in the relative sense, given how big the US is >_>
@FAE Heh, yeah
@FAE Yeah, it's nothing like the Netherlands in terms of "I am sorta near you" XD
@SaintWacko Will be staying with @Fluttershy for a couple weeks in Missouri, which in the grand scheme of things, isn't super far. After that, I go up to Ohio for a week to stay with some friends, then to my parents' place for 3 weeks, then up to some friends in Ontario, Canada for a week.
@FAE That sounds like a delightful adventure.
@AshleyNunn Yes, I'm muchly looking forward to it. :)
@FAE I can imagine! :)
@FAE Ah, sounds like fun! But yeah, doesn't look like you'll be passing too close to me :(
@Sterno Ah. Regardless of the game, how did I miss downvoting that?
@AshleyNunn It'll be the longest I've been out of the NL at once since I moved here. It'll be nice to spend that much time with loved ones.
@FAE I believe it. :) I've never been far from people who have bits of my heart, which is lucky for me.
@SaintWacko Yeah, I'll be on the other side of Missouri from you. :(
@FAE What made you move to the Netherlands in the first place (if you're willing to share).
@AshleyNunn I'm hoping that if I can get a job when I come back, I'll be able to go back to the US more often. Once every 2 years just isn't enough. :/
@FAE I can imagine. You have many people here who have bits of your heart, it seems, and that is a long time to go between seeing them.
@InvaderSkoodge I don't consider it prying. :) I've mentioned it before in here, iirc. One of my boyfriends, Jochem, is Dutch, so he lives here and stuff and I moved over here to live with him.
We did long distance for the first 4 years, seeing each other twice a year for a month at a time.
@FAE That's difficult
@InvaderSkoodge Yeah, it sucked. A lot. I've gone longer periods of time in between seeing other SOs as well, due to various circumstances.
@FAE Man, I don't know if I could do that. Then again, I'd have to have an SO first. :P
@AshleyNunn It is. :/ It was especially hard seeing how much older my parents looked after not seeing them for 2 years last time...
@AshleyNunn Longest in between seeing one person was 4.5 years.
@AshleyNunn And yeah, LDRs are definitely not for everyone.
SORRY TO INTERRUPT, but... mark of the ninja is out today on Steam. it is frigging awesome so go buy it.
@AshleyNunn Same here. On both counts
awesome just took a bite out of a sandwich looked down and there was a fly in the sandwich not moving
@BrianColvin OH EW
@AshleyNunn (h5)
@SaintWacko YES
Prolly gonna die
@BrianColvin At least it wasn't half a fly.
Now that I've had a kid, I feel super guilty about not visiting my parents as much as I could have. :(
@FAE good point
@BrianColvin No, the dying only comes after you eat other things to catch the fly
@SaintWacko Also not to be like a giant creeper pants, but who are you on Steam, if I can ask? :)
Time to get some frogs!
....why does everything I say today sound creepy
@AshleyNunn @BrianColvin Let us know when you eat that horse, I've always wondered how that works
@Sterno Yeah, my parents are older than those of other people my age because they tried a long time to conceive before they adopted. My dad's retired now and they don't have health insurance and stuff and it's... kind of scary, honestly, being so far away.
@AshleyNunn ask him for his #
@AshleyNunn Not at all!
finish off the creep :D
I'm SaintWacko there too
Or maybe Saint Wacko
@SaintWacko Coool beanms
Q: How do you parry damage?

badpSometimes you appear to be able to completely negate damage your way when you press... some buttons at... some point. Overall controls in this game seem to be kind of mystery meat, but I'm not asking about controls in general. Knowing how to parry reliably would be very useful, especially when d...

Yeah, I think Saint Wacko
and I dislike both locations for where
@SaintWacko That's your display name apparently, found you in steam search without the space.
@FAE Oh, good! I'll have to change my display name, then
I used to use Saint Wacko, but I've run across enough places that don't allow spaces that I use SaintWacko now
Ah gotcha.
Uh-oh, now everyone is stalking me on Steam! :P
Oh lord. It's a bomb mission. I hate those. Should I attempt it, or just let it slide... I hate the thought of failing it since, you know, my entire squad is gone.
@Wipqozn What wrong with bomb missions?
@SaintWacko They are a timed mission which, if you fail, your entire squad is killed.
@Wipqozn Well, to be fair, in most other missions the fail condition is having your entire squad killed, so it's the same end result. But yeah, the timed thing is annoying
Although there are always plenty of power nodes
@SaintWacko You can easily retreat in other missions though.
@Wipqozn Oh yeah, that's right. I forget about aborting missions
Brb, have to restart the computer to reinstall SQL Server
@BenBrocka Trust me. Any direction works.
The guide was written a long time ago and even back then it was still possible in any direction, which is important since bounding around in the air off multiple fireballs is pretty important to be able to change direction or bound straight up.
@GraceNote directions only, not other buttons?
I recall it to only be affected by hitting any directional key, I don't remember that hitting jump as I leapt into a pit of flames that I blocked it
how are gas prices up in canada(preferably in USD)
@BrianColvin Kinda depends on where you are.
@BrianColvin They calculate in canadian cents per liter. The conversion is a pain in the ass.
oh god thats too many conversions
@InvaderSkoodge Google FTW
@BrianColvin What @badp said, just use google and put in x canadian dollars per liter in us dollars per gallon and that should work fine.
100th reload yay
Measure your speed in Furlongs per Fortnight before you talk to me about conversions!
k, any british columbians?
13 mooses to the canadian bacon
Like gas here in the Netherlands in my city is $8.63 per gallon.
So yeah, excuse my lack of pity for $4/gallon. >_>
oh jeez
@BrianColvin I can't imagine BC being much higher than the rest of the PNW, which is currently ~$4.30ish
So wait on roadtrip is what you're saying
@BrianColvin Well, do you really see it getting much cheaper?
@FAE no, but i hope
@GraceNote I'll take your word for it, I'm pretty sure that's how I remember it working. I t's just been a year since I could block with a damn in that game
@FAE 9.12 here
@BrianColvin This site says 118.9 moon cents to the liter, which is ~$4.50/gallon
@badp How much per liter is it going for there?
@MarkTrapp thanks!
By the way, did the BMD localization finally get published?
@FAE prezzibenzina.it says 1.849, Sunday I did at roughly €1.78?
@GraceNote Yes it did
I think it's €1,75/l here currently, I was guesstimating when I threw that into google.
On Steam, I presume?
@GraceNote not on Steam, yet, but it's on Gamersgate and desura
@GraceNote Desura, at least
Ooh. Was the localization group still Rockin' Android?
@GraceNote yes
Yeah, it's rockin android
Bunny Must Die is still waiting for Greenlight as far as Steam goes
For some reason, this computer has SQL Server 2005, 2008, and 2008 R2 installed on it. I have no idea why
new music (like, totally new and not like the original) and slightly improved graphics
but there's options for the old graphics and stuff. Also subtitles
Also the cat's no longer a random gif off the internet
Of note, when I was at the RA booth last PAX, the head of RA himself told me that he wished I were one of the people testing the localizations.
And I totally do not believe she's saying "My sword". That is totally Light Sword
Light swooorrrrd!
@SaintWacko fixed
@BenBrocka I totally hear "My swoooooooooooooord!"
I agree there wouldn't be much difference
@GraceNote So long as you're okay with portly prophets.
@BrianColvin Oh yeah, that'll go really well interfacing with the actual server here, running SQL Server :P
@BrianColvin there's a typo in that URL. Fixed it for you
I actually always figured it to be "Rai Sword", short for Samurai Sword since the name is Faust Samurai.
And the dagger is apparently "sylph shooter" which makes amazingly more sense
Oh man a bunch of people that like to pay for their dbs
But it does totally sound like "Self shoota!"
@badp More because I went and not only setup the hard mode of the first boss but also fought it at the booth.
@GraceNote It's probably "Rye Sword" The sword is actually a very long baguette
@SaintWacko It's roughly as powerful
@badp He's still fat in my heart
If your baguettes are the most powerful weapon in your country, then sure.
Is it really the most powerful?
Also if your baguettes are made of lasers
I prefer pretty much any other weapon I've found so far to it
Whoever pulls the Rye Sword from the stone oven shall be the rightful king
Let me be clear that I mean it has the highest damage output in a lot of scenarios
no i take that back
Which is "Any enemy that is on level ground with you"
It's one of my favorites
@SaintWacko I would not want to eat a piece of bread that had been stuck in a rock.
@GraceNote how often does that actually happen?
It'd be awesome if could get those swords the other bunnies get with the flame ranged attack
@badp Boss killer
@badp several bosses
@SaintWacko I cant find you on Steam :(
also the jump is murder against a few large bosses
Pretty much every boss except for two, you can figure it as your primary armament.
@FAE No, no, it was baked in a stone oven
dagger's still best against the final boss IIRC
@AshleyNunn he gave you a fake name
eh, I was thinking at the eye and the very first one I guess
but otherwise yeah.
@SaintWacko Oh that's much tastier.
@BenBrocka If you want to play it safe, sure, Ben
the eye mini-boss? It's pretty good
@AshleyNunn @FAE says my name there is SaintWacko instead of Saint Wacko
That said, I wouldn't have beaten the tank boss thing without the light sword hitting through those vertical beams
kicks are best for him
I don't actually have access to Steam until I get home from work
@badp Is this still BMD you're talking about?
@SaintWacko Yes
@badp Damn, that sounds fun
@badp Naw, two other bosses. Both in the same area, actually, though.
...and I used the spiky ball to completely destroy the cat
(whatever the official name of the spiky ball is)
sword's good against the paws actually
@badp Aww, I don't want to fight a cat :(
spikeu hamma
I love cats
Maximizing the damage of the sword is tricky, is the issue
@SaintWacko but that cat doesn't love you :(
@GraceNote It's proportional to the amount of overlap between the blue blade and enemy right?
If you don't know how to maximize the damage, then Spike Hammer will out-damage it. But if you do, then Spike Hammer can't even hold a candle.
@AshleyNunn @fbueckert Another reason I want a big library. Cats belong in libraries
Pretty sure all the bosses were actually totally passive, they just got mad when Bunny flipped out on them
@badp The issue is more of timing your hops so that your sword starts in the enemy, ends in the enemy when you land, then you cut into the enemy, then jump and restart so that essentially you have a permanent damage field in front of you.
I only use Spike hammer for that scythe girl
@GraceNote oh wow.
yeah, sword is best with hops
Since there's no damage invincibility, the sword simply hits that many more times faster than the Spike Hammer. That's why it's more powerful.
@GraceNote got any tips for the scythe girl? She and the final boss are pretty much the only ones that I usually die to
@BenBrocka I... have never died to the former.
I'm trying to remember what her trophy/accomplishment/whateveritiscalledinthelocalization was, though.
Though they somehow made dracula way harder in the localization or something...did he always kill in one hit?
@GraceNote "records"
@BenBrocka Yes, it's sort of his schtick.
@BenBrocka Have they confirmed a level cap increase for BL2?
I accidentally got #18
I never died to him but I kept screwing up. Probably because I always stomp him with my stilletos
I would've thought the not-first-boss would give you more trouble, though.
I don't even know what the Faust Samurai is but I defeated Pure Aahaah with it.
@badp Sword
@GraceNote Not sure why I had so much trouble then
you mean the sequence break boss?
"Not first" I feel to be a more appropriate title.
Speaking of that, I miss the old localization's "SHUT UP YOU FAT COW" line in the first boss fight
It's something like "mrs forehead" now
> It's a sad thing that my adventures ended here...
Time to seal the bunny must die tag in this site's history then
@badp With a second question?
Also I totally never suspected she says "tres bein" when she gets an item. I always figured it was some japanese thing
Come to think of it, what does she yell when she kicks? Yattaaaaaaaaa?
@BenBrocka *très bien, I think you mean?
Well look who's fancy with her alt codes and/or diacritic keyboard
To be fair the subtitles do have the correct accent
Q: What happens to XP that I earn after reaching the level 50 cap when they raise the cap to 60

KeithIf I have a level 50 character and I continue to play missions what happens to the XP earned? When Gearbox raise the cap to 60 will I gain a couple of levels, or will I have wasted a bunch of valuable mission XP and only have grinding enemies left to level up. In other words, should I leave all ...

@OrigamiRobot Not that I know of, but I'm sure they will, probably not in the first DLC though. They waited until Knoxx last time didn't they?
eeeeeeeeey sexy wolverine
@badp In MY day we used ASCII. AND WE LIKED IT
@BenBrocka monochrome monospace ftw
@BenBrocka In YOUR day ASCII sucked so hard we had to have dozens of variations.
Ascii were the simpler days
@badp In YOUR day, Unicode wasn't invented, and your damn non-English alphabets can get off mah damn lawn!
@BenBrocka I just think that latest question is a bit too speculative.
@fbueckert Unicode was actually invented in 1987 so in MY day Unicode WAS invented, plus YOUR latin alphabet comes from MY lawn so you better watch where YOU stumble upon it.
@OrigamiRobot agreed
its ok in my day space on the computer doesn't matter anymore so we should just use utf-16 for everything
Well, okay, Latins didn't have the J or the W. Feel free to drown in your heretic j's and w's. Same for U's, but we ended up fixing that quickly.
@badp That's what I get for not fact-checking my accusations. :P
@badp Effatood, founder of Stack Exchange.
@GraceNote ...F-atood?
@badp edit made less funny
@Brian yeah, but was necessary
I would have been perfectly content if you left the spelling mistake
@badp This would be why I compounded the word as opposed to leaving it apart. At least this way, another colorful interpretation would at least be against the fictional Fatood.
@GraceNote I thought it was because Latins also didn't use spaces between words
(then again latins also didn't have small caps)
argh you can't do platforming while going backwards in time
Argh, I would think that the process for sticking to one wall when walljumping hasn't changed with the localization since it's a pretty crucial skill for some points.
@GraceNote Go ahead, Grace, and answer. Worst that happens your answer will still be useful to people playing the original game
i'm so amped
1 hour till I can get online
if you are in Americas rlemon#1805
@badp Let me reconfirm how it works in my copy.
I'm at my 20th attempt to get the enemy-jumping boots
They aren't even required
Ugh I can't remember the exact details of how it works without being able to use it
Uguu, I don't think I have it installed on that drive anymore
@badp the platforms desync if you don't get on them your first chance btw. It's easiest the first time, just like in my video
and while they're not required they're so fun
Guess I'll have to get the disc from my room later today, but I believe the trick is basically press the direction towards the wall right after you kick off.
@GraceNote I'll test it tonight. I know how it works, I just can't remember if you tap or hold the direction
Nothing is more exciting than watching catalina.out for stacktraces
@GraceNote so press jump, go to wall, depress jump, tap jump, move towards wall wall again, tap jump, etc.?
Gonna start added funny log notes to keep me entertained
IIRC you can just spazz jump + direction at a wall and climb
Something like that, yeah. Not as fluid as chain-guarding up a wall but still works properly.
agh, I kind of did the first half right
the spazzing?
no, a short wall jump
I dunno what spazzing is
Oh, flailing repeatedly
If yoiu just spam both buttons I'm pretty sure that works. It doesn't really require much skill
Oh, yeah, now that you describe it like this I can do it.
Ooh, I just remembered I brought an apple for lunch and haven't eaten it yet!
Q: How does wall climbing work?

badpWall jumping is an unlockable ability that allows you to, well, jump off walls you're facing towards. As far as I understand you need to jump up to the wall, depress the jump button, press it again and no matter how long that second press is you jump quite a few ways off the wall. I can't seem to...

Q: Does new weapons from DLC are only spawning in the new area from the DLC?

WarfaceWith the new DLC Captain Scarlett and her pirate's booty, they're adding new weapons and stuffs. Does this mean that new loots are only spawning in those new areas or could be spawning anywhere else?

btw @GraceNote one non-localization-based thing that did change in the localized version is the save penalty, which is now 60 seconds.
It was only 30 seconds before, I guess? I can't remember, I just don't save.
@GraceNote You didn't even save in your first playthrough?
yeah, it was 20
Well I guess you didn't care about the timer then, like I don't care about it now
135 minutes and counting at 30% items and 126 deaths, yo.
Ah memories. I remember something crazy like 240+ minutes for my first playthrough. I'm already embarassed to be over 60 minutes in my let's play playthrough
@badp I saved until I realized it affected my time (which was early into my first playthrough), after which I only saved when something important happened. Then once I started speed-running I restricted it or outright didn't save until the last boss. For my <15% run I just tried to save once before half of the boss fights, I think.
Really, I just didn't want to pass up the option to say "I can't remember, I just don't save".
@GraceNote I dunno what happened with your employment and ♪s, but I don't like it :(
@badp I still have it. Just didn't think to use it just now
@badp I've always hated timers in games
@SaintWacko I actually kind of like them
...kind of.
I prefer to play a game for fun and precision, not speed
Okay - I haven't yet played a game that's enragingly bad when it comes to timers
The only example that comes to mind is Hero 30, and the timer is well the whole point of the game.
@badp I always got pissed off in flash games when part of your level score was determined by how fast you finished the level
@SaintWacko As it were, the timer in BMD only serves two purposes - for challenging yourself if you want, and for getting some of the records that you have to specifically challenge for a specific time marker.
@SaintWacko oh. meh.
@GraceNote Do records actually do anything?
@badp Or any game that does it that way, for that matter
You can completely ignore the timer, in the same way you can ignore the "How many times have you died?" in the original Zelda games, it's just a thing put on your save file. There is no penalty to taking your time in BMD.
@SaintWacko Well, you'll be happy to know that time is the only thing you're ranked for in Hero 30
@badp Yeah, I heard you guys talking about it and it sounded interesting, then I heard that about it and changed my mind :P
@SaintWacko It's actually quite fun
@SaintWacko Hey, it's again the whole point of the game. You can grind to level 20 and take five minutes for each boss, but that's missing the whole point of the game
The point of the game is like being minimalist. Seeing how much stuff you can skip and get away with.
Like, in the first mission you can go to the village, talk to the carpenter, be told where the hammer is, go to the hammer cave... or you can just go right there
@GraceNote Understood; ignoring it is what I plan to do. I'll be happy enough to claim I have beaten one game by Platine Dispositif when I reach that point :P
@badp I really want to laugh right now.
be my guest
(But in seriosity I think you should be fine on this one, if you're able to do Super Meat Boy then you should be fine if you go for high percentage runs here)
That's my suggestion for an alternate title.
MoP is okay, a little better than cataclysm, but damn it if Blizzard didn't add some "lol remember EQ" crap to it. There's only two pre-raid non-random level 90 dagger/1h sword (best type for gnomes and humans): one requires getting exalted with a faction and the other (which I'm doing now) requires camping a 12-24+ hour spawn

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