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Yeah not entirely sure which I want
I do kind of want to bond up my main and go fire sale/fremennik
and just get a max cash stack and a house full of gold sinks
4 hours later…
@Nzall I was thinking of something more like this...
some considerations based on my findings...
The Nami is a limited "super sugo" unit, not available in regular gacha events but only in Super Sugo ones. A super sugo happens once every few months. Even then, you have no guarantee to get her since she is mixed with other super sugo units. Some players still miss some specific "super sugo" from about 2 years ago...
The ship is a paid for ship that costs about the same as a 10 summons on the gacha.
Everything is max level. Normal max level is lv 90... you can go up to 150 by using dupes of the unit. Lev 150... requires about 9 dupes (plus a TON of exp boost items that apparently you can't easily farm outside some specific events)
The "candy" feature he mentions is an additional stat boost that you can apply to units. But the "candy max cap" is tied to your max placement in the PVP section of the game.
As you may expect, the pvp is a) very rigged against the player (you CAN'T control your team and often your char decide to do nothing or attack empty space to give the opponent time to destroy you), b) whale territory, c) made in a way that doesn't even look like you are always playing against actual players (you are given a set of three opponents, you can pick one... but there is no way to know those aren't bots made
notice that the game probably has 3k+ units by now.... and they managed to find a single team that would work with that combination of debuffs, enemy types, boost requirements etc. And the team struggles.
And not even a whale youtuber has reached the level of "investment" required for completing the level 5 version of the event....
I hope that One Piece Dream Pointer (should release pretty soon globally) will drive their game to shut down as it deserves.
I mean... if one has to play an One Piece gacha...
Actual story with animations (the Bandai one has very poor made Visual Novel style panels with no expressions), original voices and music (Bandai is too cheap to do that), 3d animations (the Bandai game is sprite based 2d) etc... Even if the gacha is bad, it will still be better animations wise.
REEEEEET TO GOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On consoles too!
Also just notice that she is wearing the first game clothes.
3 hours later…
@SPArcheon to me it mostly shows that they dont think the future before putting something in.
@Fredy31 Depends: if you say this because you think that they put themselves in a bad spot with an OP mechanic... you are completely wrong.
The game has 3000+ characters.
They need to find way to force you to either use the new one or SUFFER.
The F2P experience has to be miserable.
let me give you an example. I don't play the game so I am using this site and try to make something realistic based on what I saw.
Let's say the boss has an "Increase Defense buff for 7 turns"
You have 179 units whose special can remove Defense.
out of those, only 10 can remove AT LEAST 7 turns.
If you make it so that you need the special to be ready for the second battle then you force the player to need a boosted unit (that will have its special Cool Down reduced in the event). Let's say you boos Strength type unit.
Congrats, now out of those 10 units only TWO are Strength type, one being a rare Rebecca/Vivi unit.
Now, make the event a point even with "any Vivi unit gives double points"... and you see how either you have the new Vivi or you need to find some creative work around...
For example use an unit that ignores DEf for a turn, of a support unit that adds one more turn of removed Def up when the char use a special and so on...
Even so, event teams usually require recent units and the teams that work are probably less than 10...
But since it is hard for them to just increase the number, they simply make the older version obsolete. This is a simple way to ensure there is no other way to remove that debuff: either you pay for the new unit or you will have to find a way to survive it (and usually waste 5 min/battle on a game that requires you to grind the same battle 50-100 times during an event...)
Too many options to remove Def Up? Add the new "Super Def Up" that can't be removed by anything they bought so far.
This is not "dont think the future before putting something in".
This is a blatant CREATE A PROBLEM, SELL THE SOLUTION driven gameplay
Imagine Genshin having a fish bombing event where either you have Klee or you have to use Amber and try to hit moving targets with Baron Bunny explosions.
Or an archery event that allows you to use the bow characters normal and charged attack at the same time they release GANYU...
Woodcutting on mobile for now I guess
Or an event dungeon that requires double jump to complete (either you have Kazuha / Scara, you try to use Xiao burst or you can't do anything)
attacked by the level 7 dark wizard FINE I guess I'll go, fish on mobile then
@Unionhawk the retro graphics bring me back bad memories from the time lost on UO trying to get the missing pieces for the set... Curse you, Water Pentagram #7
And curse you "Neptune Nautilus" too.

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