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fine, fine, except for the fact that my car broke down 160 km from the Belgium border. Given that my car is a Belgium leased car, I was lucky that they still came and towed me all the way till my companies home town (5 hour drive...) and from there we were picked up by family. So we left at 10 AM, arrived at 2:15 AM... for a 550 km drive!
I live in America so i don't know how far 550km is
also, I don't own a car
the way from this building till my home :P
so, really far?
:136717 that shirt is awesome
normally it's like a 6+ hour drive, now it was more like 15
yeah, I hope I got SU some page views
:136716 it's about 350 miles
little less.
just wait until we launch, and we have our logo etc... and then we want our own shirts!
So, 6 hours of driving give or take, depending on local speed ordinances and your level of regard for them
the latter being the most important
@Ivo, ack, sucks about your car :(
Well, the latter is only important if said ordinances limit the speed to below your desired rate thereof.
I mean, if the speed limit were 120, I doubt I'd runn around driving 150 just to push it up tbqh.
yeah, it's a frigging Audi A6, so I didn't dare to drive any further and damaging the engine any further
I'm not sure what purpose the tag RPG serves
is there a non-RPG version of Ginormo Sword?
Role Playing Geek?
is there a human being who wants to know all the RPG questions on gaming.se?
A better question might be exactly how many non-game-title tags /are/ useful for us.
well, I can see how PC or Xbox360 might be important for games that are on multiple platforms
The only major one I can think of that I could see getting use would be if we wanted to make a 'What Should I Know" tag or somesuch.
but other than that @tzenes I had a fun week, saw a whole lot of Paris
nice, how is the city of lights?
a new law made sure I didn't have to pay at nearly every museum (under-26 EU citizen)
well I didn't get to see it at night, since we were in a town near it, but heck I've seen my share of it
:136747 I think the game-rec tag has proven useful
@McKay to help me close them
it sure has a lot of history to it, guess I won't have that when I visit the US :P
:136756 precisely
@Ivo There is a lot of history in the states too you know
:136759 if by "a lot" you mean "less than 300 years"
:136760 If by "less than 300 years" you mean "White people history"
well most of Paris isn't really older than 300 years either and the Revolution sure had it's destructive effect
I think the amount of history has more to do with the facilities available to contain it and less to do with the amount of time that past.
:136762 Sure, but there isn't really "a lot" of history with the Native Americans.
true enough :)
well I'm open to suggestions @tzenes, though I was mainly aiming at National Parks anyway
And in fact, the Eastern United States contains a substantial architectural record that actually surpasses much of what you'd find in Europe thanks to the fact that we haven't actually had a war on our soil in a century and a half.
and I guess I'll have to buy you a beer :P
which reminds me, I needed to add you to SC2
crap I need a better computer, if I try to launch SC2 AND chat, I'm going to kill it
If you swing through DC check out the Smithsonian and the holocaust museum.
also I always liked the Guganheim in New York and the Met
and after seeing Anandtech's benchmark of Sandy Bridge, I'm holding out for that
ugh, hyperthreading is such a gimick
have you seen some of the benchmarks? this one sometimes nearly pwns that i7 980
I know, I just hate HT every time I see it
and his sample didn't have turbo boost, only 6 graphical units (while others have 12) and didn't have HT (or at least I thought it didn't)
The Unhandled Exception
(I'm at risk of falling off the chat roster but I'm still here! If you need me just @Josh me, I have sound set to only when mentioned)
will do @josh
so how's the week been here?
I still kept an eye out, just kept away from chat :P
Usually a good thing to do if you want to get anything done
still fighting the good fight
There's a blog now
write for the blog, do the right thing
I read a couple of your posts, I like it
well I should write something for SU
well I've got a couple things in the pipe for this week
or actually apply for HowToGeek (howtogeek.com/resumes)
Is the blog live already?
some more starcraft, some meta discussion, etc
@badp gamingse.wordpress.com
I added it to my Google Reader, so I'll notice it when something new pops up
brb, picking up my GF from work
portal toner ink
nicely written email @oak
Thanks man!
btw @Ivo Sandy bridge FTW!
yeah it totally rocks @oak and it's looking like they will be cheaper too
and the on-die graphics look decent enough
Thanks, we did our best :)
Worked on it for 2.5 years
:O you work @Intel?
for anyone who has an Xbox 360 and a Gold Live membership: xbox.com/en-US/live/pricelock/default.htm
No, I used to as a student
btw, this is definitely one of their best:
Aww no chat support for PA
> Song of Solomon? Dating sim.
Nice to see Gold is pretty worthless outside the USA :P
well except for that "online multiplayer" thing
but I guess it's available in lower tiers as well?
no, its not
but the price hike is only US, CA, GB and Mexico
Er, Wikipedia says online gaming is also included in a lower tier, "XBox Live Silver"
which is what I meant
You can't do online MP with silver
you can do some kinds of online MP with silver.
FFXI is about it.
oh. interesting.
Not any kind that anyone actually cares about.
One'd think online multiplayer is what modern consoles... or gaming is all about
With silver you can play games whilst connected to the internet.
Even play with other people.
as long as those other people are in the same room as you.
Without XBox Live you can't connect to the internet?
With silver, sometimes they give away gold for free for a weekend.
:136900 It absolutely is. MS just decided to play 'CLEVER MARKETING' by naming their basic service 'Gold' and no service 'Silver'
:136904 With silver you can "connect to the Internet" and download demos and videos.
You can connect, @badp
Based on what people normally associate with online gaming, you do not get that experience with Silver
Just not really play with anyone that has gold, minus the exceptions
:136909 True that.
you do get "things," but online multiplayer is not one of them
meh, I'm not getting on the console bandwagon for this generation of consoles
(actually I've never owned one)
"things" include a Gamertag. And... the ability to shop and browse all of the things you'd be able to make use of if you had Gold.
:136915 I have a Gamertag without an Xbox. Go, go, Games for Windows Live!
I didn't even hear about this til you guys just mentioned it. Ergh.
Yeah I made my gamertag on GfWL too
Blargh, +$10 more for the yearly sub
If not for Rockband, I would never use consoles.
There are far too many PC games I want to play that I have no gaming time left for consoles. :)
you can lock in the low rate now
Hrm. I renewed for the year in May already. Would I be adding on another year if I renew now with that price?
I would get Xbox Live if I could get Netflix and the like
but noooooooooooo that's US only :@
Yeah :/
I have access to those applications, but I can't use them
it's ridiculous, I have access to it, I could pay for it, but they won't allow it
is my money dirty or what?
Reminds me of
Q: How to use the Playstation shop when it's not available in your region?

AubergineWhile I am a proud PS3 owner, I live in a country where the PSN isn't really available and as a direct result have absolutely no access to the Playstation Shop, unless I create a fake account which "lives" in some other country which does have access to the shop. Of course, from what I understand...

It's copyright issues and whatnot :(
"I'm just trying really hard to give them money in exchange for services"
@Ivo: we don't want our precious US electrons exported overseas via the tubes.
Only buy US electrons! Made in America! YEAH!
It's supposed to be "f*** yea"
The Law of Conservation of Energy states that we must CONSERVE our Electrons and not allow them to go off gallivanting in other countries.
I mean, who knows what kind of crazy diseases or ideas they could pick up out there?
And once that's happened, there's no way we could let them back in, and then we're down an Electron.
And f***ed if you think you can just keep our electrons. They're ours dammit.
:136975 Testify!
The Unhandled Exception
:136977 I love that one
I should stop reading about FO:New Vegas
Ahhhh, can't wait.
it's sapping my will to enjoy any other game because I'd really rather be playing it, but it isn't out yet.
Good night guys
good night @oak
The Unhandled Exception
:137028 later!
night @Oak!
Later @oak
The Unhandled Exception
Hey anyone interested, PopularDemand is conducing a poll in The Tavern...
The Unhandled Exception
>Time for a contest. It's a well-known fact that all the best taverns follow a specific naming convention. "The Brass Lantern," "The Prancing Pony," "The Drunken Clam," "The Mended Drum,"... they're all "The [Descriptor] [Noun]." Unfortunately, the tavern we're in isn't so blessed. I hereby challenge you to name it!
a poll for?
Can anyone explain that little graph?
it's the activity with that room, plotted over time and the current time
so you know when the room is likely to be very active
The Unhandled Exception
How is there activity in the future?
it's probably an average of past usage
:137044 That was my major hangup.
The Unhandled Exception
:137047 cool.
it has a tooltip, go read that one ;-)
Typical room activity over a 24 hour period; current time is highlighted
The Unhandled Exception
:137050 odd, mine is broken -- no tooltip for me :'(
I feel like answering: So after iOS now they have to teach OSX to multitask on a new question coming in asap :P
try it on the room overview page
Does Mac OSX support Full Screen Windowed? (Not a Mac user.)
The Unhandled Exception
I'm not a PC user, what's "Full Screen Windowed"? :-)
A windowed version with no border, basically, that looks like fullscreen but, for example lets you alt-tab much easier.
In Starcraft 2 when setting preferred resolution/mode, I can set to "Full Screen Windowed" which does what Fallen says.
I seem to recall there was a question about this... can't find it with a quick search.
The Unhandled Exception
Ah. Often in Mac games this can be done by holding a key during application startup. (Often shift)
The Unhandled Exception
<kbd>Command</kbd><kbd>M</kbd> apparently: forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=509323
"I have recently forbidden Obsidian designers from implementing anything resembling Towers of Hanoi or someone crossing a river with chickens, etc. as a puzzle anywhere ever."
Best Game Developer Decree ever.
(That's from a post by J.E. Sawyer at SomethingAwful btw.)

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