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@BoltClock To be fair, English is most likely not his first language.
2gb XCOM patch just hit.
Oh, fixes?
Can't find any patch notes for it
@Sterno Good thing I didn't close XCOM
Inclined to share this just for the user's name:
Q: Why is my question no good answer

Dude Broi ask the good questn on stackoverflow but none answer it rite? and now it saysw closed as not a real question by Don Roby, David Yaw, mkb, Kevin, Mathieu Imbert Oct 5 at 19:10 ??

Don't feel like waiting for it to download
I hope it'll actually load the 1080p cutscenes now instead of the 720p ones.
I wonder if they'll fix the ultra-slowmo sniper reaction fire
@MadMAxJr Meh, I already fixed that myself
@TimStone I like your G+ avatar.
@Sterno It's so cool to watch the guns work in slomo though!
I just hope it fixes the issue where the camera freezes or scrolls way out of the map boundaries.
@RonanForman Thanks! I was worried it came out a little more creepy than intended. >_>
Especially the plasma sniper rifle!
Are there patch notes online yet?
@TimStone I didn't get a good look at it, one second.
I'm also hoping it'll fix the accuracy meter over the alien heads on the right so they don't occasionally all read 1%
I like the concept of your G+ avatar. Nah, I kid.
What is that anyway? Just paper?
Okay, time to assault the alien base
@TimStone He's a bro
@SaintWacko That mission is so long.
wat. no is not answewr to question not yes/no question — Dude Bro Oct 5 at 18:55
People actually use "wat." unironically and unsarcastically?
@StrixVaria I'm bringing two support troopers each with three medikit uses
@RonanForman I used my official Stack Exchange Box of Swag™ as a "blue screen" and then worked on the gravatar in Photoshop.
@TimStone Nice.
@BoltClock What on earth is even going on in this question?
@SaintWacko I did that. Still lost a sniper :(
@StrixVaria :(
What kind of armor did they have?
A few might have had the default armor.
@BoltClock That question makes me cringe.
@fbueckert I'm trying to figure out how any language could work that way.
@StrixVaria Oh, okay. Mine all have Titan armor and mostly plasma weapons
@SaintWacko And this is the first alien base?
@StrixVaria We have a brain that can parse programming. I think somebody hit Dude Bro with a nail bat prior to asking that question.
I don't know if there are multiple, but that's way more advanced than I was when I got there.
A: Why isn't if symmetrical?

PuraVidaIn your language, is this what you expect? if true echo This echo makes echo no echo sense. echo absolutely echo question fi should print This question makes absolutely no sense. just trying to understand. Edit: ok so it is about if/fi symmetry. I've become a proficient programmer in your...

This is how you counter-troll
@StrixVaria Yeah
@BoltClock It breaks my brain that someone actually thinks that's a valid method of coding.
@StrixVaria I didn't rush the objective research
I did other stuff first
I never know if bad stuff is going to happen if I put off important research.
Do you guys think it's fair to add UFO progression to this question as well as "enemy unit" progression? Or too big?
Q: How does enemy progression work?

SternoAs I play the game, I notice that eventually tougher enemies show up. From what I've read, it sounds like this is based on elapsed time rather than "research checkpoints", but I haven't seen any specifics. What kind of time frames are we talking about for various enemy types to appear? Are there ...

@BoltClock What the hell? That makes absolutely no sense
@SaintWacko Exactly
Q: How does enemy progression work?

SternoAs I play the game, I notice that eventually tougher enemies show up. From what I've read, it sounds like this is based on elapsed time rather than "research checkpoints", but I haven't seen any specifics. What kind of time frames are we talking about for various enemy types to appear? Are there ...

Q: Reduce Minecraft server lag

DanI recently decided to set up a Minecraft server on an old PowerEdge 1850 I had lying around. I'd like to start expanding and getting more players on, but I've been having massive lag issues when the server's been running for a day or so. There's usually only about 4 or 5 people logged in, and whi...

@Sterno The UFO progression scares me more. I have no clue what to do to upgrade my interceptors.
@BoltClock I think my brain just retreated to protect itself
@StrixVaria You'll get better weapons and interceptors through research
@StrixVaria Yeah, I'm worried about it in classic. Failure to intercept UFOs means missed opportunities to reduce panic means game over
Are those dodge/aim/speed bonus things for interceptions useful?
No idea. I die too early in the campaign to find out.
@StrixVaria I haven't used them at all
Then again, I also haven't seen a UFO in a while
also, my sniper just took out two Mutons in a single turn :D
Question: How do we handle games that are not yet out in English?
Q: Effect of customization in Warface

AerusIn Warface it's possible to customize your weapon ingame by pressing C. You can then choose to add a silencer/scope/... I know the silencer reduces the sound of your shots and the scope gives you a scope when right-clicking, but is there besides this also an effect on the damage/recoil/... of t...

I'm having fun reading threads by morons who don't understand that just because the game saves a seed for the random number generator doesn't mean that the game "cheats" and "decides that certain shots will always miss"
I like that it saves the seed. Cuts down on save scumming
@Sterno They do that specifically to ensure you can't just reload if you miss.
@fbueckert The irony is that the people posting to complain about it are saying it's the game that cheats, not themselves with their reloads
@fbueckert It can still be gamed. Just do stuff in a different order.
Alanis Morissette irony is the best kind of irony.
I may have force quit XCOM after I accidentally rocketed my best assault and support to death.
I have no regrets.
I had a moment of weakness once, and discovered it didn't matter. Ironman saves whenever one of your guys dies
@Sterno These are the same people that would complain if a roguelike deleted their save after they died.
@Sterno Nope! I got them back.
@Sterno I like how all the things she sings about are LITERALLY IRONIC! sitsbackandwaitsfornerdrage
@StrixVaria Maybe it was tied to turn end, then, which happened before I quit.
Since you died on your own turn rather than the alien turn
@Sterno Yeah this is probably it.
Q: When does the game auto-save in Ironman mode?

StrixVariaSometimes, if I force quit and reload, I can get lucky and undo an unfortunate misclick. Other times, I'm stuck with the outcome that happened the first time. When exactly does the game save during Ironman?

I couldn't save my good sniper, though.
This is the first game in a long time that has made me actually cry out in despair.
Why play ironman mode and then try to take backsies?
Internet news informs me "Biden-Ryan Debate Likely to Be Combative". And here I thought they were going to spend two hours complimenting each others' policy stances...
@sjohnston Because I didn't understand the mechanics of the rocket launcher.
When my sniper died because I ran him alone out into the open, I didn't attempt to take that back.
@sjohnston We all have moments of weakness.
I had one team get wiped out because my heavy ran one square further than I meant him to, which meant he did a dash instead of a single move, and couldn't wipe out 4 sectoids with a single grenade. It was a dark day.
@Sterno Sometimes a single, tiny tactical error makes such a big difference.
I still have a stupid habit of running people to positions that I can't see yet.
Which inevitably gets them surrounded by floaters.
My biggest enemy so far is impatience. Particularly, not running my 3rd or 4th guy of the turn forward and triggering new enemies.
@Sterno Yeah. That's another one that I do a lot. My sniper runs into the open, triggering 2 floaters, and then my turn is over.
I won't ever forget that sniper.
I do the exact opposite. I practically have everyone in overwatch every turn
the worst is when I don't find the aliens after a few turns
I'm like, shit shit shit somewhere there are like a dozen aliens and they are going to probe me
I once approached a downed UFO and saw nobody, only to realize there were like 8 aliens in a little cluster in the corner of the map
luckily, I'd heard them
Yeah. I don't like that "I heard something mechanic"
At first I thought the aliens were doing something sneaky and evil, but then I realized the game just does that to say "hey, dummy, they're over here. come get them"
now everyone go downvote my stockavoerflow question ! RACIST!! — Dude Bro 6 mins ago
@BoltClock It's always a good relief to know these people are trolling. I really don't want it to be real.
@Sterno yeah, it made me think of a question, which I asked.
@Wipqozn At least it's not subtle at all.
War of the Roses is proving a fairly enjoyable experience.
Geez, my sniper just crit for 19 damage
Q: When does the game auto-save in Ironman mode?

StrixVariaSometimes, if I force quit and reload, I can get lucky and undo an unfortunate misclick. Other times, I'm stuck with the outcome that happened the first time. When exactly does the game save during Ironman?

Q: How do each fo the damage types differ?

WipqoznI know the game has different damage types, Piercing, Bludgeoning, and Slashing, but I'm uncertain how each of them differ. How do each of the damage types differ from each other?

Q: How does "hearing" work?

agent86Sometimes when I'm approaching an alien-infested area but haven't made contact yet, I'll get a notification from one of my soldiers that they can hear something. This is accompanied by a visual indicator giving me a direction. Usually, following up means that I will come across hostile forces i...

wait, what?
edited 'on' to 'in' in the title.
@GnomeSlice What was the name of the one you linked the other day?
I'm listening to this one now, but I want to listen to that one again.
@StrixVaria The Lay of the Autumn. It's my favourite song by them.
@GnomeSlice Thanks.
You should get the album 'Across the Dark'.
Used up all my medikits
one room left
more than one room
@GnomeSlice After The Lay of the Autumn finishes.
@StrixVaria lol
Yeah, I shouldn't have you shown you that song first.
@GnomeSlice This band definitely reminds me of Opeth.
@GnomeSlice and that's why he must've used "on"
@badp Rather than just reading the dupe??
Q: Are the hit percentages predetermined?

Jack B NimbleI was planning a terror mission last night where after my unit would enter an area, a Cyber Disc and two Drones would come around the corner of a building. All four of my other units were in a position to shot. My sniper with DoubleTap read 85% chance to hit the Cyber Disc. So I fired and once an...

Q: How can I remove mind control from my soldier?

SaintWackoMy one soldier who carries an arc caster just got mind controlled by the enemy. I would really like to capture this enemy rather than kill it, as I suspect I could learn a lot from it. How can I make it stop mind controlling my soldier without killing it?

Q: Is it possible to free target and shot your weapon?

Jack B NimbleIn the original X-Com you could basically point your weapon any direction and fire it. You could shoot buildings, vegetation, and even your own men. If you had a strong enough weapon you could shoot through a wall and create an entry into a structure where there wasn't one before. You could also ...

@GnomeSlice easier to just change a letter!
It isn't cheating if you are using something that is part of the game (being able to save at any point and restore to any point). It is cheating if the game lies to me by saying "You have a 85% chance to hit, but I already decided you will never ever make this shot, ever." — Jack B Nimble 3 mins ago
Exactly what I was talking about earlier
@GnomeSlice Fairl certain we have a million, billion questions asking this.
Ooh, just shot down a large supply UFO
I hope it's full of alloy
@Sterno You can still reload and try something else. No idea what Jack's problem is, really.
@Sterno Civ5 has an option to not save the random seed, I'd be surprised if that didn't make it into a PC patch at some point.
although there's a lot of "console concessions" in the game, including some severe option limitations, so...
@agent86 Might as well just make an option "My soldiers are invincible and never miss."
@MartinSojka People are upset with the idea that they can't just reload over and over for 100% shot success rate and, oddly, consider the game to be cheating when it prevents that.
Why would I do that? That's not what I'm asking. I'm pretty certain that you can't, but I want to know why not, not how I can. — Olly Price 39 mins ago
@StrixVaria eh, different people have different ideas of fun.
honestly, for me, the amount of time wasted having to load after making a mistake is enough of a penalty - I don't really need a 2-20 hr "you made a mistake, so start over" penalty. Not that I'd try to abuse a random seed reroll. I'd probably just reload from an older save and approach the problem differently.
@agent86 If I wind up getting myself into a corner on this Normal Ironman playthrough, I'm going to do a Normal non-Ironman playthrough just so I can finish the game.
I want to finish it once before I start messing with Classic.
Regardless of what an individual finds fun, the point stands that if people want to play the game where they reload on a miss and try again, there might as well be a "always hit for reals!" button.
@Sterno The thing is, the game programmers are being nice about it here. They make it clear that doing the exact same thing over and over while expecting different results is - like in real life - a sign of insanity, and not supported by the reality. They could do much worse - they could detect save scumming and then manipulate the game to be much harder each time you do it.
Save everyone time!
@fbueckert commentated
Remember when games used to put out patch notes with their patches?
Are there still no patch notes for XCom? D:
I suspect that Steam's auto-update is to blame for developers often not bothering with patch notes anymore.
@Sterno enter name "Sid Meier" and cheat FTW!
@MadMAxJr Not yet, but it's constantly an issue on a bunch of games. I see Steam patch the game and can't find any info on what changed.
@Sterno Steam updates have notes with them...
I always get an overwhelming urge to downvote and/or edit questions with legit in the title
@GnomeSlice They CAN have notes with them. They don't have to. And often don't
@Sterno right click on it in your library and do 'update history'
or something
but yeah, they don't all do it
I don't think...
@MartinSojka I would actually like a system like that. "Oh, so you don't like the outcome of what just happened. Alright, fine. I just chopped your chance to hit by 10%. Hope you like!"
@fbueckert More like "You just reloaded three times on the battlescape? Have another terror ship. Fun, eh?"
> Mouse button 4/5 will switch soldiers in the Barracks
patchnotes for most the games i play are posted in forums on their site, not with the actual patch
@BrianColvin yay
That's pretty cool.
Idk why they stopped putting it in the patch itself, guess they wanted to be able to alter them at will
Dang, they didn't fix the game stoppers yet
Has anyone used SHIVs yet?
@BrianColvin this is a really shitty question anyway, downvote away.
@StrixVaria Yeah, the alloy SHIVs are really nice
They count as half cover
so you have mobile cover
and if you have a sniper major, they get half cover counted as full cover
@SaintWacko Can the enemies just...target the SHIV instead?
Q: Dishonored gameplay question(to those who have beaten game and seen both endings)

child boyTo those who have finished the game. What is recommeded, first play through high chaos or low?

@StrixVaria Yeah, but the SHIV has a lot of health, and if it gets destroyed, you just build a new one
@GnomeSlice You HAD to say it, didn't you?
@SaintWacko It costs 75 money units.
That's pretty expensive...
@StrixVaria Yeah, but better than losing a veteran
@fbueckert Say what?
Someone upvoted it...
Q: Are WoW gold making guides legit?

imaginativeSo, I'm newer to the game than most and I was wondering, are any of the WoW gold making guides out there legit? I'm running incredibly low on gold. I have a bunch of professions leveled up. I'm not entirely sure how to "exploit" them in order to make a ton of gold. One of the professions I do not...

Please feel free to ask a question if you have one, but this space here is reserved for answers only. That's beside the point though, as your 'question' is really subjective and will likely be closed. — GnomeSlice 5 mins ago
@fbueckert Yeah, what's wrong with that?
Encouraging them to post their crap questions is BAD.
@fbueckert I told him not to.
I told him HOW to ask questions.
As I said, this is a discussion question, and not a good fit for the site. But look on the bright side; you know how to post questions now! — GnomeSlice 5 secs ago
there, happy now?
@GnomeSlice Almost guaranteed, all he saw was, "Ask a question? Don't mind if I do!" copy paste
@fbueckert That's his problem if he doesn't read, not mine.
@GnomeSlice No. You owe me brain cells.
We can just close it.
@fbueckert gives you a cupcake instead
@AshleyNunn I am now mollified.
Q: Why shouldn't I murder all the things?

KlokworkkPlaying through Dishonored, I sort of decided that my first go through of the game I would just murder every enemy in sight. Apparently, the game really wants me to NOT stab everyone in the face, and is punishing me for leaving a bunch of dead blokes scattered about Dunwall. I was given a vague...

@BoltClock ...what
@BoltClock Yes, what about them?
Context plz
@AshleyNunn He asked a question as an answer, and then asked it as a really shitty question.
Never mind
@GnomeSlice Fair
@AshleyNunn @fbueckert And I were just talking about this. What did you think his 'you owe me brain cells' was about...
I was confused between this user and the one with the green avatar
@GnomeSlice I missed most of that tbh
@BrianColvin You are a hero, thank you for linking that.
No need to get testy
@BoltClock I wonder if he has any relation to Dude Bro.
@AshleyNunn Lol you commented on it (cupcake) so I assumed you had been following along.
I'm, not testy.
@GnomeSlice Yeah I'll just make myself scarce now
It's getting late anyway
@BoltClock By the way.
Seriously people, you closed the gold making guide question
@GnomeSlice grins no it just sounded like he needed a cupcake
Did you use my song in something on newgrounds?
@MarkTrapp Really?
I had an answer all lined up too
@MarkTrapp Not here, here it is CANADA
@AshleyNunn I always need a cupcake.
@BoltClock Because one of them says it is 'used in one upload', but the list is blank.
@GnomeSlice I did but I got lazy and didn't finish it. I really should, though
I have giant double-chocolate ones to munch on when I get hungry.
Q: Are WoW gold making guides legit?

imaginativeSo, I'm newer to the game than most and I was wondering, are any of the WoW gold making guides out there legit? I'm running incredibly low on gold. I have a bunch of professions leveled up. I'm not entirely sure how to "exploit" them in order to make a ton of gold. One of the professions I do not...

@GnomeSlice o_O
Needs reopen votes because people are too close happy
@BoltClock Yeah, it's weird.
You can probably see it too.
@fbueckert cupcakes forever
Because that's what you do many modern (particularly first-person) games, and Dishonored wants to be different. That's pretty much it, actually, because there's no real reason why you couldn't just play the game Rambo-style. — GnomeSlice yesterday
@GnomeSlice Yeah, I do
Number of people John Rambo killed in "First Blood": One
Amusing. :)
Weird huh
Click 'view all'
Blank list.
I think it might have to do with the fact that I linked it in my project
Seems like the system's picking it up even though I haven't published it yet
@BoltClock Is your project uploaded?
But not published?
I was thinking that too, but I couldn't imagine why you'd upload a partially completed project...
Q: Differences between Mac Star Wars old Republic and online version

makerofthings7I purchased SWTOR from the Apple AppStore and don't have an option to play online. Is there an online version? Will it work with the Mac? What are my options to make my Mac version work online? I have Bootcamp installed, and accidentally purchased the wrong version

Q: What's the Family Trainer Dancing Mat Controller for?

EnderThere is some kind of weird dance controller for the Wii. What's this for? What games are compatible with it?

It isn't uploaded. That's what is weird. But Flash authors can credit audio submissions at any time
@MarkTrapp Read and voted to reopen. No where in there is the guy asking for anything other than 'How do I use my professions to make gold' hehe.
In other news, someone else used one of my loops in a truly awe-inspiring flash animation.
And by 'awe-inspiring' I mean 'total piece of shit'.
> Sun trips balls and sees lil b
@James I read it as "I'm looking at gold guides, are these things for real because I want some cash money", which is still legitimate. it's not asking for guide recommendations
@MarkTrapp I think he's asking if any of them work.
Which is dumb.
@GnomeSlice I removed your song from my project's credits and it hasn't changed. Probably either caching or that wasn't it. But thanks for reminding me to get off my lazy ass and finish it
Oh and I credited you again of course
@BoltClock It takes one to know one. Sure thing.
@GnomeSlice Then downvote it if you think the person asked a dumb question. Dumb questions are still on-topic
@GnomeSlice Dumb questions are still questions :)
@MarkTrapp I didn't say it was off-topic.
I've already downvoted it.
@Lazers I'm confused...how can you play SWTOR offline? Did they mean KOTOR?
@yx. It's not a prohibited shopping advice question. If it were, it'd ask "What gold making guide do you recommend?" It's asking a question about whether they are legitimate in order to make the shopping decision themselves, which is exactly the right way to formulate questions about purchasing things. — Mark Trapp 2 mins ago
That was my bad
Mmm, 190 alloy on that supply ship
@MarkTrapp That joke/reference when over my head, sorry.
Yep another brain fart of mine tonight. I really should go to bed
@GnomeSlice all is well then
@MarkTrapp :/
Don't reopen the question with legit in the title w/o changing the title plz
I really want to make an entire team of sid meiers. just big-ass meier clones running around and pwning aliens.
Gold making guides wouldn't exist if they weren't legit to someone
Also why chat in the comments when we have this lovely room called The Bridge with everyone involved in
Is anyone ever planning on trying out Impossible?
@BrianColvin Because not everyone on Arqade spends time in chat?
yes but half of that conversation had people in this room talking about the question now there are like a gazillion comments discussing Meta instead
@BrianColvin Because not everyone comes here, more people read Meta
@AshleyNunn sorry shouldn't have cap'd that i meant discussing what questions are appropriate in the comments
@BrianColvin Where better to do it?
Also, if I stop making sense, I am high on solvent fumes. This room smells terrible
@BrianColvin Only a small fraction of people on the site actually go to chat
About the chat statement I made, half the people discussing the matter in the comments were also in this very room chatting about it
@BrianColvin Comment chatting is usually done to resolve the problem with a post so it makes sense to do it on the post; the Bridge is more OT conversations and people get angsty if you talk site policy for too long
@MarkTrapp Angsty is easy to alleviate. Just burn everything.
@MarkTrapp Angst? In here? NEVAR
@MarkTrapp couldn't have removed legit from the question title with that edit? ugh
@MarkTrapp Burn it! Burn it now!
@MarkTrapp offers bandaids, and a better taste in music
Every time i see the question page, im going to thing too legit to quit
@BrianColvin Would you prefer "legitimate"? Or another word entirely?
@MarkTrapp anything that wont bring and old rap song by a guy in parachute pants to my mind would be most appreciated but I guess i'm just being selfish
@BrianColvin What do you have against parachute pants?
@BrianColvin You can edit it! I'll approve your suggestion so you can get your delicious 2 rep
@AshleyNunn if I fell out of an airplane they would not save my life as their name suggests
@BrianColvin I suppose that is a fair point
Inspector gadget's parachute pants on the other hand..
@BrianColvin If this is how you form opinions on everything in the world, you must hate a lot of things.
@GnomeSlice my list of words I dislike is growing quite large! Most of them are words people use to describe something that were formed to be used in a completely different way
Like legitimate or viral
@BrianColvin #swag
@BrianColvin 'viral' as it relates to 'viral' content on the web is actually not really a different meaning as the original 'viral'.
i.e. it's contagious
@GnomeSlice it is and you know it
@BrianColvin Eh, I disagree
What is your issue with legitimate?
@Gnomeslice you're putting cat videos and influenza in the same box, the cat wants out
"Viral" had less to do with being related to contagion as it did to being related to Viruses, biological or electronic. Contagion through replication is the more noticeable aspect of viral spread, though, which is why the word has come to mean what it does with regards to social knowledge.
@GraceNote This :D
@GraceNote and as wikipedia defines it, it's even closer to the web meaning:
> an object or pattern that is able to induce some agents to replicate it, resulting in many copies being produced and spread around
@murgatroid99 mmmmm virus
Q: When people turn to ash does it count as a body?

A.C.M.In Dishonored the skill shadow kill will turn enemies to ash if you kill them when they are unaware of you (or all kills if you upgrade the skill). The game states multiple times that the more bodies you leave around the more chaotic the city and the darker the ending. Does killing an enemy contr...

@BrianColvin They spread the same way, though
ones person infects another infects 5 others infects 10 others
I think i lost the viral argument
Next up: curated content
You mostly lost it around the time "virus" was adapted to refer to certain kinds of programs. That already harshly changed the scope of "viral"
@BrianColvin What are your issues with the word legitimate, if I can ask?
but to my defense the dictionary as of 2005 showed viral as being of or relating to a virus
@BrianColvin that's 7 years ago, though
@AshleyNunn nothing, its legit i dislike
@BrianColvin What about that, then?
as long as we can all agree that the plural of virus is never, ever, ever "virii" there can be peace in our time
@MarkTrapp Aw you're no fun
@MarkTrapp it's a virus - it makes it itself
@MarkTrapp Viral repli...
@BrianColvin Why do you hate America?
I don't think I've ever seen this director's cut of 2 Legit 2 Quit, dam when does the music start
@MarkTrapp like 5 mins in I was waiting for quite awhile too
@GraceNote Yeah I realized that as soon as I said it.
Really wish SOE would stop messing around with planetside and focus on Everquest next

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