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Q: Artist Colony - General extraction error

Haikal IzzuddinI just downloaded artist colony and installed it. When I tried to open the game, it says General extraction error location es1. How do I fix this?

@MartinSojka It was a design decision rather that oversight. They wanted to keep pressure up on the geoscape level by making you choose which areas you'd let go to rot in those situations. But I agree, I would have liked the original better
@SaintWacko Oh yeah it also killed my sniper with a grenade thing.
Well, it didn't kill the sniper.
She was bleeding out, and I had just used my last medkit the turn before.
And I couldn't finish the level fast enough.
@StrixVaria Ooh, that sucks. I just realized, I'm not sure I have any snipers
I think they may have both gotten killed :(
You guys should briefly dip your toe into classic. Feel the difference. Cry a little. Then go back and trounce Normal. :)
I've lost 100% of the snipers I've brought on the last 2 missions.
Have you guys seen anything survive a car explosion?
I never see a damage number. Just death.
Actually, I have a fun story from that same sniper killed by the Cyberdisc, on the same mission.
A chrysalid jumped up like 30 feet standing highjump to land next to her on the ledge, and smacked her in the face.
She panicked, and shot the chrysalid in the face, killing it.
So I was really hoping she'd make it out alive.
oh, crap. One of my rookies missed with his plasma rifle and vaporised the cover of my heavy -.-
no, wait, not my heavy
another rookie
who promptly got shot in the face by a Muton
RIP, rookie
I color the army of people once they get nicknames.
They're color-coded by class.
@Sterno Meh. What's the point in having a "classic" mode when you can't build up your bases and air fleet like ... well, in the classic?
All I've seen mutons do so far is suppression fire.
@StrixVaria I do the same. black for snipers, red for support (medics), green for heavies, and yellow for assault.
otherwise I can't easily tell them apart in the tactical combat
@agent86 Red for assault, yellow for snipers, white for support, and purple for heavies.
I need to pick a better color for heavies, though. Purple doesn't stand out enough.
@StrixVaria Pink?
@MartinSojka Not exactly the color of carnage.
@MartinSojka Because it's not wimpy mode!
I mainly tried to pick colors that were distinct and required few clicks to get to
@StrixVaria Ever heard the term "pink mist"?
I haven't really standardized yet, I'm still kind of flailing a bit
@Sterno I am nervous to try Classic after reading that list of differences.
Hot pink for rookies?
It's not pink! It's light red!
I crashed a third UFO last night, and ran my first "terror" mission w/chrysalids
To make sure you know not to panic when they inevitably die?
@StrixVaria I really didn't realize how big the gap was until reading that.
I just took out the alien base or whatever and the entire world is at 2 panic or less now :D
can you stun and capture chrysalids and the zombies they create?
I didn't seem to be able to last night
I also have like 5 satellites up.
but maybe I have to hurt them more?
@agent86 If it's anything like the original ... yes (you can even stun cyberdiscs), but you don't really want to.
well, I'm playing on easy, so I like to stun first and ask questions later.
I find it a bit weird that I have one containment unit but I can stun as many aliens as I want
I assume it gets kind of crowded after a while
The base building seems to be simplified a lot ...
yeah, it's really simplistic
honestly, I feel like this is a better console game than PC game
I feel more "civilization:revolution" than "civilization 5" after playing it a bit
I can really feel the console control concessions
@agent86 Particularly having to hit every hotkey twice to "confirm" your action
@MartinSojka The base building is crappy and annoying.
Everything else is awesome.
Sword of the Stars Complete Collection is 75% off for a while, if anyone's interested.
the other part that drives me nuts is that everyone's skills are on different hotkeys - for example, overwatch. I want overwatch to be one key for everyone - not a different key depending on class.
other than that, I'm wholeheartedly impressed with it
it's damn fun, and tense as hell
@agent86 Yeah. I burn run & gun a lot by accident thinking that I'm smacking "2" for overwatch
I still haven't used any number keys for selecting abilities ever.
If I want to fire, I press space. If I want to do something else, I click the icon.
Really surprising they didn't catch that one. So simple, too... just make the first 3 hotkeys always the same (shoot, overwatch, take cover)
I didn't know you could press space to fire. Sweet.
Colonel level skill for Support is +4 to medikit healing
But I also hate CLICKING TWICE.
@Sterno Yeah, that bugs me too
@Sterno I actually like that
@Sterno For clicking it doesn't make sense
But I like it for keyboard presses
So in Normal, they just give you officer training school, and you could pretty much immediately buy up to squad size 6 if you wanted?
@Sterno yeah, space will toggle you down to the hotkeys, and you can move left and right too
you can also confirm almost everything with space
it's essentially the "A" button
Gyah, titan armor is expensive
@GnomeSlice And is MUCH better than it's travesty of a sequel.
$150 and 35 alloy
@Sterno No, you have to have a soldier at Captain rank to buy Squad Size 2
and Corporal rank for Squad Size 1
You know what would be great.
A Babylon 5 4X game.
@SaintWacko I finally got enough engineers to build a plasma rifle and then didn't have enough cash.
So frustrating.
@StrixVaria :(
I haven't built any of those yet
spent all my alloy on Titan Armor
4 of them
@GnomeSlice Space Empires 5.
@GnomeSlice That would be awesome, yes.
Almost guaranteed, there's a Babylon 5 ship set.
@fbueckert what
Edit: Nevermind, that was just my support class
@GnomeSlice Space Empires V is crazy moddable. One of the things you can mod in are your own ship designs.
@fbueckert Huh, looks like there is.
@GnomeSlice I'm not so sure. B5 was a lot about a very small amount of very determined people convincing most others that their insane rambling was actually true and should be acted upon.
@GnomeSlice Did I call that or what?
@MartinSojka There was also a lot of big space battles.
@MartinSojka Hm, I never thought it about that. It was really more about the interpersonal stuff.
Yes, but they weren't the focus of the show.
@GnomeSlice I suppose, but I don't think that was....yeah what @MartinSojka said.
The space battles were SICK though.
My force consists of two colonels, two majors, and two captains
And all of the races in the alliance
So many races to interact with
would be AWESOME
A sniper, two heavies, and two assaults
@GnomeSlice Yeah. but a lot of those didn't really fight with each other (with some exceptions)
@GnomeSlice Play Space Empires. You will waste SO much time.
@fbueckert I already waste a lot of time as it is...
@GnomeSlice I liked the one in "Severed Dreams" the most ... in particular because the conclusion was not reached by one side annihilating the other.
Incidentally, I don't think I've ever actually played a 4x game.
@MartinSojka I don't remember the names of the episodes, which one was that?
@GnomeSlice You should
@fbueckert Well, there WAS... but the link is dead.
internet, y u no like babylon 5
@GnomeSlice Oh, it's probably kicking around somewhere. Just gotta spend some time searching.
@MartinSojka Sheridan's speech in that episode was awesome.
@GnomeSlice The one where the human captain of the fleet tasked with reconquering B5 says to the just-arriving Minbari/Ranger fleet under Delenn "Do not force us to engage your ship." and she answers "Why not? Only one human captain has ever survived battle with a Minbari fleet. He is behind me. You are in front of me. If you value your lives, be somewhere else."
@MartinSojka I was just going to quote that.
@MartinSojka Eheehee, I remember that one.
I'm trying to remember what the 'who are you, what do you want' guy's name was.
There was a scene I really liked in that one.
@GnomeSlice Who are you - that was Kosh. What do you want - MOrden.
Basically, Vorlons and Shadows.
Oh ffs
I still love the scene where Vir waves at Morden's head - he said he would, and he did. SO awesome.
I was trying to capture a berserker and my assault colonel did an automatic reaction shot and killed it
@AshleyNunn Not Kosh.
The guy he met in Z'hadum
@GnomeSlice Fair enough :)
Then she got critted twice in a row and died
@AshleyNunn The guy from this scene: docs.google.com/document/d/…
Argh... it was a girl's name.
When deleting a Steam game's local files, does it take the entire folder and throw it + all user mods and added files away?
Or does it delete only the game's own files and not touch files I added myself
@BoltClock arqade/ask
@GnomeSlice cool
@BoltClock :P
@GnomeSlice Lorien - he says it right in that doc you linked
@AshleyNunn THAT'S IT
He did? I read it again, must have missed it.
I liked that scene so much I wrote it down.
Also I got me a Strange Homewrecker and the damn thing only counts player kills
Also I just discovered that maybe my graphics card isn't so bad after all
@BoltClock That sounds really awesome. You can see how many people you killed with it.
@GnomeSlice Truly revolutionary
@BoltClock That doesn't seem cool to you?
@AshleyNunn Oh did I spell it wrong.
@GnomeSlice Not if you're playing MvM
@fbueckert Men vs Machines?
I have that on my iPod touch.
It sucks.
Well, it sucks because they aren't updating it.
@GnomeSlice Have you played TF2 AT ALL?
@fbueckert A bit, my internet can't really handle it.
Not in a while.
wtf why does it keep adding me as a viewer to my google doc
There's 9 of me viewing it now.
@GnomeSlice Yeah, I just looked it up. Basically, he asks Sheridan the Vorlon question (who are you), the shadow question (what do you want), emperor turhan's question (Why are you here), and the Technomage's question (where are you going), which is why I thought you were talking about Kosh and Morden
10, now.
@AshleyNunn Oh man... I didn't get the vorlon and shadow thing out of that. Or the other questions. Gah, that's so awesome.
@BoltClock I did a fast search of our Steam questions, and it doesn't look like that one's been asked yet.
Would definitely be useful!
Who's Turhan, again?
@fbueckert We should bet on whether or not it actually IS there.
Because site search is useless.
@fbueckert Great, I'll post one
@GnomeSlice The Centauri emperor who died on B5
He was emperor before Cartagia
@BoltClock from previous experiences, your mods stay. I've tested this with skyrim and fallout:nv, so it may be game dependent.
I need to watch B5 again.
@GnomeSlice Me too :)
I need to try for a team of heavies
@AshleyNunn I think one of the things I liked the most about it was that it was so character-driven.
@GnomeSlice I loved that things at the beginning mattered even to the end
Ergh, I feel really weird playing X-blades. She looks like a child.
Good afternoon all.
Good afternoon, FAE
@FAE Hey hey.
@FAE Hello :D
I hate it when people in my apartment start drilling in the walls while I'm still sleeping.
@FAE Yeah I can see how that is annoying
@AshleyNunn Pretty much all buildings here are built from stone/concrete rather than wood, so the sound travels quite far and quite loudly. x-X
@FAE Blergh. Earplugs?
@AshleyNunn Problem there is I can't predict when it'll happen and I don't like sleeping with earplugs under normal circumstances because I sleep really really deeply and I'm afraid I won't be woken up by stuff then.
I've had people dump ice on me, water on me, hit me with a riding crop, pull my mattress out from under me, have had fire alarms go off, and I've slept through them all.
@FAE That's fair.
@FAE Man, I sleep like that too. XD Although there has never been riding crops involved in waking me.
@AshleyNunn Funny, that's what caught my attention too :D
@AshleyNunn Was a friend of mine. I vaguely remember rolling over and telling her it wasn't exactly incentive to wake quickly.
@FAE Yeah, that would have been my answer too.... ;) I would have faked sleep.
But yeah, sleeping through dorm building fire alarms isn't really... good.
I partially wonder if it has to do with the fact that I grew up with a lot of dogs, so I always felt safe sleeping deeply. If anything were to happen, they'd bark and I'd wake up.
@FAE No. when I did that in my house, my mom dragged me out of bed by an arm, and I woke up more from the burn of carpet burn.
WTF, my Air Buccaneers launcher crashes as soon as I try to run it.
@AshleyNunn Owwww. Not fond of burning pain, m'self.
@FAE Me neither. Which is why I woke up - it was uncomfortable pain.
If I run the game itself directly, it works, but the launcher is busted...
Aaand it crashed.
I really need to stop playing stuff that's in-development.
@agent86 I guess I should specify what I'm uninstalling in case it's game-dependent
Q: What penalties do reaction shots receive?

SternoI was looking through the Sniper skill tree and saw this skill: Opportunist: Eliminates the Aim penalty on reaction shots, and allows reaction shots to cause critical hits. Until reading that, I didn't even realize that reaction shots had an aim penalty and couldn't cause crits. What kind...

Q: How do I capture a drone?

MadMAxJrOne of the enemies in the game is a small floating four-pronged claw. Despite my best efforts, I do not seem to be able to use the Arc Thrower against one. Is it possible to capture a drone? If so, what do I require to do so?

Q: What bonuses do you receive for being elevated?

SternoReading through the Sniper skill tree, I saw the following: Damn Good Ground: Confers +10 Aim and +10 Defense against enemies at lower elevation, in addition to the usual elevation bonuses. What are the default bonuses you receive for being elevated? Is it just Aim normally, or does it gi...

Q: Does "Delete Local Content..." also delete mods and other third-party files?

The Annoying PyroI'm about to uninstall and reinstall a Steam game. Unfortunately, while I have mods and other user files mixed within the game's own folder, the game files themselves take up a ton of space so I'd rather not have to back up all its contents before uninstalling. Will the "Delete Local Content..."...

..Invalid game version.
@AshleyNunn I'm really awesome at sleep itself, it's the transition between sleeping and waking I suck at, both falling asleep and waking up.
Well, shit, how do I update it if I can't use the launcher...
@FAE I rock at sleeping, I suck at falling asleep. I can wake pretty well if I set up my routines.
@AshleyNunn Waking goes better for me the same way if I do that, but I'm really bad at maintaining them.
I learned that if I don't maintain them, I dont do anything. If my wake up goes wrong, it means my whole day doesn't work.
@AshleyNunn Yeah, I know how that goes. Lacking current school/employment as proper external incentive at the moment makes things harder. :(
@FAE I can see how it would - school is a big motivator for me to keep my routines as best I can.
@AshleyNunn I don't have enough time to try to get a job before my vacation. :/ Hopefully can maybe get one after.
@FAE I will think good job getting thoughts in your general direction
@AshleyNunn Hehe, thanks.
The Dreamcast looks so sad
@GraceNote Wow, it does.
What's the one in the lower left corner?
@AshleyNunn PSone
@FAE Ah, the round face bit was confusing.
@FAE Weeeeird.
Yet awesome.
@AshleyNunn Yeah, I never had one myself, but my cousins did. They used it in the car, it was handy for that.
@FAE I can imagine!
How is it that I stabbed myself on the fork in my bag three times this morning but now that I want to eat with it it is nowhere to be found?
Just did a critical on a berserker for 15 damage
with a plasma sniper rifle
@SaintWacko Haven't seen a berserker yet.
I wish I knew how far into the game I am.
@StrixVaria They're fun
@FAE The fuck is this. The fuck is that?
ps1 portable?
@badp Soooorta-ish? It was like a mini PS1.
PSone |CPU=MIPS R3000A-family R3051 @ 33.8688 MHz |connection=PlayStation Link Cable |media=CD-ROM (black CD) |Input=PlayStation Controller, Dual Analog ControllerDualShock |storage=Memory card |Discontinued=March 23, 2006 |units sold=102.49 million |topgame=Gran Turismo, 10.85 million shipped (as of April 30, 2008) |successor=PlayStation 2 }} The or PS1}} is a 32-bit fifth-generation video game console first released by Sony Computer Entertainment in Japan on December 3, . The PlayStation was the first of the PlayStation series of consoles and handheld game devices. In 2000, a re-...
Q: How do I effectively combat a cyberdisc?

MadMAxJrCurrently, I am battling three cyberdiscs on a terror mission. Cyberdiscs appear to have very powerful weaponry and they shift into different forms. What gear and abilities are best used to combat cyberdiscs? Are there any particular squad tactics I should be using when engaging one?(For examp...

@BoltClock well, darn. I don't know about TF2. if I was at my desk, I'd put some custom maps in there and remove it and see. My inclination is to believe steam won't delete a file that it didn't create, but I've no idea offhand.
@BoltClock you, uh, have TF2 mods?
@Krazer Wow, I did not know that existed.
@Krazer nifty.
Roller Angels is the worst DSiware side scroller thing ever.
@AshleyNunn Beastie Bay is just like Pokemon!
@fbueckert It is like classic pokemon, before they added all the other stuff that makes my head very confused.
@AshleyNunn Except it has resource management, too.
@fbueckert I don't think it would be a Kairogame otherwise :P
@AshleyNunn I'm finding it quite fun, even the free version.
It helps that I don't have a data plan, so I don't see ads, anyways.
@fbueckert I find I can really ignore the ads. :P
And since that is the only thing you really pay for, I don't think it is that big of a deal
@AshleyNunn I'm glad it's just ad-driven, and not micro-transactions.
@fbueckert Yeah, I can handle the ads much more than the microtrans
fear my bleetee
@AshleyNunn My team is level ~8, but I find enemies hit quite hard, so I have to heal up after each expidition.
WTB Research Tree diagram for XCOM
@Sterno same
@fbueckert I hate the Droplet enemies. They tend to kill me.
I've almost asked that as a question, but it seems a bit big for the site
@agent86 Dammit. Now I want a BLT.
@agent86 Ditto.
Just had it typed up, and then I was like "nah..."
@fbueckert OMG. I have bacon in my house, and awesome potato scallion bread. I think it is BLT for dinner. (Or chicken salad, I have chicken that needs to be used)
Honestly, it'd probably be an okay fit, but it would just sit there unanswered until some other site puts one up. Then people would just link it :P
@AshleyNunn So make it a BCLT!
@AshleyNunn I've got one of the droplets doing stuff around my island. I just finished rescuing everyone on that first island with tourists.
@fbueckert Oh. Oh man. That would be pretty epic.
@fbueckert I haven't caught one yet. I plan to.
@AshleyNunn My cave is up to level 8, so it makes a good farming spot.
@Sterno yeah. really, this game needs a much larger manual, imho.
@fbueckert Oh, I can imagine!
@StrixVaria you here? You were randomly selected for the DG code -- are you ok with me sending it to the email you have set on your profile?
Okay. Work and responsibility time now.
Sorry @John, I only have the one :(
@JQAn Awesome!
Yeah that e-mail will be fine :D
Thanks a lot!
@StrixVaria no problem, I hope you enjoy it :)
@StrixVaria That's a great game!
@fbueckert Better than Anomaly Warzone Earth, I hope.
@StrixVaria Hey, you have to give it points for trying something new!
Not all innovation is good innovation.
Hrm. There's an XCOM bug where newly recruited soldiers on higher difficulties don't take the HP penalty
so your best strategy is to buy new soldiers after the starting missing, and ditch all your starting guys
2 hp difference
and, apparently, slightly better aim
@fbueckert Do you still have that Airmech Steam key?
@njallam I do
@fbueckert can haz?
@njallam You can haz. I forgot to send it yesterday, sorry.
Will do when I get home.
@fbueckert That's OK. Thanks
Oh, shit
that was awesome
A thin man dropped in right next to my assault trooper
@SaintWacko And ate a facefull of shotgun?
which triggered his reaction shot, and he blew it out of the air before it even hit the ground
Q: Does doing tasks 'more fully' grant additional XP?

aditya menonFor example, clearing out the Reaper infection within the geth consensus grants +75 XP in the first round. If I diligently clear up every little glowing yellow block, will I be granted more XP?

Q: What do the Muton abilities do?

MadMAxJrMutons are large green troops that tend to carry plasma rifles and grenades. Often I see them use two abilities. Intimidate and Blood Call. What are the effects of Intimidate and Blood Call?

Man, I wish I could have recorded that
@SaintWacko Did he get poisoned from being too close?
Poison is so annoying.
@StrixVaria No, he's wearing Titan armor
immune to poison and fire
Need Titan armor now.
I just got the ability to use the plasma rifles I've been picking up. The aim bonus is very nice.
turns out people rage quit en masse from expert missions as well
@MadMAxJr I haven't captured any aliens so I don't have any plasma weapons to use until I build them myself :(
I try to let my assaults capture anything that presents an opportunity. I don't know if capturing more than one has any benefit.
@MadMAxJr You get the weapons.
If you kill the alien, their weapons explode and you just get fragments.
I started putting arc throwers back on my assaults recently, but I haven't had a chance to use one.
Do you ever get any additional research benefit from capturing more specimens?
My first Muton encounter did not go well. "Huh. 3 big green guys. Wonder what they do." Grenade flies out into my cover. Four wounded, cover obliterated. Plasma fire picks off my heavy and my sniper. Esc > Quit to Desktop
@MadMAxJr I have one guy with a light plasma rifle and a SCOPE who gets 100% accuracy on just about anything
I've gotta work on capturing a Chryssalid. I'm not sure if a zombie can be captured.
I need to work on surviving decently until the first council report.
Doing that is a victory in itself.
I have to remind myself that the currency is not a dollar value and that I'm not putting Sectoid corpses for a dollar into a grey market vending machine.
@MadMAxJr Chrysalids can't be captured
@MadMAxJr I keep forgetting that and thinking "What the hell? This piece of incredibly advanced armor based on alien technology costs $150?"
Dear aliens, send more small UFOs, I need your alloys badly.
Dear aliens, having some trouble installing Windows 8 on your nav computer. Do you have a tech support line?
@MadMAxJr So much this. They finally landed a large scout UFO, which gave me enough alloy to outfit the other two members of my squad with Titan armor
I'm about to build a Firestorm and arm it with an EMP cannon, though, so I shouldn't have any more trouble with taking down UFOs
aand getting ready to build a satellite nexus as soon as I get more money
I decked everyone out in carapace and lasers before I found out salvaged plasma rifles are way better.
@SaintWacko My squad in UFO got outfitted with collapsible weaponry. The stuff's a beast to carry around, but it makes up for it by outright murdering anything it can shoot.
Q: What does steam do?

StrixVariaWhen excavating and building structures, some tiles have 'steam'. This causes the excavation to be more expensive. What other effects does it have?

@MadMAxJr Yeah, but you can use lasers long before plasma
I'm about to go assault the alien base :)
Q: How Steam can help me in my gaming and my clan's activities

AlphaHow Steam is helpful to my clan and how it can be helpful for me.

@KBKarma Not constructive!
Didn't post.
Hence the ":'("
Or more like, Not a Real Question
And I can't downvote. ;_;
@KBKarma No worries. We got this.
Hence why I posted it here. Thank you. :')
@KBKarma Much appreciated for telling us about it.
Which tech gives you carapace armor?
@fbueckert No worries. I like this site too much.
@GnomeSlice ... Wait, why?
@KBKarma I have no idea.
Bah, I'm going to have to redownload Air Buccaneers entirely, I think
Dang. I'll check the release notes tomorrow or later tonight.
I can't update it without the launcher, and the launcher crashes immediately.
Sucks. I need to get that.
/me looks at backlog
... After finishing some other stuff.
@KBKarma Air Buccaneers? You've heard of it?
Hells yes.
I remember it when it was a MSU mod.
I've been meaning to play it, I got it in a build-a-bundle from Gamersgate.
It's fun. At least, the mod was. This looks to be more of the same.
@KBKarma Also, hi, don't think we've met before.
Nope; new as of a few days ago.
What sort of games do you like?
FPS, RPG, adventure, strategy. I'm competent at all but the last.
@KBKarma You should check out Metal Drift if you're into teambased sci-fi type stuff.
I still need to activate my Planetside 2 beta key. And play more Tribes Ascend.
Oh sick! The tiny and big sequel has a prototype out!
@KBKarma Are you on Steam? You should join the Arqade Steam group. =]
I am on Steam. And I should join the Arqade Steam group. =]
Cool, will do. I've got an RPG to go to tonight, so probably tomorrow after work.
... Or whenever I turn on the Steam app.
Q: Community Promotion Ads - 2012

Grace NoteAlright. We may have horribly failed to actually do a half-based Community Ads system last year. Well, this year, since we start in December to work on the actual year. Since it's more of a biseasonal thing. BUT ANYWAY... we may have failed to do half-based... ...and we're going to continue to f...

@KBKarma There's a link in there somewhere to the steam group.
Right, back to work. ttyl!
Q: What difference will the more skillful (1 star or 2 star) crew members make compared to a non-skilled one in FTL?

edemI checked out all tooltips in the game and their official website. Since FTL did not come with a manual I have no clue here. I know that they have something to do with recharge rates and percentages but I can't find anything specific about it.

@RedRiderX When are you free to play UHC again?
@RonanForman I doubt I'll be able to play this Saturday.
Sunday might work.
@RedRiderX What about next week, I'm just getting an idea of when.
@RonanForman I think next Saturday would work.
@RedRiderX Cool, I'll let you know when I have a day.
Degreaser + Flare crit on enemy Pyros is hard
@Sterno It's called carapace armor. It's pretty early... I think you research Alien Materials and it unlocks
@Sterno Chryssalids were way worse in the original XCOM
@KBKarma I've seen that user on SO... his posts have all been pretty unintelligible so far

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