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Evening, Bridge.
@StrixVaria ^
in a world where nothing is as it seems you must fight to survive this summer one man one desire one solution antonio banderas nick nolte and john leguizamo are XCOM
user image
Ichiro Suzuki is the motherfucking man.
Quiet bridge tonight.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Still loading your gif before commenting on it.
That's amazing.
@GnomeSlice It was a pretty baller play.
(And yes, he was called safe.)
@Fluttershy Tristan, you should play XCOM.
But this xcom
@LessPop_MoreFizz Holy crap that's impressive.
Q: Random glass block found under snow, what does this mean?

NinaI found a glass block under some snow, and I was wondering if it meant something. Has anyone else come across this?

@Sterno I really liked Rita
I watched the show she was on after Dexter out of pity.
It was... not renewed for a 2nd season. That's all we need to say.
@RavenDreamer No Ordinary Family? Yeah. Not so good
@Sterno It was like Season 1 of Heroes crossed with Pixar's The Incridbiles
And about half as good as either.
And she was married to The Thing
Her assistant was nerdy-cute though, so it had that going for it.
@StrixVaria 44 minutes!
@Sterno Yeah.
Which reminds me of the crappy redemption subplot.
And the plotholes located therewith.
Plotholes. Plotholes everywhere.
@Fluttershy Damn kids and your videos these days. I want text! TEXT!
I was pretty happy it was cancelled, since for some reason I felt compelled to watch even though I wasn't enjoying it.
The baby monitor in my house has been totally hosing my wireless network when it's on. It just occurred to me it's probably hosing all my neighbors, too. So, if anyone wants to annoy their neighbors, I know just how you can do it.
I am really starting to hate my upstairs neighbors.
The Loud sex was one thing (guess what they're doing now, incidentally), but they also have a small child (and the wife is pregnant again!) AND a small yippy dog, and between the combination of those three, I don't think I've ever had a quiet evening in weeks.
The child is not loud, but it runs around everywhere, which is loud.
I am awake again.
Welcome back.
Do you have things that need doing early tomorrow?
I need to wake up at 7.
Me too :(
XCOM! It taunts us, it does, the precious taunts usss.
Yewah, Steam is doing things.
Pretending to download things.
Ack. It needs updates.
Q: Counter-Strike GO: ALT+F4 doesn't work

AnonymousALT+F4 is supposed to work in Counter-Strike GO, as per http://gaming.stackexchange.com/a/82590; however, nothing happens when I press ALT+F4 in the Counter-Strike GO window. Is there some setting to enable ALT+F4, or will I have to code a workaround?

xcom project initiated.
I still can't launch :(
corrupt game files
what the flux
Missing like 9MB
Been installing DirectX approximately forever.
I'm getting "Game is Currently Unavailable (Corrupt Game Files)"
I don't know if that means I need to reinstall, or wait, or both.
Was that before running the DirectX installer?
You mean the Valve_Build_Slave_04 or whatever?
Well, if DirectX ever decides to finish, I'll let you know if mine works or not
This difficulty selection screen is killing me.
@Sterno That's actually wahat I was in the process of doing.
Yeah, I just got the error too
Ready to launch in 1 second
@StrixVaria I'ma do Classic
Bring it on, I say!
I settled on Normal Ironman.
I need to know if I can save mid-mission on Ironman
if not, I might have to do self-imposed ironman
I will let you know.
@Sterno It autosaves after each move, I believe
There's a save and exit option.
Awesome. Classic Ironman, here I come
You can also change difficulty between Easy-Classic seemingly at will.
But you can't change up to Impossible :P
Unskippable cutscenes FTL
Q: Can I skip cut scenes in XCOM: Enemy Unknown?

Raven DreamerStarting with the intro movie, XCOM features its fair share of cutscenes that I'm just not all that interested in. I know Firaxis made the game, I don't need to see their logo for a full minute every time I open the game, and I know what Central Officer Bradford is going to say when I'm playing ...

This time, my newbie tutorial squad is going to make it!
I read that there is extra tutorial-y stuff after the first mission so I'm going to let them die again.
Nope, he still stood there like a retard and got shot, despite me yelling at the screen to shoot him. Go figure.
hm. how do I turn on the grid?
Wow. In the demo, I was taking like 3 damage from the alien that shot my 2nd dude. On classic, it's 8
That's XCOM, baby!
Okay, I guess it was 5
I don't see the grid option either
maybe disabled during tutorial though
Like turning.
Q: What are the hidden achievements in XCOM: Enemy Unknown?

Raven DreamerSteam lists the game as having 60 achievements, but only ~38 actually show up in the achievement list to start with. What "secret" achievements are there, and what are the requirements to unlock them?

Q: Can I skip cut scenes in XCOM: Enemy Unknown?

Raven DreamerStarting with the intro movie, XCOM features its fair share of cutscenes that I'm just not all that interested in. I know Firaxis made the game, I don't need to see their logo for a full minute every time I open the game, and I know what Central Officer Bradford is going to say when I'm playing ...

I pressed space, so now it appears that I must attack an alien.
I can't quit back out and move somewhere better instead.
esc. doesn't work?
It does not.
left / right click?
Weird. It does now for the next soldier.
Still in the tutorial?
Nope, the 2nd mission.
Time to save Kansas City!
Man, on Classic Ironman, I don't mess around. First set of aliens got a grenade.
Ok the 2nd mission is already better than the demo.
I'm on turn 3.
Recruits all dressed up in red armor
Seems appropriate.
Oh, hey, 2nd mission is different slightly
My guy got shot once and he's wounded for 7 days :(
Lopez, man. Don't panic on me! :(
How the heck do I look at my base rather than "scan for activity"?
@Sterno Scan for activity and wait until the tutorial is over
You can turn off the tutorial in future playthroughs
My clan just failed in King of Dragon Pass. R.I.P. Clan Moustache. Your Uroxi Warleader and Eurmali Chief were too badass a combo for this world.
Weird. Nanofibre vest uses up the grenade slot rather than armor slot
@Sterno Yeah I was pissed.
Since I bought 4 of them thinking it was a generic armor upgrade.
It's an accessory, like a scarf.
@StrixVaria @Sterno I have absolutely no idea what happened to the grid option.
I can't cycle through skills with A/D like I did in the demo.
Now I have to click on the one I want to use if it's not just a normal attack.
just use 1-4
or reconfigure the keys
I got to Anna Singh's mission, but now I need to sleep because WORK TOMORROW D:
good night you crazy alien killesr
Not a big fan of the way aliens move when you first spot them
@Sterno It's only if they spot you back.
Though, admittedly, without facing, it's much harder for them to not spot you.
I can't do anything.
I pressed space like I wanted to fire at the enemy, and now no input I give does anything.
Except I can press esc and choose "save and exit"
But it says "saving isn't allowed at this time"
I hope my save file still exists now that I killed the process!
got a poisoned guy losing 1 health a round and moving half speed. not good
I was also not aware shooting ended your turn if you hadn't moved yet. Boo
I was able to get one of my 2 "veteran" guys killed almost immediately on the third mission.
Man down!
I just lost the shotgun dude
It's his own fault for being a shotgun dude
screw you blizzard. Finish last quest in zone, still 250k from 90.
Q: can I kill both Mick Zaford & jimbo Hodunk in same playthrough?

Apocalyp5eIs there anyway to farm both Jimbo (for unique SMG) and Mick (for Maggie) in same play-through. The Clan you can kill will be based on decision made by you on railway station(Clan wars mission). After that you can farm the clan leader of the clan(which you killed in the last part of the quest). ...

2 hours later…
@ThomasMcDonald AHEM
Q: Why View camera in FPS games has no inertia?

wingmanI've always wondered that why in most of FPS games, You can rotate camera view very quickly, (almost zap to look in any direction, along with your handheld item's bearings). Though there are plenty of camera and character movements in games which defy inertia of motion. But this one stands out to...

Q: How to destroy AI ships without weapons?

AnnaI'm using the Basilisk, which has a teleporter and boarding drone, but no weapons. How can I manage AI (crew-less) ships? So far I've been teleporting my crew there and back, slowly chipping away their hull by destroying newly-repaired systems, until they only have one hull point left, at which p...

Q: Ladder website for creating brackets and tournaments

drozzyThere was a really sweet free website that allowed me to create a tournament with brackets of a few types. I can't remember it now. Can anyone recommend a good bracket/ladder creation site?

Off-topic (tournament bracket identificatin/recommendation)
I don't even.
2 hours later…
Q: Can I change the difficulty of Metro 2033?

PaedowI started my Game at easy and after 12 hours of playing i decided it´s too boring and too easy. May I change the difficulty with some Tools without influencing my savegame stats?

It is killing me that "Kerrigan" is male.
Assault guy gets surrounded by 4 floaters, GTFOs out of there and I kill them all with a rocket without taking any damage. There should be an achievement for that.
@StrixVaria Just one more vote!
Oh good, I get the thunk sound when I tag myself.
@StrixVaria Why shouldn't someone with that name (or any other variation of O'Ciaragain) be potentially male too?
@MartinSojka Just because Kerrigan is a female character in SC.
@StrixVaria ... and a Prof. John Kerrigan teaches English on the University of Cambridge. He even has a Wikipedia page. So? :)
I haven't been able to play yet :(
@StrixVaria Voted, closed, commented.
According to Steam, my Nuclear Dawn Dedicated Server install has updated 17.6 exabytes of data
@SaintWacko That's an achievement.
@fbueckert Indeed. I wasn't even aware I had that much hard drive space. I think I'll uninstall the dedicated server so I can make use of it :D
@SaintWacko It could be it just updated the same files zillions of times
But I'm pretty sure it starts a new counter for each update
so this means the 17.6 exabytes was just the latest update
imgur is easy to use
I may be switching away from photobucket, especially since it's blocked at work
Okay, very quietly launching xcom for the first time
So are you all playing on classic ironman?
I'm on Normal Ironman because I had no clue what I was getting into.
All future playthroughs will be on Classic, though.
I'm trying it out on classic ironman
if it goes badly, I'll drop back to normal
for now, at least
You can change difficulty between Easy-Classic at any time (I think...the option is there but I haven't tried it yet).
You can't go up to Impossible if you don't start on it, though.
Q: Can I skip the tutorial?

agent86I played through the tutorial mission on my first game of XCOM, but I started here again when I played a second time. Is there any way to skip over it?

Q: Is there any way to guide what class a rookie will become?

StrixVariaAs far as I can tell, the game decides what class my guys will be promoted to upon receiving their first promotion. Are there any ways to influence this decision? Right now I'm stuck with more snipers than I know what to do with. If I had played these soldiers differently when they were rookies,...

@Lazers You stole my question
@Sterno You should beat him up.
You're welcome to borrow my tortoise knife. I use it when I need to tortoise stab someone.
Is a tortoise knife a knife for tortoises, or a knife made of tortoises?
@Sterno I knew I had to ask it quick or else everyone else who ever plays the game would ask it first.
@StrixVaria I had to stop last night after the 3rd tutorial mission. Lost one guy, had 2 more out of commission for ~10 days
Then one one who really should have died just kept getting missed. She deserves a nickname of some sort.
I played a bit more this morning. I'm past the tutorial stuff, at least.
I really wasn't a fan of the way the thin men magically fell out of the sky during the 3rd mission
@Sterno Yeah that was...annoying.
It seems to be a theme with the rescue missions.
I had another one of those and it happened again.
Howl's moving Castle, made from paper craft:
He spawned directly between me and the extraction point, so I had to manually go around his poison cloud thing.
@Sterno It's a knife made by tortoises.
I was sad. One dude got poisoned so I ran my dude with a medkit to him. Healed him. Next round he got critted through cover and died.
Wow. This is really well done
Waste of a perfectly good medkit!
So there are predefined missions?
It's not like the original where you choose where to go?
The tutorial is definitely on rails.
Don't know about after that.
Oh, okay
Wow, how long is the tutorial?
Over an hour. But it's also skippable.
Man, that says something about the complexity and length of the game itself
I like it :)
@Sterno Not even close to on rails.
As soon as the tutorial was over I was like "oh shit I have to start making decisions now".
And they all seemed like bad ones.
@Wipqozn That's not a knife, it's a castle
Good morning, Bridge
The very first mission where I had no guidance at all I immediately got one of my veterans killed.
@StrixVaria Did you ever play the original?
@SaintWacko No.
@GraceNote This is a super long thread, but has a lot of good replies (50+) from IronStylus in it about how they're trying to reevaluate the execution of female character design in LoL, including a statement from him that says "you'll never see heels [again] on a female that I design." Thought you may be interested in checking it out.
@StrixVaria Oh, okay
@FAE Heels are an important part of the feet!
@StrixVaria You really should. It makes you that much more thankful where the game's coming from.
@Sterno :P
@fbueckert I really shouldn't. I can't stand old game UIs.
I tried playing Fallout recently.
That was a disaster.
@StrixVaria And X-COM's UI was even worse than Fallout. SO many misclicks.
And not a hotkey in sight.
I am spoiled by new game conveniences.
One thing I noticed is that panic goes up really fast if you don't answer a call for help from a country.
@StrixVaria Still mad that the armor I bought takes up the grenade slot!
I also find it odd that a medkit costs 1/4th what a satellite costs.
I've missed this
Q: What role is a "Heavy" supposed to fill?

StrixVariaBased on the name and my understanding of the TF2 class, a Heavy is a front-lines tanky soldier guy. But that doesn't really seem to be his role in XCOM. Assault soldiers are better at being in the front lines with their mobility and defensive abilities. What, then, is the heavy supposed to be d...

Q: How can I get panic in a country back down?

StrixVariaI had to ignore a call for help from India because the one from Germany had a better reward. Now India is at 4 out of 5 panic bar thingies, and I don't know what I can do to get that back down. They are not funding me currently, but it seems like it would be bad if that bar fills up. What can I ...

Q: Why are Drones seen as life forms?

Claude PWWhy is it that my Slug crewmembers count drones as lifeforms when showing the position of enemies using their telepathic abilities? Whenever I have no sensors or only one rank of sensors (or they are damaged, whatever) I can locate all enemies as they move about either ship as red dots, this bein...

@fbueckert Really? I could have sworn pretty much everything was hotkeyed
@SaintWacko It's been a while since I played it, but I don't recall them ever telling you what the hotkeys were.
@fbueckert Oh, I don't think they ever told you :D
It was mostly number keys and such
Anyone play Dishonored yet?
Q: How do I choose which of the offered nvidia drivers is best?

TenLeftFingersThese are the options presented by Jockey: NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (version 173) NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (post-release updates)(version 173-updates) NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (version current) [Recommended] NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (post-release updates)(...

@Sterno The tag does not exist yet, tantalisingly
@FAE Whoa. Three days old thread and already 270 pages or so? That's ... a perfect shitstorm.
@MartinSojka It was quite an animated discussion. The redname posts were pretty good though. I'm glad to see them engaging the playerbase's concerns on this. Admittedly, IronStylus has been pretty good about addressing this issue when it's been brought up this year.
So, my roommate picked up XCOM
And promptly named one of the characters after me.
And then the character was murdered by aliens?
@sjohnston Actually, no.
I'm still alive.
But I seem to have a penchant for attracting critical hits.
That doesn't bode well.
@sjohnston I only get to every third fight or so, but I'm still surviving!
He's a grunt in XCOM. "Winning" for him will be when he'll get dismissed from service for bad stats. :D
@MartinSojka That should be a standard reason for being dismissed from real armies.
"Sorry son, you got heart, but you just don't have the stats for this war."
Not making and bringing medkits was a mistake
random car explosion just critically wounded one of my soldiers :(
@sjohnston With that logic, Captain America never would've been allowed to join the army.
I've decided that my squad doesn't get named after anyone until level 5 or so
@Sterno I call dibs on the sniper!
@Sterno I'm perfectly fine with the default names
@MartinSojka Hey, someone's got to be on the front line, trying to poke aliens with a cattle prod.
@MartinSojka Man, I wish the UFO series would let you recruit guys. I lose so many when the aliens have rocket launchers.
shit, I lost two people already on the second mission :(
@SaintWacko Welcome to XCOM! I hope you like your horrifying, fear-filled, pants-filling stay!
@fbueckert Oh, don't worry, I played the first one
I know the drill
@SaintWacko I know. It wouldn't be XCOM at all if your first experiences aren't losing half your guys.
Q: How do I remove blood from my face?

desaivvI am replaying Saints Row The Third after a long time. My player character has a bloody mouth. It is bothering me a little. I have tried the options, but did not find a place where I can re-customize my player character. I also purchased a plastic surgery place called Image As Designed. But stil...

@Lazers Water. Lots of water. And probably a little soap.
@fbueckert Whew, one more guy critically injured, but I managed to finish the mission before he bled out
two xcom operatives down, 7 xrays down
@SaintWacko At the beginning, that's an acceptable loss to alien death ratio.
When they're all rookies
and low tech gear
The beginning of the UFO series is: "The Earth has lost 95% of it's population, and aliens are invading and killing what's left. Enjoy!"
I hope I get to build better transports and interceptors later
Intercept missions were always fun
and those big UFO based transports
@SaintWacko From the review I read, the interceptions are pretty simple affairs.
@fbueckert I suspect I'm about to do an intercept tutorial
Boo. Cross out fail.
Ooh, I'm remembering more! Invading shot down UFOs and stealing... What was that stuff called?
@SaintWacko Yeah. That was your best money-maker.
@fbueckert If I remember correctly, manufacturing laser pistols (for sale) was. Or maybe laser rifles. Though later on, you didn't really need it.
@MartinSojka Those, you got pretty early. Shows just how much I've played the original. :P
@fbueckert Yeah, they're pretty much the same as in the original, but in the original I don't think you had the ability to abort if it wasn't going well
UFO's interceptions give you zero control, but they play some pre-cut FMVs to show how it went.
@Sterno Yeah the prices are all wonky.
Q: Why View camera in FPS games has no inertia?

wingmanI've always wondered that why in most of FPS games, You can rotate camera view very quickly, (almost zap to look in any direction, along with your handheld item's bearings). Though there are plenty of camera and character movements in games which defy inertia of motion. But this one stands out to...

Is this not the very definition of Not Constructive?
@fbueckert It's both a "Why do devs do this?" and a recommendation question
@SaintWacko I think he hit the high points of EVERYTHING NOT TO DO.
@fbueckert Especially with the totally unrelated question at the bottom. Aside from the "opinion" part would it be okay on game dev? There's probably some legit reasons on the why design it that way side (which are totally off topic here)
@fbueckert His first question would be valid on Game Dev I believe,but the second one is way too broad and subjective.
Actually, the second question would require research to actually answer.
> There's a chance of one in five that you experienced some time travel in the past half hour. This should be fixed now, but a few messages may have been lost (but most people wouldn't have seen your message anyway). Sorry about that. See Meta Stack Overflow for details.
@BenBrocka Yeah, I saw the recommendation question at the bottom. I elected not to mention that as part of why I voted to close it.
As in official research. Down by conducting case studies and what not.
@fbueckert I quietly removed it, migration or no it needs to go
Have you experienced time travel in the past half hour?
@SaintWacko No, but I experienced it a week from now
@SaintWacko Damn. They really need to warn me when I'm going to go back in time. Give me a chance to look at stocks and such beforehand!
@StrixVaria I was one of those people
I have traveled forward in time from where I was a half hour ago.
@BenBrocka Ah, I will have experienced it on the tuesday after last
Were 4 out of 5 people in a stasis?
@Wipqozn Depends how deeply it needs answering. It would severely limit movement
@Sterno I noticed that disappeared from the timeline
Unless.... we disappeared from the timeline
@BenBrocka Netsplit!
I haven't experienced one of those in a long time
@SaintWacko A rift in time and space?
@fredley Well, that either
Not since next thursday
@Sterno Haha awesome.
I am barely functional right now because I thought "as long as I get 6 hours of sleep I'll be fine, even if they are not consecutive!"
That is a false notion.
So, I upgraded the firmware on my phone yesterday.
@StrixVaria Fatigue wins again!
@StrixVaria Dude, go to bed.
@fbueckert What kind of phone?
And I forgot I had the bnet Authenticator installed on it.
@SaintWacko Xperia X10
@fbueckert Ouch
@SaintWacko Yeah...

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