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Q: How to resolve "You must install .NET Desktop Runtime to run this application (6.0.16 x64)"?

Dr-BracketI'm trying to run the Lord of the Rings - Battle for Middle Earth "All in One Launcher" on Linux via Wine 8.11. When I run it, I get the following error prompt: When I run dotnet --list-sdks on my Arch Linux host, it says I have both 7.0.7 and 6.0.19 installed. I've tried installing dotnet6 and ...

12 hours later…
Players Stupidity 101:
Before Klee new skin in Genshin was announced players wanted the skin to be 5* rarity because those sometime have special / new animations. Now that the skin is announced they cry that the skin is 5* because that means it is a paid-for skin (4* ones are usually free)
@SPArcheon AFAIK the people who want something and the people who afterwards cry about it are rarely the same
@Nzall I assume in this case there is a good overlap.
Like, they forgot that 5* meant "paid" too.
[redacted] SERIOUSLY?????? You have to do the NMS singularity expedition TWICE??????
what is this idiocy? Why not a third time to unlock Chronoa while we are at it?
5 hours later…
You can stop buying MTG: The ONE RING card has been found. cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/one-ring-card-found-1.6895945
@Nzall Probably also the same people that bitch that gamemakers should stop doing skins and fix bugs in the game... Hey dummy, you can't just stick an artist in front of a deep C# code and expect him to fix issues.

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