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Yay, the pest guy says they're Strawberry Root Weevils and not bed bugs. Huzzah!
Q: Should the red light on my NES flash when no cartridge is inserted?

BobShould the red light flash with no games inserted? I haven't got any games to test properly. Thanks guys!

@StrixVaria That one actually looks like it's about weevils.
It's important I link a lot of legit stuff on Fridays too
Can I get a few more reopen votes on this? It should be much better post-edit.
@Sterno Oh, that's much better. I recommend you rub them all over your scalp
@BenBrocka Probably already done!
I need to sneak some code into the more stars script that lets me hide Rebecca Black links as seemingly innocent Gaming.SE links
I don't...I don't think that table's quite...*right*
And now it produces a 2302 page report. I think something broke
@StrixVaria Juan, badp, Oak, and I handle a ton of flags each. I'm always around so as to be pingable, although I don't typically just hang out and chat so much anymore. I've also been busy this past week on a seekrit project (that isn't so secret) which will be revealed tomorrow.
I think Raven just started a new job recently, so he's around a bit less. I see Mana periodically, though.
typically Juan, Oak, and I fight for most flags handled each month. I was winning too, before this project >:|
but you guys will hopefully like it, so yay
@badp Thomas controls the minecraft server.
That probably means it's indeed offline.
@badp Maybe I should ask Tom for access to it so I can fix it when it's down.
@agent86 I like being in the know of things like this. :P
Q: In The Oregon Trail on Apple II / Mac, what is clothing for?

Matthew PKThe last version of The Oregon Trail I played had the farmer as the biggest multiplier (pre-teacher) and had graphical hunting. This was on the Apple II. Except for the ability to trade (and particularly to the Indian river guides) does clothing serve any particular purpose?

@Sterno You are a terrible, terrible, terrible man. And you should feel bad
@AshleyNunn Yet I can't stop giggling like a schoolgirl!
@AshleyNunn He's probably grinning like a madman that someone actually fell for it.
@fbueckert Is it MAD To want to share the joy of Rebecca Black's music with the world?
@Sterno Yes!
Oh. Yeah. I'm probably a madman then.
@Sterno I rest my case.
One day, there will be no Rebecca Black links on Friday. You'll wait all day, and they won't come.
And Saturday will arrive, and you'll feel disappointed.
And, probably, a little gassy from that burrito you had at lunch.
@Sterno And then you'll post Rebecca Black links
@Sterno No, we'll feel relieved that you've finally grown up and don't need to troll anymore. :P
@Sterno NO. NO GIGGLING. I clicked it. I thought it wasa thing. NO. It was A TERRIBLE TERRIBLE TERRIBLE DISASTER
@AshleyNunn I was about to click on it when I saw the posts after it and got suspicious
@SaintWacko See, I wasn't that smart.
Which is really sad
@fbueckert Let's be honest here. It'll be because I forgot, not because I grew up!
@AshleyNunn Well, the only reason I saw them was because I was scrolling up and reading backwards, essentially
@Sterno And here, I thought thinking the best of you was the right way to go.
I guess I'm going to have to settle for sad disappointment.
@fbueckert Which is exactly what I warned you of!
@Sterno I already posted one. You're a fraud and a copycat.
@Sterno I'll have to migrate into stern disapproval and eventual grounding if you keep it up!
Ugh, I'm nervous. In about 10 minutes I'm leaving to go take that programming aptitude assessment
I shouldn't be; I know it's not going to be any trouble, but nevertheless...
@SaintWacko have you reviewed Pogosort? black-red trees?? quaternions???
@badp I code every day, and I don't know what those are.
@badp I've been reviewing bogosort and quines
@fbueckert random buzzwords, the first doesn't exist, the third's about physics, the second actually is a thing I guess
@badp You probably meant bogosort in place of pogosort
@SaintWacko but pogosort is more plasticy!
@badp and bouncy!
I miss the good old days when you just needed to know the difference between ++count and count++
@Sterno in C or C++?
I don't think they operate differently between the two.
C++ iterators kind of do
++iterator just advances the iterator and gives it back to you while iterator++ gives you a copy then advances itself. Or something.
I meant I think both languages handle them the same
same as C#
C doesn't have iterators
@fbueckert grounding? I can help with that, being a blue and all ;)
It's not an iterator. It's an increment operator.
@AshleyNunn And the corruption begins. :P
@fbueckert My thoughts exactly :D
@Sterno yeah, operator overloading, you know what, nevermind
@AshleyNunn is going to become the Bridge dictator
@badp Hooray for things meaning multiple things!
I don't miss the days of having to worry about pointers.
Of course, her reading buddies will get special treatment, riiight? nudge nudge
When I first switched to C#, I was all "I don't need to write destructors anymore? Automatic garbage collection? UNTRUSTWORTHY VOODOO MAGIC!"
Aand it's time for me to go
Wish me luck!
@SaintWacko Good luck!
Break a leg!
@SaintWacko best of luck
I have a very important question for you all. It's a shopping rec question!
Anyone have a pillow they think is absolutely awesome?
I need to buy some new ones.
@Sterno Feather pillows.
@fbueckert Any in particular? I've tried a few and had mixed results. Really hate the ones that fall apart on you and constantly poke you in the cheek with feathers
@SaintWacko Good luck!
@Sterno Haven't the foggiest; I haven't had one for awhile, but growing up, I had one that lasted forever.
My favorite pillow is one that came from a military hospital surplus during the Vietnam war. Unfortunately, those don't seem incredibly common. But it's a feather pillow with like a hard canvas on the outside
Q: Ladder website for creating brackets and tournaments

drozzyThere was a really sweet free website that allowed me to create a tournament with brackets of a few types. I can't remember it now. Can anyone recommend a good bracket/ladder creation site?

Ooh, apparently feather pillows used to be made with ticking. Now I just need to track down someone still making feather pillows with it.
@Sterno Yeah, that's the kind of pillow I had.
You'd lose feathers here and there, but it's nothing major.
@Sterno as in, they'd put a clock in it and it would click and occasionally ring?
These look exactly like I want. Only, you know, less used.
@badp That doesn't sound conducive to sleeping.
@SaintWacko I am not a dictator. I am sweet and innocent and uncorrupted. (althoughyesreadingbuddiesareaspecialcategoryshhhdonttell)
@AshleyNunn Parsing that gives me a headache.
@fbueckert "although yes reading buddies are a special category shhh don't tell"
@murgatroid99 Oh, I can parse it, I just don't like it.
@fbueckert I'm helping with your headache
@StrixVaria I must agree with you sir, that was a rather excellent troll on @mana's part.
@murgatroid99 Much appreciated.
@StrixVaria I agree that Sim City looks amazing.
In other news, I really should get around to playing Tropico 3.
@Wipqozn Origin completely turns me off of this. I wanted to want it. :(
@FAE wait.. what? Fuck. Right. EA.
Fuck you EA.
That's the same reason I won't be getting it
uuugggghhhhh. I really want SIm City, but Origin. #firstworldgamerproblems
@fbueckert I already compromised by getting ME3 on PC when I didn't want Origin, so I theoretically could just easily cave at this point, but I really really don't want to support it that way. :/
@Wipqozn Exactly
Q: Clicking "next" in the mods selection dialog is extremely slow

OakWhen I go to the "MODS" option in the main game menu, it shows me a list of all installed mods and offers me the chance to enable/disable them, to get more mods, and to continue to the next screen where I can start or load a game: However, when I click "NEXT" to go to the next screen it takes ...

Q: Is there any way to use "orphaned" city-state-specific luxury resources?

OakI've found a tile which seems to contain Porcelain: I'm not quite sure how it happened; it seems like a city-state used to be on that tile, but it was somehow removed (I thought cities which are city-states can never be razed). In any case, Is there any way I can add this Porcelain to my luxur...

@FAE I caved on getting D3. I really shouldn't have, but I did anyways.
And that's because I like Blizzard.
EA deserves no such leeway.
@fbueckert um, because of the always-online thing?
@badp Yeah
@Wipqozn How much you want to bet they just go, "That's not the same game! We added <insert trivial modification here>!"?
I'm so happy that certain game franchises have no appeal to me. :P
@fbueckert I really really really wanted to play D3 but I decided not to because of the various online only stuff and such. It was a very difficult decision to hold to though.
@FAE did you try the beta that weekend?
@FAE and one of the reasons I respect you.
@FAE With Prison Architect alpha out, I'm fulfilling my logistical needs.
well, really, that saturday afternoon
it was pretty much continuously down at other times
@badp No, because I'd already been in the closed beta and I had no desire to subject myself to the network load frustrations for a game I wasn't even going to purchase.
@fbueckert How is that anyway? I've heard interesting things. What type of genre is it exactly?
@FAE Think Dwarf Fortress, only with prisoners.
@fbueckert ASCII?
@fbueckert Comparable learning curve or is it more forgiving?
@Wipqozn With graphics.
Though I admittedly haven't played DF in a very long time.
@FAE It's an alpha. It's more forgiving because all the murder functions haven't been implemented yet.
@FAE I don't think it's possible for a game to be any less forgiving than DF.
That said, it's still crazy easy to have your prison descend into anarchy and murder at the drop of a hat.
I've been itching for a new god sim lately. Might have to break out my old Dungeon Keeper 2 CD just for nostalgia's sake.
@fbueckert Interesting. I heard something about the fact that the price is going to drop when it gets further along in development, is that true?
@Wipqozn Point.
@FAE That's what I've heard, but I don't know that for sure.
@fbueckert Ah gotcha. Keep us updated! Also, how'd your performance the other night go?
@FAE Great! I was the impromptu sound man, so things got a little hairy as I was winging it.
Man, I never want to go to prison. I saw Oz.
@fbueckert I'm glad to hear it went well! Did you manage any video to share?
@FAE Nope, not this time; nobody remembered to bring a camera.
@fbueckert Aw. :(
@FAE I've got another performance in a week, and I'll be dressed to the nines for it.
Should be much better.
@fbueckert Oooh fancy. :D
@FAE I can do fancy. And after three years of dancing, I actually feel comfortable doing it, too.
@fbueckert I've not dressed fancily in quite a long time.
@FAE So go do that this weekend!
Drag your guy out for something or other!
@fbueckert Haha, I don't think I even have the clothes to dress fancily right now. Also I'd rather spend €100 on games or something than a fancy dinner. <_< Priorities and all. >_>
@FAE Surprisingly, I enjoy getting dressed up and looking good. It helps that there's some pretty decent eye candy at my studio lately.
@fbueckert Nothing wrong with that at all. :) I don't know if my fancy clothes fit anymore, hrm.
@FAE remember, he is canadian.. Fancy could mean flannel :)
I had a couple of fancyish suit outfits I used to wear sometimes. I don't really wear dresses or skirts, so I don't have any of those for fancy clothing.
@James I'm going to have to post pictures, aren't I?
@fbueckert Oh god please dont.
... I mean.. Of what and why for? :)
I think I forgot how to tie a tie.
@FAE You wear ties?
@James If I dress fancy. See above note about not wearing dresses/skirts.
@FAE Yeah I just had a moment of temporary blind/forgetfulness that made me confirm what I was thinking I was understanding.
@James I'm going to photoshop my marshal badge onto it, just for you.
@James I'm not sure I follow. o_O
@fbueckert ROFL
@FAE Nothing to follow :)
@FAE His brain broke for a short time.
I'll just nod and smile.
@FAE That's a good default action.
Add in backing away slowly, and you have most reactions to us. :P
@fbueckert haha, indeed
@FAE I'll make sure to get some pictures and whatnot next week. Hopefully a video, too.
@fbueckert Awesome!
@StrixVaria Honestly, I'd say just hold out until a cracked version gets released.
@fbueckert Yeah but I can't say that here.
Hi guys, popping in with another question :)
A: Which save game does Red Dead Redemption load when starting from the main menu?

manueldesnatadomy bro has a save game on red dead redemption, Can i create a new one without overwriting his? thx

Did anyone else read awhile ago that Ubisoft is finally ditching their godawful DRM?
@Alok Not an answer
@fbueckert Yeah, I heard about that.
I just reviewed this, and fbueckert did so only few mins prior. Why do we have different templates for the delete reason?
@fbueckert Not an answer to my question :P I flagged it same too
@Alok One of you may have handwritten something out instead?
@Alok That's...a good question.
To make sure we don't autopilot the review queue, I bet.
Hmm I didn't - @fbueckert did you write ur own feedback?
Or perhaps there's a selection of different pro forma comments so it doesn't appear to users that you're just using those.
@Alok Nope.
My comment is from Reco Del -> This iz comment (iirc 2nd last option)
@fbueckert Yeah. Their marketing also did some awesome doublespeak so as not to admit that doing it in the first place was a mistake.
@fbueckert hmm curiouser and curiouser!
@fbueckert They're ditching the always online stuff, at least.
@fbueckert How did they see the light? new CEO or something?
@Alok There was nonstop backlash and I think their sales started to go down.
or finally realized falling sales isn't only due to piracy like they thought
@Alok Probably the massive amount of backlash, and seeing that it didn't actually stop piracy.
I hope SimCity sells literally 0 copies and they remove the DRM and then it sells a million copies.
Intrusive DRM is the fucking worst.
@StrixVaria Yeah, that won't happen.
We're sheep.
@fbueckert Probably encouraged it; I've read quite a few comments from legit users who ended up pirating so they could actually play >_<
@Sterno This is a very unsatisfying article. It's all about the double-speak and doesn't actually say anything beyond, "Yeah, we're trying something different."
@fbueckert Welcome to marketing.
My company puts out press releases ~twice/month and 99% of the content is always verbatim the same.
@StrixVaria And hence one of the reasons I would absolutely suck at doing any job that involves PR.
@fbueckert That's what I find amusing. They tried a few times to get a decent answer out of them and they basically just kept saying they're changing because SHUT UP, that's why
I tell it like I see it. Most people I deal with, clients or otherwise, appreciate it.
@fbueckert I personally like honestly.
If a person or company actually admits that it made a mistake, my respect for them rises.
Everyone makes mistakes, and pretending that you don't make mistakes makes you stupid.
@StrixVaria Indeed
I think it's time for another horror story from my last job. :P
Now that that's starred, I'd better change it to a Rebecca Black link.
@fbueckert 'Stephanie says' is all I got out of it; who is this Ubi-Simon?
I was supposed to do some SEO for the travesty of our website, since we wanted to bring in more business.
So, I ask them what keywords they want to focus on, to help bring up in the search rankings.
I get back a solid two page list of anything and everything under the sun that might even be remotely construed as what we do.
Among it, were our main competitor's names.
When I asked them why we were adding our competition to our SEO, their logic was, "We want our name to come up when someone searches for our competition and piggyback off of their SEO."
I had to tell them that doing something like that is generally frowned upon, since it wasn't a true representation of what we did.
@fbueckert ...
You have way more of these stories than is healthy.
They still didn't get it. They kept insisting.
@fbueckert Was there some chat discussion about closing this?
Q: Is the Wii-U compatible with Gamecube games?

Raven DreamerSo despite some initial confusion about whether the WiiU was an accessory or a console successor to the Wii, I now understand that it is, in fact, a new console. During its initial presentation, Nintendo lavished about the fact that the WiiU would be fully backwards compatible, at least with the...

So I finally told them that it was borderline unethical, and they'd have to tell me to do it in writing before I would.
@RavenDreamer Yeah, gimme a sec to find it.
Dinnertime, later all.
@FAE Hellogoodbye!
@RavenDreamer It starts here
@FAE Welcome to the travesty that was my very first programming job.
I don't know why I thought the Wii U was out already.
I don't agree with closing it, but I don't see any benefit in reopening it.
@RavenDreamer I think it's in November sometime.
At which point I'll happily vote to reopen it.
@fbueckert Yeah, but my cousin has been developing for it for months now, so I think I assumed it was out. :)
@RavenDreamer Lucky for your cousin. :P
@fbueckert Have you read thedailywtf.com; you sound like a potential contributor :P
@Alok Daily basis.
I even have one of their mugs here at work.
@fbueckert Wow :o. Now I know where those 'so bad I thought it was made up' stories come from >_>
The best story I've got is
Customer: "We want features X, Y, and Z"
Us: "Okay, here you go"
@RavenDreamer it was brought up, yeah
Oh, hey @Raven
Customer: "Why do you always give us huge patches? They're so hard to install"
@RavenDreamer Give it time, rookie!
@GraceNote Oh hey, GN.
yesterday, by fbueckert
Is that not speculation on the future of the industry?
Oh, no, all the mods have gathered!
@GraceNote How's by you? I've not been around much, nor have you, I think.
(protip: next time you want to search for question oneboxes just use the question number.)
I've been better about being around.
@badp You know, it had not occured to me that Chat had a search function.
The story eventually becomes
Customer: We want features X, Y, and Z.
Us: Okay, here you go.
Customer: Why'd you give us X, Y, and Z? We wanted A, B, and C.
@fbueckert It's the ritual, we're summoning the final mod. Actually we're missing a couple.
@GraceNote You looking forward to any upcoming games?
Some here and some there
@Sterno Haha I've seen that too except with internal design docs (i.e. we're the customer >_< )
@RavenDreamer Sorry for trying to help, man.
I'm still playing through Trails in the Sky. I'm at the Academy Play.
@badp You should be. Turn in your badge and gun.
@StrixVaria I started playing UFO:Aftermath again, after watching you froth at the mouth about XCOM.
@StrixVaria Who do you think gave you the 2nd star?
I'm just saying, this search doesn't work and this search does.
@badp I just don't see it as speculation when a list of the console's specifications are already availible.
@RavenDreamer Nooooooooo!! You're going to steal all my rep :(
Now I'm conflicted.
@RavenDreamer That's a different matter.
@StrixVaria He tends to only ask or answer. You just have to hit his flipside.
@StrixVaria We should totally have a multiplayer match, and name our d00ds after the bridge.
@RavenDreamer If we didn't religiously follow rules with no care for their intent then what would separate us from Scifi?
@RonanForman We have a Brand!
@RonanForman identification, for one thing?
@Jin your mousepads taste like crap, by the way.
@RavenDreamer Ooh, shiny
@RavenDreamer are you by any chance blind?
@RavenDreamer So they do, I never noticed that and I can't work out why.
@badp No, but I did make the mistake of leaving a pile of pretzels on it for a few seconds.
They soaked up so much ink taste, it was horrid.
@fbueckert How's UFO: Afterlight compare? I think I own that one
@Sterno Compare Afterlight to X-COM, you mean?
@Sterno The series goes: Aftermath, Aftershock, Afterlight.
I've played Afterlight.
And X-Com.
Afterlight is the last one, and is what got me started on the series in the first place.
@RavenDreamer No, I meant Afterlight to Aftermath
And soon, XCOM
I've played XCOM (a bit) and UFO: Extraterrestrials
It's quite good; much friendlier than X-COM ever was.
I also tried to play XCOM Interceptor
But no one on the internet liked the game enough to write about the controls, and the lack of a manual made things awkward.
By which I mean, I had no idea which buttons did what.
It's hard for me right now to get into any of the older games with the new one coming out in... what is it now?
@fbueckert I liked the art in TFTD, but I preferred the gameplay in EU. Cruise Ships are the worst thing.
7 mins ago, by StrixVaria
Oh, that's right.
@Sterno 3 days, 13 hours, 19 minutes, 10 seconds
@Sterno If you're going to play one, if you want to emulate X-COM, play Aftermath. If you want to just get your X-COM-ish itch looked after, play Afterlight.
Though keep in mind, it's meant to be Real Time (not turn based) and you have a finite number of d00ds to keep alive.
@RavenDreamer Afterlight? You get more as time goes on.
I never had a problem once I maxed out my squad of keeping it there.
Yeah, but you can still lose all your guys
You don't get replacements.
Actually, that's how all of the After* games work; you get members as time goes on. You can't hire them at the drop of a hat.
@RavenDreamer True, that.
Though it is a lot easier to recover mostly dead guys from the battle.
X-COM if your guy went down, 90% chance he was dead.
Afterlight, you got them back if you won the mission fast enough
But @$*# poison.
@RavenDreamer Indeed. I've done that several times already, and I just started playing again yesterday.
@RavenDreamer I think I had a dedicated healer who's only job was to keep everybody else up.
And a drone who had four rocket launchers mounted on it's frame. That was fun.
I had trouble keeping the robots alive
The martians and reticulans were pretty fragile too
Heaviest Armor on 6 humans always!
@RavenDreamer I did use a mostly human squad. And protected the crap out of the drone until it gained enough experience to be useful.
user image
Dammit, now I want to play Afterlight! I have to finish Aftermath and Aftershock first!
One of the best features of Aftershock was it's alternate ammo; you could actually manufacture armor piercing or explosive rounds.
But it took a ton of manufacturing capability to keep up with your ammo needs; you ran through it like water.
You can make your own ammo in afterlight
It's been too long for me to remember any specifics, though
@RavenDreamer You can? Damn, I haven't played it for years, so I don't remember that part.

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