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lmfao. That's not what she was thinking.
A: How do I spawn Vermivorous The Invincible?

jamesi have gotten this beast once and i honestly don't remember if he was attacking anything else than me and my friends. He was not easy and i honestly cannot say what any of the loot was because we had some noobs join and take the loot even though they never fought him.

Not an answer, right?
Can someone make it into a comment?
Q: How do the skills actually work?

SeanRE6's skills list doesn't do a very good job of explaining how exactly equipping skills affects gameplay. I have invested in "Defense" but I've read that it only reduces gun damage (not all damage). Is this true? Either way, how much is damage reduced? Are regular zombie bites reduced by half? So...

I'm gonna take a wild guess tat we won't be hearing from @GnomeSlice for an hour or so.
@LessPop_MoreFizz One minute, according to his profile.
@Fluttershy Yeah, half an hour, not an hour.
I saw a blue number, didn't click it in time, and then looked up and saw a '(removed)'.
Come on. It wasn't that bad.
@GnomeSlice I didn't see the flagged content, just that there was a flag and then something was missing.
I had just walked back in
@GnomeSlice Yeah, um... that is that bad, and I'd thank you to remove it yourself before I reflag it.
@LessPop_MoreFizz It's not oneboxed.
@GnomeSlice Doesn't matter. Inappropriate is inappropriate.
@GnomeSlice don't care in this case.
@GnomeSlice That's not cool, man, even as a link.
I thought it was funny...
If you remove the slur, that is.
@GnomeSlice No, it's not funny even without the slur, and if you don't understand why, I begin to lose hope for you.
@LessPop_MoreFizz IT'S FUNNY OKAY
It's funny because the girl thought he was talking about a CON-DOM.
@GnomeSlice It's racist
@GnomeSlice No. No it is not. Racism is not funny. Your sense of humor is warped and dangerous.
Jesus, do I have to explain EVERYTHING to you!?
@GnomeSlice I got the joke.
@LessPop_MoreFizz The slur isn't really important to the joke.
@GnomeSlice yes, obviously that's the joke. It's still racist
'in case we get jumped' is the punchline.
@GnomeSlice "...by black people"
@murgatroid99 irrelevant, really.
I assume getting jumped by asians or white people would be just as unpleasant.
I wouldn't know.
@GnomeSlice It's still there. You can't just say that the racism disappears because it's not part of the joke
@murgatroid99 Racism exists.
@GnomeSlice Yes, and there's no reason you need to bring it here.
@GnomeSlice doesn't make it appropriate to post it here and laugh about it
@murgatroid99 I'm not laughing about the racism.
I vote for GnomeSlice playing it ultra safe from now on and never linking to anything ever
Q: What is the nature of reaper destroyer weapons?

aditya menonAre they nuclear? Because the radiation from that can kill/mutate the next cycle of evolution, so they wouldn't want that. Is there any intel on how their weapons work? Is it simply thermal destruction with laser power?

Needs more reopen votes. Now... I know what you're all thinking. "Wait, isn't Fluttershy against these types of questions?" The answer is yes, but I'm of the mind to go along with the meta discussions on this one.
If we're gonna allow lore related questions, then... We should do just that. Right?
@Fluttershy Reopen voted and downvoted.
@LessPop_MoreFizz That works. >_>
@Fluttershy If they're non-speculative, yes, which this one, as @Sterno noted, isn't.
@Fluttershy reopened
@LessPop_MoreFizz Those wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube men aren't wacky, nor waving... This saddens me.
Oh hey... Nevermind. There they go!
Q: Most effective (best) skills for each character and playthrough

SeanRE6's skill descriptions are unclear and it's hard to tell how different skills are useful for my playthrough. Are any characters and playthroughs paired with certain skills? For example, are J'avos and zombies on all playthroughs or just one of the three/four? What skills are most effective in e...

Q: Can I change my character's name midgame?

oscilatingcretinI don't like the name I picked for my character, so I'd like to change it. Is there some way this can be done?

General Osmani is worse than Hitler I shouldn't say that I have no idea who that is I'M SORRY BANGLADESHI PEOPLE
@Lazers This seems like a bit much for a single question...
As I was about to post.
I edited it.
@GnomeSlice What's funny about your edit is that it actually makes it vaguely dirtier.
@LessPop_MoreFizz He has photographs to back up his concerns, I don't see a problem with this.
Really GnomeSlice REALLY you really want to make sure that inane iPhone conversation with JPEG artifacting so glorious that it makes Dr. Jones somewhat interested gets into the transcript?
It's like you discovered Plutonium
The only thing funny about it is that it's a screenshot of a conversation on a desktop PC of some description with the iPod header pasted onto it IT'S NOT A LEGIT CONVO IF IT DOESN'T HAVE THE IPOD HEADER ON IT
@MarkTrapp I've read this like four times now and I don't understand it...
@Fluttershy Because it's at its core a "joke" about racial stereotypes and GnomeSlice is digging his head into the sand yet again
@Fluttershy I think this might be the first time someone else has said that.
@MarkTrapp No it isn't...
@MarkTrapp Okay... I guess I'm just having difficulty trying to get that from the original statement. Maybe it's a lack of punctuation? I don't know. I'm not all here tonight. x_x
@Lazers Also, am I the only one reading this as one big run on sentence? I know it's not... But it tweaks my brain a bit. >_>
@MarkTrapp That's one of the things that makes it funny, yes.
@Fluttershy The joke is that the non-censored person thinks the censored person is talking about condoms but it's really about white people afraid of getting jumped by black people so they need protection
@MarkTrapp heeheehee
@Fluttershy YOU HAVE 9999 REPS
@Fluttershy A bit much? This should be at least 10 separate questions.
@GnomeSlice I know! I need 1 more and I'll have 10k across all sites! =D
Not to mention part of it's really vague, and it's hard to tell what he really wants. IT comes across as:
@GnomeSlice Congratulations, you're a racist!
> tell me everything about every character and ever skill and anything that couple happen to them throughout the game
@MarkTrapp Am not! The girl thinks he's talking about sex but he's really talking about a weapon
Keep digging your head into sand, racist
@Wipqozn That's like... The least effort I've ever seen you put into any close comment ever... Or anything ever for that matter.
@Fluttershy I put about as much effort into the comment as he put into his question.
@Wipqozn Ooh... well played, tortoise. Well played.
44 mins ago, by GnomeSlice
I assume getting jumped by asians or white people would be just as unpleasant.
45 mins ago, by GnomeSlice
@LessPop_MoreFizz The slur isn't really important to the joke.
@GnomeSlice The slur is the whole joke. The fact that your ignorance and sense of privilege blinds you to this fact does not protect you from being called out on to the carpet for it.
I thought it was a joke about sex.
@GnomeSlice The one where you are a white male.
...Which, admittedly, also isn't terribly appropriate for here.
In critical race theory, white privilege is a way of conceptualizing racial inequalities that focuses as much on the advantages that white people accrue from society as on the disadvantages that people of color experience. White privilege may be defined as the "unearned advantages of being White in a racially stratified society", and has been characterized as an expression of institutional power that is largely unacknowledged by most White individuals. Most such theories focus on American and European societal condition, since inequality between whites and non-whites is a long-standing ...
@LessPop_MoreFizz ...So?
I am pretty sure I have had to explain this to you before and really don't feel like doing so again.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm not a racist.
I feel a bit like the second guy in there.
Son of daring deed, sentenced to beheading, confused.
In other news, the singer of this band has such a weird voice but I'm so hooked.
@GnomeSlice I didn't say you were. I said you were too ignorant to understand the inherent racism in the thing you found funny. I'm trying to educate you, and you're shoving your head in the sand, rather than taking the opportunity to learn something and become a better human being.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I don't particularly care for the slur, but I've just learned the best way to avoid being angry/upset for my entire life is to let the offensive shit of other people roll off me.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I thought that post and his follow up were quite well done.
@FAE It seemed particularly useful given the audience.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I've read this.
It only applies to people who have some sort of work ethic, I thought.
@GnomeSlice and got nothing out of it, clearly.
@GnomeSlice Yes. The point is that letting that shit 'roll off you' is a hell of a lot easier for you than it is for anyone else.
@GnomeSlice I'm the one calling you a racist; the generally better tac is what LessPop is/was attempting to do, which is call attention to what you did rather than who you are, but you are so obstinate in your belief that there's nothing wrong with what you did that perhaps negative reinforcement through shaming will maybe get it through your head that you SHOULD STOP POSTING CRAP LIKE THAT HERE AND REALLY ANYWHERE
I edited the joke to remove the racism and I still find it funny.
@GnomeSlice Yes, because I've linked it to you before. And yes, @mana is right. Clearly, it didn't click.
So... I'm just dumb then?
@GnomeSlice No, you're stubborn and ignorant. Both of which are fixable. If you're unwilling to work on either, then yes, maybe you might just be dumb.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm ignorant because I find a joke funny?
@GnomeSlice Yes.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Well, who's the ignorant one now
@GnomeSlice mm...still you.
@GnomeSlice You.
I thought you were my friend.
You guys make me feel like an idiot...
@GnomeSlice Sometimes, it takes a friend to be willing to tell you a harsh truth.
Do chat flag bans stack?
@GnomeSlice Maybe if you weren't so quick to fight back and instead were a bit more open to a dialogue on the subject, you could learn something and make some progress, instead of us having the same conversation every few months about how you are incapable of comprehending the level of offense you present to others.
@MarkTrapp Looks like it's 30 mins again.
@MarkTrapp Stop saying such star-worthy shit. You're flooding the starred list.
At this point, getting Dr. Phil with him is pointless, he just needs to stop posting stupid, insensitive crap
Okay, I think this is getting a little ridiculous. The original joke is racist, yes, but I don't think that's how Gnome sees the joke at all. His revised version isn't racist, and he's just attempting to draw attention away from the racist part of the joke and put the focus on the the misunderstanding. That's not racist. Yeah, Gnome is being completely ignorant of the fact the original joke is racist, but I don't see how Gnome not paying attention to someones race in a joke is racist.
@Wipqozn I think we just need to move on from this conversational topic.
@Wipqozn whether Gnome sees color or race isn't really the issue. Posting racist crap, even if deep down in your heart you're not really a racist, and then expecting people to laugh about it is not cool. Trying to defend that is not cool. Throwing a hissy fit and telling people to blow you when they point out the former two is wrong/stupid is not cool
Trying to get people to see the non-racist funny part of a racist joke is not cool okay I'm done now
@FAE I'd be okay with this option.
@MarkTrapp Yes, I concur that Gnome should have realized the original joke was racist and not posted it in the first place. But his revised version of the joke isn't racist at all, and it's how he viewed the original joke.
If he edited the original joke before posting it I don't think anyone would care, because no one would have even thought about the "somebody" being of a certain race, and would have just viewed the joke as a misunderstanding about sex, which is what GNome found funny and viewed that joke as.
Well yeah, I joked about the fact that he kept insisting people look at the stupid iPhone conversation, but the core issue is that he posted something racist and refuses to acknowledge that. Nobody's taking him to task for the other part of the conversation
Even after he posted the redacted version, he kept insisting the original wasn't racist: that's what I, and I'm pretty sure the others, have an issue with
@MarkTrapp Yes, which is just him being dumb, because the original joke is racist. Perhaps I misunderstood the objections raised by everyone, but it seemed to me that you were claiming Gnome himself to be racist because he posted a racist joke, and then tried to edit it to remove the racism.
you meaning everyone, and not just Mark.
@Wipqozn I didn't start calling him a racist until he started defending his previous two postings after the redaction, and I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who outright called him a racist. GnomeSlice needs, needs, needs to stop posting this crap. Others apparently think he can be reasoned with and education; I don't share that belief: if the threat of being labeled racist gets him to stop posting racist crap in the future, mission accomplished
Mmm, Torchwood
@SaintWacko Such a good show. =3
@Fluttershy I like it even better than Doctor Who
and Captain Jack Harkness is only one of the reasons :D
@SaintWacko I wouldn't say that. But I do like Jack Harkness. So... Yeah.
Harkness is awesome
New Sim City looks awesome.
@MarkTrapp I won't disagree he needs to stop posting things like that (he does), but I just disagree with the assertion that he was being racist. Ignorant of the inherit racism, yes, but not racist. Anyways, we both agree that the original post was racist and the fact he couldn't see and understand that is rather dumb. So no point in continuing this conversation.
On an unrelated note:
> reasoned with and education
I just find it amusing you made a grammartical error given the context of educating someone.
Am I particularly surprised that I managed to finally get through to @GnomeSlice about this whole debacle via reference to a part of the lower male anatomy? Nope...
@Mana For the record, if you did post a funny image with a giant part of the lower male anatomy I'd flag you so hard. So hard. Harder than you've ever been flagged before.
Snoop Dogg has impecable handwriting.
@Wipqozn woah. How did you...I guess there was enough context to piece together that's pretty much what I said to him.
Oh wait Sim City is going to require Origin.
Haha guess I can stop paying attention to this game.
@Mana I'm like the rain man tortoise.
@LessPop_MoreFizz ...wait. Now I'm confused...weren't we just chewing out GnomeSlice for...
@Mana Context maaaaaaaaaan.
@LessPop_MoreFizz ...:(
@Mana I don't think the objection was to the word itself but the intent behind the joke.
@StrixVaria Oh, what the hell. That just sucks
@SaintWacko This makes me 100% likely to not give them money.
I really wish the nights would clear up. I recently bought a telescope but it's been too cloudy to use it.
@StrixVaria Yeah, same here
I was actually considering it, until I read that.
But nope. Origin can go fuck itself.
@Wipqozn One point and I'll drop it: the risk of playing the "racist" card is exactly that: stops making it about the very bad thing he did and makes it about whether we can divine whether he's actually a racist or not. The benefit is that people, who aren't otherwise listening to reason but have at least a modicum of decorum, generally don't want to be seen as a racist, so they adjust their actions to make sure they don't look racist.
Whether Gnome fully understands the ramifications of what he posts isn't really a concern as much as him not posting it in the first place
I don't really care about Origin so much, but I'm sick and tired of EA fucking over IPs that I love
@MarkTrapp Ah, okay. Gotcha. Tactics be tactical.
@SaintWacko That too I guess.
Origin is spyware, pretty much.
@LessPop_MoreFizz ಠ_ಠ
4 mins ago, by LessPop_MoreFizz
@Mana Context maaaaaaaaaan.
@LessPop_MoreFizz what context.
It's funny because it's racism against white? Because he spelled the offending word differently? Because it's political? Why?
The fact that you don't understand the difference is all the proof in the world that you really aren't qualified to be having this conversation without opening your mind significantly.
The difference is that in yours the people making the joke were actually being racist, and that was the intent and focus of the joke (even though you seen it a different way). The use of the word is also intended to be racist. In lesspops it's just meant to be a joke, and race isn't the main focus of the joke. Furthermore the word wasn't used in the racist context.
@Wipqozn It was on Mitt's side.
@GnomeSlice It's actually mainly funny to me because his handwriting is so good, and because of the beyonce line, but beyond that, the key point you should take away from this, is that 1) Yes, it is different when it's aimed at white people. No, you don't get to have that argument. 2) Yes it is because he spelled it differently, and used it differently.
IT's still borderline imo, but I personally don't view that one as racist. Not sure if it should be posted as chat, but there is a difference.
3) You'll note that he does spell it similarly once, as a demerit against Romney. As in, he spells it with an R to insinuate that Romney is a racist.
@GnomeSlice IT's on both.
@LessPop_MoreFizz flagflagflag
Yes, I noticed.
4) If you think the specific word is why I found the image you linked offensive, you have a whole lot to learn.
@LessPop_MoreFizz WHY THEN
@GnomeSlice It's the intent.
@Wipqozn The intent of the one I posted was a joke about misunderstanding someone else
@GnomeSlice Here's a hint: Replace the word 'nigger' with 'black person', and, for the sake of clarity, 'nigga' with 'dude' in both images.
In the case of the image you posted it's still offensive when you do that.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Mine doesn't say that any more.
@GnomeSlice It wasn't though. Like I was saying, you completely missed the point of the original joke, and you actually seen a different joke that wasn't racist.
@GnomeSlice We're talking about the original one.
That I can handle.
@GnomeSlice You're just so caught up in a world in which you don't have to deal with this shit that you're blind to it. The solution, for future reference, is when you get called out on it, you apologize, learn something and move on. You don't dig in your heels for a fight because you don't think it's offensive. You don't get to decide whether it's offensive.
@LessPop_MoreFizz He only uses 'nigga' about barrack.
@GnomeSlice Incorrect.
@LessPop_MoreFizz THE JOKE is not offensive.
And I was reading LoL forums for entertainment; how could I forget about Bridge :P
The WORD is.
@GnomeSlice And this is where you are wrong and don't get it.
I'm going to keep posting it until someone watches it.
Goodnight, Bridge.
@FAE Goodnight! =D
@FAE G'night!
@GnomeSlice There were two separate jokes in the original posting. The first was the misunderstanding about what the guy meant, but the second joke is that only black people are criminals, and that they are going to attack you if you walk alone at night. That second joke is racist, the first isn't, but the second joke is the primary joke, and thus the entire joke is racist.
@Wipqozn I feel like it wasn't the primary joke, but whatever.
5 mins ago, by LessPop_MoreFizz
@GnomeSlice You're just so caught up in a world in which you don't have to deal with this shit that you're blind to it. The solution, for future reference, is when you get called out on it, you apologize, learn something and move on. You don't dig in your heels for a fight because you don't think it's offensive. You don't get to decide whether it's offensive.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I learned to edit the word 'nigger' out of jokes before I post them on the internet. So thanks.
@GnomeSlice Then you haven't learned anything at all. :(
You seem surprised.
@GnomeSlice Disappointed, but not surprised.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Welcome to my natural state.
@GnomeSlice If you replaced nigger with black people then the joke is still racist, but if you replace nigger with somebody then it's no longer racist. The idea is that you're singling out someone of a certain race and saying that only they are a threat.
@Wipqozn Yes, I get it.
@GnomeSlice I watched it - it was funny, idk why it got deleted ... were you spamming the link :P Anyway, you got ur 1 person quota to watch it
@Alok Good enough for me.
@Alok Yes, I was.
@Alok Gnome? Spam something? Never!
@Wipqozn ಥ_ಥ
@Wipqozn Looks like an eye.
@GnomeSlice It's the helix nebula.
Aw man you caught it.
The Helix Nebula (also known as The Helix, NGC 7293, or Caldwell 63) is a large planetary nebula (PN) located in the constellation Aquarius. Discovered by Karl Ludwig Harding, probably before 1824, this object is one of the closest to the Earth of all the bright planetary nebulae. The estimated distance is about 215 parsecs or 700 light-years. It is similar in appearance to the Ring Nebula, whose size, age, and physical characteristics are similar to the Dumbbell Nebula, varying only in its relative proximity and the appearance from the equatorial viewing angle. The Helix has often been...
@Wipqozn Well I mostly see his antics here as arguing over something; not spamming the same link?
@Alok You clearly don't pay much attention to them
Besides, if he is spamming video links isn't the proper response to reply with his fav vid from memes >_>
@LessPop_MoreFizz Quiet, you.
@Alok no u
@Alok Also, I've been looking for something to listen to. PERFECT.
@GnomeSlice That's not as funny though - well, first time for 5 mins but that's it :/
@Alok I don't actually find it funny, except for the image.
I legitimately like the song.
A lot.
goddamn my slow internet
fucking SQL error
I can't do this
Fuck off, star fairy...
Damn it. I wish it would stop being cloudy. I love my clouds during the day, but at night let me see the stars please.
Q: Is it possible to kill Ornstein and Smough at the same time?

AdamPI know when you kill one the other will absorb him and regain all health and get some new abilities. This leads to the strategy of focusing one quickly while "ignoring" the other. My question is, if you take the time to weaken them both equally then use some sort of aoe (like a large pyromancy)...

Aaaand it wasn't working because I had made a typo.
Specifically, changed an alias name, and didn't change it in one place.
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
Oh wait, it's still not working.
Now it's working.
I can do this
@Wipqozn They're to the right of the bridge. It looks like most of them are @GnomeSlice's doing atm.
@LessPop_MoreFizz ﴾͡๏̯͡๏﴿
@LessPop_MoreFizz Clever puppet.
This is so good.
Bah, I haven't been able to learn to like coffee.
I like the smell, but I can't stand the taste.
Whoever first invented coffee and said 'this is great' must have been retarded.
@GnomeSlice Figure out the appropriate amount of cream and sugar.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Putting something sweet in something horrible to make it palatable doesn't seem like a very good solution.
@GnomeSlice Alternately, go to starbucks and start drinking syrupy sugar-caffeine lattes. Then slowly add shots and wean yourself over. Coffee is definitely an acquired taste.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Wait, does this go in a cigarette lighter in a car.
@GnomeSlice This indicates that you don't really understand coffee then. Because it does make a big difference.
@GnomeSlice What? no.
@LessPop_MoreFizz shots of...?
@GnomeSlice espresso
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm sure it does, but it doesn't seem like a good solution. The obvious thing to do is just not drink the horrible thing.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh.
@GnomeSlice The combination of bitter and sweet is extra delicious though.
> Write a query that returns the average duration of all appointments. Use the column name "avg_duration".
Oh, these are all just using aggregate functions
...They should all be pretty similar then
Hm... I wonder how I use two at once.
Oh wait, that's not a string, is it.
Okay, screw that.
You guys star the weirdest shit.
Jul 18 at 17:27, by OrigamiRobot
@pixel All I know is I like starring things that talk about starring things.
@OrigamiRobot You'd star a poop if you could.
Just did.
^ There, if you're on iOS or OS X, that is a poop for your starring pleasure.
@MarkTrapp Not sure if you saw this, but I suspect you may have an interest:
I don't drink coffee :(
@MarkTrapp oh.
It's not that I don't like coffee mind you, it's just that it's a hassle AND I'M A BUSY MAN WHAT WITH SE CHAT AND ALL
I get my caffeine from black tea and caffeine tablets
@MarkTrapp That is the beauty of this device and why it is nifty. It removes the hassle.
Also, it's by the folks who make the teastick, my mom has one of those and it's pretty nifty
I vaguely recall reading stainless steel was bad for coffee taste but I don't know anything
also I don't get how it works: do you still have to boil water?
@MarkTrapp Unless you prefer cold brewed, which is not exactly uncommon.
It's basically a single-serve french press that you can drink right out of.
Q: How do you breed an Ash dragon in Dragonvale?

EBongoI just saw a new dragon in the marketplace called an Ash dragon. How do I breed one, and what is the breeding time?

@GnomeSlice SELECT ((SELECT SUM(appointments) FROM tbl_table)/(SELECT COUNT(appointments) FROM tbl_table))
Whee, SQL
And now time to sleep
@MarkTrapp We get free coffee at work
@OrigamiRobot WELL LA DEE DA look at mister Phineas Q Fancyoffice, robot about town, what with his FREE COFFEE and whatnot.
Why do you have to hurt me so?
I'm just trying to be part of the conversation T_T
Robots have simulated feelings too
@LessPop_MoreFizz U1F3xx is weird.
In case somebody needs a reference: unicode.org/charts/PDF/U1F300.pdf
Oh, and where the hell did the "edit" option go?
Q: How do I buy Torchlight for Linux?

user615457I put off getting the humble indie bundle because I wanted to wait till I could make a large donation and I apparently waited too long. How do I buy Torchlight for Linux now that the bundle is over?

2 hours later…
Q: How to sign out of the Windows 8 Wordament game app so that another person can play with a different account

mvarkI have not been able to find a sign out option in the Windows 8 Wordament game so that another person can log in with a different account. I tried going to the Games section (from the tile on the Windows 8 home page) & signed in with a different account. However, when I go the Wordament app,...

1 hour later…
Q: In HotS PvP matchups, is Zealot/Stalker still a good opener?

ChimpI haven't been playing WoL for a very long time, but I've found that Zealot stalker harass early game can prove very effective and leaves time to get 1/1/1. Will it still be as effective in HotS?

@badp I can imagine this going over really well in Switzerland, given they even have a mayor in a small town there (though in general, it's way less influential than in Germany or Finland).
@badp So much for democracy... not really surprising though.
41 minutes to grab a coffee, sounds fine.
@MartinSojka yeah, just let me take a quick warp there.
@badp Sound like it's still in Italy, how far can it be? ;)
@MartinSojka yeah, it doesn't seem like I need FTL travel
I can just get in my rocket and launch there.
On a more serious note, nobody set up a video feed?
I guess it'll go on Youtube after the fact? Maybe?
actually hasn't anyone on SciFi asked if the Star Trek warping people thingadongdong allows faster-than-light travel?
Q: How to get to play-through 1 after starting vault hunter mode?

MatthewRzI have started playing through vault hunter mode (up to Sanctuary) in Borderlands 2, but I cannot access play-through 1. Whenever I press Continue from the main menu it just goes straight to play-through 2. Is there anyway to access play-through 1?

Somebody nerd-sniped me on the Tube today
I was standing at the platform, and he came over and asked:
"Do you know how this works?"
It took me about 10 seconds to try and come up with an answer
In case he meant "the Tube" as in "underground railway", that's simply - by applying electromagnetic forces controlled by discrete quantum state changes in atom orbitals.
BTW, why is the "blog" link written in barely readable 5px sans-serif font, hidden at nearly very bottom of the page among dozens of other links? No wonder nobody ever visits there. :D
@fredley You spoke? In the Tube? You clearly don't know how this works!!
@MartinSojka When there's new blog posts the "blog" link replaces chat and gets a "new" red circle around it
@badp Neither do I!
I was bowled over by being spoken to, and asked a really deep problem
Who's face does @AshleyNunn think is delicious?
I think it was in reference to LessPop's poutine comment.
disc priest, weakest healer this tier again
1 hour later…
@pixel AGAIN? Disc was great in Cata. (at least for me...)
not at the start it wasn't
we got buffed quite severely very early into raiding during tier 11
Q: What features to look for on a all-in-one simplistic gaming mouse?

CawasWhat should we look for in a gaming mouse that would also be used for other stuff? I've been trying quite a bunch of (mostly cheapest) mouses with bad experiences in general. Obviously any gaming mouse will work fine for anything else, but, for instance, I wish to have 2 axis wheel for horizonta...

Anyone else think this is getting awfully close to shopping recommendations, no matter what he says?
@fbueckert I already cast a close vote
@fredley Yours, obviously.
@fredley That dude has yellow shoes. Isn't that the normal amount of updating year to year?
Q: What's honor for?

EnderThe FAQ page at League of Legends.com is broken and clicking the FAQ links does nothing. League recently brought honor into play. You can be awarded honor for several different reasons after playing a game. What is the significance of my honor total?

@fredley I thought that's what EA sports have been doing with all their games for the last 15 years ;)
@Hex According to people who actually play these, they do ever so slightly more than that to justify their £40 fee
I am still upset that the new SimCity is going to require Origin.
Thanks, EA, for saving me $60, I guess.

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