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Feels good man. One of my superuser questions is linked on the adobe forums.
hmm, anybody got a link/copy of the "old" g.se heart logo?
and/or a screenshot from the site beta?
@agent86 I think I have the old logo.
@agent86 I might have a vector copy of it somewhere, if you want it.
@agent86 yes/no?
@GnomeSlice Ronan's gif is good, I could still use a screenshot from beta though.
@agent86 Before we had the design?
Hm... can't help you there.
@agent86 @RonanForman Well, here's a vector .eps of the old heart anyway, if either of you want it: dl.dropbox.com/u/29281634/gaming-heart.eps
Feb 21 at 4:56, by GnomeSlice
user image
Can someone with internet tell me what that image is.
@GnomeSlice Well it would be a good start to detail everything of interest that happened here since, say, July
@badp Oh, rats. My memory stinks.
Should we include a bit for Powerlord/Arda?
@RonanForman Why did Arda quit the site anyway?
@RonanForman I don't think Arda would appreciate that, he doesn't like that people keep drawing attention to it.
@GnomeSlice That's a point.
@StrixVaria I asked him about it once. I forget exactly what he said.
He wasn't happy with his image on the site.
@RonanForman I think not.
He didn't like the associations he felt were being made with him.
It's not so much because of censorship or deleting his memory or anything as much as those events not really mattering in the grand scheme of things
The world failed to end and the site failed to crash and crumble after they left. So sad. Move along.
I don't even think they would appreciate the attention.
Yeah - users leaving/joining is just a thing that happens on any site. Calling attention to them over any other users that left/joined just feels weird to me.
@AshleyNunn That is a point.
I'm sure there are plenty of high rep users who just don't participate anymore.
Q: Where have the PvP vendors gone?

pixelSeason 13 PvP gear has been released today, but the player vs player vendors are no longer in the Halls of Legends in Orgimmar. Have the PvP vendors been moved? If so - where?

Q: Are all of Terramorphous' Class Mod drops the same?

Ben BrockaWhen farming Terramorphous last night we found that he exclusively dropped orange Class Mods with nearly identical effects (he dropped other loot, but the orange loot was always a single mod, every time). All of these had +4 to 6 different skills, and +20% to 25% Burn damage and Burn Effect Chanc...

Q: Can I control the rate at which new prisoners arrive?

mizipzorI don't want to be flooded and descend into chaos. I want to build a prison that lasts.

@AshleyNunn If I leave, I would like a scheduled mourning ceremony at least biweekly.
@OrigamiRobot It'll be scheduled, that doesn't mean anyone has to participate.
@OrigamiRobot Can the mourning ceremony be a drunk?
@OrigamiRobot Aren't we picky.
@SaintWacko There are no rules. You don't even have to mourn.
@OrigamiRobot Excellent. I'm not sure a drunk exists in real life, but it was mentioned in a book I read and I liked the idea.
@OrigamiRobot So we can just schedule it?
@AshleyNunn And attend. I'll need an audience for the big reveal.
@OrigamiRobot Now you are asking a lot. I have to actually show up?
@OrigamiRobot you've got a big reveal planned, for after you leave? wouldn't you have to come back for that? seems... counterproductive.
@AshleyNunn Well you don't have to, but you'll miss the surprise.
@OrigamiRobot Tease.
@agent86 Quite the contrary. I will be as far away as possible.
@AshleyNunn wonk
@OrigamiRobot wonk?
@SaintWacko I am a robot.
This is odd. This question won't load for me
@OrigamiRobot Oh dear. ;)
@SaintWacko Loads for me, just horrendously slowly.
@SaintWacko Considering it's a SF&F question, that's a good thing.
@AshleyNunn And the other questions load normally for you?
@RonanForman rimshot
@RonanForman Hey, what's wrong with SF&F? They have such awesome questions!
@SaintWacko Yeah, this one is a definite anomaly.
@AshleyNunn norepro
One of the first ones I saw was a question about whether the slo-time field around Krikkit and and time field around Gallifrey were related :D
@badp Well fine then XD
@AshleyNunn Hm, odd. Anything unusual embedded in the question?
@SaintWacko Not that I can see.
@Lazers This is such an awesome game, even at the current state.
@AshleyNunn Strange. Well, not much we can do about it, I guess
@fbueckert It looks so good. I am trying to be patient and wait to actually be able to afford it properly but AUGH it looks so fun. Silly budget.
@AshleyNunn It gets to be pretty darn complicated, as an FYI.
@fbueckert I want to get it, but I don't really feel like paying $30 for an alpha
@fbueckert I imagine it would.
@SaintWacko Yeah, that is my thing too. I want it, but I want it to be more polished when I do get it.
Besides, it sounds somewhat similar to Dwarf Fortress and Towns, and I have both of those
@SaintWacko It's supposed to be a barrier to entry; they only want people who are passionate and willing to help them improve it.
If it was only $5, they'd get people that just go, "What is this crap!? This game sucks!"
@AshleyNunn I liked how Minecraft started out at $15, and increased in price as it approached release
@AshleyNunn Currently, I've got a pretty stable prison at ~40 prisoners.
@fbueckert Very nice.
@SaintWacko Yeah, something like that would appeal to me more.
@fbueckert Once I get to 16 prisoners everything goes to shit.
Building cells is expensive.
@AshleyNunn I'd go for it in a heartbeat if it was $15. I'm still considering it at $30
Did you modify your save game for extra money?
@StrixVaria Indeed
@StrixVaria Nope
@StrixVaria holding tank?
I just told new prisoners to keep on going, until I dealt with my current batch.
Even with all the grants, it gets to the point where you have to wait multiple days to be able to afford a new cell block.
But you're getting a new cell block worth of prisoners every day.
@Lazers @StrixVaria
@StrixVaria Just tell your guards to be rougher on the prisoners :D
@SaintWacko Yeah, the price point as it stands is a bit much for me for an alpha.
One of my latest batches showed up with a gun, somehow. I was impressed and horrified at the same time.
@AshleyNunn Yep, maybe once it gets closer to release
In the meantime, I have lots of books to read, thanks to you and FAE!
@AshleyNunn To my understanding, the price is supposed to DROP as it gets closer to release.
@SaintWacko Haha yay
@fbueckert Really....
@fbueckert That seems like an odd way of going about it
6 mins ago, by fbueckert
@SaintWacko It's supposed to be a barrier to entry; they only want people who are passionate and willing to help them improve it.
@fbueckert Yeah, I suppose...
As it gets closer to release, they can drop the price point, get more people, and still keep improving it.
@fbueckert That is a brilliant plan, actually.
Oddly, this reminds me I should play Desktop Dungeons again.
@StrixVaria I've gotten to the point that I take in prisoners about every other day, let them "adjust", and then get a new batch.
@AshleyNunn Did you ever play Metagolf at all?
Cuts down on the amount of rioting when all needs have been completely met.
@GnomeSlice I did. I liked it.
@Fluttershy I finally printed the To Zanarkand sheet music I bought. Might start teaching it to myself this weekend. :) Are you still interested in a copy? Or did I send it to you already?
@AshleyNunn Ooh, Final Fantasy sheet music.
That reminds me, Video Games Live is playing at the end of the month. I should get tickets.
@fbueckert Do it. It is pretty awesome.
@fbueckert Yeah - randomly decided I needed something to work on to dust off my piano skills, and this looked fun.
@AshleyNunn I bought a book of FF8 sheet music that had to be imported from Japan once. I forgot about it and it wasn't delivered for 6 months. When it finally came it was the best surprise ever.
@StrixVaria I can imagine. :) Random surprises like that are the best.
@fbueckert That's always looked like a lot of fun
Q: How many different phase portal challenges are there?

Jonah BishopDoes anyone know how many different phase portal challenges there are in Torchlight 2 (and if so, what each one is)? They seem to be few and far between (and are typically difficult), but the rewards are usually worth the effort.

@SaintWacko Yeah. It performed here a couple years ago, but I didn't go then.
So I'm definitely going this year.
@TrentHawkins aka. "We can't be bothered to sell what might be competition down the road. So screw all you loyal players."
Yup. That clinches it. Never buying ANYTHING from NCSoft again.
guys, guide questions - yes or no?
@pixel If you're writing a book, no.
If you're writing about a single, specific item, yes.
so if I were to post up questions with guides as answers for raid bosses in WoW they would be closed?
@pixel Personally, those sounds find to me. As long as each question is limited to a single boss.
I was thinking two posts per boss - one normal one heroic, or just putting two answers onto a question
@pixel With you, you never know what's obvious. :P
@pixel That would depend on how large the answer is, and if it differs significantly between the two difficulties.
well I don't know that yet
There could be only one difference between normal and heroic that results in a completely different tactic
@pixel Then I would limit it to a single question for now.
I wasn't going to post them in bulk
it would be stupid to post up our tactics before we've executed them
If it turns out the strategy for Heroic is completely different, then ask then.
@TrentHawkins Gah, site blocked. Sounds interesting
But, yeah, don't ask separate questions for the same boss if you haven't even reached it yet.
Those get closed as not a real question, because it's more about seeding questions than about actual problems you're facing.
@fbueckert nope, still not understanding me :p
I was going to post up question/answer combos once we have demonstrated the tactic works and fine tuned it
@pixel Yeah, that sounds fine
@SaintWacko TL;DR version "we're aware of efforts by the community to save City of Heroes. Too effing bad, your game is gone, deal with it."
@TrentHawkins Wow, that's cold
@SaintWacko Well, you know, filtered through several PR departments and less insulting, but I think I boiled it down while keeping the essence of the message.
@TrentHawkins You're like that one machine from the Foundation novels
takes political doublespeak and condenses it to get the true meaning
@TrentHawkins It sounded more like "We're aware you're trying to save City of Heroes. Yknow, we tried too. We failed. Sorry."
@SaintWacko this machine intrigues me.... @fbueckert, do you have these books?
@TrentHawkins It's not really a major plot point, I think it's only mentioned once or twice in either the first or second Foundation book
@SaintWacko I have those. I should probably read them.
@GnomeSlice Um... yes. Yes, you should
They are incredible
@badp Perhaps, although I do admit to more than a little bias.
@TrentHawkins It's okay.
Also, the community has shifted gears to focus a little more on reverse engineering the servers. :D
Did we ever decide on the screenshot rule for ITG?
Q: What's the name of this game? [Screenshot]

SerithSomeone asked me if I know this game, it's suppose to be some kind of puzzle-game.

@strixvaria, @agent86, @everyoneCool 5 days, 15 hours
@Sterno I actually still have the countdown up this time!
@badp Good thing I checked then.
@TrentHawkins If they don't release server code they are literally worse than EA.
@StrixVaria How many milliHitlers would that be?
Q: Is there a way to manually open doors if your Doors Subsystem is broken?

EnderIf my door subsystem is broken, and in the middle of a large fire, is there any other way to open the doors to flush the fire or am I doomed?

Q: What's the name of this game? [Screenshot]

SerithSomeone asked me if I know this game, it's suppose to be some kind of puzzle-game.

Less than half a million seconds remaining!
@badp At least 2500 millihitlers.
Mind you, they most likely use licensed code that bars them from redistributing the source
@RonanForman Bad
@GnomeSlice Um.. What?
@RonanForman They're not good.
@GnomeSlice Apparently they are good though.
@GnomeSlice You just answered it.
@badp Because I knew the answer, but it should still be closed.
Does your left hand text your right hand occasoinally to tell each other what they're up to?
@GnomeSlice If it should be closed it shouldn't be answered, but here it shouldn't be closed.
I answered it. I thought we had kinda agreed on screenshots make it okay (even if I personally don't like it).
@RonanForman Is it bad that I'm caring more just to solve the puzzle in the screenshot?
@badp Why not? How is this different from other ITG questions?
@GnomeSlice It's not based on memory, recollection or other kind of fuzziness.
@GraceNote You should get the game, it's free, not bad, and you get a free steam game if you win.
For example I suppose that there are many sliding games but there's only one that looks like that.
@RonanForman Looks like they added Puzzle Agent to it, too. But it's not free, it's $1.
@GnomeSlice Really, okay.
I'd love to hear how I'll get an iOS game without any Apple products to speak of
@GraceNote That may be a minor issue.
@GraceNote I own many Android games without having an Android mobile myself.
(both Humble Indie Bundles for Android also had PC games I didn't have. Now, however, I also own the Android copies of the games I already do have.)
@TrentHawkins Asimov is not prevalent in my bookshelf.
for various non-actually-"own" values of "own"
@badp When I come to own a game for a platform I do not yet own, this usually is bundled with an intent to acquire said platform, as has been demonstrated three times in my history. This is not such a situation here, though.
@GraceNote How do you own these games anyway? I suppose you have redeemable codes for them?
Although if you did you wouldn't need to hear the obvious solution from me.
@badp I go to the store and I buy them?
It's not that complicated, really.
@GraceNote ...on the store application of the mobile/tablet you don't have?
@badp I don't buy mobile games or tablet games
I'm not aware of brick and mortar stores selling iOS games
@badp You haven't seen the latest Galaxy S3 ad? With the people standing in line to buy apps?
@SaintWacko No? I think I'm pulling a Gnomeslice here really and I'm terribly confused by everything around me
so I'll just back off to my corner. grumble
@badp Recall that not much earlier I mentioned that I have no intent of getting the associated platform for an iOS game
@GnomeSlice Yeah, it's just that traffic jam game
(btw, grace, give the fridge a cursory look)
@SaintWacko There's other games in it too, there's four different puzzle types.
@GnomeSlice Oh, okay
@badp It's still pretty localized.
yeah, I was pulling a Gnomeslice indeed by missing the message that started the whole conversation
also, silly @RonanForman, suggesting that Grace would be excited at the idea of "owning" a game on Steam.
@badp Oh yeah...
The fourth game is a sokoban clone.
@GnomeSlice Oh dear this looks extremely complicated
@badp It gets pretty bad in the later ones.
I still haven't beaten the last level of the sliding tile game.
It doesn't save your progress when you exit the level either, it resets the next time you play it. Which means I have to try every possible permutation in one game.
@GnomeSlice I might have to redownload it just to beat that level.
Oh my oh my oh my
Q: A strange experience during my sleep?

Spoon Yukinafrom 4 nights ago I was trying to have a lucid dream so I wake up 3 times on a night to write down what I'm dreaming about, last night I had a dream and when I woke up I didn't open my eyes, And I told to myself "that was a dream and now I'll dream and I'll be conscious and able to distinguish th...

@SaintWacko That's the fourth game type.
@GnomeSlice Hm, looks like fun
@MarkTrapp "off topic – 7 secs ago helpful"
@badp he closed it as narq
I vtced as off topic
@SaintWacko The puzzles are well designed, and the visuals are really polished.
@MarkTrapp Wow, someone doesn't understand what that site is for
@RonanForman You're going to have to beat them all again, then.
@GnomeSlice I'll stick to animating
@SaintWacko I was hoping it'd stay open so it could be added to the collection of reasons why SciFi.SE is why we can't have nice things
@RonanForman Also, what do you think of a killscreen instead of static as a transition between clips in that intro?
@MarkTrapp What do you have against SciFi? The discussions spawned from questions there are awesome!
@GnomeSlice Might work, depending on the kill screen
@SaintWacko "The discussions spawned from questions there" <--- there you go
@RonanForman I'm 'making' one custom in photoshop.
Stack Exchange is not a discussion board
@GnomeSlice Do whatever you think is best.
@MarkTrapp I thought some of the network sites operated more like discussion forums?
@GnomeSlice You thought wrong
> (like the voice you heard after a bomb explosion near to your ears)
...Like what?
@SaintWacko We faced many problems SciFi also faced and tackled them differently. Since we feel rather strongly about those problems, this gives place to some angst.
I don't know if the feeling is reciprocated, I don't think so, I don't like it either but sometimes you just are looking at some of their questions with disbelief.
It's the same feeling I get when I see Quora upvote answer and participate in "What is the most interesting X?" question
@badp What? Where do you see that kind of question?
@SaintWacko I see it - on Quora. Not on Scifi.
Q: Sims 3: downloaded Riverview twice; savegame kind of broken

oKtosiTeWhen I downloaded Riverview to my installation of The Sims 3, the installation seemed to stall, so I aborted it. The second time I tried, it installed fine. I started a game noting that Riverview was listed twice, played for a bit, saved and quit. Later I had a look at the InstalledWorlds folder....

@badp Oh, I thought Quora was a user on SE. Didn't realize it was a site
I know discussion doesn't belong here, but it's a little hard to avoid when discussing scifi, and I quite enjoy it there
I'm not here to tell you what or what not to enjoy
All we really are doing is consider how well the SE engine/philosophy and the community fit together
It's no doubt people enjoy contributing - they wouldn't if they didn't.
Your community, your rules. :)
Also, Scifi isn't the only site I personally raise eyebrows at.
Q: What hidden features have you found in iOS 6?

Steve MoserThis is the required hidden gems questions for iOS 6. Here are the rules: One feature per answer Also include how you use the feature or why it is useful Must be an under-documented feature. No "flag pole" features like VIP's in Mail.

@badp But it's required!
@badp +33
@TimStone ueahntewiouhrekrjphtj9i4u235yr09j
@badp Ah, iOS 6. Still making me laugh :)
that is
Umbrellas Essentially Are Held Not To Extend Widths In Obstentation. Umbrella Holders Really Enjoy Kiosks, Resorts, Japan... nevermind
@badp 'Their'?
There's no 't' there.
@GnomeSlice #closeenough
Q: Who/what is Saturn (close to the end of the game)

Dan COn my way to the Hyperion Info Stockade in olde Fyrestone Towne, a huge robot named Saturn drops out of the sky to stop me. It seems like at other points in the game when Jack has cooked up some particularly badass monster to slow me down, there is some exposition where he tells me how badly I am...

Q: Rock Band 3 and Ion Drum Rocker cymbals

Markin Rock Band 3, when using the Ion Drum Rocker do the cymbals register as separate hits? I heard in pro mode Rock Band 3 can do this. But is the Ion Drum Rocker compatible? Also is pro mode insanely difficult, or can you tame it down a bit for the more novice drummer? :)

Hello Bridge.
hello @LessPop_MoreFizz
Looks like there's another 2D portal tribute game, if anyone is interested. Released a few days ago.
Q: Is there a way to see item description in Vulture - SlashEM?

zooppI'm new to SlashEM and the GUI system made for it called 'Vulture'. Most actions/things are quite obvious however I can't figure out how to read items description. There is an action called 'Read' which appears on every item in the inventory however it is applicable only on readable things (scrol...

We should look at Carbon Combat for Game On.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Wait a minute, in the moose photo from yesterday, it appeared as though you were a skinny white dude. But here you are a pudgy asian dude WHAT IS GOING ON
@MarkTrapp I didn't say I was the person interviewed.
He's a colleague.
Also, I am a white dude, but I am not skinny.
@MarkTrapp I have disclosed it repeatedly.
Oh well that's just convenient then
@LessPop_MoreFizz Your arms are skinny, and you know what they say about skinny arms
Less stretched out shirt cuffs!
This entire conversation offends me. How dare you discuss skin color in any context at all?
why do you assume it was about skin color what are you a racist skinnist
I hope the presidential debate tonight focuses on what the administration will do to combat the threat of extraterrestrial invasion.
@Sterno Tonights debate is on Domestic Policy. Foreign Policy is in 3 weeks
Perhaps some sort of eXtraterrestrial COMbat team.
sometimes the terror missions are at home!
@badp Everyone knows hippies aren't real people.
Would they be willing to gun down infected civilians to prevent the spread of alien parasites? Inquiring minds want to know!
@Sterno Yes, we get it, the xcom wait is killing you :p
Also, in re debates, it's broadcast live eveywhere, including the west coast. So tune in or DVR at 6pm if you're in PST
we all know Space Stalin is going to win the elections anyway
He's not yet candidated to give the other people a running chance.
Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos
@MarkTrapp @LessPop_MoreFizz is a shapeshifter
Tonight's debate should be about the domestic extraterrestrial aliens who have infiltrated the upper echelons of our society then
What time's the actual debate start? I thought it was 9PM Eastern, but then this news network thingy said coverage starts at 7. Are they really going to spend 2 hours talking about what might be talked about at the debate?
@Sterno Less than 8 kilominutes left.
@StrixVaria Yes, yes they will. It starts at 9pm EDT
@StrixVaria Make sure you tell @Wipqozn. He seems very interested in XCOM!
Anyone want to play debate drinking games with me over the internet?
Because I am a pathetic loser in a place where I have no friends to play them with in person
The last time I watched a debate was Kerry vs. Bush.
How long do these things run?
Aw, you missed Palin v Biden? She winked!
@StrixVaria 90 minutes
@MarkTrapp Yeah, unfortunately.
I may have seen Edwards vs. Cheney, actually.
That was a fun one.

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