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@MartinSojka Really? That pinged me? I didn't realize partial name matches would ping.
@Sterno It happens to me quite often.
I'm not exactly sure how long the username has to be to hit the match
@fb test!
You better not try to ping me by adding another letter each time.
I think it has to be at least four letters.
@Gnom Then that should work.
It highlights, at least.
@fbueckert But... Science!
@fbueckert Yep.
@sterno Test if I can self-ping
I cannot self-ping
@fbueckert You are impeding Science!
@Sterno Then just think to yourself, WWGD?
Gary Gygax would probably roll some dice
@Sterno Reference lost.
But good one, regardless.
I just sold my entire DVD collection. over 600 discs
EXCEPT for Deep Rising
because that movie rocks
Treat Williams fights pirates and sea monsters on a cruise ship! Yeah!
@Sterno At $1 each, that's enough to buy quite a few brand new games.
Yeah, I think I've made $300 so far, plus whatever the "bid on everything that's left" sale goes for.
I'll just ignore the part where it's probably $10k of DVDs.
@Sterno And hence why I don't buy DVDs. And rarely Blurays.
I'll just dump my movies to an external hard drive, there to sit until I want to watch it again.
I own the entire series of MASH and that's about it as far as DVDs
@fbueckert The important point here, though, is that Deep Rising is the best movie ever.
@Sterno I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.
Either way, I haven't seen it.
@fbueckert yes and no. It's kind of horrible, but so cheesy it's good anyway
The hardest thing to part with so far was seven season of Star Trek: TNG. Those things cost like $110 a season when I bought them.
Stupid past-me buying stupid DVDs
@Sterno I own all of SG-1 on DVD. Mostly because I bought the boxsets for ~$20 each.
@fbueckert I had seasons 6-8 on DVD. But now I just remembered I still have the mega-cube at home somewhere, of the entire series
A: Arqade year in review - your input requested!

Sternoidentify-this-game questions were banned from the site. Depending on your point of view, there was either much rejoicing, or it was if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.

> You learned 'Crash to Desktop'!
...Oh boy.
How did no one mention ITGs yet?
That Star Wars quote is bugging me now. I didn't realize the word "suddenly" was in it twice.
@GnomeSlice Ooh, you're playing Magicka?
@SaintWacko Yeah, I couldn't get it to work on my old PC, it would just crash immediately
@SaintWacko That game was so much fun to play multiplayer.
I killed @TrentHawkins SO many times.
@fbueckert It's ridiculous
So much team-killing
Q: JC dailies in MoP?

JagdDoes MoP have any JC (jewel crafting) dailies like Cataclysm? If so, who offers the dailies and where is he located? The reason I ask is because I just hit 590 with my JC, but he's only level 86 and is still in the Jade Forest. Assuming that there are JC dailies in MoP, I would like to know whe...

@SaintWacko At least there's no penalty for dying.
@fbueckert Yeah, just hope you've learned revive by then
I killed myself a few times trying to revive when I didn't realize I was wet
@Sterno "there was either much rejoicing" is the correct viewpoint.
@SaintWacko I remember bubbling myself in a shield, and then casting Thunderstorm.
And then frantically reinforcing the shield.
@fbueckert Ah, yeah, I did that a few times
Didn't make the rest of my team very happy :D
@SaintWacko That's half the fun!
and don't forget to cast rainstorm or whatever it was before that :D
@SaintWacko Thunderstorm had that already. :P
Lightning Bolts were awesome; they were one-hit kills for basically everything.
@fbueckert All the cries of "FFS, stop killing me!"
@fbueckert Yeah, I spammed those a lot
You just had to hope that your party was further away than an enemy.
Although spamming CTD was fun too
This is awesome.
If I mark a review as "not sure" it will be shown later to others right?
I'm trying to remember some of the really awesome combos
@Ids Yeah, you just skip it.
Why does the meta ship not shoot lazers?
Shield + Heal area spell is amazing.
@SaintWacko @TrentHawkins got so annoyed at me one-shotting him with those that he starting casting them, too.
So I just lightning shielded myself and ignored it entirely. :P
@fbueckert Standard lightning Magick?
@Fluttershy The other explanation, and it seems like the likelier one in this case, is that you're lying to get attention.
@GnomeSlice I find that the best healing is to lay down healing mines and walk over them
Also, try QFQFASS
and then right click to fire
ridiculous beam
@SaintWacko That's what I did. Healing plus shield
@GnomeSlice Oh, I thought you meant shield yourself then do an area heal
@TimStone Whohooo missing white girl syndrome.
Hm.. what's 'light'.
'Increased Light Radius, Fear Causing Light'.
Also, how do I even use a staff's active ability?
@GnomeSlice Is that the White Staff?
Wait... Tim Stone? From rockpapershotgun/shrapnel?
I think
@SaintWacko Yeah.
@SaintWacko Tab shows me the stats.
Don't remember
Shit, I keep killing myself.
@GnomeSlice Nah, it was a found spell.
Oh, whoa, that's sick
And I died.
@SaintWacko I think I hotkeyed that.
@Ids Oddly, that's not the first time someone's made that comment. But, no. :P
@GnomeSlice Yep, that happens. A lot
@fbueckert Ooh, that's a good idea
Press button Beam of DOOOOOOOM beam runs out Press button again Repeat as necessary.
hadn't thought of that
@SaintWacko My G15 has a couple extra keys for macros like that.
@TimStone Then you are not the guy I exchanged some emails with a while back. :D
@fbueckert Yeah, my laptop has a few like that
What are you guys playing?
Hm, now I want to play Magicka some more to try that out
@Ids Magicka
Little known fact: No delay between the keys means you got some awesome miscasts, due to the game not picking up every key.
Lol, oops, I was trying to take down a shield that I put in my way...
Or at least, GnomeSlice is
They reflect explodey beams, apparently.
@GnomeSlice Discovered that the hard way, I see :D
@fbueckert Yeah, that happens to me a lot already.
@SaintWacko Actually, I was fooling around with reflections earlier, I just... forgot.
@SaintWacko BEST way to learn!
@fbueckert It's worse when you're trying to cast a Magick
@SaintWacko My macro auto-cast the resulting mishmash at the end of it.
It led to some....interesting explosions, sometimes.
I'm never going to get past the first area outside the castle
@fbueckert "Oh, so that's what happens when I put a ring of arcane lightning steam mines around me in the middle of a group of monsters... Oops."
I walk so slowly and there's so many ways to kill myself.
How do you un-confuse someone?
I expect I was supposed to talk to this guy...
@GnomeSlice Kill him
Oh, fuck, he died.
When in doubt, the answer is to kill them.
@fbueckert When not in doubt, the answer is to kill them.
@SaintWacko You have two types of NPCs; dead, and not there yet.
What's fun with two people is to intersect your beams in the middle of a group of enemies. The resulting explosion is quite powerful!
Isn't killing stuff always the answer in video games?
Of course, I always had trouble with my friend trying to use a healing beam on me while I was firing an arcane beam
That was... painful
@SaintWacko Crossing the streams works out VERY well. Until you direct it at each other.
Or if you bounce it off a shield. That usually doesn't end well.
@fbueckert Yeah, it's great until they cross just a liiittle too close, and then - gib.
Damn, can't revive the dead moose.
@fbueckert Three types, if you count the ones sitting in chairs.
Oh, this staff is glowing.
I love how hilariously fragile the characters are. It takes so little to kill them.
How do I use its 'active ability'?
@fbueckert I dunno, most of my base magick doesn't do much to the NPCs
@GnomeSlice Middle-click, I believe
@Wipqozn I concur.
@fbueckert Oh, cool!
@GnomeSlice Quintuple earth. Charge to max.
@fbueckert That's for spells.
And yeah, it kills me
@fbueckert Oh, that's right!
Oh, you can disable shields by putting a new shield down in the same place
I think my favorite magick is Teleport
so useful in the arena
@SaintWacko I haven't played Magicka in MONTHS. I'm surprised I remembered that.
@fbueckert Every time I play I have to look it up again
I never remember it
Lol, if you press 'e' fast enough, you can get double shield.
@SaintWacko I have an absolutely stupidly good memory.
@StrixVaria 10913 minutes until XCOM!
@Sterno Woohoo!
Not that it actually works.
@fbueckert I have a weird memory. Some things, numbers and words in particular, I remember very well, but faces and names just slip away...
@GnomeSlice Intersecting shields don't work so well
@fbueckert I mean if you place two, they vanish, but you can only get one level of shield, all shields just combine.
But a shield wall + shield bubble + personal shield holds up fairly well, if you can keep them powered.
If you press it really fast you can confuse it into giving you two.
Er, @fredley? Did you mean to ping yourself?
Ouu, 'Grease'!
Hm, do I want shield bash or the light stick.
Is there any way to pick something up, and then switch back to what you had before?
I can see my shield on the ground...
@GnomeSlice Just click on it again
There, worked that time.
I tried that, wasn't working.
Worked that time.
Q: Plague Inc. Fungus level

chownPlague Inc. is an insanely addicting iOS game and the first 2 levels were challenging but I was able to kill all humans in a way that would make Omicron Persei 8 proud. However, this fungus level has got my number. I've been trying many different strategies from infecting everyone and having no...

@Sterno I should write a script that writes the number of minutes left to XCOM in chat once per minute, spelled out.
Hm, I see a book up on some ramparts...
How the bloody do I get that book?
I just found out Deep Rising is going to be coming out on Blu-ray this year, for the low price of $6.99 on Amazon. 2012 is shaping up to be a great year!
@Sterno Could the text be any smaller?
@StrixVaria Yes! Hold control and mousewheel down!
Oh my God, the fairy is annoying.
ಠ_ಠ I think that's one joke they could have left out.
@Sterno Thanks! Now I can read it through my electron microscope.
@Sterno I hate society.
I know that's just a troll, but fuck. I hate the "IF THINGS DONT NO GET BLOWN UP I AINT GONNA WATCH IT YO" mentality.
Bloody hollywood
@Wipqozn Well, sure, but also: Jet skis!
Deep Rising holds a solid 0% among top critics on Rotten Tomatoes!
It made Ebert's "most hated films" list
David Fullerton on October 01, 2012

We’re growing like crazy! Between launching exciting new sites, developing new features and promotions for existing ones, and branching out geographically, Stack Exchange can use all the help it can get – so we’re currently hiring for seven (7!) different positions, from developers to designers to sales to… well, just look at the list yourself:

Product Manager – Q&A Team (telecommute or New York)

Web Developer – Q&A Team (telecommute or New York)

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Had to restart the level because it got broken on a cinematic with goblins, and it put me at the very beginning...
Is there a way to contest an accepted answered question if the answer isn't great and has some errors? or is my option only to downvote?
@BrianColvin You could comment or edit as well.
@BrianColvin You can add a new one.
The asker of the question is fully in control of what gets marked as the accepted answer. There's no community override.
The best part about Hero 30 is that it begs for you to stretch the limits of what's possible and you always get yourself in those awesome situations just on the bleeding precipice of world annihilation
Yea, except the reason i didn't answer the question is i'm too lazy to do it right now
@BrianColvin No, there's not.
Not even moderators can fiddle with accepted answers.
It's been brought up multiple times and nothing has changed in the last few years.
Ah well, hopefully the people looking at the question will click the links on the question and ignore the answers
@BrianColvin Hopefully post scores will reflect post quality
Seems like that could allow some people to game the SE score system, not that it has much value other than being super cool
@BrianColvin What is the question we're talking about?
Context is important!
Fucking shield-bashed into my lighting barrier rather than applying the shield to me... didn't get my keypress.
Well, at least I ditched the fairy
Oh man, there are so many references to the robe and wizard hat guy's stuff in here...
i mean the answer is kinda correct, but just overall I don't like it :(
> It doesn't get any more serious than a troll about to charge your---
@BrianColvin And that's what downvotes are for.
Wrong or poor quality answers are still answers, even if you don't like them. :)
Best way to counter that is to write your own awesome answer.
On minecrafts site i go to download and it says "Minecraft for Mac OS X" then under it is a link that says "minecraft.zip (270 KB) and yes I'm sure I'm clicking on the mac version — Caitlin 1 min ago
Do Macs use Zip files, too?
Oh, crash to desktop kills you?
Again, no time to give a good answer right now but having that answer being accepted when the first line isn't a correct statement is a bummer
@BrianColvin First rule of Arqade: Don't take it personally.
@fbueckert Actually the first rule of arqade is to not talk about arqade.
@Wipqozn Reciprocating rules don't count.
Otherwise we'd be gleefully bashing in the heads of new users that do the slightest thing wrong.
The first rule of Arqade is: Obey the first rule of Arqade.
Yay, recursion!
@GnomeSlice Yes.
@GnomeSlice Haha!
@GnomeSlice Y'know, listening to you play like this gives me all SORTS of schadenfreude.
@fbueckert This.
Oh cool, you can enchant your sword
@GnomeSlice Killing other players with your glowly lightsaber is so much fun.
@fbueckert Your what?
Aw, I can't even hurt vlad
@GnomeSlice Enchanting your sword.
Makes it look like a lightsaber
Q: Can I get credit for an event if I don't stick around?

BrysonicIf I contribute toward the completion of a dynamic event, but either leave the area or log out of the game before it is finished, will I still get credit in the event that another player completes it? Can I receive my karma in absentia?

Q: minecraft wont download on my Macbook

CaitlinI had minecraft on my computer before but was playing through a file in evernote (if that makes sense. I saved the application from my iPod into evernote then opened it on my computer. I'm not sure how, but it worked :P) now I'm trying to download the application from minecraft.net but it won't d...

Q: How to set up half minute hero to display gamepad buttons instead of keyboard keys?

ZommuterI use a gamepad, but the game is trying to be smart by displaying the keyboard keys as tooltips. How can this be changed?

Oh shit, confused villagers will attack you.
@GnomeSlice What part of "confuse" did you not understand? :P
Well, it didn't do anything to the wizards except make them un-talkable
@John I also made a spelling mistake in that comment. I think I might delete it in shame.
Q: With the reduced EMS from the Extended Cut DLC, is it possible to get all possible endings without playing multiplayer?

Steve V.From this comment: Is it possible to see all the various endings (good, bad, synthesis, control, etc) without playing multiplayer due to the reduced Effective Military Strength requirements?

Q: How do you breed an Opal Dragon in Dragonvale?

EBongoIt's October and I see the Opal Dragon in the marketplace for purchase. What is the best dragon breeding pair to obtain this Gem dragon, and what is the breeding time?

Q: How can I see who owns a particular Xbox game?

christiansonkFor example, I want to buy Portal 2. When I look up Portal 2 on Steam, it tells me which of my friends already own it, which is tremendously helpful. As far as I can tell, there's no easy way to do that on Xbox.com. I've noticed that you can see game activity by going to http://live.xbox.com/e...

Q: How to complete level 28 in Chronotron?

RondoI am experiencing an annoying issue attempting to beat level 28 because my robots are not performing the exact actions that I performed in the future. Specifically, some objects which drop the first time end up getting stuck on the moving platform on the second run. How can I get this to stop hap...

Q: Is there any way to get Dark Side items besides the vendor on the fleet and random drops?

Matthew ReadI recently went all the way from Light V to Dark V in order to buy the speeder and pet from the Dark Side vendor on the Fleet. I'm planning on heading back to the light but while I'm here I figure I should take advantage of it (even if some gear won't "work" once I am no longer Dark Side). I kn...

Answered that LoL question i was complaining about earlier, couldn't handle it anymore heh
@Lazers @agent86 @badp or any other mod, this may need community protection as we already have our first comment as an answer (Already flagged it)
@James sigh dragonvale.
@agent86 A-Yup
I just needed to rage about how annoying it is the SE refuses to implement support for tables.
@James 10kers can protect questions.
@StrixVaria Ooh.. more motivation to get to 10k, I am nearing in on it
Just not interested in a lot of the games on here as of late :D
Q: What determines the weapon sold by the black market weapon trader?

WipqoznI encountered a Black Market Weapon trader in my journey across the cosmos, and it was offering an unknown weapon for 65 scrap. I'm leery of putting down 65 scrap on a weapon with no idea what it is. What determines the weapon sold by the Black Market Trader? Is it completely random, and if so, ...

Q: Is the Burst Laser I superior to the Dual Lasers?

WipqoznIn my haste a bought a Burst Laser I before fully examining the stats, only to realize afterwards that it was inferior to the Dual Lasers I already own. The part I find unusual is that the Burst Laser 1 is worth more than the Dual Lasers even thought the later is superior. I find this very unusua...

@Lazers Kill it
Kill it now
Our time travelling robot is back.
oops, didn't even notice the author there
@agent86 Yeah, neither did I.
Gotta say, though, he's persistent.
@James Is UHC still on for this weekend?
@Lazers Woo! @Wipqozn's playing FTL!
I really need to get that
@RonanForman 10am PST on Sat good with you Ronan?
Uh, why does the non chat part of this site say its down for maintenance
o.O Or not...
@fbueckert Yes.
@fbueckert I...what?
@Wipqozn He asked a question.
@agent86 killed it for me.
@James you do know protection is automatic at the 3rd deleted answer
@fbueckert I don't understand the time traveling comment.
@fbueckert ohm nohm nohm tasty trollspam
@Wipqozn It was at the end of his question. "Please provide a list of time travelling robots, too."
@badp Now I do.. but since I have no way of knowing how many of those there are I just ping people whom I know are used to dealing with Dragonvale questions :D
@fbueckert I sea plus plus.
Okay, the Swarm Stacks are just annoying
@Wipqozn rondo
@fredley :(
@fbueckert What's with that guy?
@agent86 I don't know who Rondo is.
@SaintWacko He likes to troll SciFi and Arqade with time travelling robot junk.
@Wipqozn thus, he is linked.
I have no idea why.
@fbueckert Yeah, I keep seeing that question both places -.-
@agent86 Too bad there's no way to monitor a username for activity.
@fbueckert Well he's playing Chronotron. Chronotron is a time-travelling robot.
@agent86 It's just an empty profile though. I can't see deleted answers/questions via his profile.
@Wipqozn :O
@agent86 Yeah, only mods can see deleted stuff from profiles, iirc
@Wipqozn you'll just have to take my word for it then.
@agent86 You're a mod though, and everyone knows all mods are liars.
Funny how often diamond people forget what us normal users can't do..
@agent86 Next thing we know, Rondo has orange horns and he's only trolling us because of what we'll do in a couple of months.
@John I don't think they forget. I think they just like to rub it in our faces.
(the orange horns bit, in retrospect, is unnecessary. He could alternatively be a robot.)
@OrigamiRobot @fredley terrafirmacraft.com/f/topic/1980- UHC match on Sat at 10am PST assuming @RonanForman is up for it :)
@Wipqozn I saw Jeff once tell someone to look at a diamond-only field on someone else's profile...also Anna Lear, iirc.
@badp And we're only going to do what we do BECAUSE he's trolling us. Self-fulfilling prophecy!
@fbueckert You're right, but they're called stable time loops. Also, I'm now certain you should never ever ever read Homestuck.
@badp Good! Because I like my brain cells!
Q: battle.net website extremely slow when using chrome

neveroI don't know if anyone will have the answer, but after many google search I'm desperate. When I go on the battle.net website from my chrome (logged in to my account), it's extermely slow... can't event scroll down the page. But when I switch to firefox, or even IE (forgive me) the website works j...

Q: What server config do I need to get monsters to not spawn in the main world, but to spawn in the nether?

user33826I have a small server with my wife, and she doesn't like playing when monsters spawn. That's fine, I can deal with Peaceful, and Spawners still spawn mobs that I can farm. But in the Nether, there are no Ghasts or Pigmen. Is there a way to let some mobs spawn but not others? What plugins and/or ...

Q: How do I insert symbols in SSFIVAE (PC) text messages?

ayckosterI want to add the insert coin symbol (see picture) to my messages in PC version. The image shows the text message screen on Xbox, which is not available on PC. Is this still possible and how can I input it? I know I can add special characters with Alt + number like on this page: http://www.alt-...

Man, the huntress has a really nice rack.
...Kind of weird, since these are supposed to be kids...
@Wipqozn and a single fuck was given that day.
@Lazers Should this be on SU instead?
@Wipqozn You need to mention the weapon types a few more times in your FTL question. I'm totally unclear on which two weapons you are talking about
@SaintWacko It probably wouldn't fit well there either. Possibly Web Apps, but even that's iffy
Good God, I've spent nearly 200 million mana in DD...
@GnomeSlice Moved on to Dungeon Defenders?
@SaintWacko From what?
I've been playing it lately.
@GnomeSlice Magicka
@SaintWacko Actually, today is the first time I've tried Magicka.
@GnomeSlice Yeah, I could tell :P
I was planning on playing DD with someone I know sometime tonight, trying to get some decent starter gear for the huntress, since that's probably what she'll choose.
@fbueckert Looked at a video of Prison Architect. It looks awesome, but is a bit pricier than I can afford, atm. Gonna definitely put it on my to acquire list.
But anyway, as I was saying, I think the short huntress has a nicer rack than the legendary (tall) huntress skin...
Which is... pretty weird.
@Wipqozn I enjoy rubbing a lot of things in your face.
@Sterno Oh, okay. One second.
@agent86 I bet you do ;)
I actually only had 10k powers for a short time before I had mod powers, so I can't ever remember the subtle differences.
@agent86 I have 10k here, and mod on Libraries, so I have some awareness. :P
@AshleyNunn clearly, I'm a slacker on the rest of the network.
@agent86 Hahaha, yes, yes you are. Feel bad. ;)
Q: Is the Burst Laser I superior to the Dual Lasers?

WipqoznIn my haste a bought a Burst Laser I before fully examining the stats, only to realize afterwards that it was inferior to the Dual Lasers I already own. The part I find unusual is that the Burst Laser 1 is worth more than the Dual Lasers even thought the Dual Lasers is superior to the Burst Laser...

There you go. Added it into a few more places.
@AshleyNunn :(
@agent86 pats
"Knock", written by Fredric Brown, is a science fiction short story that starts with a description of "a sweet little horror story that is only two sentences long." It then goes on to elaborate on those two sentences and build a more complete plot around them. It was published in the December 1948 issue of Thrilling Wonder Stories. There have been three different radio adaptations (Dimension X, X Minus One and Sci Fi Channel's Seeing Ear Theatre). The story was reprinted in The Best Science Fiction Stories: 1949 Plot summary The first two lines are a complete short-short story: :The las...
Was that really necessary?
@GnomeSlice Sex sells.
@Wipqozn Pretty much.
@GnomeSlice How is that any different than you admiring differences in the Huntress's rack?
@AshleyNunn I mean, did they really need to put that little detail into the game?
@TimStone I hope they find her, and I hope they arrest her.
@AshleyNunn Yeah, it's so much fun
@fbueckert It looks it!
@James Sounds good, everyone recording? That sounds limiting.
Yay! Fed all my prisoners!
@fbueckert s/Fed/Tasered/
much better.
@agent86 Sadly, the best my guards can do is use their clubs on them.
This here's STREET justice, yo.
@fbueckert well, it is only alpha release. they're probably saving tasers for beta.
Balls, I hadn't gotten around to trying it yet
Compliments of @FAE
Blergh. I have to head out to run a Doctor Who meetup and all I wanna do is curl up in the dark because I have a monster headache. :(
@Fluttershy Nice.
@GnomeSlice fake
@murgatroid99 Undoubtedly
or at least, it doesn't work any more
no, I think it's fake

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