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@ave warned you :P
did you reach any "ending" yet?
The annoying part for me about Evolve is how slow everything grows. I'm getting like 2-3 of anything per second and I need thousands
And I'm not sure if it's intended to go that slow or whether I should just be building more farms and cabins so I can get more goods gatherers
@Nzall second one probably.
Evolve actually requires a "Simcity" mindset.
it is not your average "just let it run" incremental game.
Oh an incremental
@SPArcheon I got a population of roughly 100 Antids
I thought you were talking about that async multiplayer game
I was confused
And I think the deepest I've researched in the tree was Spies
or something like that, I don't have my save handy
Evolve is very slow to "start". Furthermore, you will learn things as you go because some features aren't exactly explained on front.
Anyway, the idea is that when you complete a "cycle" you start again but you get some form of "boosters"
after you get enough boost, you can attempt to go for a further away ending.
(trying to keep spoilers to min)
let me check something.
first: the wiki is your best friend.
Second, read the beginner guide at least, you can skip the part for the The space age for now.
2 hours later…
Apparently some players are planning a "#boycottGFUELL" campaign at the end of the month to get them mad at Nicalis for not releasing the promised console patch for BoI this month (which was made available on pc more than 4 months ago and includes the GFUELL promotional game mode/item).
Reminds me of the ones downvoting Google Classroom app as a protest for Genshin anniversary gifts.
At leas this time is kinda related
GFUELL is probably already mad at Nicalis anyway, they are doing a sale for a limited edition Isaac drink... and the patch that should have promoted it isn't there because Nicalis can't release a console patch on time even if their lives depended on it..
One of the good old 'we will take an internet mob and go protest to the wrong person'
as I said, kinda. I can see the reasoning:
> Isaac patch contains a GFUELL drink item, the patch was planned for this month -> GFUELL releases limited drink this month, aimed at Isaac players -> we boycott the drink -> GFUELL mad at Nicalis because they didn't fulfill the planned promotion
I guess they plan something similar to this ^
this is currently on preorder.
the patch adds this .
I guess they were planned to drop at about the same time, but Nicalis is late as usual
yeah but still, you should be mad a nicalis, not gfuel
@SPArcheon idk why I put it in my head that I should platnum Genshin on PS5
Its not that bad, most of it is just grindy (like get max rep and 90% of chests in a region) but clearing the abyss is gonna be annoying
@Fredy31 but they are planning to boycott the Isaac themed Gfuel sale.
Like I said, the fun of the internet, they take a mob and go lynch someone that has nothing to do with the problem
@Fredy31 In that sense, it kinda works: basically you send the message that the sale flopped because the game promotion wasn't there
or even that is someone that is also hurt by the problem you are mobbing about
At the same time Gfuel is fucking overpriced sugar to put in a water
@Fredy31 I just want the GFVELLLL seed to work on the console version of the game.
Watch the video above, that item is simply too silly.
But yeah that Nicalis thing is a fucking shitshow
And I guess the only reason they are still in the cards its that contracts are signed and it would cost an arm and a leg to break
@Fredy31 Reminder: thanks to Nicalis many EU players had to buy the same game twice when Repentance came out.
they get all my hate, I already owned BOI but as now Nicalis = no buy for me
Reminds me of the League client in Vietnam, that was complete trash because the company that had that contract was just trash, and they had signed that they were the providers for like 10 years
We are talking about bitcoin miners in the client, or events that were made just complete gambling right in the client
So as soon the contract was up, Riot did not renew and took control of the client in that region

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