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So INT just increases spellpower now?
it probably does something else as well, but yeah it looks like it
it's completely decoupled from regeneration though
to make your blue bar fill faster requires spirit only now
the professions have changed too
Blue bar filling makes me hungry for cupcakes... :( -> going to fill it now.
cooking has split off in literally 6 or so different directions
all independent of each other
so you can reach 600 cooking for one style of cooking
and still have 525 in the others
and each style of cooking is based around increasing a particular stat
so its essentially a grouping system
spirit food = way of the steamer
and inside that method of cooking there are 10 or so recipes each giving more spirit
and to level it requires... daily quest grinding!
Luckily pandas don't have increased food bonuses, that would be completely unbalanced. And yay. more. time. sink.
@PatrickStalder wish it worked like that
@badp yeah if they "dumb it down" why not go all the way.
genuinely though, I think we are going to be the only guild raiding next week on our realm
"Requires Level 56 or Focus 36 & Vitality 49"
@badp I love that about torchlight
flexible restrictions is such a good idea
Yeah except as you can see a level 56 character has stats way above 36 or 49
so long as they have spent any point in that stat
clever method of preventing people from sticking all points in one stat though
but I have no use for Focus!
It improves magic damage and dual wielding, and I've always gone two-handed physical weapons so far
(What's listed there as "Magic damage" really is elemental)
Q: Where can I learn to fly in Pandaria?

pixelOnce I reach level 90, where do I upgrade my flying skill so that I am able to fly over the island of Pandaria? Is it possible to learn how to fly over Pandaria before I get to level 90 or is this restricted to max level characters only?

457 is "low-rep"?
@MartinSojka Is it not? I've lost track of what's normal based on my own rep.
I feel so low rep now :(
Anything less than 15k is frankly a pathetic amount of rep
@fredley sniff
Keep in mind that the user had far less rep before posting that answer
@RonanForman You've only got your own pathetic posts to blame
@fredley I've only got my pathetic amount of posts to blame.
@GraceNote Ok, so he had 350 or so before that. Still doesn't sound so low for me, more like the median or something.
@RonanForman I see a solution. Post all the things
@GraceNote that user had far less rep before @StrixVaria linked his answer
115 rep in 20 minutes
Just checked, Arqade has almost 18k users, median is at 101 reputation
101 is a base reputation
@MartinSojka That's how much you get just for signing up if you have an account elsewhere.
@StrixVaria With over 200 rep.
@StrixVaria Well you need to have some rep there.
@StrixVaria I know. Let's see if only taking people above 101 rep into account ..
a more interesting statistic would be active users (ie: people who have posted something) and then working out the median
since 101 rep users generally did nothing more than sign up from another SE site
@pixel We would have to include those people who have all their stuff deleted somehow.
About 4.8k users with 102 or more rep, median ist at 169.
Good news! I'm about to be banned from Quora.
@MartinSojka that excludes all the not associated users at or below 101 rep though
@badp Quor(a) what?
That would make me banned from 2 social networks - and counting!
@badp Wow, two already?
I need to try harder
@YiJiang Well, Google+ (fake name) and Quora (fake name)
how do you get banned for 'fake name' lol
@badp It's a bannable offense to use a fake name?
@pixel Well, yes. Hell if I knew how to find out how many those are though, especially since you can fail down from the "101 base rep" too. Point is, 350 rep is not "low reputation" - it's easily in the upper 50% of active users.
@badp You seen that EU internet directive that says all sites should have a real name policy?
@StrixVaria Yep
@StrixVaria On G+, yeah, on Quora, apparently it is.
@fredley I saw it and laughed it off
@MartinSojka true story
By my guess, it's even in the top 25%.
Given that I also have a fake Facebook account for all the shitty "LIKE US OR ELSE!!" promotions with the same fake name, that'll very soon be three! Go me!
@fredley Those last two don't even make sense.
"Quora was co-founded by two former Facebook employees" - no wonder they have strange and dangerous ideas.
@RonanForman I know, and the first two are hugely wtf
'No one can link to terrorist sites, but Governments must publish lists of them'
@fredley Also I'm no longer allowed to draw cartoons under EU law.
@RonanForman "Social media companies must allow only real pictures of users."
EU has a lot of working groups. Some are more crazy than others.
Also, what defines a social media site? Does SE, it's not it's purpose but it can be used as such.
@MartinSojka 'working' in the oxymoronic sense.
As long as nobody listens to their insane ramblings, all is fine.
@fredley forwarded that around the office
echoes of laughter all over the building
@RonanForman It's stupid. My taxes were spent paying these people's salaries. I am annoyed.
@pixel That must be an awe inspiring sound.
@pixel Do you work for Dr Evil?
@fredley Luckily I live in switzerland... and don't pay taxes :P
no, it's luring me into a false sense of security, making me think that this is a happy place when in fact I'm in hell at the moment and wish to be sleeping
@PatrickStalder Because you're too young too, or in the Romney sense?
@fredley not exactly, I work for a company that frequently screws the uk health service out of money
Why are you in such a place, and why would you sleep there?
I guess that's not that far away from working for Dr Evil
@pixel My company does that too!
@pixel Do you work for Dr Evil (who has a phd in psychology)?
@fredley Well, the alternative to them producing lots of hot air and insane ideas would be to let them outside and allow them to interact with normal people, or to put them into a well-guarded asylum, which would cost as much if not more.
I can certainly imagine our CEO saying 'ONE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS' when talking about prices
@fredley I'm 17 and don't earn a lot what do you expect? :)
@GraceNote 24 hours of world of warcraft expansion grinding
@MartinSojka I think the fact that these people are locked into an air-tight think-tank and not allowed to talk to normal people is part of the problem
@fredley Obviously not air-tight enough, but we can work on that.
@PatrickStalder wow I thought I was one of the youngest people here, now I feel old
(which makes everybody else ancient)
@pixel I'm 17 too.
Q: What effect does "quality" and "appeal" have on buildings?

user50849Price is fairly obvious, due to it's visual feedback, but what about the other building values?

Q: Where can I find alchemy recipes?

pixelIn the new Mists of Pandaria expansion, the profession level caps have been increased from 525 to 600. I have gone to my alchemy trainer to learn the next level of alchemy (Zen Grandmaster Alchemy) but there only appears to be a couple of new alchemy recipes to learn and nothing else. The recipe...

Q: Does breaking the wrong type of block with a tool damage it more?

fredleyI've heard that breaking the wrong type of block with a tool, e.g. sand with a pickaxe, uses up twice as much durability as breaking the correct type. Is this true?

Now I feel like in a museum. I gonna have to grab food now. :)
@PatrickStalder Good shout. I ought to eat something at some point today.
@PatrickStalder I have got to remember that line.
@Lazers @fredley That is surprising.
@RonanForman Yes. I was very surprised, hence I decided to make a whore-post about it.
Heh. Pandaria. That never stops sound stupid.
@RonanForman wow
hi I'm twelve years old and what is this
@pixel Is that surprising? Why do you think I laugh at you for having to work.
@MarkTrapp Banned from the site!
@ hello , Im an OSS geek
ni hao
@RonanForman I'm not surprised, I'm just used to being the youngest person :p
Can any one suggest m for a wordpress plugin development farmewor
@MarkTrapp 你好

 The Loop

Where humor doesn’t work.
Chinese phonetics is ambiguous. Please use real Chinese next time.
@MarkTrapp Thanks
Now with less horrendous 3D
@YiJiang What else could that have meant?
A lot of nonsense depending on how you read it. Also might not mean anything based on dialect.
Based on my limited ability to Wikitionary, perhaps it could've either meant "hello" or "are you well?"
@badp Quora also didn't believe me that my real name is Guybrush Threepwood.
That sounds like a porno name
Considering Mark's statement lacked intonation being the only real thing. From conversational logic we can tell Mark was using a greeting, but I think Yi Jiang is more focusing on the practice as a whole.
@GraceNote I'm just interested to know if saying "hello" wrong means something super dirty.
I can't think of anything absolutely nasty off-hand, but it'd just make no sense and people would look at you funny because they have no idea what you're saying.
@StrixVaria Pretty unlikely. Though not entirely impossible given the stupid number of dialects around
@YiJiang "nǐhǎo" is harder to type on most western keyboards. ;)
So is the contention that "你好" would be universally understood amongst dialects, but only one dialect (or perhaps a few, or none) romanizes "你好" as "ni hao"?
@MarkTrapp Correct. Also tones.
I see
@MarkTrapp You're missing the tone marks, and the "dialect" is called "Standard Mandarin"
The only thing I know how to say in Chinese is the same only thing I know how to say in most languages I only know how to say one thing in: 我不会说中文
@StrixVaria Simplified fiend!
@GraceNote I looked up the symbols based on phonetics then double-checked that I picked the right ones using Google translate. Forgive me.
I don't know how to write it, just how to say it.
This is all dancing about the subject that my entire knowledge of Chinese/Mandarin/what-have-you is limited to what is found in gold farmer spam in WoW
@StrixVaria This is why I called the Simplified the fiend, not you.
Hard to blame anyone, nevermind someone who doesn't actually speak or write the language, for using Simplified since, if I'm not mistaken, it's the preferred script for mainland China
@GraceNote It is, yes. Hong Kong and Taiwan uses Traditional Chinese
Yeah, I happen to align to the latter.
I'm not entirely sure if I understand why, but I guess it's due to historical silliness
@GraceNote How did you learn Chinese?
Isn't Simplified Chinese a PRC state project?
@YiJiang Most likely. Thankfully, Japanese Kanji is closer to Simplified, so it's actually readable in small font sizes ...
@MarkTrapp Sort of. They simplified the script so that the symbols and radicals uses significantly less strokes, and are more abstract
Which makes it slightly less obnoxious to write
@StrixVaria At-home, and I attended a weekly school for some years. There's also some amount of urgency to learn it when you spend a fair amount of each year or two in Taiwan.
@GraceNote I wish my parents had forced me to become bilingual as a kid, rather than trying to do it myself once I got to college (a college which didn't offer any foreign language courses, that is).
Oh, I'm not bilingual. Hejudas, I'm not even monolingual, haha. I just know a survivable amount of Mandarin.
I can read both forms, but most people here can't read traditional.
I'm not entirely sure why.
I can't read Simplified that well because I haven't spent any effort to learn it, on my end.
I usually have to context-guess it
Traditional Chinese is pretty obnoxious to write. The number of strokes for even commonly used words is staggering
Eh, I'm comfortable with it. Granted, my own transliterated name is 5 characters long and an equally obnoxious amount of strokes to it, so even when officials have to write my name they're pretty angry.
Haha, transliterated names are pretty bad. Chinese names only ever go up to four characters long
And most are only two or three.
Yeah. I'm the only one in the family with that issue, haha.
Everyone else is 2
Well, my full name, @badp, since Chris is only an abbreviation.
@StrixVaria Two courses in a second language was a requirement at my college. Engineering was the only major that I know of with an exception.
@GraceNote It's what you've shared with us and it happens to be 5 chars long
(even then, Chris is a staggeringly annoying 3 characters to begin with, and aside from the first, they're obnoxious characters)
@badp Only in the English transliteration. The original ("Χρισ") has 4 characters.
Conveniently, my name happens to be the English version
@GraceNote ah, the classic "hot-dog selling guy", "window-faced woman doing a split" and "dog with a helmet" symbols
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, that's the main regret I have about the college I chose.
I would have taken all the language courses.
I'm glad I didn't have to take one. It's not that I don't want to, it's that I am terrible at it.
@badp If ever ever start a band and/or motorcycle gang, it will be called Window-Faced Woman.
@OrigamiRobot I think that's a matter of where you grew up. Most of my family grew up bi- or tri-lingual, and we all pick up basics of new languages like that's the easiest thing on Earth. Consequently, we make it a point to teach the next generation as many languages as we can before they even are old enough to go to school.
It's all a very happy Silesian/Polish/German/Slovakian/Czech/Hungrarian mix ...
I'm happy with Italian and English although I'm using Duolingo to dust off my French
@MartinSojka I live in the Southern US where "you live in the country you damn well better speak our language" or some such nonsense.
I think being able to speak fluent Swissgerman is enough. People should adapt to us.
@OrigamiRobot Spanish, then?
@MartinSojka I know a tiny bit of Spanish. It was the only language offered until high school.
I'd guessed French was in there too, given that they were the first to colonise vast parts of what is now southern US ...
... and possibly some local pre-colonial language.
@MartinSojka You seem to fail to understand a crucial part here. People here are racist.
People everywhere are racist.
Most of them fight the urges more-or-less successfully though.
@MartinSojka Yea, that is absolutely false here.
So foreign languages are offered in schools, but most of the time there is no familial support.
The Nick Clegg Apology Song: I'm Sorry (The Autotune Remix)
wtf it doesn't parse that right when I post it in a question
Q: Does the Hellfire weapon exist in Borderlands 2?

theoriseDoes the Hellfire weapon exist in Borderlands 2? The gun was a force to be reckoned with in the original. Here is a link: http://borderlands.wikia.com/wiki/Hellfire

Q: Where is my faction city in Pandaria?

pixelI have heard that each faction (Alliance/Horde) has their own city or stronghold on Pandaria, which includes portals to every major city (faction cities, race cities, cities from previous expansion) along with trainers, an inn, a bank, etc. Where can I find my faction city in Pandaria?

Q: Error showing some effects

IrishPersonalityI have been playing Skyrim for quite some time now and when I heard they updated the Skyrim online version, I downloaded it. I played it a bit and noticed a bug that happened on single player and the "multiplayer". whenever I looked at some stuff while in first person, my screen started flashing ...

Q: can i marry caroletta valentia in skyrim and how?

RustyMembersi really want to marry her. i have the amulet of mara and i have completed her quest.Then what. is there anything im missing?. I ant find anything on the internet or at skyrim wiki.

@BenBrocka double underscore is breaking it horribly
I'd report that as a bug
Interesting. Let me try escaping it
do __
that parsed my backslash
_ \ _
Nope. Still not working. This is so weird.
so that your video link without excessive spaces is this
U w t J 5 _ \ _ i w - Q
that works
well no
it still doesn't work, it just parses correctly in the preview
@YiJiang has it working now
Got it working by (incorrectly, technically speaking) encoding the underscores as %5F
workaround is a workaround imo
IIRC there's an ignored feature request to fix this
The underscore is a valid URL character and it is actually incorrect to encode it, according to Wikipedia
Morning, Bridge
Yeah, but markdown treats two underscores as italics which removes the actual underscores
@fbueckert afternoon
@BenBrocka it autodetects urls, it should autorealise not to apply formatting to a url once it has been turned into a url
@pixel it seems to auto-detect URLs after butchering them. Which is, you know, not how to do it
well it means the url detection is performed after formatting, which, as you say, is not how to do it
@BenBrocka You can't italicize part of a word anyway, so that shouldn't happen in a URL
@MadScientist I hadn't thought of that...that's odd
I suspect it is a bug in the markdown parser, as it only happens for links and not for normal text. But distinguishing bugs from is pretty much impossible for the markdown stuff
I'm quite sure this is a bug
Q: How many elemental effects can I stack?

Ben BrockaIs there a maximum number of elemental effects I can (practically) stack in Borderlands 2, or can I keep stacking them on as long as my rate of fire, elemental effect chance and Damage over Time duration permits? For some math I've got a nearly 50% chance of inflicting Corrosion (10% chance on ...

Q: What is the difference between Technic and Tekkit?

Jeffrey LinI have found that Tekkit is the most amazing Minecraft mod ever, but I notice that often Technic is also listed with Tekkit. So, I must ask: What is Technic and how do I use it (is it a server mod, client mod, etc.) Thanks in advance.

Q: URL not handled correctly in Comments

akjoshiI was answering this question and was trying to post following url in comments but everytime it failed - http://blogs.microsoft.co.il/blogs/tomershamam/archive/2007/05/25/Compiled-XAML-3D00-BAML-not-IL.aspx I searched on Meta and came across this post and tried the solution posted but url is al...

@BenBrocka But that's for comments
Posts don't use the same parser
@YiJiang oh, really? It's the same bug though, like exactly
They don't. Comments use MarkdownMini, which is basically a bunch of regexes. Posts uses a full parser (which also boils down to a bunch of regexes, but is more sophisticated)
hopefully they'll consider the bug in posts more significant then, but I didn't see a separate bug report for posts
that probably means they don't know its a bug
@BenBrocka have you tried escaping the underscore?
> A better option might be to use %5f for _
@badp _ \ _ ?
doesn't work
escapes didn't work
@BenBrocka The HTML escape you mean?
the slash doesn't work, need to use the encoding
(deleted answer I used for testing)
@BenBrocka oh, so that escaping works
the parser splits the URL at the double underscore
indeed it does
@YiJiang It is a bug (and there's a report on Meta), yeah. The most direct fix is kind of hacky though, so balpha wasn't satisfied with it.
Q: Can I marry Aela the huntress after completing the quest: Liberate Skyrim?

RustyMembersI have wanted to marry Aela but now I have completed the quest 'Liberate Skyrim' (the quest where the Stormcloaks take over Whiterun). Now I can't find her - is it possible to marry Aela after completing 'Liberate Skyrim'?

Q: Do Legendary drops only come from specific bosses?

Ben BrockaFrom a Greabox forum thread, legendary weapons drop from specific bosses in Borderlands 2. While this might make it easier to farm, it would be very useful to know if I can ever get legendary guns by normal, non-boss means. I have noticed extremely few legendary guns so far (two in >50 hours of g...

Q: YouTube URL parser chokes on underscore and dash

CyberSkull Possible Duplicate: Fail of markdown parser detected if _ are used in naked url Link with double-underscored word in URL renders incorrectly I'm posting this video as part of the solution to this question, but the problem is that the YouTube URL parser chokes on the link. http://www...

I'm voting to reopen since you have to encode to work around the problem, unlike links where you can use one of the alternate syntaxes.
@TimStone voted too
how off topic is this question
Q: How should I record high-quality video game footage?

Matthew DoucetteHow should I record high-quality video game footage off consoles? I am interested in PC and mobile platform recording too. And Secondarily, how can I edit the footage professionally for YouTube trailers and gameplay videos? P.S. for amateur level recording, please see How can I record demos of m...

I'll make a note to see if I can come up with an acceptable way to fix that issue across the board, too...
A: What does Luck do?

KirkalirkHere are the theories that are floating around, some being similar to health-related Luck mechanics in other games: Theory 1: Luck determines headshots, regardless of where the bullet hits. If you shoot a player in the foot, for example, your Luck value will determine whether or not you get a "h...

@pixel How'd you find that?
"brick force luck"
first hit
@pixel I thought you'd be out playing MoP until the cows come home.
I would, but I'm at work
I only cared about getting realm first priest
the fact that I'm in the only guild on the realm that has 10 level 90s atm, I don't need to worry about anything else
it will all happy naturally
@pixel Anyways, dump a comment in there asking for attributation.
instead I figured I'd start asking a bunch of questions I already know the answers to but know people will ask at some point
user in question hasn't been on for weeks
If he doesn't put it in for a couple days, flag it for plagiarizing, and it'll get removed.
shouldn't I just edit in the attribution?
@pixel No
It's plagiarized entirely; we frown on that.
If he can't add it in himself, it should be deleted.
If we edit in the attribution, then he won't learn that what he did was wrong; all he'll see is upvotes, yay!
I see no upvotes
@pixel Extrapolate over several answers; all lifted from somewhere else, with someone else adding attribution.
This is behaviour we don't want to encourage. Ever.
I know, I know, it wasn't the point you were making
Cataclysm, during levelling, I still ended up learning the story
Mists of Pandaria, I spend a day levelling, I couldn't tell you what the hell the story is
The only thing I know for certain about MoP, is that there are more MoP daily quests one the first day of the expansion than there were in Cataclysm at the end of it
@pixel All I know about MoP is that it's Kung Fu Panda.
in fairness, the pandaren animations are really well made
and it doesn't really look at all out of place, when stood next to a male draenei
@fbueckert - I saw a TV ad for it the other night, and until the end that's what I thought it was -.-
@SaintWacko Exactly
and the world design for pandaria is of a pretty high quality in comparison to most WoW content
@pixel It's WoW; it's all about the grind. 'Nuff said.
when did you play?
because the amount of grind in MoP is unfathomable in comparison to previous expansions
@pixel I stopped three years ago. Before Cataclysm ever came out.
And I'm never going back.
gear vendors? don't exist anymore, replaced valor points/justice points/badge vendors with reputation based quartermasters that are protected by requiring exhalted rep
cooking? doesn't exist as a single profession anymore, its now six different professions, each with its own profession level, that partially requires daily quests to level
@pixel That sounds like MORE grinding.
alchemy? doesn't have any recipes that you can learn, the whole levelling process from 525-600 is based entirely off randomly learning recipes like the way the northrend alchemy research used to work
Q: Do Adaptive shields adapt to non-elemental damage?

Ben BrockaAdaptive shields adapt to the last "elemental" type they were hit with with a set % of resistance. Sometimes non-elemental is counted as an "element" for resistance/bonuses, so I'm wondering if non-elemental damage is adapted to as well. If it doesn't protect against non-elemental damage, if I ...

Dailies are one thing I hated. "Do these quests every day for random gold and items!"
No. I prefer my games to have an endpoint.
tailoring? based 100% off randomly generated stats, you only have 10 or so items you can learn, one belt, one shoulder, etc etc - and to get one with stats you want requires making an infinite number of them, just like in diablo 3
in fact
the best way I explained it yesterday, was they took every feature that kind of worked out of diablo 3 and put it into wow
there is an achievement called "CAN WE FIND MORE LIKE THAT?" to kill one of each class of rare mob
there is an achievement called "GLORIOUS!" for killing every 'champion' rare mob
there is randomly generated stats on profession made items
@pixel So...The worst parts of D3 in WoW. Tell me again how this is a good thing?
the world design in pandaria is slightly less cartoony and a little bit darker - even in comparison to cataclysm
@fbueckert find me saying 'THIS IS AMAZING ZOMG' anywhere in the above
I've more or less given up on MMOs. I can get much more enjoyment per time unit with non-MMOs, and I have so many games I need to play.
the thing is
they've added so many supercasual features into the game
and then made everything else super-grindy
level 89-90 was the single most painful experience I've ever been through
@pixel It sounds like you're trying to sell me on the new casual stuff, but then you turn around and tell me about all the stuff I hated in the first place.
I'm actually pretty confident some people quite simply won't make it through the levelling process before quitting the game
dungeons are hard in a good way, rather than populating dungeons with one shot mechanics like in cataclysm
now instead of one shotting you, you get 1 second to move out of the fire before it eats all 300k of your health
@fbueckert I'm not trying to sell it, I'm very much on the fence about returning to my 'retired from MMOs' status
but aesthetically it is an improvement
I think every piece of new content in the game is of a higher visual quality than anything previously in game
and the instances are all mechanically interesting
if a bit short
but like, tonight I'm going to spend 3-4 hours questing just so I can get gear before next wednesday
and I don't find fun in that
@pixel Games are supposed to be fun. If you don't find it fun, why are you playing?
it is sad that apparently you're in the first-in-realm guild because apparently you're the only-in-realm guild that seems to care :P
@fbueckert I derive my fun currently from playing games with the same people I've played games with for years
@badp the other guilds care, based on the amount of hate we got yesterday
(I'm still impressed by this achievement, although I can't quantify just how awesome it is)
@badp to qualify, the first two people in guild to get to level 90 were in the top 25 in the world of their classes to do so
@pixel That's what I did when I was grinding dailies.
(I mean, I even signed up for the demo of WoW so I should have some cursory knowledge of what the hell is a realm)
And, you know what? I realized it wasn't worth it. When I look at playing a game as work, it's time to hang it up.
I only know Realms from D2...
Is it the same thing?
(Is it when the game makes you choose if you want to PvP, PvE, roleplay or... I dunno?)
@fbueckert I am trying to avoid seeing it as work
Alot, eh, fredley?
@GraceNote Yay, it's not just me that noticed that!
@SaintWacko identical, except D2 used realms by geographic location (ie: US West, US East were physically located in the US, West and East), while WoW uses them as collections of players more than anything else, although there is still geographical splits based on EU/US/KR/TW
@GraceNote He's an okay brewer I heard.
@badp Is he made of beer cans again?
@GraceNote That would be the alot of beer cans
I can see how you would get confused.
As a Siren I make alot of fire
I suppose canned beer isn't necessarily a good brew
@GraceNote Deliberate, I can't stop myself these days
@BenBrocka That doesn't make sense. Sirens are supposed to be water elements
I miss @Wipqozn's alot
@badp well there's no water on Pandora
@BenBrocka DLCs
@badp lol
DLC to add water to Pandora would be waterworld, no?
also, borderlands 1 did have water
well yes, it had the docks for starters
@fredley Alot of people do.
ok what is the deal with people saying 'alot'
@pixel alot of deal with it (no picture available)
(the stress is on the a- syllable right?)
@badp <unspecified word> of deal with it?
@badp I love that alot
Oooh. I can reply to a future post. Interesting.
@badp if that's the case, then the sentence "alot of deal with it" makes as much sense as "badger of deal with it" or "pixie of deal with it"
@pixel it's an alot with a slowly descending pair of eyeglasses. DUH
@pixel Alot of Truth. Alot of Mercy. Alot of "Deal with it".
@fredley reply to a message from the future?! Thanks for breaking the timeline. Thanks alot.
@BenBrocka Thalot
@BenBrocka I do that alot.

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