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@Wipqozn Whoops, didn't see this for days. Family's good! Children eventually learn the ability to reason and then things get a lot more complicated. So things are also more complicated.
But it's a good kind of complicated.
@InvaderSkoodge Gosh darn kids and their ability to reason
I hope you taught them that critical thinking is bad
@InvaderSkoodge That's good!
It's like, "You're 8. I know you think you know everything but I still have a few years on you and I'm telling you that your idea is really dumb."
You have....3 kids, right?
Yeah, 8, 6 and 3 now :|
That's lot of kids
You still working at google in new york?
Permanent WFH now, but still with Google.
My commute was like 90 minutes each way so this was a pretty natural decision as soon as it was possible.
That did decrease my reading to nearly 0 for like 2 years, though. Just started getting back into it this summer.
@InvaderSkoodge yeah I remember. You used to train.
@InvaderSkoodge I barely read at all this year either, so you're not alone in that.
I'm trying to get back into it over the chhristmas break.
I bought all of Robert Jackson Bennett's books from before Divine Cities and have read all but 1 now. They are also good.
@InvaderSkoodge Also, my office also has WFH perma as an option. I only live 5 minutes so I go in, but there's almost always less than a dozen of us in, so it's actually sweet. nice and quiet.
Currently reading The Lost Metal and I'm just not into it. I'm not sure if I've grown as a reader or Sanderson has grown (in a way I don't like) as a writer or some combination of both.
@InvaderSkoodge I still need to read his latest book. Just released last month.
@Wipqozn Yeah if I lived close I'd probably go in, just to have some peace and quiet.
@InvaderSkoodge I've heard really, really negative things about it.
And I was never all that fond of any of the Wax and Wayne books anyways. Book 2(3) was the only one I really enjoyed.
I reread them in the leadup to this because I had forgotten pretty much everything and they were all meh.
I liked Rhythm of War well enough, though, so maybe it's just this cast.
@InvaderSkoodge Also, it's you that has grown. I have no desire to go back and reread any of his books outside of the Stormlight ones.
And I loved mistborn when I first read it... but now, no interest in going back.
I've read too much "good" stuff in the meantime. Malazan, Realm of the Elderlings, working on Book of the New Sun now.
@InvaderSkoodge I've only read tyhe first 2 malazan books. Was kind of eehh on them, but I do plan to read the third one at least.
but wouldn't be untiil I read some other things first.
If after the ithrd one I'm still kind of "eehhh" then I likely won't read the rest.
Yeah, definitely not a series I'd recommend binging, especially if you're not into it.
That's fair.
@InvaderSkoodge Also, Robin Hobb ruined me for so many other authors, ha.
The third one is widely regarded as the best, but for me it didn't really stand out.
My favorite was the 5th one, Midnight Tides.
2 hours later…
> if self.blueprint.CanAffordClay(state) and state.clay_robots < self.blueprint.max_clay:
> if self.blueprint.CanAffordClay(state) and state.clay < self.blueprint.max_clay:
took me way, WEAY too fucking long to notice that. Was going through a debugger and everything.
I really wish the strong typing of C#
Makes errors like this way easier to spot
6 hours later…
yep, it is an official product.
Hello Kitty?
@Memor-X yep.
that said, Hello Kitty is everywhere so...
Morning Elva
@SPArcheon i woner who has more outfits, Barbie or Hello Kitty
@Memor-X I think Kitty wins by far.
sees incremental in the pinneed list
Now I wanna make an incremental now that I know a bit about react and modern javascript...
3 hours later…
@Elva I hope you're also good at math, because my god do incrementals require a lot of finely tuned math
4 hours later…
I mean, it's not a Netflix special like all the other games do
@Batophobia Yep, but afaik it is not like that game is known for the plot.
First game points at one idea, then second game kinda reinforce that ... then nothing.
back to square one.
I mean, at least it's released. FNAF and Minecraft are supposed to be getting movies, but who knows if/when those ever come out
And if you want to talk about needing a story, Mortal Kombat got multiple movies
@Batophobia Man, I misread that as Microsoft
@Batophobia True, but I was more arguing about the story shifting.
saw some gameplay videos. First game seems to imply that the Neighbor is acting that way because he lost all his family (and he is not the murder but actually the victim of multiple unfortunate events). Then second game shows that the wife died in an accident while the daughter died in an incident caused by the son. An you probably are that same son, so it would mean that the neighbor isn't actually hating everyone - just YOU specifically. Then third game apparently forgets about all of that.
tried to watch the first episode. I have to admit - it is pretty decent and captures the look of the game.
It just feel weird that the cartoon will have a plot while the games seems to have none and just ride along the fan theories, shifting at every turn to the point of contradicting itself.
@Batophobia Think a lot of times some studios snap up the rights just to keep anybody else from doing anything with it. And if it so happens that a project develops then great
Like snapping up the FNAF rights makes it that nobody else can do a FNAF movie, and then you can have the option if it shows up.
Because the number of times I heard the rights for something were picked up, only for years later nothing of note having happened.
And of course, some truly breathtakingly bad stuff comes out to try to hold onto the rights since some contacts have clauses that specify rights reverting their original owners if you don't do anything with them for X years.
I've heard rumors along those lines about Fant4stic.
Okay, std::bitsets made 17.1 a lot easier, and I already know enough to do 17.2, just need to find the cycle height and phase. 18.2 isn't too bad either, just need to calculate the extremes and then do a fill on on all points until it reaches one of the extremes or finishes. Or I do a fill from a corner and count the faces I can reach.
16.2 might be for later though.
I still need to do 16, 17.2, and 19.2. I've got 19.2 running on my work laptop right now, which has a lot of RAM... and it seems like brute force WILL eventually finish.
well not brute force
but not trimming the tree as much as I could.
There's a few other ways I could implement, but at this point, fuck it, ha, going to just let it run.
In particular I never bothered to implement a check for "Should I build a robot?" beyond "Is resource robot > max of this resource required".
but there are other methods, like "Do I have enough resources of robot X to never bother needing it again anyways" and "Is there even enough time left to build this"? (aka shoulkd I bother waiting to save for it).

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