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I really should try playing Brogue at some point.
Speaking of real roguelike games.
Q: How can I rename a Dwarf?

Martin SojkaI can add, change and remove the nick names of my Dwarves (or any other playable and currently played race) easily; that's one of the functions of the unit screen. This visually replaces the first name of the Dwarf in this list and a few other places, but their actual first name stays and is bein...

Playing X-COM just makes me want to play XCOM.
@Sterno I lost the countdown again. I don't know how I'm so bad at this.
That's probably for the better, though. If I'm not watching the seconds tick down, it goes by slightly faster.
@YiJiang I'm pretty sure DT can't do it either. Let's see if I find anything in DFHack; they extended it quite a bit since I last checked.
I didn't realise there was a reputation cap on suggested edits, learn something new every day
So I take it most of the people here aren't playing BL2.
@fbueckert I am not yet, I will play it after XCOM
@fbueckert I'm home from work today and may actually find time to play it!
The other people I would play a four player co-operative game with are all preoccupied with the MoP release next week
Check out todays comic
And Ello @pixel I see you are back
I was just wondering if they've kept the zany humor from the first game.
@James You know this chat can display it here, right? :D
... with tooltips and all.
@MartinSojka Today's an exception
The way the frame works is quite interesting
Apparently it is broken
It works like Google Maps, and loads each part in bit by bit
Today's comic is special, you can't embed it
I spent a good while looking at it and absorbing all the little bits.
Looks the same to me on their page.
@YiJiang I wondered how it worked.
@YiJiang and, like Google Maps, REALLY REALLY needs zoom buttons and keyboard navigation
click and drag doesn't work so well over RDP
@fbueckert ADOM <3
@badp This
Why is there a crane holding up a wrecking ball?
@James and hey
@Wipqozn Indeed. Haven't played it in awhile, though.
@pixel Sometimes I think RAndall has too much free time.
I get that feeling at times too
not the first time he's done epically large images
Heh. Just got another upvote for this.
It never ceases to amaze me how people can argue intelligently, but draw the completely wrong conclusions from their observations.
@OrigamiRobot I've always liked Gametrailers. They give you an opinion on the game + show you gameplay video the entire time. It's good of seeing how the game plays, as well as finding out if there are any glaring flaws with the game (bugs or otherwise).
Meh, Runesmith can't change names either, it seems (besides, it's just for 0.31, no 0.34 version up yet).
Roller Coaster Tycoon in Real Life, for some value of real life. Cute video.
@AshleyNunn Why would you ever WANT Roller Coaster Tycoon in real life? Most of the fun comes from murdering your visitors.
@fbueckert Because you're bored and don't want to conquer South Korea back just yet?
@fbueckert just watch the video. :)
@AshleyNunn At work.
@fbueckert fair enough.
In Borderlands 2 is weapon sway only a big problem in super low level guns or does it keep up? Swaying guns drive me crazy
Q: How does auto-pickup work?

Ben BrockaThe feature that auto-picks up money and ammo is neat, but seems very inconsistent; sometimes I auto-pick up money and ammo that I need, sometimes I have to manually pick items up. I'm talking about the feature that collects without a button press, not the long-press action that picks up all "min...

Q: Does accuracy affect in-hand weapon sway or just how accurate bullets are?

Ben BrockaI've noticed there's two major factors that affect my accuracy; random spread of bullets after the leave the barrel, and the character physically swaying their weapon. Some weapons (notably SMGs) sway so much it's painful to operate them zoomed. Is this a function of accuracy or is weapon sway on...

Q: Can I actually /do/ anything during the race?

RobIs there anything I can do during the racing section that has any impact, or is it purely just for show? I notice that when I press on the box containing the driver and car information it throbs, suggesting that it may have some kind of effect, but if it does I have no idea what... I am running...

@AshleyNunn that is quite cool
@BenBrocka initial google-fu says weapon sway is a weapon characteristic rather than an artistic effect
@AshleyNunn Thank you for that.
@pixel I know it's a stat, it was in BL1, I'm just wondering if it's one of the stats like scope/recoil that's always all over the place or if it improves over time
@MartinSojka Yeah as shown by what @pixel posted I did not think this one would one box well since its an embedded scroll over HUGE comic :D
@BenBrocka I think the bl2wiki indirectly answers your latest question, although it doesn't specifically state it
@James It also doesn't work when you don't feel like enabling JavaScript for every single unimportant web page. :) I actually see the same picture in the chat as I see on the xkcd site. Oh well, no matter.
@BenBrocka In the article explaining Hyperion weapons it states: "where the exaggerated sway of a resting Hyperion gun in hand won’t have any real effect on your accuracy"
@Lazers I love Kairosoft questions.
@fbueckert Every time someone not-me asks one I get happy inside.
@pixel really? The accuracy page indicates different: borderlands.wikia.com/wiki/Accuracy#Screen_effects
@AshleyNunn Little known fact: I was involved in Kairospot when it first started up.
@BenBrocka interesting
@fbueckert very cool!
@BenBrocka I'm not completely sure this article related to BL2 or 1
@pixel True, I'm 99% sure it's all referring to BL1
@AshleyNunn I'm not a fan of what they're trying to do with it now; there's too much emphasis on donations.
but I bet lots of the internal stats stayed the same
@fbueckert Yeah, I am not too pleased with that
@BenBrocka the scope sway / screen effects section of the article are fairly recent according to the history
@pixel still before BL2's official release though
I'm mostly just hoping to find some way to avoid weapon sway, swaying guns drive me crazy
the first SMG I got was impossible to aim even in close quarters
Well, if the current influx of crap answers continues, I'll get my Marshal badge today.
@fbueckert Yay?
@AshleyNunn Indeed. That's the gold badge for helpful flags.
Which means my incentive to continue flagging afterwards is gone. :P
@fbueckert I know what it is, I have one :P
@fbueckert Hahaha
@AshleyNunn I'm just surprised I could accumulate so many flags in the half year I've been a member.
@fbueckert Yeah, this site is good for that :P
@MartinSojka That big blank area is a scrollable comic that is reportedly a terapixel in size.. So yeah, just that image is missing the majority of the comic :D
@AshleyNunn Oh god, and the cave system.
@badp I spent quite a while looking for the inevitable Minecraft reference, was pleased when I found it.
Still have not yet found Wally though
@BenBrocka in borderlands (original) I think you could edit config files to disable sway
@BenBrocka I can't find anything conclusive about borderlands 2, I can find statements that argue both for and against weapon sway being just a visual effect and can't confirm if you can disable it in a config file
It's definitely not just a visual effect, it affects where your bullets land
Most noticable with a sniper rifle zoomed
apparently the easiest solution, is a hyperion SMG
large clip + auto stabilisation the longer you hold fire
I think I'm using a Tourge with a ridiculous fire rate/multiple bullets per shot so I'll be using that for a while
It's almost like an Anarchy
And I often fire short bursts so I havent' found hyperions that useful
it's going to be months before I play it anyway :p
Almost all my guns are Maliwan anyway, gotta love setting people on fire
@pixel how terrible
@BenBrocka nah, if I played it now, I'd be playing it by myself or with randoms
busy game schedule atm, all my friends are pre-occupied
I got a 4 pack with friends and a few people from SE are in my steam list, though I'm surprised more aren't playing already
@BenBrocka technically it isn't out yet over here
rest assured I will be cracking my legitimate pre-order of xcom once it is released in America though
Ah xcom. That game was amazing in theory but playing it for the first time is amazingly painful
And so is the second time and third time and...
not sure about the new one though, I have the old DOS ones from Steam
@pixel Oh, regions
damn those regions
Not that I notice all that much, being in the US
But if you're not in the US or Japan (or you want to play US games IN japan) you get pretty screwed in the game release world
well yes and no
game cracks are so easy to come by once the america release is out
I have no issues with cracking legitimate games to get around staggered regional release dates
Bah. Apparently not participating in protests over that stupid anti-Islam video means you support it.
@fbueckert according to the people who would make such a video, right?
@fbueckert Well, yes. Irrational minds will be irrational.
Did Atlas guns get the shaft in BL2?
@pixel No, according to the people protesting the video.
@BenBrocka yes
@Wipqozn Apparently being reasonable isn't a strong suit of muslims.
Guess they may as well have. I bet I saw less than a dozen atlas guns in dozens of hours of play
less than a dozen worth remembering anyway
@fbueckert this comment is a little unenlightened, every group of people in the world has unreasonable members, it's not fair to single out one of them
@BenBrocka weapons companies in BL2: Tediore, Dahl, Bandit, Jakobs, Maliwan, Vladof or Torgue
The problem is that the reasonable guys in some communities can't control the unreasonable ones. In some cases, that's even the case for "western" communities.
I guess Atlas was swapped for Bandit
When is Torchlight 2 slated to release this time?
@MartinSojka it's a case for all communities
Bandit guns suck but at least they're amusing
@pixel No. Just no. We don't have a dozen Breiviks per week running around here.
@pixel You're going to tell me that government investigating someone for blasphemy for not supporting a protest is unenlightened?
@MartinSojka we had George Bush basically doing the same thing but with the backing of most of the American people less than a decade ago.
I'm glad Tediore guns explode now. Makes me feel less bad about using them
"This gun sucks! throw boom"
@fbueckert clearly both sides are suffering from it
@pixel Sounds closer to, "This is the government's stance, and not following it means we're going to apply pressure until you do."
@pixel Oh yes, I know. We also had Gerhard Schröder telling Bush to go stuff it when asked if they'd like to participate in raping Iraq. So not all is lost. :)
I would be forced to assume any lack of answer indicates "Never" which would prevent me from being able to assign the now year-old game grant
@GraceNote Memory is serving up September 20th as the release date.
Thanks, @fbueckert
@GraceNote wikipedia agrees with the 20th
Aiite then.
The current situation illustrates just fine a major difference in dealing with agitators in "western" vs. "Muslim" communities: One hopes to make them go silent by ignoring them, the other hopes to make them go silent by killing them. Neither side understands how the position of the other side makes any sense, but both sides are quite willing to use force to try and force their solution ...
Also, thoughts on this:
Q: Will original Wii Graphics become HD on Wii U

FrantumnI know that Wii-U will work with the original Wii games and hardware. When I play original Wii games on the Wii-U will the game graphics up convert to 720p/1080p? Or will the system play them in standard definition 480p?

This is speculation, in my opinion.
As for crazy muslim protest discussion, huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/19/…
To be frank ... I wish people would just stop trying messing in another sovereign state affairs quite so much. Don't tell Libya how to do democracy, don't tell the US how to deal with their hate speech.
@MartinSojka Internet is srs bsnss.
On that note, I go shut the fuck up, drive home and see if I can manage to make all the Dwarves in Arqade Arak Ad ("Church of Sun") survive the second year. In any case, it looks like badb might not stay expedition leader for long, given the social skills of some of the newcomers ...
What platforms is Torchlight 2 coming out on, in what distribution methods?
@MartinSojka Oh, boy. Sounds like much death and destruction are imminent.
Q: Will original Wii Graphics become HD on Wii U

FrantumnI know that Wii-U will work with the original Wii games and hardware. When I play original Wii games on the Wii-U will the game graphics up convert to 720p/1080p? Or will the system play them in standard definition 480p?

Q: Why is there a cathedral in the Diablo world?

Ilya MelamedA cathedral is a Christian church which contains the seat of a bishop in the real world. While there is a bishop in the Diablo universe there doesn't seem to be any kind of organized religion in the Diablo universe (at least in the games). Since there is no organized religion there shouldn't be a...

@fbueckert How would that even work...?
@Wipqozn I haven't the foggiest. I wasn't trying to figure out the mechanics of how it works, but now that you've brought it up, my brain is dutifully attempting to solve the problem.
@fbueckert No problem.
I don't think he understands how science works.
@Wipqozn Think of it with how HD TV renders even old things which were not recorded in HD to run at a better framerate
Which makes no sense and yet it does it anyway
@Wipqozn Bluray players upscale DVDs all the time. I have no freaking clue how it works, but they do.
It's magic. I swear.
@Lazers Am I the only one facedesking at this question?
@fbueckert I maintain that we need a "too stupid" close reason.
@fbueckert Because someone decided to put it in the game, that's why.
@StrixVaria That's what Not Constructive is for.
@fbueckert Why did they make it this way? -> Not Constructive
Did you guys even read the question, or just the title?
> To whom (or what) is the cathedral dedicated, and what religion is practiced in it?
I don't think it is a good question, regardless
It depends if questions about lore are on topic here
@pixel Yes.
then the question is on topic and shouldn't have been closed
Then vote to reopen :)
badly worded title for sure though
^ The Bridge in action
@AshleyNunn I'm not getting involved in a close/reopening war :p
@pixel shrugs I doubt it will be a war.
@AshleyNunn Why?
There. It's open again, and edited. SE is working as intended.
@AshleyNunn We just do what we're told around here.
@fredley Like start wars? XD
Vote on this. Close that. Downvote the other.
@AshleyNunn Nobody said tags, so shhhh.
@fredley zips her lips
@Wipqozn I just don't like most lore questions.
I find they are rarely useful.
@AshleyNunn but they are on-topic.
From the FAQ:
Lore is game content regardless of how you look at it
> Plot and characters in games
@AshleyNunn Lore questions are almost all answered by a quote from the relevant game-wiki page, which is usually a high Google hit.
@Wipqozn I never said they weren't. I thought this one wasn't, and I realized my error, and I voted to reopen
@fredley Doesn't mean I personally have to love them.
> Post Reopened by Wipqozn, pixel, Ender, fredley, Ilya Melamed
@AshleyNunn LIAR!
@AshleyNunn I was giving that as a reason to dislike!
@Wipqozn I attempted to vote. My page didn't refresh fast enough I suppose
@Wipqozn But did you win the war?
@fredley Ah, fair :) I was slightly confused XD
gz on winning an argument on the internet
Eh. I don't like lore questions, personally, but, yeah, they're on-topic.
@Wipqozn What's that quote about winning an argument on the internet?
At least the Wii U question is smack dab in close territory.
@fbueckert Yeah, I know. I hate them, thought this one was not what it is, VTC, etc blah, things are done now.
@fredley Are you thinking about XKCD?
Digital art of the day:
I tend to just pretend I don't see them
@Wipqozn Possibly
@Wipqozn No, not that one, try again
@fredley No idea then.
In other news, now that I've won the internet, I'm going to depart. For now.
@GnomeSlice WTF is that?
@GnomeSlice That's got a pretty Metroid vibe to it.
@fredley It's like winning the special olympics.
Even if you win, you're still retarded.
I think that's the 'quote' you're thinking of.
I can think of plenty of images along the lines of "winning an argument on the internet is like..." but I don't think any of them are appropriate
Right, I'm off. Tata.
What happens with that?
Didn't think so.
Whee my copy of Okamiden arrived :D
the air inside my pc case is currently 17 degrees
Amp, Watts, & Circuit is now on sale for a minimum of $1. You guys should take a look.
Okay, I'm looking through the code and I'm going to try and make one giant image.
Q: How exactly does Elemental Resist work?

Ben BrockaHaving a bunch of Fire weapons in Frostburn Canyon has made me notice sometimes my fire weapons (even a high powered sniper rifle) deal absolutely no damage or extremely low damage (3-4 points) on enemies that resist fire and sometimes they deal lower but still moderately okay damage. I've hit cr...

@Ullallulloo Spoil sport.
@Lazers I've been wondering this same thing about Dungeon Defenders
@GnomeSlice Monsters don't gain elemental resistances. They gain elemental immunities.
@fbueckert Oh, guh, that would explain why my fire gun was such a piece of shit.
It didn't hurt some enemies at all.
@GnomeSlice Apprentice barricades.
They strip elemental immunities when the monsters attack them.
@fbueckert flying enemies.
@GnomeSlice Magic Missile tower.
@Ullallulloo What is this?
@fbueckert Didn't have any. I had archers out and about though.
@GnomeSlice A compilation from today's xkcd.
@GnomeSlice You are playing the Apprentice, are you not?
@Ullallulloo Oh, whoa.
@fbueckert He's playing with everything.
@fbueckert My main is the Countess, but I switch between my apprentice, countess, summoner, and monk for defenses.
@GnomeSlice I don't know any of the DLC characters.
@fbueckert Countess is female Squire.
But you will need non-elemental ranged towers.
Most of the Squire's towers will do the trick. Ballista is pretty good.
@fbueckert Countess is the same as the squire. Summoner can make archer minions which are one of the best things ever.
Actually, no, it was against a necromancer, not a flying enemy.
4 mins ago, by fbueckert
But you will need non-elemental ranged towers.
But he was messed up, and just backpedaling into a wall far from my towers.
@GnomeSlice Yeah, necromancers do that.
i.e. he wasn't moving forward into my towers.
Often, you have to kill them manually.
@fbueckert I couldn't hurt him.
I had to delete some stuff and place dynamite in front of him.
@GnomeSlice You should have a special ability you can use that's non-elemental, I would think.
@fbueckert I had one of the dragon gun things, that shoot fire.
I had to place a trap by him.
Man, the hunter is fucking useless.
Shit... how do I make chrome stop trying to use orbit downloader?
@fbueckert it's magenta, I just included the other colors for those who search. It's one of those colors everyone interprets differently, especially with different monitors. "Dark pink" is an oxymoron since it's not pink, it's lightish-red. — Ben Brocka 1 min ago
I always wanted to say "it's not pink, it's lightish red!"
@BenBrocka Touché
Glad I could help you do that.
I might have to get a screenshot of the color difference and annotate it with that
Oh fuck.
It's a setting I have to change in orbit.
Which is no longer available...
@Ullallulloo You could spend hours in that comic. He's outdone himself this time.
It just keeps going
I can't get that map to load very far though.
@GnomeSlice yeah, can't see that from work.
I predict hundreds of people will acquire repetitive strain injury messing with today's xkcd http://xkcd.com/1110/
it's less painful if you use a multitouch device
Huh... Orbit is back, apparently.
I dunno if I posted this already, but Two Bros Games has a new game out. It's free.
Oh god, and here I was planning only playing Borderlands 2 tonight. I have to stop playing with the xkcd comic and get back to work.
Oh @GnomeSlice what do you think of this?
@RonanForman Trying to watch...
Q: How does loot from containers work?

OrigamiRobotI've seen a couple of different weapon chests. Two from the original game, one that looks like a car trunk, etc. Do any of these containers have an higher chance of containing higher level items? Do their contents scale with your level? Do all players see the same loot?

Q: Giving Claptrap a high five

Sean How do I give Claptrap a high five for the "Up High, Down Low" achievement? I found Claptrap in Sanctuary after Roland's house and it had a "high five" dialogue option after I finished its mission, but that doesn't do anything. Is that where I do this? Some place else? What's the trick?

Q: How can I identify my enemies weapons?

AnnanHow do I know what weapon my enemies have before they attack me with them? I remember what some of the weapons look like, however not most of them. The scanner doesn't seem to provide any information.

Q: How do Moxxi's slot prices increase?

SeanI've noticed that the price of slots increases as the game goes on. Is this because of my pile of money, my character level, or my game progress? How much does it scale or increment for each bump?

@RonanForman I assume this is manually-animated, rather than simulated physics?
@GnomeSlice Nope, it was simulated.
Oh... really?
The 'thanks' looks weird.
It's not touching anything.
I like it though. I think it needs a background.
@GnomeSlice That's probably caused by me limiting rotations and translations so it doesn't fall off.
1 hour later…
Wow, Bridge is dead.
@fbueckert Ding dong! The bridge is dead!
Q: What does it mean when the borderlands symbol flashes on my screen?

SternoOccasionally when playing, I see the symbol below appear. It usually flashes for a moment and then disappears. What does it mean?

Q: What ports do I need open to host a game?

KotsuIt seems that occasionally my friends and I have issues connecting with each other. I'm assuming this is a firewall/router issue, although it could be something else. Under Network Settings in the game, I have it set to 'Friends Only' so it shouldn't be an issue with my game settings.

@fbueckert I blame britches magic
@badp Indeed.
Will witchcraft be enough to counter this britchcraft?
@GraceNote I doubt it.
Oh, by the way, you wouldn't happen to have any Thiology for me, would you? My brain needs some numbing.
@fbueckert Well it doesn't seem to take much, we've just partially revived it.
@GraceNote Aww
There's always the Web Applications Town Hall Chat, which might work as a substitute...
@TimStone Only if all three candidates are participating
@badp Sathya is absent, but there's some non-candidate answering to fill the void if that helps.
@badp Should we troll?
@RonanForman I'll probably open a window in incognito. <_<
I still find all the gems (#) without having a textbox at the ready to reply :P
burrrrn, random, burrrrn.
...okay I'm failing at this lurking thing, it doesn't count if I reply here.
@badp facedesk
Thanks, I needed a little bit of pain to get through the haze of Sharepoint.
Holy shit
Just fought green Gemini in Basement 1
he dropped two white hearts
> @GraceNote I'd reopen the question and ban that moderator.
I can't tell if he's serious, or just trolling very intelligently.
yes, at least up until recently moderators can ban moderators. Moderators can also unban themselves.
@badp If Webapps elect Evan Carroll, I'm thinking they're going to regret it in short order.
@fbueckert It's going to be interesting though to see how support do his... radical views find with the rest of SE
After all he seems like a great fan of democracy, so he'll also be very interested by the vote outcome.
@badp That's not at all the view I get from him. Happily, I'm not participating in who they elect.
@fbueckert I'm just reading his word rather than his intent :P
Mostly I think the biggest problem is that he's well ingrained in his own very personal view of what the system is, what it should be and how you get to here to there
(and all of three are hopelessly wrong)
@badp It really does sound like he wants to subvert the SE network to his own ends.
@fbueckert It really does sound like he's grossly overestimating his amount of power and control as a SE moderator
@badp Which is why I can't tell if he's being serious, or if he's just trolling.
> Reopen them all. If they're highly voted the community wants them, and is happy with them as is.
thud thud thud
look, I even reached for the message menu to open the edit window and unbold that message
the amount of self-restraint required, I don't have it.
Urge to reply rising. Thank you incognito mode, you are the best.
I think I'd strangle Evan in short order if we ever went head-to-head on something.
He proposes mass anarchy.
Q: Map doesn't count towards map completion?

RawlingI was recently running through Caledon Forest (Sylvari starting area?) which I had 100% completion of, when I had a message "[some area name] discovered" pop up, along with an unblurring of part of, and the appearance of that area's name on, my map. It wasn't a point of interest, just a part of t...

Okay, this is worth standing out
in Web Applications Town Hall Chat, 3 mins ago, by phwd
Would you ever get bored of moderating when the flags are low?
in Web Applications Town Hall Chat, 34 secs ago, by Evan Carroll
@phwd Just create a post in meta and ask for community input. Sounds easy enough.
Look at this guy's two proposals.
8 messages deleted
Okay, I read that situation completely wrong
nevermind me
Uh I guess you can't get to his proposals from there.
His two proposals are entitled "Ethics" and "Illegal Activities"
You can just change the link to the not-discussion-part
@GraceNote The link is to the not-discussion-part.
Also, there is a third proposal, but it's deleted
Ethics and Illegal Activities.
@StrixVaria Is something illegal unethical?
(fun stuff!)
@badp I'd say the overlap is fairly large, although not perfect.
I'd say ethics is a subset of philosophy, close that proposal too :P
I'm not so concerned about the validity of the proposals; the juxtaposition of the two was just amusing to me.
Personally I think the biggest problem of Illegal activities is its scope
You mean the part where it's against the content policy?
@GraceNote You need to be specific, or you'll never get the experts in murder, bank theft, money printing or movie torrenting! (they're roughly the same right?)

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