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man, some of the users who get their questions closed are really biting hard on meta. It's pretty brutal.
Q: Why was this closed and not the other?

Corv1nusWhy was this closed: http://gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/6293/... And this one was not: http://gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/1932... One asks for a list of games to run on a system and the other asks for what do you think is a good system to run a game. Both appear to be of the li...

he annoyed me
"I'd like to see some consistency. – Corv1nus 15 hours ago" I personally would like us see bigger than SO by tomorrow
Hey, glad to see someone thinks the same way.
Yeah, if it were that easy to get our community to reach a consensus about these things we wouldn't have had arguments about this stuff for the past few weeks.
Hullo Chris.
1 hour later…
I think this guy is going be looking for meta.meta.gaming.stackexchange.com n ow
Q: Why was this closed and not the other?

Corv1nusWhy was this closed: http://gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/6293/... And this one was not: http://gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/1932... One asks for a list of games to run on a system and the other asks for what do you think is a good system to run a game. Both appear to be of the li...

that would be meta.so I think @ArdaXi :)
why is this still open?
Q: Browser Based MMORPG with strong economy/strategy element?

SeamusI'm looking for a MMORPG played through an internet browser that has strong strategy or economy elements. It should be persistent (i.e. not reset) and not take up too much time each day. Any suggestions?

it's not even CW
encroach on SO's meta?
yay, tag wiki is more prevalent
2 hours later…
who's here?
:129707 is
ok, I have two questions
the first one is rhetorical
and the second one I actually care about
question number 1) how is this open? gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/6338
question 2) if your question is part of another question (which asks more than one thing) but the answers all address other parts of those questions, what is the proper procedure?
:129718 seems like it was reopened.
> This is now a pretty specific request. Voted to reopen. "Awesomest multiplayer?" is a disaster, but "Are there any high-production value games featuring plumbers jumping on mushroom-esque bad guys" has correct answers. This clearly falls in between, but I think it's now a lot closer to the latter. -- Jaydles
What defines specific in this instance?
Probably the fact that the reopener can only think of one or none :D
who can work "Are there any high-production value games featuring plumbers jumping on mushroom-esque bad guys" in a question?
I can think of 8 billion
and I can do so because I think every game ever made fits this question
and every game that will be made
hell I'll make a program which randomly generates games based on these criteria
:129739 that would be fun.
Weird, I usually see logical fallacies when they're under my nose
:129737 so... wii sports fit the question?
Is wii sports browser based?
I could rig a webcam
and a robot
and run it through my browser
who could retag eight thousand questions incorrectly
during idle times
or you could realize the statement that every game ever is an exageration
sounds like a cool idea!
either or
I think there might not be 8 billion games in existance
but that's a guess
I thought there was some misplaced "or" that made the question so inclusive every game you can think of somehow falls in there
oh, no
I just meant that the creteria are sufficiently subjective that its impossible to decide if its specific or not
I am a walrus. Moo.
Well, I guess the problem is that when I think of "browser based game", I think of Quake Live like stuff
though, what constitutes specificity is also undefined
@Mana, it's okay, we still wuv you
:129765 walrussus aren't cows.
yay :D
Stack Exchange is an equal opportunity time sink
@badp I'd say quake live answers his question
Are you a walrus, Fellow Alex? Would you know?
"Are age-appropriate for small children"?
It's aged T for Teen, isn't that 13+?
I definately played doom when I was that age
I love making people explode in Quake Live.
:129775 Manhunt isn't.
It's the most kid-friendly thing ever,
or, sorry 8
close though
Yeah, but the question is for games "appropriate" for 7-yo's
I think it was appropriate for me
unfortunately somebody thought it a good idea to cut the 7-yo bit out
did your parents agree? :P
they didn't seem to care
Well, that's why I do drugs.
So don't.
"Learn from others' mistakes, you don't have the time to do them all yourself."
(for the record I don't)\
I don't think it was a mistake
I think having that exposure to violence kept me from developing a violent personality
which was common where I lived
then again, I didn't grow up in a very nice place
Hey, it's the new guy.
Hey new guy.
where's the i want to favor this, but not in the starred thread flag.
Do you feel welcome in this chat?
would that be directed at me?
waves back
stand next to @mana being silly
:129800 do a reply and say "I agree"
I though female walruses are called cows
They definitely are.
new stack exchange: walruses.stackexchange.com
and some cows are walruses
sorry, but do you think we could get back on topic?
"if your question is part of another question (which asks more than one thing) but the answers all address other parts of those questions, what is the proper procedure?"
Could you draw a picture, then freehand circle the relevant portion?
I can't say I have any idea what that means tzenes
Question A asks X, Y
Question B asks X
Answers to question B address Y

Is this the scenario?
Question A asks X,Y
Answers to A address Y
you care about X
should you cut question B about X?
my first impulse is yes
Um, why not?
merge answers?
well "vote to close duplicate"
Or, start a small bounty specifying you'll award it to who answers X the best
(and just ask X next time :P)
so where this occurred was here: gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/6347/…
now obviously that is a bad question for other reasons
Too localized
but it is an interesting question of protocal
(man, by your pace we might even have one 10k mod by the time we get out of beta)
I really don't know why we need protocols, I think the least rules are there the best it is for everybody involved
"Steam is having troubles connecting to the Steam servers." -> troubleshooting tips -> page unreachable, connection time passed.
:129847 ok, while I agree having fewer rules is better, having a convention of handling this kind of thing is a good thing to have now, so we don't run into problems later
making protocol organically, based on actual problems is preferred, we're not a beurocratic govnement.
I can't apply the X,Y/Y model on that question
Oh, I see now.
Q: Starcraft 2 Divisions

BlueRaja - Danny PflughoeftAnother question I've had: When viewing a player's ranking in Starcraft 2, it tells you their rank in their "division." Why are players segregated into divisions? Do the divisions really mean anything? Are the lower/higher rated divisions better? Are you more likely to be placed with/against...

This is the "parent" question
I think asking another question is fine here. A bounty is a little excessive for this question.
I think the real problem is that the "parent" has too many questions inside of it
but I can't come up with a set of rules to know when things are too many
huh, apparently I just achieved enlightenment
To be honest, when a question has multiple points I personally quote each question and reply point by point
As pictured here:
A: Is Portal Worth Getting?

badp About how many hours of gameplay does it offer? I would say a dozen. Is there a point to playing it after winning? Yes. The mechanics are interesting and different enough that there is (limited) replay value. Is there a "freestyle" mode or other way to just mess arou...

Yeah, I know, at least 17 of those upvotes are for Portal, not for my answer
but still
Thanks @alexanderpas, for fixing my stupid typos
how is that not a game-rec question? it's just very specific
is it just a unique exception?
The portal question?
because even though the title is game-rec the content is not
he askes if certain features are in a certain game
It asks specific, objective properties of Portal
several features actually
It doesn't ask for a buy, rent or pass judgment
its a surprisingly good question (surprising because the title is misleading)
it's asking for a "buy" recommendation
Not really
actually its not
Q: Is Portal Worth Getting?

wawaI've heard from many people that Portal is a great game, etc. But is it really worth me getting? Specifically: About how many hours of gameplay does it offer? Is there a point to playing it after winning? Is there a "freestyle" mode or other way to just mess around with the portal gun? Are ther...

mmm, I guess it is indirect
" But is it really worth me getting? Specifically:

* About how many hours of gameplay does it offer?
* Is there a point to playing it after winning?
* Is there a "freestyle" mode or other way to just mess around with the portal gun?
* Are there good mods or additional, community created levels?
can we retitle it?
I'd rather not
I'd prefer people looking for game recommendations saw this question and modeled their requests on it
the last 3 questions are about replayability, no?
they all can be objectively answered
is there a point? yes, here are the additional objective
relatively objectively at least
well whether or not he thinks they're worth playing for is up to him
that they exist is objective
check out badp's answer
what parts of a question need to be objective? just the question? how on-topic to the question does the title need to be?
everyone of those is a yes/no with an example
I'm less concerned with the relationship between the title and the question, than I am about the question
I hate being on a forum when it drama implodes :(
yes, very sad
yeah bad link
> It's not you, it's us. This is our fault.
good link, just the transcript code is broken.
SO has bugs? OH NO!</sarcasm>
what do you expect, how would we get features otherwise? no bugs, no features!
Might make 2k rep today :)
how long does a question have to be up before I can put a bounty on it?
2 days, I think
Don't quote me on that though :P
> Questions must be at least 2 days old to be eligible for a bounty.
Maaaaaacha @Macha
Why are you posting a question as an answer?
Oh, good point
@Mana: Well it is also a solution :P
Fair enough
Hurray, I think we've gained about 100 users in the past week
Q: Retagging of [heart-gold] and [soul-silver]

Kevin YI've been looking through various questions, and I feel [heart-gold] and [soul-silver] should be retagged as [heartgold] and [soulsilver] respectively, as in the official titles the name is one single word. What does everybody else think? Looks like we're going to stick with the hyphenated tags.

Opinions on ^
Kevin Y is for, I'm against (see answer)
I upvoted you already because I agree
wow... that is the first time i noticed this:
Cool, 200k points at Dwarfs
hammer and starman are one and the same.
Who woulda thunk, Nintendo reusing IP
I always regarded the hammer music and the starman music as two different things...
but hearing them this close together, i now realized they are the same.
1 hour later…
Oh, guess I won't get 2k today
Poor Macha.
To be honest I also want to hit 2k asap, I want to see the 10k tools UI at least once before the limit goes back sky high, out of reach
Same :P
@Macha I wouldn't call 3 or 4 questions a fad :P
and @badp 10k tools are really nothing special..
the most interesting part is seeing some of the flags
People are curious about what they don't have
have any of you guys looked at
I think rpg also covers the table-top versions
yeah, there's lots of D&D questions
Cool, 0 overlapping
:130232 sarcasm?
okay, not zero
serious, that name is too long...
it seems a bit
I wanted to ask y'alls opinion of the subjectivity
it's seems overly subjective to me, and no one but me wants to reign it in
in Gaming on Meta Stack Overflow Chat, Aug 25 at 16:01, by badp
subjective! argumentative! CLOSE!
all the questions on the rpg site?
some in particular
Q: Best comeback answer for people concerned about RPG activities?

Stefano BoriniI've had many experiences where the very fact of roleplaying triggered some concerned comment from the "uninitiated," likely parents or neighbors. Some examples: A friend of mine hosted a Vampires session in a small square in his neighborhood, during a very nice summer evening. They played by c...

Well, at the end of the day I think most of the questions will be about the human factors
You can't give objective answers on such topics, I think
oh I agree, it has to be more subjective than gaming, SO, etc
but it doesn't have to be ... "discussiony?"
It becomes then ultra important to stress how you should not downvote something if you disagree with it
However, yes, that question should be CW
that question makes me jealous.. I wish anyone around me would play D&D
:130293 Where are you?
A: Should we have a "List of X" close reason?

AarobotHow about instead of List of X, you just add a Discussion or Poll close reason? That's really what a list is on a Stack Exchange site where answers get voted for - a poll. Most of the annoying bikeshed questions on existing sites are, in fact, polls of some sort. So how about instead of relyin...

:130297 Suburb of Amsterdam
I can't help you with Europe unfortunately
it's just not popular with this generation
I don't know about that ... we have a pretty big group at my game shop
@ArdaXi if only we lived closer together ;)
yeah, but most of those people are 10 years older
you guys are just proving my point :)
I guess so
:130317 that's true, even for me...
in my school of... 1500 people, I'd be surprised if there were more than maybe 10 that even knew what D&D was
one of my friends made a GM/DM app for the iphone as a project for mobile app development
You know what, discussion or polls wouldn't be that bad if they didn't pop up on the home page every time they are touched.
I think that's the main problem about those.
:130329 not like we have anything on-topic to discuss :P
They're always under your nose.
:130332 I don't think the visibility of a question should determine its validity
No, but less valid questions shouldn't be more visible than more valid questions
:130344 less valid questions shouldn't be more existent than more valid questions
If you don't see it, it might as well not exist =P
:130353 If we wouldn't want to see it, it shouldn't be allowed to exist
I don't mean to say they should get 0 visibility
Consider this:
1. we allow discussion, poll, game-rec, whatever questions, but only as CW.
2. only Mr. Community can bump CW questions (with the exception of questions that became CW due to excessive editing).
:130357 we shouldn't work around bumping imo
If we would need to work around the fact editing the question bumps it, we should not leave it open in my opinion.
:130360 , I agree.
Why is it such a difficult idea for people that this isn't supposed to be a poll/discussion forum?
The site was specifically meant to be great for Q&A, and BAD for discussion/polls
It wasn't designed to be bad for discussion/polls, it just turned out to be suboptimal.
listen to the early blog posts, yes it was
they should make it harder to have discussions
So why did they allow them in the first place?
:130366 Because disallowing them all on SO is really really difficult
if you look at SO there are relatively few ...
about 0 discussions, and < 1% polls
it was designed so Q&A would not degrade into (off-topic) discussion
has it occurred to anyone else that almost any questions about counters or the best way to do X in a game are also subjective and tend to require discussion?
the thing is, upvotes should reflect the quality of the answer, not how much you like or dislike the content of it
I don't know, I usually also upvote when I was about to reply the same thing
:130379 Not sure if we've ever closed a question for actually being subjective or argumentative
:130379 Subjective: yes. Require discussion: no.
most of it is: List? S&A!
:130379 no: proof: (Tool assisted) Speedruns
Q: Dwarf corpse not being moved

SeamusI have a dwarf who died of thirst in my jewellers. He's been there for, like half a year now. He's a skeleton now. No one has gone in to the workshop despite there being lots of jobs assigned there, no one will move the body. I tried telling them to dump it, but no one went near it. Why hasn't an...

Q: Dwarf Fortress corpses

antony.trupeI've got a corpse in my fort spreading miasma. I build a casket, placed it, designated it as open to citizens, and almost all dwarfs have the burial skill enabled. It has a description of "This is the resting place of Olon Toraltubul", which is the name on the corpse. Why is the corpse still layi...

different answer ... maybe we could edit it to point out how it's different
what it leads to:
:130391 Not at all related, the problem is completely different...
Agreed, Arda.
edit the question to match the answer maybe (include the jewelers workshop)
:130399 Yes, that would make it better
the older question or newer question?
:130399 it is in there, but a bit hidden, might be a good idea
the one with the jewler (newer question)
:130404 That's just a bad question
Q: Dwarf corpse not being moved

SeamusI have a dwarf who died of thirst in my jewellers. He's been there for, like half a year now. He's a skeleton now. No one has gone in to the workshop despite there being lots of jobs assigned there, no one will move the body. I tried telling them to dump it, but no one went near it. Why hasn't an...

steam isn't even a dedicated server
holy shit
before my vote: 0 close votes
fire the close votes! for great victory!
after my vote: 3 close votes
I'd clean up that question but I don't know where to start
Hey Arda, you should go post your answer to this one: gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/6335/…
I'm unable to read the body of that question.
:130416 oh right, I forgot, @alexanderpas you don't mind if I edit your answer?
:130419 go ahead :D
how would you describe the manhattan method.. as the bird flies?
Taxicab geometry, considered by Hermann Minkowski in the 19th century, is a form of geometry in which the usual metric of Euclidean geometry is replaced by a new metric in which the distance between two points is the sum of the absolute differences of their coordinates. The taxicab metric is also known as rectilinear distance, L1 distance or \ell1 norm (see Lp space), city block distance, Manhattan distance, or Manhattan length, with corresponding variations in the name of the geometry. The latter names allude to the grid layout of most streets on the island of Manhattan, which causes the...
I mean in plain English :)
I'll just add (This has to do with the way the game does pathfinding.)
no need to overcomplicate things
unless someone wants to ask "Why do my dwarves keep walking down 6 stairs when there's a stone 7 blocks away on the same z-level"
:130430 would be a cool question, and i would use this reference for the explanation of A*
it's actually important to know. You can create a much more efficient fortress with good use of the z levels
A: Can I limit my Masons to using *only* Microcline?

alexanderpasThere are two way to do this. The Stockpile Way By designating a stockpile right next to your masons workshop, and only allowing the stone you want to use on that stockpile, and removing/forbidding all other stone around the workshop, the mason will grab the stone you want him to use, as that ...

:130432 that's how I learnt!
:130435 You will need a manager. :)
:130436 I don't know about pre-'10
:130437 Oh right, that nonsense.
just ignore 40d
has anyone else noticed training being slow in .12?
:130440 Yeah, I doubt any newer players are going to decide to pick up 40d. If you're a 40d veteran, you're on your own. :)
The one thing about 40d was it had more accessible magma. I'm jealous.
:130442 dunno, 40documentation is a lot more complete
:130443 my fortress has great access to magma
Other than magma, I don't know any reason you'd play 40d now
without pumps, I even have magma in the bedrooms :)
unless you just love super lethal marksdwarves
if you want magma, you should be playing DF2010, it's EVERYWHERE
Toady has spoken. This is the era of the pump stack. Obey.
:130450 but... I only have to dig a small hole and have magma EVERYWHERE
@alexanderpas I am playing DF2010. I'm 30 levels down, not a sign of magma.
:130451 very slowly.
:130453 thank Armok.
:130452 DIG DEEPER
seeing as dorfs with buckets aren't very fast either
@alexanderpas I can't. My dwarfs developed a case of idiocy, and won't expand any of my shafts. Also, cavern in the way in a lot of places.
:130460 dig around them
:130460 are you by any chance having a slade layer?
I just dug through the adamantine vein that ran through cavern #2
oh, yeah, slade is evil
How so?
you want to find the vein trough that layer, slade is undiggable.
literally, slade is evil
no spoilers!
Oh, typo.
Rated D for Dwarf
I have a slate layer
And I know about hidden fun stuff
not really a spoiler, you don't get to know about the nature of slade in the game
Slate is an unremarkable metamorphic stone.
you just made a remark about it, so its not unremarkable
I can do the impossible
I screwed up my burrows anyway
unremarkable = uninteresting :)
:130481 that might explain the problem
> it is not possible to mine through slade [and] the material is completely unusable in the game itself.
What I had was a "safe" burrow and an "unsafe" burrow. So in an alert I could order them all into the safe one. But I'm trying to change it to one burrow per industry, plus a central stockpile burrow.
:130485 I simply lock my dwarfs in
no need for burrows

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