I'm still theoretically playing FFXIV but that's more of "I check in every few months and keep paying for it" playing, mostly as I'm yet to get a PC that can run it well here
I would expect that other than specific people intentionally releasing information, all other unauthorized information releases would be covered under the disclosure clauses in their employment contracts
That is why no one ever talks about the game. I mean there would be too many employees involved in the game and it's not so easy to believe none of them would secretly share information.
if I had to make a guess about GTA 6, I'd say it's likely the same thing as HL3.
Too high expectations, no real way to deliver in a way that satisfies people at this given time, existing alternative projects making a ton of money, key people leaving, all that leading to development hell.
@Vikas Breaking NDAs, especially publicly, is a rather stupid ordeal: You don't gain anything from it, you're likely to get fired over it, and it's likely to have significant implications on your career.
@Vikas yeah, that's probably the most that the public is going to see. Doesn't really mean that it's GTA 6 that they're working on tho, or that it's going to lead to anything anytime soon.
My advice is to avoid looking at things like that, things happen when they do.
HL3 was Valve, independent and afaik still majority privately owned... Also the creators of Valve Time :P
GTA series is Rockstar, owned by Take Two which is a public company... So then shareholders rule and continuing huge profits becomes more important than developing groundbreaking new stuff... I'm sure there'll eventually be GTAs as much as FIFAs
That would require me to actually look it up on Duke Energy
but yeah it actually looks like usage mainly for that month
this is dumb and confusing though what the fuck does "retail energy rider" mean duke energy, and why if it's related to kWh demanded like it appears is it not marked as such
Not a term I'm familiar with I'm afraid... We get these emails with monthly graphs over a year showing now and the year before, and the resulting suggestions for adjustment of the monthly fee
Isn't Duke Energy one of those crazy unsustainable companies, like Shell?